HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050408 Ver 1_Year 5 Monitoring Report_20130212t. . UT to Sandy Creek Randolph County, North Carolina 2012 Year 5 Monitoring Report EEP Project Number: 403 USGS HUC 03030003020010 EcoEngineering Project Number: EEP -08030 Prepared for: NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program 2728 Capital Blvd., Suite 1 H 103 Raleigh, NC 27604 3 �J EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK P. 0. Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919- 287 -4262 FAX 919 - 361 -2269 www.ecoengr.com . r A f� � u t 3 �J EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK P. 0. Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919- 287 -4262 FAX 919 - 361 -2269 www.ecoengr.com . r A f� UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • December, 2012 Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary /Project Abstract . . .......... 1 1 1 Project Goals and Objectives... .. ........... .... ....... ...1 1.2 Vegetation Condition and Comparison 1 1.3 Stream Stability /Condition and Comparison . ........ 2 1.4 Wetland Conditions and Performance ..... ....... 2 1.5 Monitoring Plan View. . ... ...... .. 2 2 0 Methodology... . .. .. ..... .2 3 0 References.. .... ..... 4 Project Conditions and Monitoring Data Appendices Appendix A — General Figures and Plan Views Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix B — General Project Tables Table 1 Project Restoration Components Table 2 Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3 Project Contacts Table Table 4 Project Attribute Table Appendix C — Vegetation Assessment Data Table 5 Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table Table 6 Vegetation Metadata Table Table 6A Vegetation Condition Assessment Table 7 Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species — Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos (see Appendix F — Project Photo Stations) — Vegetation Problem Area Photos (submitted electronically) — Vegetation Problem Area Inventory Table (submitted electronically) Appendix D — Stream Assessment Data Table 8 Visual Morphological Stability Assessment Table 9 Verification of Bankf ill Events — Stream Station Photos (see Appendix F — Project Photo Stations) — Cross Sections with Annual Overlays — Longitudinal Profiles with Annual Overlays — Pebble Count Plots with Annual Overlays — BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates Table (omitted, not applicable) — Baseline Stream Data Summary Table [Exhibit Table VIII] (submitted electronically) — Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary [Exhibit Table IX] (Cross Section and Reach Parameters submitted electronically) — Stream Problem Area Photos (submitted electronically) — Stream Problem Area Inventory Table (submitted electronically) i FEJ]EcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Com{wny, Inc UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • December, 2012 Appendix E — Wetland Assessment Table 10 Wetland Criteria Attainment (omitted, not applicable) — Precipitation and Water Level Plots (omitted, not applicable) Appendix F — Project Photo Stations RCl® I EC 7 1 2012 NC ENHAPJCEMENT P PROGRAM ii aEcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company, Inc UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • December, 2012 1.0 Executive Summarv/Proiect Abstract 1.1 Project Goals and Objectives The goal of the restoration project is to improve the water quality and biological habitat of the site's streams, wetlands, and riparian buffers through the following - Restoration (pattern, dimension, and profile) of unstable streams using natural channel design techniques -Re- establishment of riparian buffers (Kimley -Horn, 2008) - Enhancement of aquatic and terrestrial habitats - Reduction in nutrient and sediment loading into stream 1.2 Vegetation Condition and Comparison Vegetation Plots 1, 2, and 3 are located in a planned low- height planting zone. Vegetation Plots 1, 2, and 3 were abandoned Three new Vegetation Plots (7, 8, and 9) were added to the project outside of the planned low- height planting zone The location of Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View Appendix A. The 2012 Monitoring Year 5 data was summarized by Carolina Vegetation Survey and was not manipulated for presentation within Table 7 - Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species Appendix C Current stem counts were calculated using vegetation plot monitoring data Final stem count criteria are 320 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring for Randleman Buffers and 260 trees per acre at the end of the five (5) year monitoring for stream mitigation units. As for Monitoring Year 5, UT to Sandy Creek had 6 vegetation plots encompassing 0 15 acres, containing a total of 83 planted stems excluding live stakes. When examining total stems (to include planted stems and volunteer stems) within all 6 vegetation plots, there were a total of 140 stems. In total, the 6 vegetation plots yielded a density of 560 planted trees per acre excluding live stakes. When examining the density total of all trees within all 6 vegetation plots, there was a density of 945 planted trees including volunteer trees These density totals exceed the requirements by 10% for both planted trees per acre excluding live stakes and planted trees including volunteer trees With regard to each individual vegetation plot, vegetation plots 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 exceeded the requirements by 10% when examining planted stems excluding live stakes and when examining planted stems including volunteer stems. Vegetation plot 5 failed to meet the stem count requirement criteria for Randleman Buffers and stream mitigation units. Exotic /invasive species were observed at the site. The following invasive species were observed at the site- Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) and cattail (Typha latifolia) There are nineteen (19) areas in which exotic /invasive species were observed totaling approximately 0.47 acres in size and are approximately 4.63% of the easement acreage. The extent of exotic /invasive species is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A 1 FEl]EcoEngineering A division of The John R. MLAdams Company, Inc UT to Sandy Creek - EEP Project Number 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - Randolph County, North Carolina • December, 2012 During the previous monitoring period there were six (6) areas, totaling approximately 1 19 acres in size, which were determined to be low stem density areas EEP prescribed supplemental plantings for these six (6) low stem density areas and conducted planting operations on March 8, 2012 The areas which received supplemental plantings are depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A. There were a total of 200 containerized stems planted and consisted of the following species cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda, 25 stems), green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica, 50 stems), red maple (Acer rubrum, 50 stems), shumard oak (Quercus shumardn, 25 stems), and sycamore (Platanus occidentahs, 50 stems). 1.3 Stream Stability /Condition and Comparison Overall, the stream system appears stable and is not migrating toward lateral or vertical instability Based on the prior year comparison using longitudinal profile data, it appears that minor systemic aggradation has occurred throughout the reach, although this condition does not appear to pose an imminent threat to the overall stability of the system. The primary concern at UT to Sandy Creek is the sporadic flow conditions observed in the channel in past monitoring years although flow was observed during the 2012 Monitoring Year 5 field investigation The stream was dry during previous site visits during the month of August Flowing water in the stream channel has been observed approximately half of the time the site has been monitored. To document bankf ill events a crest gage is located approximately 50 feet upstream of cross - section 4 and is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View Appendix A Evidence of a bankf ill event was observed this monitoring year on September 20, 2012. There have been a total of 3 cumulative bankfull events recorded for this project during the five (5) year monitoring period 1.4 Wetland Conditions and Performance No wetlands are being monitored for mitigation credits at this project site 1.5 Monitoring Plan View Summary information/data related to the occurrence of items such as beaver or encroachment and statistics related to performance of various project and monitoring elements can be found in the tables and figures in the report appendices Narrative background and supporting information formerly found in these reports can be found in the mitigation and restoration plan documents available on the EEP website All raw data supporting the tables and figures in the appendices is available from EEP upon request 2.0 Methodology All monitoring methodologies follow the most current templates and guidelines provided by EEP (EEP, 2006, EEP, 2009) Photographs were taken at high resolution using an Olympus FE -115 5.0 megapixel digital camera. GPS location information was collected using a Trimble Geo XT handheld mapping grade GPS unit Stream and vegetation problem areas were noted in the field on As -Built Plan Sheets 2 [JEcoEngineering A ch�sion of The John R McAdams Company, Inc UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • December, 2012 The methods used to generate the data in this report are standard fluvial geomorphology techniques as described in Applied River Morphology (Rosgen, 1996) and related publications from US Forest Service and the interagency Stream Mitigation Guidelines (USACE, 2003) Vegetation monitoring methods followed the 2008, Version 4 2 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al , 2008) Vegetation plot photographs were collected for each vegetation plot. Vegetation monitoring plots were re- marked in the field by replacing all old flagging with new orange flagging Monitoring taxonomy follows Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas (Weakley, 2007) Stem height was measured with a folding one -meter rule Diameter at breast height and decimeter height were measured with calipers. 