HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6210501_DB 863-792 SUBJECT DEED_2021051806419 8806419 Excise Tax -9I iI AUG I f i-9 GA Y L 7 fJ'_E D!E-t Recording Time, Book and Page • Tax Lot No. .................. ........... ......... .................. —__Parcel Identifier No. Verified by ... .......... ....................... ____ .......................... County on the ....._......... day of .................. , 19............ by... _ .... .... ......... ............... ............. ......................... ...... ................ ,............. ,....... .......----------------- Mail after recording to .......Post,. Office„ Sox„ 766,x„Spring„ Lake,,., NC„ 28390,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„... J..I This instrument was prepared by ...William S. Wellons ............................ _..... ............................ ......... ..,...... Brief description for the Index NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this ..29th__ day of ......July ................ 19- 8.8._ , by and between GRANTOR William S. Wellons and wife, Florence C. Wellons Post Office Box 766 Spring Lake, NC 28390 GRANTEE WELLCO CONTRACTORS, INC. P. O. Box 766 • Spring Lake, N.C. 28390 Enter in appropriate block for each party: name, address, and, if appropriate, character of entity, e.q. corporation or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City of ........ ............... .... ............. ____ _.....,., .Anderson Creek...,. .... -.. Township, ,,,,,-NAM. Ap_t...,._............._.... County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: (SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" containing 5 pages) 792 N. C. Sar Assoc. Fo= No. 3 ,D1976. Revised Pr,Mw�Br Agemxn[ m�� [N N. C Bat Avee —1981 0...... ... y ..................................--------4:.....:.........--.-,•--..v....: y instrument,recorded•m...:.i,.:.:�.:..........:.....:.'.................. :....,::: e property , ereina ove described was acquired Grantor b A map showing the above described property is recorded in Plat Book ................... page.................... TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be signed In Its Corporate name by its duly authorized officers and its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of its Board of Directors, the day and year first shave written. ___ SF,AL) -------------------- -_------------------_ Px ____________ _ _.%!! -___ _ -----_ C (Corporate Name) Z William S. Wellons ///J //J/� g�//per,,' - h; -£ •_ Y�1 -------------------------------------------------------- --------------<sBAL) ----------------------------President 4 Florence C. Wellons W ATTEST: U R�____________________________________________________________(SEAL) ------------------------------------------------------- ________^ T ________Secretary (Corporate Seal) ZC ,7---------------------------- ------------ ___(SEAL) CUMBERLAND___ --_-_"_county. NORTH CAAOLINA, -_______'-_-`___________ I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that __________________________________________ WILLIAM S. WELLONS and Wife, FLORENCE C. WELLONS - -- - ------ - ---- ----- - - - - --------------------------------------------- __Grantor, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my p hand and official stamp or seal, this __29t kay of My commission expires: ___5-25-92 ----------- 19_'aa. -_ Notary Public SEAL -STAMP NORTH CAROLINA---------------------------------�ZCouaty. I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that ------------------ _r_______________--____, ,y• personally came before me this day and acknowledged that ____ he is --------------------------- Secretary of a N Y------------------------------------------------------- a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly V ;! given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its _______________ C President, sealed with its corporate seat and attested by ___________ as its ___________________________ Secretary. Witness my hand and official stamp or seat, this -------flay of __________'________________ 19--______- My commission expires:____________________________________________________________ ----- Notary Public The foregoing Certificate(s) of ______________ J ?c k i e _ R_ _ I3 a i rr �1-__--_au/ _ _ _ ____ , -____--------__--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isJare certified to be correct. This instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Book and Page shown on the first page hereof. �fI/J/J ,/,yJ�f j _________________ /,�'//1 _X/ !__ —ZT = -__________-_____REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR__ _________ ____-__-____--__MIN, By --------------- _ ___ �-------___-___________-__--Repe:e}jAssistant- Register of Deeds N. C. Bar .4is— Form No. 3 4- 1976. ite i" 0 1977 - nmeamnr„K a ea 1— sek 127, wok'—*. N, a 27055 P--DY A91--t-tA—N, Ce.,A C.-19a1 -,f- ,l'ag 1 a gage3A �.._ a n+,ma r.nrrn.�re+c�yaw�glia" yy.ea�r�er"'k" aa4#Y*l' �r r?u° Beg inning in the canter ,lxngtov "�.f Li i�tatrsery Road at � point 4�Fer�h 54 degrees 3t3 minutes ' est 48 "'feet; _' from ' �v'er ni- I` `hand ' Company's concrete corner #202, corner with the tDtH. Senter land, and runs thence with line of D.H. Senter.and withe center of Lillington Nui-sery Road orth road at the intersection of the old McArthur Road; thence with said - ... r.._. ,.. , - i�iurses: y: ftaari_> asnd.,_tcAr?dr,. =load ,. 3t • _the to thet-ecf ai with the line of D.H. Senter North 20 degrees 08 minutes cast 1882 fee to a stake in center of said road;.;thence with center of said road North 6 degrees 3e minutes East 271-7 feet to -stake in center of said road; thence as center of said road North -O degrees se minutes West 1904.5 feet to stake in center of said road at a paint_ where the road West from Anderson Creek. School intersects with said read, also a carver of D.H. Senter :aind W.R. :John on°s •:_ a cis;":thence with -center:. of. said road North O degrees 38 minutes`West 527 feet with W.R. Johnson's line to a stake in center of said road; thence with center of said road North 14 degrees 01 ' minutes East 352 feet to stake in center of said road and also at the point where the said McArthur Road turns off from said Lillington-Nursery Road in a northwestern direction, thence with the said Lillington-Nursery Road in a northwestern direction; thence with the said Lillington-Nursery Road and with line of W.R. Johnson land North 16 degrees 19 minutes East 52B feet to stake in center of said road; thence with said road: North 26 degrees 29.minutes East 271.5 feet to stake in center of said road; thence with -center of said .road North 40 degrees 31 minutes East 188 feet to stake in center of said :road, -thence with -;enter af, said road -Norte€ -54 degrees--53 minutes _. _ • ,.-x East--601 _5 'feet -to stake in cer►t€3r af'~said road,' thrice -with cerer,ofi said road North 52 degrees 05 minutes East 609.