HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0600126_DEEMED FILES_20190327Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0600126 Injection Heating/Cooling Water Return Well Primary Reviewer shristi.shrestha Coastal SWRule Permitted Flow Facility Facility Name Gary Weyant and Janet Glasser SFR Location Address Vista Ln Lot 175 Chalks Landing SD Phase 4 Rockingham NC Owner Owner Name Gary Dates/Events Orig Issue 10/31/2013 App Received Regulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall Waterbody Name 28379 Weyant Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS SWP 3/27/2019 Permit Tracking Slip Status In review Version Project Type Renewal Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Major/Minor Minor Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Gary Weyant 120 Vanita Dr Moon Twp Region Fayetteville County Richmond PA 15108 Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration Requested /Received Events Administrative amendment request received RO staff report requested RO staff report received Streamlndex Number Current Class 2/25/19 2/26/19 3/25/19 Subbasin Nortb-Carollna it partment of Environmental Quality — Division of Water Resources NOTII*AklONI 7F INTENT (NOI) TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS T 64g110 i4' `permitted by rule" and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance with the rutei oNtit 02C.02'00 (NOTE: This form must be received at least 14 DAYS prior to iniectionl AQUIFER TEST WELLS (15A NCAC 02C .0220) These wells are used to inject uncontaminated fluid into an aquifer to determine aquifer hydraulic characteristics. IIV SITU REMEDIATION (15A NCAC 02C .0225) or TRACER WELLS (15A NCAC 02C _0229): 1) Passive Injection Systems - In -well delivery systems to diffuse injectants into the subsurface. Examples include ORC socks, iSOC systems, and other gas infusion methods (Note: Injection Event Records (IER) do not need to be submitted for replacement of each sock used in ORC systems). 2) Small -Scale Injection Operations — Injection wells located within a Iand surface area not to exceed 10,000 square feet for the purpose of soil or groundwater remediation or tracer tests. An individual permit shall be required for test or treatment areas exceeding 10,000 square feet. 3) Pilot Tests - Preliminary studies conducted for the purpose of evaluating the technical feasibility of a remediation strategy in order to develop a full scale remediation plan for future implementation, and where the surface area of the injection zone wells are located within an area that does not exceed five percent of the land surface above the known extent of groundwater contamination. An individual permit shall be required to conduct more than one pilot test on any separate groundwater contaminant plume. 4) Air Injection Wells - Used to inject ambient air to enhance in -situ treatment of sail or groundwater. Print Clearly or Type Information. Illegible Submittals Will Be Returned As Incomplete. DATE: March 14 _ , 2019 PERMIT NO. w tote 0 S C (to be filled in by DWR) A. WELL TYPE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OR OPERATED B. (1) x Air Injection Well ....Complete sections B through F, K, N (2) Aquifer Test Well .Complete sections B through F, K, N (3) Passive Injection System Complete sections B through F, H-N (4) Small -Scale Injection Operation Complete sections B through N (5) Pilot Test Complete sections B through N (6) Tracer Injection Well Complete sections B thraugb N STATUS OF WELL OWNER: State Government C. WELL OWNER(S) — State name of Business/Agency, and Name and Title of person delegated authority to sign an behalf of the business or agency: Narne(s): NCDEO/DWM/UST Section/Trust Fund Brand: Incident Manager- Herbert Bereer Mailing Address: 1646 Mail Service Center. City: Raleigh State: NC Zip Code:27699 County: Wake Day Tele No.: 919-707-8170 Ce1I No.: EMAIL Address: Herbert.Bercerg;nedenr.cov Fax No.: Deemed Permitted OW Remediation NOI Rev. 3-21-2018 Page 1 D. PROPERTY OWNER(S) (if different than well owner/applicant) Name and Title: --~P=---ca=tn=·=ck=-=L=u=eb=b=e=rt-=---------------------------- Company Name ________________________________ _ Mailing Address: -----=1-=1-'-4-=-0 -=B=lu=e=--gr=as=s""'L=an=e ______________________ _ City: Pinnacle State: _NC_ Zip Code: 27043 County: Stokes Day Tele No.: ---~3""'3~6~-3~5-=l~-2~1~4~7 ____ Cell No.: __________ _ EMAIL Address: _____________ _ Fax No.: ___________ _ E. PROJECT CONTACT (Typically Environmental Engineering Firm) Name and Title: Lyn dal Butler CompanyName -----'S=&=M=E~In=c=·------------------------- Mailing Address: --~8~64~6~W~e=s~t M~ar=k=e~t =S=tr~ee~t~Su=i=te~1~0~5 ________________ _ City: Greensboro State: _NC_ Zip Code:27409 County: Guilford Day Tele No.: ---=33c;6c...::-2=8=-8---"-7-=18=0'----------Cell No.: 336-312-0276 EMAIL Address: __ ~l=b--=u=tl=er=®=sm=ein=c=.c=o=m=-----Fax No.: ___________ _ F. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Facility Name & Address: ---~In=c=id~e=n~t #=3~5~l~0~N--'am=e~:--'N~ee=dh=am=s~S~e~rvi=· c=e~S~ta=tio=n~------ 708 East Main Street City: ---=P-=il=o'-'-t =M=o'--"un=ta=in,=___ ______ County-'--': S=u=ny::...,.... ___ --'Zip Code: ___ 2_7_04_1 _ (2) Geographic Coordinates: Latitude**: ___ 0 --__ 11 or 36.3825 ° ___ _ Longitude**: 0 __ ,, or -80.4533 ° ___ _ Reference Datum: _______ ~Accuracy: ________ _ Method of Collection:_G~o~o~g~le~E_arth---'------------- **FOR AIR INJECTION AND AQUIFER TEST WELLS ONLY: A FACILITY SITE MAP WITH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MAY BE SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES. G. TREATMENT AREA Land surface area of contaminant plume:. ____ square feet Land surface area of inj. well network: square feet~ 10,000 ft 2 for small-scale injections) Percent of contaminant plume area to be treated:_ (must be :S 5% of plume for pilot test injections) H. INJECTION ZONE MAPS -Attach the following to the notification. (1) Contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells; and (2) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, changes in lithology, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) indicating the rate and direction of groundwater movement, plus existing and proposed wells. Deemed Pennitted GW Remediation NOi Rev. 3-21-2018 Page2 I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INJECTION ACTMTIES -Provide a brief narrative regarding the purpose, scope, and goals of the proposed injection activity. This should include the rate, volume, and duration of injection over time. J. APPROVED INJECT ANTS -Provide a MSDS for each injectant (attach additional sheets if necessary). NOTE: Only injectants approved by the NC Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services can be injected. Approved irifectants can be found online at h ttp ://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/water- resources/water-resources-p ermits/wastewater-branch/1!round-water-protection/ground-water-a pproved-in jectants. All other substances must be reviewed by the DHHS prior to use. Contact the UIC Program for more info (919- 807-6496). Injectant: -------------------------------- Volume of injectant: Concentration at point of injection: _______________________ _ Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: Injectant: ---------------------------------- Volume of injectant: Concentration at point of injection: _______________________ _ Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: ____________________ _ Injectant: Volume ofinjectant: _____________________________ _ Concentration at point of injection: _______________________ _ Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: ____________________ _ K. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) (2) Number of injection wells: ----=l ___ Proposed __ ---=-1 ___ .Existing (provide GW-ls) For Proposed wells or Existing wells not having GW-ls, provide well construction details for each injection well in a diagram or table format. A single diagram or line in a table can be used for multiple wells with the same construction details. Well construction details shall include the following (indicate if construction is proposed or as-built): (a) Well type as permanent, Geoprobe/DPT, or subsurface distribution infiltration gallery (b) Depth below land surface of casing, each grout type and depth, screen, and sand pack ( c) Well contractor name and certification number Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOi Rev. 3-21-2018 Page3 L. SCHEDULES — Briefly deseribe the schedule for well construction and injection activities. M. MONITORING PLAN — Describe below or in separate attachment a monitoring plan to be used to determine if violations of groundwater quality standards specified in Subchapter 02L result from the injection activity N. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER WeII Owner/Applicant: "I hereby cert5, under penalty of law, that I am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true; accurate and complete_ I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information_ I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well ll and all related appurtenances in accordance with the I SA NCAC 02C 0200 Rules." Linda' Butler: Environmental Scientist, S&ME. Inc_ (Agent for NCDE1 1 Signature of Applicant Print or Type Full Name and Title Proper'\Owner (if the properly is not owned by the Well Owner/Applicant): "As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (15A NCAC 02C .0200 , " "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing. See attached Site Access Agreement signed by Patrick Luebbert dated February 21, 2019. Signature* of Property Owner (if different from applicant) Print or Type Full Name and Title "An access agreement between the applicant and property owner may be submitted in lieu of a signature on this, form. Please send 1 (one) hard color copy of his NOI along with a copy on an attached CD or Flash Drive at least two (2) weeks prior to injection to: DWR — ULC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 807-6464 Deemed Permitted GW Remediatyon NOI Rey. 3-21-201 s Page 4 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF GROUND WATER ELEVATION DATA NEEDHAM'S SERVICE STATION JANUARY 17, 2005 { ^' �' . i- . k?T 0-.7. ' d 9 L •G 1 12�' : �2 _ 5^' `1 -te ` k � f1r ,-JiY'-':?� '",-- * %� �SY • f= &JY [ '" . i "L'h4F1. •- �- ?F Sg, '-+r 4- .ma' ' .ii .— L . MW—IR 100.00 35.48 64.52 50 35-50 __ MW-3 100.32 331,95 68.37 54 'W'"1 y�}'y�j jy' �'•'[ x3�6..5-5!4yy Tn. A ..iv: MW-6R 101.36 38.98 62.38 50 35-50 • ,. _ 9 J J_ -'y r •'1.-.2 �F .. �h• V' .i ,a• �i '•i �a .. :ti=: ,;� iSfi b [i.7- . ;+-� �a ', T. �nd- ..:_ •xi ' 1.a`,' +� f y, F;,,c S o' — - • ';•.. _- Avg •x 7"u s MW-8 101.28 40.55µ 60.73 52 42-52 MW-10 98.80 37.44c 61,36 45 30-45 Notes; 1. Ground water elevations relative to a temporary benchmark with an assumed datum of 100.00 feet; data reported in feet. 2. Not measured. ANW-2 Sa-aszn nto-ir 6Q-o Lie11 C0 r15 fro4i J mn -- 12.1\m4nfeN t 1—'041 �G,het� 1 con-t P kNNN Slk L u;dn5 '45177;14 0iNCn crown MAR 18ZO3 rvm.t ctoarn 1000 MWiI 995 990 985 990 975 970 960 gay 930 T CROSS - SECTION A MWZ MW-5 C;v : •��{,Y.: r.: ��rio,. bdB:Ab■ 'oap� �.. b er [�q a• d' • 9 - o,i7n r `❑ ■nr )ep�' �■iJ ■ cQ g4e �y d y, ^�cr D• •4►.j`� .,° ��i.■ a.e..•.�,^J. rkpil n$oQaQ�P?ri..P��' q a' Oa.QovauC� e c t`1 C• � •t �. .o LEGEND L Li, SILT, SANDY TO TRACE SAND, MICA AND OUARTZ SRAVEL IN SOME AREAL LAYERED, REDDISH-RRaWN TO MOTTLED, FJRM TO STIFF. M FINE SaNA, SILTY, GRAVELLY TO TRACE GRAVEL, LITTLE MICA, MOTTLED, LAYERED, FIRM. WEATHERED QUARTZ MCA SCHIST BEDROCK S QUARTZ MICA SCHIST } HORIZONTAL SCALE: ! = IS,fi VERTICAL SCALE: I"= a.9' NOTE: THE FLOATING PRODUCT EXTENDS TO WELL 3 IN A VERY THIN LAYER. FIGURE 5 Herb Berger Hydrogeologist DWM UST Section 1'646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 RE: Needham Service Station 708 East Main Street Pilot Mountain, Surry County NC Incident # 3510 Dear Mr. Berger: Rael!• MAR ~9 ._, I am/We are the owner(s) of a parcel of property, located at or near the incident in question, and hereby permit the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Department) or its contractor to enter upon said property for the purpose of conducting an investigation of the groundwaters under the authority of G.S. 143- 215.3(a)2. I am/We are granting permission with the understanding that: 1. The investigation shall be conducted by the UST Section of the Department's Division of Waste Management or its contractor. 2. The costs of construction and maintenance of the site and access shall be borne by the Department or its contractor. The Department or its contractor shall protect and prevent damage to the surrounding lands. 