3 AEcoEngineering A dmsion of The John R McAdams Company, Inc UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • December, 2012 3.0 References Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), 2006. Monitoring Report Guidelines, November 16, 2006 Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP), 2009 Monitoring Report Guidelines, June 1, 2009 Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc, 2008 UT to Sandy Creek Stream Mitigation Report Submitted to NCDENR -EEP, March 2008. Lee, Michael T, R K Peet, S. D Roberts, and T R Wentworth 2008 CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4 2 (http•//cvs bio.unc edu/methods htm) Rosgen, D L. 1996 Applied Morphology Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003 April 2003 Stream Mitigation Guidelines US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2005. Information Regarding Stream Restoration In The Outer Coastal Plain of North Carolina US Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Regulatory Division and North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, December 1, 2005. Weakley, A S , 2008 Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, Northern Florida, and surrounding areas University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, working Draft as of April 7, 2008. 4 Fal]EcoEngineering A division of The John R McAdams Company Inc APPENDIX A General Figures and Plan View 1 , r p Out 7 UM 681 ff • , 1 i A VI � v • Jh� - 64 ID USGS, 7.5 MINUTE, TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE; GRAYS CHAPEL, N.C.; 1974; LAT: 35.8380510' N LON: 79.6601200' W PROWr no. v EEP -08030 AEcoEngineedng' EEP -08030 UT TO SANDY CRE EK Aa•Wm•QfTbeJch 9 ' D1Ca�3 •P1J1•gWRi1pR8•IIftmIQW�lIL y SCAM 1� s 1,000 tell] Yilill \111 lrl�u I�IIC7TIYUCIiIIU`•�NOrR DAB: 10-18-12 ! 11J1 C'1?l ±'l 1 LPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA o..� UT TO SANDY CREEK CONSOLIDATED CURRENT CONDITIONS PLAN VIEW —YEAR FIVE MONITORING �<IX.IrIM.. VICINITY MAP NTS RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA EEP PROJECT NUMBER: 403 DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2012 NORTH CAROLINA ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM NC -EEP CONTACT: MELONIE ALLEN (919) 368 -9352 SHEET INDEX 101`4 CONSOIIDATEO PI.AN VIEW (STA. 100+OD TO 105 +00) 2of4 CONSOLIDATED PLAN VIEW(STA. 105+00'1`0111+00) 3.1`4 CONSOLIDATED PLAN VIEW (STA. 111 +00 TO I I") 4 of4 (.'ONSOLIDATEDPLAN VIIiW (STA. 11E+00'TO 123 +55) LAT'. 35.8360510' N LON: 76.6601200' W MWE SUMy"rM30I11WWSG A.`tD IOr,YJ1V.X r` PlEcoEngineenng A dviom oIT4¢ Io1� R NkAd�ea Oorpgy, Iac. 1'�CU�ystem , �g. p1, ANf1665 -SIJRVSYORS•2iNVIR)NY&)1'�L LEGEND ROCK OR STONE EASEMENT MARKER FOUND IRON MARKER FOUND ROOT WAD OVERHEAD WARE 011 ROCK VANE EXISTING FENCE LINE —X —X— CONSERVATION EASEMENT CE THALWEG OF CREEK SO FOOT BUFFER — — INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR INDEX CONTOUR ----- - - - - -- VEG. _ _ __ INVASIVE/EXOTIC VEGETATION PLOT I TOB OF BANK -- -TB - -- PHOTO POINT 1 y� BOTTOM OF BANK ---- BB - --- CREST GAGE d LOG VANE I`pAt14lA0AI1pA1NNFpJ• �7 �+ 1 2012 SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTING STREAM PROBLEM AREA a+°- - E AREA5/LOW STEM DENSITY AREAS" CROSS SECTION 2 NOT[i: Sl1RVL :YI)A'I'USO1 +'I'IIALWI'GAND '1'OP•OF -BANK - U9t 1,lI d t'U U9v71V1 x. LIGUSTRUM SINENSE F.NCROACHMEC 50 FOOT BUFFE� -�% / J Il VEG. PLOT /2• et # 4 l � J - � 111 _ PLOT /1• a I W 7� 1 1 \1 L° \� 1 t \ � ®9920 \ +\ �" / % � _ � -%" � mow♦ 8 0� / L -= T. - -�- -- 7 T 6f 5 PLOT #3•\ ' 4 03 FOOT BUFFER LIGUSTRUM SINENSE ENCROACHMENT t GROSS SECTION 1 IJ 5002 f� •NOTES- VEGETATION PLOTS 1, 2, AND 3 ARE LOCATED IN A PLANNED LOW - HEIGHT PLANTING ZONE. VEGETATION PLOTS 1, 2, AND 3 WERE NOT SAMPLED DURING MY -05. VEGETATION PLOTS 7, 8, AND 9 WERE ESTABLISHED BY EEP AND SAMPLED BY EEP DURING MY -04. ECOENGINEERING SURVEY LOCATED VEGETATION PLOTS 7, 8, AND 9 DURING MY -04 AND SAMPLED DURING MY -05. •• ON MARCH B. 2012, EEP PRESCRIBED SUPPLEMENTAL PLANTINGS WITHIN AREAS DEEMED TO BE OF LOW STEM DENSITIES DURING PREVIOUS MONITORING YEAR. 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 BD I inch = 40 ft SHEET 1 OF 4 f w V Vl O .i x IL 1 a LIGUSTRUM SINENSE 50 FOOT BUFFER n .s V_ r 803 M1" - - -w - -, VEG. e' ;'"�.d -' -w^ ♦ LOT ih� \ 1 �+.�' ,� ♦--'-- n--- --w_'_ .w -- � _ — — � N- 1.1USiRUM SINENSE STREAM CROSSING LIGUSTRUM SINENSI _ -- - — — �tLGf ��y1lAr., Sri's 50 FOOT BUFFER � f Al I i i t I 9 s s X9920 \ LIGUSTRUM SINENSE Ci !- F__ 10 GRAPHIC SCALP: 50 0 25 50 goo 1 inch = 50 tL. SHEET 2 OF 4 W u < r' �qHL � � S W GRAPHIC SCALP 50 0 as 50 1 inch 50 ri SHEET 3 OF 4 W O v W w�< U , OU d N ��: �' °_- �w�< � U � �� .3 z y Q ��u c� O � aQi oX v � I� APPENDIX B General Project Tables Exhibit Table 1. Project Restoration Components UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 403 Project Segment c e c. 'X or C, .• Reach ID w w '' Q cz 4 Stationing Comment Mitigation Units exclude 2 ford structures which total 50 Reach 1 1,000 R P1 1,400 1 1,350 100+00- 114 +00 feet Reach II 870 R P1 900 1 900 114+00 - 123 +00 Reach III 2 P 1 384 1 384 200+00 - 203 +84 Pond Tributary Mitigation Unit Summations Riparian Nonnpartan Stream Wetland Wetland Total Wetland Buffer Comment 2,634 0 0 0 179,903 R= Restoration Ell= Enhancement II P t= Priority I P3= Priority III El= Enhancement S= Stabilization P2= Priority II SS--Stream Bank Stabilization Exhibit Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EE P Project Number: 403 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan Winter 04 Jan -05 Final Design — 90% Summer 06 Winter 06 Construction Summer 07 Fall 07 Temporary S &E mix applied to entire project area Summer 07 Fall 07 Permanent seed mix apphed to reacb/se ments 1 & 2 Fall 07 Fall 07 Containerized and B &B plantings for reach/segments 1 & 2 Fall 07 Winter 07 Mitigation Plan / As -built Year 0 Monitorin — baseline Winter 07 Mar -08 Year 1 Monitoring Oct -08 Nov -08 Year 2 Monitoring Sep-09 Nov -09 Year 3 Monitoring Jun -10 Oct -10 Year 4 Monitoring Apr- I I Jun -11 Year 5 Monitoring Sep-12 Nov -12 Note Tiineframe estimated from information provided by EEP Exhibit Table 3. Project Contacts Table UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 403 Designer Kmiley -Horn and Associates, Inc. P O Box 33068, Raleigh, North Carolina 27636 Primary project design POC POC name and phone 919 -677 -2050 Construction Contractor Shamrock Environmental PO Box 14987 Construction contractor POC Greensboro, NC 27415 Planting Contractor Contact Appalachian Environmental Services PO Box 52, Webster, NC 28788 Planting contractor POC phone. 828 -586 -1973 Seeding Contractor Contact Appalachian Environmental Services PO Box 52, Webster, NC 28788 Planting contractor POC phone 828 -586 -1973 Seed Mix Sources Contact Appalachian Environmental Services phone- 828 -586 -1973 Nursery Stock Suppliers Contact- Appalachian Environmental Services phone. 828 -586 -1973 Monitoring Performers EcoEngineenng - A Division of The John R McAdams Co 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 Stream Monitoring POC George Buchholz 919-287-0890 Vegetation Monitoring POC George Buchholz 919 -287 -0890 Wetland Monitoring POC NA INA Note Information obtained trom ELY documents and Did taouiauvn WbUltb VAG N10I1MVIS Ll l Vli AVl auw information or to verify data Exhibit Table 4. Project Background Table UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Pro ect/EEP Project Number: 403 Project County Randolph County Drainage Area 4.2 square miles Drainage impervious cover estimate ( %) For example Estimated at I% Stream Order 1 st for UT to Sandy Creek Physiographic Region Piedmont Ecoregion Carolina Slate Belt Rosgen Classification of As -built C Cowardin Classification R3UBH Dominant soil types Chewacla loam, Vance Reference site ID Reference Reach Tributary to Sandy Creek USGS HUC for Project and Reference 3030003020010 NCDWQ Sub -basin for Project and Reference 03 -06-09 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference WSHI Any portion of any project segment 303d listed? No Any portion of any project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor INA % of project easement fenced 100% APPENDIX C Vegetation Assessment Data Table S. Vegetation Plot Mitigation Success Summary Table lt'T to Ctanrly rrppk Rpstnratinn Prniect /FRP Prniect ID: 403 Ve etation Plot Sum ary Information Volunteers'' Plot # Riparian Buffer Stems' Stream/ Wetland Stems Live Stakes Invasives Volunteers' Total, Unknown Growth Form VP4 8 18 0 0 0 18 0 VP5 6 6 0 0 0 6 0 VP6 5 9 0 0 0 9 0 VP7 14 14 0 0 0 is 1 VP8 18 19 0 0 0 19 0 VP9 14 14 0 0 0 16 1 Wetland /Stream Vegetation Totals Plot # Stream / Wetland Stem%2 Volunteers'' Tota14 Success Critcria Net? VP4 728 0 728 Yes VP5 243 0 243 No VP6 364 0 364 Yes. VP7 567 0 607 Yes NIPS 769 0 1 769 Yes VP9 567 0 647 Yes Project AvIt 540 0 560 Yes Riparian Buffer Vegetation Totals (per acre) Plot # Riparian Buffer Stemsl Success I Criteria Met? VP6 202 No VP7 567 Yes VP8 728 Yes VP9 1 567 1 Yes Notes: Stem Class characteristics 'Buffer Stems Native planted hardwood trees. Does NOT inchide shrubs. No pines. No vines. 