HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0036853_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018~ NCDENR North Carolina Department Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources WBVB[ Quality Programs PBtMCCroFy Thomas A.Reeder GQVe[OVr Director Brad Cornwell, Public Utilities Director City ofShelby 8Z4West Grover Street Shelby, N[2S1SU Subject: November 27'J01] Permit No. VVQ00]68S3 0uttaU|mprovements Wastewater Collection System Extension Cleveland County Dear Mr, Cornwell: � john E.SkVar@.III Secretary In accordance with your application received on November25, 2013' we areforwardinO herewith to Permit No. VVO0036853, dated November 27, 2013, to the City of Shelby for the construction and operation of the subject wastewater collection system extension, This permit shall beeffective from the date of issuance until rescinded, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. This cover letter and supplement shall be considered a pan of this permit and are therefore incorporated therein byreference, Please pay particular attention to the following conditions contained within this permit: Condition||.4: Requires that the wastewaterco:Uection facilities be properly operated and maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .O4O3 or any individual system -wide collection system permit issued tnthe Pprm|ttee. It shall be responsibility of the City of Shelby to ensure that the as -constructed projectmeets the appropriate design criteria and rules, Failure tucomply may result inpenalties inaccordance with North Carolina General Statute §143'215.6Atbrough 6143-215.6[, construction of additional or replacement wastewater collection facilities, and/or referral of the North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer to the licensing board, if any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of written petition, conforming to Chapter 1508 of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC27G99-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall befinal and binding, Mooresville Regional Office Location. 5lOEam�am/A�,�m*3O1Muoms|o�wC28`}5 Phone: (7O4)6s3'/699\Fax: (704)003-6040\Customer Srw|a:1'8,74323-6748 Internet wm.nmw ter;ualitY,orq One NorthCarofiiia VAKO'11"i'7141' City of Shelby WQ0036853 If you need additional inf rrnation concerning this matter, please contact Sujatha Nagulapatly at 704) 235-1699 or via e-mail at Sujatha.Nagulapally@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, for Thomas A. Reeder Division of Water Resources by Michael Parker Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Mooresville Regional Office Cc: Mooresville Regional Office Joseph C. Williams, P,E., Project Engineer, McGill Associates, P.A (e-copy) Water Resources Central Files PERCS (e-copy) STATE OFNORTH [ARDL|NA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT DFENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM EXTENSION PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations, permission ishereby granted tothe City ofShelby Cleveland County for the construction and operation of approximately 683 linear feet o/ 8-inch gravity sewer, approximately 4'891 linear feet of38`|mch gravity sewer, approximately 3,244 linear feet of24-inch gravity sewer, approximately I,553 linear feet ef 30-inch gravity sewer, apprmxirnate|y88 linear feet mf 42'inch gravity sewer and approximately 476 linear feet of48-inch gravity sewer to serve the Outfa|| Improvements project and the discharge of gallons (replacing existing gravity sewer lines) per day of collected domestic/commercial wastewater into the First Broad River Wastewater Treatment Facility existing sewerage system, pursuant tothe application received November 25,2Ol], and in conformity with lSA NCAC 2T; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996os applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Maims adopted June l, 2000 as applicable; and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered n part of this pernnit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the specified conditions and limitations contained therein. Perm it issued this,?7 1h day of November, 2013. \/ \ " for Thomas A. Reeder Division ofWater Resources Permit Number: WQ0036853 ` SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET City of Shelby~ hereby authorized to: Construct, and then operate upon certification the aforementioned wastewater collection extension. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall he treated in the First Broad River Wastewater Treatment Facility (N[O024538) prior to being discharged into the receiving streamo, Permitting Vfth�s project does not constitute an acceptance of any part of the project that does not meet 15A NCAC 2T,- the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable,- and the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 3000 as applicable, unless specifically mentioned herein. Division approval is based on acceptance of the certification provided by a North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer in the application. It shall be the *ermittee's responsibility to ensure that the as -constructed project meets the appropriate design criteria and rules, Construction and operation is contingent upon compliance with the Standard Conditions. |. SPECIAL CONDITIONS L If, at any time, the additional wastewater flow volume made tributary to this sewer extension is believed to exceed the value permitted herein' a modification shuN be requested for ,his permit from the Divisionmf Water Resources 10properly allocate the subject wastewater flow, 2. No flow in excess of the quantity permitted herein, 0 GPD, shall be made tributary to the subject sewer system until an application for permit modification for an increase in flow has been submitted to and approved by the, Divisior of Water Resources, 11. STANDARD CONDITIONS l. This permit bnot transferable. ,n the event there is desire for the wastewater coUect�on facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the pornn\ttee' a formal pnrnn|\ request shall be submitted to the Division accompanied bydocumentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials asmay be appropriate. The approval of this request shall be considered an its merits and may or may not be approved. 2, This permit shall become voidable unless the wastewater collection Cad|ih=s are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit; lSA N[AL 2T; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12' 1996as apphrab|e: the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June l' 2000 as applicable; and other supporting materials unless specifically mentioned herein, 1 This permit shall be effective on�y vv�th respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data, 4, The wastewater collection faciNties shall beproperly maintained and operated at all times. The Penniuee shall maintain compliance with an individual system -wide collection system permit for the operation and maintenance ofthese facilities as required by 15A N[A{ ZT .0403, if an individual permit is not required, the following performance criteria shall bemet as provided in 15Aw[A[2T�0403: a. The sewer system shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharge to land or surface waters, and to prevent any contravention of groundwater standards or -surface water standards. bA map of the sewer system shall be developed and shall be actively maintained. An operation and maintenance plan including pump station inspection fmquency, preventative maintenance schedule, spare parts inventory and overflow response has been deve|pped and implemented, d� Pump stations that are not connected no ate|emetry system shall be inspected every day (i.e. 365 days per year), Pumpstabons that are connected to a telemetry system ;hall be inspected at least once per week, e. High -priority sewer lines shall be inspected at least omce per every six -months and inspections are documented, f. A general observation of the entire sewer system shall be conducted at least once per year. g� Overflows and bypasses shall be reported to the appropriate Division regional office in accordance with 15ANCAC2BU506(a), and public notice shall beprovided asrequired by North Carolina General Statute §I43-2I52[. h, A Grease Control