HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC213983_Site Plan or Location Map_20210708HOMEBUILDING PURPOSES ONLY EPM#421966 CLARKE CREEK ERWIM COMM ANNIENANCE SCHEDDLE: 1. ALL EROSION AND SERIMEHi MWIDAL UVAM 5T1eLL HE PROPERLY MAWANEO CURING NL PRAISES OF CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THE CCMI'IFTKIN OF NT CONSTRUCTION AGTlVlWS NIP A i DII ED MM HAVE HEEN EUBLUED. ADOIIIONAL CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED WRONG CONSINJCTION IN OROEA TO CONTROL EROSION MOOR OFF -SITE SEGMENTATION IF DEEMED NFOESSARI' BY MI INSPECTION. 2 AL SEDIMENT MO EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SIAL RE INSPECTEP AT L ONCE EVER SEVER CALENDAR DAYS AND AFTER Nrt rn x E IN EVENT T. IFATEN E D EU INCHES OF PR DANA, WRING FAINYEC N..HOVR PERIOD, MO TRR INSPECTION SHALL BE DOCUMENT➢ IN RATTING DAMAGED OR INEFFECTIVE DELIMITS SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACW. AS NECESS44f. 3. IN SELF -INS SHAUL MITI BE MADE OF THE PROTECT AFTER EACH PRASE I. 'ME ARORIAM IAN' THE INSPECTION SHAM HE OOLi1MQAlED VN WRITING. THIS SELF -INSPECTION WILL BE PERFORMED IN lOIXITON To TN€ NPOES SELF-AlOmIOR{xG REL'OTT REWIRED B/ THE GENEIUL PERMT OFSGRIHED AHD E A. SEDIMENT Wr B lL E RFM OvfP FNOu HEHIMU THE SWIMENT PENCE WEN IT REACHES HALF WPAtTY OF THE FENCE THE SEDIMENT FENCE WILL S E RESEEDED AS C NECESSARY TO EHEDAPN A BWRIEN. 5. SP 5EEWO SIN WILL BE FTIVE PIED. RESEEDED AS NECESSARY, S AND E WD ACOORDIING TO SFFER CONSTRUCTION. C THE VEGETATIVE PLAN TO "WAN A PERMANENT CIENSTER NMI DTPTE COWER. S. ARTIER CONSTRUCTION. RR DEVELOPER WILL MNLFTARN AL PLRMMEM EROSION CONINOL DEVICES IN OUT F TO PREVENT AGCB_ERATEp ERDLUNN. ], GILT FQNLE MUDIOS WILL BE ADDED TO THE SILT FENCE AT ALL LOW PIXRRS M xE{fJEO LUSW ON FlEUW WNTAIKNNS. CONTR PED W DSIL FEN LO WEN AS NEEDED. 6 DISNQUN. LOTS WILL BE STRAPPED WITH SILT FENCE WHEN N ILL E ADAAOENT WITH SI i3EINO DISTURBED AS AT THE SAME TIME. THE ENTIRE O WAR AREA WILL BE WRAPPED WITH SILT FENCE ,AS LONG M THE DISTURBER AtRE1DE TIRN.S LE.`<i TRM ONIE ACRE CTNs:mIRDRnx cFm lFNrc. 1. 01 GRADING PERMT, 2 SET UP PRE-CONSTNlfCT10N CONFQiENCE ON SEE WITH EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR TO d5CU55 EROSW CORIPUL MEASTLRES. 3. INSW.L STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, SILT FENCE AND INLET PROTEETiM AS LOTS BECOME AC€NE Ni ERDSION CORI MEASURES SIW1 RE CONSTRUCTED N AECORVANCE Wf3H THE TOWN OF HUNTFR.SVI STAR LIE 0.OL MANDEASURES 5PEGIFICATIONS. 5. MNNTNN 6ELF IN CONTROL MEASURE TLLOWNG UT COF R N AND. 5. TEMPORARY SERF INSPECTIONS WESPEC G M OF UNTIL HE AFTER E5TMU8 u F F11_I.OWIN H ENT o AND R Nir GROUND GROUND INSPECTIONS I CONENUE UNTIE THE COMPLETINH OF CONSTRUCTION MO FE UEAT +F GNUUNtl RING SUFFlLIG TU RESTRAIN EROSION WI O1 EST KPIUE E F*.0 CLEATING E OR INCWDING THE RENWAL OF THE IXLSIINC SOE SIOCKPIIE MD REGAN VERTICAL A THE FlLL AREA Z. BEGIN V SIDE. S AREAS TION ME H. STABILIZE SITE IO AREAS ME BROUGHT U FUISN GRADE G. UPON CONPY ME AP CUH5IRUAAUT ART ME REMOVE TESHMEIAT OF EROSION ONT VEGETATION MO THE HUN. 07 THE 15 NOT OATS MINORITY, REMOVE TEMPERNTY EA EM( CONTROL MEASIURI SEGMENTATION ON RO. THE REL MEASURES ER I5 NOT RESPBNSI SlE FOR THE CONVERSW OF TREE MIT SERE PAIARON ,NMAL L MEASURES TO PERMANENT SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES TAUT WERE PART OF THE GRADING OLIS RESPONSIBLE RAN. THE DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR [KILLL CONSTRUCTION AND GRADING IS RESPONSLD FOR SITE CONDITIONS OU M OF THE HOMEN IMPACT LIMES OF WITHS ERDSD R SEDIMENT, WONT: BEING F4RFOIAIW RT' THE HOM®Ull➢EA IMPACT ADJACFM 31F WITH EROSION OR ! IMMEDIATELY EM, L 6 THE RESP DEVELOPER. OF THE NOLIEBUILDEA TO COGRPbuTE WWiELTNE ACTION IMMEDUTELY WITH ME OEVQOPFR. SEE SHEET 2 FOR LOT 223 SWEL AND _ l FLOODPLAIN INFORMATION - 1 I �\ GREYED -CUT AREAS ARE UNDISTURBED OPEN AREA AND ARE NOT TO BE DISTURBED PER ¢`- APPROVED PLANS. 