HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-03307_Well Construction - GW1_20210603 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For it knW USc ony: nisfann cam beamd.fo►sf gkowm0picsYcUs 1.Well Cnntractor:htformathon: Stefan Smith iROM A I "ON Well Gonlracear Name 3576A NC C4'eJl CammaotCarlitkxtiimlVt��ea :5 t}tTl'RRT�5fNti xn+rMi4a�red: Q'Ri_ 'P,R �' .bt2`,; ,, FRbM Tb VIAMIM TNTCKIIM MAiEPIAL SABDACCO Inc 0 ft. 12 ft. 2" le. SCH-40 PVC CamymT�Flamc f6: T)C` �t'iTB'1NGx" 6ROM Tb DUMi.'rTiR I TFWKM.SS I MATMAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: ft. fi. hL Lutaft erPptitoUr wrtl prsmftr(Le.t"amty.S—,Varipare.11 01WCn er:1 fi. ti. 3.W41 Use(check well asc): w„ Water Supply Wdl: tpRpM To atAPT M sw, tar I Ttit MAT'MIA1 OA IhITah t�MnnicipaUPubiir 12 R, 27 41. 2" la, .010 SCH-40 PVC Pre-P ck OGeotbeitnl(fleafingtoolimg'Supply) 131tesideutial Water Supply(single) Ohndustrial(Commcrcial ORestdermnd Water S 3t+r iiRO1TT >r, w'- R(Shard) FRDM_ TO I 14ATEPtAL TMTK A[ENOT MUMOD S AMOWr Olni' tion 0 A. 7 (L Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well: Mmonitod OttemyTy Itt ection well: ft. rL DAquifcrAccharge OGroundimterRemediff"on t �` O t*r.Slora 1114RMON OSnlin' garnet iR M MATRtt1A1 eI.A. T1TMtret D � �` 'n' 10 ft, z7 rt. sans 2 0Agalter Test OStornimterOTMange fL R. OF- r`tmattal Tcchnetoa 13subsidcrcc Control =�a: Rnsstt ; {:._fcli�iildlTfiindY�Itiezflf . OGeotherntah(Closed Imp) O%cer YRbsr TO DFSCRtrTM oet.r bsrOM1 anwrae� etc OGeiothennal(Heati oli Reim) c3Otlwi in wid r#21 Renwks 0 (1. 7 n. Clayey silt 7 ft. 19 tL sandy silt 4.Date WOW Oompleted; 5/4/2021 Wdll])RMN-8 19 ft. 27 f; PWR 5- VIJ Sa.WOO UVAthtn. Durham Army Reserve Center fL tL ` ffiA Fscil /On=Nsw- Tacilit IN(ifapplicable) ft. FL c� te� 1228 Carroll St., .Durham, NC, 27707 tt, R, 3,j CJP Pk3kd AMMSS:CiQ;and Zip KC Durham 3 foot bentonite seal from 7 to 101. CO21W flsmd hkm lkMif a No;(PIN) Sb.1»-ft and 1,6ugfMde in dcpm%,ni►mtcs1scc6nds or*dmal f trees: 22.t�+ettifrcaNnn: (Iructl W4;o��e taSlla is Sidnelt(d) 35.988265 N 78.916845 W 5/14/2021 Si6rat of A%eIICanhactar, Dsk 6.is(are)the wtil(d): zFerttaneat or Memporar')• m.„g d g db Ja m,1 hereby erto rhdr:dr xrilfs)*at f mov)tm3zmmiM In arb„donm whh.154 NCAC 03C;01M or 15A NCAC MC.020 trill CAMIreffian Srrtmdords oOdiet s 7.Is this a repair to Lou tAstiingwell: Ma or EM) pfrhk4rf11A+Y��17b`blCrJjJ7i1s'Ii�YttnJjltttYjlA�IIVIPI. tjlhts Ixr+rrpra4r.,}dtl aerrhntritet�s�iYeoM1�Tnucrtcm(nfnmtarioriarutrxptoht.nc�nnrsre tf nc� r4wirwWord21 rmairt:s.i ioo eras rhr Mart Of eWs farm: 23.Site diatom or additional weli detalts: You May Use the boa,of ft page to#Mvide additional oelh site details or well S.Number of ts•ells constructed: 1 eonStmction'details. Yau May also illach additional pages if ttbcessan1. For matitnit of rcrkn or aan-uw*v jW#y weals OAT.#'lidrh.rhr suns onnstrrrcttorr.vaa ems subunit mu firm. ►SUBH�M CT70NC 9.Total welt depth below land surface: 27 (lit) 24a,l"ar At Wcilm Submit Utis>fonTr uitiltn ail day%of c6uVldion of well For arabiple urtls ho at)*p*s fjdfJ/rrrru(exmpff-J@IOn'aw 2@14w) Cbnsintction to thr,follnwins, 10.Static water level below tap of casing: (D,) Division of Water Resourtex,Infil"nailon proteW"A(Twit, T/%Wer Wet it a6otT cr At.asr"+" 16i l Mail Smite 6af&,Raleigh,NC 276"4617 11.Borehole diameter.a" ) �ONLY- of ln''�dition to sending the form to the address in 24b.,hoc e. also sdttni copy `s farm.within 30 days of completion of ma 12.Wrell CopstnMinn nMAbod:BSA C Yn5tr11i tian(0Ilte Mowing. t lie.atom,toiM.cable.dbM posh etc.) f Division of Water R.esoarces.}iVadergniund Nectlon Control Program, FOR WATER Si1PPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Malt Service Cuter,Raleigh,NC 276"4636 13s.Yield(gpm) Method of teak 24c-For Water Supply&1nleWor cIls: Also submit one copy of this fort within'30 da}•s of coinpletion of 13b.:Disinfat[on type Amunt: well constniction to the county he laltb&-mftnxM of the Conway Rinse Constructed. FunnG%1-t Re%- dAgi201-1