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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019396_Permit (Modification)_200201234,6 State of North Carolina Department of 'Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director January 23, 2002 RODNEY M. TART, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC UTILITIES HARNETT COUNTY POST OFFICE BOX 1119 LILLINGTON, NC 27546 Dear Mr. Tart: A17•IcirAt. NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DENR-e Fnj 2 5� Subject: Permit l•1o. ificafion Harnett County Coats Elementary School Wastewater Collection System Extension Harnett County In accordance with your application received November 19, 2001, and additional information received January 7, 2002, and January 17, 2001, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0019396, dated January 23, 2002, to Harnett County for the construction and operation of the subject wastewater collection system extension. The modification to this permit is to eliminate the previously permitted pump station and force main design (not constructed) to allow for the installation of approximately 862 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer. The issuance of this permit also indicates that the ownership and operation and maintenance responsibilities of the collection system extension are being transferred from the Harnett County Board of Education to the Harnett County Department of Public Utilities. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded, shall void Permit No. WQ0019396 issued February 5, 2001, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. This cover letter shall be considered a part of this permit and is therefore incorporated therein by reference. Please pay particular attention to Permit Condition 3 which requires that the wastewater collection facilities be properly operated and maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0227 or any individual system- wide collection system permit issued to the Permittee. Permitting of this project does not constitute an acceptance of any part of the project that does not meet 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division of Water Quality's (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; and the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable, unless specifically mentioned herein. Division approval is based on acceptance of the certification provided by a North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer in the application. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that the as -constructed project meets the appropriate design criteria and rules. Failure to comply may result in penalties in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, construction of additional or replacement wastewater collection facilities, and/or referral of the North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer to the licensing board. In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations, permission is hereby granted to Harnett County for the construction and operation of approximately 862 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer to serve 600 students as part of the Coats Elementary School project, and the discharge of 7,200 gallons per day of collected domestic 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper wastewater into Harnett County's existing sewerage system, pursuant to the application recelvedilovenlber 19, 2001, and in conformity with 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable; and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in the Harnett County Wastewater Treatment Facility (NPDES Permit No. NC0030091) prior to being dischargedinto the receiving stream. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Kristin E. Miguez at (919) 733- 5083 extension 524. Sincerely, f(,,;.fe. Ain Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. cc: Harnett County Health Department Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Section (WWTF Permit No. NC0030091) Parker & Associates, Inc. Central Files NDPU Files i NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM EXTENSION PERMIT This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the wastewater collection facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit; 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division of Water Quality's (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable; and other supporting materials unless specifically mentioned herein. 