HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0500930_DEEMED FILES_20160818Program Category Deemed Ground Water Permit Type WI0500930 Injection Deemed In-situ Groundwater Remediation Well Primary Reviewer shristi .shrestha Coastal SWRule Permitted Flow Facility Facility Name Tate Property lncident#21716 Location Address 7601 .Louisburg Rd Raleigh Owner Owner Name Ncdeq State -Lead Program Dates/Events NC Orig Issue 8/18/2016 App Received 8/17/2016 Re gulated Activities Groundwater remediation Outfall Waterbody Name 27616 Dr!lft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Central Files: APS SWP 8/18/2016 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Major/Minor Minor Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Government -State Owner Affiliation Mark Petermann 1646 Mail Service Ctr Raleigh Region Raleigh County Wake NC Issue 8/18/2016 Effective 8/18/2016 27699164 Expiration Requested /Received Events Streamlndex Number Current Class Subbasln Shrestha, Shristi R From: Shrestha, Shristi R Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 10:40 AM To: 'Ashley Winkelman' Cc: Gabe Araos; Rogers, Michael; Smith, Danny; Boiich, Rick Subject: WI0500930 NOI Tate Property RE: Permit number Good morning, Thank you for submitting the Notice of intent to Construct or Operate Infection Wells (NCI) for the above referenced site. This notification has been given the deemed permit number WI0500934. Please use this number for future records submission. Thank you for your cooperation. Sh rssti Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shrestha . ncdenr. ,ov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Email corresporacrence fo and this address is subject to north Carolina e Lew and may be disclosed third parties. Shrestha, Shristi R From: Shrestha, Shristi R Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 10:42 AM To: Smith, Danny; Boiich, Rick Cc: Rogers, Michael Subject: WI0500930 Tate Proterty NOI Attachments: #21716 Tate Property 20160314 Notice of Intent.pdf Please find the attached NOL, Shristi Shristi R. Shrestha Hydrogeologist Water Quality Regional Operations Section Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919 807-6406 office shristi.shresthaia:ncdenr. ov 512N. Salisbury Street 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to Vorfh Carolina Public Records Law and maybe discicsed to third p 'tips. ATC ATC ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.0 Engineering Individual Solutions 2725 East Millbrook Road Suite 121 Raleigh, NC 27604 Tel: 919-871-0999 Fax:919-871-0335 www.atcassociates. com N.C. Engineering License No. C-1598 March 14, 2016 Ms. Shristi Shrestha North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section, [TIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1636 Reference: Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells Tate Property 7601 Louisburg Road Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina NCDENR Incident No. 2I716 Dear Ms. Shrestha: ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. (ATC) has prepared the enclosed Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells on behalf of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) State -Lead Program. The permit application covers injection of chemicals via a process designed by Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. for rcmediation of petroleum impacted soil at the above referenced site. If you have questions or require additional information, please contact our office at (919) 871-0999. Sincerely, ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. Lcek J Ashley M. Winkelman, P.G. Gabriel Araos, A.F. Project Manager Senior Project Manager Attachments: Notice of Intent Form, Tables I through 5, Figures 1 through 12, Appendices A through C cc: Mr. Mark Petermann — NCDEQ State -Lead Program Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells Tate Pronert. , Ralei_h. North Carolina NOTICE OF INTENT FORM VATC NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS The following are "permitted by rule" and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance with the rules of 15A NCAC 02C .0200. This form shall be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to construction. AQUIFER TEST WELLS (15A NCAC 02c .0227) These wells are used to inject uncontaminated fluid into an aquifer to determine aquifer hydraulic characteristics. IN SITU REMEDIATION (15A NCAC 02C .0225) or TRACER WELLS (15A NCAC 02C .0229): l) Passive Injection S stems -In-well delivery systems to diffuse injectants into the subsurface. Examples include ORC socks, iSOC systems, and other gas infusion methods. 2) Small-Scale Iniection O perations -Injection wells located within a land surface area not to exceed 10,000 square feet for the purpose of soil or groundwater remediation or tracer tests. An indhidual permit shall be required for test or treatment areas exceeding 10,000 square feet. 3) Pilot Tests -Preliminary studies conducted for the purpose of evaluating the technical feasibility of a remediation strategy in order to develop a full scale remediation plan for future implementation, and where the surface area of the injection zone wells are located within an area that does not exceed five percent of the land surface above the known extent of groundwater contamination. An individual permit shall be required to conduct more than one pilot test on any separate groundwater contaminant plume. 4) Air Injection Wells -Used to inject ambient air to enhance in-situ treatment of soil or groundwater. Print Clearly or Type Information. Illegible Submittals Will Be Returned As Incomplete. DATE: March 14, 2016 PERMIT NO. hJ J. 0 5 0 Qq 3 0 (to be filled in by DWQ) A. WELL TYPE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OR OPERATED (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ___ .Air Injection Well ...................................... Complete sections B-F, K, N ___ .Aquifer Test Well. ...................................... Complete sections B-F, K, N ___ .Passive Injection System ............................... Complete sections B-F, H-N X Small-Scale Injection Operation ...................... Complete sections B-N ___ Pilot Test. ................................................ Complete sections B-N ___ Tracer Injection Well ................................... Complete sections B-N B. STATUS OF WELL OWNER: State Government C. WELL OWNER -State name of entity and name of person delegated authority to sign on behalf of the business or agency: Name: NCDE O State-Lead Pro gram -Mark Petermann Mailing Address: ___ 1_6_4_6_M_ai_l _S_e_rv_ic_e_C_en_t_er ____________________ _ City: Ralei C!h State: NC Zip Code: 27699-1646 County: ___ W~ak~e ___ _ Day Tele No.: (919 ) 707-8169 Cell No.: --~N~o~t ~A~v~a=ila=b~le~------ EMAIL Address: mark.petermann@ncdenr.gov Fax No.: ___ N_o~t~A~va~i~la~b_le~------ DWQ/UIC/111 Situ Rcmcd. Notification (Revised 7/9/2012) Page 1 D. PROPERTY OWNER (if different than well owner) Name: -------'L~e~e-'A-=-n=n~M.a..c~G~h=e~e _______________________ _ Mailing Address: --~3-=-6-=--3.a..3.a..8 ~T-'-r=ee=h~o'""'u=se~R=o=ad~--------------------- City: Albemarle State: =-N~C __ Zip Code: 28001 County:~S=ta=n=IY~--- Day Tele No.: (704 ) 984-0619 Cell No.: Not Available EMAIL Address: LeeAnn.McGhee ru1Schulthomes.com Fax No.: Not Available E. PROJECT CONT ACT -Person who can answer technical questions about the proposed injection project. Name: ----'G=a=b=r=ie=l -=--A=r=ao=s=·-=-P-".E=-."""· .a..A""'T""'C"-""'A=s=so=c=ia=t=es"-"-of=-N"'-'-"o""'rt=h-'C=a=r=ol=in=a=·-=-P-'-.C="-. __________ _ Mailing Address: ----=2""'72=5"'-=E.,_. M=il=lb=r-"'o=ok=R=o=ad=."""S=u=it=e....,1=2-=-1 ________________ _ City: Ralei gh State:____N_C_ Zip Code :_2=-7,....,6'"""0.....,,4 ____ County:_W'-'--=ak""'e..__ __ _ DayTeleNo.: (919 )871-0999 Cell No.: (919 } 816-7915 EMAIL Address: 2:abe.araos l'al atcassociates.com Fax No.: __ _..L(9'----'l'-'-9.L...) =87'---'l--'-0=3--=--3=---5 __ _ F. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Physical Address: ___ 7_60_1 _L_o_u_is_bu_r~i.!~R_o_a_d _____ County: ____ W_ak_e ___ _ City: Ralei gh State: NC Zip Code: _2_7_6_16 ______ _ (2) Geographic Coordinates: Latitude**: ---~3~5° ____jl' ~•• or 0 Longitude**: ---~7~8° ___]l' __ 2_1" or 0 Reference Datum: __ ""'W~G-=--=-S.a..84 ____ Accuracy: ___ 10~--m~e~te~r __ _ Method of Collection: 000 -Acme Ma pp er 2.1 **FOR AIR INJECTION AND AQUIFER TEST WELLS ONLY: A FACILITY SITE MAP WITH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MAY BE SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES. See Figure 1 for topographic map, Figure 2 for site map, and Figure 3 for potential receptor map. Table 1 includes water supply well information for properties within 1,000 feet of the site and Table 2 includes the well construction and groundwater elevation data. G. TREATMENT AREA Land surface area of contaminant plume: 750 square feet Land surface area ofinj. well network: __ 7-'----'5'----'0'------____ .square feet (S 10,000 ft 2 for small-scale injections) Percent of contaminant plume area to be treated: I 00% (must be S 5% of plume for pilot test injections) H. INJECTION ZONE MAPS -Attach the following to the notification. (1) Contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells; and DWQ!UIC!fn Situ Rcmcd. Notification (Rc,·isccl 7/9/'.!012) Page 2 Figure 4 presents extent of impacted soil; Figure 5 presents the groundwater elevation contour map; and Figure 6 presents the groundwater analytical map. (2) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil andgroundwater, changes in lithology, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells. Figures 7 through 10 presents the geological cross-sections. Tables 3 through 5 presents the soil and groundwater analytical results. I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INJECTION ACTIVITIES -Provide a brief narrative regarding the purpose, scope, and goals of the proposed injection activity. ATC pro poses to remediate im pacted soil via chemical in jection. The products to be injected are zero vaient iron (ZVD. h drogen p eroxide !H2O2 i. and sodium persulfate. Innovative Environmental Technolo gies . Inc. will perform the injection activities . with supervision b v A TC. Injection will be performed in the area as shown on Figure 11 usin!! direct-push technologv . Ei ght direct-push in jection points will be advanced in a general 1rrid pattern within the in jection area with 4 in jection intervals ran2:ing: from 12 to 28 feet below ground surface. J. INJECT ANTS -Provide a MSDS and the following for each injectant. Attach additional sheets if necessary. NOTE: Approved injectants (tracers and remediation additives) can be found online at http://portal.ncdenr.or¥(web/wq/aps/gwpro. All other substances must be reviewed by the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Contact the UIC Program for more info (919-807-6496). injectant: --~Z=e=r~o_V~a=l=en=t-=lr=-o=n~(Z=-V~l~! _____________________ _ Volume of injectant: 640 eallons Concentration at point of injection: -----~8~0-=g=a=ll""'o=n=-s =Z'-VI~/7'--'5'-4'-0=-a=l=lo=n=s~o=f'-w~at=e~r ____ _ Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: --~l~.4~0'-1/o'------------------ lnjectant: ___ S=o=-d=i=u=m"-"-P""'er=s=u=lfi=a=te'-------------------------- Volume of injectant: 1.625 g allons Concentration at point of injection: --~2""0'""3'-"'-l!a=l=lo=n=s'""'S""o""d=i=um"""-'P=-e=r=s=u""'lfi=at=e'-/7"'"'5'-4'-=l!a=l=lo=n=s'--'o"-'f'-w'-'-=at=e"'"r __ _ Percent ifin a mixture with other injectants: ---=2=3"-'¾""'o ________________ _ Injectant: ___ H~v_d_ro_!!