0 OV EACH LOT IS UNDER AN ACRE DISTURBED, IS ITS OWN ENTITY AND EROSION CONTROL SEE TYPICAL LOT EROSION CONTROL DETAIL ! . F �.. zz; �_,_4 V GENERAL Nn1FS. L AIL DRNNAW EASEMENTS SWl1 WMAIM CITAR FROM AM' CONSTRrIOON, L OISNRBMCE VMITS SRWl NET ENCROACH IN TREE COVERAGE AREAS. ¢SRIRBMCE UNITS ME AT UMEH OF ORAPING. ]. ANY AREAS ON SEE THAT ME SIDPED AT 3:1 OR STEEPER, CMITRACTON IS W USE APPROVED GEUMXTLE FABRIC MANNG TO SIIHIIIIE SLOPE CONTRACTOR IS MI ACT ENGUC3]E TO DISCUSS OTHER APPROVED METHODS. A. No MORE TRIM ONE ACRE VOL BE DISTURBED AT ANY GIVEN TIME 5, ANY 801 WTERA MUST WARE FROM A PFLOAITTFO SITE OR WASTE MATERM MUST GO TO A PERMITTED SITE OR BE AN EXTENSION OF ME SITE. IF ME SAAIE PERSON CONEUCTS THE LAND --DISTURBING ACITVIIY AND ANY RELATED LIRRROW OR WASTE ACTIVITY THE RO'k EO BORROW OR *A ACTNITI' SIi CONSHNLE PARI OF THE L DISNRSING ACTIVITY UNLESS THE BORROW OR WASTE AL'NWTY M REGULATED BY THE WSIOI OF WASTE M.N.GEMENT. IF THE LMU-gSNRBING AMOTY AND ANY RELATED BORROW OR WASTE ACiMfY ARE NOT CONDUCTED BY THE SAME PERSON THEY SNNL BE CONROEAFD SEPARATE LWU-OLINRHIRIG M:IMTIES AND MUST BE PERMITTED EPHM THROUGH ME SEDMENTATIO Poll LTON CONTROL ACT AS A ONE- E BORROW SRF OR THROUGH THE M, ACT. 8. GREYED -OUT AREAS AND EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS SHOWN WITHIN GREYED -OUT AREAS ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE A PART MI R OF THIS PLAN D ARE SHOWN FOR RFSERIMCE ONLY WITH THE EXCEPTION OF INLET PROTECTIONS WITHIN STREETS. 9. FNGINEIIUNG DEEMM WAS APPROVED ON PREVIOUS PLANS FOR THIS SEE SEE EPM 19 382551 k 309208 FOR OVERARM SITE OEYEI OPMENT ERASION CONTROL MEASURES. THOSE MEASURES ME SPLL NECESSARY AMID NOT TO BE REMOVED WITH THM PROJECT. 10. ALL NIGH-V UJME ORALNAGE AREAS BETVTEEN LOTS SI BE STMIUZED WITH .NNE MATTING AND RIP RAP RAMS EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. ANNELOFTIN TDD41 579-109n rs4 E 6,Iw,..nr 4 L'ac"ION MAP - TITS EROSION & SEDIMENTATION LEGEND SITE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS — LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE —X SILT FENCE DOUBLE -ROW HIGH HAZARD SILT FENCE STABIL€ZED CONSTRllCTION ENTRANCE O INLETPROTECT]ON 0TT3 SILT FENCE ROCK OUTLET PROTECTION a TREE PROTECTION ® STABILIZATION MATTING V-V ROCK CHECK DAM rtnilyd R,ant[a TI n wzf e IR--- muervors.r.rwe�IA ,cm W,ma� uvrN.Rc[ O TYPICAL LOT EROSION CONTROL CETNL N SCALE: f = 80' !� 1 PATH LIGHT PRO STOAYEA1Fh TAMIA3XNBRW EXDRYMDSARI'f p111R1A0¢ fA®IGIWIIBYfOA AAETIEAI®IOWIPA 1511 EAST STATE ROAD 434, SUITE 3909 RANTER SPRINGS. FL 327CO wTSJAa55fi SEAL: o¢,�CAROAI Q i12_1 Lot Erosion Contra) Only i� PA3%T D_,sIcN Gap PA � I [RnMHM PROJECT O CCS N N Z N LU N J J O > N U) J D Lu J N Z LU rn zD ar Q r 0 En O H- z a O 0 0 t~ 01'1NEHr EA WOOD JA 6 AA E R EASTWOOD CONSTRUCTION, LEG 2857 WESTPORT ROAD CHARLOTTE, NO 282DB DRAWN BY SRAM DATE: 041QI12021 HEASIONS: JDF DEVIL SHEET THLE: LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN ALENAME.- t.+.+s... DRAwNINGscALEI,_1 . - eoS PUN SHEET NUMRIJC EC-1 �.ro.,- p n w •. MOP 9:x] 4 enyyw +Ap ]w \ ` u7aua ]ryrt / -_ %, " Vul i.,,,w,..,�..H„ ➢A HIGH HAZARD Ilo/1a/oN lalLCl��lilC TEMPORARY SILT FENCE mom+ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4 11 �n.•� «x ova-Ychr �� �_-z'ona .ema tnfm ro,Peu:pM NOT TO 5CA E STANDARD 10/u/OB DwvTvwC TEMPORARY SILT FENCE 1NE 5!A`iMRW k BPECIfICATDNS SHpAH ARE FROM 14R 'NORM C1RfJJIfA ER99Rr MN EEdyEtt IIAN vu INcts�ONJ >+�PAnEn In Nc BEPT. of rAmRuxMrxr ANp HATIR.L R£.dIRC6 [NCOEnR} NOT TO SCA-E R �Tir, T f• y-Tgno,yno SPECIAL EROSION CONTROL ]c/14/c9 1 D�'� REgUIREMENTS AND NOTES 500.1 Cf,� STD R SPED. III TITLE SPECIAL REOVIRELIENrS k NOTES 6.IT Roum EROSIXI coxmoL PROWC]• - k5t xrawuxE ¢mx k OMW1 Ix1Er ExOtECIIOM - kkp tdPOR4iY SEpMENr TRAP NDR TOP WISRI 10' MN_ BOITW 7' YIN. ff.AS1 SOARO R.—NOi PDTMRIE➢ 1ST BIFTL RiP RAP c NASNFD STONE GERM a.ae SwMMER SEIIfMEM RkiN 2N6 EAFFVE 5pI01S6] RAFFLE ]RO BAFFLE NNtDWrRE C10M S,f]ROJxOwG TkE SNMRKR �� D�� I STONE INLET PROTECTION I 31 F.1 l F. FEW! M L �I�IJ- -TW tlyY'Y ri'. ..