2. This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. The wastewater collection facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. The Permittee shall maintain compliance with an individual system -wide collection system permit for the operation and maintenance of these facilities as required by 15A NCAC 2H .0227. If an individual permit is not required, the following performance criteria shall be met as provided in 15A NCAC 2H .0227: a. The sewer system shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharge to land or surface waters, and any contravention of the groundwater standards in 15A NCAC 2L .0200 or the surface water standards in 15A NCAC 2B .0200. b. A map of the sewer system shall be developed prior to January 1, 2004 and shall be actively maintained. c. An operation and maintenance plan shall be developed and implemented. d. Pump stations that are not connected to a telemetry system shall be inspected at least three times per week until July 1, 2000; thereafter, pump stations shall be inspected at least daily, as defined in 15A NCAC 2B .0503(5), until July 1, 2001; and thereafter, pump stations shall be inspected every day. Pump stations that are connected to a telemetry system shall be inspected at least once per week. e. High -priority sewer lines shall be inspected at least once per every six-month period of time. f. A general observation of the entire sewer system shall be conducted at least once per year. g. Inspection and maintenance records shall be maintained for a period of at least three years. h. Overflows and bypasses shall be reported to the appropriate Division regional office in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B .0506(a), and public notice shall be provided as required by North Carolina General Statute § 143-215.1 C. 4. This permit shall not be transferable. In the event there is a desire for the wastewater collection facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 1 h 5. Construction of the gravity sewers, pump stations, and force mains shall be scheduled so as not to interrupt service by the existing utilities nor result in an overflow or bypass discharge of wastewater to the surface waters of the State. 6. Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of these permitted facilities, a certification, a copy of the construction record drawings, as well as supporting design calculations for any pump stations permitted as part of this project shall be received from a North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer certifying that the facilities have been installed in accordance with this permit; 15A, NCAC 2H .0200; the Division's Gravity Sewer Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicabl0; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Station and Force Main adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable; and other supporting materials. If this project is to be completed in phases and partially certified, you shall retain the responsibility to track further construction approved under the same permit, and shall provide a final certificate of completion once the entire project has been completed. A copy of the construction record drawings, indicating the facilities constructed in the phase being certified, shall be submitted with each partial certification. Mail the Engineer's Certification, one copy of the "Construction Record Drawings", and one copy of the supporting design calculations to the Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. A copy of the construction record drawings shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for the life of the wastewater collection facilities. 8. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit; 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division's Gravity Sewer Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Station and Force. Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable; and other supporting materials may subject the Permittee tic) an enforcement action by the Division, in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C. 9. In the event that the wastewater collection facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement facilities. 10. The issuance of this permit shall not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state and federal) which have jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Ch. 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCG0100000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 2B .0200 and 15A NCAC 2H .0500. 11. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone number (910) 486- 1541, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day, following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: a. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater transport, such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, line blockage or breakage, etc.; or b. Any failure of a pumping station or sewer line resulting in a by-pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. 2 c a Permit issued this the twenty-third day of January, 2002 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION / t(Ak JAA regory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting I Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission ect Permit Number WQ0019396 Permit No. WQ0019396 January 23, 2002 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION Partial Final I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, , for the Project Name Location and County Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance of this permit; 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division of Water Quality's (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable; and other supporting materials. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: The above Engineer's Certification shall be completed and submitted to the address below with one copy of the "Construction Record Drawings" of the wastewater collection system extension as well as supporting design calculations for any pump stations permitted as part of this project. This project shall not be considered complete nor allowed to operate until this Engineer's Certification and all required supporting documentation have been received by the Division. Any wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension prior to completion of this Engineer's Certification shall be considered a violation of the permit and shall subject the Permittee to appropriate enforcement actions. NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 4 PROCEDURE 4 REQUEST FORM DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NON DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT January 9, 2002 Paul Rawls or Ricky Revels, Fayetteville Regional Office Kristin E. Miguez 919-733-5083 x 524 919-715-6048 (FAX) kristin.miouez cc Application No: W00019396 (modification) County: Harnett Applicant: Harnett County Board of Education Project Name: Coats Elementary School Project Type: FAST TRACK Receiving Facility: Hamett County Receiving Facility Permit Number: NC0030091 Flow Volume (GPD): no add'I (zero) Flow Type: DOM COM IND Engineer: Parker & Associates, Inc. SOC Project? OYES ONO Approval: E4S ONO Comments: n %%,'s P-sL �s 4',rauc �i �# /C, 0,44'. �,4.,�C �L; Jo ac..- S1e, ke N --r I i 3 .-a v . Regional Office Signature:,,q,„.4 01/10/2002 15:11 919-715-6048 DWQ NON DISCHARGE BR State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality FAST -TRACK APPLICATION for GRAVITY SEWERS, PUMP STATIONS, AND FORCE (Pressure sewers systems are not to be included as part of this application package) THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL. PAGE 01/08 t. ) INSTRUCTIONS: Indicate that you have included the following list of required application package items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. Failure to submit all required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the permit application. Gf--*A_ Application Form - Submit one original and one copy of the completed and appropriately executed application form. Any changes to this form will result in the application being returned. The Division of Water Quality (Division) will only accept application packages that have been fully completed with all applicable items addressed. You do not need to submit detailed plans and apacifaatioaa unless you respond NO to item IV.6. and/or item W.10. ('jam B. Attachment - Submit the completed and properly executed Form WSCA 10/99 for each watershed within the project location. 6 r/ C. Application Fee - Submit a check in thc amount of 5400 made payable to: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). /4 D. Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity-- If the application is being submitted in the name of a privately - owned public utility, submit two copies of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, which demonstrates that the public utility is authorized to hold the utility franchise for the area to be served by the sewer extension. If a Certificate of Public Convenience ano Necessity has not been issued, provide two copies of a letter from the NC Utilities Commission's Public Staff that states that an application for a franchise has been received, that the service area is contieuous to an existing franchised area, and/or that franchise approval is expected. Nlv N /Pr E. Operational Agreements - Submit one original and two copies of a properly executed operational agreement if the sewer extension will be serving residential or commercial lots (e.g., houses, condominiums, townhomes, outparcels, etc.) that will be owned by a homeowners' association or developer. If the applicant is a homeowners' association, use Form HOA 10/99. If the applicant is a developer, use Form DEV 10/99. F. Flow Acceptance Letters - If the owner of the downstream sewers and/or WWTF is different from the applicant, submit rwo copies of a flow acceptance letter from thc owner of the downstream sewers and WWI'F_ Flow ac eptance letters must contain the following minimum information: applicant and project name, amourrt cf flow ac.c red, and name and permit number of the receiving sewers/WWTF. The flow acceptance must not expire prior to permit issuance and must be dated less than a year prior to thc application date. intergovernmental agreements or other contracts will not be accepted in lieu of a project -specific flow acceptance letter. THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOliRcL1 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT > y U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 By CouxIer/$peclgr<DeI1vers,: 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREIi f, Sdi E,1219 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 2704 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 FACSIMILE NUMBER: (919) 715.6048 For more information, visit our web a FORM: FTA 06/00 Page Post -it' Fax Note 7671 ,,ate . , ,77 * of ► ti 9% Da, Pages To � �� e� F" 1� y ISki‘ f r", 1►n 1V1.1 1rle� Co./Dept. O co. , L R. - HP PL Phone # Phonet I J `� �l3. 