HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110855 Ver 5_Individual_20130222LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL S &ME, Inc. 9751 Southern Pine Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28273 (704) 523 -4726 (704) 525 -3953 fax N.C. Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attention: Ms. Karen Higgins WE ARE SENDING YOU: ® Attached ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Report DATE: 02.14.13 JOB NO: 1357.10.022 ATTENTION: Ms. Karen Higgins RE: PNG Sutton Extension Project 11- D8C"SV5 02.12.13 ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: ❑ Plans ❑ Draft ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION 2 02.12.13 1 Copy of Addendum 2 - Permit Revision Request THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ® For approval ❑ As requested ❑ FORBIDS DUE: ❑ For your record ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS: Karen: Please let me know if you need anything else. A copy was also provided to Chad Cobrun at Wilmington District Office. and check for processing fee was provided with original request of 12.14.12. Please do not hesitate to call us at 704.523.4726 with questions. Thank you — Joey SIGN: A k S &ME, INC. / 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard / Charlotte, NC 28273 -5560 / p 704.523.4726 IF 704.525.3953 / www smemc.com Zu February 12, 2013 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Attention: Mr. David Bailey N.C. Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 -1601 Attention: Ms. Karen Higgins Reference: Addendum 2 to Request for Additional Permit Revision PNG Sutton Project Multiple North Carolina Counties S &ME Project No. 1357 -10 -022 USACE Action ID No. SAW- 2010 -01309 NCDWQ Project No. 20110855 Dear Mr. Bailey and Ms. Higgins: S &ME, Inc. (S &ME) hereby submits this second Addendum (Addendum 2) to the December 14, 2012 Request for Permit Revision provided on behalf of Piedmont Natural Gas (PNG) for additional temporary wetland impacts in connection the Sutton Pipeline Project. Work described in Addendum 2 will not result in a loss of waters of the U.S. Addendum 1 was submitted to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( USACE) and the North Carolina Division of Water Quality ( NCDWQ) on January 11, 2012. The USACE and NCDWQ subsequently authorized the work described in Addendum 1 on January 28, 2013 and February 1, 2013, respectively. PROJECT HISTORY The project originally received authorization under a Department of the Army Section 404 Individual Permit (IP) and NCDWQ Individual Water Quality Certification (IC) in April 2012. Subsequent revisions that entailed inclusion of additional temporary work space (TWS), changes in construction methods at certain wetland areas and a re- routed egment of the pipeline were subsequently authorized by the USACE and NCDWQ from une 2012 through October 2012. S &ME, INC / 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard / Charlotte, NC 28273 -5560 / p 704 523 4726 f 704.525.3953 / www.smeinc.com Addendum 2 to Request for Additional Permit Revision S &ME Project No. 1357 -10 -022 PNG Sutton Project February 12, 2013 The December 14, 2012 Request for Permit Revision entailed three Elements, as follows: 1. An extension of the Sutton pipeline from its original terminus to a proposed interconnect site on adjacent property owned by New Hanover County, where launchers, receivers, and associated gas- venting equipment is planned. The extension will impact one wetland located on the Progress Energy property for construction of the pipeline and to provide a temporary stringing area for pipe associated with a horizontal directional drill (HDD) beneath an existing railroad line. 2. Placement of a culvert within a jurisdictional drainage