-....— 510.1, SPFT O MRICAT1alF. r�.m�rr>�<rouu.mm mC nyeurk NO -TO SC0.Lf SEAND� BLOCK AND GRAVEL 10/14/09 oRAwpuc STONE INLET PROTECTIO N " �Ha1p r«u axsrp_fnewm ywmrwn emwxv. m�v:aeemn . rm• gy n- Ir ��� � a- _m. oa' n -or. arm xo ® oyrm A u_w w �y om>c NOT TO SCALE SILT FENCE 1o/E4/ae 1-P.]ILLC�3YlIlC OUTLET OPTION 2 G EN EHAL NGt£5 t fnPR1r suE ro eE va:rxm er fNEwEER. 2 CHECx G4Mi MAY E �xMSE�O �5]I�YRixOm d�C�� �duprt m�i=5_ ]. ExpyE mr upmuu afmffx n , •-� �- �wxc �s«PlAcfs ra oovn%mvir oAu Is¢ aAGpAiu �y n I-- uaxi4uN sPADNc krAea A ANC BARE Al EOItaL ELEYATIQNS CRO55 5 N NOT 70 SCALE STANDARylNG D j311IG[Si!!lG Aanc TEMPORARY CHECK DAM lI/l3/09 51a.1 t wavPf � �u [aR Ox P.Qcnl � 2 SiG� �o�EY�n.st �au=nct�n�w9c x. AsrFEQArE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SINGLE FAMILY LOT Q' :rtvl owes} I HAR➢WARE CLOTH AND GRAVEL ]c/]a/0s LY`PIILG��YIIIC o9Alm.'c INLET PROTECTION 51y.1 eTX 5 LOT v2U FLOOLPLAIN DETWL� �/us�curvai u TEMPORARY � •/ 35 wN s]•rmw r �� eeo�� Lmba, w«ururmxs cmP]es ` tET/ CnOR w.Ifle.LL 19 T. NF hCPE NOT TO SCALE ,lyi ...w11., sT,uID,>RD -11``F.lfl IlI1C EMBANKMENT MATTING DETAIL Lo/u/o9 525.1 DRAwwc SEEPING FOR WARM AND COOL SEASON EARLY SUMMER SEASON SLEEP SLOPES NOT TO SGLE r ^f• SEANOA]✓D SEEDING SCHEDULE ]a/la/a9 a DRAmlvc {SEASONAL} sas.l s®mc NoawE ao I5./aw o+ errmcn ml..t ec I[./tlo< at � re_. Iw Ies/are Ry. (vrvn] m e/Pbe 4r rea.e smxe Ner.rl,5ee N p^.]n s �] I^y •em:,ol.. a.nr... N.[.n,5.r ]v - r.Sr,wT Is. oYrEs ee 5v le./me a«euo ee. evP«tl..«. Apply ROW Ia/an .bv. a •gvb^NiR bpr xR00 I r/eun ohm er uxuNe N]arau.AaR ydroeeeaeN. �M� IEp/one pm«bitnnwe�ur:o ]50 I!s/ucr«�1 �lOW-1a6 pwforn Emeabn. mom IerG&er. fer111Wr. GENTLE SLOPES STEEP SLOPES �� �tl aM'+be9 �xM a =•=x�d d Ic. Pomsf �•ee. NOTE , Fe«axN CmSeN--rreSaiM ue_. e.ur «u u«rml�rnee ue eII ¢«mo �. pu«utl vy- _ie mx .Coles .oNem er« r Iv:e deune]y eelxilY v P e x r mmprlee m «_ r^:P_erN w NOT TO SCALE DxnwtNG SEEDING SCHEDULE 1 wrluxe Im/er.« «r 1«x r� (mm�rreW v«e<r�c�w�sl « eti< r A.rt�! asp mem • . .r Emru�r Aaa IS itl !W f 5 Wr6 ]v eNnd yew r•Mnp I^p Ptltl 1! kllxn eAytl amw]viCle ekev Pr Nex xePbne ele. Nu -«Nee[ re aW rp•���r I. ]S lee/•cy n.ere 9e^ �veoew,�e s.x]eeakv e' «eu e.er IPn-«eere �. pxc MaM 2+u ow IM�Nm pn w] u.4 m .000 bcy frtx oik firaf.«. pw ,e'v lala �� W W E101k�l5 MWme pm«ula� era 1RP] ke/ene 1p-]p- e•%u lnn.Ivu eN lON ka/¢n ]o-1D-10 P TH LIGHT PRO SIaRYIIIER E]PiRaR1Y1lIAL RIf1kYkNGSIRTI'tUYplldxq f1�l6INE YdY IIR l Imea nMuum9 151]EAST STAYS ROAD e34, SUITE 3009 WINTER SPARJGS. FL 3270E 497ER9-1555 oo sE4 oo-tN CAgO/ �19 ix sPA, 032573� D. pA S-z1 Lot Erasion Control Only_] PA35C CriIXP, PA � j _ pnal...rlxk l [hsulllllp PROJECT. WNER, EV l r �OV1J 11 O M E 5 FASTWOOp CONSTRUCTION. LLC 2857 WESTPORT BOAC CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 DRAWN BY: 5WM DATE: 04roT2D'!1 RENSIONS: SH�Ei illF DETAILS !NOTES FILE NAME: ORAWNING SCALE PLAN SNEET NNMNER' EC-2 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction activity being considered compliantwith the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling sections of the NCGOI Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). The permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the delegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheet may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATION Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes Stabilize within this Site Area Description many calendar Timeframe variations days after ceasing land disturbance (a) Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, and 7 None perimeter slopes (b) High Quality Water 7 None (HOW) Zones (c) Slopes steeper than if slopes are 10' or less in length and are 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed -7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, (e) Areas with slopes ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless there is zero slope Note: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the techniques in the table below: Temporary Stabilization Permanent Stabilization • Temporary grass seed covered with straw or • Permanent grass seed covered with straw or other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers • Hydroseeding • Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil • Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting without temporary grass seed • Hydroseeding • Appropriately applied straw or other mulch • Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered • Plastic sheeting with mulch • Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion • Structural methods such as concrete, asphalt or retaining walls • Rolled erosion control products with grass seed POLYACRYLAMIDES (DAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during construction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. 1 Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging offsite. 5. Store flocculants in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover or surrounded by secondary containment structures. EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from the project. 4. Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose as hazardous waste (recycle when possible). 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem has been corrected. 6. Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE 1. Never bury or burn waste, Place titter and debris in approved waste containers. 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trash receptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland. 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if containers overflow. B. Dispose waste off -site at an approved disposal facility. 9. On business days, clean up and dispose ofwaste in designated waste containers. PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands. 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 4. Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. S. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from construction sites. PORTABLE TOILETS 1- Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains, streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high foot traffic areas. 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace with properly operating unit. EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen -material stockpile areas at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably available. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of five feet from the toe of stockpile. 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. NORTH CAROLINA r= Environmental Quality uNSITE CCNCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE VITH LINER Ac L KTYL ICNIYi eLIGY•El M r6f Y�yrp/ ,� L� L M lO4 [ �On L M m141[}L WQII r11eiL'RO •YIL LI'f�rWll Jr irRSR�i 9W.L I[ xui�flf ELM Elea HELn�#VFJT�� AR_ TINE GRAW )J i IR c CONCRETE WASHOUTS 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with local and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within lot perimeter silt fence. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If an alternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority for review and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the two types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must be pumped out and removed from project. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receive spills or overflow. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stone entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the approving authority. S. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 759E capacity to limit overflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structural components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary products, follow manufacturer's instructions. 