2Strcaml Welland Stems Native planted woody stems. Includes shrubs. does NOT include live stakes. No vines 3Volunteers Native woody stems. Not planted. No vines. 'Total Planted + volunteer native woody stems. Includes live stakes. Excl. exotics. Excl. vines. Color for Density by 10% rails to meet requirements, by less than IO'y Fails to meet requirements by more than I M,e Table 6. Vegetation Metadata UT to Sand Creek Restoration Project /EEP Project ID: 403 Report Prepared By George Buchholz Date Prepared 11/14/2012 11.14 database name cvs -cep-ent tool- v2.3.1 Rocky and Sand .mdb database location X-\Projects\EEP\EEP -08030 (UT to Sandy Creek) \Storm \CVS Vegetation Data\2012 Ve etation Data \Ve etation CVS Data computer name BUCHHOLZ 13 file size 27 92 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------- ----- Metadata Description of database file, the report worksheets, and a summary of project(s) and project data. Pro', planted Each project is listed with its PLANTED stems per acre, for each year This excludes live stakes Pro' total stems Each project is listed with its TOTAL stems per acre, for each year This includes live stakes all planted stems, and all natural /volunteer stems Plots List of plots surveyed with location and summary data (live stems, dead stems, missing, etc. Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes for stems for all plots Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted by each. Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by e for each plot Planted Stems by Plot and Spp A matrix of the count of PLANTED living stems of each species for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded ALL Stems by Plot and spp A matrix of the count of total living stems of each species (planted and natural ivolunteers combined ) for each plot, dead and missing stems are excluded PROJECT Project Code 403 project Name UT to Sandy Creek Williams Tract Description UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Project River Basin Cape Fear length(ft) 2,680 stream-to-edge width ft 25 areas m 0 02 sq miles 10 2 Plots calculated 6 .Required Sam led Plots 6 Table 6A. Vegetation Condition Assessment UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Project /EEP Project ID; 403 Planted Acreaae 7.11 Easement Acreaae 10.18 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV Depiction Number of Polygons Combined Acreage of Vegetation Areas or points (if too CCPV Number of Combined Planted Category Definitions Mapping Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 4. Invasive Areas Very limited cover of red of Concern both woody and 0.1 acres - - -- 0 0 0.0% I. Bare Areas herbaceous material. 5. Easement Woody stem densities Encroachment clearly below target none - - -- 0 0 0.0% Areas levels based on MY3, 0.1 acres - - -- 0 0 0.0% 2. Low Stem 4, or 5 stem count Density Areas criteria. Areas with woody stems of a size class 3. Areas of Poor that are obviously 0.25 acres - - -- 0 0 0.0% Growth Rates or small given the Vi or monitoring ear. Cum itive Totali t i o Easement Acreaae 10.18 Vegetation Category Definitions Mapping Threshold CCPV Depiction Number of Polygons Combined Acreage % Easement Acreage Areas or points (if too small to render as 1000 SF diagonal, 19 0.47 4,63% 4. Invasive Areas polygons at map red of Concern scale). real or poin s (if too 5. Easement small to render as Encroachment polygons at map none - - -- 0 0 0.0% Areas scale). Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Project/EEP Project ID: 403 Page 1 Notes: a) Data presented in table was provided to EcoEngineenng from the Carolina Vegetation Survey. Data was not manipulated by EcoEnginewing. Formatting of table was performed by EcoEngineenng. b) Vegetation Plots 1, 2, and 3 are located in a planned low- height planting zone. Vegetation Plots I, 2, and 3 were abandoned. Three new Vegetation Plots (7, 8, and 9) were added to the project for sampling outside of the planned low- height planting zone. The location of Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View. c) An Acer rubrum was surveyed during 2008 monitoring season even though it is not a species listed as being planted. Although acer rubrum is a volunteer stem, it was determined that this specific stem would continued to be monitored in the proceeding monitoring years. d) PnoLS = Planted Excluding Live Stakes; P -all = All Planted Stems; T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems e) Ce% highliahled in VIOLET indieale the presitrce of volunteers. Color for Dens't Current Plot Data (MY5 2012 Scientific Name Common Name S ecies T E403- 01 -VP4 E403- 01 -VP5 E403- 01 -VP6 E403- allen -VP7 E403- allen -VP8 PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T JPnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 2 1 1 3 Aroma arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub 1 1 1 Baccharis halimifolia eastern bacchans Shrub Betula nuara, river birch Tree 4 4 6 11 11 11 4 4 4 Carpinus caroliniana American hombeam Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carya hickory Tree Ca rya ovata shagbark hickory Tree Celtis laevi ata sugarberry Tree omus dogwood Shrub or Tree Comus amomum silky dogwood Shrub 10 10 14 Comus florida flowering dogwood Tree 1 1 1 Comus sencea ss . sericea redosier doRwood 1 1 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica geen ash Tree 4 4 8 5 5 5 Hamamelis virginiana American witchhazel Tree 4 4 4 1 1 1 4 4 1 u tans igra black walnut Tree 1 1 1 Juni etas humper Lindera benzoin northern s icebush Shrub Li uidambar sweet rum Tree Li uidambar st raciflua sweet gum Tree 6 3 Mimosa sensitive plant Exotic N ssa s Ivatica black um Tree 1 1 1 Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 2 Prunus serotina black Cherry Tree 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 uercus oak Tree 1 1 1 uercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 uercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 uercus rubra northern red oak Tree 1 1 1 Rhus co allimrm flameleaf sumac shrub 2 Unknown Shrub or Tree Viburnum dentatrnn southern arrowwood I Shrub 41 41 4 Stem count size (arcs) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACREE§M 18 18 30 6 6 12 91 91 19 15 15 22 191 191 31 1 I 1 I 1 I 0.02 0.02 0.02 1 0.02 0.02 61 61 71 31 31 51 31 31 51 5 5 7 91 91 11 72843 1214.1 242.81 485.62 -_ 364.22 768.9 607.03 890.31 768.9 1254.5 Notes: a) Data presented in table was provided to EcoEngineenng from the Carolina Vegetation Survey. Data was not manipulated by EcoEnginewing. Formatting of table was performed by EcoEngineenng. b) Vegetation Plots 1, 2, and 3 are located in a planned low- height planting zone. Vegetation Plots I, 2, and 3 were abandoned. Three new Vegetation Plots (7, 8, and 9) were added to the project for sampling outside of the planned low- height planting zone. The location of Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View. c) An Acer rubrum was surveyed during 2008 monitoring season even though it is not a species listed as being planted. Although acer rubrum is a volunteer stem, it was determined that this specific stem would continued to be monitored in the proceeding monitoring years. d) PnoLS = Planted Excluding Live Stakes; P -all = All Planted Stems; T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems e) Ce% highliahled in VIOLET indieale the presitrce of volunteers. Color for Dens't Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot Species UT to Sandy Creek Restoration Project/EEP Project ID: 403 Page 2 a) Data presented in table was provided to EcoEngineenng from the Carolina Vegetation Survey. Data was not manipulated by EcoEngmeenng. Formatting of table was performed by EccEngmeering. b) Vegetation Plots I. 2, and 3 are located in a planned low- height planting zone. Vegetation Plots I, 2, and 3 were abandoned. Three new Vegetation Plots (7, 8, and 9) were added to the project for sampling outside of the planned low- height planting zone. The location of Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View. c) An Acer rubrum was surveyed during 200% monitoring season even though it is not a species listed as being planted. Although acer rubrum is a volunteer stem. it was determined that this specific stem would continued to be monitored in the proceeding monitoring years. d) PnoLS = Planted Excluding Live Stakes, P -all = All Planted Stems, T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems e) Calls higlJigWed in VIOLFF indicme the presence of volunteers. Color for Denatty A 101i Current Plot Data MY5 2012 Annual Means Scientific Name Common Name Species Type E403- allen -VP9 MYS (2012) MY4 (2011) MY3 (2010) MY2 (2009) MY1 (2008) PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T JPnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all IT PnoLS P -all T PnoLS P -all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 6 1 1 11 I I 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 I Aroma arbutifolia Red Chokeberry Shrub 1 1 1 1 1 1 Baccharis halimifolia eastern baccharis Shrub 1 Betula nigra river birch Tree 19 19 21 19 19 20 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 Ca inns caroliniana American hombeam Tree 2 2 2 