HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070101 Ver 1_Triage Comments_20070118_ _ ___ _ DW~~ 2.OD7 V I O ~ Dato I I ~ - Who Reviewed: GV u.~~ ~_ ~ L.~ Plan Detail7ncompl-ate -' ~ GG ^ Pleaso provide a location map for the project. 'O u C ~ ~~ Please $how alI stream impacts including eli fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. ^. Please show all wetland impacts including fill slopes on rho site plan. • ^ Please indicate alI buffer impacts on the sito plan. ^ Pleaso indicate proposed lot layout as overlays on the site plan. ^ Please indicate rho location of the protected buffcra as mvcrlays oa the site plan. ^ Please Locate atl isolated or non-isolated wotlanda, streams and other waters of rho State ea ovorlays on the site plan. ^ Please provido cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic lifo passage. ^ Please locate any planned•aewer Iinoa on the sife plan. • • ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practices ea required liy (3C ^ Please provido detail for the stormwat:~ managemont practices ae required by C3C ^ Pleaao epocify the percent of project imperviousness area bsaod on the estimated built-out conditions: ^ Please indicate all atormwat ~,o~falla on the sito plait. • ^ Plesso indicste the diflbse flow provision measures do the site plea. ^ Ploaae indicate whether •or not the proposed impaata already been conducted. • Avoidaace,and/or Minimization Not Provided • ; ^ • The Iabeled as ~ on lire plane dons not appear m be necessary. Please eliminate the . or provide additional information as to why it is necessary for this project. , • • . ^ This Office believes that the labeled on the pleas ea can be moved, or ra~onflgured to avoid rho impacts to the .. . Please revise the pleas to avoid thq impacts. ^. This'Offico bolievds that the •labolod on the plans as• can be moved or recAnfigured to ;minimize the ixi~pecta tp'tho • . Please revise the place to minimize the impacts. ^ The etormwater discharges at the location on the plans labeiod ~ will. not provide difl~se flow through rho buffer because . Please revise the plans and provIdq celculationa to ~ahow that di$bse flow will be achieved through the entirebuffnr. If it is not possible to achieve•dif~ae flow through.the entire buffea• then it may bo necessary to' provide atormwator management practices that ranove nutrients .before the atormwater can be discharged through the. buffer. . Other ~ . ^•. Thd application fee wee insuf6eiont~becauae over 1S0 feet of stream and/or ovar 1 acre of wctlend'impacts were requested. Please provide ~ ~ . ~ This additional fee mus# be nxeived before your application can be reviewed. ^ Please compiete Section(s) on the application. - ' ^ Pleasop;ovide a signed copy of the application. ~ • ^ Pleaseprovide _.copies of rho application, . copies of•the siteplans and other supporting information: _ ^ ~ Please submit electronic CAD files showing ~ ; vie cinail to ian.mcim'llan®ncniail.net and CD:' - Mitigation • ^ of compensatory ~ mitigation is required for this piojtct. ~ Please provide•a cpmpaisatoiy mitigation plan.. The plan must conform to tharequireanents in 15 A NCAC 2H •.0500 and moat be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ~ • ^ Please indicate which 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. cu,G+ee.~ . DW dZ rta~¢a~o a ~c.~CR."u `'`f1 ,~,,e.,,Y- 5~ ,au ifs 3~ '~X; ~ ~o ~2~t.at~e ,~,,,-~, . 7~,~, ~ ,lam Fis+ .a a .~,,~,~c:E • - ~~ f~ ~ » . ~,,~ ~1,~, ~'~ ,N,,,~ lit ~.