HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0034907_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018NCDENR Nortl Caro ina Department of Environment .and Natura Di -vision of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H, Sullins Governor Director Mr David Pressley Grayson Housing, LLC 1180 Free Nancy Avenue Statesville, NC 28677 Juty 29, 2010 esources Dee Freeman Secretary Subject: Permit No. WQ00349 -7 Grayson Place Wastewater Collection System Catawba County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Pressly, In accordance with your complete application and additional information received on July 27, 2010, we are forwarding herewith. Permit No. W00034907 dated July 29, 2010, for the construction and operation of the subject wastewater collection system extension. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein, This cover letter shall be considered a part of this permit and is therefore incorporated :therein by reference. Please pay particular attention to Permit Condition 3 which requires that the wastewater collection facilities be properly operated and maintained in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .0403 or any individual system -wide collection system permit issued to the Permtttee. Permitting of this project does not constitute an acceptance of any part of the project that does not meet 1) 15A NCAC 2T; 2) the Division of Water Quality's (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable: 3) and the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000,.as applicable, unless specifically mentioned herein., Division approval is based on acceptance of the certification provided by a North Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer in the application. It shall be the Permitteels responsibility to ensure that the as -constructed project meets the appropriate design criteria and rules. Failure to comply may result in penalties in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, construction of additional or replacement wastewater collection facilities, and/or referral of the North. Carolina -licensed Professional Engineer to the licensing board. Mooresville Regional Office Location i 610 East Center Ave., Suite 361 Mooresville, NC 281'15 Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 Customer Service, 1-877-623-6748. Internet: vvyvivv.ccwaterquaBity_glig (Inc orthCrrJinu NatIO'iilly In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws. Rules, and Regulations, permission is hereby. granted for the construction and operation of approximately 225 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer and the discharge of 20,1.60. gallons per day cf collecteddomestic wastewater into the existing sewerage system in conformity with 15A NCAC 2T, the Division's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000, as applicable, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and con.sigereg a part cf this permit. The sewage and wastewater collected by this, system shall be treated in the City of Hickory Wastewater Treatment Facility WWTP (NPDES No:NC2040:1) prior to being discharged into the receiving stream, Assessing subsequent impacts to the collection system conveying this tributary flow and treatment facility is the complete responsibility of City of Hickory. Hickory must utilize whatever tracking tools necessary for planning additions of sewer flow in order to maintain compliance with the WWTP permitted limits and the WQS00020 permit requirernents. If any partsrequirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatcry hearing upon written request within. 30 days following receipt of this permit This request must be in the four of a written petition: conforming to Chapter- 150E3 cf North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative. Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh., NC 27699-6714: Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you reed additional information concerning this h.-latter, please contact Ms. Dee Browder at (704) 663-169.9, Sincerely, fOr („701.Cell 1 tSullins., Director cc: Mooresville Regional Office Col ection System Permit Files Surface Water Protection Central Files PERCS NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM EXTENSION PERMIT This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until rescinded and shall be subjectthe following specified conditions and limitations: 1 This permit shall become voidable unless the wastewater collection, facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, 15A NCAC 2T the Division of Water Quality's (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable, the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000, as applicable, and other supporting materials unless specifically mentioned herein. This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data, The wastewater ollection facilities shall he properly maintained and operated at all times. The Permittee shall maintain compliance with an individual system -wide collection system permit for the operation and maintenance of these facilities as required by 15A NCAC 2T ,0403, If an individual permit is not required, the following performance criteria shall be met as provided in 15A NCAC 2T .0403. a. The sewer system shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharge to land or surface waters, and any contravention of the groundwater