3 3 31 1 Ca rya hickory Tree 12 121 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 Carya ovata shagbark hickory Tree 1 1 2 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Celtis laevi Bata sligarberry Tree I 1 I Comas do nvood Shrub or Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 12 18 18 24 19 19 25 14 14 1 Comus amomwn silkv do mood Shrub 10 10 14 1 1 1 Corpus florida flowering dogwood Tree 1 1 1 1 I 1 Comus sericea ss . sericea redosier dogwood 1 1 1 11 Ili 14 17 17 25 11 11 11 14 14 I Fraxinus permsylvanica green ash Tree 9 9 15 10 101 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 Hamamelis vir iniana American witchhazel Tree 9 9 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Ju lans nigra black walnut Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 Juni ems Fumper 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Lindera benzoin northern s icebush Shrub 1 Li uidambar sweetgiml Tree 35 Li uidambar st raciflua sweet Mint Tree 2 13 I I 1 1 1 I Mimosa sensitive plant Exotic 1 ssa s Ivatica blackgurn Tree 1 1 1 5 5 6 1 1 1 I I I Pinus taeda loblollV pine Tree 1 2 1 1 1 Prunus serotina black cherry Tree 1 1 1 4 4 10 2 2 2 uercus oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 uercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 uercus phellos willow oak Tree 2 2 2 uercus cobra northern red oak Tree 1 1 1 Rhus co allinum flameleaf sumac shrub 2 4 2 1 Unknown Shrub or Tree l Viburnum dentatum I southern arrowwood Shrub 41 4 4 5 5 5 10 10 10 9 9 9 7 7 7 Stem count size (ares) size (ACRES) Species count Stems per ACRE 16 16 26 83 83 140 88 88 106 65 65 83 �59 59 104 48 48 4 1 6 6 6 6 6 0.02 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 51 51 80 201 241 181 181 21 ill ill 121 Ill Ill 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 '_W_$J 64T51 10522 -_$$_OA 559.821 944.27 - 50:5l 593.541 714,94 1438At 438.411 97.94 701.46 323.75 323.75 a) Data presented in table was provided to EcoEngineenng from the Carolina Vegetation Survey. Data was not manipulated by EcoEngmeenng. Formatting of table was performed by EccEngmeering. b) Vegetation Plots I. 2, and 3 are located in a planned low- height planting zone. Vegetation Plots I, 2, and 3 were abandoned. Three new Vegetation Plots (7, 8, and 9) were added to the project for sampling outside of the planned low- height planting zone. The location of Vegetation Plots 7, 8, and 9 are depicted on the Consolidated Current Conditions Plan View. c) An Acer rubrum was surveyed during 200% monitoring season even though it is not a species listed as being planted. Although acer rubrum is a volunteer stem. it was determined that this specific stem would continued to be monitored in the proceeding monitoring years. d) PnoLS = Planted Excluding Live Stakes, P -all = All Planted Stems, T = Total Planted and Volunteer Stems e) Calls higlJigWed in VIOLFF indicme the presence of volunteers. Color for Denatty A 101i APPENDIX D Stream Assessment Data Table Sa. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 403 Reach 1: 1,410 Linear Feet Feature Category Metric (per As -built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As -built Total Number feet to unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform, Mean or Total A Riffles 1. Present 12 12 NA 100 2 Armor stable (e # n o dis lacement)9 12 12 NA 100 3 Facet grade appears stables sto <_ design range) 1 12 NA 1 12 4 Minimal evidence of embeddm firrrn 9 12 12 NA 100 5 Length appropriatO NA NA NA NA 78 x, •�..-.� naxu+c °ma+aavnazar>Krm �rasaaJaxuxm_ uuz _r>ux +. +„� �wu,..�u?,n vii ,-°� »�rma. ¢,i � a -r,. i wa, °e *,ave.. c.,n +,,,w ,,.v° ce;, n z m.r_'s w. ^ :e i w ^�,.vz wieesaasc..�.eena a am'^�na.;�carw B Pools I Present) (c g not subject to seven; aggrad or mrgmt )) is is NA 100 2 Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D Mean Bktyl 69) Max Pool / 1 2 > 1 6, 12 of 15 Design = 3 511 2 = 29 15 NA 77 3 Length appropriate" ( s NA NA NA NA 89 C Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend (nrtt/mflecuon) centenng`' 10 10 NA 100 2 Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centenng9 9 10 NA too 100 I Outer bend to state of limited/controlled erosron9 10 10 NA D Meander 100 2 Of those eroding, # w /concomitant point bar formation 10 10 NA 100 3 Apparent Re within s ec9 8 10 NA 85 4 Sufficient flood lam access and rehef9 10 10 NA 100 95 E Bed General 1 General channel bed allmdation areas (bar formation) NA NA 5125 99 2 Channel bed degradation — areas of increasing down- cutting or head cuttin ? NA NA NA 100 100 fygry•a.ea. --. wa.ar ���.� •.. -.,. . sin l: z 1�.dp.GItl�6N ti�: tsti PNL'M..ICILt•lW. iXk- .QII.TYIM W' �fdcES6 F Bank 1 Actively eroding, wasting, or slumpq# bank NA NA 99 99 ®5O1 Y}RBippgl0 iq�y)e�»- '1JLSV•RPi MONg1613iS " >�9NS G Vanes 1 Free of bank or arm scour) 10 10 NA 100 2. Height appmpnate9 10 10 NA 100 3 Angle and &eometry a a ro nate9 10 10 NA 100 4 Free of piping or other structural farlures9 10 10 NA 100 100 H Wads/ Boulders 1 Free ofscour9 NA NA NA 100 2 Footing stable9 NA NA NA 100 100 +.rcerxu�- .•� zn•rn.,.rs . �_.�.�� trarsr�rsn�.•cws.¢ =.r ssr:�_c „uwra� ou.- ae+�!sasx ser,� • icr �zra•m` Table 8b. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 403 Reach II: 886 Linear Feet Feature Category Metric (pLi As-built and reference baselincs) (#I Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per As -built Total Number! feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total A. Riffics 1. Present ? 13 13 NA 1tHl 2. Armor stable (e.. n o displacement)? 13 13 NA 100 3. Facet grade appears stable? (slope < design range) 2 13 NA 12 4.Minimal evidence ofembeddin embedding/fining'? 13 13 NA 100 5. Length appropriate? NA NA NA NA 78 B. Pools I. Present? (e.g. not subject to severe aggrad. or migrat• ?) 16 16 NA 100 2. Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkt'>l.6 ?) Max Pool / 1.2 > 1.6, 12 of 16 Design = 3.511.2 = 2,9 16 NA 77 3, length appropriate? (p -p spacing) NA NA NA NA 89 C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend (run /inflec(ion) centering'? 10 10 NA 100 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering? 10 10 NA 100 100 D. Meander I. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled crosion? 10 10 NA 100 2. Of those eroding, $ w/concomitant point bar formation 10 10 NA 100 3. Apparent Re within spec? 9 10 NA 85 4. Sufficient Flood lain access and relief? 10 10 NA 100 95 E. Bed General 1. General channel bed aegradation areas (bar formation) NA NA 5/25 99 2. Channel bed degradation — areas of increasing down- cutting or head cutting? NA NA NA 100 100 F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting, or slumping bank NA 1 /18 NA 99 99 G. Vanes 1. Free of bank or arm scour? I 1 1 I NA 100 2. Height a ro iatc? 11 11 NA 100 3. Angle and gLorrictry appear appropriate? I l 1 1 NA 100 4. Free of piping or other structural failures? 8 11 NA 73 93 H. Wads' Boulders 1. Free of scour? NA NA NA 100 2. Footing stable? NA NA NA 100 100 Table 8c. Visual Morphological Stability Assessment UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 403 Reach III: 384 Linear Feet Feature Category Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Number Performing as Intended Total number per .As -built Total Number feet in unstable state % Perform in Stable Condition Feature Perform. Mean or Total A. Riffles i. Pm,ent? 7 7 NA 100 2, Armor stable (e.. n o displacement)? 7 7 NA t00 3. Facet grade appears stable? (sloe < design range) 5 7 NA 71 4. Minimal evidence of embeddin finin `.' 7 7 NA 100 5. Length appropriate? NA NA NA NA 93 B. Pools 1. Present? (e.g. not subject to severe aggmd, or migrat. ?) 5 5 NA 100 2. Sufficiently deep (Max Pool D:Mean Bkf> 1.6 ?) Max Pool % 0.5 > 1.6, 4 01`5 Design = 1.910.5 = 3.8 5 NA 80 3. hc:n th appropriate? (- spacing) NA NA NA NA 90 C. Thalwe 1. Upstream of meander bend (runim fleet ion) centering? 7 8 NA 100 C. Thalweg 2. Downstream of meander (glideinflection) centering'? 8 8 NA 100 too D. Meander I. Outer bend in state of limitedicontrolled erosion? 8 8 NA 100 2. Of those eroding, ii w!concomitant point bar formation 8 8 NA 100 3. Apparent Fie within s ? 8 8 NA 100 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief? 8 8 NA 100 100 E. Bed General 1. General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) NA NA 11200 48 2. Channel bed degradation — areas of increasing down - cutting or head cutting? NA NA NA 100 74 F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting, or slumping bank NA NA NA 100 100 G. Vanes I . Free of bank or arm scour? 5 5 NA 100 2. Height o ro riate? 5 5 NA 100 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 5 5 NA 100 14. Free ol"piping or other structural failures? 