HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0009826_O&M Plan_20210602WAY E FARMSm Wayne Farms LLC Wayne Farms — Elkin Hatchery Surry County, NC Sprayfield Operation and Maintenance Plan Prepared By: Jeremy Bowlin Complex Environmental Manger Wayne Farms LLC 802 E Atkins St. Dobson, NC 27017 336-386-5867 Kevin Davidson, P. E. Agri -Waste Technology, Inc. 501 North Salem Street Suite 201 Apex, NC 27502 919-859-0669 Date: June 1, 2021 Wayne Farms LLC — Corporate Headquarters 4110 Continental Dr. - Oakwood Georgia 30566 - 1.800.392.0844 - www.waynefarms.com A NE FARM Operation and Maintenance Plan with Residuals Management Guidelines for Elkin Hatchery Wastewater Spray Irrigation Systems SAFETYIS PRIORITY NUMBER ONE. NO MATTER THE SITUATION, SAFETY COMES FIRST. DO NOT OPERATE THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM UNLESS PROPERLY TRAINED WITH A COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF THE SYSTEM. This Operation and Maintenance Plan has been developed for the Wayne Farms LLC, Elkin Hatchery, Wastewater Spray Irrigation System. This plan and guidelines are intended as general operating instructions and should not be interpreted as a complete and detailed explanation of how to operate this irrigation system. Please note that this document is intended as a supplement to the permit issued by the N.C. Department of Environment Quality - Non -Discharge Permitting Unit. As a result, any requirements or items noted in the permit document supercede any conflicting recommendations noted in this plan. The Wayne Farms LLC, Elkin Hatchery Wastewater Irrigation System is covered by NC DEQ Issued Permit Number WQ0009826. If at any time, there is uncertainty as to how to properly operate the system please contact a licensed contractor or professional who can assist with the operation of the system. Record the name and contact information of an individual familiar with the operation of this system, along with an emergency contact in the event immediate assistance is necessary. 1 CONTRACTOR CONTACT INFO.: EMERGENCY CONTACT INFO. (if different from above): Emergency and Spill Action In the event of an emergency or spill, refer to the on -site Crisis Action Plan. The steps in the Crisis Action Plan shall be followed in case of emergency or spill. Wayne Farms Environmental Management will make all notifications to the appropriate regulatory agencies. This includes, if needed, notification to the NC DEQ Winston Salem Regional Office (336-776-9800). If a spill or run-off is occurring due to pumping, once the site is deemed safe, power to the pumping units shall be disengaged. If run-off is happening from the irrigation site(s), hay bales shall be placed around the field to minimize the run-off. If needed, a local septic hauler can be contacted for pumping liquids from the site. If heavy equipment (loaders, back hoes, dump trucks, etc.) is required for larger repairs, such as a line break, contact the appropriate Wayne Farms Environmental Manager. - JW Septic Service - 336-325-0899 (Pumping Service) Operator in Responsible Charge The Wayne Farms LLC, Elkin Hatchery Wastewater Irrigation System is covered by NC DEQ Issued Permit Number WQ0009826. The requirements of the Permit shall be thoroughly understood and followed to maintain compliance with the permit. The system is classified as a Spray Wastewater Irrigation System. As such, a Primary and Back -Up Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) shall be designated. The ORC is responsible for the day-to-day management and compliance of the Spray Wastewater 2 Irrigation System. The ORC shall be on -site at least once per week. The ORC duties shall include required compliance, reporting, and maintenance activities. Compliance From a permit standpoint, the wastewater irrigation system is divided into three (3), Points Prior to Irrigation (PPI) and eight (8) irrigation fields/zones. The PPI's are as follows: - PPI 001 Sweco Separator Flow Meter Effluent - PPI 002 WWTF Effluent — Storage Pond - PPI 003 WWTF Effluent — Storage Tank Irrigation Fields/Zones are as follows: - Field 1 - Field 2 - Field 3 o Zone 1 o Zone 2 o Zone 4 o Zone 5 - Field 4 o Zone 3 o Zone 6 Compliance with the issued Permit requires the following: - Routine flow recording, - Periodic sampling of the applied wastewater, - Annual analysis of soil samples from the irrigation fields, - Periodic groundwater sampling from groundwater monitoring wells. Flow Recording PPI 001 Total wastewater production from the Hatchery is estimated from the flowmeter serving the Sweco Separator. The