standards in 15A NCAC 2L .0200 or the surface water standards in 15A NCAC 2B .0200. b. A map of the sewer system shall be developed and shall be actively maintained. c. An operation and maintenance plan shall be developed and irnpleme.nted, d. Pump stations that are not connected to a telemetry system shall be inspected every day (i.e 365 days per year). Pump stations that are connected to a telemetry system shall be inspected at least once per week, High -priority sewer lines shall be inspected at least once per every six-month period of time. A general observation of the entire sewer system shall be conducted at least once per year, Inspection and maintenance records shall be maintained for a period of at least three years, Overflows and bypasses shall be reported to the appropriate Division regional office in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B .0506(a), and public notice shall be provided as required by North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1C. 4. This permt shafl not be transferabe. In the event there is a desire for the wastewater collection .cilities to change ownership. CI there s a name change of the Permittee, a forma i permit request. shall be submitted to the Dsion accompanied by documentation from. the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate, The approval cf this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may rot be aborc.)ved. 5, Construction of the gravity sewers, pump stations and force mains shaft be scheduled so as not to interrupt service by the existingutilities nor result in an overflow cr bypass discharge of 'wastewater to the surface waters of the State, 6 Per 15A NCAC 2T .0116, upon completion of construction and prior to operation of these permitted facilities, the completed Engineering Certification form attached to this permit shall be submitted with the required supporting documents to the address provided on the form, A complete certification is ore where the form is fully executed and the supporting documents are provided as applicable. 7, A copy of the construction record drawings shall be maintained an file by the Permittee for the life of the wastewater collection facilities. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained. in this permit, 15A NCAC 2T the Division's Gravity Sewer Design Criteria. adopted February 12, 1096 as applicable: the. Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Station and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable, and other supporting materials may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division, in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes §143- 215.6A through §143-215,6C, In the event that the wastewater collection facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction cf additional or replacement facilities. 10 The issuance of this permit shall not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and 'ail statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state and federal) which have jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B _0200. erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Ch. 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCG010000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 28 .0200 and 15A NCAC 2H .0500. 11 Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall verbally report to a Division of Water Quallty employee at the Moore ville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699. as soon as possible., but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day, following the occurrence or first .knowledge of the occurrence of either of the following: a, Any process unit failure, due to known cr unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater transport, such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, line blockage or breakage, etc or. P. Any failure. of a pumping station or sewer line result ng in a bypass directly. to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. Vice ry rl messages or faxed informson Is per issible but shah not be considered as the Initial verbs l report. Over -tic s and spills occurring outs,de norrrr l business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number l 0 58rv0 8 r r (1 ) 733-3300 Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completng Part 1 of Form CS -SS (or the most current Division, approved form), within five days owing first knowledge of the occurrence. Thts report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur. Part l of Form -l(or the rrs current Division approved form) can also be completed to show that the SSO as beyond control. Permit issued this the 29th day of duly2010. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OMM SION olcen H. Sullins, Direct Division of Water Quality y Authority of the Envsrehm umber 4907 entl nt Corn ion Fast Track Engineering Permit No, 'y^,i'0003490.7 July 29, 2010 OwnerWQCS David Pressly Grayson Housing LLC 1180 Free Nancy Avenue Statesville, NC 23677 Certifica tion Cwrie filWQ C &VINT P Barry Webb, City Manager City of Hickory PC Box 398 Hickory, NC 2,8,60(3 PE iatt Roper LandDesign, Inc, 223 N Graham Street CriarlL'itte NC 28202 Complete and submit this form to the permit issuing regional office with the following: • One copy cf the project record drawings (plan & profile views of sewer lines) of the ',wastewater collection system extension • Supporting design calculations (selected pumps, system curve, operating point, available storage if portable generator(s) or storage greater than longest past three year outage reliability option selected) for any pump stations permitted as pant cf this, project • Changes to the project should be clearly identifte,d on the record drawings or in written summary form Perrr modifications are required for any chang_es resulting in non-COrnpIIance with this perm reaulat, Onsr minimum design criteria, This project shall not be considered complete nor allowed to operate until this Engineers Certification and all required supporting documentation have bearreceived by the Driiision. Therefore, it is highly recommended that this certification be sent in a manner that provides proof of receipt by the Division, ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION Partial 11 Final as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to ohs t periodically, E weekly, ri full time) the construction of Grayson Place, a Catawba County pricieciit for the Permittee, hereby state that, to the best of my atitlities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was obs.erve.id to be built within substantial compliance of this permit; 15A NCAC 2T; the Division cf Water Quality's rapirision) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996 as applicable; the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track; Pern-sitting of Pump Stations- and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 as applicable: and other supporting materials, North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date SEND THIS FORM & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE SURFACE WATER PROTECTION 610 EAST CENTER AVENUE, SUITE 301 MOORESVILLE NC 28115 The Permittee is responsible for tracking ail partial certifications up until a final certification is received, Any wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension priori to completion of this Engineer's Certification shall be considered a violation of the perrrit and shall subject the Permittee 10 appropriate enforcement actions USE THE TAB KEY TO MOVE FROM FIELD TO FIELD! OwnerlPermittee: 1a. _.a.. Grayson Housing, LLC Full Legal Name (company, municipality, HOA, utility, etc.) lb, David Pressly_ Signing Official Name and Title (Please review 15A NCAC 2T .0 Application Number: (to be completed by DWQ) 06 (b) for authorized signing o ciaisi lc. The legal entity who will own this system is: [] Individual ❑ Federal ❑ Municipality ❑ State/County ❑ Private Partnership ❑ Corporation L_i ld. 1180 Free Nancy Aven Mailing Address 1f. North Carolina State 0 1h. 17641873-5269 Telephone (704) 878-2217 Facsimile 2. Project (Facility) Information: gas ._._.. Grayson Place Brief Project Name (permit will refer to this name) 3. Contact Person: a. per .- Matt G. Roper Name and and Affiliation of Someone Who Can Answer 3b, (704) 333-0325 Phone Number Statesville City her (specify): 28677 Zip Code PresslyPDQ@Bellsouth.net Bellsouth.net mail 2b. Catawba County Where Project is Located uetions About this Application 3c. MRoper@ianddesicn.com E-mail 1. Project is New ❑ Modification (of an existing permit) If Modification, Permit No.: 2. Owner is ❑ Public (skip to Item B(3)) 2a. If private, applicant will be. Z Private (go to Item 2(a)) 2b, If sold, facilities owned by a (mus ❑ Retaining Ownership (Le. store, church, single office, etc.) or ® Leasing units (lots, townhomes, etc. - skip to item B(3)) ❑ Selling units (lots, townhomes, etc. - go to Item B(2b)) 3. City of Hickory Owner of Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Treatin 4a. Northeast WWTF Name of WWTF 5a. Argyle Place Associates, LLC '5b, 8 LI Gravity Owner of Downstream Sewer Receiving Sewer Size ❑ Force M 6. The origin of this wastewater is (check all that apply): moose ❑ Public Utility (Instruction C) ❑ Homeowner Assoc:/Developer (Instruction D) El Residential Subdivision Apartments/Condominiums Mobile Home Park ❑ School ❑ Restaurant ❑ Office ater From This Project 4b. NC002040 WWTF Permit No. ain WQ©©18793 Permit # of Downstream Sewer (Instru ❑ Retail (Stores, shopping centers) ❑ Institution ❑ Hospital • Church ❑ Nursing Home ❑ Other (specify): 7. Volume of wastewater to be allocated or permitted for this particular project: *Do not include future flows or previously permitted allocations 8. If the permitted flow is zero, indicate why: tion E) 100 % Domestic/Commercial % Industrial (attach description.) (RO: contact your Regional Office Pretreatment staff) % Other (specify): 20 n 160 gallons per day ❑ Pump Station, Outfall or Interceptor Line where flow will be permitted in subsequent permits that connect to this line • Flow has already been allocated in Permit No. ❑ Rehabilitation or replacement of existing sewer with no new flow expected (see 15A NCAC 02T ,0303 to determine if a permit is required) 11`Al2'07 z Pump Station Location ID (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for reference) 2 Design Flow Power Reliability Option Ce (MGD) Operational Point 1 1 permanent generator WATS; Force Main Size Force Main Length 0 GPM @TDH 2 - portable generator wfMTS Provide the wastewater flow calculations used in determining the permitted flow in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T 0114 for the value in Item B(7) AND/OR the design flow for line or pump station sizing if a reduced or zero flow is being requested in Item B(7), Values other than that in 15A NCAC 2T .0114 (b) and (c) must be supported with actual water or wastewater use data in accordance with 15A NCAC 2T .0114 (f). 