HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06948_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 QRDGW ............. Forinternal Use Only. - -- .. ..__... ?•AVeli Contractor Information: Chris Morgan well Contractor Name 14.R'ATER20.NES FROM TO 3579 DFSCRIPTlON rt, n. NC well Contractor Certification Number fL ft. i Morgan Well& Pump, Inc. FRONT RONT R cwtrm�s r 3 -cased Wells OR L MR rn ncable) TO DWI' R THICIOWs NTATERLAL Company Name +1 ft. ft. 6118 in, sdr21 �(ic 16.INNER ( pvt 2.Well'Construction Permit#; GORTUBING eothermalc)osed-loo List all applicable hell coartnrc8on pernutsU/C,Cotwq:Srate.marl....etc) FRONT TO DIAd1ETER THICKNESS 11�fTEltlAl, ft. in 3.4irc1111st1(checiimve)l use): R• R. !a. Water Supply Well: 17.SCREEN Agricultural DMunicipal/Public FRont TO DIAniETER SIATSIM Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Su 1Water tt ft to TH[CIeA•ESS nL1TERIAL Pp y) [. ,Residential WaterSupply(single) industrial/Commercial DResidentiai Water Supply(shared) ft' tt. in Irrigation iff.GROUT. Mon•Water Supply 4Velh FRONT To ft NATERtAL En1PLACENLENT NI ruon&�ntouns il4atrail ng Recovery o ft 20 bentanita poured ?njection Well: l� tL R. Aquifer Recharge Groundwater Remediation fL ft Aquifer Storage and Recovery QlSalfnity Barrier 39•SaND/GRAVEL PACIC ifa ucablc). Aquifer Test FRONT TO M1tATERtaL QlStotmwater Drainage }}, £M1TPLwCFM11EhT 11ETHOD Experimental Technolog3' F° []ISubsidence Control ft. Geothermal(Closed Loop) [],Tracer ft. Geothermal(Heating/Cooifn Rettrm 20'DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheets if aecess g ) Other(explain under.21 Remarks) oNT To DESc l o. color,turdacu,salUmNr 1 4=to S17A eta) 4.Date Well(s)Completed: Welll l.m n/a Q ft. Zs Za tc. fr. h Sa,Well Location: 3S 14 35 ft. o ft. n/a (op a. Zm n 1 V Facility/OtvncrNamc GIYtFacility fDR(ifopplicable) ft. R• 84isl, �o�� ,Kd 2 ,�- kar►harb6s NC 3 ft. ft. Ph srca!Address,Cn),and Zlp v� ` ft. ft. + n!a z1.REivrARlcs County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees:(if well field,one lotilong is sufficient) p r J J�p1 �5LL -1 pb. �ZQ I 22.Cer'tification: N v w i� 6.Nara)the well(s)�fX Permanent or OT•emporary Stgnatum of eerii d well Contractor t Da 7.Is this a repair to an exlstin well: �—� or BI=signing this fomr.I hereby cert�Mal ilia itmU(s)ttiva(were)constructed in accordwice !f this is a repair,fill wit 6•nown tvel ronstnrc6on nfannation andexplain ilia mm�re oftbe trill'coP1'of t15Ahis AC 0-car liar' 10m pr0 or ovided N to/c 2C-200 W Well Constntctiwr Standards and that a No repair tinder m21 rrwarls section or on the back ofllttsfornt. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.1:or Geoprobe/IDff or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the some You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only I GW-f is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMIT TAL IR'ST•RUCI IONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: (fL) F 2411-1?or All wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well w•nnrlrtple walls list all depths ijJ�ererrr re -3Q30U'and ZQ/U0�le construction to the following: 10.Static water feral belowtop of casing: 3 if i (}�) nter level is above casbrg,trse +^ Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 11.Borehole diameter: 6 1617 Mail Service Centex,Raleigh,PIC 27699-1617 (in.) 24b.For Infection t•6 ft In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.4Vell construction method: rotary above,also submit one copy of this form withia 30 days of completion of well (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,crc.) construction to the following: FOR WATER SUPPLY,('ELLS ONLY: Division o€%Vater Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Nail Service Centex,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a,Yield(gpm) Method of test: air pressure 2qc For Water =Iv&Iniectfon Wells. In addition to sending the form to 13b.Disinfection tj pe: granular the addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of Amount: JI6L completion of well construction to the county health deparanent of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Qualhy-Division oflvater Resources I Revised 2-22-3016