Program s m place as follows: l, For public owned collection systems, the Grease Control Program shall include at least biannual distribution of educational materials for both commercial and residential -users and the legal rneans to require grease interceptors at existing establishments, The plan shall also include legal means for inspections of the grease interceptors, enforcement for violators and the legal means to control grease entering the system from other public and private satelifte sewer systems, 2, For privately owned conectimn systems, the Grease Control Program shall include atleast bi-annua| distribution of grease education materials to users of the collection system by the perm|ttec or its representative. l Grease education materials u4aO be distributed more often than required in Parts (l} and (2) of this Subparagraph ifnecessary toprevent grease -related sanitary sewer overflows. i Right-af-woysand easements shall bemaintained inthe full easement width for personnel and equipment j, Documentation shall be kept for Subparagraphs (a) through (i) of this Rule for a minimum of three years with exception ofthe map, which shall bemaintained for the life mfthe system, S Noncompliance Notification: The Permitteeshall report bytelephone toawater resources staff member at the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone numbor704 563 I699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day, following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following� a� Any process unit failure, due to known o/ unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater transport, such as mechanical or e[ectncal failures of pumps, line blockage or breakage, erc.;ur b. Any 55Oand/or spill over 1,OOOgallons; o° c. Any5SO and/or spill, regardless ofvolume, that reaches surface water Voice mail messages orfaxed information is permissible, but this shall not beconsidered nsthe initial verbal report. Overflows and spills occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number (888) 858(868 or(91g) 733'3300, Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by comp!eting and submitting Part I of Form CS-SSO (or the most current Division approved form) within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur, part || of Form [5-\S0 (or the most current Division approved fn/m) can also be completed to show that the 5SOwas beyond h. Construction ofthe gravity sowers, pump stations, and force mains shall be scheduled so as not to interrupt se/vice by the existing utilities nor result >namoverflow or bypass discharge m/wastewater tvthe surface waters mfthe State. 7� Per -15A NCAC 2T,0I14 upon completion of construction and prior to operation of these permitted facilities, the compieted Engineering Certification form attached /othis permit shall besubmitted with the required supporting documents to the address provided on the (ornn� A complete certification is one where the form is fully executed and the supporting documents are provided asapplicable. Any wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension prior to completion of this Engineer's Certification shall be considered aviolation ofthe permit and shall subject the Pennittoetoappropriate enforcement actions. If the perm,it is issued to n private entity with an Operational Agreement, then a copy ofthe Articles of Incorporation, Dec|aratio ns/Cove na nts/ Restrictions, and Bylaws that have been appropriately filed with the app|lcable[nuntv/s Register ofDeeds office shall besubmitted with the certification. A complete certification is one where the form is fully executed and the supporting documents are provided as applicable, Supporting documentation shall include the following: & One copy of the project construction record drawings (plan & p/uK|e views mfsewer lines & force mains) of the wastewater collection system extension, Final record drawings should be clear on the plans or on digital media (CD pr DVn disk) and are defined as the design drawings that are marked up or annotated with after construction information and show required buffers, separation distances, material changes, b One COPY ofthe supporting pump station design calculations (selected pumps, system curve, operating point' buoyancy calculations, available storage if portable generator(s) o, storage greater than longest past three year outage reliability option selected) for any purnp stations permitted as part of this project. c. Changes tuthe project that do not result in non-compliance with this permit, regulations, or the Minimum Design [hteno should be clearly identified on the record drawings, on the certification in the space provided, o,inwritten summary form, Prior toCertification (Final or Partial): Permit modifications are required for any changes resulting in non- compliance with this permit (including pipe length increases ofIQ%orgreater, increased flow, pump station design capacity design increases of 5& or greater, and increases in the number/type of connections), regulations, urthe Minimum Design Criteria. Requested modifications o/variances cothe Minimum Design Criteria will be reviewed on a case -by. -case basis and each on its own merit. Please note that variances to the Minimum Design Criteria should be requested and approved during the permitting process prior to construction, 4hepumostmcdmn requests are discouraged by the Division and may not be approved, thus requiring replacement orrepair prior to certification & activation. & A copy of the construction record drawings shall be maintained on file by the Pennhtee for the life of the wastewater collection facilities, 9. Failure to abide bythe conditions and limitations contained |nthis permit; 15A NCA[ 2T;the Division's Gravity Sewer Design Criteria adopted February I2'1995as app8caWe;the Division's K«inimumDesign Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Station and Force Mains adopted ]ome l' 2000 as applicable; and other supporting materials may subject the Permitteeto an enforcement action by the, Division, in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, construction of additional or replacement wastewater collection had|ities, and/or referral of the North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer to the licensing board, lO. In the event that the wastewater collection facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those asmay berequired bythis Division, such as the construction nfadditional orreplacement facilities. U The issuance of this permit shall not exempt the Permitzee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, o/ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state and federal) which have jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2G 0200erosion and sedimentation control requirements in l5AN[4[Ch. 4and under the Division's General Permit N[GQI000U and any requirements pertaining towetlands under 15Am[A[2BD20Vand 15ANCA[ZH.0SOQ. FAST TRACK ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION Permittee: City of Shelby Project: Outfall Improvements Permit No. WQ0036853 Issue Date: 11/27/2013 Complete and submit this form to the permit issuing regional office with the following: • One copy of the project record drawings (plan & profile views and detail drawings of sewer lines) of the wastewater collection system extension. Final record drawings should be clear on the plans or on digital media (CD or DVD disk) in pdf format. Record drawings should indicate the design and the marked up changes during construction. • Supporting design calculations (selected pumps, system curve, operating point, available storage if portable generator(s) or storage greater than longest past three year outage reliability option selected) for any pump stations permitted as part of this project ▪ Changes to the project should be clearly identified on the record drawings or in written summary form. Permit modifications are e d for an chan e resultin in non -co liance with this e e ulations or minimum design crtteria. Modifications should be submitted prior to certification. This project shall not be considered complete nor allowed to operate until the Division has received this Engineer's Certification and all required supporting documentation. Therefore, it is highly recommended that this certification be sent in a manner that provides proof of receipt by the Division, PERMITTEE'S CERTIFICATION the undersigned agent for the Permittee, hereby state that this project has been constructed pursuant to the applicable standards & requirements, the Professional Engineer below has provided applicable design/construction information to the Permittee, and the Permittee is prepared to operate & maintain the wastewater collection system permitted herein or portions thereof. Printed Name, Title Signature Date ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION El Partial Eli Final as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe El periodically, E] weekly, El full time) the construction of the subject project for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance of this permit; 15A. NCAC 02T; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track. Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable; and other supporting materials. North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal, signature, and date: SEND THIS FORM & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS SURFACE WATER PROTECTION SUPERVISOR MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 610 EAST CENTER AVENUE, SUITE 301 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 The Permittee is responsible for tracking all partial certifications up until a final certification is received, Any wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension prior to completion of this Engineer's Certification shall be considered a violation of the permit and shall subject the Permittee to appropriate enforcement actions. DWR SC Iasi from this project is tributary to: z 0 0 • 1f. North Carolina State 0 USE THE TAB KEY TO MOVE FROM FIELD TO FIELD Owner/Permittee: a. City of Shelby Full Legal Name (company, municipality, HOA, utility, etc. 1b. Brad Cornwell, Public Utilities Director Application Number: (to be completed by DWR) Signing Official Name and Title (Please review 15A NCAC 2T 0106 (b) for authorized signing o The legal entity who will own this system is: 0 Individual 0 Federal IZ Municipality 0 State/County ❑ Private Partnership ❑ Corporation ld. 824 West Grover Street Mailing Address 1 h. (704) 484-6840 Telephone (704) 484-6808 Facsimile 1eShelby City lg. 28150 Zip Code 1j. brad.cornwell E-mail 2. Project (Facility) Information: J 2a. Outfall Improvements 2b. Cleveland Q Brief Project Name (permit will refer to this nEL ame • 3. Contact Person: ▪ 3a, Joseph C. Williams, PE (Project Engineer - McGill Associates, P.A) Name and Affiliation of Someone Who Can Answer Questions About this Application z 0 H ials County Where Project is Located ci 3b. (828) 2 52-0575 3c. jc.williams@mcgillengineers.com Phone Number E-mail New ❑ Modification (of an existing permit) Owner is Public (skip to Item B(3)) ❑ Priva 2a. If private, applicant will be: ❑ Retaining Ownership (i.e. store, church, single office, etc,) or Leasing units (lots, townhomes, etc. - skip to item B(3)) ❑ Selling units (lots, townhomes, etc. - go to item B(2b)) City of Shelby 2b. If sold, facilities owned by a (must choose one) ❑ Public Utility (Instruction D) 0 Homeowner Assoc./Developer (Instruction E) Owner of Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Treating Wastewater From This Project 4a. First Broad River Wastewater Treatment Plant Name of WWTF 5a, City of Shelby 15b Gravity Owner of Downstream Sewer iReceiving Sewer Size ❑ Force Main 6. The origin of this wastewater is (check all that apply): • Residential Subdivision ® ApartmentsfCondominiums ❑ Mobile Home Park School ® Restaurant ® Office 4b, NC0024538 5c. Per ( Retail (Stores, shopping centers) Institution O Hospital Church • Nursing Home El Other (specify): f Downstream Sewer (instruction F) 100% Domestic/Commercial 970 Industrial (Attach Description Other (Attach Description 7. Volume of wastewater to be allocated or permitted for this particular project: zero (0) gallons per day *Do not include future flows or previously permitted allocations If the permitted flow is zero, indicate why: ❑ Pump Station, Outfall or Interceptor Line where flow will be permitted in subsequent permits that connect to this line ❑ Flow has already been allocated in Permit No. Rehabilitation or replacement of existing sewer with no new flow expected (see 15A NCAC 02T .0303 to determine if a permit is required) FTA 08-13 APPLICATtf N Pane 3 of 6 Provide the wastewater flow calculations used in determining the permitted flow in accordance with tSA NCAC 2T .0114 fort the value in Item B(7) AND/OR the design flow for line or pump station sizing if a reduced or zero flow is being requested in Item B(7), Values other than that in 15A NCAC 2T .0114 (b) and (c) must be supported with actual water or wastewater use data in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T 0114 (f). Note that this project consists of replacing existing sewer lines which have reached the end of their respective service lives. A permit is requested because sections of the existing sewer line will be replaced with larger diameter sewer line to accommodate existing sewer flows and a small portion of new sewer line will be installed outside of the existing easement boundary, See attached project narrative for description of proposed improvements. 10, Summary of Sewer Lines to be Permitted (attach additional sheets if necessary) Size (inches) 8 2© 24 30 42 48 Length (feet) New Gravity or Additional Force Main 683 New Gravity 4,891 New Gravity 3,244 New Gravity 1,553 New Gravity 88 New Gravity 476 New Gravity z 11. Summary of Pump Stations war associated Force Mains to be Permitted (attach additional sheets as necessary) 0 Pump Station Location ID: (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for reference) ULongitude: Latitude: I Z Design Flow (MGD) Operational Point Power Reliability Option GPM Operational 1 - permanent generator w1ATS; Force Main Size Force Main Length 2 - portable generator w1MTS Pump Station Location ID: (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for reference) Longitude: Latitude: Design Flow (MGD) Operational Point Power Reliability Option GPM @TDH 1 - permanent generator w/ATS; Force Main Size Force Main Length 2 - portable generator w/MTS 12, 'a9Vill the wastewater flow in the proposed sewer lines or purnp stations be able to be directed to another treatment facility? El Yes No If Yes, permit number of 2"s treatment facility (RO — if "yes" to B,12 please contact the Central Office PERCS Unit) 13, Does the sewer system comply with the Minimum Design Criteria for the Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains (latest version), the Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria (latest version) and 1,5ANCAC Cha ter 2T as applicable? Yes Li No If No, please reference the pertinent minimum design criteria or regulation and indicate why a variance is requested. SUBMIT TWO COPIES OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS OR CALCULATIONS PERTINENT TO THE VARIANCE WITH YOUR APPLICATION Fi A 08-13 APPLE( Af4C)N Page 4 ol'6 „ 4, Have the following permits/certifications been submitted for approval for the system or project to be served? Wetland/Stream Crossings - General Permit or 401Certification? Yes Ej No Ej N/A Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan? Trout Buffer Waiver'? Stormwater? Yes 0 No NiA 0 Yes 0 No N/A 0 Yes 0 No N/A 15, Does this project include any high priority lines C15A NCAC 02T 0402__(2j) involve aerial lines, siphons, or interference manholes)? These lines will be considered high priority and must be checked once every six months Check if Yes: and provide details: Install four (4) new aerial sewer crossings (20”, 20", 24", & 30") to replace existing aerial crossings. Install one (1) new aerial crossing (42") adjacent to existing aerial crossing to improve hydraulic efficiency. 