HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000331_2018-2019 NCS000331 Annual Report_20210517� /4i��� \ _� �.� y7 x�.•m.2 : �-- -•. � 9�� ƒ� ` d »• 5\,'�� / � > ..»\i m Fort Bragg Stormwater Program Annual Report— Year Monitoring Period: 1 April 2018 — 31 March 2019 I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision, in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines anc imprisonment for knowing violations. I VV 1/1 & � Monica A.Stephenson Director of Public Works Table of Contents I. Program Summaryand Assessment II. Minimum Control Measures Discussions A. Education and Outreach B. Public Involvement C. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination D. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control E. Post -Construction Stormwater Management F. Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping G. Monitoring and Evaluation III. Proposed Program Changes Program Summary and Assessment Fort Bragg is authorized to discharge stormwater and continue operation of oil water separators not associated with wastewater facilities under North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Quality, Permit Number NCS000331 (initial effective 1 April 2011 — 31 March 2016, renewal effective 1 April 2016 — 31 March 2021, amended 6, July 2016), hereinafter 'the Permit." In accordance with Part III and Part IV of the permit, Fort Bragg hereby submits this report in fulfillment of its annual reporting requirement. Fort Bragg believes the single best indicator of how the Stormwater Management Program is performing is by monitoring the amount of pollution entering the Stormwater. The results of this Year's sampling analysis did not detect frequencies of exceedance of water quality standards. Additionally, no detectable trends in concentrations of constituents occurred upon review of the historical stormwater sampling data. This annual report provides the updated status of the Installations implementation of the Permit requirements, including compliance with the standard of reducing the discharge of pollutants to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Minimum Control Measures Discussions A. Public Education and Outreach According to Part II, Section B of the Phase II permit, the objectives of the Public Education and Outreach measure is to distribute educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and the steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The target audiences have been identified as construction contractors and inspectors, housing residents, environmental compliance officers, and range operation personnel. The following Public Education and Outreach activities were completed during this Year's reporting period; Fort Bragg continued its public outreach campaign educating the community about the impacts of storm water discharges on water bodies and steps that can be taken to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff by distributing over 275 Water Management Brochures. Fort Bragg has completed its Fifteenth year of its stormwater inlet labeling campaign "Only Rain in the Storm Drain". To date well over six thousand storm drain markers have been installed as a component of Fort Bragg's continuing efforts to educate soldiers and their families to better understand the consequences of allowing pollutants to enter our storm drain system. • The initial 20 hour and 8 hour refresher Environmental Compliance OfficerlEnvironmental Compliance Assistant training continued each month with a total of 1,180 students trained. Additionally, training and outreach occurred throughout the year at the unit level during the Compliance Assessment Team (CAT) inspections of industrial areas. • WMS continued sediment/erosion control and stormwater controls training on an ad hoc basis during numerous construction site inspections. This training includes project design, NCDEQ requirements, and control measures installation and maintenance. B. Public Involvement and Participation According to Part II, Section C of the Phase II permit, the objectives of the Public Involvement and Participation measure is to comply with State and local public notice requirements when implementing a public involvement and participation program. The target audience for this measure has been identified as the Installation population and local volunteers that can be involved in stream/lake cleanup or storm drain stenciling activities. The following activities were completed for this Year's reporting period. Sustainable Fort Bragg "Green Boot program" continues to enhance our environment through resource stewardship. The goal is to reduce environmental impacts through initiatives such as water conservation, pollution prevention and recycling to name a few initiatives promoted within the installation. • Fort Bragg continued "Operation Clean Sweep" initiatives across the installation. All units on Fort Bragg (over 50,000 Soldiers) participate in the week long installation wide clean-up program. The soldiers police -up trash and sweep common areas to include around barracks, offices, parking lots, recreational areas, and roads. Earth Day April 22, 2018- Fort Bragg's social media campaign for Earth Day asked the community, what can you do to be sustainable? Sustainability is a team effort seeded in integrity. Whether it is conserving energy and water, not littering and picking up trash, or recycling, it is The Right Way.! The Green Way.! All the Way. C. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination According to Part II, Section D of the Phase II permit, the objective of the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination measure is to develop, implement, and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the State's waters. The following activities were completed or were ongoing within this Year's reporting period; Fort Bragg's GIS maps and contains information depicting the stormwater MS4 system information including pipe material shapes and sizes, drainage structures, outfalls, detention/retention basins, and monitoring locations. Data is updated continuously on a regular basis. Fort Bragg conducts dry weather flow inspections of stormwater outfalls. For this reporting year, a total of 218 outfalls were inspected at Fort Bragg, Pope and Simmons Army Airfields, and Camp Mackall. No illicit discharges were detected. All Illicit discharges/spills, including sewage, are reported to the Fort Bragg Fire Department/Spill Response Team and/or DPW Environmental Compliance Branch. These reports are then forwarded to NCDENR. Copies of spill reports are maintained in the DPW Environmental Compliance Branch. From 1 April 2018 through 31 March 2019, there were 4 reportable hazardous substance spills (fuel, oil, gasoline) that reached the Fort Bragg storm drain system. • Procedures for sanitary sewer overtlows are investigated and cleaned up by Old North Utilities Service (ONUS) and reported to the contracting officer representative, Stormwater Manager, and NCDNER as necessary. SEWER RELEASES FOR FORT BRAGG COLLECTION SYSTEM SANITARY SEWER OVERFLOWS (SSO) VOLUME ESTIMATED SURFACE SURFACE CAUSE OF DATE LOCATION VOLUME al WATER (gal) WATER NAME sso 02/03/18 1-1139 500 500 Beaver Creek Grease 06/13/18 D-1004 31780 0 N/A Debri Grease/Heavy Rainfall due to Hurricane 9/18/2018 MH 21176 1 61000 1 61000 Beaver Creek I Florence Manchester Flooding due to Road - Little Hurricane 9/28/2018 River Crossing 21880 21880 Little River Florence VOLUME ESTIMATED SURFACE SURFACE CAUSE OF DATE LOCATION VOLUME (gal) WATER (gal) WATER NAME SSO Manchester Damage from Road - Little flooding event 11/20/2018 River Crossing 288 288 Little River 11/15/18 Grease 12/29/2018 34 Starlifter 300 300 Tank Creek Blockage 1/25/2019 Bldg. 450 368 36B Tank Creek Debri in Line Armistead/Starlif Grease and 3/4/2019 1 ter Intersection 1 100 100 Tank Creek Debri Young's Lake 3/28/2019 Aerial Crossin 50 50 Young's Lake Pie Failure D. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control According to Part II, Section E of the Phase II permit, Fort Bragg's compliance with the NCDENR Division of Land Resources Erosion and Sediment Control Program effectively meets the requirements of the Construction Site Runoff Controls. The following activities were completed within this Year's reporting period; Construction Site Runoff Control Program Assessment QTY Active NCDEQ Land Disturbing Permits 47 Completed/Closed Out NCDEQ Land 22 Disturbing Permits Water Management > 1 Ac Land Disturbing 17 Project Approvals Water Management/Environmental 193 Clearances Project Reviews Projects Receiving NOVs 0 NCDEQ Erosion & Sediment Control 71 Inspections Water Management Erosion & Sediment 59 Control I s ec 'o Publicly Reported Construction Site Issues 0 E. Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls According to Part Il, Section F, 2 of the Phase II permit, To comply with the Post Construction requirements in 15 NCAC 02H Section .1000, Fort Bragg shall submit, for approval, plans, supplement forms, specifications, and calculations to the Division for all projects, including public roads and bridges, that disturb greater than or equal to one acre including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development. Fort Bragg may reference their approved base wide SCM O&M Plan to meet a project's O&M requirements. Additionally; to protect water quality in North Carolina Rivers, streams, and lakes, and the existing uses of such surface waters for their scenery, swimming, boating, as well as for commercial and recreational fishing Fort Bragg shall: Maintain an inventory and all plans and documents for Stormwater Control Measures approved by the State after July 1, 2007. Fort Bragg shall inspect and maintain all Stormwater Control Measures approved by the State after July 1, 2007 in accordance with the schedule developed by Fort Bragg The following activities were completed this reporting period: Post -Construction Site Runoff Controls Program Assessment QTY Stormwater plans reviewed/submitted for 4 StateapprovaI Stormwater Control Measures approved by 240 the State after July 1, 2007 total inventory Stormwater Control Measures total inventory 804 on Ft Bragg Stormwater Control Measures added 12 Stormwater Control Measures inspections. 