-7 feet to stake in center of said road; thence with center of said road North 35 degrees 33 minutes East 1244 feet to stake in center of said road; thence with center of said road North 33 degrees R2 minutes East 303.5 feet to stake in center of said road; thence with center of said road North 21 degrees•-59 minutes East; 209 feet ta'stdke. In center gf said ,Yaaci> .. thence `srit�i"center of -said road"t�iorttr'6 degrees '-:4 es as 1022.3 feet to stake in. center .of said road; thence North 251'degrees 40 minutes East 184 feet'to stoke in center of -said road; thence with center of said road Nforth_36 degrees 42 minutes East,732.fee t`:to stake in center of said road; thence with center of said roaci.•korth 25 degrees 30 minutes East -154.5 feet to a stake set on the West side of Lillington-Nursery. Roadthe dividing corner. between Mrs. D.B. Andrews and Charlie Andrews; thence as the. new dividing line between Mrs. D.B_ Andrews and Charlie Andrews North 83 degrees 08 minutes West 5200 feet to stake in the original Tine an L the West side of the McArthur Ruadx a dividing corner for Mrs_--D $..Andrews and Charlie Andrews; thence 'as -the original line South 9 degrees 35"minutes - East 468 feet to the said company's concrete corner #183; thence as said company's line and.the McArthur Road South,14 degrees 55 minutes East 1162 feet to said 'company's concrete corner:#184;.thence wi-th said company's line and.McArthur.Road South 19 degrees 30 minutes.East 1500 feet to•.said company Is concrete corner.'..#185 thence with said company's line South -29 degrees 10 'miii6tes� East 321 feet to saxd "" company`s concrete earlier. #_i86 ,on southwest side afa,q 1Me�5rthur€rad t#�ence.witfi-."said" company "line South 52` degrees 25,.mxrtites West a839 feet passing #187 and #188 to. said) ,4company s concrete corner' 418k.?. thence with said campariys line South` 6 -degrees 15 "minutes West 3309 feet passing #190 ,and #191 to saki -company's 6onorete-corner-#192,M _,p.H - - `;r x ♦ 4r.,r rr o-,• -' v ,. ` a+i ""' x,..', gw V W��'-1 pa sr.sr d a . r,+tt 'Re+.r•4".,f ^'-. �..."•`, ,, y r; .-r'.'F. x n!F ! `'�'-''}- h'. 4a -:1 ' i Nti ^c f � - - . ` wit 4 k ', R" i`..*a'° -: a'•nK .. :rf' C7:,'1�@Sr t[�ence°with said co,npany's 'izne South 83 degrees i5 minutes East 1231= feet passing #�193 to said company's ._. concrete corner- !#194, -thence_°. with said company`s: line N.arth-•s degrees 25 , minutes East'C)4.7 feet to "".• said company',s,-concrete corder' 195}-.thence with. sand :campany 's.:-line > 2 degrees...55 minutes_ East 157E feet _passing, #196 ,to. said s� concrete` turner `s line South " •cdmtany�` #€197; thence 'with' company. 5 degrees 55 minutes West 2645 feet, passing #19e •and #194 to maid. company's concrete canner #200; thence with said -company s Line South 84' degrees 2S mir►u m ,MEast =f25 :.feet ;to said, company':: concrete, toner , - } #201; thence with said company`s fine South 54 degrees 30 minutes°East S49 feet to ..cer4te_r af;-- said, L; l;lix�g:tq;c.7Kursery ,:, Fiaad,., • beginning, containing 667.41 acres. By an actual survey made by Russell D. Baseman, C. E. And being the same lands conveyed .by Annie W. Andrews, widow, and Eunice A. Smith, widow, to William S. Wellons by deeddated February 26,-1c?73.and recorded in Book 588 , at_ Page 401 Harnett County Registry- And being the same,lands conveyed by Daniel B. Andrews Jr. and: wife., Joyce P. Andrews, to. William S. Wellons by deed dated February 26, 1973 and recorded in book 588 page 43, Harnett County