HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140090 Ver 7_2020 Divisions 9-14 Meeting Minutes Final Distributed_20210412 2020 NCDOT MITIGATION MONITORING REPORT REVIEW MEETING DIVISIONS 9-14 Agenda March 17, 2020 10:00am DOT CCA Structures Conf. Room Cot C4 (CAP 40) and Online Attendance list is at the end of this document along with summary of requested site visits. Opening Remarks/General Comments Dave Johnson opened the 2020 monitoring report meeting with some general comments. Following the monitoring meeting, DOT will schedule field reviews as required. DOT will also schedule site visits from the 2019 meeting since those were not completed due to budget restraints and the pandemic. All the monitoring and stewardship reports are online at the following web address: https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/Environmental/EA UlMonitoring- StewardshiplPa&Lsldefault.aspx Monitoring Reports Review: Division 9 U-2579B Temporary Impacts Sites 3A & 3B (Forsyth) -Year 2 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and closeout the site. A site visit was performed by the Resource Agencies on Oct. 1, 2020. NCDWR-noted that geotextile fabric was visible on the header rock of the cross vane structure. DOT will make sure the contractor cut the fabric and submit a closeout request letter to the agencies. U-2579B UT to Fisher Branch(Forsyth) -Year 3 DOT proposes to continue monitoring. A site visit was performed by the Resource Agencies on Oct. 1, 2020. Supplemental planting at the site was completed in January 2021. U-2707 UT to Muddy Creek(Forsyth) -Year 3 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. The area where the beaver dam was noted was live staked on March 2, 2021. USACE- Site inspection March 2021, site looks good. NCDWR- questioned-how beaver are managed once a site is moved into the stewardship program. DOT stated that they are not removed unless hydrologic trespass or other issues are causing damage to adjacent property owners. Division 10 R-2246B UT to Coddle Creek(Cabarrus) -Year 3 DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring at the site. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit. USFWS inquired about Kudzu removal at the site and the longterm impact to site. DOT treated the Kudzu twice in 2020.This will be discussed during site visit. Division 12 I-3819A UT to Fourth Creek(Iredell) -Year 4 USACE-noted during a recent site visit that a drainage swale had some minor erosion as it entered the stream channel. DOT proposed to complete supplemental planting at the site and will live stake the swale area at that time. DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. Division 13 R-2518A Middle Fork Creek Site I (Madison) - *Year 11* DOT provided an update to the resource agencies regarding recent activities at the site. DOT is in the process of scoping a consultant to provide remediation plans for the site and will update the agencies as they are completed. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit. R-2518B UT to Bald Creek Hydro Site #7 (Yancey) - Year 10 Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit for closeout that was requested in the 2019 monitoring meeting. R-2518B UT to Cane River Site#12 (Yancey) DOT will install fencing at the site. Budget constraints and COVID in 2020 have delayed completion of the fencing. DOT proposes to submit a closeout request letter once the fencing has been completed. R-2519A Plum Branch Site #33 (Yancey) - *Year 6* Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit for closeout that was requested in the 2019 monitoring meeting. R-2519A Shoal Creek Site #29 (Yancey) - *Year 6* Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit for closeout that was requested in the 2019 monitoring meeting. R-2519B Fox Hollow Creek Site 25 (Mitchell) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. R-2519B Long Branch Site 5A (Yancey) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. R-2519B Long Branch Site 6 (Yancey) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. NCDWR noted that the report stated piping through a cross vane structure was occurring. DOT noted that it was not a major issue at this time. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit. R-2519B Long Branch Site 8 (Yancey) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. R-2519B Long Branch Site 9 (Yancey) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. R-2519B Parsnip Branch Site 18 (Yancey) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. R-2519B UT to Big Crabtree Creek Site 21 (Yancey) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. R-2519B UT to Brushy Creek Site 30 (Mitchell) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit. R-2519B UT to Brushy Creek Site 33 (Mitchell) -Year 1 DOT proposes to continue monitoring in 2021. A supplemental planting of the buffer area was completed in February 2021. R-2519B UT to Brushy Creek Site 35 (Mitchell) -Year X DOT did not complete a report for this site. DOT proposes to abandon this site due to heavy kudzu infestation. DOT proposes to note each year and request a permit modification once closeout of all other mitigation sites on R-2519 are closed out. Replacement mitigation will likely be proposed through DMS. Division 14 I-4729A Horsepen Creek-Year 2 Report DOT stated that remediation efforts at the site were completed in October, 2020. Replanting of the site was completed in March 2021. Per Resource Agency request, DOT will schedule a site visit. R-5206 UT to Blanton Branch(Jackson) -Year 3 NCDVWR recently completed a site visit. USACE also in agreement to close out site. DOT proposes to discontinue monitoring and will submit a closeout request letter. Red Text denotes NCDOT proposed close out in 2020. Closing Comments Summary of Requested Site Visits Note:Respective regional reps from agencies listed below will be invited. Commenting agencies or extra- regional reps please let Dave Johnson know of a desire to attend a given meeting. DOT will add you to the invitee list. Division 10 May 21/22, 2021 R-2246B UT to Coddle Creek(Cabarrus) -Year 3 DOT, DWQ, Corps, WRC, FWS Division 13* May 21/22, 2021 R-2518A Middle Fork Creek Site I (Madison) - *Year 11* DOT, DWQ, Corps, WRC, FWS R-2518B UT to Bald Creek Hydro Site #7 (Yancey) -Year 10 R-2518 UT to Cane River Site #12 (Yancey) R-2519A Plum Branch Site #33 (Yancey) - *Year 6* R-2519A Shoal Creek Site #29 (Yancey) - *Year 6* 2019 Proposed Closeout Sites DOT, DWQ, Corps, WRC, FWS R-2519B Long Branch Site 6 (Yancey) - Year 1 R-2519B UT to Brushy Creek Site 30 (Mitchell) -Year 1 Maybe other R-2519B sites time permitting. DOT, DWQ, Corps, WRC, FWS Division 14* May 21/22, 2021 I-4729A Horsepen Creek-Year 2 DOT, DWQ, Corps, WRC, FWS *DOT will try to schedule Divisions 13 & 14 on back-to-back days. Attendee List Invitees Attended Agency Chapman,Amy NCDENR-DWQ Hood, Donna x NCDENR-DWQ Mitchell, Kevin x NCDENR-DWQ Wanucha, Dave x NCDENR-DWQ Thompson, Larry NCDOT-DIV 10 Hining, Kevin x NCDOT-DIV 11 Wyatt,Jeff x NCDOT-DIV 12 Roger Bryan x NCDOT-DIV 13 McHenry, David x NCDOT-DIV 14 Euliss,Amy x NCDOT-DIV 9 Elliott,Jason C x NCDOT-EAU Griffin, Randy W x NCDOT-EAU Harris III, Philip S x NCDOT-EAU Johnson, David D x NCDOT-EAU Moore, Byron G x NCDOT-EAU Jamison,John x NCDOT-EPU Sanderson, Mike x NCDOT-EPU Weaver, Derrick G NCDOT-EPU Green, Matthew L x NCDOT-REU Harris, David NCDOT-REU Quick, Meghan I x NCDOT-REU Chambers, Marla x NCWRC Alsmeyer, Eric x USACE Amschler, Crystal x USACE Beckwith, Lori x USACE Matthews, Monte USACE Somerville,Amanetta I x USEPA Wilson, Lauren I x USFWS Youngman, Holland I x JUSFWS