HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0500499_Appendix A_20101217ARCAD1S 1st Performance Monitoring Report for the ERD Pilot Test Appendix A - ER Survey Test Results mallinckrodt performance monitoring report_final.docx ARCADIS MEMO To: Don Malone Joe Quinnan From: Alan Pinnix Boyce Clark Date: 17 December 2010 Copies: ARCADIS Project No.: NC107014.0005 Subject: Geophysical Study Update, Mallinckrodt Raleigh Pharmaceutical Plant, Raleigh, North Carolina. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide an update of new results for a geophysical survey conducted on November 5 and 6, 2010 at the above referenced facility. This memorandum is a supplement to the Two -Dimensional Resistivity and Magnetic Geophysical Investigation (ARCADIS July 2010) report that discussed the results of an initial geophysical survey conducted at the Site during the week of May 24, 2010. Background In May 2010, three 2-dimensional electrical resistivity surveys and a single magnetometry survey were conducted at the above referenced site. The primary objective of the initial survey was to identify the location, depth, and/or orientation of the subsurface geological feature(s) that are causing the unique migration patterns for the Site constituents dissolved in groundwater. The original proposed geophysical surveys included both a magnetometry survey and an electrical resistivity survey. However, the magnetometry survey was conducted first to attempt to confirm whether a diabase dike could be present. Following the determination that diabase was not present at the site, magnetometry surveys were not conducted on the other two lines. G:\ENV\Mallinckrodt (Groundwater)\NC107014.0005 (Hi -Res Characterization) \ER Survey Results \December 2010\December 2010 Geophysics Memo.docx ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. 801 Corporate Center Drive Suite 300 Raleigh North Carolina 27607 Tel 919.854.1282 Fax 919.854.5448 ARCADIS GSM of North Carolina, Inc. NC Engineering License # C-1869 NC Surveying License # C-1869 1/5 ARCAD1S Three resistivity survey lines were conducted at the Site along transects to the long and narrow dissolved -phase groundwater plume to evaluate the potential for and to determine the location of subsurface geological conditions that are creating a preferential migration pathway below the Site. Based on the results of this work, ARCADIS determined that several large preferential migration pathways exist below the Site. These pathways were generally located orientated north to south, exist at approximately 30 to 50 feet below land surface (ft bls) and align with areas containing groundwater impacted with 1,2- dichloroethane; 1,2-dichloropropane; aniline, nitrobenzene, and other constituents. Based upon the confirmation of north to south trending preferential pathways a second supplemental geophysical survey was conducted in November 2010. This survey was conducted to determine if the linear features extended further north beneath the main manufacturing area and also south of Durant Road. The results of this investigation are presented in the following sections. Resistivity Survey The second resistivity survey was conducted the week of November 1, 2010. The Site layout, location of monitoring wells, and all geophysical survey lines for the property are shown on Figure 1. Two additional geophysical transects (Lines 4 and 5) totaling approximately 1,290 linear feet were completed at the Site during this event. Line 4 was oriented east - west north of the main manufacturing area (Figure 1). The line originated south of the Raw Waste Surge Tank and north of the Sludge Holding Pond. The line then extended east to the south of the MASL tank #1, crossed under the railroad spur and then extended the width of the former B.Q. Pond prior to terminating at an asphalt road that leads to Building 15. This orientation represented the greatest potential for getting a continuous line of data across the site due to site limitations (roads, buildings, piping, rail spur, etc). Line 5 extended west to east in the large wooded tract south of Durant Road. The line was started approximately 300 feet west of the intermittent stream to cross the area historically exhibiting impacted groundwater. To the east of the stream, the line was extended another 250 feet east in the direction of Capital Boulevard (Figure 1). G \ENV\Mallinckrodt (Groundwater)\NC107014.0005 (Hi -Res Characterization) \ER Survey Results \December 2010\December 2010 Geophysics Memo.docx 2/5 ARCAD1S Electrical Resistivity Technique The electrical resistivity method involves the measurement of the apparent resistivity of subsurface soils and rock as a function of depth and/or position. The resistivity of soils and rock is a complex function of porosity, permeability, ionic content of the pore fluids, and degree of clay mineralization. During a resistivity survey, current is injected into the earth through a pair of current electrodes and the potential difference (voltage) is measured between one or more pairs of potential electrodes. The current and potential electrodes are generally arranged