Registry. Excepted from the above .described lands are parcels described -. as follows: FIRST EXCEPTED TRACTS BEGINNING at the southeast corner of the tract of which this is 'a part, said point being in the western margin'o'f State Road #1117, and runs thence with the line of the tract of which this is a part, North 73 :degrees l0-minutes-West -.r182 C!,Feet,Tthence ',Nortfii , 54-decjrees-34'm�nutes-West -297.0'feet; `thence North i 84'-degrees 25 minutes West 125.0 feet; thence !North 5 degrees 55 minutes East 2000.0 feet to a point-, thence a new Line South 79 degrees 24 minutes East 1031_04 'Feet to a point in the western margin of State .Road #1117 one of the ori.ginal.corners of the tract of which this is a part;` . thence with the line of the original tract, and the western margin of State!,Rgad 41117 :Saczth 6 _degrees: 3$ minutes West 271.7, feet, thence South 20- degrees 08 it inutes West 1'882:0 feet to -,the 'begins z,ng," containing 34 Se acres 'SECOND EXCEPTED .TRACT,. -BEGINNING at'the Northeast corner of the tract. of which .this is a pant, said beginning paint being in the Western;' margin of SF7 ##1117 and runs thence with the Western margin of SR #1117 and the calls of the Deed of which this is,a part (in a reverse direction ) South 25 degrees. 30 minutes West 155..0-feet; thence South 36 degrees 42! minutes West 732.0 feet; thence South 2:4 degrees 40 minutes West 184.0 feet; thence South 16 degrees'14 minutes West 102E.30 feet; thence West 303.5 feet; thence South 35. deggrees 83' as notes West 1244.4 feet; thence .90%.ith 5? degrees'.65 :minutes West 609.7 feet; ,thence South 54 ;degrees 53 minutes West 601.25 Teet;'therice .South.40 degrees 31 minutes.: west -i'ae.0 feet; thence South 26.,degrees-- 29 minutes West 27.1.5 feet; thence a new line, -North 73'-degrees 41,minutes West 20C).O fec3t3. thence North 42 degrees 48 minutes.. East, 4747:43`feet' to a, po1nri in the N6rthern�line of; the tract afF which' is apart,, thence with ttse- Northern line,° South 83 degrees'.30,minutes East $219,`46 feet to the BEGINNING contazxring1564 acres - . THIRD EXCEPTED TRACT.-, BEGINNING at the intersectiori of .the Western right-of-way 'line of RPRAM17 and the,Southeastern right-of-way, line �,� � � f err` `'''e'., *,,..�''.' -� � � ,�y�.�� i ? -�,.3 `�, `�,3.� �'y �.. w � �� y rr ���� r, - `� a w,•. r rtw� » yM ?,. 4 �`• s � _ �•� +. 9.eVu w � .z � �'7c`. e."o �� � � ? l,,,i r e.., r _ �r.: • �— .X' � 'CZ -� � � .x -.S1 iLaa Yi�y _ �,",' ? 4R- .4 i1� } 5 Fry7,- 1 ? rx •61,` 'rt •�� Y,.Y ;., 5 r '� - s A ,, •�. ., �;s • x� �C rs _' •-•t zA, r� r rr 7.s.. rsEn x. y" w i -'`' i`kdC 'R� �, +' s ' + m, ■ - ',>�• ze 1. ys f ,� � 1, 's4 n�' " ,T � _ ,�•:�. � � � :, r,. �% 'ti "�'" F,.L',+. ° r-p, �: - ...i' �-'� `s".''�•- �.'' ' �' s �i¢..-•a�"'�`-� 4"i ....-,",J a. •ra v..h.��; i?, : /F( fp• ,- •. ,rr,^^if"�taY c3-..A'r' _,�. ...f. .?.^•ra '�., �`k y. ..4 • - :' - -,r «`ac+.4�_•_ � i..;zx�.r.fv- .:r t. « r- -,< :'�.-, - af -RP.Fi #1116, anti ruris thence as the Northeastern right of -way line of RPR #1117, North e6 degrees 42 minutes. West 2595.a5 feet to a stake; thence continuing along the l&rtheastern right-of-way line of RPR #1116, the following u� courses and. distancess • North 29 -degrees: 10 minutes West 321 00 feet; North ,19 degrees 30 minutes West 3.500.00 feet; North 14 'degrees 55 minutes West 1163.00 feet, and Nor th 9 degrees 35 minutes West 477.0.feet; thence South 83 degrees 30 minutes East 5425.00 feet to the Northwestern corner of the Wellons' �. _, . .. 