1. Owner/Permittee's Certification: (Signature of Signing Official and Project Narne) la. Brad Cornwell, attest that this application for Outfall Improvements has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting documentation and attachments are not included, this application package is subject to being returned as incomplete. Note: in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143-215,6A and 143-215,6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation, ENGINEERING DESIGN DOCUMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL OF THIS APPLICATION, THESE DOCUMENTS MUST INCLUDE PLAN AND PROFILE OF SEWERS, THEIR PROXIMITY cn TO OTHER UTILITIES, DESIGN CALCULATIONS, ETC, REFER TO 15A NCAC 02T .0305 0 2. Professional Engineer's Certification: (Signature of Design Engineer and Project Name) 1, Joseph C. Williams ,attest that this application for Outfall Improvements has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information in the engineering plans, calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations, Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria for Gravity Sewers adopted February 12, 1996, and the Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 and the watershed classification in accordance with Division guidance. Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that 1 have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215,6A and ,143-215.68, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10„000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. 2a. Joseph Carl Williams Professional Engineer Name 2b, McGill Associates, P.A. Engineering Firm 2c. Post Office Box 2259 Mailing Address 2d, Asheville City 2e. NC 2 . 28802 State Zip 2g. (828) 252-0575 2h. 1828) 252-2518 2i. jc.williams@m2glyengineers.co Telephone Facsimile E-mail NC PE Sea( Signature & Date ETA 08-13 APPLICATION Page 5 (4.'6 f THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION (ORIGINAL AND CO SUBMITTED TO THE APPROPRIATE REGIONAL OFFCE: i REGIONAL OFFICE Asheville Regional 0 ADDRESS Fayetteville Regional Office 2090.US Highway 70 Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 (828) 296-4500 (828) 299-7043 Fax COUNTIES SERVED SHALL BE Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania, Yancey 225 Green Street Suite 714 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5094 (910) 433-3300 (910) 486-0707 Fax ooresvilte Regional Office ce Anson, Biaden, Cumberland, Harnett, Hoke, Montgomery, Moore, Robeson, Richmond, Sampson, Scotland 610 E. Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 (704) 663-1699 (704) 663-6040 Fax 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1628 (919) 791-4200 (919) 788-7159 Fax Washington Regional Office on Regional Office inston-Salem Regional Office Alexander, Cabarrus, Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, lredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly, Union Chatham, Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Johnston, Lee, Nash, Northampton, ©range, Person, Vance, Wake, Warren, Wilson 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, North Carolina 27889 (252) 946-6481 (252) 975-3716 Fax 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 (910) 796-7215 (910) 350-2004 Fax. 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 (336) 771-5000 (336) 771-4630 Fax Beaufort, Berne, Camden, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Greene, Hertford, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell, Washington, Wayne Brunswick, Carteret, Columbus, Dublin, New Hanover, Onslow, Pander Alamance, Alleghany, Ashe, Caswell, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Rockingham, Randolph, Stokes, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin 1="I"A 08-13 APPLICATION Page 6 o1`6 FORM WSCAS 08-13 WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION ATTACHMENT FOR SEWER SYSTEMS Professional Engineer Name Location ID Name of Waterbody1 County Un to 1-ii'd<ory CreeK 2leVeI4rld tJ ri ktor old( Cieve land UT Z River Basin iiroad Bread Waterbody Stream Index No. W A tJA lliago elevelana' Broad All) kor Ca Ckvek4d Br(xci IVA 41' ckor Creek Chdand drocid feik 8r6aal 41,4 Cit If unnamed, indicate "unnamed tributary to X", where X is he named waterbody to which the unnamed tributary joins. I certify that as a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina that I have diligently followed the Division's instructions for classifying waterbodies and that the above classifications are inclusive of the stated project, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief PE Seal, Signature and Date *** END OF FORM WSCAS 08-1. *" Waterbody Classification cd FORM: WSCAS 08-13 Page 1 of 1 SUTTLE STREET TO MARIGN STREET AREA GRAHAM STREET TO G�DNEY STREET AREA LJ r T4 TO MITCHELL STREET AREA cGill CIA T OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SHELBY PLAN ILI CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CRAP q PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AREA cGil 0c,1A`r ,AtiNING FIN4.N� OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS iRAHAM STREET TO GIDNEY STREET CITY OF SHELBY Sr A LEGEND EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER • EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER mill'' Ogim LOCATION ID #3 UT2 TO HICKORY CREEK 20" GRAVITY SEWER INSTALLED BELOW DITCH BOTTOM LOCATION ID #4 UT3 TO HICKORY CREEK 20" GRAVITY SEWER AERIAL GROSSING OVER DITCH, h p • • HE BY C UADRANG CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AY L4 ATI ON �# F UTT TO Eli .ST BROAD RIVER 42" AERIAL SEWER CROSSING OVER EXISTING CREEK G ASSOCIAT NCa-ANNIMG=FIN,A CITY OF SHELBY FIRST BROAD RIVER t, v=' TP OUTFALL .IMPROVEMENTS WWTP OUTFALL AREA CITY OF SHELBY LEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA AP LEGEND EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AREA A PLAN ORH GLE LEGEND LOCATION ID #5 U14 TO HICKORY CREEK 2.4' AERIAL, SEWER CROSSING OVER EXISTING STREAM CATION ID #6.r S TO HICKORY CREEK AERIAL SEWER CROSSING ER EXISTING STREAM AC fir:T5 i ,V' I OCATION ID #7 UT'S TO HfCKORY CREEK EWER CROSSING O E'ER EX6 °I'6NG DITCH cGill o iA r z s ,I 4 ANC[:' OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS US HWY 74 TO HICKORY CREEK OUTFALL CITY OF SHELBY CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER "1 k` PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AREA 4lrK D PROPOSE© IMPROVEMENTS AREA ‘4atiV BEGIN GRAHAM ST TO GIDNEY STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT AREA cG ci +tiPvf FIN4N LEGEND EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER • EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER w-- TO BE ABANDONED PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER IFINFas *1*4w9 A wR ytem b4+4 ,WR, $a". R^..pa*4,4 dot Rv: 6"4•11,41' M'141 uq�°'i, *94aiaka. z� ..Ms..emebavmv..�r 4`'�a, DATION ID UT1 TO HICKORY CREEK 11 20" GRAVITY SEWER INSTALLED BELOW CREEK BOTTOM yw4u'rr A*1' OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS SUTTLE STREET TO MARION STREET CITY OF SHELBY CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CARO'LINA LOCATION ILA UTI TO HICKORY CREEK GRAVITY SEWER INSTALLED BELOW CREEK BCD [TOM GRAP aI IA 4 ) AA AA A = 4 A C 0 ANNIN BEGIN NEW 20' GRAVITY SEWER LINE CONNECT EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER LATERAL TO NEW 20" SEWER LINE (TYP.) REPLACE EXISTING MANHOLE. CONNECT TO EXISTING DOWNSTREAM GRAVITY SEWER------- OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS GRAHAM STREET TO CONEY STREET CITY OF S-IELBY CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROINA 1C) GRAPHIC, LEGEND EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER REPLACE EXISTING PARALLEL SEWER LINES WITH SINGLE 20" SEWER LINE LOCATED WITHIN THE EXISTING ALIGNMENTS (TYP).. NEW 20" AERIAL SEWER CROSSING OVER EXISTING UTILITY ACCESS ROAD DRAINAGE CULVERT, ICU 400 sal wT REPLACE EXISTING MANHOLE, EXISTING 42" AERIAL CROSSING TO REMAIN. cG A S S ©CC I A °'A" FNG,PL A'NNI,NG.FIN tic INSTALL 6"-D1A. MANHOLE OVER EXISTING LINE NEW 42" AERIAL CROSSING. CONNECT TO NEW 8'-DIA, MANHOLE. NEW 48" GRAVITY SEWER IN PARALLEL ALIGNMENT WITH NEW 6"-©IA, MANHOLES. FIRST BROAD RIVER STEAM -ER TREATMENT PLANT HEADtM1ORKS FIRST EROAO RIVER'�A"WTP UTFALLVMPROVEMENTS WVVT"P OUTFALL AREA CITY OF SHELBY CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA LEGEND EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER TO BE ABANDONED PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE I TNC I I = 20J FEET NEER1NG•7'1. ElF!N.I ANWV if.Cd, 4C"3vCM1 LEGEND EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER • EXISTING GRAVITY SEWER —.