HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0088366_Facility Update_20050616Harnett
To Colonel Aycock, Garrison Commander
Front Rodney Tart, Director of Public Utilities
Date: 6/16/2005.
Re; South Regional Waste Water Treatment Facilities Schedule Update
U UN '2
Public Utilities Department
PO Box 1119
308 West Duncan Street
Lillington, NC 27546-1119
ph: 910-893-7575
fax: 910-893-6643
The purpose of this memorandum is to update you on the current situation relative to implementation of
Harnett County's proposed South Regional Waste, Water Collection and Treatment Facility. As we
have discussed in the past, Hamett County has passed a $42 million dollar bond referendum for the
purposes of serving almost 9,000 citizens located in the South Central Region of Hamett County. This
area is bordered on the south by the Little River and extends northward into the County to include the
Anderson Creek Club area. The project will require several hundred thousand feet of waste water
collectors to be constructed alongg-with strategically located waste water pumping stations that will
collect and pump all waste water to our proposed treatment plant site located near Elliott Bridge Road
on the Little River.
While Harnett County is anxiously awaiting final decisions by the Department of Defense relative to our
providing waste water service to the Ft. Bragg/Pope Air Force Base Military Complex, we are
continuing to finalize plans to construct the South Regional Waste Water Treatment Plant. Currently,
we are working toward slaving plans and specifications approved within the next 45 to 60 days. We
hope to be underway'with construction of the waste water plant during Fall 2005. Our current plans are
to construct the waste water treatment facility in 5.0 mgd modules. This was the moduleour engineer ,
selected as being the most cost efficient to meet our projected wastewater needs for the next 20 years.
Inclusion of Ft. Bragg into this plan would also fit very well into the 5.0 mgd module concept. However,
should Ft. Bragg enter into the South Regional Waste Water Treatment Facilities of Hamett County,
certain major processes within the plant and conveyance system would be affected. The combined
flow for the new facility will increase to 15 mgd. These items specifically include:
• The major South Regional Pumping Facility located on the Little River that will be responsible
for pumping all waste -water to the South Regional Plant.'
• The forcemain from the South Regional Waste Water Pumping Facility to the waste water
- All of the headworks-facilities to include screens, grit removal and flow measuring devices,
would be affected.
• Certain process and containment areas located within our proposed sludge treatment facilities
could be better planned if the additional flow is initially incorporated.
strong roots new growth
Other facilities such as filters and UV disinfection might be able to be better planned if inclusion of the
Ft. Bragg waste water flows were known at this time. Additionally, the discharge permit that we are
seeking from the State will have to be rewritten and resubmitted for the additional flow. Our
conversations with the State indicate that the water quality in the Little River would be greatly enhanced
by the consolidation of our two streams. As you know, this environmental enhancement is consistent
with the goals of the sustainable sandhills as well as One NC Naturally. Inclusion of the Spring Lake
discharge would further enhance the water quality on the Little River and we continue to work with the
Town of Spring Lake to bring this concept about. However, the flow from Spring ,Lake is fairly
insignificant when compared to the flows required to be treated from Ft. Bragg.
Our engineers continue to work on finalization of our plans but they are also "dragging their feet"
somewhat in anticipation that a decision from the Department of Defense will be forthcoming in the very
near future. Please, consider this ..information as further indication that Harnett County is seeking all
avenues to develop as efficient a design as possible to treat waste water form the County's customers
and that of the Military Reservation in an effort to maintain a high level of waste water treatment and
keep treatment cost as low as possible to all of our customers. Time is of the essence with regard to
proper planning to avoid duplication of services and unnecessary expense. We trust your office can
persuade the Department of Amiyto proceed with the development of this project. If you have any
questions or require any additional information at this time, please let me know. I look forward to
hearing from you shortly.
Cc: Col. Gregory Bean, PWBC Director
Neil Emory, Harnett. County Manager
Tim McNeill, Hamett County Commissioner
Hi Marziano, Marziano and Minier Engineer
Belinda Henson, NCDENR Regional Supervisor
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