ditch (JDD37.3A) as part of a permanent access road to a laydown yard at the Lumberton Compressor Station site. 3. Changes to the Approved Restoration Profile of JDD 42.1 in to accommodate a landowner request. Addendum 1 (January 11, 2013) requested that consideration of the proposed extension (Element 1) be placed on hold while additional information and potential alternatives were explored. To avoid delays to the remaining Elements of the revision, Addendum 1 requested that review of the culvert placement within JDD37.3A (Element 2) and changes to the Approved Restoration Profile of JDD42.1 (Element 3) continue as originally proposed. Placement of the culvert in JDD37.3A (Element 2) resulted in an additional 63 linear feet of permanent impact to a jurisdictional drainage ditch located in an existing farm field, bringing the project -wide total permanent impacts to non - stream tributaries (ditches) to 105 If. Changes to the Approved Restoration Profile of JDD42.1 (Element 3) did not involve additional impacts to jurisdictional features. Impacts associated with Elements 2 and 3 were authorized by the USACE and the DWQ on January 28, 2013 and February 1, 2012, respectively. For your convenience, a summary of currently- authorized, project -wide impact totals is identified in Table 1. Table 1: Summary of Currently Authorized Project -wide Impact Totals JunShcctlonal Drainage Duch 2 Wetland Impacts Total Disturbance (Combined Clearing, Fill, Ground Disturbance and Permanent Conversion Total Permanent Impacts (Fill Placement) Permanent Conversion (Forested Wetlands to Emergent Wetlands) 216.03 acres 0.41 acres 68.74 acres Tributary Impacts Pipeline Construction Activities /Crossings Culvert Placement for Access Roads Stream Non - Stream Tributary` Stream Non - Stream Tributary* Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. 51051 0 7,773 2,155 1 0 0 65 105 JunShcctlonal Drainage Duch 2 Addendum 2 to Request for Additional Permit Revision S &ME Project No. 1357 -10 -022 PNG Sutton Project February 12, 2013 PROPOSED IMPACTS — SUTTON EXTENSION This Addendum further describes Element 1 (the Sutton Extension) associated with the original revision request. A small portion of the extension was routed through the wetland area (Wetland WJC) in order to avoid a large retention pond previously constructed by Progress Energy. The remainder of the route is located in high ground, and is depicted on the attached figures. For your convenience, we have also attached the relevant revised impact drawings (Drawings 501 A and 501 B) that were included in the original revision request. Adjusted, project -wide impacts that will occur as a result of the extension are identified in Table 2. Table 2: Summary of Proposed Impact Totals Wetland Impacts Total Disturbance (Combined Clearing, Fill, Ground Disturbance and Permanent Conversion Total Permanent Impacts (Fill Placement) Permanent Conversion (Forested Wetlands to Emergent Wetlands) 217.61 acres 0.41 acres 69.08 acres Tributary Impacts Pipeline Construction Activities /Crossings Culvert Relocation for Access Roads Stream Non - Stream Tributary* Stream Non - Stream Tributary* Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. Temp. Perm. t 5,051 0 7,773 2,155 0 0 65 105 * Jurisdictional Drainage Ditch ; Cells highlighted in green indicate the amended totals based on the revision. A portion of Wetland WJC will be impacted for construction of the pipeline (WJC. 1), and to provide a temporary stringing area (WJC.2) for pipe associated with a horizontal directional drill (HDD) beneath an existing railroad line along the route. The extension will affect 1.57 acre of Wetland WJC. Of these impacts, 0.34 acre will be converted from forested wetland to herbaceous wetland, while the remaining 1.23 acre will be temporarily affected and then allowed to return to a forested state following construction. The extension will not result in permanent wetland fills, or in a loss of waters of the U.S. Please refer to the original December 14, 2012 Request for Permit Revision for information relating to the affected environment, results of the protected species and cultural resources assessments, and additional regulatory considerations of the extension. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION As indicated in the December 14, 2012 Request for Permit Revision, PNG and Progress Energy concluded that operating activities associated with construction of an in -line inspection device (ILID) launcher and receiver station at the Sutton metering and regulating (M &R) site may pose safety concerns. The original location of the ILID site at the terminus of the Sutton pipeline was considered too close to a new high voltage transmission power line and the turbines at the power plant facilities. As a result, PNG Addendum 2 to Request for Additional Permit Revision S &ME Project No. 1357 -10 -022 PNG Sutton Project February 12, 2013 and Progress Energy agreed to relocate the proposed ILID receiver for the new Sutton Pipeline and the existing launchers and receivers at PNG's Wilmington interconnect site on Sutton Power Plant property to an adjacent property northeast of the power plant. Co- locating the launchers, receivers, and associated equipment that vent gas during these operations assures power plant operating personnel that the gas released during normal operations is vented away from the power generating equipment at the plant, and that PNG personnel would not have to enter the new Sutton Power Plant secure area to access these facilities. PNG originally considered the extension a separate project, with a project number and funding source different from that of the Sutton pipeline. However, when notified of the project, the USACE determined that the extension did not exhibit independent utility, and should be considered part of the original Sutton project. Further, because PNG will now co- locate the new ILID site with an existing 12 -inch pipeline (Line E2), the USACE requested additional information relating to the purpose and need of the interconnect. An immediate need for the proposed connection with Line E2 will be to "park" gas from the Sutton pipeline that will ultimately be delivered back to the plant. The new combined cycle plant, to which the Sutton line will deliver gas, is not scheduled to come online and begin accepting gas until the end of 2013. In order to properly test and commission the Wadesboro and Lumberton compressor stations before that time, PNG must first fill the new line, and then shift and store the gas into Line E2, which currently services PNG's Wilmington customer base. Line E2 currently brings gas for the Wilmington network down from Virginia, and in addition to its current load, has enough capacity to temporarily store gas from the Sutton pipeline until such time as it can be directed back to PNG's existing customers. Longer term, the interconnect would also give PNG the flexibility of replacing some of the gas which would otherwise be supplied to the Wilmington network through Line E2 from PNG's Virginia source, where it is obtained at a higher cost. The recently constructed Sutton pipeline is capable of accommodating a flow of approximately 111,000 mcf of gas per day. Of this, approximately 97,000 - 100,000 mcf of gas per day will be required to operate the plant. Based on current demand, there is no need to shift the excess balance of gas to Line E2 for the purpose of increasing supply. However, PNG anticipates that demand for natural gas in the Wilmington service area will likely increase