HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06904_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For latemal Use ONLY: i This farm can be used•for single or multiple wells ` I.well Contractor 1n&r=Td6n: ONES I Ron FR TO DM TO ald'E:Xeeter Jr.. .wATF1i FR DFSCRIP170N we$Cobtaetarwame a. n' 2960-A tti IL I , NC Well Contactor CertificationNumber FROM OU1ZR CASITIG asalfl+�Md web ORTZgM FROM TO D1AMbTER Tld1CIiMEMM MATERIAL Southeastern Pump& /Well Service Inc. Q SS /�� +� 90._. .. v Company Name J FROM it t A�NNGORT111iIIV1; cidCM FROM TO DIMlZTF.R' TffiCIQVF9S MAT1DtIAL ' 2.well Construction Peewit#: tt 136 List aII applicable well comoucrAm perm s,(is.Coaery,smite,Vari=4 etch ft. R i.. 3.Well Use(check well me). 17 Sl31EEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO DL1bECM SLOT SIZE THICENESS Mw OAgriculttlral paVPatrtic �m tt /�t� OGcothamal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ideatiel water Supply(single) ft. tt: rd Olnduutrial/Commercial CQtexidentiel water Supply(.hated) OMUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENThMHOD&AMOUNT ❑ etim R fL Non-water supply well. rL ❑Monitoring (]Recovery r w r�eJ Injection We": m M OAquiferRedwW OGruondwderRanodiation 19.SANDIGRAVELPACH ff ❑Agmf r&orageaodR.vey ❑Salinity Barrier ;!I To li MATERIAL MACOMMTKUMOD ti d OAgniferTat OStuanvAderMainage ft. IL OEVerimeatal Technology OSubsidc=Control 20.DHII3.IIe1GLAM atlriaddWsaalsintsY OGeothermal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM To DEWRnMON toDkr.hadam seurraft rim mrsta sms,eta MvA rmal tH Return) OOlhor lain tinder#21 Rtmsrlm) ft fL IL 4.Date well(.)Completed: L Will Location: �r�_ 1 Z- CAB acility/OwnerN e e FeeiliWM#(ifsppticable) n n J� Pbysical Ad&eas.City,and 2L BEMAHBS 5 aw County Psa:elldemfseationxo.(PIN) M Ay A i) 2021 5b.latitude and Longitude in a/mi11131e/.econds or dedmd degeea: (if Well fw1d,one let/longinsrfficiem) / 22.CertiAe 9iivil+;3tL91Processin(,J. U1111 3cl N ;,CP= ��� w i�� r3 rgmbae of Ge:tiSed Well Caotrectoe Date 6.Ia(are)the weli(s): OPermaneut or OTeijorary BY signing thirfarsR!hereby«n*Me the weft was fwerel casstucted in amordmwro with 114 MAC 02C.01W or 15A MCAC 02C.0200 Weff CombwcSon Stmdardr and that a 7.Is this a repair to an eidstins wet h 745 or ONO copy of thlr record has been provi&d to the well owner. If thb it a repair,fiR oo known weII com&ucNon information and esplabt the aamm of the repair under#21 remarkrseen=or on the boat of thirfo"M 23.Site diagram or additiooai well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well L Number of wells constructed: / caasttuotion details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Formathple iafeetios or nwr wan#rAT*weMS oALywith the sane eesabradom you can submd one farm. 24 Submittal Inftroetionc 9.Total well depth below land stnface: 24a. For All Wdls: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wear lip aII depda if dtfferero(ermaple-3@.200'ard2@1W) eonsbuction to the following: 10.Static water level bellow top of ewinr: M) Division of Water Quallty,Loformation Psvicesristg Un% if water level is above caring rue't^ 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 7 i 1.Borehole diameter. (in.) 24b.For LaiedtM We1B: In addition to sending We form to the address in 24e above, atso'submit.a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: / " O coastmction to the&ll,,ijr ; (Le.auger.rotary,oabK d'sect push,etc.) Division Of Water Q.*,Underground Loiection Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276"-1636 13a.Yield(Um) Method of taut: Y 24c.For Water Stir &Cgothermal Welk: In addition to se ndmg the farm to the addreas(es)above, also submit one copy of this form witbm 30 days of �j&44 completion of weA oaostrod oa ica to the county health department of the mty 136.Disinfection ' Amotmt: where caastmcted FormGW-1 NosthCerolinaDepamnemofiinv=tmeut and Natural Resources—Div maofWaterQality' Reveredtan.2013 i