in a linear fashion with the geometry of the current and potential electrodes being referred to as an array. Common arrays include the Schlumberger array (normal and inverse), and the dipole -dipole array. Similar to the initial event, both the dipole -dipole and inverse Schlumberger arrays were used in this study. The resistivity equipment used during this investigation consisted of an Advanced Geosciences, Inc. (Austin, Texas), SuperStingT" R8/IP memory earth resistivity system with a 112-electrode switch box, electrode cables with a 3-meter connector spacing, and stainless steel electrodes. Upon completion of data acquisition, initial and terminal electrode locations for each line as well as electrode locations in areas with significant topographic changes were marked with flags and general elevation changes recorded. These data can be used to establish elevation changes along the transects so that the geophysical data could be corrected for terrain during processing. The terrain change along the transects was minimal for Line 4 so no topographic correction was needed. Terrain correction was made for Line 5. Resistivity data were stored in the internal memory of the SuperSting R8/IP and downloaded to a laptop computer upon completion of each survey. Field data files were assigned a name that included Line name and array type. Preliminary modeling of the field data was conducted in the field in order to optimize the subsequent data collection. Survey Line 4 — Electrical Resistivity Results The inverted resistivity model for data collected along Survey Line 4 is presented on Figure 5. A quality assurance check of the dataset indicated high quality data for the eastern section of the line. Between the 0 mark and approximately 300 feet data were collected; however, the data was dropped out during data processing due to G \ENV\Mallinckrodt (Groundwater)\NC107014.0005 (Hi -Res Characterization) \ER Survey Results \December 2010\December 2010 Geophysics Memo.docx 3/5 ARCAD1S apparent interferences most likely related to the existing MASL tank area and lagoons. As this location represented the greatest likelihood for success in the northern manufacturing area, a second line was not attempted. Between the 300 foot mark and the 750 foot eastern end of the line, high quality data were obtained. Processing of the data indicated a single large conductive feature at the approximate 600 foot mark of the line. This line is close to the location of former recovery well RW-1. The geologic feature (Labeled 4A) was located at approximately 30 to 50 feet bls. This feature is consistent with both the depth and orientation (north to south) of suspected conductive features seen in other transects. The location of anomaly 4A is in consistent alignment with historic groundwater maps depicting constituents of concern in this portion of the site trending north to south. Survey Line 5 — Electrical Resistivity Results The inverted resistivity model for data collected along Survey Line 5 is presented on Figure 6. A quality assurance check of the dataset indicated high quality data for the majority of the line. The data removal was uniform throughout the dataset except for the area approximately 320 feet down the line, which corresponds with the crossing of an intermittent stream channel. The primary geologic features apparent in the pseudosection are three highly conductive areas (labeled 5-A through 5-C), located from 30 to 50 feet bls. All three conductive features are consistent with the response of material with higher water saturation than the surrounding material. The large feature labeled as 5-C may appear larger than it actually is due to interference (saturated soils) from the intermittent stream channel. The location and depths of these features line up exceptionally well with features in the other survey lines. In particular, the features match up well with survey line 2 located north of Durant Road (Figure 7). Conclusions The resistivity results of all five lines completed to date are consistent with the current conceptual site model that a fault, fracture, or more likely a linear, heterogenic, partially weathered zone is trending north -south through the Site. The large conductive feature present in all five pseudosections is approximately the same size and depth on each line. The conductive features are presented in plan view on Figure 7 and labeled. G \ENV\Mallinckrodt (Groundwater)\NC107014.0005 (Hi -Res Characterization) \ER Survey Results \December 2010\December 2010 Geophysics Memo.docx 4/5 ARCAD1S The results obtained from this geophysical survey correlate well with historic groundwater data and the prior resistivity survey conducted in May 2010. These results further strengthen the conceptual model for the site and suggest these features likely play a significant role in controlling the groundwater flow direction at the site. Additional investigations are planned in early 2011 to evaluate and compare the hydraulic properties of the aquifer within and outside of the geologic feature including: • Installation of soil borings within and adjacent to the primary