3. Unless otherwise agreed, the Department or its contractor shall have access to the site by the shortest feasible route to the nearest public road. The Department or its contractor may enter upon the land at reasonable times and have fuU right of access during the period of the investigation. 4. An.y claims which may arise against the Department or its contractor shall be governed by Article 31 of Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes, Tort Claims Against State Departments and Agencies, and as otherwise provided by law. 5. The information derived from the investigation shall be made available to the owner upon request and is a public record, in accordance with North Carolina C.S. 132-1. 6, The activities to be carried out by the Department or its contractor are for the primary benefit of the Department and of the State of North Carolina. Any benefits accruing to the owner are incidental. The Department or its contractor is not and shall not be construed to be an agent, employee, or contractor of the land owner. I/We agree not to interfere with, remove, or any way damage the Department's well(s) or its contractor's well(s) and equipment during the investigation. Sincerely, Signature n14)e0-- Type/Print Name of Owner or Agent 3 /-, �/ Phone Num et) _Biak iA) y_o_s/Lte5- 0/5 City/State/Zip Code A/17 Dale V,Z/ Herb Berger UST Section Division of Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 » On Jan 28, 2014, at 3:10 PM, "Rogers, Michael" <michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov> wrote: » Janet- >> » Would you please send me a copy of the well construction record (GW-1) for the geothermal well (I assume it has been built). This is the form completed and signed by the driller showing as -built construction. You can send as attachment in reply to this email. Thanks. » Original Message » From: Janet [mailto:janetjeg@yahoo.com] » Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 10:34 AM » To: Rogers, Michael » Cc: Barber, Jim; Barnhardt, Art » Subject: Re: weyant glasser permits.pdf WI0600126 » Mr. Rogers, » I understand and thank you for the estimated timeline. » Janet » Sent from my iPad »> On Oct 24, 2013, at 9:55 AM, "Rogers, Michael" <michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov> wrote: »> »> If I can get the report by Friday and there are no issues, I will get the permit to my supervisor for her review and signature Monday. I will ask her to expedite and ask her to sign by the middle of next week. I cannot make any promises, but I think the permit to inject can be issued by the middle of next week; but if not mid -week, by the end of the week. »> »> Thanks >>> »> Original Message »> From: Janet [mailto:janetjeg@yahoo.com] »> Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 9:12 AM »> To: Barber, Jim »> Cc: Barnhardt, Art; Rogers, Michael »> Subject: Re: weyant glasser permits.pdf WI0600126 2 Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 1:08 PM To: 'Janet' Cc: Barber, Jim Subject: RE: weyant glasser permits.pdf W10600126 The permit doesn't expire until 9/30/2018. Please let the regional office know a couple of days prior to when you actually install the well. Contact info is in your permit. Thanks. Original Message From: Janet [mailto:janetjeg@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 6:33 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: Re: weyant glasser permits.pdf WI0600126 Yes, we will install. The bank took much longer than even they expected. Is there a deadline or expiration on the permit? Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 29, 2014, at 12:27 PM, "Rogers, Michael" <michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov> wrote: > Do you still have plans on installing? If not we can rescind your permit if you request. > Thanks > Original Message > From: Janet [mailto:janetjeg@yahoo.com] > Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 5:29 PM > To: Rogers, Michael > Cc: Barber, Jim; Barnhardt, Art; jimdarby@comporium.net > Subject: Re: weyant glasser permits.pdf WI0600126 > Mr. Rogers, > The well has not been built yet. > Janet > Sent from my iPad 1