HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-01706_Well Construction - GW1_20210209 WELL CONSTRUMON RED (GW:1) For hft=l Use Only: . L Well Contractor Information: - a .A.WATERDUM... well dame FROM �TO DEStON Cow 3s 3� & NC Well Cad&dosCatiScatinNuinber MOUtfsR04MG 'met ed�' ORTam if 1UlAtf-W,W & �-k � M TA DIAMETFB� ! MSTERiAL' i Cams me xa ' 3 3$7 s1G.1NflH8Rt.ASIDIGOItTIISII�16 ..: 2.Well Construction Permit#: FROM 20 DIAAgrFB TEMCHIMS ` MAZQtrer: rrs:as coftm ble welt amaaacttanPOMM ru WC ComuY•SAze,;r=w e,rJcJ & tz 5 hL 3.wen Use(check well use): & t Water Supply well: sue:_ iceMssetwr. FROM TO DIAMETER ❑Agic ukmd ❑M1micipal/Public R is 13Ge0flM=al(HeanaWCoohng Supply) ekse en- Water Supply(smgie) g is Oindustrialcommacial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) la'.GRODT 13krigation , ❑Wells>100,000 GPD FROM TO MAC. F1C?4dC&►IWAKE=0D dADtormrr Non-Water supply wen: R R AA; el ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery �t rj't2r+rt ! Cl n+ t Injection well: ft. j ❑Aquffw Recharge C3Gmundwater Rmediation _ i79.S.4PID/QtAVELPACK' ��=-"-_ ••-,��.-'"T �•.�:�_+s�n - - ❑Agmfrd•Storage ad Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier • FROM TO MA1ERrAL n�iwcnaarrr�en ..= ❑Aquifier Test ❑Stoamwater Drainage >; ❑FDVerimental Technology ❑Subsidencx Contrtil $ R ❑dal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer ^2orDRnJMG WG at s dition>taLerls'if_ _.ti _;`20 :, QGeothennal(S�CoolingReinfn) ❑Other(explain under#21Remarks) FROM To Dffi�riON aWi eta 4.Date Welts)Completed: ZI Wen ID# $ 5a.Well Location: $ a.rlL- tZ g Cal+ S.PAPA oNs.Cms��Co Faa7uy/Owner Name j t Facft 1D4(if able) N L 6 MCctri �-4 n 5 1r 0' ? d ., tt tt Address,Q1•Y aad4 8 ft. ICL✓ � ZLR>SMAB)iv5 -':-.- Cy Parcel IdeatfficationNo.M 5b.Latitude and longitude to degees/minut�es/seconds or decimal degrees: (if-ell field,one g is ) 22.Certification: 36 U.' S617N X6 ' 41 ` / � wLat - e2-5 l 6 Is(are)the well(s): t9Yerm ant or ❑Ttmporary �J� I_ Sigma o eIICoatr r » I -'refit was(were cs�sam�Pn r�owx#zxe do 7.Is this a repair t0 an eriatiag wdl:' 'Oyes 'ot 15ANCAC o2c woo or 15ANCAC o2C.0200',Wreff Cmmuc m&wxkr r mad d=a cap. ff*s is a npafn fiR a d brown web cmunranon mforxarron and c#abz the nmwe the of this record has been pn vidad ai the weII owner. repute fader21 reararks seetlori o�an the barE of tTasfornL`I..,� V C� 20 � 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For G;o brJDPT or Qe -too Geothermal wens havumgA tlle.same You may use the ba*of this page to proovide additional sell cousbubdon ialb P?b P k a s;�1f add'See Ovee in Remarks Boxj You may;also attach additional pages*neoessal won,only 1 GW 1 is ri�eeded Indicate oi[OFAI�NIJM$Eltufw4ns' `` dulled t s 1 C i1 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Iotal well depth blow hraN surface 0 (fL) Submit this GW 1 widillin 30 days of well completion per the fenowbw For sudttp(e wets list aff depth if dmt(—mple-3(a)200'and 2@100') 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division, of Water Resour i (DWR 10.Static water level below tp of easing (�) � �p Uait,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 If sraoer tend is atwve oositrp rse +' � ' i �� 24b.For Injection Wells:Copy to DWR,Undagmuud Injection (IU( 1L Borehole disnxter. n {m) P1�1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699,036 12.Welt conshacdon meti<ot�: f`0 E d L. A• t' I ppoa��,, 24c.For Water Snaal'p and Open-Loop Gcoffiermal Return Weft to tb (Le.��9.oaw direct ..I �), 7 � county envira menial health department of the cocmiy Wh=mstailed .. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells pkodum over 100,000 GPD.Copy tD.DWR,CCPCU - PermitProgam,1611 C,Ralei�,NC�77699-I611 13,Yield(gpm) 1 Method of test: /r 13b.Disinfection type:_ !1 Amount: Fora GW-1 Nor&Cmlia Depam¢ent ofEnviroemestal Qualify-Division of Water Resources R-v l&.&201 I