HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06949_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 For Tate .....• ". mal Use Only: 1.Well Caairactorlltformation; Chris Morga CQN Well Contractor Name 14.lia9TERSONl3S . 3572 OD1 TO DESCRIP'rl nOi3 NC well Contractor t..ertincation Number fL 1t. Morgan Well&Pump, Inc. is.ovT>,R CASING(ror mnititnsedYSvolts OR IROAI TO DIAttIETER � � f. Itcablo Company Nantc � CrcrrEss nrnTERtAL+1 ft. ft. 61/8 in. 2,WC11'Construction Pe t6 INNER sd2I pvc rrtult : CASING OR TUBING(eothermal closed-too !1s/all applicable tressco.......tionpeavnf (i.e:U1C,CanNt:Stare.Variance,elm) PROIIt -f0 DIAMETER THICKNESS lIr1TL•RL1L 3,Well Use(cheep well use); fL ft. in, Water Supply 111etl: f4 ft. In. Agricultural l� 17.SCREEN oMunicipaUPnblic pltOtlt To DL1a1ETF.R SLOTSIZE DQGeothermat(Hao'k0Cooling Supply) oResidentiat Water Su 1 'sin le rL ft. to. 1HiClrnEss afarERIAL Industrial/Commercial pP Y( g ) ft. DResidential Water Supply ft. HL frriaation pp Y(shared) 18.GROUT. Non-'Aluter Supply Well r•Rord TO Al Monitoring p fL GhIPLA.CEMEATMETHOD AalOuri QIRCCOvcry ft bentonite �'Aquifer jection Well: poured fL ft, Recharge r� [ IAquifer Storage and Recovery013roundwater Remediedon ft ft QlSalinity Barrier 19.S AND/GRAVEL pACIC(ifa l"cable) L FRONT ro nIATERraL DStormwater Drainage fr tzniru acr•.niisn-r a1ETtioD echnology ft. osed Loop) Subsidence Control it. [],Tracer 1t. atinglCooling Return) ' Other(explain under r�21 Remarks) 'O DRILLUVG LOG(attach additional if necessary) q F[tObI TO DESCR1PTtOti color.hardacss sniUmd:15 t errto svr etc) 4.Date t'9lell(s)Completed: —� v� ft. ( ft. -- Well ID.,- n/a Sa.Well Location: ft. SS ft. rot4, �S % Z�v ft. �iC� Facihry/OwncrNamc —ft. 3 D it. 3 7 Facility IDS(ifapplicable) V r4 a ( Z s-,4 % ft. resF �GG3�1�/ ft. Physical Address,City,and Zip r N141 ft. 4r/ n/a 21.REMARICS t� County Parcel[dcntificationNo.(PII� Sb.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees; r (if Well field,one lat/lone is sufficient) 22.Certification: CuC�S CtSbJI�Section 6.Is(are)the wcll(s) Per mancnt or r t ',� /�� 1 lXJ2/ QI_emporary '—_ /Stlmoturc of Ccrti Ika Well Contractor fir' l GG Date 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: Bp slgniag dais form,1 laereb�>cli dear the url/(s)tvar(here)constrncred in accordance bYcs or Ido TIN,is a under 421,fall art known ryes construction infannation and etplafn'lie armnre of the copy of dtis record has been prodded to the hell aumer. trfdi af' is rec 0?C.O100 or l5A Al 01C.0200 pJell Canrrnrdlan Saandards and dmt o repair auder�21 ranrarAs sec/Ian or or.Ilia back of thi agram or S.I onal well details: ar GeOprobe/DFT or Closed-hoop Geothermal Wells having the some YOU Sites use the back Ofhtllis page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only 1 G6tr t is needed. Indicate TOTAL ATU.MBgR of wells �'ou m drilled- t r construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. 9.Total ivell depth below,land surface. 3 51V SUB WITTA-L INSTRUCTIONS For rattr/t/ple 5re11s fist all deprlrs fd(Ilererrr(an ntple-3@30U'a/nd 3@1 U0� ') 2�}a. For All �3'eIls: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 10.Static Ivater level below top of casing:_ G construction to the following 0"Voler 1e1•el is above casing.use +^ (fL) Division of Water Resources,information Processing unlit, 11.Borehole diameter: 6 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,PIC 27699-1617 Cn•) 24b.I+or Iaiection_WeIIs: In addition to sending the form to the address in 242 12.Well construction method: rOtal)/ above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (i.e.auger,rosary,cable,direct push,etc.) construction to the foliowina. FOR WATER SUPPLY `ELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,RTC 27699-I636 13a,Yield(gent) ' ' ethod of test.- air pressure 24c.For Grater Sunnir Injection Wells: In addition to sending the farm to 13b.Disinfection type: granular the address(es) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Amount: Q completion of well construction to the county health department of the count where constructed. .y I'onn G11'-1 North Carolina Department oMvironmentar Quality-Division oflVatcr ttcsoutCes � ',. Revised=�77 9 .�016