5 5 NA 100 100 H. Wadsf Boulders 1. Free of scour? NA NA NA 100 2. Footing stable? NA NA NA 100 too Table 9. Verification of Bankfull Events UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Project/EEP Project Number: 403 Method Date of Data Collection Date of Occurrence Photo # if available On -Site Crest Gage located at Between 09/09/09 and Station 115 +32. Observed Not Available 06/29/10 06/29110 elevation on gage at elevation 56663 On -Site Crest Gage located at Between 06/29110 and Station 115+32 Observed Not Available 04/21/11 04/21/11 elevation on gage at elevation 56751 On -Site Crest Gage located at Between 04/21/11 and Station 115 +32 Observed Not Available 09/20/12 09/20/12 elevation on gage at elevation 567.43 Note A crest gage was installed during the 2009 Monitoring Year L rieia invesugauons so mac oaunttu, vvcnw ­- documented during subsequent monitoring years Monitoring Year 3 is the first monitoring year in which bankfuli events were documented The crest gage is located at Station 115 + 32 and is depicted in the Consolidated Current Condition Plan View located in Appendix A UT to Sandy Creek - EF.P Project Number: 403 - USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - Randolph County, North Carolina - November, 2012 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT k 403 CROSS - SECTION: 1 Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Ycar -3 Year4 Year -5 Year-6 Station f Elev. ft Station Ift) Hev. ft Sta ion ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ti Station t2 Elev. fl Station (ft) Elev. ft Station fi El . ift) 0.00 582.65 0.00 582.68 0.21 582.67 0.08 582.63 0.09 582.67 0.09 582.67 0.14 582.65 13.00 581.05 7.00 581.64 14.44 580.77 15.44 5W67 15.44 580 -67 10.49 581.20 32.00 58035 20.26 580.75 34.37 580.21 33.8 580.31 33.8 580.31 17.42 580.72 43.00 580.10 29.73 580.39 44.19 57990 42.52 580.1 4252 580.1 43.54 579.95 46.20 579.65 38.96 580.19 49.63 579.47 43,33 580.07 43.33 580.07 48.60 578.96 49.00 579.27 43.59 580.05 50.82 578.80 44.54 579.83 44.54 579.83 50,60 57811 50,00 578.91 47.81 579.48 54.04 578.70 45.88 579.73 45.88 579.73 53.53 578.63 51.10 578.69 51.08 578.96 57.34 578.79 47.15 579.63 47.15 579.63 55.21 .578.71 52.00 578.80 52.25 578.82 60.02 579.19 48.57 579.3 48.57 579.3 57.30 578.81 52.70 578.69 53.64 578.78 68.01 580.45 49.24 579.41 49.24 579.41 58.88 579.22 53.10 578.56 54.89 578.71 93.49 580.39 49.59 579.43 49.59 579.43 60.87 579.14 53.60 578.67 55.99 578.67 117.82 581.37 50.03 579.23 50.03 579.23 64.91 579.93 54.00 578.57 5768 578.76 50.35 579.12 50.35 579.12 66.93 580.20 54.50 578.52 60.81 579.07 50.54 578.9 50.54 578.9 69.69 580.36 54.90 578.56 64.69 579.89 50.57 578.84 50.57 578.84 104.36 580.42 55.20 578.67 68.08 580.30 51.16 578.73 51.16 578.73 1l&02 581.43 55.80 578.75 73.26 580.43 51.67 578.85 51.67 578.85 118.10 581.43 56.60 578.80 83.64 580.45 52.33 578.85 52.33 578.85 57.00 579.01 99.12 580.40 53.03 578.81 59.80 579,19 118.73 581.37 53.6 578.71 62.60 579,52 54.51 578.66 67,50 580.35 55.39 578.7 69.20 580.49 56.08 578.78 87.00 580.39 56.74 578.82 104.20 580.47 57.18 578.93 118.00 581,40 57.24 578.88 5751 579.02 59.93 579.23 64.1 579.93 77.5 580.45 101 580.37 117.89 581.38 [ri-- '�:cr��teltt , ®EcoEngineehng A am.�, of M- Jh PL WAdaea. t'avupanX• la. 583 582 � 581 8 •4i 580 u 579 578 577 UT to Sandy Creek - EEP Project Number: 403 - USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • November, 2012 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 1 - Riffle --------- ���------------------- - - - - -1 — Bankfull i —+r— Year-0, 8122107 Year -1, 9/16/08 -- * Year -2. 9111/09 — * Year -3, 6130110 —CIE -- Year -4, 04/21/11 —f— Year -5, 9120/12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Width front River Left to Right (It) YEAR-5,2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT SANDY CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE: 09/17/2012 to 0912012012 CREW BUCIIHO12/PARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankfull Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width /Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS- SECTION: 1 FEATURE: Riffle 16.01 sq. ft. 23.88 ft. 0,67 tt. 1.32 ft. 35.63 4,19 C 580.08 ft. CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM r=� [11 ©EcoEngineedng A diviu orT7x )OAn k VcAdn l'Omman 1r UT to Surly Creek - EEP Project Nmnber: 403 • USCS HUC 0303000 4020 0 10 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - RmxkAph County, North C"ma - November, 2012 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT M 403 CROSS - SECTION: 2 Year-0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year4 Year -5 N car-6 Station (ft) FILY, (ft) Station i Elcv. (ft Stetson (ft) Qcv, (ft l Station (ft IE ev. (ft) Station (ft Elev. (ft) Station( Elev, (ft l Station i ft F. •% 0,00 582.59 0.00 582.55 0,36 582.58 0.17 582.56 0.15 582.59 0.15 582.59 0,09 582.59 8.00 581.44 5.18 582.05 10.14 58121 8.64 581.44 8.64 581.44 3.22 582.21 16.30 580.54 10.34 581.13 21.00 579.74 12.99 58091 12.99 580.91 11,17 581.00 19,60 580.36 16.37 580.57 24.01 576.25 17.09 580.48 17.09 580.48 19,11 580.47 21.10 579.95 19.88 580.32 24,39 575.17 19.03 580.47 19.03 580.47 23.93 578,89 21.70 579.70 22.34 579.57 26.62 575.22 20.01 580.12 20,01 580.12 24.00 578.71 22.50 579.40 23.74 577.17 29,11 576.15 20.69 580.00 20.69 580,00 26.75 577.62 23.20 578.01 24.07 577.05 30.42 577.25 21.16 579.69 21.16 579.69 28.41 576,54 2310 576,90 24.73 576.90 30,77 577.78 21.55 579.48 21.55 579.48 29.38 576.37 2410 576.82 25.37 577.15 37.03 579.17 21.86 578.30 21.86 578.30 30.39 576,40 25.80 575.04 26.60 577.48 46.30 579.06 21.98 577.03 21.98 577.03 32.48 576,65 26.80 575.02 27.69 577.36 69.44 579.32 22.49 576.19 22.49 576.19 34.08 577,32 27,40 575.06 29,11 577.33 8411 57915 23.05 575.81 23.05 575.81 3539 577.60 28.50 $75.11 30.15 577,37 23.47 575.57 23.47 575.57 38,60 577.99 29,60 575.20 31.58 577.55 24.21 575.43 24.21 575.43 42.65 578.71 30,80 575.43 32.96 577.64 25.11 57510 25.11 575.20 62.56 379.23 32.30 575.85 33.99 577.75 25.40 575.09 25,40 575.09 80.54 579.51 33.60 577.00 34.58 578.39 26.90 575.22 26.90 575.22 84.82 579.31 33.70 577.56 37,02 578.27 28.18 575.64 28.18 575.64 84.91 579,31 34.90 577,74 41.11 578.54 29.27 576.02 29.27 576.02 36.60 577.84 43.99 578.82 30.12 576.75 30.12 576.75 38.40 577.94 58.87 579.26 31.22 57719 31.22 577.29 40.80 57838 69.36 579.33 31.74 57748 43,20 578.74 86.12 579.38 32.40 577.83 45.60 578.90 32.89 577.85 48,30 579.07 32.91 578.30 61.30 579.18 33.10 378.36 67.60 579.23 33.99 578.31 8530 579.22 34.48 578.73 36.05 57818 38.33 579,20 40.92 578.81 43,66 579.13 53.65 579.18 65.14 579.45 84.72 579.25 r=� ®EcoEngineedng Aeivi.io.orra�Jaiwac<.wr•iec 584 583 582 —681 580 579 578 577 576 575 574 UT to Sandy Creek - EEP Project Number. 403 - USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - Randotph County, North Carolim - November, 2012 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 2 - Pool ------- - - - - -- - --- -- Banktull --�— Year -O 8122107 - -+— Year -1, 9116M —M— Year -2, 9111/09 9 Year -3, 6130110 —41-- Year -4, 04/21111 �— Year -5, 9/20/12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 '5 so 8 Width from River Left to Right (ft) CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR - 5.2611 SURVEY DATA CROSS-SECTION: PROJECT SANDY CREEK FEATURE: Pool TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 09/17/2012 to 09/20!2012 CREW BUCHHOLZMARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area 31.42 sq. ft. Bankf ill Width 30.47 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 1.03 ft. Bankfuil Max Depth 3.62 ft. Width/Depth Ratio 29.55 Entrenchment Ratio 0.00 Classification n/a Bankfull Elevation: 579.19 ft. CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM ry ®EooEngineering UT to Sandy Cmk - ETP Project Number: 403 - USGS NUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - Randolph County. North Carolina - November. 20]2 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT b 403 CROSS - SECTION: 3 Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Yea r-4 Year -5 Year -6 Station ft Elev, ft Station ft Elm A Station (ft) Elm 01 Station (fl) Elm Sta i n ft Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station Fl Elev. ft 0.00 568.02 0.00 568.03 -0.62 568.02 0.37 568.11 0.01 568.13 0.01 568,13 0.09 568.02 17.00 567.86 10.62 568.12 17,28 567.99 5.09 568.22 5.09 568.22 9.21 568.14 22.50 567.60 18.89 567.71 24.28 56738 12.2 568,1 12.2 568.1 23,76 567.49 25.00 567,04 23.48 567.43 26.91 56664 16.87 567.9?, 16.87 567.92 25,00 566.95 28.00 565.96 25,40 566.76 28.95 566.13 19.15 567.76 19.15 567.76 29.60 565.22 28.70 565.55 26.42 566.41 29,31 565.12 20.91 567.79 20.91 567.79 31.28 564.86 29.00 565.15 28.69 $65.81 29.73 564.94 22.66 567,67 2266 567.67 32.56 564.86 29.50 564.95 29,16 565.08 29.82 564.80 23,63 567.47 23.63 567.47 35,05 564. R5 30.40 564.70 29.81 56412 31.04 564.63 25.08 567.14 25.08 567.14 35.31 565.18 31.30 564.61 30.68 564.58 31.97 564.58 27.06 566.49 27.06 566.49 39.92 566.95 32.40 564.54 31.84 564,51 32.45 564,58 28.47 566.35 28.47 566.35 43.70 567.12 3110 564.65 32.82 564.57 33.32 56434 29.13 566.02 29.13 566.02 52.54 566.95 34.00 564.65 33,59 564.58 34.18 564.62 29.52 565 29.52 565 61,36 566.85 34.70 564,74 34.21 564.64 34.99 564,71 29.53 565.07 29.53 365.07 61.50 566.85 35.20 565.27 34.76 564.68 35.44 565.14 29.75 564.88 29.75 WAS 36.40 565.83 35.46 565.55 35.92 565.81 30.21 564.72 30.21 564.72 40,00 56682 37.39 566.14 39.81 566.94 30.93 564.57 30.93 564.57 41.00 566.93 30.15 566.86 49.89 567.09 31.75 564.49 31.75 564.49 48.00 566.93 48,11 56690 61.37 566.93 32.45 564.45 61.50 566.86 61.47 566.88 33.1 564.44 33.75 564.51 34.5 564.55 34.98 564.62 35.32 564.99 35.56 565.52 36.31 565.88 37.43 566.18 38.57 566.55 39.88 566.94 41.94 56709 45.43 567.08 52.62 56703 61.33 566.87 r� ©EcoEngineering UT to Sandy Creek • L•EP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County. North Carolina • November, 2012 U•f to Sandy Creek Cross Section 3 - Riffle 589 568 E 567 c----------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------------------- 0 586 — Bankfull LQ 565 --*— Year -0, 8122/07 -- • — Year -1, 9/16108 Year-2, E) 9/11109 564 —E) Year -3, 6/30110 *—Year 4, 04121/11 563 --f— Year -5, 9/20112 -2 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 Width from River Left to Right (ft) YEAR-5,2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT SANDY CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 0911712012 to 09/20/2012 CREW BUCHI-IOLZIPARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankfull Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: r-� L� - awsteln C n l.tt t•n li °n CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS- SF.CTI ON: 3 FEATURE: Riffle 15.81 sq. ft. 12.66 fl. 1.25 It 2.28 ft. 10.13 7.90 C 566.62 ft. CROSS SECTION PHOTO - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM ®EcoEngineering UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 - USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - Randolph County, North Carolina- November, 2012 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT # 403 CROSS - SECTION: 4 Year -0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year -4 Year -5 Year -6 Station (ft) Glen. (R) Station ft Elev. Station tftl Elev. ft Station ft Elm Station ft Elev. ft Station tt Elev. (ft) Station ft Elev. ft 0.00 567.19 0.00 567.20 003 567.23 0.00 567.30 0.16 567.17 0.16 567.17 0.07 567,19 12.00 567.31 8.62 567.22 17.27 567.51 8.2 567.21 8.2 567.21 17.84 567.46 2000 . 