— TO BE ABANDONED PROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER S PROPOSED BEGIN NEW 24' GRAVITY SEWER PROPOSED NEW AERIAL SEWER CROSSING OVER DRAINAGE FEATURE (TYP. OF 3) PROPOSED ROUTE 24" SEWER TO EXISTING PARALLEL ALIGNMENT AND BEGIN NEW 30 GRAVITY SEWER PROPOSED EXTEND EXISTING B"° J� LATERAL AND CONNECT TO NEW GRAVITY SEWER (TYP) PROPOSED CONNECT TO EXISTING 30' GRAVITY SEWER. A. a 0 C I A 'r E N. ANC R, OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS US HWY 74 TO HICKORY CREEK OUTFALL CITY OF SHELBY CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAR'OLINA GRAPI3IC SCALE PLAN BEGIN NEW 20" GRAVITY SEWER LINE REPLACE EXI STING 8" GRAVITY SEWER LINE BORE AND JACK STEEL ENCASE PIPE UNDER MARION STREET. ATES FNA CE A CONNECT NEW SEWER LINE TO EXISTING 20" SEWER LINE. OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS SUTTLE STREET TO MARION STREET CITY OF SHELBY CLEVELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ISTING GRAVITY SEWER ISTING GRAVITY SEWER ~�— TO BE ABANDONED ROPOSED GRAVITY SEWER. itelms NEW 20" GRAVITY SEWER LINE ROUTED BETWEEN EXISTING SEWER ALIGNMENTS E NEW 8" GRAVITY SEWER LINE CREEK CROSSING IT Division of Vilater flesovittiec State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Applications (FTSE 08-13) Project Applicant Name: City of Shelby Project Name for which flow is being requested: Sewer Outfall Ini rovements )fore than one FTSE niay he required for a single project U.' the owner of the WWTP is not responsible for all pump stations along the route oft/ieproposediastewaterflow Complete this section only if you are the owner of the wastewater treatment plant. a. WWTP Facility Name: City of Shelby First Broad wIrrp b. WWTP Facility Permit #: NC0024538 Allflows are in MGD c. WWTP facility's permitted flow 6.000 d. Estimated Obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP 0.5978 e. WWTP facility's actual avg. flow 3.18 f. Total flow for this specific request 0.00 g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility 3.77 h. Percent of pennitted flow used 63% IL. Complete this section for each pump station you are responsible for along oute of this proposed wastewater flow. List pump stations located between the project connection point and the WWTP: (A) (B) (C) (D)=(B+C) (E)=(A-D) Design Obligated, Putnp Average Daily Approx, Not Yet Total Current Station Firm Flow** Current Avg. Tributary. Flow Plus. (Name or Capacity,* (Firm / pt), Daily Flow„ Daily Flow, Obligated Available Number) MOD MOD MGD MOD Flow Capacity*** * The Firm Capacity of any pump station is defined as the maximum pumped flow that. can be achieved with the largest .pump taken out of service. ** Design Average Daily Flow is the firm capacity of the pump station divided by a peaking factor (pf) not less than 2.5. *** A Planning Assessment Addendum shall be attached for each pump station located between the project connection point and the WWTP where the Available Capacity is < O. Page 1 of 6 FTSE 08-13 Outfall Improvements City of Shelby Cleveland County, North Carolina Project Narrative Suttle Street to Marion Street. Outfall This portion of the project generally consists of replacing the two (2) existing parallel gravity sewer lines (8" & 121 with a new single 20" gravity sewer line. The new sewer line will generally be located between the existing sewer lines and outside of the 100-year floodplain. The 20" sewer line will be extended north of Carolina Avenue to replace an existing deficient 15" stream crossing and allow for the reconfiguration of existing lateral gravity sewer lines which will improve local hydraulics and accommodate abandonment of redundant sewer lines. A new 8" lateral gravity sewer also be installed under the existing creek to allow for the removal of the existing stream crossing which is currently within the stream flow path and not readily accessible. Additionally, a short 6" gravity sewer lateral will be upgraded with a new 8" line. The existing sewer lines and manholes will be demolished and abandoned in place. Graham Street to Gidney Street Outfall This portion of the project generally consists of replacing the two (2) existing parallel gravity sewer lines (10/12" & 12") with a new single 20" gravity sewer line. The new sewer line will generally be located within the same alignment as the existing lines to reduce the potential for encountering trench rock while staying within the existing easement boundary. The existing aerial sewer crossings (2 each) over a drainage feature will be removed and new 20" aerial gravity sewer crossing will be installed. The new sewer line will connect to the existing downstream sewer line at Gidney Street where the existing parallel sewer lines currently merge into a single interceptor. The existing sewer lines and manholes will be demolished and abandoned in place. US-74 to Hickory Creek Qutfall This portion of the project generally consists of upgrading the existing 18" gravity sewer line with a new 24" gravity sewer line and combining existing parallel sewer lines (18" & 24") with a single 30" sewer line. Three (3) new aerial sewer crossings will be constructed to replace five (5) existing aerial sewer crossings which cross a streams and drainage features. Additionally, an existing 8" gravity sewer lateral will be extended to the new 30" alignment. The new 30" sewer line will connect to an existing downstream 30" interceptor, The existing sewer lines and manholes will be demolished and abandoned in place, WWTP Outfall The two existing sewer interceptors (24" and 36") combine into a single 42" outfall whereupon it aerially crosses a drainage feature and continues to the City's WWTP headworks. The culmination manhole of the existing interceptors does not meet minimum design criteria for deflection angles and is hydraulically restricted. As such, a new 42" aerial crossing is proposed to accommodate the existing 36" outfall whereupon the two aerial crossings will culminate in a new 8'-diameter manhole, The existing aged 42" downstream gravity outfall will be upgraded with a new 48" gravity sewer line and extend to near the existing headworks facility. The existing sewer line and manholes will be demolished and abandoned in place. City of Shelby 1 Fast Track Sewer Permit Application Outfall Improvements Project Narrative McGill A SS 0C1AT E„S November 21, 2013 Mr. Michael Parker Surface Water Protection Supervisor Division of Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville. North Carolina 28115 Fast Track Permit Submittal Outfall Improvements C\VSRF Project Number CS370502-06 City of Shelby Cleveland County, North Carolina Dear Mr, Parker: On behalf of the City of Shelby, please find enclosed the required permit submittal package for the above referenced project. The submittal package consists of the -following: 1, Application Fee Payment (S480.00) 2. Application 'Form (FTA 08-1.3)(1 original & 1 copy) 3. Stream Classification (WCAS 08-13)( 1 original & 1 copy) 4. Site Maps (Topographic and Street Level)(2 copies) 5. Project Narrative (2 copies) The proposed project is being funded through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. Per guidance from. the Infrastructure Finance Section, the City is requesting a sewer permit. via Fast Track application. After issuance. I will forward a copy of the approved sewer permit to the Infrastructure Finance Section for their project records. The proposed project will replace existing gravity,' sewer lines that have reached the end of their respective service lives and are significantly contributing to overall collection system inflow and infiltration. It should be noted. that a permit. is being requested due to the new sewer line sizes being upgraded over that of the existing sewer lines to accommodate current flow and since a small portion of the new sewer lines being installed outside of the existing sewer line easement right-of-way. It should. be further noted that a Flow Tracking and Acceptance form (FTSF 08-13) has not been included with this submittal since the sewer lines are not being extended and no new services will result. from the project. Enninecrin * Planning • "17. inance Mr. Mich Parker November 2 0 Page 2 of Please contact me i y°crcr have any, questions ccanccr-nin the enclosed submittal package or need additional information. On behalf of the City of Shelby, thank you for your assistance th this critical infrastructure project. Enclosures Sincere McGII,. AAiCIA.