permitted monthly flow limits shall be recorded at the Sweco separator flowmeter prior to the transfer tank. Monitoring shall be as follows: EFFLUENT CILAK-- CTERISTICS EFFLUENT LINIUS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FCS Code Farameter Description Units of Measure MOnthh" Average Measurement Fregiieneg sample Type 50050 Flow, in CDnauit orthm Treatment Plant GPD 5,000 "'10maly Estimate Wastewater Sampling PPI 002, PPI 003 Wastewater sampling shall be conducted at the frequency listed in the permit. Wastewater samples shall be collected in the following months: - March - July - November. I All samples will be sent to a NC DEQ Division certified lab except for pH and Total Residual Chlorine which shall be sampled weekly by the ORC or Backup ORC. For PPI 002 (effluent storage pond), all samples shall be collected from the storage pond except flow shall be measured at the transfer tank. Wastewater samples shall be collected for the following analysis: EFFLUENT CIL•IRACTERISTICS EFFLUENrUAIM MONHORINGREQGIRENEEtiTS PCS Code ParameterDescripaan Lnirs of lleasiam Moatblti Aieeage Mraffl*w.�ent Fregnerep Sample Type 00310 BOD, 54Day (20 T) nrgI 3 x Yeas Grab D0916 C.alciimi, Total (as Ca) mg1L 3 x Year } Grab 0094D Chloride (. Cl) mgrl. 3 x Year Grab j6060 Chlorine: Total Residual mgrl Weekly Grab 31616 Coliform, Fecal M7, M-FC Broth, 4 i.5 °C 4010D mL 3 x Year Grab 50050 Flom, in Conduit or thru Treatment Plant GPD Iwiont* 3 Estimate 00927 htagresium, Total (as hi-,) mgrL 3 x Year 3 Grab D0610 Nitrogea, Ammonia Total (as N) mg1L 3 x Year 3 Grab 00625 Nitrogea, Sjdj*�. Total (as N) mgJL 3 x Year ra Grab D0620 Nitrogea, Nitrate Total (as N) m91L 3 x Year 3 Grab 006DD Nitrogen, Total (as N) W L 3 x Year GrA 004DD pH M Weekly Grab 00665 Phosphorus, Total (as P) mgrl. 3 x Year r 3 Grab IVQD9C Plant Available Nitrogen — ConcemtraLon m91L 3 x Year r•3 Calculated 00931 Sodium Adsorption Ratio ratio 3 x Year r 3 Calculated D0929 Sodium, Total (as Na) m91L 3 x Year r 3 Grab +03 DO Solids. Total Dissolved —180 T mg1L 3 x Year r' Grab 00530 Solids, Total Suspended mg1L 3 x Year 3 Grab For PPI 003 (effluent storage tank), flow, pH and Total Residual Chlorine shall be measured at the transfer tank. The remaining parameters shall be collected from the irrigation headworks box. Wastewater samples shall be collected for the following analysis: EI EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS EFFLUENT LMIrrS MONTFORING REQUIREMENTS PCS Code Parameter Description Units of Measure moathh- Aserage Measurement Frequenci- sample T}Te DD31D BOD, 5-Dak (20-C) mgL 3 x Year'-! Grab OD916 Calcium, Total (as Ca) mgl 3 x Year'-' Grab OD940 Chloride (as Cl) mg,(L 3 x Year'' Grab 50060 Clila-ine,Total Pesidual mg,?L Weekly Grab 31616 CALform Fecal h1F, M-FC Broth 44.5 °C iii 100 mL 3 x Year '•' Grab 50050 Flow, in Conduit orthru Treatment Plant GPD lwionthly' Estimate 00927 Maguen mq Total (as Mg) mgtI. 3 x Year'' Grab 00610 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) mgfl. 3 x Year" Grab 00625 Nitrogen, Kj�L. Total (as N) mgtl. 3 x Year Grab 00620 Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) mgtl. 3 x Year Grab 00600 Nitrogen, Total (as N) mgtI. 3 x Year'' Grab 00400 gH 0 W,,],Iy' Grab 00665 Phosphorus, Total (as P) mgfl. 3 x Year '•' Grab AFQ09C Plant Available Nitrogen — Concentration mgtI. 3 x Year'' Calculated 00931 Sodium A6orptionRafio ratio 3 x Year Calculated 00929 Sodium, Total (as Na) m31L 3 x Year Grab 70300 Solids, Total Dissolved —150 T mgtl. 3 x Year Grab 00534 Solids, Total suspended mg'L 3 x Year'.' Grab Soil Sampling An annual representative soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each irrigation site (total of eight samples). The soil samples shall be collected in the following month: - March Each Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include the following parameters: Acidity Exchangeable Sodium Percentage Phosphorus Base Saturation (by calculation) Magnesium Potassium Calcium Manganese Sodium Cation Exchange Capacity Percent Humic Matter Zinc Copper pH Groundwater Sampling Groundwater sampling shall be conducted from the four (4) installed Groundwater Monitoring Wells. The wells are summarized as follows: - MW-3 Down -gradient, Fields 1 and 2, - MW-4 Up -gradient, Fields 3 and 4, - MW-5 Down -gradient, Field 3, - MW-6 Down -gradient, Field 4. It should be noted that Monitoring Wells 1 and 2 (MW-1, MW-2) were dry at the time of installation and were subsequently properly abandoned. Ground water sampling shall be conducted in the following months: - March - July - November