502,3 Fax Fax Fax X 01/10/2002 15:11 919-715-6048 DWQ NON DISCHARGE BR Application Number: btOtq l J I.IX I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name (name of the municipality, corporation, individual, etc.): Harnett County Department of Public Utilities 2. Owner's or signing official's name and title (15A NCAC 2H .0206(b)): Rodney M. Tart, Director 3. Name and complete address of applicant: P.O. Box 1119 (to be complstet! by DWQ) City: Lillington State: NC Zip: 27546 Telephone number: (910) 893-7575 Facsimile number: (910) 893-6643 4, Project name (name of the subdivision, facility or establishment, etc.): Off -Site sewer to serve Coats Elementary School 5. County where project is located: Harnett 6. Fee submitted: $ 400.00 (See Instruction C.) 7. Name and complete address of engineering firm: Parker & Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 976' City: Jacksonville State: NC Zip: 28541 Telephone number: (910) 455-2414 Facsimile number: (910) 455-3441 8. Name and affiliation of contact person who can answer questions about application: Gordon R. McAdams, P.E.,_Paiker & Associates, Inc. IL PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Project is: new; X modification 2. If this application is being submitted as a result of a modification to az existing pent orohck: existing permit number W00019396 and the issuance date 24A 3. Applicant is: X public private If private, units (lots, townhomes, etc.) are: leased (Skip to item III.); sold If sold, facilities owned by a: public utility (See Instruction D.); homeowners' association/developer (See .I.r.s¢.-oettiour, K.) )1I. INFORMATION ON WASTEWATER: 1. Please provide a one- or two -word description specifying the origin of the subdivision, hospital, commercial facility, industry, apartments, condominiums, etc.): Sickei 2. Volume of wastewater generated by this project. 3. Explanation of how wastewater flow was determined (1 A IV CAC 2H .0219(1)): 600 Students at 12 GPD/student = 7200 GPD as 4. Nature of wastewater: 100 % Domestic/Commercial, % Other waste - specify: FORM: FTA 06/00 Page 2 of 5 .7 0 01/10/2002 15:11 919-715-6048 DWG! NON DISCHARGE BR 5. If wastewater is industrial in nature: PAGE 03/08 a. Level of pretreatment that has been provided to ensure protection of the receiving collection systems , and wastewater treatment facility: N/A b. If a pretreatment permit is required, has one been issued? Yes; No. if yea, pidgin attach a copy of the pretreatment permit_ If no, provide date application was submitted: IV. DESIGN DIFORMATION: L Brief project description: Off -Site Gravity Sewer System to serve Coats EIementaly S Owner and name of wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) receiving Nvastewateii (See Ihuttrwriow, F.): Buies Creek Wastewater Plant 3. WWTF permit number (NC00***** or WQ00****.z): NC00300914. List the owner(s) of any intermediate sewers if different from applicant or owner. of WIlt/Pe' Instruction F.): N/A 5. Summary of GRAVITY SEWER to be permitted: Diameter (inches) Length (linear feet) 8 862 ' 6. Does the subject gravity sewer collection system comply with the most recent version of ita GrOW. Sewer Minimum Design Criteria and 15A NCAC 2H .0200? X Yes; No. LTA% pioase identify criteria and explain: 7 Summary of PUMP STATIONS to be permitted: t_ FORM: FTA 06/00 Page 3 of 5 01/10/2002 15:11 919-715-6048 DWQ NON DISCHARGE BR 8. Summary of FORCE MAIN to be permitted: Diameter (inches) 9_ List any equipment being utilized that is not specifically mentioned elsewhere in the axr lic ten or part of the Minimum Design Criteria (e.g., telemetry, hoist, odor control equipment, .. erhanic al screens, etc.): 10. Do the subject pump stations and force mains comply with the Minimum Design Crite i rr.: ;t_ Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains document adopted June I, 2000 and ISA Ne2kc 21.1 _0200? Yes; No. If no, please identify criteria and explain: NOTE: If you responded NO to item IV.6. and/or item IV.IO. abov, two (2) cGpi of detailed plans, specifications, supporting information, and any other t pertaining to the identified criteria should be submitted with the completed and appropriately executed application fora. FORM: FTA 06/00 Page 4 of 5 01/10/2002 15:11 919-715-6048 DWQ NON DISCF'RRGE BR V. CERTIFICATIONS Professional Engineer's Certification: I, Gordon R. McAdams, P.E. , attest that this application for Off -Site Sewer to se yr- Coats Elementary School has been reviewed by .me and is accurst . t,r,,ti-,,plete and consistent with the information .n the engineering plans, calculations; arid all o L suppor6ng documentation to the best of my know; .dge. I further attest that to the F e t of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordant with the applicable regulations, Gravity- Sewer Tei;m;rr,a ua Palen Criteria for Gravity Sewers adopted Pet uary 12, 1996, and the Minimum Design Pu niitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000. Al2ho .rl,certain a f� submittal package may have been developed by other professionals, inclusion of these material signature and seal signifies that 1 have reviewed this material and have judfjed it to lx1 consisca. proposed design. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-2i5.6A and 143-215.5u who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall tyof a Class 2 misdemeanor which may Li, ;ude a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil $25,000 per violation. North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: Applicant's Certification: 1, Rodney M. Tart. Director , attest that this application for ()fJC-Stye S ew_Ri 'iC➢ sGrVt Co*__ _ has been reviewed by me arid' is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required plots of t lis are not completed and that if all requi' ed supporting infcainatiun and attests we a ' l,,, application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include exceed $10,000 as wel =s civil penaltiesAp to $25,000 per violation. Elementary School Signature: FORM: FTA 06/00 Page 5 of 5 01/10i20Q2 15:11 919-715-6048 DWQ NON DISCHARGE BR _ l't PAGE 06/08 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural AA" Division of Water Qttaltty WATERSHED C LOSIFICATION A1TACIMOT Aey changes made to fhb form •rin mutt in the application being Mimed.. INSTRUCTION& To determine the classification of the submit this orm y(a) in the Rr1th hems 1 through d completed, to the subject Division welly * Ira read tio WaterQuality Supervisor (cc pi 2 of 2) r�iYfelon of Wets mast incftdi an L' by 11 ` e y of the p of s submittal of the application far review, a offer he endear wears immediately dowoalope of f resin MOOS i • shoes watersl im waters (watery t with Yon must identify the loam t downs c located in t> to Meuse (waters for are requesting the classification) eon iw Ibit Villi curreaptorelrot:tt�-dbebarte apPItbe may ai the aoa teen map _ thea°A' lm, : appropriate regional a fRee and incledsj with, ties seireletat � �d �bur 1. Applicants mute (name of dei monielpaliti, Harnett Count Board of Educacorporation ���' �)" (I7f75 FORM/44YBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR (aE'.t,SAN wows 2 f70!° B PI 2iewofappt;&r • Rarnett County Board of Edao,at;jo,u Cite Li1�cLttipn State: Tp: 2758 Talephane number, (91 0 ) 893- B 151 3. facsimile number: 93,Q ;( 1~9100 R�ers mane (name aleba +venue, facility tx establiahmcnt, to: S ewer Ex i:enRL a to sea-ro Coats Elementary School ;' 4. Cowry where prgfeet a heated Harnett County 5. Neme(s) ofu surface ■►alias: �T to Thorr3 e s Cre®k 5. River basin(s) iza which the ytta ect is taco C Fear . p 7. Topographic map name and dare Cog r ? 9 87 6. Noah Carolina Prof Tonal TO: REGIONAL OFFICE WA Pk= provide me with the cl ..... _ •'! gc= these activitica will occur, as identified ea the attached Name() of surfer rs and river basin(s): ClactiCgtion(') (as established by the EMC) Proposed ClaaziBeatiolt(s), if applicable: _ River barn built. rules, if applicable: FORM: WSCA 10/99 end data: VISOR map teat Page 1of2 ). and apprepns1144 es rivet 1ssels0 01,10/2002 15:11 919-715-6048 DWQ NON DISCHARGE BR PARKER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners 306 New Bridge Street • P.O. Box 976 Jacksonville, NC 28541-0976 (910) 455-2414 • Fax: (910) 455-3441 November 15, 2001 Mr. Kim Coleson NCDENR-Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 RE: Permit No. WQ0019396 Harnett County Board of Education Coats Elementary School Wastewater Collection System Extension Harnett County, NC Dear Mr. Coleson: Enclosed is an application for a modification to the above referenced pernrit. We to etel.4.07.vity; ;to a sty site along Brick Mill Road.i This gt3titiVSEWericill ma ztsined: byt1 , -iamett Qt apt y. Depai eat a Public Utilities (HCD/PU). —This permit application covers al portion of the school construction project to be Harnett County Board of Education, a mechanical equip. atthe pump s}: tid .,anrl the. 10 the HCIM'U existingbt'avit' sewer system within the Town of Coats•is ." will be designed and permitted by HCDPU as a separate project) We are enclosing a check (#11368) in the amount of S400.00 for the project review original and one (1) • copy of the application form, and Form WSCA 10/99. If you have any questions or need any additional information please give me a call. Sincerely, PARKER & ASSOCIA. Gordon R. McAdams, P.E. xc: Mr. Mike Huntanar (w/enclosures) Mr. Glenn McFadden (w/enclosures) CF (P), LAM Enclosures GRM/hjs 0:mydocslgrn\colecoatsitr ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING • STORM WATER MANAGEMENT • WATER AND WAWAT EM DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING • FEASIBILITY REPORTS • COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN • CONSTRU 01/10/2002 15:11 919-715-6048 • tate.of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director DWQ NON DISCHARGE BR February 5, 2001 DONALD ANDREWS, SUPERINTENDENT HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION POST OFFICE BOX 1029 LLLLINGTON, NC 27546 Dear Mr. Andrews: NCDEMR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OP ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL REsouptc):.3 Subject: Permit No. WQ0019396 ai tt:Cntinty :Bird a€ Edncatigt Coats Elementary School Y:. Wastewater Collection System Piliontdon Harnett County •48/ 88 In accordance with your application received December 5, 2000, we are forwarding herewith ; rrt No. WQ0019396, dated February 5, 2001, to Harnett County Board of Education for the construction of the subject wastewater collection system extension. This permit shall be effective from, the chi of issuance until rescinded and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. This cover letter shaII be considered a pan of this permit and is therefore incorporated therein by reference. Please pay particular attention to Permit Condition 3 which requires that the wasiewiner collection facilities be properly operated and maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0227 or air, individual system -wide collection system permit issued to the Permittee. Permitting of this project does not constitute an acceptance of any part of the project that dos not meet 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division of Water Quality's (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Crira adopted February 12. 1996 as applicable; and the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable, unless specifically mentioned herein. Division approval is based on acceptance of the certification provided by a North Cs nlinr icensed Professional Engineer in the application. It shall be the Permittee's responsibility to ensuTz: as - constructed project meets the appropriate design criteria and rules- Failure to comply may molt Li penalties in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, construction el'ddiiioxaal or replacement wastewater collection facilities, and/or referral of the North Carolina -licensed Proµet-o_= t.' -':sneer to the licensing board. In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of Notit , ,r-olina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations, permission is hereby granted to I ir. _ts County Board of Education for the construction and operation of a 504tallOn peta'atinute .pitioip talkie i ..dnplax. pumps; Oh-Siteatidilile and Vrsuttl•high Water alarms, and'automatically-Itcuvatett-stinad•by geaerattn ss well as ap'prbxithately 43 lintar feet :af`3_Pneh force main to serve 600: students as part of the Coats Elementary School project, and the discharge of 7,200 gallons per day of collected domestic wastewater into the Harneu County's existing sewerage system, pursuant to the application received December 5, 2000, and in conformity with 15A NCAC 2H .0200; the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump -Stations arse Force 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 1 O% post- Re: WQ0019396 - Additional Information Requested • Subject: Re: WQ0019396 - Additional Information Requested Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:08:12 -0500 From: Kristin Miguez <> Organization: NC DENR DWQ To: Ricky Revels <> Hey Ricky, WQ0019396 was originally issued to the Harnett County Board of Education for the construction and operation of a pump station and force main to serve the Coats Elem. school. Harnett County Dept. of Public Utilities is now requesting to modify the permit to include off -site gravity sewer that will connect to an existing pump station site. No new flow is being requested because the flow for the school was permitted with the original permit's issuance. As part of the permit modification request, the entire system is being transferred to the Harnett County Dept. of Public Utilities. Ricky Revels wrote: > Kristin, > FRO needs al.Z information about this project. > Why is the modification needed, if no additional flow is being stated. 