over the next ten years. Accordingly, shifting the excess gas from the Sutton line to Line E2 will be more cost - effective than increasing the supply from Virginia. By so doing, the extension's capability of providing gas to Line E2 in the future can be considered and additional project purpose. However, doing so will not increase the project's overall "energy footprint," as the same volume of gas would otherwise be provided to the service area from PNG's Virginia source in the absence of the extension. ALTRENATIVES ANALYSIS PNG explored a variety of alternatives related to construction of the proposed extension. Alternative that involve fewer impacts to jurisdictional wetlands are described below: 4 Addendum 2 to Request for Additional Permit Revision SWE Project No. 1357 -10 -022 PNG Sutton Project February 12, 2013 Routing the extension to avoid Wetland WC entirely. This alternative would entail continuing the Sutton pipeline east from its terminus through a high ground area, then reconnecting with the currently- proposed route further southeast. However, this alternative is not practicable because Progress Energy has constructed a permanent stormwater pond just east of the original pipeline terminus. Progress Energy will not allow PNG to install the pipe beneath the existing stormwater pond. Further, the area adjacent to the pond was used historically by Progress Energy as an asbestos landfill. Installation of the pipe through this area could potentially expose workers to the buried asbestos during construction of the pipeline. Installation of the pipe beneath Wetland WC, by trenchless methods. This alternative is not practicable on multiple levels: First, given the alignment necessary to route the proposed extension out of Wetland WC and back to high ground, use of trenchless pipe installation is not feasible. While straight segments of pipe can be installed by bore, the joints would require elbows in order to accommodate the necessary bend. Installation of the pipe by HDD (another trenchless method) is also not feasible. The minimum length of pipe required for an HDD is 100 feet. For a 20 -inch pipe, a 2,000 -foot radius of curvature is required. As such, use of HDD could not accommodate the necessary bend, and regardless of the installation method, PNG is still required to maintain a minimum 30 -foot wide corridor that is cleared of aboveground vegetation above the pipe. Accordingly, the project could not be accomplished without at least the minimal wetland impact proposed by this revision. MITIGATION As described in the original Request for Permit Revision, to offset this unavoidable conversion of 0.34 acre of forested wetlands to herbaceous wetlands through purchase of 0.5 acre of riparian wetland credit in Lower Cape Fear River Basin (03030005) from the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program ( NCEEP). An acceptance letter from the NCEEP was included in the original Request for Permit Revision package. Temporarily- affected areas will be restored in accordance with the project's approved Restoration Plan. Wetland areas will be restored to their original grade and contour, seeded with a native wetland seed mix, and allowed to naturally re- vegetate. 5 Addendum 2 to Request for Additional Permit Revision SWE Project No. 1357 -10 -022 PNG Sutton Project February 12, 2013 Thank you for your assistance with Addendum 2 to the Proposed December 14, 2012 Revision request. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at 704.523.4726. Sincerely, S &ME, Inc. Joey wler, PWS Senior Project Manager Crys Fox Natural Resources Staff Professional Senior Review by Julie Bennett - Hudel, PG, LEED AP Attachments: Figures; Relevant Revised Plan Sheets CC. Adam Long, PNG Robb Mairs, NCDCM Chad Coburn, NCDWQ Figures Relevant Revised Plan Sheets WES 07 w WES 08 w ` WES 09�::.