Ground water sampling shall be in accordance with the issued permit as following: GROUNDWATER CHARACTERISTICS GROUNDWATER STANDARDS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS PCS Code Parameter Description Daily Maximum Frequency Measurement Sample Type Footnotes 00680 Carbon, Tot Organic (TOC) mglL 3 x Year Grab 1,6 00940 Chloride (as Cl) 250 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 31616 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth, 44.5 °C 41100 mL 3 x Year Grab 1 00610 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 1.5 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 00620 Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) 10 mg/L 3 x Ycar Grab 1 00400 pH 6.5-S.5 su 3 x Year Grab L 2 00665 phosphorus, Total (as P) mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 70300 Solids, Total Dissolved - 180 "C 500 mg/L 3 x Year Grab 1 82546 Water Level, Distance from measuring point feet 3 x Year Calculated 1, 2, 3 1. 3 x Year monitoring shall be conducted in March, July, and NDvember; Annual monitoring shall be conducted in November. 2. The measurement of water levels shall be made prior to purging the wells. The depth to water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The measurement of pH shall be made after purging and prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. 3. The measuring points (top of well casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide the relative eleimtion of the measuring point for each monitoring well. The measuring points (top of casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed relative to a common datum. 4. If TOC concentrations greater than 10 mg/f, are detected in any downgradicut monitoring well, additional sampling and analysis shall be conducted to identify the individual constituents comprising this TOC concentration. If the TOC concentration as measured in the background monitor well exceeds 10 mg/L, this concentration will be taken to represent the naturally occurring TOC concentration. Any exceedances of this naturally occurring TOC concentration in the dowmgradiem wells shall be subject to the additional sampling and analysis as described above. 5. Monitoring wells shall be reported consistent with the nomenclature and location iuformaticnpwcided in Figures 1 and 2 and this attachment. Reporting NC DEQ required forms shall be completed and submitted (electronic or paper) once a month to the state. The following forms shall be submitted on or before the last day of the following month for the preceding month's activities: - Form NDMR for each PPI - Form NDAR-1 operation and disposal - Form NDMLR mass loading records The reporting forms shall also include the listed sampling in the respective sampling months. The results shall be maintained at the facility for five years and shall be made available to the Division upon request. General Maintenance Considerations The wastewater irrigation system is divided into four main components. The components are as follows: - Components located at Hatchery, - Effluent Storage Pond and Sprayfields 1 and 2, - Force main to Effluent Storage Tanks, - Effluent Storage Tanks and Sprayfields 3 and 4. Routine inspections are necessary and periodic maintenance WILL BE REQUIRED both by the permit and for successful operation of the system. Each component of the system shall be inspected weekly to evaluate the current condition of the system, verify there are no negative impacts and to ensure all equipment is running according to manufactures specs. If any corrections are required or made, they are to be documented. Special attention shall be made to the sprinkler heads in each irrigation field. With the system in operation, the sprayheads are to be inspected and if found to not be working properly, the situation is to be documented and fixed as soon as possible. No heavy vehicles or equipment should be driven over the system components, tanks, pumping components or irrigation sprayfields. Components located at Hatchery Building: LIFT STATION: The Lift Station is a baffled tank located adjacent to the hatchery building. The tank accepts the raw wastewater from the hatchery. Periodically, a submersible pump engages and send the wastewater to the Sweco Separator. Effluent that returns to the tank enters a second compartment. Effluent from this compartment is pumped to the effluent storage pond. Maintenance Schedule: The lifts station shall be inspected on a weekly basis to ensure proper operation and to ensure no adverse conditions are present. TRANSFER TANK: The transfer