HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031000 Ver 2_Site Plan_20070615a., _ .,.,,~~r^ ..~.~n,~....-.m~.-....-,....: l~,p,.r'^~Y- _ .."''".~.._.zr-..',;". r"' : • ,g.f.~.,~ ~ ~ - t: y s '^1"'~~:•NF'!~. a::,;y ',L K~c~.. ti~., i ?s-. a..,. •Q: ,p. r~ ±Sw , ,a~ r~ , ~,K ~~'R.~-M ~'f, Ai 1w ~"~„Mti" :i» ~ y <'r~f Ya~i4~• ~ f.,;r'~ >~d', w.'. ,p ~ ..Y k` sr~~ a womM c~rtouw~ ~s+rr?~ aF aiw 1. a» una.nigr~/ a+annY~q ai.clo. d th. cRr d Rd~iyh, and a.~i.w oouNrr oF' wwcE ~nr. artw. ass .~art.~a? +~a a. M (a.) _ U. S. 440 wno.? +o. way. cow+tx so n«.sr ~t~ u~a u~. ~ o? poi ~.c. X ar stotut«y rprt~nts to? noadi~q, and tl~ tM Clty of Rd~igh. cwUf7r Mot +he +a~owiw a«son(s) pasona~r aPwa?.d eeEor. a+. w. deX iA. sa. arnw(~ er M. M~ii n~aO «r pM! o .oon oaa~w.aq. 1o n~ tlwt A. ar s~ vowita~ryr a~gn~a n+. tarq~k~q wri MY .eoan/.n~p s~.~t. to tNt .~c+vtiaa on ap a. c?owe.e cr a «at~? coe.. o~ gyn. aor d . a+. doowti+.ot for tn. prrPo...tot.a u,...tn and in tn. ca~odtr i?aoa1.~ d ~~o~Me ! oNi of 6~Ipa ooi: i Y ~ r o? .aPao»~ ehi. vwt o. may one accar oan~Yp ~h..b a+e ooo~pt~d fa tM dty of Rablgf? tfwd~Acotlon or sAoM+ /Mason. NirM Ow~Maa a otlw+M~? w aAo.n e~lar awe a~ wen s pay (hors) tMef~~ ~ ~:o~~r ~ pre~l~? b 'f~ ~impi~ Out on U+. i~utfw? condlbn that tM pty o~rnN ea r~pon~bBty to Datr. 2006 aid 11w~ 1M d~eeiai(s) r~ rorro+! M~ Aei~nO tAe tlge ~ N srfE o ~ or nwMitoln tl» san,. unM in th. dscv.tioa and option of H,. ~ ~ govwninq body of tM dty of Rahigh it b in iM pubMc inia~tt to do so. ogaY"yR the Iovy1 daYn! of aM /NrMM rAaia~oevrr unlNs +so~pt~0 A~si~ ~r+d Mot ~r s~~i1~i'n of thi plot er asap ~ 1 o so. a~~ i E••1 ao d.awob b a. ah? d xa.y? +a ENE ~K~~ ~ Pla~r?Yq Dt?ector/Mbke County R~vNrr OfflcK' wi?t~d game: ~cay PubNc v~ w~ aM aNwts. ~ra~nla. AO~-d-~ v~ ~ Q 9~~f'f des 1MM InMwts ors ~~AM~O In the CM~~ Ord os IM awM ~ ~ ~Aern 1Araon. bt ar loirwl Nwpow to IAr commision e~irex 1i~A~Mh Yy Q!p ~+sp d~Mrtt a Moo r uM soon. to b~ ~a.d W ana ww~ aea~lMO~ t1~.~at to oaadona ~Na a c~tp O a dt~~ !1~ ar of tit pyrlk, sold d~dlcatbn • w N+aN b~ Irrlwcabh: P'ravWr0. ary ~e~Mn of ~rNnt ~ d~ o aid s ' CURVE DATA fog dorm dro4~oq~ an not mods to /hs CNy o~ RdWgA m 0 NUMBER RADIUS ARC BEARING DIST. brt are Y?