10. At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose of in an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbance caused by removal of washout. HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES 1. Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label restrictions. 2. Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the label, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case of accidental poisoning. 3. Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is possible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground water or surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on -site. 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. NCGOI GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING 1 EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 1711) PATH LIC;HT PRO s mwn e7{p BmaQA'Ite�7AL Rm�'um ses[Ir mmilu OIOM1GSIL W YfOA AAEIIFAIWAAMY t51I EAST KATE ROAD 4M SLITS 1099 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32109 07-0o- 3555 SEAL: SµCARO ?o� �esio C,Nq is r 4. i SEAL o325Ta C � ri1 Tot Erosion Control only A BUST D_SIGq GlOLR PA PROJECT 0 [V CIA 0 Q v J � J N W m Q 0, O u OWNER. EASTWOOD It it M t 5 EASTWOOD CONS7RUCT1ON. LLC 2857 WESTPORT ROAD CHARLOTTE. NC 2B2DB DRAWN BY. SWM DATE: MirOtl REVISIONS: SAEETT1iLE: GROUND STABILIZATION & MATERIALS HANDLING FILE NAME:-..,-- GRAWNINGSCALE t'=tar PUN SHEET NUMBER' EC-3 PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION A: SELF -INSPECTION Self -inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table below. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storm event of equal to or greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self -inspection shall be performed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. Frequency Inspect (during normal Inspection records must Include: business hours) (1) Rain gauge Daily Daily rainfall amounts. maintained In If no daily rain gauge observations are made during weekend or good working holiday periods, and no individual day rainfall Information is order available, record the cumulative rain measurement for those um attended days (anc this will determine if a site inspection is needed). Days on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as "zero." The permittee may use another rain -monitoring device approved by the Division. (2) E&sc At least once per 1. Identification of the measures Inspected, Measures 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the inspection, and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, hours of a rain 4. Indication of whether the measures were operating event a 1.0 inch In properly, 24 hours 5. Description of maintenance needs for the measure, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (3) Stormwater I At least once per 1. Identification of the discharge outfalls inspected, discharge 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the Inspection, outfalls (sues) ! and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, hours of a rain 4. Evidence of indicators of stermwaler pollution such as oil event a 1.0 inch in sheen, Floating or suspended solids or discoloration, 24 hours 5. indication of visible sediment leaving the site, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (4) Perimeter of At least once per Ifvisibie sedimentation I5 round outside site limits, then a record site 7 calendar days of the following shall he made: and within 24 1. Actions taken to clean up or stahili2e the sediment that has left hours of a rain the site limits, event a 1.0 inch In 2. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken, and 24 hours 3. An explanation as to the actions taken to control future releases. (5) Streams or At least once per It the stream or werland has Increased visible sedimentation or a wetlands onslte 7 calendar days stream has visible Increased turbidity from the construction or offsite and within 24 activity, then a record of the following shall be made: (where hours of a rain L Description, evidence and date of corrective actions taken, and accessible) event a 1.0 inch In 2. Records of the required reports to the appropriate Division 24 hours Regional office per Part III, Section C, ftem (2)(a) of this permit. (6) Ground After each phase 1. The phase of grading (installation of perimeter E&SC stabilization of grading measures, clearing and grubbing, installation of storm measures drainage facilities, completion of all land -disturbing activity, construction or redevelopment, permanent ground cover). 2. Documentation that the required ground stabilization measures have been provided within the required timeframe or an assurance that they will be provided as soon as passible. NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION B: RECORDKEEPING 1. E&SC Plan Documentation The approved F&5C plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. The approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. The following items pertaining to the E&5C plan shall be kept on site and available for inspection at all times during normal business hours. Item to Document Documentation Requirements (a) Each E&5C measure has been installed Initial and date each E&SC measure on a copy and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved E&SC plan or complete, date locations, dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspection report that lists each shown on the approved E&SC plan. E&SC measure shown on the approved E&SC plan. This documentation is required upon the initial installation of the E&SC measures or if the F&SC measures are modified after initial installation. (b) A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate completion of the construction phase. (c) Ground cover is located and installed Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC in accordance with the approved E&SC plan or complete, date and sign an inspection plan. report to indicate compliance with approved ground cover specifications. Complete, date and sign an inspection report. (d) The maintenance and repair requirements for all E&SC measures have been performed. (e) Corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC to E&SC measures. plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate the completion of the corrective action. 2. Additional Documentation to be Kept on Site In addition to the E&SC plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site -specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical: (a) This General Permit as well as the Certificate of Coverage, after it is received. (b) Records of inspections made during the previous twelve months. The permittee shall record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of electronically -available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard -copy records. 3. Documentation to be Retained for Three Years All data used to complete the a-NOI and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 12241] PART II, SECTION G, ITEM (4) DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUT Sediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface when these devices need to be drawn down for maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible. The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare (for example, times with extended cold weather). Non -surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met: (a) The E&SC plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non -surface withdrawal and the specific time periods or conditions in which it will occur. The non -surface withdrawal shall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items, (b) The non -surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordance with Part III, Section C, Item (2)(c) and (d) of this permit, I (c) Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin. Examples of appropriate controls include properly