`I`1S, P.A. J O EPH C. Project En incc. IAMS, PE Rick flow,ll, City Manager,. City of Shelby. Brad Cornwell, PLS., EI, Public Utilities Director, City o Mike Waresak, PE, McGill Assoc i atcs, P.A._ PI201 2,00345/mp2 1 r ay] aloc: ; Shelby Permit Number 0036l Cent! ap rin F * 1/27113 1 Permit Tracking lii Program Category Non -discharge Permit Type Gravity Sewer Extension, Pump Stations, Extensions Primary Reviewer suttha. rtagulapally Coastal SW Rule Per rrritted:Flow 0 actity Facility Name Duffel! Improve cation Address ;sure Sewer Owner Owner Narrae City of Shelby Da /Events Orig issue 11/27/13 Scheduled Apia Received Draft lrnitiated Issuance 11/25/13 Regulated Activities wow Apartment complex Church conrtorniniatna Institution, other Office Restaurant Retail' School' Wastewater collection Status Project Type Active New Project Version Permit Classification 1 0individual Permit ContetAffiliation Major/Mi Minor Region Mooresville County Cleveland Faculty Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non -Government Owner Affiliation Brad Cornwell Grover St Shelby Public Notice issue 1/271.13 Requested/Received Events Additional Inftsrrrratiora received Additional €nforrnatror requested NC 2ffer five 111r /1 Expiration City of Shelby P.O, Box 207 Shelby, NC 28151 (704) 484 683.3 Pay Four Hundred Eighty dollars. and 00 cents :"""A To The NC©ENR Order O/ 00000-0000 Verlior Number 54408 Check Date 11 /01 /2013 Check Number 00126807 $480.00 THIS DI. SOREEMFNTE HAS SEEN APPR{: VED AS REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET FISCAL CONTROL ACT. Nagui paIIy, Sujatha Fro Sent: i. Subject, Attachment ic Williams <Ji.'+l +ili ams@ illengineers, o Friday, February 28, 2014 8:56 AM lagulapally; Sujatha Mike. ,Jaresak; Brad Cornwell; Eaton, Adrian Amended Permit WQ0036853 Amended Fast Track_08-13_ RE'_7febl,pdf, Amended Project Paps_"03853 37feb1.pdf Cover Letter amended Permit WQ0036853.pdf Good morning Sujatha, Please find attached the amended per it application documentation for the above referenced project. Per your guidance, the amended documentation includes a cover letter, Fast Track application and project maps, understand that the amended permit application. will be used only to update your permit record files, I further understand that you will not be re -issuing the permit since this amendment is for the record ourly. Please review tlt attached information and let me know if you have any questions or require additional documentation, if the, amendment is satisfactory, please let me know by e-mail so that I can forward your correspondence directly to DWI review personnel, Thank you for all your help with this permit amendment. J., Williams, PE Project Engineer McGill Associates, ',, 55 Broad Street Asheville, NC 8801 (828) 57-0575 • lASSOCIAT E S February 28, 2014 1‘4% Sujatha Nagulapaily Division of Water Resources Mooresvi Ile Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Moores-ville, North Carolina 28115 RE: Amended Permit Application. Permit WQ0036853 °titian improvements City of Shelby Cleveland County, North Carolina Dear Ms, Nagulapally: On behalf of the City of Shelby, please find enclosed the amended pemrit application for the above referenced project,. Also enclosed are updated project extent maps that show the current project scope, 1 have included all proposed pipe sizes and lengths in the ,amended perrnit application, including lines deemed permitted, in an effort to clarify proposed improvements for Division of Water infrastructure review personnel, As discussed during our previous phone conversations, the amended permit application includes extension of an existing 10-inch force main as well as installation of a new 12-inch gravity sewer line to accommodate the proposed replacement and realignment of the new gravity sewer interceptors. Both of these line sections were not included in the original permit application. The 10-inch force main will be extended approximately 55 linear feet to allow the force main to discharge „into an existing manhole proposed for replacement which is located immediately upstream of the City of Shelby First Broad Wastewater Treatment 'Plant (WWTP) headworks. The extension is required to facilitate construction and improve hydraulics at the discharge :manhole: These improvements will occur within City WWTP property and the force mainalignmentwill parallel an existing 42-inch gravity sewer proposed to be abandoned: 'file proposed 12-inch.gravity sewer wiH extend approximately 48 linear feet and connect to a new manhole on the proposed 24-inch gravity sewer interceptor, The new 24-inch sewer interceptor alignment was shifted away from the existing ,alignment in an effort to move the sewer line out of an embankment area. The new 12-inch line is required to convey .flows from an existing manhole with 6'78'710" influent lines to the :new 24-inch gravity sewer interceptor manhole, No new flow will or could feasibly be directly connected to this new .12-inch. line: Engineering • Planning • Finance McGill Actsociules, P,A„ * P „0. Box 2259, Asheville, NC 28802 • 55 Broad Street, Asheville, NC 28801 878.252-0575 • Fax; 828.252-2518 Ms. Sttj thu aul l ly Febmaly 28, 2014 Page 2 of Please contact tt e if you have any question' cot earning the enclosed amended permit application submittal package or treed additional information. On bet f of the City of Shelby, thank you ft t° your assistance with updating your permit record files. Sincerely, McGill ASSOCIATES, RA.. osures JOSEPH C. Witf.IAMS, PE Project Engineer Public Utilities Dire City taf"Shelby Mike Waresak, P k illAssociates„ P.A. ral ComwB P12 12 2.0 45/st feb14..docx USE THE TAB KEY TO '" OVE FROM FIELD TO HELD Owner/Permittee: it of Shelb Application Number: (to be compteled by DWR) Full Legal Name (company, municipality, HOA, utility, etc) Brad Cornwell, Public Utilities Director Signing Official Name and 'Title (Please review 15A NCAC 2T 0106 ) c. The legal entity who will own this system is Individual 0 Federal Municipality L] State/County 0 Private Partnership [1 Corporation 0 Other (specify)- d. 824 West Grover Street le. Shelby authorized signing of i als Mailing Address City North Carolina 1g. 28150 State Zip Code lh. (704) 484-6840 1i L'04) 484-6808 1j, brad cornweli Telephone Facsimile 2. Proiect (Facility) Infortlrtatian: Outfall Improvements Brief Project Name (permit will refer to this name Cantact Person: Joseph C Williams, PE (Project. Engineer - McGill Associates P A.) E-mail ofshelby com 2b. Cleveland County Where Project is Located Name and Affiliation of Someone Who Can Answer Questions About this Applicati 3b. (828)252-0575 Phone Number Project is tg� New [ Modification (of an exerting permit) Owner is Public (skip to !tern B(3)) 0 Private 3c, jc.wililams@mcgillengineers.com E-mail n Permit No to Item 2(a)) If private, applicant will be: 2b. If sold, facilities owned by a (must choose one) 0 Retaining Ownership (i.e store, church, single office, etc.) or 0 Public Utility (Instruction D) 0 Leasing units (lots, townhomes, etc - skip to item 8(3j) 0 Homeowner AssoclDeveloper (Instruction E) LI Selling units (lots, townhomes, etc - go to item 6(2b)) City of Shelby Owner of Wastewater Treatment Facility (WW'TF) Treating Wastewater From This Project First Broad River Wastewater Treatment Plant Name of WWTF a. City of Shelby 5b. Owner of Downstream Sewer Receiving Sewer Size The origin of this wastewater is (check all that apply) Residential Subdivision Apartments/Condominiums © Mobile Home Park School Restaurant Office 4b. NC0024538 Gravity 5c Li Force Main WWTF Permit No. Permit of Downstream Retail (Stores, shopping centers) E Institution Hospital El Church Ei Nursing Home 0 Other (specify) Volume of wastewater to be allocated or, permitted for this particular project: zero (0) 'Do not include future or previously permitted allocations If the permitted flow is zero: indicate why 'Instruction F 100% Domestic/Commercial % Industrial (Attach Description) Oth L Pump Station„ Outfall or Interceptor Line where flow wilPl be permitted in subsequent permits that Ej Flow has already been allocated in Permit No, 0 Rehabilitation or replacement of existing sewer with no new flow expected (see 15A NCAC 02T .0303 