~woaMy mode to 1M s~iw~Mt airs o1 ~ V I C i N I T Y IAA A P N. T. S. C-1 75.00 117.82 S 33'54'00" E 106.07 h~~~~~h Q Sre1M~ 1 e~nr 9~eHa 4 d IM Cllr 9bnw 0~r~aMaq~ C-2 318.81 94.14 S 028'28" W 93.80 ' (Rwalutlon f97o--?12 w Me sari ma~? b~ tram ttn~e to elms anp~0~d). LEGEND i uwE ~aTA tpe54 9pok No, LINES SURVEYED NUMBER BEARING DIST. ONES NOT SURVEYED 1 2'~6 p~ gyp, NO N.C.G.S COPITilOL NK1}IMd 2000' ffROI D(r E.I.P. EXISTING IRON PfPE L-1 S 11 6'00" W 19.64' I.P.S. IRON PIPE SET L-2 S 11~06'00~~ W 30.36 S~gnotur~(s) M D~ap~rty ow~r(s) C.M.S. CONCRETE MONUI~NT SET E.C.M. EXIST'iNG CONCRETE idONU1~AEN7 P.K.S. P.K. NAIL SET (DO .r- E.P.K. EXISTING P.K. NAIL ~~y Q R/W RIGHT OF WAY o.e. oEE~ eooK P.P. POWER POLE ~.H L AK O.H.P. OVER HEAP POWER R.R.S. RAllROAD SPIKE Rey (1234) AOORESSES O 5oS T ENE - • ~ N ~P '°"5''~" E Pie ~ R DR ~ ~ ~ ti Z ~4j~ ~ ~ j~ ~t p~ ~ Y~2.14. ~ z O o. This survey creotes o subdivision of lord within the oreo of o county or murticapality that hos on ordinonc~ thot ~pulotes porcels of fond. ~C ~ ~ ~ 0 O b. Thia survey is locvted in o portion of o county or municopolity that ~ \ Z 0. ~ is unregu{oted os to on ordinenct thot regulates parcels of land. O c. Myone of the toMo+~ir?g: . ~ \ f~ 1. That the survey is of an existing parcel or porcela of land and does not crate a new street or chon~e an ex'isti~g street; LOT 9 2. Thot the au?vey is o/ on existing budding or o#her structure, or noturol texture. such as v wotercourse: or JAMES F. ac BARBARA A. GOODMAN - , ~ 3. Thot the survey is o control survey. % / ~ ~ ~j 2 ~ O d. Thin survey ie of onothe? cotegory. such os the rccombinotion of P~N~ ~~0528898~ existh?g porcels, ocourt-ordered wrvey, w other exception to the dMinition DB 2810, PG. 842 0~ of subd'rviaion. BOM 1961, PG. 28 4 ~ 1\~ ~ ~ THtS PLAT NOT T~0 8E RECORDED O e. The iniormotion wodoble to the surve~ro~ is such that the surveyor is ~ ~ \ 24048 S.F. ' f AFTER _ DAV OF unoble to moke o determirwtion to tM best of the survryor'e p~ofess~aal •H ability o~ to provisions co~toined in (a) through (d) above. j ~r NEUSE RNER 6UFFER 0.552 AC. I + ' t~ COPY TO BE RETAINED FOR THE 2 .61 ~ 1NIS PLAT lS , IN _ OUT OF tPS ~ 93.. 53" I n~ an u~~TS. / r Professional Lond Surveyor ~ s ~ N o N ~~t,O ~~O PP O This parcel is located in the RALEIGH Plonnir?g jurisdiction. O p NORTH t.AROUNA Z ~ ~ ~ 1 y~ t-- WAKE COUNTY \ ~ ~ ~ EXIST. / a ~ ~ I N E~ t ~ . g a ~ 1~ &xry L. Scott, certify that this plat was drown under my supervision ~ ~ , V z from (on octud survey node u~de~ my wperviean)(deed descriptwn recorded ~ Q~ i~ Book page etc.xother). that the ratio of precision as 0 cokuiated by btitude and departures is 1/10.000. that the boundaries not p v .H ~s~T~ ~ ~ ? I o surveyed ore shown os broken ~r?es plotted from information found in ~ g~ SEE page REF. that this pbt was prepared in accordance with °j ~ ~ :h OD a the G.S. 47-30 ae oR~nended. Mfitness m~i oriyind ~gnatixe._ regi~trotwn ,,,0 ~ `r numMr and seol this ~4 doy c{ October ~ A0. 