56731 17.85 567.48 24.76 566.99 16.15 567.51 16.15 567.51 24.27 567.17 22.60 567.24 23.91 567.20 29.31 566.19 20.07 567.38 20.07 567.38 27.39 566.55 22.90 567.22 24,58 567.12 31.10 565.54 24.3 56724 24.3 56724 28.73 566.10 25.00 566,91 29.38 566.26 32.37 56453 26.83 566.63 26.83 566.63 29.60 565.97 29.70 565.87 31.79 565.27 3140 563.89 28.45 566.45 28.45 566.45 32.11 564.78 31.80 564.94 32.50 564.59 32.51 564.14 30.05 566.15 30.05 566.15 34.04 56141 32.30 564.61 33.79 563.92 33.93 562.86 309 565.82 30.9 565.82 34.88 563.22 33.20 564.19 34.15 563.41 35.92 562.92 31.35 565.58 31.35 565.58 36.03 563.17 34.00 563.29 34.24 563.23 36.79 563.14 31.81 565.15 31.81 565.15 39.56 564.32 35.00 563.10 35.00 562.96 37.79 563.54 32.12 564.59 32.12 564.59 42,14 564.77 35.70 563.33 35.73 562.95 38.49 564.38 32.23 564 34 32.23 564.34 45.37 565.44 36.90 563.50 36.43 56197 38.75 564.01 32.52 563.98 32.52 563.98 47.50 565.97 37.90 563.80 37.00 563.19 40.05 565.41 33.07 563.65 33.07 563.65 47.74 566.10 39.00 564.30 37.93 563.33 43.69 565.49 33.86 563.18 33.86 563.18 53.16 567.13 39.50 564.63 38.59 563.60 53.25 567.36 34.55 562.98 3455 562.98 66.62 567.03 41.60 56498 39.29 563.93 61.84 567.03 35.31 562.94 35.31 562.94 85.71 567.08 47.40 566.05 39.78 564.27 85.78 567.27 36.39 563.05 36.39 563.05 86.21 567.18 53.70 567.12 40.61 564.91 37.36 563.39 37.36 563.39 $6.29 567.18 66.00 567.09 45.05 565.5'_ 38.67 564.04 38.67 564.04 86.30 56725 51.46 566.48 38.95 564.57 38.95 56457 63.23 566.92 39.27 564.35 39.27 564.35 87.29 56732 39.48 565.13 40.58 565.55 43.6 565.4 50.38 566.45 56.17 567.28 86.11 567.28 1 l'�C•cn��tcnl ®EcoEngineedng A a.w.,e W M- Kd la. 569 568 567 S g566 �5 9- 563 562 UT to Sandy Creek - EEP Project Number: 403 - USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report - Randolph County, North Carolina - November, 2012 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 4 - Pool ------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --------------------------- - — — Bankfull —tr— Year -0, 8/22/07 I Year -1, 9/16108 —Year -2, 9111/09 Year -3, 6/30110 - -0 -- Year -4, 04/21/11 --41F— Year -5, 9120/12 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Width from River Left to Right (ft) Bankfull Width 16.12 11. Bankfull Mean Depth 1.41 11. n' Bankfull Max Depth 3.12 ft. WidthfDcpth Ratio 11.44 R. Entrenchment Ratio 0.00 R. Classification n/a Bankfull Elevation: 566.11 R. r ©EcoEngineering A if-1—V The AM. R. VcA.Mres CMnyany. Iqc CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR-5,2012 SURVEY DATA C CROSS - SECTION: 4 PROJECT SANDY CREEK F FEATURE: P Pool TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 09/17/2012 to 09/20. +'2012 CREW BUCFIHOL7./PARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. ' Bankfull X -sec area 2 22.72 s sq. 11. r ©EcoEngineering A if-1—V The AM. R. VcA.Mres CMnyany. Iqc UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS NUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • November, 2012 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT # 403 CROSS - SECTION: 5 Year-0 Year -1 Year -2 Year -3 Year4 Year -5 Year -6 Station Elev. (ft) Station ft Hey, Station ft Elev. Station 01 Elev. ft Station ft Elev. ft Station (R) Hey. 01 ) Station Elev, Ift) 0.00 568.53 0.00 568.57 .1.49 568.61 0.20 568.64 0.22 568.58 0,22 568.58 0.09 568,53 15.00 568.53 13.72 568.67 17.05 568.40 826 568.52 8.26 56852 13.42 568.56 25.00 568.17 18.08 56844 26.23 568.14 16.73 568.46 16.73 568.46 28.15 567.90 25.80 568.14 21.40 568.50 29.84 567.40 23.46 568.29 2146 568.29 29,56 567.39 28.30 567.81 26.64 568.07 30.89 567.26 24.28 568.19 24.28 568.19 31,60 567,39 29.50 567.41 29.10 567.68 32.76 567.57 25.74 568.2 25.74 568.2 32.47 367.20 30.40 567.23 29.70 56751 34.34 567.78 27.28 568.04 27.28 568.04 33.55 567.42 30,70 567.22 30.75 567.35 37.47 568.41 28.39 567.95 28.39 567.95 35,00 567.90 31.10 567.27 31.43 567.45 48,74 569.39 28.9 567.81 28.9 567.81 36.06 568.37 32.50 567.25 32.17 567.40 54.10 56950 29.4 56771 29.4 56271 45.50 569.05 33,80 567.41 32.75 567.44 29.88 56764 ?9.88 56764 53.56 569.52 34.30 567.70 33,44 567.51 30.22 56747 30.22 567.47 53.69 569.52 36.60 568.37 34.12 567.74 30.32 567.59 30.32 567.59 38.00 568A0 35.07 567.99 30.73 5625 30.73 567.5 4600 569.08 35.86 568.27 31.1 567.44 31.1 567.44 53.90 5%51 36.94 568.42 31.4 567.27 31A 567.27 40.46 568.72 31.81 567.34 31.81 367.34 43.26 568.97 32.16 567.43 32.16 567.433 49.66 569.42 32.58 567.45 32.58 567.45 53.98 569.58 33 567,47 33 567.47 33.02 567.59 33.02 567.59 33.3 567,62 33.3 567.62 33.81 567.6 34.42 567.88 35.99 568.37 43 568.99 53.73 569.54 c� I�;�Y),y�rcnl ©EcoEngineedng 570 569 568 c L 567 588 565 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 5 - Riffle — — — Bankfull --�— Year -0, 8122107 — Year -1, 9116108 —>~- Year -2, 9111109 —9 Year -3, 6/30/10 —lIE -- Year -4, 04/21/11 ---0— Year -5, 9/20/12 UT to Sandy Creek - EEP Project Number: 403 - USGS HUC 03030003020010 FifthYear Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • November, 2012 -- - - - - ` --------- ------ - - - --t 1 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 Width from River Left to Right (ft) CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM YEAR -5, 2012 SURVEY DATA CROSS-SECTION- PROJECT SANDY CREEK FEATURE: Riffle TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 09/17/2012 to 09/20/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZJPARRISHIPICKENS Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area 4.18 sq. ft. Bankfull Width 9.46 ft. Bankfull Mean Depth 0.44 ft. Bankfull Max Depth 0.81 ft. Width/Depth Ratio 21.40 ft. Entrenchment Ratio 10.57 ft. Classification C Bankfull Elevation: 568.13 ti. r� I� owstem u �,lt ��111t�f1 ®EmEngineering A dhi"m of TW §&a R McA,4w, Co�p+x 4C UT to Sandy Creek - EEP Project Number: 403 - USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fiflh Year Monitoring Report - Randolph County, North Carolina - November, 2012 UT to SANDY CREEK EEP PROJECT H 403 CROSS - SECTION: 6 Year-0 year-1 Year -2 Year -3 Year -4 Year -5 Year-6 Station (It) Flev. (11) Station (ft Flev. (ft) Station (ft) Elev. (ft) S5s414R (ft F1s.Sv. ($) Station (ft) Elev. (ft) tion tl .IF ev. (ft) St i o" (ft) F %. 11A 0.50 568.58 0.00 568.57 -0.37 368.62 0,08 568.64 0.21 56836 0.68 568,58 17.00 568.35 10.17 568.63 13.95 568.53 9.36 568.54 12.89 568.59 31.20 568.16 17.91 368.36 33,81 567.84 18.09 568.44 28.12 568,41 34.10 567.65 25.12 $68.46 35.85 567.29 25.18 568.35 31.34 568,24 35.70 567.24 19.87 $68.33 37.13 566.63 2847 568.39 36.54 567.12 36.40 56744 32.73 567.90 38.34 566.39 31.46 568.18 37.49 566.46 37.70 566.39 3148 567.84 40.59 566.46 33.34 567.85 38.98 566.10 38.90 566.19 34.07 567.68 42.27 567.50 34.33 56731 39.82 566.29 40.10 56633 34,77 367.54 43,07 567.86 35.16 56759 41.29 567.15 41,00 566,80 35.55 567.34 49.14 568.57 35.5 567.49 43.08 567.92 41.70 567.21 36.26 .567,06 57.65 569.62 33.72 567.32 43.76 568.13 42,70 567.60 36.73 566.81 35.83 56745 44.00 568.24 45.60 568.39 37.18 566.56 36.11 $67.12 44.80 568,50 50,00 568.59 37.97 $66.54 36.55 566.97 31.46 568.90 57.90 369.57 38.61 566,45 36.97 566.8 58.25 $69,65 39,50 566.48 37.$ 566.59 58.30 569.65 40.41 566.52 38.17 566.49 40.79 566.91 39.04 566.19 41.52 567.38 39.86 566.32 3129 567,68 40.45 566.39 43.52 568.15 40.99 566.7 45.41 $68.54 41.4 567.39 51.85 568.86 42.23 567.42 57.89 569.65 43.37 568.07 57.79 569.61 rJ Ecosystem �' ll 1,11 t'lllt'll ®EcoEngineering A dk� 41>k,ob. IL NegOrr Coaos� AsG 571 570 569 C � 568 ro v 567 566 565 564 UT to Sandy Creek • EEP Project Number: 403 • USGS HUC 03030003020010 Fifth Year Monitoring Report • Randolph County, North Carolina • November. 