HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6210501_1736-EC MATTING CALCS_202105181736 — Rolling Springs Section 7 EC Matting Calculations Ditch #1 North American Green ECMD5 Version 4.3 - Channel protection Design, output Form — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help 'ENGLISH, IUSEP I W�72M 01:D3 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfa Peak Flow Period hrs Velocity ]fps) Area (sgft) Hydraulic R Ill Normal DLEL 12.8 0.3 1 2.66 1 1.05 0.28 0.51 LINER RESULTS Unfeinforced S = 0.0281] 1Li Bo 3.0 Widtht- tom fi.50 It Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StabdkyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics %rnissb)e Shear Stress [W Calcuated Shear Stress (0) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Oensily Straight Llmeinfomed Vegetation D I Bunch 50.75% al 0.90 3.70 STABLE Sod Sand 0.020 R097 0.21 UNSTABLE N North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ;ENGLISH.[QUICK F3—/5—/M 01:05 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge fcfsl Peak flow Period f1wsl Velocity (fps) 1 Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Radius ft 1 Normal Depth N 1 k.8 0.3 2.15 1 1.30 0.31 0.58 Ln W&,-T50It Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Suess (PSI) Calculated Shear Stress (PA Safely Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight S75 Unvegetaled 1.55 1.01 1.53 STABLE Staple D M North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. PJSER I315120Q1 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge ds Peak Flow Period hrs Velocily [fps] Area (sq.ft) Hydtaukc Rachusoftl Normal Depth t 5.2 1 0,5 1-0 1 319 0-49 U-95 LINER RESULTS - ❑ x Unreinforced S = 0.0050 1 1 �1 Bottom Width = 0.50 it 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stabi5tyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Per msble Shear Stress (Psll Calculated Shear Stress (0) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinfoiced Vegetation D I Bunch 50.75% 3.33 0.30 11.23 STABLE Sol Sand 0.020 0.032 0.62 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, 0utput Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IQUICK I 375120Q1 :09 PM HYDRAULIC SU T Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period hrs Velocity [tps] Area (sq.ft] Hydraulic Radius ft Normal i?e h f1 �.2 L1.5 1.52 3.42 0.51 0.99 LINER RESULTS --- ❑ x 3-0 WiBottom h t 0 50 It 3 0 Not to Scale Reach Malting Type StabikyAnal6s Vegetation Characte:islics Petmissible Shear Stress (PST, Calculated Sheat Stress IN) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type 0ensRy Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 U31 5.03 STABLE Staple D ® !North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help --NGLISH- SER ff6- -/W 11 PM (il'UL•�d11lL�ll �Yli�i>�9 Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period hrs Velocity (fps] Area (sq.ft) I Hydrauic R tI Normal Depth k 8-65 1 0.5 1 3.28 262 1 0-44 1 0.86 LINER RESULTS Unreinfomed S�/ Bottom 1 Width = 0.50 ft 1 1 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type 5tabilityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics PerrrissUe Shear Stress fP l Calculated Shear Stress (p,80 Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Typ7Densky Stfaight Unreinforced Vegetation D Bun 3.33 1.23 2.71 STABLE Sal Sand am 0.133 0-15 UNSTABLE . North American Green ECM D5Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help NGLISH.[QUICK 3/5/2021 0a,11 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs 'eak Flow period hrs Velocity [fps Area IWO Hydraukc Rados t Normal D ft 6..6 1 0.5 1 2.96 1 291 1 0.47 Q90 LINER RESULTS LH Width' 50 k Not to Scale - Reach Matting Type StabilyAnalysis VegetalionChmactetislics Petrnissble Sheaf Skess (Pf) Calculated Shear Stress W) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Patton Phase Class I Type Density Straight S75 Llnvegetated 1-55 1-30 1-19 STABLE Staple D Ditch #4 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm File Specifications Options Help NGLISH. USER N6—rM 313 PMI Discharge cfs I Peak Flow Period his Vekx* VM) Area (syft) I Hydraulc Radusft Normal De ft (1.5 I 0.5 1 1.99 1 5.78 1 0.