627 Stormwater Control Measures completed 1,781 routine maintenance procedures. Fort Bragg has installed hundreds of SCMs across the installation designed to reduce the amount of pollutants found in stormwater. To protect water quality in North Carolina Rivers, streams, and lakes, and the existing uses of such surface waters for their scenery, swimming, boating, as well as for commercial and recreational fishing. SCMs must be routinely inspected and have the necessary maintenance performed on them to be certain that they continually function as designed. • During this reporting period, the WMS contracted team conducted 627 SCM inspections. • Completed over 1,181 routine maintenance procedures. These inspections and maintenance procedures ensure long term operation and a sustainable return on investment. F. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations According to Part II, Section G, of the Phase II permit, the objective of the Pollution Prevention measure is to implement a program that has a training component and has the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff. The majority of industrial activities on Fort Bragg are located in the cantonment area. ECO's and ECA's are trained in areas of good housekeeping, materials management, spill control, stormwater management, and wash rack/oil water separator management. Compliance in these areas is determined by formal inspections performed by the Compliance Assessment Team. The following activities were completed within this Year's reporting period; • The Compliance Assessment Team conducted over 2,145 Inspections of all military units, directorates and contractors that produce hazardous waste (HW) or Universal Waste (UW) to ensure compliance with applicable Federal, State and DoD environmental regulations. • Water Management Section continuously updates GIS Outfall, sampling locationsI and stormwater control measures maps. • Continued use of OWS systems to capture oil and grease from vehicle and equipment cleaning. Fort Bragg has an 0&M Plan for oil/water separators. ECOs and ECAs inspect their industrial areas once each month. • Fort Bragg continues street sweeping activities to remove leaves and debris from streets/roads, airfields, and parking lots. Also, soldiers sweep outdoors around barracks in preparation for All American Week. • Continued to ensure that Fort Bragg personnel are properly trained for pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer application according to DOD instruction 4150.07. • Continued the 20-hr ECO/ECA Training Class providing information on pollution prevention, spill prevention/response procedures, and good housekeeping practices. The Compliance Assessment Team trained 1,180 students in the ECO/ECA course. • In addition to the SWMP required activities, Fort Bragg also conducted on -going activities including collection of refuse, recycling, HHW, electronics, green waste, and a green building program. These programs all contribute to the goal of reducing or eliminating the potential pollutants impacting stormwater. • Fort Braggs Grease Interceptor Consolidation and Management Plan and the Grease Control Plan minimize discharge of fats, oils and grease into the sanitary sewer collection system to reduce overflows. • Stormwater outfall maintenance was conducted in the spring &fall prior to the accomplishment of the permit required semiannual qualitative monitoring on 91 outfalls. Periodic vegetation, sediment and trash removal maintenance is required in order to safely access these sites for regulatory monitoring purposes. G. Monitoring & Evaluation As required by Part II, Section J of Permit No. NCS000331, the Water Management Section performed analytical monitoring at 10 stormwater outfall sites in the cantonment area of Fort Bragg. At Fort Bragg, these sites are vehicle maintenance area outfall numbers 20/21/76, 391 53, 71, 76, 84, material handling area outfall numbers 3, 18/193 93, fueling area outfall number 61, and Simmons Airfield outfall number 22. Composite samples are collected at outfalls 20/21/76 and 18/19. The Phase II permit also requires sampling of two ambient sites at Cross/Creek north of Texas Pond and Flat Creek/Inverness. Table 1 provided below summarize the sampling results obtained for the Year 2 reporting period. Table 1: PHASE II NPDES STORMWATER /RAIN EVENT SUMMARY Event Total Total Total Oil & Outfall # Date Duration Rainfall Flow Suspended Grease PH (min) (in) (MG) Sol mg/1) S) (mg/1) (mg/1) 3 7/30/18 645 1.16 .0401 11.0 <5.0 7.0 18/19 10/26/18 945 1.51 .1421 43.0 <5.0 7.7 20/21/76 10/26/18 945 1.51 .4582 17.8 <5.0 7.6 22 11 /14/18 255 .07 .1020 <4.17 <5.0 7.0 39 7/30/18 645 1.16 1.340 24.2 <5.0 6.2 53 7/30/18 645 1.16 1.065 38.5 <5.0 6.5 61 7/30/18 645 1.16 .0408 131 <5.0 7.2 71 7/30/18 645 1.16 1.544 62.8 <5.0 6.0 84 7/30/18 645 1.16 2.270 170 <5.0 6.2 93 10/26/18 945 1.51 .4448 <4.17 <5.0 8.1 Ambient Monitoring 3128/19 N/R . N/R N/R <4.15 <5.0 5.5 Flat Creek Ambient Monitoring 3128/19 N/R N/R N/R <4.17 6.1 4.9 Cross Creek Cut-off Concentration Parameter O&G Oil and Grease 30 mg/I pH (do not take average, use most recent pH sample 6-9 standard units result) TSS 100 mg/I N/R not required III. Proposed Program Changes/Updates Update and revise Stormwater Management Plan in accordance with new permit requirements. Update and revise the Installation's Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).