HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0035904_Inspection_20020726Aria NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor June 26, 2002 Mr. William Stovall, Chief Engineer North Carolina Department of Corrections 1001 Navaho Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspection McCain Hospital Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Permit No. NC0035904 Hoke County Dear Mr. Stovall: J%7 Y,LL- William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan Klimek, Director Division of Water Quality Enclosed is a copy of the Compliance Evaluation. Inspection conducted June 25, 2002. As part of the inspection a tour of the Wastewater Treatment Plant was conducted. The observations and recommendations from the inspection are in Part D. Summary of Findings/Comments of this inspection report. The cooperation of Mr. Darrel Cockman, Grade IV ORC was appreciated. During the inspection a copy of the NPDES Compliance Reminders were reviewed and left with Mr. Cockman. As a reminder preservation of the Waters of the State can only be acquired through consistent NPDES permit compliance. Please review the attached report. If you or your staff have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at 910-486-1541. Sincerely, j Belinda S. Henson Environmental Chemist /bsh Enclosures cc: Mr. Darrel Cockman, ORC McCain Hospital WWTP Central Files FRO Files Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street — Suite 714, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 Phone: 910-486-1541/FAX: 910-486-07071 Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us%ENR An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled \ 10% Post Consumer Paper NPDES COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT North Carolina Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional Office Section A. National Data System Coding Transaction Code: N NPDES NO. NC0035904 Date: 020625 Inspection Type: C Inspector: S Facility Type: 2 Reserved: Facility Evaluation Rating: 4 BI: N QA: N Reserved: Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected: McCain Hospital WWTP Entry Time/Date: 9:10am/020625 Permit Effective Date: 991201 Exit Time/Date: 12:30pm/020625 Permit Expiration Date: 040731 Name(s), Title(s) of On -Site Representative(s): Darrel Cockman (Certified Grade IV Operator) - "ORC" Phone Number(s): (910) 944-2352 ext.391 Name, Title and Address of Responsible Official Mr. William Stovall, Chief Engineer 1001 Navaho Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 Contacted: no Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated, N/A = Not Applicable) Pernii Records/Reports: Facility":Site Review:.s )Flow Measurement;S;. Laboratory:: Effluent/Receiving Waters: Pretreatment Compliance. Schedule N�� Self -Monitoring Program: Siudge,;Dsposal; Operation & Maintenance: S Other: Mr. Stovall Page 3 June 26, 2002 Section D: Summary of Findings/Comments: 1. The mechanical bar screen was not operational at the time of the inspection. The facility is receiving sags in their electrical power and it is causing problems with their mechanical bar screen. Carolina Power and Light Company staff were onsite during the inspection conducting an investigation into the situation. The manual bar screen was operational. All screenings are disposed of through the county landfill. 2. Caustic continues to be added to the influent to assist with alkalinity in the aeration basin. Approximately 15 gallons/day of. caustic is added to the influent. 3. Three (3) aerators are located in the 296,000 gallon aeration basin. All aerators were operational and one (1) spare aerator was on site as a backup. The most recent Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) result was 3500 mg/L. 4. The clarification components of the facility work in series with the wastewater traveling to the 72,000 gallon clarifier and then to the 40,500 gallon clarifier. The smaller clarifier is utilized as a polishing clarifier. The first clarifier used in the treatment of the wastewater appeared to .have a sludge depth of 5 feet with a clarifier depth of 13 feet. The polishing clarifier appeared to have a sludge depth of less than (<) 1 foot with a clarifier depth of 8 feet. Wasting of solids occur 2 - 3 times /week at 1500 - 2000 gallons/day. 5. The effluent is disinfected by an ultraviolet (UV) system. The UV lamps are cleaned every two months as per Mr. Cockman. The lamps are cleaned when the intensity sensor reads 1.5. The sensor was reading 4.6 at the time of the inspection. 