2012 UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section 6 - Pool — — — — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ y — — — Bankfull —+— Year -0, 8/22/07 —�— Year -1, 9/16/08 - -0-- Year -2, 9/11/09 6 Year -3, 6130/10 * Year -4, 04/21/11 —f— Year -5, 9/20112 -1 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 Width from River Left to Right (ft) YEAR-5,20112 SURVEY DATA PROJECT SANDY CREEK TASK CROSS SECTION REACH SANDY CREEK DATE 09/17/2012 to 09/20/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZIPARRISH Summary Data All dimensions in feet. Bankfull X -sec area Bankfull Width Bankfull Mean Depth Bankfull Max Depth Width/Depth Ratio Entrenchment Ratio Classification Bankfull Elevation: r� F�CC>s��teln k li 1.11 t•1il( 11 CROSS SECTION PLOT - LOOKING DOWNSTREAM CROSS - SECTION: 6 FEATURE: Pool 8.34 sq. ft. 10.00 ft. 0.83 ft. 1.65 ft. 12.00 0.00 n/a 567.83 ft. ®EcoEngineering A &,V a af7M lain R. 7JCA�m Cn,prY. hc. UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring Reaches I & II 580 579 578 / - -� 1 1 r— - - - - -1 577 A - � 576 -- -- > 575 ` \V w � -� Reach 1 --0 w 574 — — — YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 573 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures 572 YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 571 %K YR -4 Structures YR -5 TW 9/20/12 YR -5 Structures —YR -5 WS 570 - 10000 10100 10200 STATION (feet) 10300 10400 10500 Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. Year -5 water surface was sporadic due to low / absent flow; therefore, when connecting water surface data points the dashed line is plotted below ground surface in some locations. EcoEngineering \Ai�n�w W'lAr.�du R M�.MJmf`wP Wc. 577 576 575 574 1-1 J 573 Z O E� 572 W 571 570 569 568 567 UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring Reaches I & II 10500 10600 10700 STATION (feet) 10800 10900 11000 Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. Year-5 water surface was sporadic due to low / absent flow; therefore, when connecting water surface data points the dashed line is plotted below ground surface in some locations. EcoEngineedng . \M�tsww d'lA>. ,4du R IQaMWs. f wtpy\i W- 572 571 570 Ifs: 568 O C567 W W 566 565 564 563 562 dV 11� A1-/-j , — — — YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 )IC YR -4 Structures YR -5 TW 9/20/12 YR -5 Structures AYR -5 WS UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring Reaches I & II N �1 r- l1/� 11000 11100 11200 STATION (feet) 11300 11400 11500 Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. Year -5 water surface was sporadic due to low / absent flow; therefore, when connecting water surface data points the dashed line is plotted below ground surface in some locations. ®EcoEngineedng AAl—WT TM.dgwR WAJ1— tww7:rw M•. 567 565 = 563 O H ! 561 W W 559 557 555 UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring Reaches I & II r 1� 1 -- 1 N, I 1 IN r— -- 1 1� I - - -- YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 X YR -4 Structures YR -5 TW 9/20/12 YR -5 Structures AYR -5 WS 11500 11600 11700 STATION (feet) 11800 11900 12000 Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. Year-5 water surface was sporadic due to low/ absent flow; therefore, when connecting water surface data points the dashed line is plotted below ground surface in some locations. EcoEngineedng .�diww W'iR: .MMR AkA4m.Fwrpwu h. 563 562 561 w 560 Z 0 559 W .a w 558 557 556 555 r� X 9 ,1 I 1 I I 1 — — — YR -0 TW Profile 2/29/08 YR -1 TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 �C YR -4 Structures YR -5 TW 9/20/12 YR -5 Structures AYR -5 WS UT to Sandy Creek Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring Reaches I & II LN ; - -- -� -� �1 1 � 11 J I I,f 14 I I i I J i f---- Reach II 12000 12100 12200 STATION (feet) 12300 12400 12500 Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally. Elevation data was not changed. Structures were used as a guide. Year -5 water surface was sporadic due to low / absent flow; therefore, when connecting water surface data points the dashed line is plotted below ground surface in some locations. [E-3]EcoEngineedng i.l T�.� L•:4i R 11.�1.lr�nl.uulve�, lo: 578 576 Reach III -� 574 572 v. Z O 570 a W 568 566 564 UT to Sandy Creek - Tributary Longitudinal Profile 2012 (Year -5) Monitoring Reach III I — — — YR -0 TW YR -I TW 10/1/08 O YR -1 Structures YR -2 TW 9/9/09 A YR -2 Structures YR -3 TW 6/30/10 O YR -3 Structures YR -4 TW 4/21/11 SIC YR-4 Structures YR -5 TW 9/20/12 YR -5 Structures —YR -5 WS I f Reach I I I 562 4- 20000 20050 20100 20150 20200 20250 20300 20350 20400 STATION (feet) Note: Due to slight differences in thalweg length, longitudinal profile was adjusted horizontally on average 10 feet. Structures were used as a guide. Year -5 water surface was sporadic due to low / absent flow; therefore, when connecting water surface data points the dashed line is plotted below ground surface in some locations. ®EcoEngineedng ,Klo nr1 *� R POrAJYmt'wNrq. M:_ S -YEAR, 2012 SURVEY DATA PROJECT NAME UT TO SANDY CREEK TASK LONGITUDINAL PROFILE FEATUIWFACET SLOPE REACHES UT to Sandy Creek and Minor Tributary LENGTH, AND SPACING AND DATE 09/17/2012 to 09/20/2012 LONGITUDINAL PROFILE DATA CREW BUCHHOLZIPARRISH to Sandy Creek Reach I water surface ESIGN AVG. Riffle 0.4% WS sta start= WS sta end= 10020 57 ft 11422 50 ft MEDIAN Run p -p spacing Riffle slopes measured = 3 - -- 62 ELEV. Start = 579.21 ft msl Run slopes measured = 4 177% 588% 894% 2222% ELEV End = 566.01 ft msl 54 60 122 MIN = 0 21 % RIFFLE 343 Results 303% MEDIAN= 158% RIFFLE n= MIN MEDIAN AVG MAX slopes measured = 11 0 21 % 158% 237% 466% _Rtflle Run slopes measured = 6 174% 6.94% 953% 2632% Pools measured = 20 12 72 68 146 UT to Sandy Creek Reach II Overall water surface slope = 1 % DESIGN Riffle AVG. 0.4% W S sta. start = W S sta. end = 11427 87 ft 12349 06 ft MEDIAN Run p -p spacing Riffle slopes measured = 3 - -- 62 ELEV Start = 566 01 ft msl Run slopes measured = 4 177% 588% 894% 2222% ELEV End= 560 59 ft msl 54 60 122 MIN = 0 21 % RIFFLE 343 Results 303% MEDIAN= 158% RIFFLE n= MIN MEDIAN AVG MAX Riffle slopes measured = 9 000% 088% 166% 595% Run slopes measured = 4 089% 237% 3 21 % 720% Pools measured = 14 19 58 71 135 UT to Sandy Creek Reach III Overall water surface slope = 2% DESIGN AVG. Riffle 17% WS sta start= 20008 47 R Run -- WS sta. end = 20390 92 ft p -p spacing 46 -ELEV Start= 573 98 ft msl ELEV. End = 565 40 ft msl Results n = MIN MEDIAN AVG MAX Riffle slopes measured = 3 206% 864% 703% 1039% Run slopes measured = 4 177% 588% 894% 2222% Pools measured = 6 30 54 60 122 All data reported in units of feet unless otherwise specified. Feature Station Length UT to Sandy Slope Creek I _ RIFFLE 133 24 143% n = 11 RIFFLE 265 42 0 21 % MIN = 0 21 % RIFFLE 343 16 303% MEDIAN= 158% RIFFLE 403 7 077% AVG _ 237% RIFFLE 458 15 4.66% MAX = 466% RIFFLE 571 7 413% RIFFLE 908 18 1.58°x'0 RIFFLE 1006 25 432% Sandy Creek, 5 -Year Momtonng Data Sheet 1 of 3 RIFFLE RIFFLE RIFFLE Feature 1158 1272 1399 Station 44 29 24 Length UT to Sandy 158% 2.76% 1.57% Slope Creek H RIFFLE 1640 24 1.17% n = 9 RIFFLE 1760 20 2.17% MIN = 0.00% RIFFLE 1797 5 5.95% MEDIAN = 088% RIFFLE 1928 26 0.27% AVG. = 166% RIFFLE 2028 42 088% MAX = 595% RIFFLE RIFFLE RIFFLE 2099 2168 2233 31 17 7 023% 063% 362% RIFFLE 2269 62 0.00% Feature Station Length UT to Sandy Slope Creek III RIFFLE 20114 8 206% n = 3 RIFFLE 20234 9 1039% MIN = 206% RIFFLE 20325 2 864% MEDIAN = 864% AVG. = MAX = 703% 10.39% Feature Station Length Slope UT to Sandy Creek I RUN 307 3 266% n = 6 RUN 359 13 1123% MIN = 174% RUN 579 15 174% MEDIAN = 694% RUN 926 11 200% AVG = 953% RUN 1031 8 1325% MAX = 2632% RUN 1301 12 26.32% _ Feature Station Length UT to Sandy Slope Creek II RUN 2070 12 168% n = 4 RUN 2130 15 306% MIN = 089% RUN 2185 19 720% MEDIAN = 237% RUN 2331 25 089%. AVG = 3.21% MAX = 7.20% Sandy Creek, 5 -Year Monitoring Data Sheet 2 of 3 Feature Station Length Slope UT to Sandv Creek III RUN 20001 61 294% n= 4 RUN 20122 1 177% MIN = 1.77% RUN 20243 4 22 22% MEDIAN = 588% RUN 20327 8 8 82% AVG. = 894% POOL 41 19 87 n= 20 POOL 107 27 66 MIN = 12 (p-p spacing) POOL 190 40 83 MEDIAN = 72 POOL 233 36 43 AVG = 68 POOL 324 24 91 MAX = 146 POOL 372 37 48 POOL 440 41 69 POOL 522 32 82 POOL 613 36 91 POOL 700 11 87 POOL 718 23 17 POOL 792 33 74 POOL 850 51 59 POOL 937 18 87 POOL 955 9 18 POOL 966 25 12 POOL 1039 28 72 POOL 1074 45 35 POOL 1221 44 146 POOL 1330 30 109 Feature Station Length p -p spacing 59 MAX = 122 UT to Sandy Creek 11 POOL 1431 7 n = 14 POOL 1449 14 19 MIN = 19 (p -p spacing) POOL 1577 48 128 MEDIAN = 58 POOL 1629 19 52 AVG. = 71 POOL 1675 10 46 MAX = 135 POOL 1699 41 24 POOL 1834 27 135 POOL 1918 16 84 POOL 1965 18 47 POOL 2082 19 116 POOL 2145 26 64 POOL 2204 33 58 POOL 2253 20 49 POOL 2355 57 103 Feature Station Length p -p spacing UT to Sandy Creek III POOL 20071 12 n = 6 POOL 20126 7 54 MIN = 30 (p-p spacing) POOL 20247 8 122 MEDIAN = 54 POOL 20277 25 30 AVG = 60 POOL 20336 24 59 MAX = 122 POOL 20372 7 36 Sandy Creek, 5 -Year Monitoring Data Sheet 3 of 3 Histogram 30 --- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- — -- - - - - - -- -- -- - - ---- ■Year 1 25 ■Year2 P d E3 Year 3 20 - - -- ■Year 4 15 _ _ ■ Year 5 c 10 -- -- - 5_ - 0 oo��y ooh ►. a (b Nfo �ti �� NV It,), �oa� Particle Size (mm) EEP PROJECT ID: 403 CROSS - SECTION: I FEATURE: RIFFLE r� �C,' systel)ll PROJECT UT to SANDY CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH UT to SANDY CREEK DATE 09/17/2012 to 09/20/2012 CREW BUCHHOLZ /PARRISH Material Size Ran a mm Count 0 0.062 0.062 0.13 0.13 0.25 UT Sand Note: silt/clay very fine sand frie sand medium sand coarse sand very coarse sand 0.25 0.5 0.5 1 1 2 2 4 Riffle Pebble Count, UT Sandy 1M% - - - - - • ' •; • ` • ` 90% very fine gravel fine gravel fine gravel medium gravel medium gravel coarse gravel coarse gravel 4 6 6 6 8 11 11 16 16 22 22 32 I 80% t 70% ~ gOgr, " 50% Hill 4 f:tY very coarse gravel 32 45 40% very coarse aravel small cobble medium cobble 45 64 64 90 90 128 a 30% 20% large cobble very large cobble 128 180 190 256 10% ; 0% 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Particle Size (mm) Cumulative Percent ♦ Percent Item small boulder small boulder medium boulder 256 362 362 512 512 1024 large boulder ve la a boulder bedrock 1024 2048 2048 4096 Size percent less than mm Percent b substrate t e D16 