42 — 1 Bedroom Units at 240 GPD (120 GPD per bedroom with a minimum of 240 GPD per unit) 42 — 2 Bedroom Units at 240 GPD (120 GPD per bedroom) (42 x 240 GPD) + (42 x 240 GPD) = 20,160 GPD 10, Summary of Sewer Lines to be Permitted (attach additional sheets if necessary) Size (inches) 8 Length (feet) 225 New Gravity or Additional Force Main New Gravity 11. Summary of Pump Stations w/ associated Force Mains to be Permitted (attach additional sheets as necessary) Pump Station Location ID (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for reference Design Flow (MGD) Operational Poin GPM @TDH Power Reliability Option - permanent generator w/ATS; 2 - portable generator w/MTS Force Main Size Force Main Length z Pump Station Location D (self chosen - as shown on plans/map for reference) Design Flow (MGD) Operational Point GPM @TDH Power Reliability Option - permanent generator MATS; Force Main Size Force Main Length 2 - portable generator w/MTS 12, Will the wastewater flow in the proposed sewer lines or pump stations be able to be directed to another treatment facility? Yes El No If Yes, permit number of 2 treatment facility (RO — if "yes" to B,12 please contact the Central Office PERCS Unit) 13, Does the sewer system comply with the Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains (latest version), the Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria (latest version) and 15A NCAC Chapter 2T as applicable? El Yes No If No, please reference the pertinent minimum design criteria or regulation and indicate why a variance is requested. SUBMIT TWO COPIES OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS OR CALCULATIONS PERTINENT TO THE VARIANCE WITH YOUR APPLICATION FIA12107 ave the following permits/certifications been submitted for approval for the system or project to be served? Wetland/Stream Crossings - General Permit or 401Certification? [] Yes LI No 5i4 N/A Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan? Z Yes El No Li NIA Stormwater? Yes [1] No LI N/A 15. Does this project include any high priority lines, [see 15A NCAC 02T ,0402 (2)] involve aerial lines, siphons, or interference manholes)? These lines will be considered high priority and must, be checked once every six months_ Check if Yes: n and provide details 1. Owner/Permittee's Certification: (Signature of Signing Official and Project Narne) la, I, _ David Pressly , attest that this application for Grayson Place has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting documentation and attachments are not included, this application package is subject to being returned as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143- 215.6A and 143-215,68, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall ,be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil Pena/t(es$259f3jJer violation. Signing Official Signatu 767 Date ENGINEERING DESIGN DOCUMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUBMITTAL OF THIS APPLICATION. THESE DOCUMENTS MUST INCLUDE PLAN AND PROFILE OF SEWERS, THEIR PROXIMITY in TO OTHER UTILITIES, DESIGN CALCULATIONS, ETC. REFER TO 15A NCAC 02T ,0305 2. Professional Engineer's Certification: (Signature of Design Engineer and Project Name) 1, Matt G. Roper . attest that this application for Grayson Place has been reviewed by me and is accurate, complete and consistent with the information in the engineering plans, calculations, and all other supporting documentation to the best of my knowledge. 1 further attest that to the best of my knowledge the proposed design has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations, Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria for Gravity Sewers adopted February 12, 1996, and the Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000 and the watershed classification in accordance with Division guidance. Although other professionals may have developed certain portions of this submittal package, inclusion of these materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to be consistent with the proposed design. Note: in accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.68, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 isdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. 2a. Matt G. Roper Professional Engineer Name 2b, LandDesign, Inc, Engineering Firm 2c. 223 N. Graham Street Mailing Address 2d, Charlotte City 2e. NC 2f. 28202 State Zip 2g. (704) 333-0325 2h. (704) 332-3246 2i, MRoper@landdesign.com Telephone Facsimile E-mail NC PE SeaL Signature & Date FTA12/07 "tRANMITTAL 223 North Graham Street„ Charlotte, NC 26202 V 704,333 325 F: 704.332.3246 DATE: 7126/2010 PROJECT NAME: 1008351 ARGYLE PLACE ASSISTED LIVING TO: Dee Browder North Carolina Department of Eoydenment Natu Resources 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Dee. Crowder rscmail. nel Rob Keidel rkeidet@landdeslgo.com 1E ARE SENDING; Grayson PaceFast T VIA: Second Day PURPOSE For your approval NOTES: er Pe t Appticahorl PROJECT :: Please find a last track sanitary sewer permit application package for prlvale Hickory, NC. It you have any duesttons or concerns, please feel free trs s Thanks, Rob Keidel El; Manager LandDes gn p Charlotte N 223 North Graham Street„ Charlotte, NC 28 02 V' 704,370 7777 F: 704.332 3246 Charlotte NC contact u ewe o serve the Grayson Place prefect in Washing DC Tampa FL Asheville NC Plnehurst NC Chart a NC Na wrilie TN g PRC g 6/2010 FORM WSCAS-12/07 WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION ATTACHMENT FOR SEWER SYSTEMS Ap aplicant Name Grayson Housing, LLC Professional Engineer Name Matt Roper, PE Location ID See Map Name of Waterbody, Tributary to Snow Creek Project Name Grayson Place neerr andDesign, Inc River Waterbody Stream Basin Index No. Catawba 11-61 If unnamed, indicate "unnamed tributary to X", where Xis the named waterbody to which the unnamed tributary° joins. I certify that as a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina that 1 have diligently followed the Division's instructions for classifying waterbodies and that the above classifications are inclusive of the stated project, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief PE Seal, Signature and Date *** END OF FORM WSCAS-12107 *** Waterbody Classification FORM: WSCAS-121`07 Page 1 of I State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Permit Applications (FTSE —10/07) Project Applicant Name: Grayson Housing, 11.,LC Project Name for which flow is being requested: Grayson Place itiore than one FTSE-I 0/07 may be required for a single project d'the owner of the FVWTP is not esponsi, pump stations along the route of the proposed wastewater flow I. Complete this section only if you are the owner of the wastewater treatment plant. a. WWTP Facility :Name: Northeast Waste Water Treatment Plant b. WWTP Facility Permit #: NC0020401 All flows are in MGD c. WWTP facility's pemiitted flow 6 MGD d. Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP 0.09648 MGD e. WWTP facility's actual avg. flow 3.43 MGD f. Total flow for this specific request 0.02016 MGD g. Total actual and obligated flows to the facility .3.54664 MGD h. Percent of permitted flow used 59.1 11. Complete this section for each pump station you are responsible for along the route of this proposed wastewater flow. List pump stations located between the project connection point and the WWTP Pump Station Name Snow Creek Pump Station. Approx. Capacity, MGD Approx. Current. Avg. (Firm/Design) Daily Flow, MGD 3.072 MGD 0.520 MGD 111. Certification Statement: 1, Mick W. Berry. City Manager, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the addition of the volume of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route to the receiving wastewater treatment facility and that the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station, en route to the receiving -treatment plant under normal circumstances. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Sections I and 11 for which 1 am the responsible party. Signature of this form indicates. acceptan e of this elter flow. eye' 7,14 Signing Official Sign Date Public Utilities January 9, 2009 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The City of Hickory does have adequate sewer capacity to serve the property located at PIN# 371419722351. The average flow will be 20,160 GPD and will be going to our Northeast Wastewater Treatment Facility, NPDES # NC0020401. Should additional information be needed, please advise. Sincerely, Kevin 8, Greer,, PE Assistant Public Service Director GREATER HICKORY METRO Topographic Map Grayson Place Hickory. NC prth caret its f er tar f State Elaine ha Secretary North Carolina EPARTM ENT V ew Document Fit ings ( Sign Up for E.N tifications tint apre-populated Annual Report Form Annual Report Count I Fsle en Annual pcaratlora Names Nam Na MO Type NC t RAYSa rn t OuSri C tn8"Ti7CIATE8„ i LC LEGAL dte ' Liability Company Ienfcrrnatis n' rat. Effective Dissolution Date Annut Report Due fete Citizenship State of Inc.: Duration" Registered Agent Agent Marne: Office Address: Addressi 'pal Office DOMESTIC NC PERPETUAL t RESSL'r UAViD .. JR, 718O FREE NANCY AVE STATESVILLE NC 28677 1180 FREE NAN Y AVE STATESVILLE NC'2"867 Office Address:. Mailing Address t8 EL. NANCY TATESSU LE NC 28+ t t8Q FREE NANCY AVE STATESVILLE NC 286 t"? t ...:et . l' r r ctr tic n of .a p 1P tet i tt60 Per rralt Number WQ0034907 nntraC FTEf S AP`" Permit Tracking Slip 7129110 Program Category Non -discharge Permit Type Gravnty Sewer Extension, Pump Stet le ns, Pressure Sewer Extensions Primary Reviewer dee.browder Coastal SW Rule Per Flow 20160 Facto y Facility Name Grayson Plane Location Add es Owner Status Active Version 00 Project Type New Project Permit Classrflcatrsn Individual Per it Contact ftlli tian Major/ linar Region NE Mooresville Owner Name Grayson Houmg l l County Catawba Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non -Government Owner Affiliation David Ls Pre sly Jr.. 1180 Free Nancy Ave Statesville NC Scheduled Odg Issue App Received Draft Irt"tbsated Issuance Public Notice, tss se Effective g7,s23 1 ? ,°27f1 1291 0 /2 a"10 Regulated Activities Apartment comeiex Condominium le cti n Outfal aterbody Pause ,euetedIeceivd Events Addition l information n reriuested Additional information received airs Index Number 2bb7/ Expiration Current Class Subbas r 11111.1111.11111.1.11.1111111.Li DAVID L PRESSLY JR TAMMY V PRESSLY PH 704-881-0817 632 DOGWOOD RD STATESVILLE, NG 28677-3419 BRANCH DANHING AND TRUST COMPANY 1,800.,BAN8 BBI BEIT,corn 14QC5P 1:053 LO L1, 2 li:000 5 /957 28 29ii• I. L5714 m nom 574 66,4121531 $ kOr