geologic feature within resistivity survey Line 3 (Figure 1) to evaluate soil types grain size variances, and distribution of chemical constituents. • Conversion of two of the borings within the primary geologic feature into multi -purpose monitor wells. • Hydraulic testing within the two new wells, and other select wells within the geologic feature. • Single -well tracer testing using fluorescein dye to evaluate groundwater flux within and outside of the geologic feature. An underground injection control (UIC) permit application was submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) on December 9, 2010. ARCADIS anticipates NCDENR requiring at least 60 days to review and approve the permit application. Therefore, the tracer testing likely will be conducted February 2011. This schedule is dependent on NCDENR's review and approval of the document. In the mean time, ARCADIS is planning to install the soil borings and multi -purpose wells at the Site during the week of January 10, 2011. G \ENV\Mallinckrodt (Groundwater)\NC107014.0005 (Hi -Res Characterization) \ER Survey Results \December 2010\December 2010 Geophysics Memo.docx 5/5 0 125 ARCAD1S 250 U:\ projects \Mallinckrodt\ArcMap\FIGURE01_v2.mxd 500 Feet Resistivity Survey Line Locations MALLINCKRODT INC. RALEIGH PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA vi,4,rto f rri • f IF fl 'ALP r Mi 817 F.( PROJECT MANAGER DEPARTMENT MANAGER Don Malone DATE 12.13.2010 PROJECT NUMBER NC107014.0005.00200 DRAWN JWC FIGURE NUMBER 1 Utrojects Mallinckrodt \ Output \ FINAL FIGURES \FIGURE01_v2.pdf 0 0 60 - 4— Q 120 - 0 180 - 240 Inverted Resistivity Pseudosection - Inverse Schlumberger / Dipole -Dipole Merged Array Utility lines (water/steam) 10' deep 100' 200' 300' 400' 500' 600' Iteration = 7 RMS = 5.39% L2 = 3.17 Electrode Spacing = 9.84 ft 700' 800' 900' 1000' 1095' Ohm-m 100000 - 6700 - 445 - - 30 ARCAD1S Magnetic Response and Electrical Resistivity Pseudosection Survey Line 1 MALLINCKRODT INC. RALEIGH PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT MANAGER: Don Malone DEPT. MANAGER: DATE: 07.20.2010 DRAWN BY: SDR PROJECT NUMBER: NC107014.0005.00200 FIGURE NUMBER: 2 a) 0 Nano Tesla (nT) 0 0 50 100 150 200 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 Inverted Resistivity Pseudosection - Inverse Schlumberger / Dipole -Dipole Merged Array MWPP-17 100' 200' Utility lines (water/steam) MWPP-16 0' deep Chain Link FenceI 300' Iteration = 8 RMS = 5.53% L2 = 3.26 Electrode Spacing = 9.84 ft 0 MWPP-8 MWPP-9 'Underground utility (gas) 500' Magnetic Susceptibility Response - Vertical Gradient 600' 700' 800' 815' 100' 200' 300' 400' 500' 600' 700' 800' 815' viererNseroriemormounnoloballioollaimilwironllern Ohm-m m- 100000 - 6700 - 45 - 30 2 ARCAD1S Electrical Resistivity Pseudosection and Magnetic Susceptibility Response Survey Line 2 MALLINCKRODT INC. RALEIGH PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT MANAGER: Don Malone DEPT. MANAGER: DATE: 07.20.2010 DRAWN BY: SDR PROJECT NUMBER: NC107014.0005.00200 FIGURE NUMBER: 3 4_ Inverted Resistivity Pseudosection - Inverse Schlumberger / Dipole -Dipole Merged Array 0 100' 200' 300' 400' 500' 600' +18 0 33 - 83 - a a) 0 134 - 185 1 L3-A Utility lines (water/steam) 0' deep 3= 700' L3- M W-Y 800' 815' Iteration = 8 RMS = 3.04% L2 = 1.02 Electrode Spacing = 9.84 ft 0 Ohm-m 40000 MIL - 4229 - 447 - 47 5 ARCAD1S Magnetic Response and Electrical Resistivity Pseudosection Survey Line 3 MALLINCKRODT INC. RALEIGH PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT MANAGER: Don Malone DEPT. MANAGER: DATE: 07.20.2010 DRAWN BY: SDR PROJECT NUMBER: NC107014.0005.00200 FIGURE NUMBER: 4 0 100' Inverted Resistivity Pseudosection - Inverse Schlumberger / Dipole -Dipole Merged Array 200' 300' Iteration = 6 RMS = 10.74% L2 = 11.70 Electrode Spacing = 9.84 ft 400' 500' 600' 700' 750' Ohm-m 5000 - 595 - 71 - 8 ARCAD1S Electrical Resistivity Pseudosection Survey Line 4 MALLINCKRODT INC. RALEIGH PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT MANAGER: Don Malone DEPT.MANAGER: DATE: 12.10.2010 DRAWN BY: SDR PROJECT NUMBER: NC107014.0005.00200 FIGURE NUMBER: 0 0 Inverted Resistivity Pseudosection - Inverse Schlumberger / Dipole -Dipole Merged Array 100' 200' 300' Intermittent Stream Channel 400' 500' 540' 21 - 43 - a) 0 64 - 86 Iteration = 7 RMS = 5.79% L2 = 3.72 Electrode Spacing = 9.84 ft J Ohm-m 10000 - - 2060 - - 424 - - 87 18 ARCAD1S Electrical Resistivity Pseudosection Survey Line 5 MALLINCKRODT INC. RALEIGH PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT MANAGER: Don Malone DEPT.MANAGER: DATE: 12.10.2010 DRAWN BY: SDR PROJECT NUMBER: NC107014.0005.00200 FIGURE NUMBER: 0 125 ARCAD1S 250 U:\ projects \Mallinckrodt\ArcMap\FIGURE05_v2.mxd 500 Feet Resistivity Survey Line Locations MALLINCKRODT INC. RALEIGH PHARMACEUTICAL PLANT RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA grlapi , vi,4,Ftli f rri P F rE Pff ' 1-• f r l 'ALP r Mi 817f 4,11•44F* PROJECT MANAGER DEPARTMENT MANAGER Don Malone DATE 12.15.2010 PROJECT NUMBER NC107014.0005.00200 DRAWN JWC FIGURE NUMBER 1 Utrojects Mallinckrodt \ Output \FINAL FIGURES \FIGURE05_v2.pdf