12 ciegr+zes 48 minutes WestW use lxrie_ of :said _156 ,acre ,tract;,. South ,. 156 acre tract- thence :as t 4747.43 feet to a stake; thence South 73 de reee,.41 minutes .East 2'00 04 feet to aE stake xrs the Westei-n rig ! t- of way line of RPR' ##1117; thence 'as'the Western right-of-way line o said RPR ##1117 South 16 degrees 19 minutes West 528.00 feet to the paint of BEGINNING. There is excepted from -the tract, designated as the Third Excepted Tract above, the following described property: $EGINNING at an iron pipe G the Eastern right-of-way margin of SR #1116, said iron pipe being the Northwest corner of the tract of which this is a part, and runs thence with the Northern line of the tract of which this is a part, South 83 degrees 30 minutes East 400.00 feet; thence a new line, South 9 degrees 35 minutes East 200.00 feet; thence South 15 degrees 04 minutes East 729.74 feet; thence South 75 degrees 05 minutes West 400.00 feet to a point in the Eastern right-of-way margin SR #1116, North 14 degrees 55 minutes West 600.00 feet; thence continuing -with the Eastern right-of-way margin of SR-##1116, North 9 degrees 35 minutes West 477.0 feet to the BEGINNING,_ containing 9.08 acres. .._:,,..,..„.,.�,,..,..-:-.:.•..---,4r.'.,—f-.-.•-b:s-^�•^ym�^..�s�v-:s� a•�m�,-�s-•'---�•.as �,vr'�-•� +^c.-n^rR.mrTarr r'^r:z.,c,;-ra^�-.. .���...,,- rA.:-.. --- v---•F{3URTH EXCEPTED :-TRACTI -BEGINNING at an iroi� pipe -in the-' intersection of the southwestern margin of McArthur Road,, SR #1116, with the western margin of Nursery Road, SR ##1117, and running thence with western margin of said Nursery Road the following courses and distances: South 1b degrees 11 minutes West 91.14 feet to an iron pipe, South.14 degrees 39 minutes West 101.02 feet to an iron pipe,.South 12 degrees 16, minutes West 101.s- -feet ,- to- an irorx pipe, .and South S degrees ._55 minutes` -West 88:S5 feet - to an -iron 'Pape; thence ' leaving -the road North 89 degrees 56 minutes West 221.10 feet to an iron pipe.; . thence North 10-degrees 06.minutes East 216.80 feet__ to and iron pipe` thence '{North 10 degrees 33 minutes West 13e.61_feet to an" Iron pipe, thence North 7e degrees 20 minutes East 260.37 feet to an iron pipe Iin the southwestern margin of McArthur. -Road, SR #1116; thence with it South 39 degrees 20 minutes East 34.99 feet to the BEGINNING and containing 2.0 acres more or less.. FIFTH,EXCEPTED TRACTz BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the southwestern margin of McArthur Road- (SR #1116) said iron pipe being located North 39 degrees 20 feet West 34.89 feet; North 38 degrees 23 feet West 101.21 feet; North 35 -degrees 57 feet, West 101 .03..feet; North 34 degrees 22 feet West 100.59 feet; North 34, degrees 01 feet West 434.42 feet from. the, intersection'of the southwestern .margin of said McArthur -Road it, the western margin of Nursery Road SR ##1117 and running. thence South.`55'iiegrees,59 feet West 210:-:feet..to. .an,iron pipe; .thence ,North 34 degrees �,0I .`feet )lest. 208 ,,.feet'ta, ,an,.i,ran pipe;. thence: North°55 degrees,t feet East 210 feet to a .point in the western. right- a f-way.` margin ,of SR- #1116 "and runs' thence with . t{ie ' western r i,c}h tr-of-t way margin of 'South 34"degrees of feet Eest 208 feet: to an , iron pipe the BEGINNING, containing 1 acre. ' -ate �r�� i-.���_�z c :tY��..;tarYti �-j�'S,Y�rr ,Yav•..-'"__��-�.