_e_n_P_e_r~o_x_id_e _______________________ _ Volume of injectant: 495 e allons Concentration at point of injection: 62 !.!allons H vdro gen Peroxide/754 srn llons of water Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: --~7~¾~o _________________ _ MSDS Forms and IET proposal are included as Appendix A. K WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Number of injection wells: __ _..,.8 ___ Proposed ___ O"--__ Existing DWQ/UIC/ln Situ Rcmcd. Notific:ition (Rc\'iscd 7/9/2012) Page 3 (2) Provide well construction details for each injection well in a diagram or table format. A single diagram or line in a table can be used for multiple wells with the same construction details. Well construction details shall include the following: (a) well type as permanent, direct-push, or subsurface distribution system (infiltration gallery) (b) depth below land surface of grout, screen, and casing intervals (c) well contractor name and certification number Well construction details are included as Figure 12. L. SCHEDULES -Briefly describe the schedule for well construction and injection activities. Direct-push boring s and in jection activities are scheduled to bee.in March 29 . 2016 . and are exp ected to last for two d::i s. M. MONITORING PLAN -Describe below or in separate attachment a monitoring plan to be used to determine if violations of groundwater quality standards specified in Subchapter 02L result from the injection activity. A pproximate! 120 dav s followin £i: the in jection event. ATC will perform confirmato rv soil sam plin 1.t in the in jection area. Soil sam ples will be anal vzed for volatile orn anic com pounds (VOCs) bv EPA Method 8260B and for volatile petroleum h vdrocarbons (VPH ) b , the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Oualit (MADEP) to monitor the effectiveness of the remediation efforts. Groundwater monitoring was performed prior to the scheduled event on Februarv 25 . 2016. Be l!inning Se ptember 2016 . ATC will perform semi-annual monitoring events for two vears followin l! the March 2016 in jection event to monitor the groundwater qualitv and to determine if the remediation efforts were effective for l!.roundwater im pacts. Groundwater sam ples will be collected from existing monitoring wells MW-I throu!!.h MW-6 . MW-7R. MW-8 , and DW-1. Sam ples will be laborato n , anal yzed for VOCs b v EPA Method 6200B and sulfate b ,· ASTM D516. Measurements of de pth to water. tem perature. dissolved ox g en . conductivi tv. oxidation/reduction potential, p H. and total iron will also be collected in the field. N. CERTIFICATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent) 15A NCAC 02C .021 l(e) requires that all permit applications shall be signed as follows: I. for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer; 2. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official; 4. for all others: by the well owner; 5. for any other person authorized to act on behalf of the applicant: documentation shall be submitted with the notification that clearly identifies the person, grants them signature authority, and is signed and dated by the applicant. "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the 15A NCAC 02C 0200 Rules." DWQ/UIC'/11 Situ Rcmcd. Notification (Rc\'is.:d 7/9/2012) Pag.: 4 Documentation authorizing ATC to sign as anent far the NCDEQ ate -Lead Proeram is included in Appendix B_ Signature of Applicant Print or Type Fail Name Documentation of property owner consent is included in Appendix C. Signature of Property Owfferent from applicant) Signature of Authorized Agent, if any Submit one copy of the completed notification package to: DWQ - Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 807-6464 I Fax: (919) R07-6496 DWQIUICIIn Situ Rcmed. Notification (Revisal-I/9/20UZ) Print nr Type Full Name (-,74.0(A RqC:IS Print or Type FullName 401%7J��II"P+"R'► • ocessi SEAL D22569 Pages Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells Tate Property. Ra]ei h. North Carolina TABLES c Tc PROPERTY WELLID WELL OWNER/USER ADDRESS WSW-I Lee Ann McGhee 919.772.7136 760 I Louisburg Road WSW-2 WSW-3 Doris Poole Averett 7615 Louisburg Road 919.876.6769 WSW-4 Harold & Liffie Chamblee 7705 Louisburg Road 919.876.5589 WSW-5 New Breed Community Church 7715 Louisburg Road 919.878.8388 WSW-6 Ronnie Stell 7008 Perry Creek Road 919.876.5174 WSW-7* Elise Wright 7100 Perry Creek Road 919.872.5396 WSW-8 Walter Burnett 7114 Perry Creek Road 919.876.6282 WSW-9 Russell & Anna Weir 7110 Perry Creek Road 919.737.5905; 919.815.2802 Notes: Address locations in Raleigh, North Carolina 27616 unless otherwise specified TABLEl WATER-SUPPLY WELL INFORMATION Tate Property 7601 Louisburg Road Raleigh, North Carolina Incident #21716 MAILING ADDRESS WELL USE Note in Use (Vacant house) - 36338 Treehouse Road Drilled Albemarle NC 28001 Not in Use (Vacant house) - Bored Same as property address Potable -Drilled Same as property address Potable -Drilled Same as property address Potable -Drilled Same as property address Potable -Drilled Same as property address Potable -Drilled Same as property address Potable -Bored Same as property address Potable -Drilled CONNECTED TO MUNICIPAL WATER No No No No No No No No No • = Well may also supply water to properties located at 7102, 71 04, and 7106 Perry Creek Road WELL DISTANCE UPOR WELL DEPTH SCREEN FROM SOURCE DOWNGRADIENT INTERVAL AREA Unknown Unknown 60 feetN Downgradient 33 feet Unknown 60 feetN Downgradient lllO feet 80-100 feet 350 feet NE Downgradie~t estimated 145 feet Unknown 650 feet NE Downgradient Unknown Unknown 925 feet NE Downgradient -3111 feet Unknown 600 feet SW Up gradient 108 feet Unknown 830 feet SW Upgradient 11,5 feet Unknown 975 feet S Upgradient 148 feet Unknown 830feetNW Upgradient Date Well Casing Screened Well ID Interval Installed Depth (feet) (feet) DW-1 4/12/2004 0-67 67-72 MW-1 417/2004 0-20 20-40 MW-2 417/2004 0-20 20-40 MW-3 4/7/2004 0-20 20-40 MW-4 4/8/2004 0-10 10-30 MW-5 4/8/2004 0-20 20-40 MW-6 4/8/2004 0-20 20-40 MW-7 4/20/2014 0-12 12-22 MW-7R 11/6/2014 0-20 20-40 MW-8 7/21/2004 0-20 20-40 Notes: I. TOC ~ Top of casing TABLE2 WELL CONSTRUCTION ANO GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Bottom of Well (feet) 72 40 40 40 30 40 40 22 40 40 Tate Property 760 I Louisburg Road Raleigh, North Carolina Incident #21716 Top of Casing Date Elevation (feet) Measured 96,20 4/21/2004 617/2004 8/10/2004 101.59 7/1/2014 2/25/2016 96.80 4/21/2004 6/7/2UU4 8/l0/2004 102.20 7/1/2014 2/25/2016 96.87 4/21/2004 617/2004 8/10/2004 102.27 7/1/2014 2/25/2016 94.66 4/21/2004 617/2004 8/10/2004 100.00 7/1/2014 2/25/2016 88.36 4/21/2004 6/7/2004 811012004 93.81 7/1/2014 2/25/2016 96.27 4/21/2004 6/712004 8/10/2004 101.64 7/1/2014 2/25/2016 97.55 4/21/2004 6/7/2004 811onoo4 102.92 7/1/2014 2/25/2016 86.67 4/21/2004 6/712004 8/10/2004 95.73 7/1/2014 99.45 11/12/2014 2/25/2016 91.51 7/21/2004 8/10/2004 96.90 7/1/2014 2/25/2016 Depth to Water (feet) 26.36 26.96 27.33 29.52 28.58 26.73 27.JJ 27.70 29.99 29.09 27.40 28.03 28.45 30.61 29.55 25.42 2609 26.45 28.57 27.53 19.83 20.91 21.02 22.93 21.58 26.25 26.81 27.15 29.45 28.53 27.93 28.58 29.00 31.18 30.14 23.40 24.11 24.50 DRY 28.12 26.90 23.92 23.92 25.91 24.73 Depth to Free Product (feet) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 28.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2. TOC Elevations were re-surveyed on 07/01/14 by ATC for wells which existed at the time. Monitoring well MW-3 is the site benchmark at 100.00 feet. 3. MW-7R TOC elevation was surveyed on l 1/J2/14 by ATC. Monitoring well MW-8 is the site benchmark at l 00.00 feet. 4. For monitoring wells with free product: groundwater elevation is determined by the following formula: Groundwater elevation= TOC Elevation -Depth to Water+ (0.76 * Free Product Thickness) Free Product Groundwater Thickness Elevation (feet) (feet) --69.84 --69.24 --68.87 --72.07 --73.01 --70.07 --t,<J.47 --69. 10 --72.21 --73.11 --69.47 --68.84 --68.42 --71.66 --72.72 --69.24 --68.57 --68.21 --71.43 --72.47 --68.53 --67.45 --67.34 --70.88 --72.23 --70.02 --69.46 --69.12 --72.19 0.03 73.13 --69.62 --68.97 --68.55 --71.74 --72.78 --63.27 --62.56 --62.17 --DRY --71.33 --72.55 --67.59 --67.59 --70.99 72.i7 EPA Method: Sampk Depth ((eel) DateS■mpled. PID(ppm) CS-I 20 03/16/00 - GP-I 24 08/07/01 - B-201 17 04/12/04 - 11-201 24 04/12/04 - B-202 17 04/12/04 .. B-202 24 04/12/04 - B-203 12 04/12/04 - B-203 20 04/12/04 - B-204 20 07/21/04 -· B-205 10 07/21/04 -· B-205 20 07/21/04 -- B-206 10 07/21/04 -· B-206 20 07121/04 -· B-207 10 07/21/04 -· B-207 20 07121/04 -· SB-I 20 11/06/14 1361 SIi-i 2S 11/06/14 1724 SB-2 10 11/06/14 15 SB-2 IS 11/06/14 14.9 SB-3 20 11/06/14 0.1 SB-3 2S 11/06/14 0.1 Sll-4 20 11/06/14 1738 Sll-4 2S 11106/14 12'I SB-S 20 11/06/14 0.6 SB-S 2S ll/06/14 184 SB-6 20 11/06/14 385 SB-6 2S 11/06/14 4SS SB-7 10-15 09122/15 0.2 SB-7 IS-20 09122/IS 0.2 SB-8 10-15 09/22/1S 0.2 SB-8 15-20 09122/IS 0.2 SB-9 10-15 09/22/IS 0.0 SB-9 20-25 09/22115 0.9 Sll-10 0-S 09122/15 2.l SB-10 IS-20 09122115 0.0 Sall-t.