1 of 1 01/10/2002 1:30 PM GKEX88/MP.. COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT 01/10/2002 PAGE 1 PERMIT--NC0030091 PIPE--001 REPORT PERIOD: 0011-0110 LOC---E FACILITY--BUIES CREEK WWTP DESIGN FLOW-- .5000 CLASS--2 LOCATION--BUIES CREEK REGION/COUNTY--06 HARNETT 50050 MONTH Q/MGD 00310 00530 00610 31616 50060 TGE6C BOD RES/TSS NH3+NH4- FEC COLI CHLORINE FTHD24PF LIMIT F .5000 F 30.00 F 30.0 00/11 .4330 27.91 36.7F NOL F 200.0 NOL 8.60 17.2 1702.000 00/12 .3689 7.27 8.4 17.77 3.6 1873.333 LIMIT F .5000 F 30.00 F 30.0 NOL F 200.0 NOL 01/01 .4010 9.06 16.7 6.28 2.6 1741.428 01/02 .4526 7.91 5.8 4.46 01/03 .4911 8.27 14.5 1.94 01/04 .4792 7.50 7.9 2.38 01/05 .3878 5.35 17.9 2.15 01/06 .4037 3.25 3.8 2.96 01/07 .3566 2.53 5.3 .00 01/08 .5729F 3.03 6.9 .00 01/09 .4868 8.71 12.4 6.01 01/10 .4461 10.98 21.0 .42 AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM UNIT .4399 8.48 1.1420 67.00 .1730 LESSTHAN MGD MG/L 2.1 1910.000 3.6 1645.500 3.3 1739.166 5.1 1653.750 1.8 1894.615 1.7 1708.571 2.4 1403.846 1.2 1306.666 4.0 1051.333 13.1 4.41 4.0 1635.850 1 175.0 19.60 240.0 3340.000 1 .3 LESSTHAN LESSTHAN 60.000 1 MG/L MG/L #/100ML UG/L PASS/FAI 00010 TEMP NOL 17.66 13.33 NOL NOL 1 13.00 14.46 15.41 1 17.33 21.03 23.83 1 25.21 25.38 24.50 1 21.23 19.36 27.00 11.00 DEG.0 GKEX88/MP.' COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT 01/10/2002 PAGE 2 PERMIT--NC0030091 PIPE--001 REPORT PERIOD: 0011-0110 LOC---E FACILITY--BUIES CREEK WWTP DESIGN FLOW-- .5000 CLASS--2 LOCATION--BUIES CREEK REGION/COUNTY--06 HARNETT 00400 00600 00665 MONTH PH TOTAL N PHOS-TOT LIMIT 9.0 6.0 00/11 7.3-6.4 00/12 7.2-6.7 LIMIT 9.0 6.0 NOL NOL 01/01 6.9-6.6 22.240 2.0100 01/02 7.3-6.3 01/03 6.8-6.1 01/04 7.3-6.5 18.640 2.0600 01/05 6.9-6.1 01/06 7.4-6.4 01/07 6.9-6.4 8.260 1.6500 01/08 7.0-6.3 01/09 7.3-6.5 01/10 7.4-6.7 18.740 2.7200 AVERAGE 16.970. 2.1100 MAXIMUM 7.440 22.240 2.7200 MINIMUM 6.100 8.260 1.6500 UNIT SU MG/L MG/L * FILE MODE P. 1 * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( JAN.11.2002 2:11PM ) TTI ENVIRONMENTAL MGMT OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE 025 MEMORY TX 19197156048 OK P. 1/1 REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-3) NO ANSWER E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION PROCEDURE 4 REQUEST FORM DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NON DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT January 9, 2002 Paul Rawls or Ricky Revels, Fayetteville Regional Office --rp .VROM: Kristin E. Miguez 919-733-5083 x 524 919-715-6048 (FAX) kristin.miguez(nomaj1,net IMES-._- Application No: WQ0019396 (modification) County: Harnett Applicant: Harnett County Board of Education Project Name: Coats Elementary School Project Type: FAST TRACK Receiving Facility; Harnett County Recelvinn. Facility Permit NumberNC0030091 PERMIT NUMBER: NC0030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek OUTFALL: 001 EFFLUENT COUNTY: Hamett PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2001 REGION: Fayetteville DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 1 OF 5 00010 deg c Temperature, Water Deg. Centigrade 00310 lbs/day BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 00310 mg/1 BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 00340 mg/1 COD, Oxygen Demand, Chem. (High Level) 00400 su pH 00500 mg/1 Solids, Total 00530 lbs/day Solids, Total Suspended 00530 mg/1 Solids, Total Suspended 1-01 66.7 .30 125 1 35 13 9.06 6.6 - 6.9 16.7 5i. 0 , 25.1 L, 2-01 14.46 7.91 6.3-7.36 5.8 3 01 61; 3i ,�5' 30 15.41 8.27 6.1 - 6.87 14.5 4 01 =F ? 30 _ 130 17.33 7.5 6.56 - 7.33 7.9 5- 01 60. 7 53 1 3 3 21.03 5.35 6.13-6.9 17.9 6 01 20 3,_,) 23.83 3.25 6.4 - 7.4 3.8 7 01 ..- 3. 1 - 25.21 2.53 6.42 - 6.92 5.3 8 - 01 25.38 3.03 6.39 - 7.02 6.9 9 01 of 7 30 12 _.1 33 24.5 8.71 6.57 - 7.3 12.4 10-01 66 ` O 12,)1 .3, 21.23 10.98 6.79 - 7.44 21 66.7 3 125.1 30 11 - 01 19.25 4.791667 6.92 - 7.13 11.491667 12 - 01 66.7 32 125.1 30 17 6 ' 6.79 - 7.2 11.441667 PERMIT NUMBER: NC0030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek COUNTY: Hamett OUTFALL: 001 EFFLUENT PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2000 REGION: Fayetteville DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 1 OF 5 00010 deg c Temperature, Water Deg. Centigrade 00310 lbs/day BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 00310 mg/1 BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 00340 mg/1 COD, Oxygen Demand, Chem. (High Level) 00400 su pH 00500 mg/1 Solids, Total 00530 lbs/day Solids, Total Suspended 00530 mg/1 Solids, Total Suspended 1 00 f 6. .30 125 , 3) 13.12 4.13 6.11 - 6.62 8.3 2 00 t: 125.7 3') 11.87 11.17 6.33 - 7.13 8.4 3 00 6(3 3u 1 . 'S ?,7f 15.23 9 6.3-7.24 7.3 4 00 (.4-' - 301 5 1 30 17.12 8.35 6.21 - 6.96 20.5 5 00 .. 20.6 4.09 6.31 - 6.85 4.6 6 00 , _ ;�_ 1 v 24 1.94 6.52 - 7.08 6.5 7-00 25.16 1.38 6.58 - 7.16 5.2 8 00 r_56-. .._ 125.. 3i 25.86 2.24 6.58 - 7.19 10.9 9 00 (36.70 125.1 30 24.16 3.92 6.27 - 7.11 19.9 10 00 6t. % 30 - 25 1 0 21.16 8.44 6.41 - 7.39 15.8 11 00 ,.; 3!) 12�5. i .30 17.66 27.91 6.4 - 7.3 36.7 Violation 12 - 00 66. ; 30 -12.:,. 30 13.33 7.27 6.77 - 7.28 8.4 Creek WWTP COUNTY: Harnett PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2000 DMR 12 Month Calculate PAGE 2 OF 5 REGION: Fayetteville ,Qitrogen, Total (as N) 00610 lbs/day Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 00610 mg/1 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 00665 mg/1 Phosphorus, Total (as P) 31616 /100m1 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth,44.5C 31616 mpn/100m1 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth,44.5C 50050 mgd Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 2pt 9.5 15.76 1.58 1.37 9.9 0.5001 Violatio 2%..9 i5 2 - 00 6.08 30.6 0.6397 Violatio 2G.9 0.5 3 - 00 4.18 7.2 0.5395 Violatio 9 05 4-00 22.29 2.03 6.25 2.2 0.4714 - 20.9 r> 5 5 - 00 2.01 1.3 0.3406 2i0.9 0 .. 