HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060888 Ver 2_Triage Comments_20070516. ~' Who Reviewed: a, .1,~,.-c w~v-. ' . Dw~~ 2C5G~ GR`G"d V "~- ~ Dots _~ ~J ~'L'na 1 - . Plan Detail7ncompleta - [] Please provide a location map for the project. ' ^ Please show alI stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, end bank stabilization on the site plan. ^. Please show aI1 wetland impacts including fi11 slopes on the site plan. ^ Please indicate all bufFcr impacts on the site plan. ^ Please indicate proposed Iot layout ea overlaye on the site plan. ^ .Please indicate the locatign of the protected buffeaa as ~ovorl'ays oa the site plan. ~ ' ^ Please locate alI isolated. or non-isolated wetlands, •sirearrn8 and other waters of the State as avalays on the site plan. ^ Please protrlde cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. • ^ Please locate any plaanal•sewer Imes on the life plan. ~ .' ^ Please provide the location of any proposed starmwater management practices ae required by QC . ^ Please provide detail for the stonnwater management practices ea required by C3C __ .. . ^ Please specify tiio percent of prgiect imperviousness area based on the estimated builtrout conditions.• ^ Please indicate all stor<nwater~,o~tCalIs or- the site plan. . • ~^ Pleaso'indiaate the diilitse flow provlsioa measures do the site plan. ^ Please iadicate,whothec'~or not the liropos«I inspaats already ban co~tcted. ~ ~ . . f • • Avoidance,aingd/o~~'\14iinimizatton~IotProvided ~ ' ' , •cp~r .. • 'Ihe~ Ialael~as ~ on theplaas does not appear to bo necessary. Please eliminate ther~t orprov~de additional / ' informatiott~as to why it is necessary for this Pro,~eat. ~ ~ ~ ~ '. ° ~ t ;# ~ ~~* `I-~~.s ~ t,! •~'. '~~~,c•? ' ~ ~ ~. ~r ~ ' ~ ~s. . ~ ' •~ ~e~n b~mov~.or~~ ~ + to avoid the ~paats to the .. This Office boliex!es that the ~5 ~ labeled on the plans as: . ' ;~2.-~t~ Lic '~ Please reprise ~o plans to avoid thq ittipaats. .. . • . .. ~:.~ ,~ o rLGI . . ~ ^. • This'Oilice believos• that the . •lalieled on the plans as• can be moved or roc~gurod to :minimize the impacts tp •tho • . Please revise the pleas to minimize the impacts. • • ^ The stonnwatar discharges at the location on the plans labeled will.not provide di~sa flow tlu ough the buffer because • . ' ~ ~ . Please revise the plena sad provide oelculations to show that dii~ae'1liow a9II be acLievod bhroiigh the entirebuga: If it . is not possible !n aclueve•dii~uae flova through.the entire bum ~thesi it may bo necessary to grovido atormwaxar management . ~ practlces that remove nutrlonts:bofore the atormwater can be discharged through the, buffer. ° . . ^•. Thd application fee was insuf6oiont•because over 150 feat of stream and/or.ova 1 acre of wetland'impacts were rocjnestod. Please provide i6 .• Zhis additional fee must bo recxive~ beforo your application can be reviewed. . ~ ^ Please complete Section(s) on the application. - .. • ~ ^ P]easeprovide a signed copy of the application.' ^ Pleaseprovldo ~ .copies of the application, . copies of•the siteplsaa and other supporting information: . f _ ^ • Pleasasubmit electrot~}c C~,D files showisxg ;.via: einaid to iatt.mcmillan®nomail,netond CDC ' • • . Mitigation ~ , ~ ~ . ' • .. ^ of compensatory ~ mitigation is required for this project. ~ Please provido•a cQmpaisatory mitigation plan. The • plan must eonform•to tharequireanents in 15 A NCAC 2H .0500 and mush bo appropr•Iate to the type•of impacts proposed. • ^ Please indicate ~which~404 Pemut the USAGE would use in authorize flue project. • . Holts Lake West 06-0888v2 Subject: Holts Lake West 06-0888v2 From: Annette Lucas <annette.lucas@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 14:18:19 -0400 To: Ian McMillan <ian.mcmillan@ncmail.net> Ian, Didn't see a RFMI letter for this project on the shared drive, so here are my comments: Drainage ditches: Please number the drainage ditches on the Site Plan and Overall Subdivision Layout Sheet (SP-1). It is very difficult for the DWQ to match the calculations with the appropriate drainage ditch. Please provide clearly labeled cross-sectional details of each of the proposed drainage ditches as well as velocity calculations. In order to discharge to the wetlands, a non-erosive velocity of less than 2.0 feet per second during the 10-year, 24-hour storm must be established. Please provide all the calculations needed to demonstrate that an appropriate velocity has been established at every proposed outfall to wetlands. Please clearly label each set of calculations so that the DWQ can easily match the calculations with the ditch to which they apply. Diffuse flow to riparian buffers: Please show how diffuse flow has been established to riparian buffers on this project. Per 15A NCAC 2B .0233, concentrated flow from the road, driveways and rooftops must be converted to diffuse flow before it is allowed to discharge through the riparian buffer. If one or more level spreaders is proposed, please provide a DWQ Level Spreader Worksheet (available on the 401 web site) for each one as well as all of the Required Items listed in the worksheet. That's all, Annette Annette Lucas <annette.lucas(a~ncmail.net> Environmental Engineer III 401 Wetlands Oversight/Express Unit NC Division of Water Quality 1 of 1 6/18/2007 4:12 PM