-Grou•dwater MSCC R,oldClldal MSCC lad111trial/Comme:rlal MSCC Notes: 1. Conctn1n11JOll t rq,ortcd in milligrams per kilogram (mgll'g). 2. ~<" • not dctcctt:d.111 or above the laboratory dclcaion limit l . ■•Id indicate, 00t1U11tration1 •bovc NCDENR Action Lc:vt::I. BeQPDI' Toluene ND 9.l ND 4S ND ND ND 0.017 ND 0.41 ND 11 ND S.7 ND 33 ND 7.6 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.29 ND ND ND ND ,004 <0.032 <0.L36 0.191 <O 0014 <0.0016 O!}flr,9) <0.0011 <00111 <0.0012 <:0 .1J1Jll <0.0013 <0.041 0.4J <0.04 0.87 <0.001 <0.0012 <0.t.Lo118I <0.00093 <0.007 <0.0056 ,o.0IJ09S <0,0011 <0•)()0&2 <0.00094 .. rta0087 <0.001 •.0 110083 <0.00095 <0.0009 1 <0.001 ,oonoss <0.0024 <0.ltl1lJ83 <0.00095 '"Ull>9S <0.0011 <0.IK\J82 <0.00094 0.006 4.3 18 1,200 1'4 3!.ooe 4. fiDl,i C9 ·Cli Alipb■tics valuc1 are equal to CSI-Cl2 Alipbati.cs as rcportl:d iu tho labon.tory report S. Pin1tl C9-C22 Aromatic1 arc equal lo C9-C10 Aromatics H reported in lhc ll!lbon,tory llllllytitol report. Etbylbcmene 20 54 2.6 0.048 0.91 17 14 47 13 ND ND ND 0.41 ND ND 0.98 4.S <0.0016 <0.0011 <0.0012 <0.0013 5.9 IS <0.0012 <0.00093 0.121 <0.0011 <0.00094 <0.001 <0.00095 <0.001 <0.00097 <0.00095 <0.0011 <0.00094 4.9 1,s,o 40.000 6. J • D$cted bill below lhc reporting limit (lowc&t calibration stond■rd); !here~. rccult ig an e~tim11tcd cooccntrntion. 7. B ,.An11l)'to le found in thcltS&ociatcdblonkuwell BIi in the sample. Total Xyleaea MTBE 140 - 220 - 15 - o.41 - 11 - 121 - 160 - 320 - 110 - ND - ND - ND - 3.6 - ND - ND - II <0.04 46 <0.036 <0.0034 <0.0018 <0.0023 <0.0012 0.002SJ <0.0013 <0.0027 <0.0014 M <0.041 142 <0 .04 0.006! <0.0013 0.0076J <0.001 1.2 <0.007 0.00161 <0.0012 <0.002 <0.0011 <0.0021 <0.0011 <0.0002 <0.0011 <0.0022 <0.0012 <0.0021 <0.0011 <0.002 <0.001 <0.0023 <0.0012 <0.002 <0.0011 4.0 0,0!'1 3.12'1 350 81 .7'0 J.100 TAllLIU SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Talc Property 7601 Lcnll1buq Road lblelgb, Nortb Carolin■ lnddent #ll7Ui 1116118 hopropyl-Naphthalene Acetone benzene 36 -4,7 48 -12 15 -1.2 1.11 -0.014 I.I -ND 1' -S.1 37 -4.7 34 -10 16 -4 ND .. ND ND -ND ND -ND 1.2 -ND ND --ND ND -ND 26 4.SJB 1.3 26 4.IJB 3.6 <0.0014 <0.047 <0.0014 <0.00093 <0.031 <OOO!N l 0.0092 <0.034 <0.001 0.007 <0.037 <0.0011 l3 4.8JB 4.1 40 4..Sm 8.8 0.013 <0.035 <0.001 0.027 0.0281 <00l)(lll l 1.2 O.BJra 0.09SJ 0.0079 0.0331 <O.l.10095 <O.OOOR2 0.037! <0.00082 <0.00087 <0.029 <0.oo,_,s1 <0.000113 <0.028 <O.(.ll1!JS3 <0.00091 <0.031 <O uOO'ii l <0.00085 <0.028 <O O(l(Jg_5 <0.000,13 <0.028 <0.001"'183 <0.0009S <0.032 <0-"""95 <0.000lt2 0.031 <0.00082 0.16 24 1.7 313 14,000 1,564 8.17' 368,880 40.880 MADEPVPH p-bopropyl-o,-8utyl-u.o-Butyl-tert-B11tyl-naPropyl-1,2,4-1,3,S-CS-OI C!I-CII C9-Cll lolaeae bera•n■ benzene heDZ!!lle benzene Ttlmetbyl-Trlm•thyl-Allpbadea Allphatla AromatlH benzene benune ND 12 ND -IS 100 4S l,100 1,600 880 ND !.> 6.1 -28 87 II 1,200 3800 1.3(10 4-5 3.l 1.3 -3 36 IS 51 360 IIO 0.026 O.OIS 0.012. -0.026 0.22 0.09 SI 160 sz ND 0 15 ND -0.89 10 s.s 131 771 280 8.3 ~ ND -12 " 1, '" 1,211 390 14 10 4.3 -12 140 " 281 1,201 480 14 I? ND -15 170 73 1100 3.000 ,so ND ~ll ND .. 8.6 65 30 350 1,100 468 ND N!> ND --ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND .. ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -· ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.69 ND -0,37 3.S 1,8 61 290 130 ND ND ND --ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND -· ND ND ND ND 1.5 L1 1.9 9,l 1.7 O.J11J 3.6 42 20 380 760 690 1.4 11 2.S 0,5,1 9.4 73 32 620 760 670 <0.0016 <0.0014 <0.002 <0.01 118 <0.0014 <0.0016 <0.0012 <18 <18 <18 <0.0011 -..000093 <ll ,00 13 <0.(}f :12 <0.00093 <0.0011 <0.0008 <16 <16 <16 <0.0012 <0 .001 <0.0015 <0.01 113 <0.001 0.0043 0.00141 <16 <16 <16 <0.0013 <0.0011 <0.0016 <0.01tl4 <0.0011 <0.0013 <0.00094 <17 <17 <17 l.S ll 2.1 Q.511 II 77 36 910 l40 130 4.4 1, 4.3 O.BS ll 14' 64 l,40I 1,2N 1,I0t <0.0012 <fl,001 <0.0015 <0.0(113 <0.001 0.0044 0.00141 <17 <17 <17 <(Uiti093 0 tJ0)22J <0.0012 <0.0111 <0.00081 0.0 )3 0.0042 <16 2S <16 O.IJ 0..58 0.081! 0.02 ~J 0,21 2 1.1 <17 56 14 <0.0011 <0.00095 <0.0014 <0.01 •12 <0.00095 0.003 0.000931 <18 <18 <18 <0.00094 "1,00082 <0.0012 <0.0 11 11 <0.00082 <0.00094 <0.00071 NA NA NA <0.001 <0.ltlf087 <0.0012 <0.01 1 11 <0.00087 <0.001 <0.0007S NA NA NA <.O.~it:&S -<1 00083 <0.0012 <0,0()1] <0.00083 <0.00095 <0.00071 NA NA NA <0.001 <0.00091 <0.0013 <0.0li ,12 <0.00091 <0.001 <0 .00078 NA NA NA •:(r.0001)7 <0.00085 <0.0012 <0.01111 <0.00085 <0.00097 <0 .00073 NA NA NA <O.Ou09S <0.hu083 <0.0012 <O.0l!ll <0.00083 0.00141 0.003 NA NA NA <0.0011 <O.!Hl09S <0.0014 <0.0012 <0.00095 <0.0011 <0.00081 NA NA NA <0.00094 <0.00082 <0.0012 <0.0011 <0.00082 <0.00094 <0 .00071 NA NA NA 0,12 4.3 3.3 3.4 1.7 8.S 8.3 '8 540 31 100 626 620 62fl w 782 782 939 1,500 469 4.180 16.1 50 16.J SO 16.3:-o 1•.JSO 20, .... 20.440 24,528 40.000 12.:164 .. :'l §! = .. .. = = l:! i .. .. WellID Sample Date N ..9 .. = i .. = '3 = ... = ~ ... MW-I 2/25/2016 <0.12 <0.17 <0.13 <0.25 MW-2 2/25/2016 <4.8 690 1,500 8,200 MW-3 2/25/2016 <0.12 <0.17 <0.13 <0.25 MW-4 2/25/2016 <0.12 <0.17 <0.13 <0.25 TABLE4 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RES UL TS = ~ f:!1, .. = .. la.l i! = ... " = ~ El = .. :S ~ 't ... <0.09 <0.12 <3.6 <4.8 <0.09 <0.12 <0.09 <0.12 Tate Property 7601 Louisburg Road Raleigh, North Carolina Incident #21716 ~ ~ .. ~ ... .. ; la.l i >, C. C. <I ... z C C. .:: " = !:l = .. t C. e C. = .. .... <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 <7.2 430 88 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 .. = .. ..9 ! ;,.. C. = ... C. = .; C. <0.15 18J <0.15 <0.15 .. = = ~ < <4.9 <190 <4.9 <4.9 MW-5 2/25/2016 Not Sampled/ 0.03' of Free Product MW-6 2/25/2016 <0.12 <0.17 <0.13 <0.25 <0.09 <0.12 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 <0.15 150 MW-7R 2/25/2016 2.2 9.7 140 S80 <0.36 <0.48 <0.72 8S 12 2 <19 MW-8 2/25/2016 <0.12 <0.17 <0.13 <0.25 <0.09 <0.12 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 <0.15 <4.9 DW-1 2/25/2016 <0.12 <0.17 <0.13 <0.25 <0.09 <0.12 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 <0.15 <4.9 2L Standard (ug/1) 1 600 600 S00 20 0.02 70 6 70 2S 6,000 GCL (ug/1) S,000 260,000 84,SOO 8S,S00 20,000 so 70,000 6,000 2S,000 11,700 6,000,000 Notes: 1. MTBE ~ Methyl Tertia,y Butyl Ether. 2. !PE~ Isopropyl Ether. 3. "<" or ND = Not detected at or above the laboratory dectection limit. 4. Concentrations are reported in micrograms per liter (ug/1) ~ parts per billion (ppb). S. Concentrations in bold equal or exceed the corresponding NCDENR Groundwater Quality 2L Standard (2L Standard) updated April 2013. 6. GCL = Gross Contamination Limit. 7. J = Indicates constituent was detected above laboratory detection limit but below laboratory reporting limit .. .. ai ai .. .. .. N N .. = = = ai ai = .. .. .. .. N l:! l:! t t N = = .. .. .. .. E, :5! :5! ~ :5! .e, ;,.. .e, C. El El = = = i = ·;:: ·;:: ~ = .. ,!, ~ ~-";' al .!! = Ill "l "'· ... ... <0.15 <0.13 <0.11 <0.13 <0.18 <0.13 48 15J <4.4 140 1400 440 <0.15 <0.13 <0.11 <0.13 <0.18 <0.13 <0.15 <0.13 <0.11 <0.13 <0.18 <0.13 <0.15 <0.13 <0.11 <0.13 0.44J <0.13 3.8 l.3J 0.52J 10 150 51 <0.15 <0.13 <0.11 <0.13 <0.18 <0.13 <0.15 <0.13 <0.11 <0.13 <0.18 <0.13 70 70 70 70 400 400 6,900 8,S00 1S,000 30,000 28,SOO 2S,000 TABLES HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Analy I ir:al Method WELL ID D•te CoUected : j 4/21/2004 15 DW-1 8/10/2004 ND 7/1/2014 <0,079 2/25/2016 <0.12 4121/2004 ND MW-I 8/10/2004 ND 7/1/2014 <0 079 2/25/2016 <OU 4/21/2004 3b0 MW-2 8/10/2004 420 7/1/2014 9.7 2/25/2016 <4 8 4/21/2004 ND MW-3 8/10/2004 ND 7/112014 <(!079 2/25/2016 <0,12 4/21/2004 ND MW-4 8110/2004 ND 711/2014 <0.079 212512016 <0.12 4/21/2004 6-f MW-5 8/10/2004 ND 7/1/2014 <16 2125/2016 4/2112004 ND MW-6 8/10/2004 ND 7/1/2014 <0.16 2125/2015 <0.12 4/21/2004 ND MW-7 8/10/2004 ND 711/2014 MW-7R 11/1212014 0.95 212512015 2.2 8/10/2004 ND MW-8 7/1/2014 <0,079 2125/2016 <0,12 2L Standanl [u,m 1 GCL lu on1 5000 Notes: I , MTBE • Methyl Tcrtimy Butyl Elhor. 2. !PE= lsopropyl Ether. 8260 or6200B a ii a i e j ... I IO0D 430D ~7 120 <Q 09 <0.092 <O 17 <0.13 ND ND ND ND <0,09 <0.092 <0.17 <0.13 10,000 1900 12,000 1,600 490 1,000 690 1,500 ND ND 0.55 ND <0.09 <0.092 <0.17 <0.13 3,1 4.8 ND 2.1 <0.09 <0.092 <0.17 <0.13 51ll0D l.500D 8?0 3,600 3,700 1 700 ND ND ND ND <0.18 <0.18 <0.17 <0.13 ND ND ND ND 1.6 18 9.7 140 ND ND <0.09 <0.092 <0.17 <0.13 600 600 260 000 84 -""" 3, "<" or ND c Not detcctcd at or above the laboratory decuction limit. ! i ,:: 2,700D 790 <0.11 <0,25 ND ND <0,11 <0.25 11,000 14,00& 5.800 8 200 ND ND <0.11 <0.25 80 58 <0.11 <0.25 9.800D 31000 14 500 ND ND <0.22 <0.25 ND ND 52.7 580 ND <0.11 <0.25 500 85.500 4 , Con«ntrations arc reported in micrograms per liter (ug/1) • puts per billion(ppb). 504.lor 6200B ii, ~ 1 .E ; 3 -1.2 -- <0.09 <0,089 <0.09 <0,12 -ND - - <0,09 <0.089 <0.09 <0.12 -90 -- <0,9 9.6 <3,6 <4.8 -ND -- <0.09 <0.089 <0.09 <0.12 -ND - - <0.09 <0.089 <0.09 <0.12 -140 -- <18 120 -ND -- <0.18 <0,18 <0,09 <0.12 -ND - - <0.&9 <0.089 <0.36 <0.48 -- <0.09 <0.089 <0,09 <0.12 20 0.02 20000 so Tate Property 760 I Louisburg Road Raleigh, North Carolina Incident #21716 ~ j !I ., . .l: t I I e-i .: -330D 42D -49 23 <0.18 0,14) <0.11 <0,18 <0,12 c:O. t? 0.55 ND ND ND <0.18 <0.12 <0.11 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 -840 NJ) -ND ND <1.8 640 58 <7.2 430 88 -ND ND -ND ND <0.18 <0.12 <0.11 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 -31 3.1 -13 3.7 <0.18 <0.12 <0.11 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 -780D 78E -970 -670 <36 1,400 130 8260 or 6200B . ~ ~- ! e-.: i.. 23 ND <() 12 <O 15 ND ND <0.12 <O 15 NI) ND II l it/ lW !'ill <(1 12 <t,.,s ND ND <0.12 <0.15 64E ND <25 Not 8 1l1Tmled / 0.03' of Free Product -ND ND ND -ND ND 1.3 <0.36 <0.24 <0.23 <0.25 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 <0.15 ND ND ND -ND ND ND Well Not SomoleiVDJV <0.18 9.5 3,1 0.53 <0.72 85 12 2 -ND ND ND <0.18 <0.12 <0.11 <0.12 <0.18 <0.12 <0.12 <0.15 70 6 70 25 70.000 fi.000 25 000 11 700 5. Conc,ntrations in bold equol or exceed the conosponding NCDENR Groundwater Quality 2L Standard (2L Standard) upd31cd April 2013. 