sited, designed and maintained dewatering tanks, weirtanks, and filtration systems, I (d) Vegetated, upland areas of the sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above, (e) Velocity dissipation devices such as check dams, sediment traps, and riprap are provided at the discharge points of all dewatering devices, and (f) Sediment removed from the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above is disposed of in a manner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters of the United States. PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION C: REPORTING 1. Occurrences that Must be Reported Permittees shall report the following occurrences: (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. (b) Oil spills if: • They are 25 gallons or more, • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, • They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or • They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (c) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85. (d) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (e) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment. 2. Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contact the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the other requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center personnel at (800) 858-0368. Occurrence Reporting Timeframes (After Discovery) and Other Requirements (a) Visible sediment a Withia 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. deposition in a • W)thin 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the stream or wetland sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. • If the stream is named on the NC 3031d) list as impaired for sediment - related causes, the permittee may be required to perform additional monitoring, inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance with the federal or state impaired -waters conditions. (h) Oil spills and . Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. The notification release of shall include information about the date, time, nature, volume and hazardous location of the spill cr release. substances per Item 1(b)-(c) above (c) Anticipated . A report at least ren days before the date of the bypass, if possible. bypasses 140 CFR The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and 122.41(m)(3)] effect of the bypass. (d) Unanticipated Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. bypasses 140 CFR Within 7 calendordays, a report that includes an evaluation of the 122.41(m)(3)] quality and effect ofthe bypass. (e) Noncompliance . Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. with the conditions Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the of this permit that noncompliance, and its causes; the period of noncompliance, may endanger including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not health or the been corrected, the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to environment[40 continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and CFR 122.41(1)(7)) prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. [40 CFR 122.41(1)(61. • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. 01-4-4 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality NCGO 1 SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 1 r1 PATH LIGHT PRO Slarx all m'NarrmALUMMeltU"MNRM[E COerC ME W raA A BFMIDI&W A' 1511 EAST STATE ROAD 434. SUITE 3009 WNiER SPRINGS, FL 32705 407.600555 SEAL- SHCARo f SEAL yk 032673 ] Ilk c a, PP 3-a1 wt EroSmr, cnmra onI PMST DESIGN GkOLR PA L� r�rN..sM I r...�A•nt PRMEM m 0 to N N Z CV L N J J o V) N � o w � N Z G_I rn cc � _ co co U �2 U co O o a 0 r� OWNER' EASMOOD fi 6 M t 5 EASTWDCO CONSTRUCTION, LLC 257 WESTPORT ROAD CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 DRAWN BY, SWM DATE: 04JWRw1 REVISIONS: SHEET TILE. SELF INSPECTION rtr NAAE susrm,r.�„ cftkftINGscALF- rmlci PLAN SHEET NUMBER EC-4