&6 1 1.31 Unreinforced S - 0.0050 r 1 �1 8attom WYrdh - 0.50 k 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern Stabrbty An*s4 Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress lust) Calc lateci Shear Stress (Psf) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Unfeinforced Vegetation D Bunch 50.75% 3.33 0.41 8.17 STABLE Soo Sand 0.020 0.044 M45 UNSTABLE ■ North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Chan net Protection Design, Output Forrn File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. QUICK 3/5/2021 0313 PM HYDRAULIC HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge ds Peak Flow period s Velocity (fps) Area (soft) }lydrauGc R fl Normal D h R 11.5 0.5 1 209 1 530 1 064 1 127 L— Bottom 1 3.0 Width =0.50ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Slabdiky Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Perintnihle Shear Stress [psf) Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.40 3.90 STABLE Staple D Ditch #5 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. IUSER 3/5/2(O 0a16 PM HYDBAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period Nr Velocity (fps] Area (sq.ft] Hydraukc Radius t Normal Depth ft j7.5 0.1 1.71 0.21 0.14 0.24 30 Width-050ft 30 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StaWyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (W Calculated Shear Stress (psl) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight Uruaiforced Vegetation I D Bunch 50.75y 3.33 0.42 7396 STABLE Sall Sand am 0.045 0.44 U45TABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, output Farm File Specifications Options Help NGLlSH. [QUICK I 315i2021 0a17 PM [Wtbi .17,I1l o� Discharge Ids] Peak Flow Period (IVSI Velocity Ups) Area [sq_ft) Hydraukc Radius ft Normal D ft 1 0.5 1 0.1 1 1.35 1 0.37 1 0.16 0.28 LINER RESULTS Ln Widoh"=TS0R 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stabby Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress [Psf) faloulated Shear Stress [PSI) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattem Phase Class Type DenAy Straight 575 Um+egetated 1.55 0.4B 3.20 STABLE Staple D flitrh ffA North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. ILISER 7V2021 0302PM [ rja��fi lrox-immal9 Discharge ds Peak Flow Aeriod lira Vebraty [fps] At" [sqR] I Hydratl c Radio00 tj Normal De hit p.9 111 2.47 1 R36 1 0.16 0.27 LINER RESULTS Unteinforced Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern StabikyAnalysm Vegetation charaNerislics Pwrissbte Shear Stress Calculated Shear Stress Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Urreinforced Vegetation 01 Bunch 50.75% 3.33 0.86 3.89 STABLE Soil Sand 0.020 0.093 0.22 UNSTABLE n North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH, IQUICK Fa/-5—/= 04 PM Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period hrs Velocity [fps] Area [sq.ft] Hydraulic R fit Normal Oepthit 0.9 10.5 1.95 1 0.46 0.18 0.32 LINER RESULTS 3 width= 0 54 ft 3 4 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Sta AVAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress €Ps1] Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type DM* Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.99 1.57 STABLE Staple D Ditch #7 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form — ❑ x File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER F-15—/M 03-01 PM HYDRAUUEg -RE SIULT� Discharge Peak Flow Velodt7(fps) Area Isq•ft) Hydraulic Normal cts Period hrs Ra&sfnl Depth ft k.1 0.1 1 3.76 1 0.56 1 0.20 0.36 LINER RESULTS Unrewomed S • R0860 RMTWi50 It 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern StabityArr*sis Vegetation CharactvMtict Permissible Shear Stress IFafl Calculated Shear Stress fpsf) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D Bunch 50.75% 3.33 1Al 1.74 STABLE Sod Sand (ion ID207 0.10 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. QUICK 3 /2021 01 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period hrs Velock (tps) Area Isq.ft) Hydraulic Radius t Normal Depth f3 1.1 0.1 1 5.87 1 0.36 1 R16 0.27 L n Bottom -0.50 It 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type St"y An*sip Vegetation Characteristics Permissible SheafSkess 00) Cak ulated Shear Stress Ipsf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Patten Phase Class Type Density Srraghl C125 Unvege<ated 2.25 1.46 1.54 STABLE Staple D Ditch #8 ® North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Fo•m File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. USER 315/2021 030 PPM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Dischatge ds Peak Flow Period s Velocity [fps) Area (sq.lt) Hydraulic Radius ft Normal Depth Pt j1.3 0.1 272 1 0.48 0.19 0.32 LINER RESULTSRESULTS Unreirrfofced — ❑ X S - f)lf)500 i 1L �1 Bottom 3.0 Width = 0.50 it 3 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StabilityArraiysis Vegetakr Characteristics Permisarble Shear Stress (psc Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight Un reinforeed Vegetation D I Bunch %75% 3.33 1.01 329 STABLE W Sand 0,023 0.110 11.18 UNSTABLE 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH, QUICK 3/5/2621 6306PM Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period this)Radus1.3 Velociiq [fps) Area lsq.ft) Hydrant15� 0.5 2 i5 O.S1 0.21 L Bottom 30 3.0 Width = 0.50 It Na to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern StablityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Stress (Psfl Calculated Shear Stress (PSI) SafetyFactar Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight S75 Urwegetated 1.55 1,17 1.33 STABLE Staple D n;+,k 440 bj North American Green ECMOS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, 0utput Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. USER 03:22 PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge ds Peak Flow Period hrs VebcRy (fps)j Area [sq.ft) Hydraulic Radius t I Normal D ft P.8 0.1 1 4.08 1 0.71 1 0.23 1 0.41 Unreinforeed Vegetation (n-0.040) S = 0.0%0 1 1 Widh-0 50 ft' 1 Not toScafe Reach Matting Type StatAtyAnalysis Vegetation Chwactemstics Permissible Shear Stress (PSI) Calculated Shear Shess [Psfl Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight Umeinforced Vegelalien D Bunch 50.75% 3.33 2.20 1.51 STABLE Sol Sand 0.(f20 a239 0.08 UNSTABLE 0 North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH.[QUICK 3/5/2021 03:23PM IN kro 111�Ir1al Yfl�l161 Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period his Velocity (fps) Area (sq.lt) Hydraulcc Radrus ft Normal D h ft V9 0.1 6.38 0.45 0.18 1 0.31 LINER RESULTS C125 5 = O.D660 LR 'U�idh • 0.50 R' Not to Scale Reach Malting Type Staple Pattern Stabiity Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissibe Shear Stress [psf) Caculated Shear Shen tmfl Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Densiy Straight C125 Unvegetated 2.25 1.65 1.33 STABLE Staple D Mi—k #1 r) a North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. INSER 315I2021 0331 PM L=EMLIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocity gps) Area lsq.ft) Hydraulic Normal cos Period a Radit.011 Depth 1111 �.0 0.1 1.62 3.10 0.48 0.94 LINER RESULTS UnreinfMced S - CL0050 1 L Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 It 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Mailing Type tablityAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissbe Shear Stttss 1pstl Calculated Shear Stress W) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type ❑ensity SlraigN Unreinforced