6. GCL • Gross Contamination Limit 7. J .. Indicates constituent was detected above laboratory detocbOfl limit but below laboratory reporting limit 8. D a denotes Diluted Coocentration 9. -= Not reported in historical tables IO . NA = Not Analyred 11 . E = denotes Estimated Concentration 12. NE = Not established ~ !I .l: ... e-.. I, 114D 34 <0,094 <0.13 ND ND <0.094 <0,13 ND ND 88 140 ND ND <0.094 <0.13 ND N D <0.094 <0,13 lOOE 1,600 210 ND ND <O 19 <() 13 ND ND 1.4 10 ND <0,094 <0.13 70 JD OOO 3030C MADEPVPH a C ·i: a j a i t ] .. ij C g .., ,. ,. I:) a i! ~ ~ e ii .. "2 i i!: ~ .3 1l ~ ~ i 1 1 j ,:: ;!! ~ u 640D 240D 3.5 2,800 8""" 2,600 390 180 - - -- <0.18 0.36} NA NA NA NA <0.18 <0,13 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND --- - <0.18 <0.1 NA NA NA NA <0.18 <0.13 NA NA NA NA 1-41111 480 IO.I 22000 28.000 6,100 980 ND -- - - 1,100 360 NA NA NA NA 1,400 440 NA NA NA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND --- <0.18 <0.1 NA NA NA NA <0.18 <0.13 NA NA NA NA 6.1 II ND 64 210 78 2,6 13 ---- <0.18 <0.1 NA NA NA NA <0.18 <0.13 NA NA NA NA l 500D 530D 3.2 13000 29000 7100 13000 5,000 --- 2,200 740 NA NA NA NA 0.52 ND 50.S 66 ND ND ND ND --- <0.36 <0,20 NA NA NA NA 0.441 <0.13 NA NA NA NA ND ND 19.9 .ND ND ND ND ND - -- 23 10 NA NA NA NA 150 51 NA NA NA NA ND ND --- <O,JS <0.1 NA NA NA NA <0.18 <0.13 NA NA NA NA 400 400 15 400 700 200 28.500 25 000 15.000 NE NI! NE Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells Tate Propert+ . P,alei h_ North Carolina FIGURES ,'TC SOURCE: MyTopoMap.com u T ✓•5&PCI AF'8i 2725 E. Millbrook Road, Ste 121 Raleigh, NC 27604 (9I9) 871-0999 PROJECT NO: SL217l 604 SCALE: 1"= 1,350' DATE: 8/2014 REVIEWED BY: GA FIGURE 1: SITE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Tate Property — Incident #2 1 7 1 6 7601 Louisburg Road Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina 11192 90'5 959a - - H 12] - LEGEND C OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNE PP ® POWER POLE MONITORING WELL (TYPE ll) MONITORING WEl. (PIPE XI)(OEEP) e POTABLE WELL LOCATION FORMER UST LOCATIONS MW-6 4 CONCRETE SLAB I I L J thy_ I e �414-5 "E;II "II fl LOUISBURG ROAD III MW-7 WSW-2 (BORED WELL) PORCH 1-STORY HOUSE MW-7R WSW-1 (DRILLED WELL) PP ( U.S. HIGHWAY 401 ) EIW-3 DECK f� MW-4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 % 0 20' T� -- SCALE IN FEET t1 0 a 1- 0 0 L7 0 0 0 0 ul $^ Source: Wake County iMaps trti:1* ....'' tiff 7` +Eft �'' `• 11/2 r, :te/4 v i m !► �a �i}� y�i Fie � � ti r ���_ •� 1l ti1l -' �C/1<t1r'r '4• A or 4 �a 1 .�Y r l �' ■ '� p 4�F416 500 Foot Radius 0 Potable Water Supply Well 1,000 Foot Radius 0 inactive Water Supply Well wsaacinr 2725 E. Millbrook Road, Ste 121 Raleigh, NC 27604 (919) 871-0999 PROJECT NO: SL2171604 SCALE: 1" = 350' DA'1E: 8/2014 REVIEWED BY: GA FIGURE 3: POTENTIAL RECEPTOR MAP Tate Property — Incident #217I6 7601 Louisburg Road Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina LEGENR E - OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE PP ¢] c 0 POWER POLE MONITORING WELL (TYPE 0) LIONITOR1NO WELL [TY*F Jl)[DEEP) POTABLE WELL LOCATION SQL BORING LOCATION H-201 nljozro. 17-H DE.IH 70141 MILHL3 m3/14 95 mor 4ca 0.12-. - 2 4nlLLEHE_mq/4_• _ St.< r"ess.�l 7569, .m./>•' sa` .ewe .am .-PIEInea®c .4014 1 .....scy 1,44-fl/144a0000 .aM 94 45..0} t.04-lu8"0.3199 2 .b11k 15 001. mans 0,04.11ow11106 ,44/1. 110 32 11 CONCENTRATIONS BELOW SOIL- so4EPm Peps. :1/14/A 711' 25' 11 1E. 2/ /O01o.1LO1la55n1/47 .acn mseee 501111643 4714 mural 1./ 0.1 r.lowse®a _E_.o 2.5. ..m- 10 .yr1__2° Gj 44/1/145 444/44 'JOp +2.4•lllnmlrtala>X I^44wrto415lt 4-4 4124111414v/4 G-_MW.Mii.�po 740 40 S8-2 I1 w,. 3E u 11 /A •A 7110 170 3_ :010p0 *lI.40 Kim. 5014 -10- B-204 07 21 14751 IIIQ/A 7.0 eTPll1H1®E "5/•J 13 1G0L TWIN ngt19, 1111 WVE1n01UIE .14.'1a 00 5[r036t H12 milk 4 ,.Ldp-sma Nuo0a4 ..4M14 67 C1�G 44169611 64114 .e-51. APIs= 46/4 1100 5.-ceemisiwPs•dW 410UST 4 8-2Dr $ L 50/11•_ 4PIH u./.x/o. 172 ]4' loufoE Too. 11 •,•••• m,••••• Enoe .aoc. 11 :ONL 41W40 y 19 120 I46694W4 •5/47 es 1. 51241fl001®14 g4/44 In.. ham. - m-4110 4i1Ya[ .11/.1 4444 1L -11•41 w40Or 4.0. 14ar 10 mw 10� 51 2.1 10 71 32 1133. area Mum = ate G *WNW ..h. 770 740 1203 310 sea .1/33/ , comisi114TIa..mn.+.P .tu. SET-5 C. 1 L].:FPi]1 B=�i.O7� ii = Se-ay,zy.li�- 0 10' SHALE IN FEET 07/2T/54 •s ltl#,Ime 0EL04 945-•m-O 8 205 4 20' EXIThT OF SOIL IMPAGTEo ABOVE SOIL -TO -GROUNDWATER MSCCs (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) ciw11411u1.a: 4504 $01-10w/' I 0#4EA MRC, 0-1+-16'I4Iu.. >nI00 21:6-10-0021.11061101 1 ROUNOWATER MSCCo S9-2 .MW CONCRE LA5 (4,,_1 B-203 Qs -1 E410411445 Hft.T c+ 74-.,.-++qNu RF *5 . 04 B-20/ 211O4 to CON:0o1.41wn Y1.0. 144 i0-IJ4a11Wnd1160. I 207 ,n: you4 cplKr llluiq.e 4144 k .1¢-I0261E4 11m SHED Ski 1 ❑ 07/52,3/12 n a•• M. r114414/15 6E1p0 $OL-T0-02001044TLIt 16951 SA- I 0 Nais 211.16 V-20. [ 14n0,KNS 4E1O1 201-10a1a1y1g1r11 46004 1I HED WSW-2 MOREL) WELL) WSW-1 (DRI' CP-1 121.07TOIL. 111 14' 077T" 10111DE m4i'. 40 rnana orac •3.4,44 O< TOOL 2MF1le5 .q/Ip 320 M40I11146DE nKA9 N 1501115161.1161115 .14g 12 .41.00-I .1./y /1 .rarnlo®E .uly 0.1 .-Ib5/12900S .• 20 1fA-110®mM2 N47 H 120. 2041> [ .1/.4 01 A-04 si,""a's'q_ fat/ 0 -14 H35 6•341 MG R j2211Ws wiry 1300 nErIH Qp 22/18 I111¢4 11016 14'104 54 -tn-o 006.614 £I 5B-8 m/22 12 atm aoM2x1141104 4t4p11124-111-1RW100011I 061/6 . 011 6-206 ai °1q" I wrc4Rwwls 401,n4 3334-7a-4700.0tw'0. 4apa.1 CM...51,▪ 61 ENTRATIONS BEL011Y SOIL -TO -GROUNDWATER MSCCa 22//F3.20 2' 04L'14 7.2 65012121529NE n614 10 1012.1. ir1tDI7 TM IMPITT51105 SS •prnOvlLm.3HE m LAI 43 4-01m4eex WWI 12 +•1115469/66. .4/y 11 114- olti"IQI4 .40.L 100 1s-1.4411.5,p//4 F.2 41 40 w- w,w+ts 1wro e4-4. ?)M71a ma111 5.-5.0001mrs .10y SQL- 7EF1" 74/22/12 M4ala"11 15a11 2115- 10-903161661ER WE, SB-7 g"` 00152"1RhllbNs LIDO as •.P1H 58-5 sOL 11/06/14 0512009012I6 611011 191-19-4051I555E0 a-203 a4j12D4 DEPTH2 H 1. 1)E .. J/1p 6.7 15 EnfYL°£NGJIE ..01 14 47 /446014..v+E 49/81 i 31 34 p-0101.164.55401912 .414 F 14 11 .-4.1r.olmlc1443/4 1aAL_ .4-09711400114 43 411041E02Y 1Mrpr1u0ppR .,yam 12 15 I54•11/ffsm401p11 q/41 140 170 - a.t4 M/•.vrs r4/13 2/9 1190 04•0.0~01.2/44 12W =0 4.414✓ .1/12. I ma 019 SE-4 11/06/14 nrtrbtlnn. 700E 1/1M11HA1112E s.I 19 4.1 mans 15 142 40 05 ••VM :La 4.4 10-0R01gmWM10 /1C0 y 1; .au111s�1[ mural 1/ - 021- w. w 7E../y r,e. ree14 4.3 . -/gron1000E ../41 10 1�4044p"o4o4! •10 4 77 R�4 n1.400 .01i4 2 0 a�..1�ri fs - a� ~c.-�.,1 2„ 24 140 /4 141 1200_ 1100 iN gg Q€€ 1n Vi o. N n O n�n 02 4 LEGEND OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE PP 0 EPP POWER POLE NiONITDRWC W LL (TYPE II) MONITORING WELL (TYPE III)(DEEP) POTABLE WELL LOCATION 73.00 + ORDUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTO1R (1t.) (72.72) GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (ft.) INFERRED GRDl1NDWATER FLOW DIRECTKIN PAW-8 (72.78)r CONCRETE SLAEI FO▪ R LOCATIONS rf • MW-1 ▪ (73.11) 1 1 1 1 t-J {DW-1} (7) V MW-2 MW-▪ 7R (72.55) WSW-1 (DRILLED WELL) NW-7 (NM) WSW-2 (BORED WELL) IAW-5 (73.13) DI o l{I LOUISBURG ROAD I' w _4 ( U.S_ HIGHWAY 401 PECK E- —E N 20-- 1 SALE IN FEET 0 0 0 O IZ a co C 7 r• f-� z L] � zo z .z<EC o W } 2 H in Cr I 7 LU Lr1 m 0 VJf-Q Z cea07 Z OJ H 7 W - lwJ F 0I-157cc a CO a F CD I- a N O 3" LEGEND [ OVERI-IMD ELECTRIC i.INE PP ® POWER POLE •r MONITORING NW_ (TYPE II) MONITORING WELL (TYPE III)(DEEP) POTA8LE WELL LDCARON 1 1 MW-2 411 w/iRSi16 - T1011,Q':NE _- [IMREEPREM 1a0 TOVV VID ES 1HPN'4ASNE 1It IrpPROPIIEENZOME 1$ n-PRORIISF REpE 10 1,21-TIPItSlSYEREMKRE 1400 1.&$-TR.MET101.11Elabe 410 IT- O LYiIPOI1HO5 +wwe IIL aT.,lulrm _� 1 MW-1 +.& cvfulle ILO 0011P01/473 ofFoo 21 SIANEI.An 1 FORMER UST LOCATIONS NW— f MW-8 r4 I I_ J L J MW-5 CROUNOWATER IMPACTED AEOYE 2L STANDARDS OS r DVf— LOUIS13 RG ROAD 0.0 ••"' MW-7k 114W-4 •,.E OT/D7}E ..7 id/l1VC IL SWORD wsw-1 (DRILLED WELL) MW -2 0- WSW-2 (BORED WELL) PP IJ /� PORCH MW-3 MW-4 link-7R wnh wow. CE•f[EME `` 29 i+ I se MPPITIWLME 65 DECK. -8 MW-3 WA- 1/2/25/11\ MO COlgarillOR ARPRW RI S',WKI{RD t f 1 t N E { U.S, HIGHWAY 401 j N L D J 20. 49' cf I F IN FEET LEGEND OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE P? O POWER POLE 4> M0NIT0R1NG WELL QTPE IQ - MONITORING WELL (TYPE it (DEER) POTA6LE WELL LOCAri0N FORMER LIST LOCATIONS A MW-1 1 GROUNDWATER IMPACT® AB 1 E 2L STANDARDS CO REFS LA8 B-205 Ira 2 4 Sq-1 ..Pai. )I C -202 r s8-8�_ r§1"-7 8-207 MIN-2 f Ocd Are 047' ,dsas s' SD-6 Bj296 0-203 CS-1 r pii nt� II LOUISBURG ROAO 1 ' UW-7 SHED SHED WSW-2 - (BORED WELL) WSW-1 (ORtLLEO WELL) SE PORCH EXTENT OF IMPACTED SOIL ABOVE SOIL -TO -GROUNDWATER MSCCs � MW-3 PP E C E f ( U.S. HIGHWAY 4O1 ) C' ▪ W-4 MW-B 1� 20' —>r-r SCALE IN FEET ime-1 >e 11 g �[ N 0 3a+ 0 I 0 0 co El o CV z a w z U �d rL7= I• ' CC CC Tsi sr LWL � 0 CC Cr 0 eLaL7 Ea gw Lu 1- W N- sir Cs1-nCC • z 100.00'--- 90.00. - 80.00' - 70.00' - 50.00' - 50.00' - 40.00. - 30.00' - 20.30' - A Mil- 1 (102,20'} 0-2 2 CS-1 B-203 OW-1 SB-2 9-71.1 (101.54') (10I-59') 13-206 58-5 A' SB-2 "i' SAMPLING DEPTH ft 1 I1, p/:1 0 :01.I111U/105 A607II S01-TO 19001N6214T10I 1107C4 SO-2 .17/•0 11/66/14 PAIRING DEP111 Ef41 IS' NO 00MP07705 ABWE %OL-111 CBD9196ADE9 16Cik MW-1 .14 10/ES/16 ND CA4PDI0DS 0E1TCTE0 ABOVE' 7. STANDARD B-204 ^W.a 075um. S4MPN6: DEPTM 111.) 20' T01.UE11- 7.6 E04n-9EHYEME 13 1 %Y14166 110 11A9l1A34LENE 46 6931470P11.13912ENE -PROM 8E'N2ENE 9.6 1,24-116111CDPIBCM7EME 65•'19EH2p'1E 30 CO. CC NOTDITICS 360 L9-216 416114:11C3 1100 39-C77 61104/11071 460 j CLAY Silty Sand/ GScpro Sand/ 1 ■ ■ Y t i ■ ■ I. 1 ` , • t • B-202 ^+N7 a �. SAMPLING 0EP'N I7i.j 17' TIAAL 6YW ' 10 HAPI411NLEHE ID 1,7,4-1RIME1172Ld112EH2 10 C3-CO 9JPI9.7ICS 230 00-C19 41..911143000 770 00-c7.2 AR06N1C$ aB B-202 n•7hc 50E a.417.DT SA1111-R10 DEPTH fill 24' TOL!]E4L 11 F.II M 8E67C4,E 17 TOTAL f.TLENES 190 NAPHTH41.EHE 15 ISOP000116EM2NE 5.1 'I- iOWE-11E r.3 is.rmayE 5.s -PRUPriBEHQENE s9 1,2,4-TRNETFTOP012E1lE 76 1,3,5-1R41ETHf5BW2ENE 36 C5-CB ALIP1tT14;5 D00 4:9-Gi9 ALI1.4441C5 1200 C9-OY7 ARON i1CS 330 WATER TABLE +Aw $ -V&tL InPN11FICArr0N (101.641-______. TOP OF CASINO WELL CASING WELL SCREEN ■ ■ ■ MW-5 .6)1. w.'nr1 NOT S7001.00/0A3 OF 46ff P6u7L0'1 DW-1 w/L 97%73/1 NO C0MP01M5 DETECTED AREA[ 27. ET.7964110 • ■ 8-206 •17/t 0r/21/76 37NPJN7 1 10' 00 COMPOLPOS MOVE 401L.-TO 0 001Ak1E74 MECCA B-206 RWsoL w rn 07;64 30 SNNRI1N0 OEPTIi IfLI y4W4NUDIE 1,Z C9 C22 A9040.605 130 �1 EXTENT OF IMPACTED 501L A30VC 5DIL-10-GREHINOWAIER 1450E:s S-1 ,n-,y BOIL as/1000 071/33.97170,111 (11 RO' 1OW0.19 B,7 ET-04,9 H2FNE 20 .T0011 11.i[NES 140 WPMNALEHE D6 190PROD1111E747 4.7 A-WT.63E17E6E 12 n-PA]wL9012EHE 15 '.,4-TRfYl7HTL7EN:ESIE 100 ',3S-1NIME71ryLiE1,:ENE 45 CD-E8 ALIKLATCS 11CO C9-CI8 u1P171TCS 1600 CS-C22 AROANTIC5 NOTE: PREVIOUS EXCAVATION ACTNRIES AND SOIL ASSESSMENTS INDICATE 501L IMPACTS ARE ENCOUNTERED APPR0XIMATELY ice' SELOW GROUND SURFACE AND EXTEND TO WATER TARLE- 20- 70 5 0 58-5 nog 3 11/11/'• 54.447U'40 OEI+R1 ta.1 T.3 NO COMPOUNDS ABOVE S3L-10 GROL6DE6TER HSCC0 SB-5 '"/W '1/W1' SWUNG DEPTH IA.. J 23' NO ONIAPOIJN0.5 AGM 50L-TO ['AMC/WATER 1.137C. ROUNOWATER 1MPACTED 2L STANDARDS 8-203 .3/h5 5111PLTY3 OEPIH (TT./ FT7c11ENE E5111.DE141E11E 'OIM7 %1'LENE HA7.nIWENE so. 04:1J1(94 13' 5,7 100 i5OPROPI7■EQE 47 n-EN1'ri F3F.N7E lac-BIPI'LBENZEHE 10 43 n-PROPrLBE1RW 15 1,2,4-TR►IET111T.ECNQEHE 40 1 „9.6--1I4i1ETHn 1611ZE17 G-CS A110I90105 CB-C10 I PHA 06 260 200 79. 092 A9074774 S can 8-203 1w149 7' 67/i.•w S4FWH6 DEPTH et] 20' 110716E 3] [;I441.gE67[H[ 47 TOTAL TYLENCS 320 NA'HIPV:EK 34 150PIQVILBENZOAE 15 p.-lS7I`RC4'.'L13LIlp40 n-OJT''LBENZEIlE 12 n • P7OP4BEM1ET/E 25 1,2,4- T6I31E1H+4BEI#i7E 170 1,3,5-I'IJHET*ALPEN2EIIE 73 C9-C6 4JP1-sATC4 1100 !a-r,16 A11P11A1CS 3E00 04-722 071E141 .1005 7117 SCALE IN FEET 1 20 e z 07 u. a Q • 45 z 2 LL. oa z • E7 ir ttl tn 7Da 1I r�= [n � LU la Q 0- p rru I-m.a W ff(0Q 100.00' - 0.0ar --- 70.00' - 60.00' - 54.00' - 4D.00. 30.00 - 20.00' a a e 1.B-205 .1r045 07/01/01 • A*4LN0 I*PU, ,15., 1 1ff x0 cGxwL1 A :-1'a B-205 44545 07/21/05 G,YP1042 55.1"15 IR+ I 20' NO CD4.1POJ415 ABCNI SOLL-50 0604 5OM517.0 +07c05 SB-3 .5,11 11/P4/14 54.412,4U711 OEPOI Ott I 2.0' 2aOUHOIW54T 5. Cs -1I1 5B 3 Pah4 1l/OV1 Wu/kW DEPTH 01.1 ] 2' NO c011P04500 ABM 5471..-'0 4404M1744 Ea wcOC. •■ •r/ ■• ■ MW-5 • a Ashs II wor swPemro.w' 9r nit( Prmnlcr EB-3 , MW-5 B-205 B-201 EB-1 GP-1 (101,64'] , B-201 4.5%Ss501.w S430PU00 05P114 i II,. 17• ^,1a`5.,1.t 25 iuP/mw Dr 27 5-150PR0PYI70111EIE11E 4.5 n-PROP11.0ENTE15E j 3 1,$1-1I7.67TMt 64 4411 '5 36 1.3.6-TWO-. ils 54f5f 15 Ca-e22 A*+Cw*1:5 100 B-201 50 , i ■ ■ 500245I11 OEM i[t! 24 4A.41"14LEXE , 4.10 09-C22 A405.MTPC5 52 NOTE: PREN0U5 EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES AND SOIL ASSESSMENTS INDICATE SOIL EMPACTS ARE ENCOUNTERED APPROXIMATELY 12' BELOW GROUND SURFACE AND EKTEND TO WATER TABLE 4. CLAY 1 - L Silk Surd/ clayey ,'t' 1. $C IE70na/ ■ • ■ 1 1 ■ 4 /, J t 1 ■ , 11•'- 1`+IL I1 tom, i -•k' '1 1 WATER TA4LE -g WELL IOENIIFTGTION {1Sy1.E4'� TOP OF CAv7HC WELL CASING WELL SCREEN t ` s 1 1 ■ t , 1' ■ ■ + i CS-1 SB-4 .47 SB-1 4,45/55 S450P11540 OEPM nl-1 10TAL mars 2 f- 17-B67I41EN201E 44-0004499E112E5E 4.2.4-10504 4 or.nnx 6.1 30 1,7.3-T01KETH1LIK ZTE Psy-GA A13P.191Ti05 CD-C10 AU P0.47101 20 385 700 C0-C22 57M151102 SO-1 ^+/4l 11 SAA0LE'11 DEPTH 'IL. 12I# IY4XI4ES 141P4R4uEyE ISOPROPNIDDI 4a 29 Si f�TOLUEnE 4 -PROMIBEY2540 154 1,44-,BIMEM1t0EH2D1E :3 1.345-TROJEas5EHIPit ST CS -CA N IPi4*15 C0-C13 015. 4T1C9 020 60 01-C22 A80YATIOS 70 ■ + t• , , SB-6 t CS--1 •.o/ / gy HMI HUNG PUDEPTH A20 24 t01.IID41 9.2 t ;;01- 20 I�TAL 1'i1LEIi$ 140 kA61-11I14LENE 36 7230170PYL6E16h1E 4.7 "-3N116EIIZENE 12 -PAOP4LBE?2ENE 15 I ,2,4.4f154Rt1711007 HE 100 1,3,5-TAM i41 7L9ENz, NE 5a 05-C1 5L27561105 1100 el -am Agaves 550Tir c9-c.V AnolfAflL• 6B0 GP-} "vAv PK „942Mel 25' SAYPLIH? 2PR1 I14 TOLU:I*0 40 X511P-P42E4JE 54 TM& WASHES 220 1P•PHIwJENE 4B 021 2[LGCNTENE 12 4.-BU11'1BE56E14 . 21 •eo-45-.11HEH7,EAE 0.1 PBGWLBEIIli-NE 20 1,2.4-iI0 .1sTr* 117 '.3,5-T9151E1H1I.BEIRFT+: 51 CS-C6 52.2P-5.4C5 1200 C9-C I ALP HAM JH00 Ee-ER2 ATWMkIICD 1210 EKTENT OF IMPACTED SOIL ABOVE Sot -TO -GROUNDWATER 445CC5 20 SB-6 Mora '0S M. Mai SWUNG MTH ,TL. 054.P45154L fE 09-002 A101HTNS 1.2 84 SB-S "m'X' 1/04V14 SLYPIIVO 0EFn1 1H.+ 25' Iq 004030571551 MOTE 505-TO 12530107037E0 1.13055 GROUNDWATER IMPACTED ABOVE 2L STANDARDS SB-4 na/9 SAPP: NC DEI% al:. L1,4,et W'I704E +ssvED 44764-11571.556 160PROPTLBEN7ENE _ n 14 20' m 51J I F m 23 Z co 12 La so u Z '2 77 a se In �I-) Rau LO 010 0 I- a,v Cr cc CC m O [�J L30. FN.2 142 -2 E1.1 .--1 LU es Lua0O 4.4 r, HnE'C 4.1 e-E10PRO?RTOWEWE rk- DIFYDDEX44)HE 5-P11131• 26KIENE i•py-711Il0YµttOENIENE E}•5-17611ESIPUKHTENE 15-11 ALPHA= C9-050 A104I4AT1rS 69-C22 1.000AT05 IS SB-4 ."oho sat 3PPDHJMC DEPTH •IL TOTAL N1'I_kj+ H1REHAU NE o-160Pp00.11211ENE n-5UntafH2FNE sa-•-•au>m m.lPsur n-PROP11.014ZE iE 1 F.4-1PYETNYLBEI4IESE 13.7-7 7mBEKEEK 00-46 .41.2414.43I54 09-CI11 *10745I/3 ea 4.3 444 04 1402 1254 00-C22 M01,542525 1100 SCALE IN FEET 3 0 F a 0 3 0 04 0 V u7 a As iot iS � 100.00' --- 90.00' 80.130. 70.00' — 6O00'- 50:00' 40.00' — 30.00' »-- 20.00' — IOW-5 DW-1 (101,641001.59') MW-2 (102.27'j 1 1 1 1. \ y• y 11 1 1 ` 1 I. Y y h 1 ` 1 1 1' + 1 1 1 1 + + 1 1 1 1 . 1 \ 1 1 ,;1111111111C\;y y I 1 1\ 1 1 r ± y `. \ \ ,10 \ y 1111 MW-5 wn mryV11 ;111 MO'. SAMPLED/UM' OF FEtE PROOUCT 1+. • DW-1 -0_ BO m/ No t'7uPDW05 ABOVE zl Ng11m uW-2 ;r. n>/ P11., 1. TOLUENE two ET111.1.8Pa +1E t5i6 TOTAL Kr-fNEE e.700 µWR111-ENE 410 150PRO ,LIIEHLEHL 1e a -FRO 'LOENTENE 1ir1 1, 2.4-TRIMI-NAYS EIEIarNE 1 ib[I * Sa-♦giy ETKri. .T!ftE OM CLAY Silly Sandi StlpoM ro nq� WATER TABLE S WELL IDENTIFICATION (101-6i� TqP or CA5[HG WELL CASING WELL SCREEN Mw- 7R (99 45') MW-4 (93,81') tMW-7R • agps/ 8CIIE1a 2.2 TOTAL kYLLHE5 IUPH111.14,ENF GROUNDWATER IMPACTED ABOVE 2L '.,TANOARDS NOTE: PREVIOUS EXCAVATION ACTMTIE_5 AND SAIL ASSESSMENTS INDICATE SOIL IMPS CIS ARE ENCOUNTERED APPROXIMATELY 12 BELOW GROUND SURFACE AND EX ND TO WATER TABLE, MS SCALE 11.1 FEET z9 ifl Ag 0 I I 0 0 O LD N (I)* L3 2 Z W z 00 F U O 0 W oQ ▪ u CA IS1r 1 CC I- re w W • d W Z 0'--/ D - J L7 ▪ LJ..-,W a H I,ICECD <I ED I-r.tr Ia i1 O an C] LEGEND — E — OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE PP Q. POWER POLE MONITORING WELL (TYPE 10 r MONITORING WELL (TYPE III)(DEEP) a POTABLE WELL LOCATION ® SDII. BORING LOCATION • PROPOSED INJECTION POINT INJECTION RADIUS OF INFLUENCE D Ta' a0' SCAL£ IN FEET ErENT OF SOIL IMPACTED MOVE SOIL -TO -GROUNDWATER MSCCI (DASHED WHERE INFEut1E00 MW-1 AREA A' r ` -3 750 S.F. 1 r I 1 I S; .■157 1 1 ' F .] B-204 GP-10 B-2U1 I FORMER UST / ." �W-5 111 0 12 • LOCATIONS i \ - C51 \ 4—�' \'\ .1.,B INJECTION POINTS BASED 0t THE INJECTION RADII OF B' • Iti SB-2 9-206 5R-5 .4- -3/ S SR-9 e� B-2070 { WSW-1 (DRILLED WELL) 112 Q m 0 N 28 feet z 12 feel 16 feet 2 inch diameter direct -push boring Injection to be performed through direct -push rods at depths ranging from 12 to 28 feet below ground surface. Injection Point Well Type Depth (feet) Screen Interval Well Contractor (feet) Name and Certification Number 1 through 8 Direct -Push 13 13-15 Innovative Environmental 17 17-19 Technologies, Certification 21 21-23 #2725-A 25 25-27 2725 E. Millbrook Road, Suite 121 Raleigh. NC 27604 (919)871-0999 i 5 C 1 :. i E S INC FIGURE 12 Injection Well Construction Diagram Tate Property 7601 Louisburg Road Raleigh, North Carolina ATC ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHHICAL BUILOIHC SCIENCES • MATERIALS TESTING April 8, 2016 I /fo5QQ'7'30 725 East Millbrook Road Suite 121 Raleigh, NC 27604 Tel: 919-871-0999 Fax: 919-871-0335 www.atcassociates.com N.C. Engineering License No. C-1598 Ms. Shristi Shrestha North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section, 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Reference: Injection Event Record Tate Property 7601 Louisburg Road Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina NCDENR Incident No. 21716 Dear Ms. Shrestha: UK Program RECENEDIi DEO/DWR APR 112016 Water Quality RegfonalOpo►atiorti Section ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. (ATC) is submitting an Injection Event Record for the above referenced site under contract to the North Carolina State -Lead Program. During the event, eight temporary direct -push injection points were installed on March 29 and 30, 2016. The event consisted of injection of zero valent iron (ZVI), sodium persulfate (Klozur), and hydrogen peroxide. Attachment 1 contains the Injection Event Record form and Attachment 2 contains the Field Summary Report prepared by Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. (1ET), our injection contractor for this project. Attachments 3 and 4 contain the injection well construction and abandonment records for the eight injection points. If you have questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Gabriel Araos at (919) 871-0999. S incerely, ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. Ashley M. Winkelman, P.G. Project Manager cc: Mr. Mark Petermann— NCDEQ State -Lead Program Attachments: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 — Injection Event Record — Field Summary Report — Well Construction Records — Well Abandonment Records Gabriel Araos, P.E. Senior Project Manager ATTACHMENT 1 INJECTION EVENT RECORD INJECTION EVENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Division of Water Quality Permit Number 1. Permit Information NCDEQ State -Lead Program Mark Petermann Permittee Tate Property Facility Name 7601 Louisburg Road Raleigh, NC 27616 Facility Address 2. Injection Contractor Information ATC Associates of NC, PC Injection Contractor / Company Name 2725 East Millbrook Road Street Address suite 121 Raleigh NC 27604 City State Zip Code ( 919) 871-0999 Area code — Phone number 3. Well information Number of wells used for injection 8 Well names IP-i through IP-8 Were any new wells installed during this injection event? ®Yes No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells NA Number of Injection Wells 8 Type of Well Installed (Check applicable type): ❑ Bored ❑ Drilled ❑X Direct -Push ❑ Hand -Augured ❑ Other (speiE6Enn wriE Please include two copies of the G W- l b for each well installed. APR 1 12016 Water Ouafity lonsi petoituer8 3k.a114141 Were any wells abandoned during this injection event? Fl Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells NA Number of Injection Wells 8 Please include two copies of the GW-30 for each well abandoned. 