6. The effluent appeared to be free of solids and clear in color. There appeared to be some type of moss growing in the effluent trough. A recommendation is to continue cleaning this area to eliminate possible NPDES permit noncompliance. 7. Sludge is digested in a 99,000 gallon aerobic sludge digester. The facility is working to replace the submersible aerators with aeration, that has a blower system as a source of aeration. Plans are to completely empty the digester to complete the replacement. Porter Environmental has been contacted to clean the digester out. The facility has six (6) drying beds which were all clean at the time of the inspection. Sludge is applied to sand drying beds and when adequate drying has occurred it is applied to permitted land located adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant. The land permitted is 6.62 acres under permit #WQ0010490 where pine trees are grown. 8. The following process control analyses are conducted weekly: Sludge Volume Index (SVI), Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS), Aeration Basin DO, and oxygen uptake. Occasionally Mean Cell Residence Time (MCRT) is completed. 9. The effluent flow meter was calibrated by"Carolina Technical Services Instruments" April 18, 2002. It was noted in the calibration record that the percent error was 0% before and after calibration. Mr. Stovall Page 4 June 26, 2002 10. James A. Bolton is the "Backup Operator" for this facility with a Grade I Wastewater Treatment Operator's certification. 11. The NPDES permit was available upon request. 12. The grounds were neat and clean. Various components of the plant had been painted since the last inspection. 13. The following required NPDES permit parameters are analyzed on site: pH, Temperature, Conductivity, and Dissolved Oxygen. All other required parameters are analyzed by "Chemical & Environmental Technology" with the exception of Chronic Toxicity which is completed by "Tritest". As a reminder all facilities should be certified for FIELD PARAMETERS immediately. If you have any questions please call Jim Meyer with Laboratory Certification at (919)733-3908. 14. Laboratory records were reviewed for the months August through November 2001 and compared to Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs). The reviewed records appeared to be accurate. 15. A Notice of Violation was submitted to the facility for the month of November 2001 for pH violations. 16. The ORC log was on site. The log is input into the computer and backed up on disk and printed on a hard copy. The information contained in the log appeared to be adequate. Maintenance records were on site an adequately reported. Name and Signature of Inspector Belinda S. Henson /(Re,1/4c Name and Signature of Reviewer Paul E. Rawls Action Taken Agency/Office/Telephone Date DENR/Fayetteville/(910)486-1541 (9' IL/u'1, Agency/Office/Telephone Date DENR/Fayetteville/(910)486-1541 Regulatory Office Use Only Compliance Status Noncompliance Compliance Date /C tArl Section D: Summary of Findings/Comments Brief Facility Description: A 0.2 MGD WWTP consisting of the following components: mechanical -bar screen, 296,000 gallon aeration basin with 3 floating aerators, 40,500-gallon clarifier, 72,000-gallon polishing clarifier, 99.000-gallon aerobic sludge digester with 2 submersible aerators, 7500 ft(square feet), ultraviolet disinfection equipment and effluent flow measurement. FACILITY SITE REVIEW Cues No N/A 1. Treatment units properly operated and maintained. Yes (KO N/A 2. Standby power or other equivalent provision provided. es No N/A 3. Adequate alarm systemfor power or equipment failure available. kicf Si-ct. VI c l ('ee i reu,ke_i-:0rL OLI v"r- 1��yje� i n 4. Sludge disposal procedures appropriate: ciui �k h o,trol-,er�s ,zL 1c1l,, � CYe$,, No N/A a. Disposal of sludge according to regulations 'es? No N/A b. State approval for sludge disposal received. es) No N/A 5. Sufficient sludge disposed of to maintain treatment process equilibrium. Yes 7No N/A 6. The ORC and Backup Operator are officially designated with NCDENR/DWQ Training and Certification Unit. es " No N/A 7. Adequate spare parts and supplies inventory maintained. es..iNo N/A 8. Plant has general safety structures such as rails around or covers over tanks, pits, or wells. esD No N/A 9. Plant is generally clean, free from open trash areas. 