�."e�, -y8� � 5�y�,p,,�,{51�„,�[^�a" a' ,. - r m r i s K. k'„ JV yy w. ,+ 1 @ KIN a �, s,c '� 'Y�' 1 r wi �G �„ �,,, > - �'r -� � ••: � - k x� +_ � ' ^ ;�' x '� ;�r�3irr. __ Pig $ Of -.pages ei* ac ; ,r r .sue a s `...., v r , av' ... < - j.S �^yry . ' +., £ - ..g ,i• .,w, a w`'k" • ,,,- ✓• R .,. `SIXTH 1kXCEPT£D `TRACTt .:Lots #5, ^ 1'?, 1A, iB, 18A, X619 19A, 20, 20A, 2Y x _e6,a7, 28, 2 , 3q, 3I`, 32} 33, 34�. 63, 64, 65,:'-66 ;67, gg'y 68A, 69,' 70� 71, 72, '73j, 74, 75i 78 793 80, --81, 82, 83',_`84, 85;'6.C- 87, .se, 89, : .90, ,: 413 -v 92, ._-'and 93 - of Section, V1, :. Rolli q Sp•r. Ong Subdivision, as. shown an a_map thereaf,`prepared.,by Rose and, Pur- I H+w .• 'Inc.,:, recorded in' MapjTBoa�C±`20, a� image 8br'(-far'nett OEYnty Pegistry,11 - which map..reference is Flare made.far a full and' complete descript.ion of .said lots. Being; the same Pats.'convey.ed to Welico Catntractgrs y deed dated December ..�, i97`: . recorded =`n; Hcok 532,, 'aat ;Page e47, Harnett`: - Coun'ty Registry.. r-7 ;<� +,� a t' '�. ,,. it r i- ,•q ',- : y q a, a. m, �- ;� :?_.� 3.aw-• .z.,wia .:,;-. ,.� ��,-�', w. `i';. SEVE�NT'H EXCEPTED TRACT: BEGINNING at. an iron pipe on the western right-of-way margin of Nursery Road (SR #1117), said pipe being located southwardly 91e.87 feet from. the intersection- of the western right= -of- way margin of"SR '#1117 and 'tote- southwest. right of way margin of SR #1116; and runs thence with the western right-of-way margin bf SR #1117, South 00 degrees 04 feet West 170 feet. to an. ..iron Ripe; _e .,.�,..... • g... Jr __ - feet, to an, irpn'pzpe, - - thence"North. 89 cte Tees 5£s feet ;West -210 North 8'degrees 09 feet West 197.02 feet to anironpipe; thence South 89 degrees 56 feet East-213.14 feet to an iron pipe, the p;.c. of- a curve; thence with said curve as it curves to the right on a radices. of 25 feet, an arc distance of 39.27 feet to an iron pipe, the BEGINNING. EIGHTH EXCEPTED TRACTS BINNING at an iron pipe an the western 60.0 feet right way of margin of Nursery Road, SR #11170 at a point North O degrees 04 minutes East 168.12 feet from the P.C. of. the curve at the intersection of the northern 60.0 feet right of way Margin 7of Cypress Drive and the said western. 60.0 feet right-of-way margin of Nursery Road, and runs thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes West 210 feet to an.. i thence Nor:th 0 d re s .04-minutes Easy-246 0°feet° taan crass i - p p-L _. e9 e w tFi.€nce South 84 :degrees 56- miln' utes East '2i6,b .:.feet+ t" pipe an the western 60.0 feet right of way margin of Nursery Road; thence with said margin South zero degrees 04 minutes West 20e.O.feet ' to the beginning, and being Lot #2e, Section Six, Rolling Springs' as F shown an map made by Rose and Purcell, Inc., in. September, 1973:. .V., NINTHEXCEP1'ED TRf�CTx _Ra ht-wf-wa bean the width indicated and ,�eresss -said -property as follows. ' • * �,a..' ,60 feet In width :measured' :' 30 feet art each side, of the center l Ire, cf. ! said proposed road, and such .add`i.tzartAl widths as migkt be necessary to provide for cut and fill slopes . and `c}rainage of 'r. oad.: The foLlowking is the center line of the 60 feet street (Poplar' Dr vek Beginning at a' point in 'the western right -'of -way margin of 8V- 4111:6, said point being located South 34 degrees of feet East, 571.50 fee' from an iron pipe in the western margin of SR #1116, and said iron pipe .bo ng in the northern Fine of the tract of which this. is a part, and runs thence parallel to and 570.0 feet southwardly from said northern 'line bf the - d tract of which thxs.i.s'a part, South 51 degrees 50 'feet West, 2721.72. feet to ,the p_p. of a curve, the -'radius iif;whicFi i.