Vegetation D Bunch 50.75% 3.33 G29 11.40 STABLE Soil Sand 0.020 0.032 0.63 UNSTABLE North Arerican Green ECMD5 Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help MUSK IQUICK I 31vm21 0331 PM Discharge cis Peak Flow Period hrs Velocity (fps) Area {sq.ft) Hydraulic Radusfftl Normal Depth ft �.0 1 0.1 1.50 1 3.34 0.50 0.97 S75ln=0.0441 L_ Bottom 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 It 3.0 Not tv Scale Reach Matting Type Stab74yAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear SUeSS 1psf) Calcuwe:d Shear Stress 1psfj SaletyFactor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 0.30 5.10 STABLE Staple D r i� k 441 1 E North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 -Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. USER 3/512Q21 63:46 Phl HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge ds Peak Flow Petiod hm redly (Ips) Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Radius Ft Normal D th ft 1.4 1 0.1 3.27 1 0.43 1 0.18 0.30 LINER RESULTS Unfeinforced S - 0.0780 1 1 L Bottom J 1 3.0 Width = 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Malting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Strett (Psf) Calculated Shear Sttets (psf3 Safety Facto Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D jBunchj50.75% 3.33 1.48 225 STABLE Soil Sand 0.020 0160 0.12 UNSTABLE E North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form Fite Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. l]UICiC M/2021 Q346PM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cts Peak Flow Period NS Velocity (tps) Area (sq.ftJ Hydraulic Radius It Normal D lit h.4 0.1 25t3 0.54 020 Q.35 LINER RESULTS S150 (n-0-0551 LU Boltam Width = 0.50 It Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern tabsihty Analysis Vegewion Charactedsk3 Permissible Sheat Stress (psi] CalcuWed Shear Stt"ss (0) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight S150 Urrvegetated 1.75 1.70 IA3 STABLE Staple D nitrh #17 a North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. USER 3/5/2021 03 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge cfs Peak Flow Period Ns Veboilyeps] Area (sq.ft) Hy"aulc Radius ft Normal ❑ h It P.5 0.l I 3.79 1 0.56 1 0.22 0.39 Unreinfowed 5 = 0.D"180 1 t L Bottom 1 3.0 Width - 0.50 It 3.0 Not toScale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern St&AlyAnalysis Vegetation Chwactenstics Permisstle Shear Stress to) Calculated Shear Stress (Pst) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight Urueinforced Vegetation I D I Bunch 50-75% 3.33 1.91 1.74 STABLE Sod Sand 0.020 0.2(Y7 010 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm Fite Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IQUICK i15I2021 0352PM HYDRAULIC: RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocityups] Are;T5� Normal ds Period true D h ft 2.5 0.1 5.92 0.30 C125[n-0.022] S = 0.0780 'w�tom t�-o.5ae. �a T Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Staple Pattern 3tahifity Analysis Vegetation Characteristics %rnissble Shear Stress [psR Calculated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Phase Class Type Density Straight C125 Unvegetated 2.25 1.47 1.54 STABLE Staple D v North American Green ECPADS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm —0 x File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IUSER I 318� 06:15AM HYDRAULIC RESULT Discharge Peak Flow VeWy (fps)Area (sgft) Hydramic Normal s Period s Radius ft D (It) 9 3 0.5 1 4.70 1 1.98 1 0.39 1 0.73 LINER RESULTS Umeinforced 01. 5 . 