20 06 . OJ`~ ~ 2 S . 33'53' 311.59' h~ ~ \ W ~ ~ 0 2°,~ ~ ti ` o ,\.~1 ~ ~ l0T DATA Z \ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~je+ MJI~ER OF 101S 2 ~ ~ ?p~. \ ~ \ ~ ~ ~4~"`~ ~ /MtEA W LOTS SA~Oi S.F./'1.33q' AC. d ~ r 1 / ~ ~ ~ AERA6E LaT SEYE 2oGQ3 S.F. Jb.66t 1?C. MIN. LOS ~ 2401 SF./bs562 /?C. ~ ~ ~~f~ ~A~`p£R ~ ~ = To0TA1. /IKEA Set106 S.i./°1.332 AC. ~ ~ ~ ~~£R i ~ ~ EXI/tS~IC M~ERNOIn 9UF/1CE CN ~ ~ LOT 1-592'7 S.F. OR 17x ~ TO'~AL AIWA ~ (s.w. ~9aa vc. ~2a) LOT 90 RAL PIN/ RALEIGH LAND CO. LLC w . DB 1 PIN/ 1705380793 DB 10883. PG. 1736 BOM BOM 2003. PG. 513 ~ W. AREAS WITHIN THE NEUSE RNER BUFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO PLAT REFERENCE GRADING AND VEGETATION RE6tOVAL R[STR1CT10NS iN {4000ROANCE WfTH STATE LAW. 80M 1961, PG. 28 W.C.R. IF MAPERVfOt1S Sllftfl~CE FOR LOT 1 EXCEEDS 15X STORf~AWATER MATHIN PERMANENTLY PRESERVED UNDISTURBED OPEN SPI COMPLWJCE OF PART 10 CHAPTER 9 OF THE CITY CODE IS AREAS USED FOR STORMWATER TREAT~AENT, THERE MUST pEN SPACES ~ BOli1 203, PG. 513 W.C.R. REOINRED. LOT 1 HAS AN EXISTING 11APERVIOUS SURFACE OF 11X. BE ANY LM1D DISIURBMIG ACTIWTY. /W1~ PUCEI~AENT OF E MUST NO7 ~ NT OF gr{PERVIOUS SURFACES. ANY 1R£E REMOVAL. ANY NEW ~l EIP EXISTING USES ON LOT t ARE EXEMPT FROA1 NEUSE BUFFER REQUIREMENTS IN pEyELOPbAENT OR EXPANSION THEREOF, OR IOW USE. COt COA1PtANCE MATH 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (3).(b).(i). STRUC110N, OR ENCROACI~IENT NATHOUT FlRST OBTAINING I$E. Cn1~F- ITAMJING A ?v f-. qTY OF GRADING WILL ITT BE ALLUVED VITh1IN 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER UI~ESS ~~N WATEF2000RSE BUFFER PERwi1T FROMI THE qTY PLANNING CO~M~ISSl~I APPROVES pTHERVISE. RALEIGH ~NSPEC110NS DEPART1r1ENT. 50' 25' 0' 50' THtS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A SPEpAL FLOOD VOW HAZARD AREA ACCOROM~IG TO FEMA IdAP / 3724'1 70'.f~OJ EFFiECTiVE DATE: NARq~I 2. 2006 t' = SO• 6q HORtZot~fiK GR01lND OtSrANCE LOT 8, LAKE STONE SUBDIVISION LION AS RECORDED !N B.O.M. 2003, PG. 513 MI.C.R. ~,°~°0~• a T H I S PLAT R E C O R D E D I N 8. 0. M. / P. 6. / P. C. P G. W A C 0 U N' T Y R E G I S T R Y (5-3"O6~