+e 65Q:6 feet= ° thence with said curve, as it_'curves.to the Left,, an 4rc.;distance of. } 526.01 feet to. the '.f of 'said ccirve thence par. al lel to :'and 250 -feet eastwardly from the western I•ine of the tract. of which this is :a: party Souih'_5 degrees 28 fe_et West,'f47� 63-.feet to a point-' thence North d 84 degrees 32 feet West, 250 0 Pest -to-a'-point tm'the western line of ( the traci of which this as a, part,,' said" paint being located South ," . 4 5 degrees,°2® feet West,. 2299.20 feet #rom the northwest corner bf g) ' tract -af Wb'icK -this is .a .•past b�-- *r ",.—..--•---4 5,4, f .----z+"*--" 3 -s--', 7c J •'eva;� #" y 'Ei. $.<�' s "'E'. +'` ?'''.' `5--. ';'c '•`'t' ';P'�' '"..Fc -F'�. } 'r� _t -a ,� k Y MS p [ ♦p =..tS 0^ 4. g r ""f ,r. •t7- i - T'S.R ,r `.s y,.„ 'R,B`} '"3: r Y. •ti ?i h ''^t3�r .44n rc. ,;., t-!:i}.`: '` n`j s"iL .:x� .+. _ �'�:' ,�. �.•x3.i-?'f,� .x�a.:r v�S',_ x ,.,rv, a .x. +� :,'Y..c:::rt 4¢8` tx. :, y;.s a. •, a ;'t,r �'2�f"` ':Fyvr -+.:. •'•� -,'t, �y#..�x ,� ?^ �..-} r+. _.. ,.,�,' ,.,a; 9. � x ;�. �: U�irE . a tl i� ( � �hl�h .,� ��. I p��t�ku���W , pC+ Hihy�'�nyQ�+,;•. . .. _..: •, d . `.. �hc� �-"'�g`•.ti ^17 } a,'�er�+;+���:'�k'fli1r� ���'s �.�`�'' ,.'.a .� i T�"a�,� "C-°r 4 y "'. - .. 8 ... r .: a ..n.n .o-•�.t ;.t,; .yw +w+1 s..y TENTH `6XCEPTEID "TRACT: --Commencing -at a found iron pipe being in the southwestern 'margin of SR-#1116, 60 feetd right-of-way, said iron pipe being -the -most Northern' oorrner of Lot #128 and Roiling Springs Subdivision Section.`, thence with right -of --way ,of SR #1116 South,- 34 degrees 1 foot. E'ast� 1�5.QO.feet to the point of.beginning'. a set'... re-bar'In said right=of-way; thence` continuing w11 said r!ght--af--Way -; South 34 degrees, 01 feet East 165..00 feet to ,a set re -bar in said right-of-way said re -bar being North 34 degrees 01 feet hest . 211.42 , feet .from the � Jritor5ect on:,'q Fy the northeastern' right-of-way SR #1116 and the northern right-of-way of Popular Drive, 60 feet right- Wine of #eetavfo a set re bar in the northern5 ldegrees Eaotsndac• g ., a� c .' t7of-wa line of Lot #g7 of afore said subdivision South 52 degrees 33 fe boundary line of Lao #126 of said subdivision: thence a new line North 34 degrees 01 feet West, 165.00 feet to .a set're-bar, a new corner; thence another new line North 52 degrees 33 feet East, 210.00 feet to the Point of, Beginning, containing 0.744 acres. PMED DIM4-11 `U- TI .Q BOOK-9&.3� RE&ISTEIit�DS- .` QAYM P. �_. _..... _�. r...•-...nr;.w. ss�..t.i.w.....,�..,,.i�.,..F.gy l.... >.�-:wtK .,o:,aa. n,�.wa :ry ail ,.. �. ,....c-...,:F �:a. n., ,,.. .,:.. �.•. ,.F ,,-9..�,. ,-w�.w....*uh+.�;���i'g'a _ ,.. ,. _ _.. .,,..:�,x,'xe�; fir.,;:..+�¢.:s s-x'.t`.:...�: n,m n.�. i;W_x ._...v�^. �!.. ...a ,!a }'k :iMrSQ•'s�M,2. :dd,.+'�n,-,-r. ,..'�J�n-r.,..�.:.: Lm,. �.�.-.�:.. AJb.. .. �.r. 3 .,"`� '•t�^•'r �.. 5� �� � 3`Kr ���. �.,'¢a''w�d pi%'d',��, d A,54a4 3 '� s'�. ""` .-.�` "'��.. ``.'"�_•N'y'.� a x t b `letter q y •: � - �." �de + w3.. JS3M °4+1,s „t V j 4 � � Td'y' ye.,a3 �' '� tr` T ';S';•;,, {� .7:+^� sr �r 5 W r _ ,--' -�-- •':. s- _' � ,�.-�=.- f,,�'r� r. ,w'�a*'" :yt •cr 1:. ,"'' •5.« 4r � ¢ `S,isr x- >, .�. .0 _- , � - • � �.• t«. e 'ter'% --3,, k.`e' `¢ ¢ �' xr ,_. � _,_�� � fig. ��'^ � `f:t:: � m . � .,�.. f W. - . A �X-