to determine if a permit is required) (Attach Description) gallons per day is line FTA 08-13 APPLICa\TfON Page 3 of 6. rZ 0 Pump Station ILocation ID: Z Longitude: Design Flow (MGD) Provide the wastewater flow calculations used in determining the permitted flow in accordance with 15A NCA.0 2T 0114 for the value in Item B(7) AND/OR the design flow for line or pump station sizing if a reduced or zero flow is being requested in Item B(7). Values other than that in 15A NCAC 2T .0114 (b) and (c) must be supported with actual water or wastewater use data in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .0114 (f). Note that this project consists of replacing existing sewer lines which have reached the end of their respective service lives. A permit is requested because sections of the existing sewer Vine will' be replaced with larger diameter sewer line to accommodate existing sewer flows and a small portion of new sewer line will be installed outside of the existing easement boundary. See attached project narrative for description of proposed improvements. Summary of Sewer Lines to be Permitted (attach additional sheets if necessary) Size (inches) 8 20 24 30 42 48 Length (feet) 648 5 163 ,546 1,577 96 475 New Gravity or Additional Force Main New Gravity New Gravity New Gravity New Gravity New Gravity New Gravity Summary of Pump Stations wl associated Force Mains to be Permitted (attach additional sheets as necessary) (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for reference) de: Operational Point GPM @TDH Power Reliability Option - permanent generator w1ATS: Force Main Size Force Main Length 2 - portable generator wIMTS Pump Station Location ID: (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for refere Longitude: Design Flow (MGD) Operational Point GPM @TDH Latitude: e Power Reliability Option - permanent generator w/ATS; Force Main Size Force Main Length 2 - portable generator w/MTS 1NilI the wastewater flow in the proposed sewer fines or pump stations be able to be directed to another treatment facility? © Yes No If Yes, permit number of 2nd treatment facility !(RO — if "yes" to 8,12 please contact the Central Office PERCS Unit) ts. Does the sewer system comply with the Minimum Design Criteria for the Permitting of Pum�,Stations and Force Mains (latest version), the Gravi Sewer Minimum Design Criteria (latest version) and 15A NCAC Chapter 2T as applicable? Yes Q No If No, please reference the pertinent minimum design criteria or regulation and indicate why a variance is requested. SUBMIT TWO COPIES OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS OR CALCULATIONS PERTINENT TO THE VARIANCE WITH YOUR APPLICATION F1`A 08-13 AF'PI it:ATION Page 4 of 6 14, Have the following permits/certifications been submitted for approval for the system or project to be served? Wetland/Stream Crossings - General Permit or 401Cartification? Yes D No 0 NIA Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan? Yes El No 0 NIA Trout Buffer Waiver? 0 Yes D No N/A Stennwater? 0 Yes 0 No N/A 15, Does this project in I de ny high primity ihies manholes)? (a)) nvolv es, siphons, or interfereni Check if Yes: snd provide details: Install four (4) new aeriai sewer crossings (2(T, 20, 24, & 3OE) to replace existing aerial crossings, Instal one (1) new aerial crossing (42') adjacent to existing aerial crossing to Improve hydraulic efficiency„ Owner/Pemlittee's Certification: (Signature of Signing Official and Project Narne) 1, Bread CoMWell , attest that this application for Outtall Improvements has been reviewed by me and is accurate I and complete to the best of my knowledge, I understand that if all required parts of this application WV not completed and ‘, that if all required supporting documentation and attachments are not included, this application package Is subject to being returned as incomplete, Note: 0 accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 1-11:21L0,4 and 141215 613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $1OOOO as well as civil Penalties up to $25,000 Per violation. ENGINEERING DESIGN DOCUMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL OF THIS APPLICATION. THESE DOCUMENTS MUST INCLUDE PLAN AND PROFILE OF SEWERS, THEIR PROXIMITY TO OTHER UTILITIES, DESIGN CALCULATIONS, ETC. REFER TO 1561:4,cAng gjo_oqu 0 2. Professional Engineer's Certification: (Signature of Design Engineer and Project Name) sioSePh C, ,areesf that this application for OutfaII mprovements has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information in the engineering plans, calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. I further attest that to the best of rny knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations, Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria for Gravity Sewers LU adopted February 12, 1998, and the Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Pennitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 and the watershed classification in accordance with Division guidance, 4ffbar:9h other professionals may have developed cerfaln portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that 1 have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design, Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 1,13-21 and 1WL§(), any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation, 2a. J e h CarlWtta Pro 2b, McGill Associates, RA. Engineering Firm 2c, Post Office Box 2259 me Miflng Address 2d, Ashevffle 2e. NC 2f, 28802 City State Zip 2g, 18;8) 252-0515, 2h. ((128) 252-2518 21 ilen!neersco Telephone Facsimile E-mail NC PE Seal, Signature a Date THE COMPLETED APYLWATIWNAND SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION (0RIGlNAI,AND COPN") SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO T14E APPROPRIATE REGIONAL OFFCE: � REGIONAL OFFICE Asheville Regional Office Fayefteville Regional Office Mooresville Regional 0 Raleigh Regio o Washington Regional Office ington Regional Office inston-Salern Regional 2080USHghwmy70 bvannanoa,North Carolina 28778 (82E)296-4500 (828)2997O43Fax 225Green Street Suite 714 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301'5094 (910433-3800 (81Q)48G-O7O7Fax 10 E. Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 (704)0631888 (704) 663-6040Fax 1628Mmil Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1628 (919) 791-4200 ,VVashingtcnSquare Ma Washington, North Carolims27889 (252)946-6481 27Cardinal Drive Extension Miington, North Carolina 28405 (910) 796-7 15 (910) 350-2004 Fax mu0hto�wnStree 771-5000 771-4630 Fax COUNTIES SERVED _ Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Caldwell, Cherokee, C|ay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell. Polk, Rutherford, Swa�n, Transylvania Yancey Anson, Biaden.Cumberland, Hamett, Hoke Montgomery Moore, Robeson, Richmond, Sampson Scotland Alexander CoUmnuo.Catawba, Cleveland, Gaston, |nageU.Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly, Union Chatham, Durham, Edgecombe, FranhUn, Granville, Halifax, Johnston, Le*, Nash, Norlhampton.Orange. Person, Vance, Wake, arren, Wilson Beaufort, Bortie.Camden, Chowun.Craven, Cunituch.Dare, Gates, Greene, Hertford, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Pamlico, Pmequotank. Pmrquinnana, FlU. Tyrrell, Washington, Wayne unowiok.Carteret, Columbus, Duplin.New Hanover, Ons�ow, Fender AJammnce.Alleghany.AsheCaswell, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Rockingham, Rando|po. Stokes, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadk�n FTAO8'|34PPL|Ca!iON Page 6wr6 City of Shelby Outfall Improvetnents Amended Permit Ai)plicatiort Permit WQ0036853 Additional Lines to he Permitted 111111141111111' 18 OWOMPSNmR4WAVV,WW"-.4„., IINAMP* logiveotINOVingy , nnnAlnEnniOninnnt: ttneaseititleili 55 ForceNtain Extcrisittn 48 New Gravit:v 57 New Gravity *Note: The 18-inch line was not included in the original permit application becatme it 1deemed permitted This line is a same -size replacement in an adjacent alignment to improve local hydraulics, XISTING NFL E" LINE ADDED TO EXTEND EXISTING. TO PROPOSED LINE REE " T, I=t,ARION SIRE E REVISED PROJECT E\,.I,.EN H CITY OF S H E L. C LE'°a ELAND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA REPLACE EXISTING t 5" V! P SEVVE:R +, / L NEW 2O VINE. REMOVE CREEK CROSSING, ABANDON UNNEEDED SEWER LINES, NEW ' GRAVITY SEWER -- LINE CREEK CROSSING SORE AND JACK STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE UNDER MA I SN STREET. LEGEND NEW' GRAVITY SEWER LINE ROUTED BE W EN EXISTING SEWER ALIGNMENTS AfE FISTING MANHOLF. PROJECT EXTENTS,. PLAN GRAHAM STREET TO GIDNEY REVISED PROJECT EXTENTS TY OF SHEL' 'ELAND COUNTY. NORTH CAI'RONA. G `t E � OE LINE EXTENDED °^ O F 0 ALLOWABANDONMENT' E 'OUR CXIS1ING MANHOLES MAN DR CONNECT EXISTING GRAV P( SEWER LATERAL TO NEW 2O SEWER LINE T'P.) REPLACE EXISTING NHLE: CONNECT TO EXISTING D STREAM GRAVITY SEWS EGEND Y SE ESE s NEW " UNE ADDED ALLOW ABANDONMENT OF FOUR EXISTING MANHOLES REPLACE EXISTING PARALLEL SEWER LINES WITH SINGLE 28" SSE LINE. LOCATED WITHIN EIS tNC SEWER ALIGNMENTS AERIAL SEWER CROSSING OVER EXISTING UTILITY ACCESS ROAD DRAINAGE CULVERT. HICKORY CREEK _ UT =AI,..L. REVISED PROJECT EXTENTS CITY OF SH C:LE.VEL.