10. Screening: et7FP No N/A a. Manual Yes No N/A b. Mechanical Yes (&% N/A c. Buildup of debris _es> No N/A d. Screenings properly disposed of. 11. Grit Removal: Yes No N% A% a. Excessive organic content in the grit chamber Yes No N/A b. Excessive odors Yes No N/A c. Grit properly disposed of. Page 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No: No 12. /A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N%A. Yes No Yes - No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No . N/A Yes No N/A Ora) No N/A Yes ctti3 N/A Yes GI'o' N/A ci? No N/A Yes moo? N/A Yes N/A Yes No % Yes No Yes • No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Primary clarifier: a. Excessive gas bubbles b. Black and odorous wastewater c. Poor suspended solids; removed d. Excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier e. Weirs level £ Weir blockage g. Evidence of short circuiting h. Lack of adequate scum removal i. Excessive floating sludge. j: Broken sludge scraper; 13. Trickling Filter: a. Trickling filter ponding(indicating clogged media) b. Leak at center column of trickling filter's distribution arms c. Uneven distribution of flow on trickling filter surface d. Uneven or .discolored growth e. Excessive sloughing of growth f. Odor g. Clogging of trickling filter's distribution arm orifices h. Filter flies, worms, . or snails. 14. 15. Activated Sludge Basins/Oxidation Ditches: a. Dead spots b. Failure of surface aerators c. Air rising in clumps d. Dark foam or bad color e. Thick billows of white, sudsy foam f. Air rising unevenly g. Excessive air leaks in compressed air piping. Stabilization Ponds/Lagoons: a. Excessive weeds including duckweed in stabilization ponds b. Dead fish, or aquatic organisms c. Buildup of solids around influent pipe d. Excessive scum on surface. Page 3 16. Secondary Clarifier: Yes CIRO' N/A a. Excessive gas bubbles on surface cs No N/A b. Level overflow weirs Yes CW N/A c. Weir blockage Yes (Wo) N/A d. Evidence of short circuiting Yes (NO N/A e. Excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier Yes i N/A f. Pin floc in overflow. No N/A g. Effective scum rake Yes N) N/A h. Floating sludge on surface Yes (ff.) N/A i. Excessive high sludge blanket Yes N/A j. Clogged sludge withdrawal ports on secondary clarifier. 17. Filtration: Yes No ali) a. Filter surface clogging Yes No N/A. b. Short filter. run Yes No N/A c. Gravel displacement of filter media Yes No N/A d. Loss of filter media during. backwashing Yes No N/A e. Recycled filter backwash water in excess of 5 percent Yes No N/A f Formation of mudballs in filter media. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ~es No N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 18. Chlorination Unit: a. Sludge buildup din contact chamber b. Gas bubbles c. Floating scum and/or: solids d. Adequate ventilation of chlorine feeding room and storage area e. NIOSH-approved 30 minute air pack f. All standing chlorine cylinders chained in place g. All personnel trained in the use of chlorine h. Proper chlorine feed, storage, and reserve supply. N/A 19. Ultraviolet radiation disinfection present and in use. Yes No CR Yes No N/A Yes No N/A 20. Dechlorination:.- a. Proper storage of sulfur dioxide cylinders b. Adequate ventilation of sulfur dioxide feeding room c. Automatic sulfur dioxide feed or feedback control operating properly. 21. Aerobic Digester:. Yes No N/A a. Excessive foaming in tank Yes No N/A b. Noxious odor Yes No N/A c. Mechanical aeration failure Yes No N/A d. Clogging of diffusers. Page 4 Yes No ' Yes No N/A Yes c N/A Yes gsT N/A Yes N/A Yes N/A CY:OP No. N/A Yes CRO N/A No N/A Yes No LNG. Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes (g0) N/A Yes N/A No N/A Us --)-No N/A es No N/A Yes (Nrii) N/A Yes gi N/A Yes (g N/A CN~cy' N/A Yes No N/A 22. Anaerobic Digester: a. Floating cover tilting b. Gas'burner operative 23. Sludge Drying and/or disposal: a. Poor sludge distribution on drying beds b. Vegetation in drying beds c. Dry sludge remaining in drying beds d. Dry sludge stored on_ site. e. Filtrate from sludge drying beds returned to front of plant f. Sludge disposal through: county landfill. g: Sludge land` applied:" 24. Filter Press: . a. High level of solids in filtrate from filter presses or vacuum filters. b. Thin filter cake caused by poor dewatering c. Sludge buildup on belts and/or rollers of filter press d. Excessive moisture in belt filter press sludge cake. 25. Polishing Ponds or Tanks: a: Objectionable odor, excessive foam, floating solids, or oil sheens on water surface b. Solids or scum accumulations in tank or at side of pond c. Evidence of bypassedpolishing ponds or tanks because of low capacity. 