tank is a baffled tank located adjacent to the hatchery building. The tank intercepts separated liquid from the vibratory screen separator. The tank is divided by the baffle into an inlet and outlet compartment. The inlet side of the tank provides solids settling and separation of the incoming liquid. The intent is to remove particles and solids from the waste stream. As a result, solids build up in the bottom of the tank (just like a typical septic tank). Over time the solids will need to be removed. An access riser is positioned over the inlet compartment to allow for access, inspection, solids/scum measurement and cleaning of the tank compartment. The outlet compartment of the transfer tank contains allows for temporary storage of the separated liquid prior to it being either pumped to the new sprayfields or allows for the separated liquid to overflow via gravity to the existing pumping station (where it is sent to the storage lagoon). Two access risers are located on the outlet end of the transfer 7 tank. The first allows for access, inspection, solids/scum measurement and cleaning of the tank compartment. The second outlet compartment riser contains the pumping components. The pumping components include a pump vault, pump filter, two pumps and the control floats. The first pump is the chlorine recirculation pump and the second pump is the transfer pump that pumps liquid to the pumping station at the new sprayfields (Fields 3 and 4). Maintenance Schedule: Inlet compartment The solids and scum layer in the tank shall be measured during the operator visits and at least monthly until an understanding of the solids accumulation rate is understood. When the solids and scum layer exceed 1/3 of the tank depth, the contents of the tank shall be pumped out and removed. Private septic tank pumping contractors can do this and are typically easily found in the white or yellow pages of the phone book or on the internet. Outlet compartment The solids and scum layer in the tank shall be measured during the operator visits and at least monthly until an understanding of the solids accumulation rate is understood. When the solids and scum layer exceed 1/3 of the tank depth, the contents of the tank shall be pumped out and removed. Private septic tank pumping contractors can do this and are typically easily found in the white or yellow pages of the phone book or on the internet. The effluent filter in the pump vault (located in pump vault) should be cleaned at least weekly until a feel for the potential solids build up on the filter is determined. At a minimum the filter shall be cleaned quarterly or build up does not justify a more frequent cleaning schedule. After removing the lids, the filter can be removed, held over the opening on the inlet compartment of the tank and hosed off. Be sure to use plastic gloves and eye protection to avoid contact with the wastewater. To clean the filter, use a garden hose with a nozzle and spray off any debris from the filter back into the inlet side of the tank. Once the filter is clean, place it back in the pump vault. Discard or disinfect the plastic gloves using a mild bleach solution (1 /2 cup Clorox or equivalent to 1 gallon water). Replace the tank lids. The pumps and floats should be manually exercised on a minimum of a quarterly basis. CHLORINE DOSING SYSTEM: On a weekly basis (minimum) the chlorine feeder chamber shall be checked to ensure there are an adequate number of chlorine tablets present. The manufacturer's specifications shall be followed in determining the number of tablets to load into the feeder. Adjusting the chlorine dosing rate is done by increasing or decreasing the flow to the feeder via the throttling valve. Maintenance Schedule: The feeder shall be checked weekly to ensure an adequate supply of tablets are present. If residual chlorine is noticed to be building up on the feeder, it can be hosed off the feeder. PUMPING SYSTEM & ALARM: The pumps housed in the transfer tank are submersible pumps that turn off and on based on switches inside the transfer tank. The float switches toggle the pumps on and off depending on the effluent level inside the tank. The switches are designed such that the chlorine recirculation pump will turn on initially and begin dosing the chlorine system. As the liquid level in the tank rises, the transfer pump will engage and pump effluent to the force main and new sprayfields. Once the liquid level drops to the appropriate level, both pumps will turn off. The tank is also equipped with a HIGH WATER alarm that activates when the liquid level in the pump