HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00353_Well Construction - GW1_20210127 WELL eON,STRUC'I`I©N RED (GVV-1) For Internal Use Only `�^ L Well Contractor Information: " .14.WATERZ01US_. Well Conoxiam Name FROM To @ DFSC'EMON 3535 �D� R a�DR NCWeUCo-6-tarC ekitimNmaber a Ui7TERCTA.4IIQG 5amulfi edwells ORI.I[IItR d Q.• ' FROM 9 DIAMSPF3 ! MHCKN= MAMMAL R fG is Cosxi;iaay'Name I 1(�II�IlHSR GLSII�IG�OR 2. ,_: Well Construction Permit#: V rtaonc TO 'VMmi c •�CMUM MATERIAL Itsr aII applicable well amatruetlon per»6tr(ze U1C Cowuy.Srm4 Yarim+ee etc) 8 5 ft- 5 7 V m i c. 3.Well Use(check well use): R ft m Water Supply Welk 'J SCRSBN:.. FROM TO DIAMEM I scars= TIDCDMSS` MA1IItL4L OAgiculdaai OMtmicipaUP he ft. ffi in. OGeotbe®al(HeatiogCooimB Supply) id..tW Wt.Supply(single) R is ❑ladusftwcommer W ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) 18.QtOi1T 13 , []Wells>100,000 GPD FROM TO MATERIAL SMPIACCHIMMEMOD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply well: 0 R 3%LAj ekle i +•�- ❑monitot ng ❑Recovery R ft Injection Well: rf'iz►r � fL ft ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Rernediation - ❑Aqui£er Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier FROM TO MATERIAL 1 1 IMMACEMIMM IRGI) Y. OAquifer Test OStoimwater Drainage ft ❑Fxpaimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control % R OGeothamal(Closed L00p) OTracer =20 DRnAUNG LOG airsch sddiaoasl stieets if—e _n—E = El Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Retam) 00ther(explain under#21 Rem dm) FROM TO DESCRIF.MN color,hs&hm,w9fr ,A -.eta) 4.Date Wells)Completed:_t—20—21 Well ID# & Sa.Well Location: & ft j j �. Fac,lity/Owaa Name Faci1fty MA(ifs-bu) p � & fit.C�e5fnG.f Cer? ,k Aj tfa[ctnf.e{r/Wf . fL &: ftsioal cc tt.City,and Zip 6 t;v-C G—rr-..i,C- .,�,,, R .2L:R39&] S: County Parcel IdeonNo.(P� 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees(mmntes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwell fiold one ladtoag is suuffieieot) 22.Certification: N 530 a3 5s W 6.Is(are)the wen(s): 4-manent or ❑Temporary G' Srgnanue eIICo Date i i r gysizn tb d-jb tt 1 hereby,a7i;D�y Mir the-'el )was(rise)masa ra=d,3t acw,dz xw:wit 7.Is this a repair to an existing well•' •Oye's or )(No 015A NCAC 02C:0100 or 15ANCAC 02C.0200)FeII Cgmriaction Stmzdards am3 d=a cop If this is a ts�,ur fiU ot6 btowtt well eomnvciYon nrformators aced e h�(� 'f'2 ofmis mcoidhw been pme&d to the.a owner mpztr ruder 921 remmis section or on the back ofthis faun i 23.Site diagram or additional well detar7s: 8.For GeoptrobdDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having tiie sariie ,-,You may use the back of this page to provide additional well owstniction info construction,only 1 GW 1 is needed. Indicke TOTAL NUMBERiofyklls.-' (add'See Over'in Remarks Boxj You may also attach additional pages ifnecensry dulled 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS t 9.Total well depth below land surface: )4 Q (ft) Submit this GW-1 within 30 daps of weII completion per the fellowittg Forandtiple we&Ast aDdepda�d�l�pk-3�a 200 mtd 2@1M _ 10.Static water level below top of cashW. (ft) 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWR, Ijwaier IeveFis above Darin&i6e"+' Information Pr Unit,1617 MSCS Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 l/ 24b.For Iniectron Weils� 11.'Borehole diameter. � `� .(m,) Copy;to DWR,Undergoumd Injection Coatiol(IiTC nn Program -.,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12.Welt uc constrtion method: R a l 2 A.,-r Cr a ow'*area pusk ) h1 24c.For Water SuPW and Open-Loop Geothermal Return Weft Copy+to tit county environmen al health d'eparrment of me county canoe mstaued .. ._. _.... FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells! roducing over 1 GPD:Copy to.DWR,CCPCW- Permit Pmgram,1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611 13a'Yield(gpn* 50 Method of test 13h.Disinfection type Amount: 10 Form GW-1 North Carolina Dept ofEuviro�Quality-Division of Water Resources ! Revised 04 201