HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-06886_Well Construction - GW1_20210505 LL CONSTRUCTION RECORD - _ F-1'nte®1 Use ONLY: S facet cis be wed-for single ormuttiple wells 1.Well Canhuctor Iafosmatidn: Yt ROnald E: KEeter Jr.. WATER ZONES FROM TO DIXCRIPHON wellcoturidarxame tt r-I ft. 296aA ft & NC WeU Coftacta CerbfieaionNumber 1&OTTPER CASING orwmawc rd wed ORLA� FROM 70 DIAMEM- TMCKNMrSB MATERIAL Southeastem Pump&Well Service Inca O >tIto 0-k- - �. CompaayName is.IPIIrMRCASIIdGORTtJ81NG elotad � n FROM TO DIAMLIEW TAICKNFSS MATEUAL .2.WellConstrwilonpevaitfls J {�\�, L R tor. List oft apphimbb:well aorurmerfonpe/mie(ii.Co>Ary,Starr.Varioned%Oral tt R m. 3.Well Use(cheek well men 1�SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO I DUMUER I BLOT SIZE I THIeKNEBa F MA—AT t . ❑Agrictrltnral ❑MD ' ' blic 1 �- Ilicyn I ZIG JVVC ❑Geothe al(Heating/Cooling Supply) es�WdW Supply(single) ft. It id m ❑brdustrial/Commereisl MteaideetW Water Supply(ahmed) 18 GRMT FROM TO MATERIAL I EMPI.ACF1AMK fHOD&AMOUNT Girrigation Non-Water Supply Well: ❑!t!2ring Ocovery R h Well'. tL tL ❑Agnif-Recharge DCmooadwaterRemediation IASANBIGRAVELPACK ❑ a FROM To MAWRiAL EMPI.Aeraaea METHOD Aqafifer Storage and Recovery ❑setmrtyBsaic OAquiferTest ❑ lh Stormweterainege ! 0Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control M3QDRE[JMG1L,OG❑Geothermal(Cloeed Loop) Mincer RIPTION color senhust❑Geotheamal(H Retem) ❑Other( lamunder#21Remadnr)4.Hate wd1(a)Completed: ao2.WeU Locatba: L R & ecility/ownwName FecilityID#(ifepplacable) IL fL n s� claQ qrn I l-t 9 A fL & fi i v ... utcalAddreM City.sad Zip 2L REMARKS o-mde-n 14, C-L-Ly Pa:eelIdemificatioallo.(PM r�faG^-I �iil� SL Latitude and Iargitude in fllgae wolionteatseConds or dedmal degrees: ifwell field,oneladiongissuf view) 22.Certification: (,jVVRSectioit Ll �IIQ. l W igffihae ofCedi6ea WeU eonbeeter 6.Is(are)the wefi(s): Pemaneat or ❑Tempo w7 By si8a+r+8 drirfovrth I hereby artily that the weIIm was(wench carsbrated br acivrdmar with 1 U NCAC 02C.0100 or IM NCAC Q2C.0200 Wag Consa ucffan Sfmsderdr and that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or No copy cftW record har been providrdtofirweil owner. If thin is a repay, W-out hmm wen coastrvC&aa v¢otmatioa cord esptaut the aatrve of the repair wider s21 remarbseeNea or an the back ofthuform. 23.Site dlagm or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well L Number of wells construded: construction details. You may also attach additional pages if neoasary. For ndhpirbyeetimornon-wn&rz piywellrONLYwtthdwsagecoubugeon,youcan submit one form, (� 24 Snbmtttal InthveHom: 9.Total well depth below land surface: �J (ft.) 24a.For AU Wells: Submit this;'form within 30 days completion of well For rmdh'ple we/GJfrcall dep$a if d&-w(eeamg-3(d W'atd?(JW) coD rinwti a to the fbllowing: 10.Sbafle wate level below top efeasirg: (C) (g,) Dlvidon of Water QmNt7,.Information Ptoeea ft Usk, f/woar level is about cas &as 1617 Mall Service Center,Rsl�h,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. (In.) 24b.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 12.Well eemfraetion method: l i>�JL above, also submit.a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well consttadion to the following: (Le augur mfary.cab*&-t godly etc.) _ Division ofwater Qmdlty,Uod-w—W Injection Conroo)PrWam, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELTS ONLY: 1636 Mall Seratas Cerdw,RAelgh,NC 27699-106 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24e.For Water Suwk&Goo ftn W Well.: In addition to..ding the faro tD the adrheas(es)above; also anbmitlone copy of this form within 30 days of � 13L Disinfection type: A �; completion of well contrndion to the county health department of the county whore constructed. Foal GW-1 NcuthCarohm Depmtrmrd of Eavuonment end Natural Raaaas-Division of WaterQ4reldy Revised Sam 2013 s i I i