D35 D50 D84 D95 sift/clay sand ravel cobble boulder R Total Particle Count: 100 0.207 0.61 13.5 30 48 0% 45% 55% 0% 0% 30 - m 25 c 20 15 10 5 O � sod O Histogram ■Year 1 _ -_- - -- -- - - -� ■Year2 OYear 3 `— — ■Year ■Year 5 5 Ooh ^rV �y�`O 4,►' T oP Particle Size (mm) EEP PROJECT ID: 403 CROSS - SECTION: 3 FEATURE: RIFFLE r� 1',c'onYsten l f PROJECT UT to SANDY CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH UT to SANDY CREEK DATE 09/17/2012 to 09/20/2012 CREW BUCHFIOLZ/PARRISH Material Size Range 0 0.062 mm Count 0.062 0.13 UT Sand silt/clay very fine sand fine sand 0,13 0.25 Note medium sand 0.25 0.5 coarse sand 0.5 1 Riffle Pebble Count, UT Sandy very coarse sand 1 2 100% - very fine gravel 2 4 gory, fine gravel 4 6 fine gravel 6 8 80% medium gravel 8 11 c1OC 70% medium gravel 11 16 6095 coarse gravel 16 22 c coarse gravel 22 32 U- 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 0 40% ;i very coarse ravel 45 64 ti 30% small cobble 64 90 medium cobble 90 128 20% large cobble 128 180 10% very lar s cobble 180 256 small boulder 256 362 1 0% small boulder 362 512 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 medium boulder 512 1024 Particle Size (mm) Cumulative Percent ♦ Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 Size percent less than mm Percent b L substrate t1le very large boulder 2048 40% bedrock D16 D35 D50 DB4 D95 silUcla sand ravel cobble boulder bedrock Total Particle Count: 100 0.134 0.37 0.6 6 80 0% 64% 29% 7% 0% 096 Histogram 50 -. —_ -- -------- .._..__ ■Year 1 ■Year 2 40 __ ......— E3 Year 3 CD ■Year 4 30 — ■Year 5 = 20 0 � � -� -'fir' � �� TT. •TTT -� oti ti� ox �o �ti �o°` ,��� rho �►,ti off' o0 0• ti Particle Size (mm) EEP PROJECT ID: 403 CROSS - SECTION: 5 FEATURE: RIFFLE r I-- -1-9;j L CX15 te111 , PROJECT UT to SANDY CREEK TASK PEBBLE COUNT REACH UT to SANDY CREEK DATE 09/1T2012 to 09/2012012 CREW BUCHHOLZMARRISH Material Size Range 0 0.062 mm Count 0.062 0.13 UT Sand --- sift/clay very fine sand fine sand 0.13 0 -25 Not medium sand 0.25 0,5 coarse sand 0.5 1 Riffle Pebble Count, UT Sandy very coarse sand 1 2 100% very fine gravel 2 4 90% fine gravel 4 6 80% �; T fine gravel 6 8 medium gravel 8 11 r 70% medium gravel 11 16 ~ 60% coarse gravel 16 Z2 coarse gravel 22 32 LL. 50% very coarse gravel 32 45 40% very coarse gravel 45 64 a 30% small cobble 64 90 ♦ ; ♦; medium cobble 90 126 20% large cobble 128 180 , 10% ♦ '� very large cobble 180 256 0°l0 . small boulder 256 362 0.01 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 small boulder 362 512 -1 medium boulder 512 1024 Particle Size (mm) Cumulative Percent ♦ Percent Item large boulder 1024 2048 Size percent less than mm Percent by substrate type very lar a boulder 2048 4096 D16 I D35 I 050 I D84 I D95 siltfcla sand I gravel I cobble I boulder bedrock bedrock Total Particle Couni: 100 0.094 0.16 0.2 35 68 0% 80% 14% 6% 0% D % BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates UT to Sandy Creek Stream Restoration Pro ect/EEP Project Number: 403 Linear °' w a 9 r Segment/ Footage or �+ c 3 Time Point Reach Acreage w j ft % ft % ft % ft % it % ft % Tun/ Note BEHI and NBS assessments were not conducted for the entire project pre - construction as part of the existing conditions survey. Therefore, BEHI and NBS assessments are not applicable during Monitoring Year APPENDIX E Wetland Assessment (Omitted, Not Applicable) APPENDIX F Project Photo Stations PHOT06RAPH I: RIP -RAP. HEAD OF UT -I. PHOT06RAPH 2: GROSS VANE. STA: 100 +12. No' EEP -08030 ri to SANDY CREEK �D�►PnON ®EcoEngineering nm.wo.dre�R.WAdo Comm", Inc. 0;1-PRae`T `�"EA1a:EEP08030X.DWG sc�: NITS 1���� MO, MORING PHO`rOGRAPHS CZIP DATE.: 10 -30 -12 1 , �'��L �� RANDiNM C ILIP17 Y. NC P14000 1.7709-4008 (919) 361 -5oon loy Apr All ON . ti �' i • r; {!„tom'" � �1 '�- � '• � �1s! .. i�.�'•,T.i � ,�y �' f �':: ~s��� ray' -;;,F -c � : ma�yy., � �• i � I � �t' ::. ; � � ., r + � . ``j •� ,�� \� .}� �_ �' "yam � � tll•' ff�•�ir 1 :.' • l 1. • . GRO55 VANE. STA: 101+40. it efKk Y Y r•4 � mss+ \ tL � �(.� Sri � -. � .. � _ •• Afi � � • � � .�` .+ . Owl.. �1 rk rk 9 jcXWnVATIK: EEP -08030 EEP08030X.DWG N TS 10 -30 -12 - -'r t� ; • , ,, `fit, - • f, , •.�jC� •%�7+ V IF NOW r ` ,` rte. ��" `� - '••�.� � yf "! t`.' ' ✓. n:: , �j �:�: Ij Ao jr - �.•�" �''� •.7> �f • „ /�y�.- ��q�•• � r� 'ter -��•` t'.'; `� -S - • ' 1�� ;� ''rte o!,`.*#`�.��.._� ► �� '' k. Z ll*dr\ �'' w. ;� • ,1� L1 f -- �1 _ �• r 'fir ,; , •!r i - - - AX is 4� � � i� •v :4 - ��� . � � 'y` •'4' y. V f -, •� ICS PRO16c' "D- EEP -08030 om mm Arcs: EEP08030X.DWG tV SCAM NTS oc En DATE' 10 -30 -12 ,'Z �.� � irk f 1� 43 • ••��i t : t � - Y. � _ 1 a -_ }�, +a ;�. �. •t : , -fit,,, .:� � .! !af "ice , .',�� �' ,.1 � ��. �• ye Al t V op PROJEa no. EEP -08030 Ic "'er"""g EEP08030X.DWG 0 P. tV a SCAM N TS v in DATE; 10 -30 -12 PHOT064RAPH 15: RIP -RAP. PHOTOGRAPH lb: GR055 VANE. 5TA: 107 +4q. �•. UT to SOMY CREEK [-,-:ljEcoEngineering X. DWG �� e�o� R A dividm of Tbc )obo R McA&m Caogny, Inc. (ffm8030 sv teln , MONnORING PHOTOGRAPHS BOXH 12 i .11 �3ll(;tIItIl RANWIpH r,OU11ny� NC P.O. l4005 21iPp�sani005 (919) 901 -0000 1[Y,�?� �•rl��•�'' Tom+ Y �. • _ / all •, %� r '.t. 1 • - '�.'" .di ice/• IJ,fi'� — •�q�_/ Is Wk iii•\ �: ,'i. � ,�• �, �. +, • r - y, r •.ri ^';�:., �. ��'_;�'�T$ir Sk it M ;.' '• v�j{�: 1 � - A?' /''`� _ -' ~� •, ��:�,. ./ � , _•ice i - � ` 1. ilk 1 A a ,+yy 1t1 .. s:�7?• �k A: -ir, -- EEP -08030 n EEP08030X.DWG a NTS DATE: 10 -30 -12 �� i .. s / i • fox A ` ze Ke i 4 r • • R• 1414 � ;a s F f f yips `,�v x d a S 4-1 App 4"A 1 , , A" %0 ol 7v Th- 41, A lo l it t , r % EEP-08030 0 K Fax": EEP08030X.DWG tv SCAU: NTS DATE: 10-30-12 7 4 145 I I,v Ji ti y .,mob. 4 Ar EEP-08030 EEP08030X.DWG SCAU; NTS En DAM 10-rO-12 #I rrtvmu - EEP -08030 V"E" ""g' EEP08030X.DWG SCALE: NTS DATE: 10 -30 -12 PHOTOGRAPH 31: "A" VANE. STA: 118 +46. PHOTOORAPH 32: GRO55 VANE, 5TA: IIq +O?. 4 -;C_.. � 3 •. �+,, § � t� � ELI �+,�� ,•,X it , r��} � ).`. _ . L � Sv -'r � • �'�' 'r., taw `�., �JJyy ,7 w 1hSS W-W T� _ • K • ,, y� , t'f ' � � � r w � � �i�r'f ' • + . * A - �'a� .ti,' �'! �• e x"71 �c w PHOTOGRAPH 35: RIP —RAP. WELTAND DRAINAGE. PHOTOGRAPH 36: GR055 VANE, 5TA: 122 +00. PRONAM "' 08030030 UT to SANDY CREEK [JEcoEngineering F11E ^A11Ei EEP08030X.DWG i]�jC�� /��O*T yO j1►1C%►J 1 <JI\L"1 lr A divuian otibe )dm R McA� Campy, fnc. q scA1E: NTS � � Stelll MONrMRING PHOTOGRAPHS RESEARCH MINGLE PARK. NC BATE: P.O. BOX 14005 ZIP 27709 -4005 10 -30 -12 1'�llli't':i RArIDOLtcoUN Y, NC (919) 951 -5000 ' -. r Vt -7 k- Sal - .•'� • • OF Al Ok '.. '.... . �tir� �.�•i. 1 r �. -/. tl.�: i� �i � - Vii, -`� . . '` .e °_ - - I► �tr� • fib: �'. •.7_.,. '7L ''s , +. '�,, !�.T PROJECT nu. EEP -08030 EEP08030X,DWG v b !SCALE: N TS v OAT), 10- -30 -12 n d a ior tk IA lo / 1-4 1 , ljo � tok 10 4jr; l l —y., •..— — H 41- CRO55 VANE. y� • J �'. .: :1. [ - .+'�: / • .'/;j' r /Air, 46 400 r" j" j " EEP -08030 '"A" EEP0803OKM scAle: NTS �' DA's 10 -30 -12 O.V •, F 'r � , Fes' f ,. V. s,.. yam: � : ' `,% , � ' . , /, � �; N }� � Y• , ;- vIl Ir lk • ; IF `I ' Of 1� rttv:ec, nu. EEP -08030 FILINAM": EEP08030X.DWG tW scAIE: N TS In DATE: 10 -30 -12 L IN V.q w 4A 1 47 I Pt T ip -A Y, PRomcT N"- EEP-08030 M's: EEP08030X.DWG tV ISCAU: NTS Lo DATE: 10-30-12 I VI-I Taft ' �. � .* r � „ y� � IBC ♦ T �\> r � • � a _ •t � ���'1 AOF r t a a '! ;ti?' �, -� K' • . iris' r .� rr / t . jj- 40 • (per r ca ac y 4 F • ( 1 i R y ��. .;, _� _ _' ,• :. � �_ Ic 40 dr. Af � tom;. ^ • ji * ,�` s +III "�fJ•! - T a d Y r� y. •'�J r ! i I l , 1 i,. ., . � t t2 I ��'�`;{, .. 3. , ,; :>M` d --- � I t, I At - • •!!�� �.� ,N ,t !, ?� � •�fY�; PHOTOORAPH 51. GR055 5ECTION 2 LOOKINO BANK. �� n � 1. �/ -*` 'CTS ��� � ��� •�'_ y r ♦� i A� d ,LJ r• )t'e a�,,'I -VT \ IV Lr arlr L t,'. }1 4 •aY•�i. .iaV e.., 4 ii` qtr i„F l - � . 1ori COD Ai: jr- �• ~ w ,- t ' � =. � �. ` 1 � �_ _!� �- ate• C:� - `� n v 0 y `• �l _ 1, • T��k »'r- �:'•.',t�9'R'q .• � i � 4�'�' ` rat .Y�'�I 1 if i� °jam a s 1 1 '`�('\ - � gyp.. t••'. _ - \ y ;�.. ML zil� �� � tl�l � •� i � 'q • si`� Y � - � '� � - {, � '��� �. A tea► �4 ' �'r �•` - '� i, �: i 1 �� � "r. _� • jam. - , ems• r r 4dl& f 0 �Z^Otgq 'If# Ago " 't T t,. +►mot Axl 1 • ,may V � ; T, T ` * T J• 1 li iR,• V�t l r . _ _ .i 1 OVII a �y d in •�� 11 `1 J � , r. �� *. ..L � _.. �. r, oe 1' N" 0020014morzam-AMA W ,. AP lop OV I w • �� . 4krte - 4r • rmom" EEP -08030 FILEIIAME: EEP08030X.DWG v v SCALE! N TS Y y v, DATE: 10 -30 -12 •�'����- _ 'li` -.a . ��+��' a,�[''�'e \� � � .iii , :;�;�`� a,,•i - `� a, • • •1 + �.:. �' -�,.. , , "'"� � \ � �, �� is - s . �, -� 4. DO 1L y- _'� Y . �: ,,[� .: �•. ter,: PVI ' 1 1F - -/r� � a ', �ik•+ . M�' ! j. rr, � ,/� '�'aILFF stir. i 0 L✓ dry - Y f i f .1i Y a . n i it wL � .: tom',,`, '\ i• k��',, , �•� _ _ t .r �►T ,. i • 1 , n C y s-= JOT A. x•7.4 -, •+ ' w ( x !Ja ^l .� J i 5; CRO55SECTION 5 LOOKINO BAW. .iV4, En w • yr»i . IL Ar � N ..`,� • Y �� � ` � ���. t r'�j0 , 7t -{qty ��'4 � •,�• *• yam/ +' � -� � ' � Y�`t► ", �.``� � rr�:. � ',a� In •:L f�1. �•�lE� .►�i •'� by �•. �- � /'- �. 'i - ,, • +,. - +'' ' t. 'tom � ,� ; � k�� L 1, t.i "'.'k h` r 7' �' r°'5��� • � .� . �t.1 �� �5, ^ + �` '�s`' if �(. �r; � i, � 1 L• i �i % `,, IN I • • �• • v •I •fig pI AL i � �� jyw: �rM - _ c � �_ • t C1 ' d n ail Inn . wt . � t � '•A y' � �r 7R . r.",,'i- 3 Jr Pl n a d a S CA FUZNAT lo' EEP -08030 r-i UT to SANDY CREEK NlEcoEngineering '°E"""�` EEP08030X. D WG ���E� �`riy'���j•(Oj�j A dlrlolm ofTUe 1'_�invtitelll MONMRING PHOTOGRAPHS y NTS ssssulca mu+acs rexc, xc 10-30-12 liN'; i►�'II RANDOI�'HCOUNiY, NC (eos)eaei�500 ZIP zrr°o - +aoa {j� DATE: