HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03412_Well Construction - GW1_20210607 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECO t�D --4 For lntetmlUse ONLY. This far e ho raod8or single arrnnttiple waits - 1.V4sell Goffitatir►riatbrm�t6a: ���� ' -ROrhald-E:'K-eeter Jr.. 1a WATZRZO?M i 'Z„7021 FROM To DIrSCR>PYIpN WallCobzraaaNsam _ tt. IL 2960-A It proressing Unit s �. 1 MWOUCoat-ectwCatifiaboaManber DktVR SedOn 1S0arE,RCASM o iaa:sdweb ORzMat FROM TO DUKKTFJt• THiCKNL3a MATERIAL Southeastem Pump&Well Service Inca Yt_ Comganyxemo /"Z 16IICASfFFGOBTDBIIHIi 4 PROM TO DtAMCtfIt - IHJCKNM� MATFBIAL Z.Well Conetnsctioa Permit#: l"11 IL .- List qII appihaebk weAamrsbuctfoa penatl�s(it.Caaup,Sstta.VariatrcR ttrJ ft. :. 3.WeU Uw(eheehwefl uses if t1C11EEiI Water sappy weft. FROM ITO DIAMiSfER star slza I THICKNM I MATERIAL, bAgricuftursl OMaakipaUPablic " IL OC—thermal(Hosting/Cooling Supply) y DReside ntial Water Supply(single) ft tt to DhadashiarlCammercial aResidential Water Supply(.hart.) 11 G11OUT FROM TO MATERIAL MET%rDaiAMOiTR7 D .� it a. Nowwafer Sur*Weft: D14fmiWriag ag—very R IL fL tt DAga�Reebatge CiCkoundwatcrA mradiation 11SA1�lGlZ►VELPACH DA"fer Storage and Recovery DSaimity Barrier FROM TO MATERFAL EMPLACOUNT METHOD DAgaiferTest D Is: StamwaterDrainage IL IL MxPerimmtal Technologyaa Mubsidew Contort I 7ADRILL vLOG attaeiaddYfarraliee4tr ElGeeothermal(Closed Loop) DTMow FROM TO ON(cubrIbudmils.3dwroamm"wesga,ere DGeothamal(H ' Return DOlher lain under#21 Remarks) M tt tL c 4.Date Wdt(s)Camp eW !� S.WeW Location: 1. r-j41�3_I ft tt Fect7irytOwarrNeme FacitityM#(%fapph-bla) tL ft (\4 Physical�n ��_ d zip 2LSEl1tABS8 County t p�peildeoallo.{PIN} iL Latitude LA e sass Lenguu&in degrseedmhartaJaecandserr chiral deg,eras: 22.Ca tlAcattoo: t�>aNWrsg is"Mcient) �1 i 41 N 1� W. 201c l 3igaetrae of CertiSad Welt Casttraaar Data 6 Ea(aft)the weB(:k amra4tt or D1empor1t7 By jV-T+p+i+1'-M t hrnby arty aw the Meaw war i CM)cw*w*d se ocro dmra with I14 NCtC 02C.01W or IM NCtC 02C.02W Welt Catsbr efkx 3tondonb and that o 7.h this a repair tb an existing web: Dyes or BNo copy#/flit reead here beast pruvidedto the well owner. 1f d*tr arapab;X-abmwn weft coasbe .6off bob"M rdan and esptara tix noMM Of dw ,apart mtdiw 921 remmizsredim or err der bait ofth&fams 23.SW dlagram or add ttotusl weft details: You may use the back of this page to provide additimd well site:details or well &Number of wells constructed: construction details. You may also aft-h additional pages if necessary. Fe,m dtlpk tsfecetmt or eats-wadrrsstpply we&ONLYwith the slew eaeeba400a,you ems submit oaeform. 24.submhttat 9 Total wall depth below Ina.slutaeet. �_(fL) 24a. Fur Aft Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For rellpi'ew-Ar1Waf f&pdaifd*mat(ee=We-3(tg (V'aad2(WM) construction to thefolloveinf; la Sbdk water t e ra below tap of emtns: lJ UP Dlvwon arwater Qua ft rtaematim Pltuce mkc U^ ,jsvaarr kwwl fe above castsA saw"+ 1617 MaB Service Cear6 .Raktg6,NC 27699-1617 11.Boa elsok dlamreter:= _�(+tsr.) 246.Far Injection In addition to sending tho fort to tite address in 24a A .l above,also submit-a copy of this farm within 30 days of eompktion of well 12.We8 comtrae#onmetbrod: �Al r 1 Jt. �� construction to the follovvmg (i.e.euBeS rotary,cebt0.direct push,ate.) 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: DtNsim�fir 'C � °O Contrd Programs ,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 �LJ d i 13a.Yiel Walk) Metbod attest: 24c.ForWaterS z d eiMdW dls: In sdditiou to sending the farm to the address(es)above; also submit one'copy of this form within 30 daya of 13b.I3tstafeetioa type: Amorme: completion of well oons6vdiea to the aZty health dell bnmt of the county where constructed. Fomrt3w-t NorthCuohnaDeparfimxnofEurnunamt and Nouna)Pesomcas-DivmmofWaterQw* Revised Jan 2013