tank is too high. Because there is an open gravity outflow line to the existing pumping station, it will be extremely rare for this alarm to activate. The pumps will wear over time and will likely need replacement every 7-10 years (again, depending on usage). A qualified and licensed septic contractor, utility contractor, or operator should be contacted for maintenance or replacement of the pump. Maintenance Schedule: The control panel shall be checked weekly to ensure the alarm bulb (on control panel) is not illuminated. The pump elapsed time meter and cycle counter shall be checked weekly to ensure the pumps are operating properly. The pumps and floats should be manually exercised on a minimum of a quarterly basis. Effluent Storaze Pond and Spravf elds I and 2 OVERALL: The storage pond, control panel and sprayfields shall be inspected on a daily basis (when irrigation is planned to occur). For the daily visit, a visual inspection ensuring no concerns are noted is sufficient. Force Main to Effluent Storaze Tanks: The location of the force main should be inspected not less than monthly to ensure that a line breakage has not occurred. The path in which the force main is buried should be monitored for any wet spots or locations of excessive vegetation growth as these occurrences may be an indication of a line breakage. No permanent structure shall be erected over the force main. Maintenance Schedule: Inspect path of force main monthly. Effluent Storage Tanks and Spravf "fields 3 and 4 OVERALL: The tanks, control panel and sprayfields shall be inspected on a daily basis (when irrigation is planned to occur). For the daily visit, a visual inspection ensuring no concerns are noted is sufficient. 7 SETTLING TANK: The settling tank in this system operates similar to a septic tank associated with a conventional septic drainfield system. The purpose of the tank is to remove particles and solids from the waste stream. As a result, solids will build up in the bottom of the tank (just like a typical septic tank). Over time the solids will need to be removed from the tank or diminished effluent quality may occur. The solids and scum layer in the tank shall be measured during the operator visits and at least monthly until an understanding of the solids accumulation rate is understood. When the solids and scum layer exceed 1/3 of the tank depth, the contents of the tank shall be pumped out and removed. Private septic tank pumping contractors can do this and are typically easily found in the white or yellow pages of the phone book or on the internet. Maintenance Schedule: Inspect solids and scum layer build up on a monthly basis. Transition to quarterly basis when appropriate. STORAGE TANK: The storage tank will provide temporary storage of the effluent until it is pumped to the sprayfields. The storage tanks shall be monitored for solids and scum build up. While unexpected, if excessive solids or scum are present, the material shall be pumped from the tank. Maintenance Schedule: Inspect solids and scum layer build up on a monthly basis. Transition to quarterly basis when appropriate. PUMPING SYSTEM & ALARM: The pumps housed in the storage tank are submersible pumps that turn off and on based on switches inside the storage tank and timer settings in the control panel. The float switches toggle the pump timer on and off depending on the effluent level inside the tank. The switches are designed such that the pumps will turn on, run for a set period of time, then shut off under normal operating circumstances. The tank is also equipped with a HIGH WATER alarm that activates when the liquid level in the storage tank is too high. The alarm will trigger an audible and visual alarm in this situation. If the alarm activates, the operator shall cease pumping of liquid from the transfer tank located at the hatchery. The pumps will wear over time and will likely need replacement every 7-10 years (again, depending on usage). A qualified and licensed septic contractor, utility contractor, or operator should be contacted for maintenance or replacement of the pump. Maintenance Schedule: The control panel shall be checked daily to ensure the alarm bulb (on control panel) is not illuminated. The pump elapsed time meter and cycle counter shall be checked weekly to ensure the pumps are operating properly. The pumps and floats should be manually exercised on a minimum of a quarterly basis. 