HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC190409_MODIFICATION Supporting Doc (LEG RESP CHANGE)_20210629 (2)"'ble. 1;nd'1v:01'd-ua1 CAliange. Form .N:CG'-Ol Lega,, fly Responst 'Use this form when,:, T-he -pe'r-sonvvilo ts legally respons'tble for the permit has chan-ged, but there rs --m- the P ea nanie IF01 or ovvnershtp., If the Pr " ect name has cha nged or `f -th-e I I own-ersh'p- of the �`�oje.d. has changed, douseLbi's form,** Instead, must subm'd zi- new NC-G01 electronic Not�ce o. f Intent (e.N01), Dim-'rection s-- ,.. Pdfnt this form, complete, scan and uplo-ad to the. Construct'i'oni- Stormwater Permit MOM-'FICATION Form. -ormwater ProgrThen, mail the orltinal;fer to the NC OEWit.,. R St 1 IN'vJs' ;on of Energy, Minvral & Laa*3),,ei Resokirce..s,,,%,.torTnw.,ite-r Program 512 N. Sa s•b u r Street, 61 Floor (Office, -6,40K) 1612 Maiii Service Center RaleigN,'NC 27699-16,12 D. ....O..... NOT 1L ..T.............. .... I.IMMM UN niwUM: IF'. AIOK66 BWED ANO., LE"HStOR0DCTNi1EENREWEDEt POMCPT . .. ....... uwi -A-. INAUST U.. COM- - M-AL.' :"MMA Certificate of :(COC) Number" NC" " -00409 Name of Pr -ect* Du ke. Fear Cleveland Matthews [,,avdown Yard ... . ... ..... . 01, e Responsible 9%nLiz�tional Entity: Duke.Er ergy Progrejs LLC. � W0 el r4 6- PREVIOUS Legally Respansit�le IndNivdual L ;Z44- ------ ..... ......... ... 1--� ... ... NEW Legally RespoPsible Ind*Midual: Randy Veltr'�' f A The following sect -ton -'Is to be completed. and signed by the NEW Legally Respons-lble, lnd-lviduaL Per NC 6eneral Statute- 143-21.5.68 (i), any, person who �ra���r�n qfymakes� or -certi X. anyfakse statement, representation,, fticadort in any application, record, report plan, or other docume. n t filed Or required to be'M atntained -unde, r this Artitle' or a -ruie implementing this Article S- h-G-11 MIS or, wh V include a fine not to exceed ten thousand doilars ($1 ;tOW page I of 2 NCGOI. L-egall� y--- ...... ...... ...... . .... ....... .... -- ----- ---- 00 W__ --ly- o" "Jnder penalty of law., I conih, om-t(dw-, am the per-r4n WR' V, -'5 .01 ., !M6,011 VIM a�l �kg ov ojm 1v V, 4 Perm Z I by all {'f. r.:''' -Y � ft'• � { . . ^E{*?'+' �-r' _ - p'�'r.. rr' '7T:�!'' �Conditio n-1; Of Seofmc f-f:,O-Y,-tr .14. PA, 'r, if the a P-Proved: Emlion Sediment -CoO, :af a.'�T'.L' f Prevention: Plan) of the ki rrrrr part 0 of Me. ptrr.ri.14t�, are, on t� r..nge •4udestant''aZ-4e �iV -enformab e 19 his -f,',rrn has oetn revvewe t4 AAAAA-W Pnt Name of d. Z St M.a.-i",ling A -do' t-ew.. o""WOHOWU Vote Mell ..... .. -.......... 2W. Street Ad&eu* 526 S at M ......... ......... ....... . .... .... . --------------- ----- ----- - Eme. Address: ........ ..... ........... ........ ... F-horie Nwrber -M _-M-W PA I �LT �W- T lhh'k fl� 2 Z M., = S -CC t - ----- A , --d --r, r-tc.. WP'IV S a 'I" 71M SJT twy. FOT mc e it Iyolmot or, n., v :eo*emWftAft A , --d --r, r-tc.. WP'IV S a 'I" 71M SJT twy. FOT mc e it Iyolmot or, n., v :eo*emWftAft