4_ Injectant Information ZVI, Sodium Persulfate (Klozur) , Injectant Type Concentration See attached IET Field Report If the injectant is diluted please indicate the source dilution fluid. Raleigh Municipal Water Supply Mixture of 5,508 lbs of solids and Total Volume Injected 2480.4 gallons of solution IP-l: 161-3 gal, 701 1ba 12-2: 265.3 gal, 701 11213 Volume Injected per wel11F-3: 279.75 gal, 763.5 lba IP-4: 191.2 gal. 436 lbs. 1P-52 351.3 gal, 701 that 1l-4. 351.3 gat, 701 IP-7. 391-3 gal, 70] lha, IP-83 339.75 gal, 903.5 lima5. Injection History Injection number (e.g. 3 of 5) 1 of 1 Is this the last injection at this site? EI Yes ❑ No 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE INJECTION WAS PERFORMED WITHIN THE STANDARDS LAI IN THE PERM'. 44 SIGNATURE OF INJECTION qfd, R-. fWii ys ' p'O Gabriel Araos , :p . > _ SEAL # PRINT NAME OP PERSON PERFtMM]I ? INJEOTI ma/yy:q`� ,7- gnke 4 f• "41411 ` Submit the original of this form to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of injection. Attn: MC Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636, Phone No. 919-733-322] Form UIC-IER Rev. 1 1 rob ATTACHMENT 2 FIELD SUMMARY REPORT ET Innovatne Environmental Technologies, Inc. Technology Discussion and Field Report To ATC Associates Inc. For The Application Of "Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl & Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation" At Tate Property Raleigh, North Carolina February 2016 Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. 6071 Easton Road Pipersville, PA 18947 (888) 721-8Z83 www.iet-inc.net Pipersville, PA • Columbus, OH 4 Forked River, NJ • Concord, NC • Columbus, GA Contents Executive Summary Introduction 3 Remediation Implementation 3 Injection Procedures 3 Direct -Push -Driven Perforated Rod Placement 3 Subsurface Pathway Development 3 ZVI, Sodium Persulfate and Hydrogen Peroxide Injection 4 Liquid Rinse 4 Post Injection Line Purge 4 Site Map 4 Conclusion 5 Appendix A - Injection Logs 6 11Page ATC Associates Inc, — Tate Property GtET Executive Summary On behalf of ATC, innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. CET) has prepared the following injection report. This report has been prepared to document remediation activities conducted at the site. The injection program was implemented from March 29th to March 30`h of 2016. The remedial approach employed the integration of both Fenton's chemistry and persulfate chemistry, utilizing zero valent iron as the catalyst for both reactions. The integration of these two chemistries shall allow for synergistic catalyzed reactions and long lasting (via persulfate) oxidation. The materials were introduced in the vicinity of monitoring well MW-5 and included 5,288 pounds of Sodium Persulfate and 1,795 gallons of ^'5% hydrogen peroxide. 320 pounds of ZV! was also suspended in 475 gallons of water and injected into the targeted subsurface intervals from 13-27' feet below ground surface (bgs). Surfacing of remedial material was limited during the implementation of the design and resulted in slight field modifications to the proposed design. Shallow refusal was also encountered during the attempt of 1P-6 at approximately 3 feet. The point by point injection dosages along with instances of surfacing are noted in the attached field logs. 21Page ATC Associates Inc. — Tate Property Introduction The Tate Property located in Raleigh, North Carolina, was identified as having soils and groundwater impacted by the historical release of petroleum fluids. The primary compounds of concern at the site were petroleum hydrocarbons. An injection program was proposed by IET for the remediation of VOC impacts surrounding monitoring well MW-5 utilizing advanced oxidation technologies. Remediation Implementation Injection Procedures IET completed a total of 8 injection locations at the Tate Property site. Details regarding each injection attempt are provided in the field logs in the Appendix. Direct -Push -Driven Perforated Rod Placement A AMS Powerprobe 9500 unit comparable to the one pictured in Figure 1, was utilized to drive the injection screen (as seen in Figure 2) to depths ranging from 13 to 27 feet bgs. It is at these depths, that the likelihood exists of being in close proximity to the targeted waters in the more permeable layers that were identified during characterization of the site. These more permeable layers are those believed to have historically provided the preferential pathways taken by the dissolved -phase VOCs. FIGURE 1: AMS POWER PROBE 9500 VTR FIGURE 2: RETRACTABLE INJECTION SCREEN Subsurface Pathway Development Compressed air was used to propel all injectants into the subsurface. Compressed air was first injected into the subsurface at approximately 150 pounds per square inch (psi) until a significant pressure drop was observed at the injection pressure vessel. This process is referred to as pathway development. The intent of this step is to open pathways in the subsurface for the injectants to follow, These pathways are believed to be those more permeable pathways along which VOCs are more likely to have migrated, both in the vadose and saturated zones. Liquid and liquid -entrained 3'Page ATC Associates Inc. — Tate Property QET injectants are then delivered with pressurized gas to the pathways that were produced during the development step. ZVI, Sodium Persulfate and Hydrogen Peroxide Injection A colloidal suspension of 1-3 micron zero valent iron (ZVI) was immediately injected into the subsurface fractures and voids that were developed during the compressed air injection step. Immediately following, under constant pressure a sodium persulfate/ hydrogen peroxide solution was then introduced. Liquid Rinse A small amount of water was injected to clear the injection lines of the chemical oxidants and ZVI and promotes mounding of groundwater into the vadose zone. Post Injection Line Purge Compressed air was injected to clear the lines of all material and to force the remedial components further into the formation before moving to the next injection location. Site Map limpacted Soil Plume sE—a FIGURE 3: GENERAL INJECTION IMPLEMENTATION — INJECTION LOCATIONS 4IPage ATC Associates Inc. —Tate Property ET 1.onc_1Gsictr The injection program at the Tate Property was implemented based on the proposed design with slight field modifications. All proposed injectants were introduced at the targeted depths. It is expected that the injection event will yield positive results in the area around monitoring well TOW-5 and IET looks forward the assessing the data following future sampling events. 5IPage ATC Associates Inc_ —Tate Property GET Appendix A - Injection Logs 61Page ATC Associates Inc. —Tate Property ET INNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TECCINOLOi1f.S, INC. Job Name: ATC - Tate Property 2016 Injections In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Time of Injection: Date of Injection: 3/29/2016 (3/30/16) 8:04 12:33 12:23 12:07 Grid Point: IP-1 8:11 12:39 12:28 12:17 Injection Zone Actual 13-15' Proposed 13-15' Actual 17-19' Proposed 17-19' Actual 21-23' Proposed 21-23' Actual 25-27' Proposed 25-27' Summan Actual 13-27' Proposed 13-27' Duration of Fracture (seconds): 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pressure of Pre -injection pathway development Estimated Radius of Influence 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 Pounds of Klozur 125 125 165 165 165 165 206 206 661 661 Gallons of 50°/0 H202 4.9 4.9 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.2 8.2 26.3 26.3 Gallons of 5.0% H202 50 50 65 65 65 65 85 85 265 265 Lbs of ZVI 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 40 40 Gallons of ZVI Solution 10 10 15 15 15 15 Pressure of Post -injection pathwa► dev. 100 100 100 100 100 100 20 T 100 20 60 60 100 Field Observations: Retractable Injection Screen. Drilling significantly tighter during last 3-4 feet of advancing tooting. Screen Suspected Clogged at 25-27'. Redrilied and Completed Injection Point. Completed 13-15' the on 3/30/16. Liquid injection Pressure 50 psi. litNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. .rob Name: Date of Injection: ATC - Tate Property 2016 Injections In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Time of Injection: 3l30/2016 10:15 10:04 9:56 9:36 Grid Point: IP-2 10:19 10:10 10:01 9:45 Summary Injection Zone Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual 13-15' 13-15' 17-I9' 17-19' 21-23' 21-23' 25-27' 25-27' 13-27' Proposed 13-27' Duration of Fracture (seconds): 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pressure of Pre -injection pathway development Estimated Radius of Influence 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 150 6 6 150 6 Pounds of Klozur 125 125 165 165 165 165 206 206 661. 661 Gallons of 50% H202 4.9 4.9 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.2 8.2 26.3 26.3 Gallons of 5.0% H202 40 50 45 65 45 65 50 85 180 265 Lbs of ZV1 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 40 40 Gallons of ZYI Solution 10 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 60 60 Pressure of Post -injection pathway dev. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Field Observations: Retractable Injection Screen. Slightly cutting back volume to limit surfacing of injectant. Liquid Injection Pressure 50 psi. INNOVATIVE fNV1RGNDIENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Job Name: ATC - Tate Property 2016 Injections Date of Injection: In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Time of Injection: 3/30/2016 14:53 14:31 14:12 13:58 Grid Point: 1P-3 15:00 14:37 14:26 14:07 Injection Zone Actual 13-15' Proposed Actual 13-15' 17-19' Proposed Actual Proposed 17-19' 21-23' 21-23' Actual 25-27' Proposed 25-27' Summary Actual 13-27' _Proposed 13-27' Duration of Fracture (seconds): Pressure of Pre -injection pathway development Estimated Radius of Influence 3 150 6 3 150 6 3 150 6 3 3 3 150 150 150 6 6 6 3 150 6 3 150 6 Pounds of Klozur 187.5 125 165 165 165 165 206 206 723.5 661 Gallons of 50% H5O2 7.35 4.9 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 S.2 8.2 28.75 26.3 Gallons of 5.0% 11202 50 50 45 65 45 65 50 85 190 265 Lbs of ZVI 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 40 40 Gallons of ZVI Solution 10 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 60 60 Pressure of Post -injection pathway dev. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 400 Field Observations: Retractable Injection Screen. Slight foaming from reaction around tooling during 25-27' injection. Liquid Injection Pressure 35 psi. Returned to point and introduced ZVI at 13-15'. No oxidant introduced to avoid surfacing. Returned to point 14:53-15:00 and applied oxidant at 13-15'. INNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL NTAL TECWJOLOWES, INC. Job Name: ATC - Tate Property 2016 Injections In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Date of injection: 3/29/2016 Time of Injection: 10:43 10:33 10:14 Grid Point: IP-4 10:37 10:25 Summary Injection Zone Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual Proposed 13-15 13-15' 17-19' 21-23' 21-23' 25-27' 25-27' 21-27' 13-27' Duration of Fracture (seconds): 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pressure of Pre -injection pathway development 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Estimated Radius of Influence 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Pounds of Klozu r 125 125 0 165 82.5 165 206 206 413.5 661 Gallons of 50% Hz02 4.9 4.9 0 6.6 3.3 6.6 8.2 8.2 16.4 26.3 Gallons of 5.0% H202 35 50 0 65 20 65 85 85 140 265 Lbs of ZYI 0 7.5 0 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 22.5 40 Gallons of ZVI Solution 0 10 0 15 15 15 20 20 35 60 Pressure of Post -injection pathwap dev. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Field Observations: Retractable injection Screen. Immediate surfacing of oxidant around tooling at 25-27'. Redrilled point with welded ring tooling to seal annular space around tooling, Surface escape noted —6 ft from injection point at 21-23' injection. Suspected old soil baring. Attempted 17-19' with same issue. Liquid Pressure 45 psi, Returned to 13-15' and was able to introduce material with minimal surfacin. INNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLO 1ES, INC. Job Name: ATC - Tate Property Date of Injection: Grid Point: 2016 Injections In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Time of injection: 3/30/2016 13:08 12:55 12:49 12:32 IP-5 13:13 12:59 12:54 12:40 Injection Zone Duration of Fracture (seconds): Actual 13-15' 3 Proposed 13-15' 3 Actual 17-19' 3 Proposed 17-19' 3 Actual 21-23' 3 Proposed 21-23' 3 Actual 25-27' 3 Proposed 25-27' 3 Summary Actual 13-27' Proposed 13-27' Pressure of Pre -injection pathway development Estimated Radius of Influence 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6 Pounds of Kloxur 125 125 165 165 165 165 206 206 661 661 Gallons of 50% H202 Gallons of 5.0% H202 4.9 50 4.9 50 6.6 65 6.6 65 6.6 65 6.6 65 8.2 85 8.2 85 26.3 265 26.3 265 Lbs of ZVI 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 40 40 Gallons of ZVI Solution 10 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 60 60 Pressure of Post -injection pathway dev. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Field Observations: Retractable Injection Screen. Slight foaming around tooling during 13-15' injection, —1/2 gallon. Liquid Pressure 50 psi. INNOVATIVE. ENVIRONMENTAL TICH_NOLOG1E.S, INC- Job Name: ATC - Tate Property Date of Injection 2016 Injections In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Time of Injection: 3/30/2016 11:11 10:59 10:44 10:31 Grid Point: 111-6 11:17 11:06 10:51 10:38 Summary Injection Zone Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual Proposed Actual Proposed 13-15' 13-15' 17-19' 17-19' 21-23' 21-23' 25-27' 25-27' 13-27' 13-27' Duration of Fracture (seconds): 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pressure of Pre -injection pathway development 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Estimated Radius of Influence 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Pounds of Klozur 125 125 165 165 165 165 206 206 661 661 Gallons of 50% H202 4.9 4.9 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.2 8.2 26.3 26.3 Gallons of 5.0% H2O/ 50 50 65 65 65 65 85 85 265 265 Lbs of ZVI 7,5 7.5 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 40 40 Gallons of ZVI Solution 10 1.0 15 15 15 15 20 20 60 60 Pressure of Post -injection pathway dev. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Field Observations: Retractable Injection Screen. Slight foaming around tooling during 25-27' injection. Minimal. Liquid Pressure 50 psi. INNOVATIVE. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES, iNO. Job Name: Date of Injection ATC - Tate Property 2016 Injections In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Time of injection: . 3l3012016 9:14 9:03 8:48 8:29 Grid Point: IP-7 9:19 9:09 8:56 8:35 Summary Injection Zone Actual 13-15' Proposed 13-15' Actual Proposed 17-19' 17-19' Actual 21-23' Proposed 21-23' Actual 25-27' Proposed 25-27' Actual 13-27' Proposed 13-27' Duration of Fracture (seconds): Pressure of Pre -injection irath wa► development 3 150 3 150 3 150 3 150 3 150 3 150 3 150 3 150 Estimated Radius of influence 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Pounds of Kloaur 125 125 165 165 165 165 206 206_ 661 661 Gallons of 50% R202 4.9 4.9 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.2 8.2 263 26.3 Gallons of 5.0% 11202 50 50 65 65 65 65 85 85 265 265 Lbs of ZVI 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 40 40 Gallons of ZVI Solution 10 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 60 60 Pressure of Post -injection pathway dev. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Field Observations: Retractable Injection Screen. Slight air escape around tooling at 17-19'. Able to inject without issue. Liquid Pressure 30 psi. it:1r INNOVATIVE E/RONM.EI►ITAL TEC11NOLOOIE.S, iNC. Job Name: Date of .Injection: Grid Point: Injection Zone ATC - Tate Property 2016 Injections In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Time of Injection: 3/30/2016 12:14 12:07 11:59 11:43 LP-8 12:18 12:12 12:05 11:49 Actual 13-15' Proposed 13-15' Actual 17-19' Proposed 17-19' Actual 21-23' Proposed 21-23' Actual 25-2T Proposed 25-27' Summary Actual 13-27' Proposed 13-27' [Duration of Fracture (seconds): Pressure of Pre -injection pathwa% development Estimated Radius of Influence 3 150 6 3 150 6 3 150 6 3 150 6 3 150 6 3 150 6 3 150 6 3 150 6 Pounds of Mazur 250 125 225 165 165 165 206 206 846 661 Gallons of 50% H2O2 9.8 4.9 9.15 6.6 6.6 6.6 8.2 8.2 33.75 26.3 Gallons of 5.0% I1202 65 50 50 65 50 65 60 85 225 265 Lbs of ZVI 25 7.5 10 10 10 10 12.5 12.5 57.5 40 Gallons of ZVI Solution 30 10 15 15 15 15 20 20 80 60 Pressure of Post -injection pathway dev. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Field Observations: Retractable Injection Screen. Liquid Pressure 50 psi. Limited volume slightly to decrease surfacing potential_ Added material to 13-15' an 17-19' to account for incomplete IP-4. INNOVATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES,, CHNOL► GIESr INC. Job Name: ATC - Tate Property 2016 Injections In -Situ Chemical Oxidation using Zero Valent Iron Catalyzed Hydroxyl and Sulfate Free Radical Oxidation Date of Injection: 3129/16-3/30/16 Summary Injection Zone Pounds of Kloxu r Actual 13-27' 5288 Pro9osed 13-27' 5288 Gallons of 50% 11202 210.4 210.4 Gallons of 5.0% 11202 1795 2120 Lbs of ZVI 320 320 Gallons of ZVI Solution 475 480 Field Observations: Foaming around tooling during 1P-3,5,and 6 indicative of oxidant coming into contact with free product in subsurface. ATTACHMENT 3 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form an be used for single or multiple wells 1. Well Contractor Information_ John Allen Well CoeIractur Name 4196-B NC Wall Coitee tat Ccsli0catioaNumber Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. Cony Name 2. Well Construction Permit it: hist ail applicable wdfl permits ri.e. Colon Sloe; Va nsice, Injection, arc) 3. Well lisle (check well use): Water Supply Welt: 17/Agricultural r7Geothcrmel (Heating/Cooling Supply) L1lfidustrie11Comincrcial r]Irrigation CilVietnicipalfPuhlic E]Rt sidential Water Supply (single) UResidential Water Supply (shared) Nuo-Water Supply Well: t7Manitoririg ClRecovery Injection WeII: r]Aquifer Recharoo fAquifcr Storage and Recovery uAquitbr rest LUExperimentat Technology FIGeotheermal (Closed Loop) n1cothcrmal (Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date Wetl(s) Complet,o•d_ 3/30/16 Sa. Well Location: Tate Property GJGronndwater Reined iation 0SaJRity Barrier i..IStoimwater Drainage [Subsidence Cannot UTTracer {Other (explain under 421 Remarks) Wel11D# IP 1-8 FedllityWClwuerNamc Facility 1R (if applicable) 7601 Louisburg Rd, Raleigh 27616 Physical Address, City, and 2iip Wake County Parcel Identification No. MN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in deg rees/minutrslsecoeds or decimal degrees: (if well field, CAC latilong is su1fcte"tl 35.877149 N 78'539176 6. is (are) the well(s): fll'ermanent or 12Temparary 7.1s this ri repair to an existing well• C7Ycs or LINO Tf this is a repent. fill awl known mall cwtstrurtlo" information and explain rho rudure of the repair radar er21 reniarls eection or on the back clans feral, & Ntunber of wells constructed: eight For inuldpfe vrjeclion or, non -water supply wells 0:NLYwith the same convtredioa, }au can suborn' one farar. 9. Total wen depth below land surface: 27 For aiuhiple wclLr list all depths rdiffer rnr ire maple- 3g240.' wtd 2(0100') (R) 10. Static water icvcl below top (dealing: -12 (h.) if wain Icv el is above eosin use "+ 11-Borehole diameter: 2.25 (in.) 12. Well construction method: direct push (i.e. auger. rotary, table, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpm) Method of test: I3il. Disinfection type: - Amotud. iFor Internal Use ONLY' 14. WAxesZONES FROM 70 ft. ft. 11. f. 1S. wags CASING ilnxmiriti-cased ivei�ORLINER tiro FROM TO DIAMETER Tlin-RL' LSs MA FOAL ft. , ft. in. 16. INNERCASING 011 Iltt1ING tgeutbermal closed-loopl FROM TO DIAMETER Tn10E.1ME.SS MATERIAL 0 fl• 1. 25 ' 1.875 ' 0.25" " steel ft. ft. in. 17. SCREEN FROM 7O DIAMETER SLOT SIRE TTOCIODISS MATERIAL 2.25 in- 0.25 steel 25 ft. 27 ft. i . 