<'AND COUNTY. NORTH C 7 EXTEND NEW 4" T EXISTING MANHOLE NEW 2,P SE AR. AERIAL CROSSING OVER DRAINAGE EEATU E HIGH EXISTING 24TUNE. SCH 01 SECTION ES NEW AND SHALL. REMAIN, GNNT E.ISTING GRAVITY SEWER DINES LTG NEW ". R "WI SEWE1 ". SEWER L INE ,, NEW II":sE1 AERIAL GHGSSING,s' DER HIGH SCHOOL BRANCH' I EAUGN AND CONNECT EX1 STING S"tr LINE, SHELE"LETY LIMITS—' -END NEB ' SER LINE 1NSTAILBO OUTSIDE OF EXISTI G SEWER ALIGNMENT BEGIN NEW 30" SEWER L/ X 1 " 3", SEWER EXTENDED CI PROVIDE E SERVICE TO EXISTING CUS TOMEI . REPLACE PARALLEL SEWER LIDS WITH NEW 3 3" 'GRAVITY SEWER LINE INSTALL ED WITHIN EXISTING 34", ALIGNMENT: EXTEND AND CDNNECT EXISTING µ E' UNE TO NEW 3E" SEWER. 1 A 1 END 3OSEWER LINE AT _ DI AERIAL CROSSING LINT ON BARNS: :=.,¢ AFT FAL IF )0JECT NOT CHANGED SINCE ENGINEERING ERING REP x k 3 t CITY OF SHEL E_E:`YELAND c I Iw.INTY. NORTH CAPO ET N '249 SEWER NEW E' DIAMETER MANHOLE INSTALLED OVER EXISTING LINE.. Ec:!STINK3 EWER u.NEs PROPn . EI?L rT EextETI 1 a1ANHOL NEW8 E" 'ER LINE. METER MANHOLE. REPLACE EXISTING MANHOLE Al EXTEND NEW 0' SEWER 1I E. HE .AC) rtrV F,),, K IS AREA `EA `_) U1" FAL.I_ REVISED PROJECT— \TE N T CITY OF SHEL;: 0IJ N EXISTING 42' AERIAL CROSSING TO REMAIN'. -- REPLACE EXISTING :MANHOLE EXTEND EX€STI 1 Es" FORCE RCE MAIN 1°0 NEIN MANHOLE FERS'T BROAD RSVER 'VAS TE, WATER TREATMENT PLANT NEA DV1©,RKS NORTH CAROLIN 4 `" "' NEW 6I-DIAMETER.. M H",w.* INSTALLED OVER EXISTII SEWER1.stNE. tEW 4 ` AE, IAIw GR SS NQ ON CONCRETE PIERS, REPLACE EIETiN HOEE WITH NEW ' DIAMETER IANKOLE WITH COSTOMIHASEI, REPLACE EXITING 42"" SEWER LINE. WI NEW m, SEWER LINE INSTALLED IN HARM LEL ALIGNMENT 9ENT. PLAN Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY June 6, 2016 Mr. David. Hux City of Shelby P.O. Box 207 Shelby, NC 28151-0207 PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAAR.T SUBJECT: Final Engineering Certification Acknowledgement Outfall Improvements Permit No. WQ0036853 Permittee: City of Shelby County: Cleveland Dear Mr. Hux: Secretary S. JAY Z.IMMERMAN l�irecto The Division. of Water Resource's Mooresville Regional Office received the final engineering certification with record drawings for the subject sewer extension project on June 3, 2016. Enclosed is a certification page for your records. A full review of the certification materials may or may not be conducted. It is assumed that receipt of this certification indicates compliance with all regulations, design criteria and the permit. However, if a full technical review is conducted, you will be notified of any items of non-compliance. Please be reminded that the Permittee is responsible for keeping a copy of the final record drawings for the life of the project. If you have not received such copy from your consultant, please contact them immediately to obtain a copy. Lastly, you are receiving this letter because the Division has you listed as the responsible party. If this permitted system is no longer owned by you or your company, please complete Form. PNOCF since the permit is not automatically transferable. Forrn PNOCF can be downloaded from http:I/portal.ncdenr.org/webfwq/swp/ps/cs/pnoc from the Collection Systems Applications page. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 235-2143. Sincerely, Barry Love Environmental Specialist cc: Michael J. War P.E., (McGill Associates, 55 Broad St, Asheville, NC 2880 Central Files MRO State of North Carolina 6 Environmental Quality Water Resources i Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663 '1699 FAS'I"fRACK ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION Permittee: City of Shelby Project: Outfall Improvements Permit No. WQ0036853 Issue Date: 11/27/2013 Complete and submit this form to the permit issuing regional office with the following: • One copy of the project record drawings (plan & profile views and detail drawings of sewer lines) of the wastewater collection system extension. Final record drawings should be clear on the plans or on digital media (CD or DVD disk) in pdf format. Record drawings should indicate the design and the marked up changes during construction, ▪ Supporting design calculations (selected pumps, system curve, operating point, available storage if portable generator(s) or storage greater than longest past three year outage reliability option selected) for any pump stations permitted as part of this project • Changes to the project should be clearly identified on the record drawings or in written summary form, Permit modifications are required for any changes resulting in non-compliance with this permit regulations or minimum design criteria. Modifications should be submitted prior to certification. This project shall not be considered complete nor allowed to operate until the Division has received this Engineer's Certification and all required supporting documentation. Therefore, it is highly recommended that this certification be sent in a manner that provides proof of receipt by the Division. PERMITTEE'S CERTIFICATION the undersigned agent for the Permittee, hereby state that this project has been constructed pursuant to the applicable standards & requirements, the Professional Engineer below has provided applicable design/construction information to the Permittee, and the Perrnittee is prepared to operate & maintain the wastewater collection system permitted herein or portions thereof, Iik Printed Name, Title Signature ENGINEERS CERTIFICATION LI Partial ht*e IA/4 S ie a a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe ( periodically, E weekly, full time) the construction of the subject project for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance of this permit; 15A NCAC 02T; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable; and other supporting materials, North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal, signature, and date: \g CAL SEND THIS FORM & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS SURFACE WATER PROTECTION SUPERVISOR MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE 610 EAST CENTER AVENUE, SUITE 301 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 The Permittee is responsible for tracking all partial certifications up until a final certification is received, Any wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension prior to completion of this Engineer's Certification shall be considered a violation of the permit and shall subject the Permittee to appropriate enforcement actions DWR Use Only: 1low from this prqjec „s tnbutdr> Mr. Michael Parker Surface Water Protection Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 281 15 RE: Engineer's Certification Outfali Improvements Permit No, WQ0036853 CWSRF Project Number CS370502-06 City of Shelby Cleveland County, North Carolina Dear Mr, Park On behalf of the City of Shelby, please find enclosed the Engineering Certification and one of record drawings for the above referenced project. These documents are being submitted rdance with the permit issued by your office. Please advise if any additional information is required. Sincerely, McGILL ASSOCIATES, P.A. r' E W;ARRESAK, PE Senior Project Manager Enclosures Cc: David Hux, City of Shelby Dee 'Browder, NCDEQ,. Mooresville Regional Office Ben Cathey, PE, McGill Associates P:2012/1,..0O345/1etters'mpO1jun.l6-cng certdoc 55 Brood Street 'R O. Rux 2250 As'hevilli, North C .AAi.%illa. Novth art fur 288 plr828.252,0575 is 82 8.252.2518 wAVu.rn gii1k