��. w�w�ww„�m ww.w wx \ \ 9S, . ?WE \1 O J, w w- L w W w➢ v w J 1 w W J J WES 11 b w W m w w 1 w \ ` WES 12 m w m w w m w \ � \ m \ 'WES 13 WETLAND FLAG TABLE FLAG LENGTH BEARING NORTHING EASTING WES 01 19.92' 520'12'12 "W N 193713.76 E 2306951.49 WES 02 20.68' S07'46'25 "W N 193695.07 E 2306944.61 WES 03 32.57' S15'05'10 "E N 193674.58 E 2306941.81 WES 04 29.35' S24'05'13 "E N 193643.13 E 2306950.29 WES 05 19.08' S71 *47'09"E N 193616.34 E 2306962.27 WES 06 - - N 193610.38 E 2306980.39 WES 07 16.03' S44'1 2'05 "W N 194124.14 E 2306883.10 WES 08 14.63' N50'38'17 "W N 194112.65 E 2306871.92 WES 09 36.61' S01 *45'23"W N 194121.93 E 2306860.61 WES 10 9.53' S52'53'38 "W N 194085.34 E 2306859.49 WES 11 25.75' S82'1 2'50"W N 194079.59 E 2306851.89 WES 12 26.40' S72'30'39 "W N 194076.10 E 2306826.38 WES 13 28,21' N88'13'57 "W N 194068.17 E 2306801.20 WES 14 - - N 194069.04 E 2306773.00 oR I 2 ti "q �r q o e3(N R ?Nq; SITE ooj io GAS LINE �F 0 9� DAMS WAY o a ROYSTER RD CAPE FEgR P F VICINITY MAP / NOT TO SCALE mot\ L' W � 4' .`� \ W W J �Y .1 •L / �� / b.'''' + -' •'.'o.' a �d & m w w w w W w w w W.06 / WES 14�. w,. �s'''::'.'.:''i :. ;,. :. 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S 0.34 acres <, TEMPORAR�.m J w w vv.w > Y FY v 1 � • - .w .w W � e W w C., Hb w m w w Jw w o- w J v w 3Jm A- � , Nw .J .a .` b J .W Nw w w m w w w Y w .w v m J w E� L w m w w w .w w W .w w J IMw w w b � v .r W v P w w w w w m w w w J AJ W ,w F C w J .w w m w w w m v J W w J T �LIMIN Av TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA NOT FOR RECO�%ONT* 70' TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA 40,903 sq. ft. CONVEYANCES PERMANENT CONVERSION AREA A , !:!NOTES: 0.94 acres WETLAND AREA - ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES AND ARE IN FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. - THIS MAP DOES NOT CONFORM TO GS 47 -30, AS AMENDED. NOT INTENDED FOR RECORDATION. S1.001 STREAM DELINEATION FLAG 175 -BR -803 cPS1.001 COMPUTED POINT - WETLANDS SURVEYED BY TRIMBLE "PATHFINDER" METHODS. - THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO SHOW JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES AS DELINEATED BY S &ME, INC. W1.001 WETLAND DELINEATION FLAG - BASIS OF BEARING IS NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM (NAD 83 /NSRS2007). WETLAND /STREAM BOUNDARY rvy EXISTING WOODS LINE JOB NUMBER: 03139 -0110 JURISDITONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. GAS PROPOSED GAS LINE w w m w ,•.+w m J w 1 r . Y r w w m w m w b w J1a ' - v Y u .W w a v r v « w �W w w v ,Y 1 J J ,r . , V'�v,��^*.,t`�''v`' l�-+�K�r- +?-��-- +?-r''1, DWG. NUMBER: WJC.1 IMPACT PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE GAS GAS EXISTING GAS LINE vX ice`"+ &�-"�"-"-"-� SHEET NUMBER: 501A OF 501 � 0 25 50 100 - - PROPOSED EASEMENT 8020 TOWER POINT DRIVE PROD. SURVEYOR: JLS PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS LINE, SUTTON - EXISTING EASEMENT CHARLOTTE, NORTH CARODNA 28227 DRAWN BY: DGS - - - - - - - - IMPACT LIMIT TELE: (704) 841 -2588 RICHMOND, SCOTLAND, ROBESON, BLADEN, 1N FEET) _-.......__..__._ .__.- ..-- -- .._..____........_.. PROPERTY LINE FAX: (704) 841 -2567 COMPUTER FILE: WJC.l.dwg COLUMBUS AND BRUNSWICK COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA 1 inch = 50 fL TEMPORARY WORK SPACE F -1222 DATE: 11/27/12 WETLAND FLAG TABLE FLAG LENGTH I BEARING NORTHING EASTING WES 15 41.94' S44'43'1 0 "W N 193457.04 E 2307284.67 WES 16 37.88' S09'23'24 "W N 193427.24 E 2307255.16 WES 17 45.39' S08'45'21 "W N 193389.87 E 2307248.98 WES 18 35.12' S17 *17'17 "E N 193345.01 E 2307242.07 WES 19 26.79' S36'1 1'06 "E N 193311.48 E 2307252.51 WES 20 62.26' S48'30'40 "E N 193289.85 E 2307268.33 