1t GROUT FROM TO .MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT fi. none N/A ft. 11. ft 14 SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if npu cable) MOM TO MATERIAL EMPI-il.at:l.dIT Mita= nine NSA ft. ft. 20. DRILLING LOG (ettaekaddit ions& sheets if nett:Sir") _ PROM TO DEriCRIr1IO IQ*. Amines& seiVlvde hole ran MM. M=I ft. ft. No sampling ft. m 11. ft. fr. ft- ft. - f ft fr. n IL 21.E Solution injected at 4 intervals 25-27". 2123.17-19', 13-15' bgs. 22. Certification: l Signature of Cerra. ed Well Contractor 4/6/16 Date By signing this foryn, I hereby cenrfy that eke wei!(s) was {were) constructed in accordance with ISANCAC 02C.010O or 15A INCAC 02C.0200 We!! C'mastrur_rion Standards and that e copy ofthis retorrlhus been provlaed so rho wet! owner 23. Site diagram or additional welt details: You may use the hack of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following,; Division of Water Resources, Information processing Unit, 1617 Marl Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b_ For Injeetion Wells ONLY: In addition to sodding the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of This form within 30 {lays of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program. 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 276994636 24c. For Water Suppy & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of /his form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Four C1 W-t North Camlma Dcpartmnrt dt ivironmcnr urxi Naniral Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 20 13 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS For lntenial use UNIX; This foam can be used far single ormnitiple was 1. Well Contractor Information: John Allen Wail Contractor None 4196-B NC Well Contractor Certification Number Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. Company Name 2. WeU Construction Permit #: Lisi oft applicable well permits it c. Camay, MOM Vareaze. injection. etc,) 3. WeII Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: DAgricultural CiOeothezma) (Heating/Cooling Supply) LJIndustrial/Cornmerciat r]Irrigation fl Memicipal/Pu111 it (]Residential Water Supply (single) []Residential Water Supply (shared) Non -Water supply Well: r]Manitorieg El Recovery Injection Well: DAquifer Recharge [],Aquifer Storage and Recovery []Aquif r Test []Expcemental Technolow ClGcothermal (Closed Loop) r]Geathexrnal (Heating/Cooling Return) lAGroundwater Aemediation rlSalioity Barrier US1ormwater Drainage rlSobssdeni:c Control r7Traccx fOfher (explain under #21 Remarks) 4. Bate Weil(s) Completed: 3130/'l 6 Well ID# f P 1-8 Sa. Wei Location: Tate Property Farili[y,'Oaner Nam. Facility 1D# (if applicable) 7601 Louisburg Rd, Raleigh 27616 Physical Address, City, and Bp Wake County Parcel identifie ce No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degreeshuinuteslseconds or decimal degrees: (ifwert Geld, cue latfiong is sufficient) 35.877149 lv 78.539176 w 6. Is (are) the wefl(S): rlPermanent or CdTemporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yea or RIND Olds is n repair. fe1( out known well ronslrudim itJl'n iatian cad explain the nature of the repair under 1'27 rmrearra s4Ct407 or an the back ofthlsrprm. 3. Number of wells constructed: eight Fornxirli(ple injeetien ornort-water supply wells ONLY with the scone construction, you con suhiaie once form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 27 For maniple wells liar all depths ifdf rent ('example- 34200' and 3I 100) 10. Static water level below top of raising: —1 2 If water level rS above rasing, use 11. Borehole diameter: 2.25 OD.) 12. Wen construction method: direct push (f) (.) (i.e. auger. rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. Yield (gpei) 141ethod of test: 13bk Disinfection type: Amount: H. WATER ZONES FROM i TO 1EacBT TIONY ft. ft. it: ft. IS. OCITERCASING tiernul i-cased wells) OR TENTER iifappiisablel FROM TO DIAhWTJR 1 illrliti1 $F m a) kits ! ft. rt. in. llc INNER CASING_ORT[fli!NG igeotbermalsioted-leepi FROM TO -. GIAM6TER Tt 1CKNe¢S VAATERIAL 0 ft. 25 R 1.07.5 in" 0_25" steel fL ff. is 17. SCREEN FROM TO I DL,.ME a SLOTSIZE 25 ft ft. 27 tt 2.25 jn' rt. tie. Ttt10ENESS MATERIAL 0.25 steel IL GROUT :FROM TO I MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOWi1 e- I none N/A rt 19. SANDICRAYEL PACT. (if appIic biej PROM 'TO EMPLACETIEReT'METHOD ft R' none a. R. 20. fRfI.LINC LOG (Mack ad.di1nu,al t:heets if occesnry) •TO 0Fst'!OPTION twont: fy v-21a } f No sampling vomit It. NIA ft. e. rt. fi ft. ft. $. it. it. a1L REMARKS Solution injected at 4 intervals 25-27', 21-23', 17-19', 13-15' Cgs_ 22. C��ertifipftion: Signature of Ce:tied Well Contractor 416116 Date Ry St/An Pa form, T hereby cerigo hunt the well(s) wws {were) constructed to accordance with ISANC'.4C 01C.'.0100 or NCAC 02C .0210 Well Construction Standards and that a copyoflhls record has been prevtded to the rrllonner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional Wet site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary, SUBM rTAL INST[ICI'loNs 24a. For Ali Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Wafer Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24h. For injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this fazes within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following_ Division of Water ll aoorces, I.indcrgraund lateelion Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh,111C: 27699-1636 24e. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of cotupletion of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed, Form G W-1 North Carolina Reparhnent of F.ovironmcnt and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resorcos Revised Atlgust2013 A TIACHMENT 4 · WELL ABANDONMENT RECORDS WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD This. form can be used for single or multiple wells I. Well Contractor Information: John Allen Well Coritriictor Name ( or well own~ personally abandoning well on his/her property) 4196-.B NC Well Contractor Cei.tification Nuniber Innovative Environmental Technologies, Inc. Company Name 2. ,ve11 Construction Permit#: _____________ _ Lisi all applicable well permits (i.e County, Stale, Yarim,ce, I11;ection, etc.) ifknnwii 3. Well use (check well use): WaterSupply Well: nAgricultural □Municipal/Public UGl:othermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) □Residential Water Supply (single) □Industrial/Commercial □Residential Water Suppiy (shared) □Irrieation Non~Water Supply Well: [])vt(mitoring Injection Well: nAquiferRecharge □Aquifer Storage and Recovery □Aquifer Test □Experimental Technoiogy □Geothermal (Closed Loop) □Geothermal {Heating/Cooling Return) 4. Date well(s) abandoned: 03/30/16 Sa. Well location: Tate Prqperty Faciiity/OwnerName nRecovery l!IGroundwater Remediation nSalinity Barrier □Sto~ater Drainage □Subsidence Control nTracer □Other ( eXplain under 7g) Facility ID# (if applicable) 7601 Louisburg Rd. Raleigh 27616 Phy:tlcal Acldress, City, and Zip Wake County Parcel Identifi6rtion No. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and longitude in degreesimin11tes/secilnds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 35.877149 N 785391_76 ---------~- CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 0.-.' \\'ELL(Sl BEING ABANDONED w Auach well mnstnu;tirm reci)rd(,r) ifavai/able. For inuliiple inJect,oit or Mn-water supp~v wells ONLY with the same coristructum.'abandonmeni, wu can submit onejorm. IP 1-8 6a. Well.ID#: _________ _ 6b, Total well depth: _2_7 _____ (ft.) 6c. Borehole diameter: _2_.2_5_· .. ____ (iu.) 6d. Water level below ground surface: _~ __ 1_2 _____ (ft.) 6e. Outer casing length (if know~): _N_/_A ______ (ft.) 6f. Inner casing/tubing length (if known): _2_5 _____ (ft.} 6g. Screen length (if known): _2 __________ {ft.) I Fm-Internal Use ONLY: WELLABANDONMENTDETAILS 7a. Number of wells being abandoned: _e_. •_ig_h_t ____ _ For multiple injecti,m or noncwatlir ,mpp(v wells ONLY with the $ame crmstn1ction·ah011donmen/,. yau can !lllhmit am, form. 7b. Approximate volume of water rcmainmg iu well(s}: N/A (gal.) JiOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 7c. Type of disinfectant Used: ______________ _ 7d.Amo1int of disinfectant used: _____________ _ 7e. Sealing inatcrials used (check all that apply): U N¢at Cemerit Grout i7 Sand CementC,rout O Concrete Grout U Specialty Grout D Bentonite Slurry ~ Bentonite Chips or Pellets n 0ryc1ay □ Drill Cuttings D Gravel 0 Other ( explain under 7g) 7f. For each material selected above, provide amount of materials used: bentonite 240 lbs (total) 7g. Provide a ~rief deseription of .the abandonment procedure: Bore holes filled with bentonite chips to prevent "dayljghting" from other injection locations. 8. Certification: -~-~---. ---Signature of Certified Well Contrac\or or Well Owner 4/6/16 Date By signing this form I hereby certify that the well(s) was {were) abandoned in accotdande with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 2C .0200 Well C'onstroctioh Standards and that a copy of this recofd has been j,ravided to the well owner, 9, Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back pf this page to provide additional well site details or well abandonment details. Yoti may also attach additional pages if necessary, .SUBMITTAL IN~'TRUCTIONS lOa. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of wen abandomrtentto the fullowing: Division of\Vater Resource~, ~nformation Prm;essing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 IOb. For lniection Wells: In addition to sending the foiln to the address in 10a above, also submit OI\e copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division ofWaterResources, Underground InjeetiouControl Program, 1636 !\-tail service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 10c. For Water Supplv & Iniection Wells: In. addition to sending the form to the address(es) above. also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of v.-ell abandonment to the county health depart:merit of the county where abandoned. FonnGW-30 North Carolina Department of Environment and Naiural Resources --Division of Water Resources Revised August 20 I3