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GW1-2021-01470_Well Construction - GW1_20210305
1M7)EL L CONSTRUCTION 'H tC )RD I(cGW-1l' 1-Well Contractor Fn=or-mation: % Well CoutractorName TC Well Contractor Certificationhumber •.✓ .-`1 '15.Grp_' ?':nv f;d' i- c :=tt-)�rZLLIEL�(-a plicz}ale' - ... Well Yadkin Company n _,_rt_,,:�-_ xarcT��rss Company Name .16:51; i•_'�r_�91'1�_b T ti�T1' tr �e-'"'^pclosed-laa - - vn, :' - 2.vtiteL Construction Permir#:ji/U.j bAT= -C)9uD o ;, , ERarre I _n I __ n_. TMMOT+ss List flit 0pplicob/eWell ants(( COTIPerntifs(i.e•UIC,County,State,Variance,etc.) � I z3-o - I ,�Q!�CZI - I 5 0 a 11 F Lid 3.Well Use(check well use): I I I Water Supply well: "_+7.SC - Tt?i:4 _-- I SLOTS ss Agricultural 014unicipal/Public !=GGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) Residential water Supply(sing_lC) IndustriaVCommercial I �[(IResidentia]Water Supply(shared) NI:Irrigation =title: ! Tr, -- r S11PL4�iir_]tiT H2u2�rJ± __ _ __ Tdon-water Supply Well: r CMccovely InjectionFltell: [Aquifer Recharge ©I Groundwater Remediation Aquifer Storage and Recovery [Salinity Barrier - -__ T. - - _Aquifer Test' IStormwater Drainage I i =- _Experimental Technology OSubsidence,Contra] ! =:= I - C Geothermal(Closed Loop) Tracer ?o._"P+,;..,;,•?� :saE:2:;; ,a�isiAesifne�sszi._. _ - W'OlA 1 T !__•TGr-y,_M•L' 4(c01.,_b rdne<s.:oih-ocktyp Ce main Geothermal(Heating/CoolingRetam) OF Other(explain under#22 Remarks) _ -- 9.Date Well(s)Completed: B �1 �.D Y1rell ID# < Sa.Well Location: Phone number- 00 An &y lam ell' - Tacility/Divner 7VaIDe Facility M4(if applicablo) Physical Address,Cy, d Zip Ljit ^7- county Parcel Identification No,(PIN) --- - 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal deg?ees: (ifwrll field,one latdongis r*fnitnt) --- 71 0 ¢ 6.Is(are)the well(s)mpermanent or [3Temporarp Date b},sr��ing dzis_"om-, 1 %(s)was(were)const)ected;,,ec.c: 7.Is this a repair to an erdsting well: ElIZIes or Mo hdtli 15A htCJC 02C 0)00 c7=_. ;VC.°C 02C.0200 Well Cars(ructiau Stawer -,s c- If this is o repair,jSAoutlma>r,)n5,41 construction;(formotion mid 41ain the natwe af(bE colt•c;'s is;eccrd cs c__ _ :r• :i=:= •ett,'r.'oianer, repair under m21 renmrkr section or mt the back o}'lhis form. S.For C-eoprobe/DFT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same ='ou Miry'CUE Lle nacir LOT'Lh,; ;;arc tt provide additions Fell site detalc a construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTALNUNII3ER ofw ells construc5on d5uis. -o�rr:-:•i'Cr_t1 cr additional pzges ifnecessary. drilled: 9.Total wa depth below land surface:_ -m ) ;ta r,{o ,�i >;ibrL,t r,1s _� ,2� 30 days of complena_hiple}reDslistalldepihs ifdiffetntf(erample-3@200'ond2tt n0� For mu cpns o GD. i[: rie'piio;:,:,-,r 10.Static water level below top of casing. 5_()1 (in) r_-NI` ;L, Fri q-r F_i:,. L=c-=, �ormatIon Processing 67n ; 7fv'oterlevel is abate casing,vie+ ei_`i P•;i,•:f_ =_c::y c _-.?sleigh,NC 27699-1617 IL Borehole diameter: (in.) ppBit off &® 3 tb I,Q_f 'ir c oo ti%ite s; r' uido_io sending the form to the addrEs. 12.Well construction method: Ae, f o4-t;a. above, also submit eae cop.; i!1 s Ica- v ifhin 30 days of mtopletio. _2. CCl]SS�tCUOr�t�J tLc f01!C'�6 7E(Le.auger.-tam cable,d rertpusl;eta) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY- 1 �•:.sc.c •_i ,_-,. - Lnd ln'e^ao'^ p-cg:•_ ?: I i e . 1?.z_leigh;NC 9 7 699-163 6of P 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: �>b° 24e, o yNate_ ,_ I,i .L_«o_ its: In addiiion to sendme LC_r'O_,_ CUPS �9 p the addrees(Cs} FhoV e: `i.=_o cui c __E copy of this four •tadthin 30 day: 13b.Disinfection type: HTH Amount- r� D (� completion o_i,v_'il or t:n=-.:,;,i;c, e count} health department of the where COu3huCtr-C 79 Folm GW-1 North Carolina Depm-6ment ofEm'uo*meaW QuaLr_,'-D,'vi-:c c •ues g t I3i e$itF_1 ViSZtE�d Q Q m I_-sji � 1 I I BUILDERS NAPAE- k-j ADDRESS: Ace- OFFICE CELL# 3L COMPLETE IF INVOICE IS BILLED TO 4/M Contractor onL j 1101 1-1--, 1 I { YA K J COUNTY °F"' `•"`:'"" YADKIN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, a WELL LOCATION 14-062-JWCo. APPLICANT/ _ p OWNER ®t / .��; �� - PERhAIT � `� _r?l,%.� .- e'7 ;z.1TE: ADDRESS ' WELL INFO fW WELL ❑REPLACEMENT WELL � �fLL FOR SINGLE RESIDENCE- ❑WELL FOR 2 OR MORE RESIDENCES ❑PRIVATE WELL ❑PUE',LIC WELL (Not to Scale) i a'�c'�r��.� etc' Cam'-.�.��Cd [�ic�C�i�•-� i.9tA4✓` l.�• f l J s- dZj 12� " �r �i - _ �:.;� (Vic- 9)C-r` Ids �i q v I'f Comments: f Name,REHS# I Authorized State Agent I! I a I j '