0570 Bottom Width = 0.50 R Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StablRyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permissible Shear Sttess (PSI] Calculated Shear Stress (PSI) Safety Faft Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight Unreinforced Vegetation D I Bunch 50.75% 3.33 Z61 1.28 STABLE Soil Sand 0.020 0.283 0.07 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IQUICK 1318=1 JW,16AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge (efsl Peak Flow VelocitylfpsJ Period f1w I 1 Area (sq.1t) Hydraulc Radkjs#tl Normal Depth fi 0.3 0.5 7.44 1 1.25 0.31 0.57 LINER RESULTS C125 5 � 0.0570 1 WKkhh 50 A 1 Not to Scale ❑ X j Reach Matting Type Stabdity Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Perm ssible Shear Stress (pSQ CabAated Shear Stress (PSI) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight C125 Unvegetated 2-32.02 1.11 STABLE Staple D Ditch #14 ® North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 • Channel Protection Design, Output Form File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. IUSER 1881201 r06:26AM HYDRAULIC Discharge lr-fsl Peak Flow Period hrs Velocity (fps) Area (sq.ft) Hydraulic Radio ft Normal Depth ft 0.1 0.5 1 3.56 1 0.87 1 0.25 G46 LINER RESULTS Unreinforced — ❑ X S ,L� Bottom 3.0 Width = 050 ft Not to Scale Reach Matting Type StabiftyAnalysis Vegetation Characteristics Permisstsle Shear Stress (Psfl Calculated Shear Suess (0) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class I Type Density 54aight Urreurforced Vegetation D Bunch 50.75% 3.33 1.64 203 STABLE Sod Sand 0.02C 0.178 0.11 UNSTABLE North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm File Specifications Options Help ENGUSH. MICK I 3—MM 1 f :28AM januaguLliq Discharge fdsl Peak Flow Period hrs Velocigr (fps) Area (sq.ft) I Hydraulic Radius ft Normal Depth ft k3.1 0.5 1 3.02 1 1,03 1 G28 0,51 LINER RESULTS — 0 X SC150 S 1 L Bottom 1 3.0 Width - 0.50 ft 3.0 Not to Scale Reach Matting Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characteristics Petwsible Shear Suess fpsfl Calcukted Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density Straight SC150 Unvegetated 2.00 1.80 1.11 STABLE Staple D Ditch #15 ■ North American Green ECMDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Fenn File Specifications Options Help :NGLISH. USER 3—,W2021 OF6736AM HYDRAULIC RESULTS Dscharge cfs Peak Flow Period Ns Velocity (fps] Area (sqh) Hydraulic Radius fit Normal Deoth fit 10.2 0-5 1 1-93 1 5-28 1 063 1.25 LINER RESULTS Unminforced -- Beach Matting Type Stabi5tyAnalys4 Vegetation Charaotesistics Pamissbfe Shear 5hess (am) Calculated $hear Suess (0) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Pattern Phase Class Type Density straight Unreinforced Vegetation D Bunch 50.75 < 3.33 R39 B-56 STABLE Sol Sand 0.020 00-42 1 R47 UNSTABLE North American Green EC KIDS Version 4.3 - Channel Protection Design, Output Farm — ❑ X File Specifications Options Help ENGLISH. IQUICK 12021 :36Af4 HYDRAULIC RESULTS Discharge Peak Flow Velocity Rps) Area (sqk) Hydraulic Normal S75 (naD039) Ids) Period Ns Rackus It Deoth fit 10.2 0.5 1 1.99 5-13 0.62 1.23 5 - RO050 1 WidBg"0. 1 = 0.50 fit LINER RESULTS Not to Scale Reach INattirrg Type Stability Analysis Vegetation Characterislics Permissble Shear Stress (psf) Caludated Shear Stress (psf) Safety Factor Remarks Staple Patton Phase Class Type Density Straight S75 Unvegetated 1.55 1138 4.05 STABLE Staple D Road A Slooes QNorth Amerman Green ECMID S Version 4.3 • Slope Protection Design, 0utpul Form — ❑ X File Input Mode Specifications Run Options Help NGLISH.[QUICK ITEMPORARY 0717AM Country Uniked States State/Region INorth Carolna City I Fayetteville Annual R Factor 1300 Total Slope Length [A] 130 Protection Type JAN Materials Protection Period [months] 9 Beginning Month Imay Adjusted R Value 055- Slope Gradient (H -. 1 13 Soil Type Sand K Factor 0-y Soil Loss Tolerance (in] 10.25 Slope Gradient - 3:1 30 75 (C=0.083) Not to Scale Reach Cum. Dist. Material I Vegetation Type Growth Habit Density ASL bare I (in) ASL mat [in) I MISL bare (in) MSL mat 6n] SILT (in) SF Remarks Staple Begin ([t) End I (it) 1 0 30 575 0.345 0.029 0-596 0-049 0.25 5.051 STABLE C 2 3 A 30 Composite 0-345 0.029