6 00 0.62 1.6 0.3166 20�0. 9 0.5 7-00 3.32 1.55 0.42 3 , 0.3209 295 05 8-00 0.4 9.6 0.422 LC., y 0.5 9 00 1.01 5.3 0.4934 2G 9 0., 10-00 7.87 8.46 1.34 14 0.4567 11-00 86 17.2 0.433 209 05 12 - 00 17.77 3.6 0.3689 .S 3G • 0 e p- 13.3Y fo PERMIT NUMBER: NC0030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek COUNTY: Harnett 50060 mg/1 Chlorine, Total Residual 50060 ug/1 Chlorine, Total Residual TGE6C pass/fail P/F STAT 24hr Acu Pimephales 1 -00 1,330 1 2-00 1,113.333 3-00 1,404 4-00 1,359.166 1 5-00 1,172.142 6-00 1,793.846 7-00 1,556.583 1 8-00 776.666 9-00 1,046.666 10-00 1,117.5 1 11 -00 1,702 12-00 1,873.333 PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2000 REGION: Fayetteville DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 3 OF 5 PERMIT NUMBER: N00030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek COUNTY: OUTFALL: 002 EFFLUENT Harnett PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2000 REGION: Fayetteville DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 4 OF 5 00010 deg c Temperature, Water Deg. Centigrade 00300 mg/1 DO, Oxygen, Dissolved 00310 mg/1 HOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 00340 mg/1 COD, Oxygen Demand, Chem. (High Level) 00400 su pH 00500 mg/1 Solids, Total 00530 mg/1 Solids, Total Suspended 00545 m1/1 Solids, Settleable 1-00 30 3'0 2 - 00 30 r, 3-00 3? 4 - 00 30 (; 5 00 30 30 6 - 00 30 7-00 3C 30 8-00 3; 9-00 30 3 10-00 30 30 11 -00 30 30 12-00 30 30 PERMIT NUMBER: NC0030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek COUNTY: Harnett PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2001 REGION: Fayetteville DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 2 OF 5 00545 ml/1 Solids, Settleable 00600 mg/1 Nitrogen, Total (as N) 00610 lbs/day Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 00610 mg/1 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 00665 mg/1 Phosphorus, Total (as P) 31616 #/100m1 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth,44.5C 31616 mpn/100m1 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth,44.5C 50050 mgd Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 1-01 2v. 9 22.24 6.28 2.01 2.6 0.401 2-01 .5 4.46 2.1 0.4526 3 01 29 ; 0_, 1.94 3.6 0.4911 4-01 v9 0-5 18.64 2.38 2.06 3.3 0.4792 5-01 209 u.5 2.15 5.1 0.3878 6-01 2.96 1.8 0.4037 7-01 �._ c.. 8.26 0 1.65 1.7 0.3566 8 01 2'0 0 2.4 0.5729 Violatio 9 01 5 5 6.01 1.2 0.4868 10 01 25 1 5 18.74 0.42 2.72 4 0.4461 11 - 01 2[9.; C,.5 0.1425 1.920658 0.4027 12-01 20.9 0,5 0 3.760101 0.309613 5 190ji3 .- ;Z - 6,4325- PERMIT NUMBER: NC0030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek COUNTY: Hamett 50060 mg/1 Chlorine, Total Residual 50060 ug/1 Chlorine, Total Residual TGE6C pass/fail P/F STAT 24hr Acu Pimephales 1-01 1,741.428 1 2-01 1,910 3-01 1,645.5 4-01 1,739.166 1 5-01 1,653.75 6-01 1,894.615 7-01 1,708.571 1 8-01 1,403.846 9-U1 1,306.666 10-01 1,051.333 1 11 - 01 1,065 12-01 1,455 PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2001 DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 3 OF 5 REGION: Fayetteville PERMIT NUMBER: NC0030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek OUTFALL: 002 EFFLUENT COUNTY: Harnett PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2001 REGION: Fayetteville DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 4 OF 5 00010 deg c Temperature, Water Deg. Centigrade 00300 mg/1 DO, Oxygen, Dissolved 00310 mg/1 BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) 00340 mg/1 COD, Oxygen Demand, Chem. (High Level) 00400 su pH 00500 mg/1 Solids, Total 00530 mg/1 Solids, Total Suspended 00545 ml/1 Solids, Settleable 1-01 0 2-01 i% 3 01 3" 4-01 30 5 01 3 O 6 - 01 7-01 3G 8-01 (1 9-01 30 30 10 - 01 3`' 11 01 3v 30 12-01 30 30 PERMIT NUMBER: NC0030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek COUNTY: Harnett 00610 mg/1 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 31616 mpn/100m1 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth,44.5C 50050 mgd Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 50060 mg/1 Chlorine, Total Residual 1-01 2-01 3-01 0.5 4 - 01 0`' 5-01 0.5 6-01 7-01 "`' 8-01 H5 9-01 10-01 n5 11 - 01 0.5 12-01 5 PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2001 DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 5 OF 5 REGION: Fayetteville . 6.. PERMIT NUMBER: NC0030091 FACILITY NAME: Harnett County Public Utilities - Buies Creek WWTP CITY: Buies Creek COUNTY: Harnett 00610 mg/1 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) 31616 mpn/100m1 Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Broth,44.5C 50050 mgd Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 50060 mg/1 Chlorine, Total Residual 1-00 2-00 05 3-00 0.5 4-00 5-00 6-00 7-00 5 8-00 5 9-00 r' 10-00 05 11-00 12 - 00 0.5 PERIOD ENDING MONTH: 12 - 2000 DMR 12 Month Calculated PAGE 5 OF 5 REGION: Fayetteville