26. Plant Effluent: , a. Excessive suspended solids, turbidity, foam, grease, scum, color, and other macroscopic particulate matter present b. Potential toxicity (dead fish, dead plant at discharge) c. Outfall discharge line easily accessible. 27. Flow Measurement: a. Proper placement of flow measurement device b. Flow meter calibrated c. Buildup of solids in flume or weir d. Broken or cracked flume or weir e. Clogged or broken stilling wells f. Weir plate edge corroded or damaged g. Flow measurement error less than 10%. ..Page 5 28. Sampling: No N/A a. Sampling and analysis completed on parameters specified by permit Yes No N/A b. Composite sample temperatures maintained at 4 degrees Celsius or less (but above freezing) during sampling 'T'es No N/A c.. Contract laboratory used for sample analysis Yes I o> N/A d. Effluent compositesamples obtained are flow proportional. RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING es� No N/A 1. Records and reports maintained as required bypermit. (No N/A 2. All required information available, complete, and current. Yes No N/A 3. Records maintained for 3 years, and all sludge records maintained for 5 years. Yes No N/A 4. Analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs. Tes� No N/A No N/A No N/A No N/A Yes No N/A Ye No N/A 'SYea No N/A 5. Sampling and analyses data adequateand include: a. Dates, times, and location of sampling b. Name of individual performing sampling c. Results of analysesand calibration :. d. Dates of analyses. e. Name of person performing analyses. 6. Monitoring records adequate and include: a. Monitoring charts kept for 3. years b. Flowmeter calibration records kept for 3 years. YLs No N/A 7. The pH meter is calibrated daily with two buffers and checked with a third buffer and properly documented. �Y No N/A 8. Expiration dates of pH buffers adequate. Ye No N/A 9. All thermometers used in NPDES permit reporting is calibrated annually with an NIST certified thermometer or a traceable thermometer annually and documented. & No N/A 10. The following NPDES permit required parameters are analyzed on site: pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen and Chlorine Residual. Page 6 Yes No �N/� 11. The NPDES permit required parameter Total Chlorine Residual is analyzed by approved method. Yes No NN 12. . BOD incubator temperature maintained at 20 +/- 1 Degrees Celsius and the temperature maintained in a log for every day of operation. Yes No 13. Fecal coliform incubator maintained at 44.5 +/- 0.2. Degree Celsius and the temperature maintained in a log for every day of operation. e) No N/A es) No N/A Cf:& No N/A Yes No Yes No Yes. No N/A 14. Plant records: adequate and include: a. O & M Manual b. "As -built" engineering drawings c. Schedules and dates of equipment maintenance repairs d. Equipment data cards. 15. Permittee is meeting compliance schedule. 16. DMRs complete and include all NPDES permitrequired parameters. Yes No N/A� 17. The facility has a permitted flow greater than 5 MGD and is required to operate seven days per week 24 hours a day. es)No N/A 18. ORC visitation logs available and current. Yes) No N/A 19. ORC certified at a level equal to or greater than the classification of the wastewater facility. 'Yes No N/A 20. Backup Operator certified at one level less than the classification of the wastewater facility or greater. (YeNo N/A 21. Current copy of the complete NPDES permit on site. Yes )No N/A 22. Facility description verified as contained in NPDES permit. es) No N/A 23. Facility analyzes process control parameters for example: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable Solids and others that are applicable. Yes No /A 24. Industrial Waste Surveys (IWS) sent to all possible Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) within the last five years (especially new industries). Revised 7/16/01 by Belinda Henson