HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03204_Well Construction - GW1_20210625 WELL CONSTRUC'1'�ON RECORD • y F�ittcrtat)Use ONLY: ibis fozn,con be owd far 51Mk or M¢14*antis 1.Wdt Cnotrwor_infornlation: r a3zo Stefan Smith room TO I DI 1PI109 NetFCotttroaattfatne ft. ft. 1 3576A R, ft, NC Well ComrncrorCenircmrouNtimtrr 5,0 l UM SUNG nrirrrrttinmrd1�1WOU ;ORMIX OM TO L IMMR R f TMCKNTM ]MATERIA1. SAEDACCO Inc 0 n., 24 ft. 2° ktp. SCE-40 PVC C*"V. y Naatt 16 T NCOR PROM TO DGmtIVM I TnICkNIM MAIMAL 2.Wdt COXIM tttion"Permit t n. ft. �► Lilt ell epplic W WeUpameeftr fir..Cauntn,$W0.Varinrorr.InjeC601 ejr.)' 3.Weli Use(check well Us 37 _ . Water SoloptF Well, PROS! I TO 1010t "'It I S 17,Ii 11C9CNK-5 IMATMIA1. DAgiicultunll DMiniMpel/Ptdllic 24 R. 39 ft2° in Old SC8-40 PVC DGeotlletmal(Heatingtooling Supplyl DResidential Wet"Supply(single) k' I'L DbldustrrvllConm cfdal DResidential Watt:rS ROt]7 Supply(Sltiit ) FROM TO MATE ESMACEMENTMMOT1&AMOUW ❑hri titmn h, n; Hon-VA'atersupnly given: ®Monitorin Diteco} jection ell: tm. �- DAquifetReclmarge DGmundntlterRcuiediation "14 DA crSt ty ra :H raTRatou, rats tyF:HF�T I:T1 n (lW =Scanditeco-,v DSttlini Hairier 22 M 39 M Sand 2 DAquifcr Tcst DStotn mcatcr Dmitln6c M R, Dxptrimcntai Tcchna+tog} OS"ikzrcc Control x DRl1C> C raia itli�iiiai DGeodieanml(Closed LOOP) DTracet iROM To DRSCR"InO obbr5medn. oWnick qw,trim itt&w DGeoffierlai(HaliMpoffig Return) DOtber( inunder#21Remarks) 0 M 14' fh Brown silt trace sand 14, ft. 39' li. Brows silt 4.Date VlOO,)Conmpleted: 6/11/2021 Wd.IIDATW-1 'a® ft. h: Sa.%Veil Location: (L (L Teramore Development (L rL pfQf�f:ssi(t� Facilit}lOwwrNarm Factli ]DR(ifapplxablc) ft, f1, [ltiru iZ t? 3179 Sparta Rd., N. Wilkesboro, NC, 28659 ft. p, Ph iml:AddRas Gn:at+d Zip 21' EittAit Wilkes Temporary well for grab sample. Then abandon. Co+iatp hatter Idt(diricAtion No,MN) Sit.t atitade and t ongttodein degreestminatalmcondsor decimal degrees. 22.Cbfifrsation• tiroult(ietd,one:talrio"a is sidnektd) 36.235935 N 81.1783034 W 6/16/2021 Sibmt ofC .. tedWetlCaauncror Dais 6.Is(are)'(be wdl(s): UPetmanem or OTemporary 1�y sigotivig thin fcrm.,l lkirby trrwA than iltr xetl(s)into(wt<ary[vmrrhircted in ertiandantr whA.1 bt.NGAC O2C.0/K or 1 SA NCAtC 02C,t1200 M11 Cwtstroalm Standards tend Ora a 7.Is this a repair to an c mAng well: Dyes or 0No ivff of thir nvoaf im been n pm,ldr4 w d r'►sW.l ouncr. lftrrfris R repah%fill rat k004ya well eo[rat ios iftfumurrionand explain die ntrrrre afthr reps ram2rr#71,cmarb xmih o or ray dm brwl of thh form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You;may use the boa of this page to ro%ide:additional well site details or well 8.Number of leeks constructed: 1 co nstnlct)on detais. You may also attach additional pageslf necessary. Fof nwltlrdr Injecrian tv m-iswwr.fM*kWh ONIX%1M the srtatt so>rstrirrdlas.vatr ca» submR one fames. SUBUMAL fnST UCTTONS 4.Total vdt depth below land surface: 39 (R.) 24a.,Par All Wells; Submit this fe'nn %vitbin 30 days of compWon of nvil For stutitpJe wefts list 01)*pAr f/do'rec ur(exawfr,-30300,OW 20111V) cminiction to the fpllott ng: 10.Static water level below top of Castag: 26 (B;) Division of Water Re.sources,106nnation Protes+ing Unit, TJnwter hovel it shove:eddn't.am°+" 1617 Mtn Set-vice Cmter4_Ral*i b,NC 276"-l617 11..Borehole diameter.S S.25° (in,) 24b;Egr Lp ,lon Welts ONLY: In'addition to sending the fort to ft. addnss in 24aabiwe.also submit a copy of this fart within 30 days of completion of well IL Well vwastt'nCt1011 method.HSA Consu tan to at following: (i.e.su8er.tutsty.cable dhd posit etc:) Division of Water Resmlrem Utider000nd Injection Control Program, 1436 Mail Stem toe Center, t NC 27649 1636 FOR WATERSi1PPLY1'l'ELLSONLY: II Raleigh. 13a YietA(gpm) Method oftesk 24c.For Water Sopplf&tnlectimr♦i'etts. Also submit one copy of this form%iithin.s(i;days of completion of 13b.Disinfection tsTe._ Amount• vvell c cleat. t I �mm mt of the c�mty'whrac . Smell constntction to the county beahh d, Farm G\v-t Mott Carolina Dq mmnmtof Em fmnma t stet 1+$iund Resomoes-D'hisbn orUla crRrodums Raked AiCtO2011