HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-00483_Well Construction - GW1_20210210 Jan. 29, 2018 10:58AM Env. Health No. 6711 F. _- W=cQNSTRUCTION RECORD Cla-11 Fur IaterneJ Use only' 7.W Coaaactor Into non: R R. NCW CoeRatuCer/9fi'n/f lbur Number �/ 16:;t32Ft'ER'[A61dR9' maIXieaid.welfr-fdR 8l` !_..lihde"�-r`"'e.� ✓S /.� r // FVrat iO u. nl,1MLTER TFINX/IMS !U C Neme " 5 DM'j I —/7 QOR.Mtpdd' -14riuil:rluedai e..c�i.�-- -..-=T• 2.Well Conatructleo Pernitil: 3 3 / '�e To obwelea t7RGds'Sa /,grallop}limb/emlltmmrvrnonpcam p.e UfC Covey,.hore,Yonara,�) . R. R. m 3.{Well flat(checklrell use): Water Supply Wen. 10 rn: 'ar-• d.:c,» .r--:_e=z n hurm A_....r'._. _AgricWtmal ❑M ipeUPublic Gedherml(Amtmg/Cooling Supply) ardentoil Water supply(single) It R - _Indusbiel/Commaeial ❑Rdideatiil Water supply(Shared) Irr' tiara ram wm.a¢xaer z Non-Wafer Supply Well n. R tN f2 Monitn>atg It. Injection Wen! 6 . Aquifer Recharge r]Gmundweter Remediation ft 19[SENfiAGaiLSGPECK __. ._ ..___.._._,:=�._y_ .-. ✓R_._.--.T.- AquifaStwage and Recovery 080linity 8ercier ro NA7OnhL _. Aquifer Tctt MStmmwtter Drainage n. rt. Hxpenmemd Techualogy CISubsidemeControl f, I n. GeorhemW(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer '2dD tafGLe3C aif"Adifaiei' Gtathmmei(SfeetinyJCOoli Repent Ohtler a uddet 621 Reauea To noes R ; d.Date Well(s)Completed: Wen llle G R _27 sa.Well Lotadow yC FaaciliylOrroerNine; actin'ma(if* ha) r R Curl a a. Pbp"Add..Cosy.rd Zip Q h cacao' PeaallderY6eaieelds(FRd) Sb.Latitude and looQRlde bi dtlinv VmiaHeLuconds w tied=[elgnew. 's a (ilnelld ,an7edlye2u e.�tiem) L 22.Cc ', dos: 6.fall")The vrcn( ehim.nent or QTemporary 4ieoewcof ,6W wed Cco0cnr Ate By,IpAea rMT f°m 1 becaby cony abr ehe aeWO aof Meet atev,eaJr Mariam 1'.is Ibis a repair to an ellstiag well: Wes rJaS. rkhtSANGCO2C.0100ar114NC4COIC.0200WgCmmnurg9aMtra�/6ara (/,lArtrarrpvb,Jl7laa),mw,wd(mulrvuim,l Jmmrm.,axAerpfoee ehe nmmr olJ» 000Y a/rMr roroxeda DeenprowArAro Or mllonrcr. npar urd r e]/.e.e b.am„or o„,he back o(ebfrjam 27.Site diagram or aJJifiaaal wdl det0ils: L For GsoprobeMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Weir having the same Yw may use the beck of the,page to provide sddinanal cell site derails or well enrttruction,only 1 GW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMDAFe of ueis construction deeds. Ym may also ahech additions.pago if neccnwy. drilled: N r__ e 9.Total veil depth brim land surface: � C 1 . Par A11 Wclk: Submit this fore within 30 der of Farw:dnpe.dr,farwl dsrt,./A:pbear faagde. 'oad2WM) days eonlphhon of well c®muction to the FaioxTng 10.Suits water level below top of Calling: (M) DWisiettof Water Ruourm,Information Proteaslug Una, 1If.Inrl v above aumg are'+" 1617 Meil Service Ceohy Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Rarehde diametrr. (lc (Y.) 246.For(nlecilaa WeWellyIn addition w amdueg(he Conn to the eddrms at 12.Well construetian rem above,also submit one copy of this lbmt within 30 days of completion of troll seen.nasY.'".-hued peak aw CgnebVGiw ro[be f011owmg. Divirim of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY wiTL4OlII,Y: 1636 Mad Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 c 13e.Yield(gpm) 7- ►klkod of law. I C` - At.For Water Supply&Injection Wells: In addition to sending the from to the addrms(m) above, also submit one copy of Iho form wllhin 30 days of 13b.Disinfection type Amount: Cj442 completion of well consttcoon to the courtly health deponent of the county vehereeonalruded- FmrsGw-1 Norte Caeotiea lktwsmaol a[Eauueemeanl Q,aluy=nwmonoMwltuorces Revised 2-22-2016 ' I