10 SPRAY FIELD: The spray field should be inspected weekly to verify proper operation and to ensure sprayheads have not become damaged. Clogged or worn sprayheads should be replaced or, in the event of minimal obstruction, cleaned. No heavy vehicles or equipment should be driven over the irrigation area. Vegetation (grass for this system) in the application area is critical to the operation of the treatment system. It is important to ensure that the application area is fully covered with vegetation at all times. In the event that some areas become bare they should be re- seeded with vegetation similar to the existing vegetation in the area. Any areas requiring re -vegetation will be seeded with tall fescue. Nitrogen applications to tall fescue can occur year-round, but should primarily occur February 1 to June 1 and August I to December I when the crop is exhibiting peak growth (Chamblee et al., 1995; NRCS, 2004). Phosphorus, potassium, lime and micronutrients should be applied in concordance with rates presented in the routine soil test reports. The optimal pH range for tall fescue is between 5.5 and 8.5 (Chamblee et al., 1995). Seeding should be done according to Table I Forage Planting Guide for North Carolina found in Production and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina document developed by NCSU and WARS details planting recommendations. Specifically, the seeding rate should be 15- 20 lbs/ac for broadcast seeding and 10-15 lbs/ac for drill seeding. The planting depth should be between 0.25 and 0.5 inches. The planting dates should be between early March to mid -May or between mid -July to mid -August. It is important to maintain the fencing around the application field in order to ensure that access to the area is restricted. This is necessary to minimize human contact with the effluent and to ensure the vegetation remains healthy. SYSTEM OPERATION & SETTINGS It should be noted that a contractor or other qualified professional should be contacted if you are uncomfortable or unfamiliar with operating this system or if system troubleshooting is necessary. In general, the following system operating parameters should be monitored: Spray Field Pressure Settings The spray system is designed to operate such that the nozzle pressure is approximately 35 psi. If you suspect the pressure is too high or low, a qualified contractor should be contacted to make any necessary adjustments. Pump ON/OFF and Emergency HIGH Level Switches The pump switches are used to control the operation of the pump. This system is designed such that the pump is on for designated intervals set forth in the design specifications. The pump operation is a timed dosing setup. When there is sufficient liquid in the tank, the pump will operate at a specific time for a designated interval. In periods of high water (following a rain event), the pump may operate more frequently. If it has rained recently the pumps may not be operating because the rain sensor is temporarily blocking the system from operating. If this is the case then the pumps will 11 resume operation once it is dry enough. Prolonged periods of rain may cause a back-up of effluent in the system since the rain sensor prevents application of effluent onto the spray field. In general, a contractor or licensed professional should be contacted under any circumstances where you are uncomfortable in operating the system or troubleshooting a problem. More detailed information on the installation and maintenance of specific components of this system can be found in the manufacturer's installation and maintenance specifications attached as part of this package. If you have difficulty finding this information, please contact the manufacturer of the component. R ecirinalc Residuals collected from several locations throughout the wastewater system will require periodic removal. The following locations shall be considered for residual removal: - Sweco Separator, - Transfer Tank, - Lift Station, - Effluent Storage Pond, - Effluent Storage Tanks. The majority of residuals removed from the system will occur from the Sweco Separator. It is expected that, over time, some residuals will build up in the Transfer Tank. Solids/Residual levels in each of the locations noted above shall be periodically monitored. If/when residuals are required to be removed, the following shall be documented: - Date of removal, - Location of residuals to be removed, - Estimated volume or quantity of residuals removed, - Removal entity, - Disposal method and location. Log Book All O/M activities related to the spray wastewater irrigation system shall be logged and maintained in a logbook. The information shall be available to regulatory personnel upon presentation of proper credentials. 12