WES 21 37.81' S09'00'1 8"E N 193248.61 E 2307314.97 WES 22 60.55' S03'57'50 "E N 193211.26 E 2307320.88 WES 23 60.55' S03'57'50 "E N 193150.86 E 2307325.07 0 9� DAVIS WAY r Po ROYSTER RD •- .. ... k •c k. ._ k k k � k k rk L k k k k k � Y. k k � k k k ,� k v- ` vY k k K k k k ,L � k y- b k K. Yv.. ru t'. k. k. k k k r k k f K k k k k t k WO ODED k. '� k k t. k +• Y' k K VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE k r k y WES 16 WES 15 WES 17 SITE — ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES AND ARE IN FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. — THIS MAP DOES NOT CONFORM TO GS 47 -30, AS AMENDED. NOT INTENDED FOR RECORDATION. — WETLANDS SURVEYED BY TRIMBLE "PATHFINDER" METHODS. — THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO SHOW JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES AS DELINEATED BY S &ME, INC. — BASIS OF BEARING IS NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM (NAD 83 /NSRS2007). � �W&� 8020 TOWER POINT DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28227 TELE: (704) 841 -2588 FAX: (704) 841 -2567 F-1222 JOB NUMBER: - k �.Y- – .'k..; .le.�k -� ..t. � ..L. •. -i�'V. .;.IC.� .' }... 'Y:..Y �`•.' .'k�. •;, '. i.. �Y��'k – ��,yC ;.2.•'Y. •; e''�k� •kt.' '�k�k ���te; ',y�'. �"���.' � �� Yak. �6 PROJ. SURVEYOR: JLS DRAWN BY: ;_ . ;. k ;'.k; ..Y; ..• :'.k.' ; ;r; :k:•K'':; ;•� ;. k.. Y . :x;;; ;; ,,' ;� ;_:; '-- .'.�''� y_k k__k k k �'�.'k.. k •V'�SC k k r. WES 20 Q . • . ' —. • . • . ' —. '- TEMPORARY WORK SPACE �'•��.'. (� -. v k.. ti �k. '. p�,'. 'k.'4.; .•4-.. .iC•...k '. .•h�'•�k•..�Y. '�. '.it. ;'ti., .L: �. j,k �— ��� _qt -11. •�.� �� �� �� � �•••�� �� k �w. ��4- ;. .. k. '��.' ��.�. �� c H- 4. K. k ..:. .'. '.iz�— —� k k w Y k. 4. k k. 4.. k k k M K. k k" k w k < k- k- k k k k K, k k �' % k �k K K v. Y. EXISTING EASEMENT — — — — — — — — IMPACT UMIT -- � y k 4 k A k k k r k k Y k k k k. ,c k Z D .O K. 4� K k k k k k x< K k � k Y Y Z k k r k °W00DEDt WES 21 TEMPORARY WORK SPACE k k k k k k k k k K k k k e k k k Y. WETLANDWJC.2 k k k k k N k k k k k k k k k k k r k WES 22 NOT TO SCALE 50' TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA v k ti e k k K k k 27,781 sq. ft. 0.64 acres 1Q, k k PHELMINARY PLAT ���� k WES 23 NOT FOR RECORDATION, CONVEYANCES, OR SALES NOTES: — ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES AND ARE IN FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. — THIS MAP DOES NOT CONFORM TO GS 47 -30, AS AMENDED. NOT INTENDED FOR RECORDATION. — WETLANDS SURVEYED BY TRIMBLE "PATHFINDER" METHODS. — THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO SHOW JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES AS DELINEATED BY S &ME, INC. — BASIS OF BEARING IS NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM (NAD 83 /NSRS2007). � �W&� 8020 TOWER POINT DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28227 TELE: (704) 841 -2588 FAX: (704) 841 -2567 F-1222 JOB NUMBER: 03139-0110 DWG. NUMBER: WJC.2 SHEET NUMBER: 501B OF 501 PROJ. SURVEYOR: JLS DRAWN BY: DGS COMPUTER FILE: WJC.2.dwg DATE: 11/27/12 175 —BR -803 JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE U.S. IMPACT PLAN OF PIEDMONT NATURAL CAS LINE, SUTTON RICHMOND, SCOTLAND, ROBESON, BLADEN, COLUMBUS AND BRUNSWICK COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA GRAPHIC SCALE 0 30 60 120 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 60 ft_ LEGEND TEMPORARY CHANNEL IMPACT TEMPORARY IMPACT AREA PERMANENT CONVERSION AREA WETLAND AREA S1.001 STREAM DEUNEATION FLAG CPS1.001 COMPUTED POINT W1.001 WETLAND DEUNEATION FLAG WETLAND /STREAM BOUNDARY EXISTING WOODS UNE GAS PROPOSED GAS UNE - -- G.`s— cm EXISTING GAS UNE — — PROPOSED EASEMENT — EXISTING EASEMENT — — — — — — — — IMPACT UMIT -- - PROPERTY UNE — — TEMPORARY WORK SPACE