HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400481_DEEMED FILES_20180202Permit Number Program Category Deemed Ground Water Permit Type WI0400481 Injection Deemed In-situ GroundwaterRemediation Well Primary Reviewer shristi.shrestha Coastal SWRule Permitted Flow Facility Faclllty Name Former Caviness Grocery Location Address 3904 McConnell Rd Greensboro Owner Owner Name NC 27405 Ncdeq Dwm Ust Section-Federal & Stsate Lead Program Dates/Events Orig Issue 2/2/2018 App Received 1/22/2018 Regulated Activities Groundwater remediation Outfall Waterbody Name Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Central Files: APS SWP 2/2/2018 Permit Tracking Slip Status. Active Version 1.00 Project Type New Project Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Sharon Ghiold 1637 Mail Service Ctr Raleigh NC 27699 Major/Minor Minor Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Government -State Owner Affiliation Mark Petermann 1646 Mail Service Ctr Raleigh Region Winston-Salem County Guilford NC 27699164 Issue 2/2/2018 Effective 2/2/2018 Expiration Requested /Received Events Streamlndex Number Current Class Subbasin North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Resources NOTIFICATION OF INTENT (NOi) TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS The following are ''permitted by rule" and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance with the rules of 15A NCAC 02C .0200. This fo rm shall be submitted at least 2 WEEKS prior to iniection. AQUIFER TEST WELLS (15A NCAC 02C .0220) These wells are used to inject uncontaminated fluid into an aquifer to determine aquifer hydraulic characteristics. IN SITU REMEDIATION nsA NCAC 02C .0225 ) or TRACER WELLS nsA NCAC 02C .0229 ): 1) Passive In jection S vstems -In-well delivery systems to diffuse injectants into the subsurface. Examples include ORC socks, iSOC systems, and other gas infusion methods. 2) Small-Scale In jection O perations -Injection wells located within a land surface area not to exceed 10,000 square feet for the purpose of soil or groundwater remediation or tracer tests. An individual permit shall be required for test or treatment areas exceeding 10,000 square feet. 3) Pilot Tests -Preliminary studies conducted for the purpose of evaluating the technical feasibility of a remediation strategy in order to develop a full scale remediation plan for future implementation, and where the surface area of the injection zone wells are located within an area that does not exceed five percent of the land surface above the known extent of groundwater contamination. An individual permit shall be required to conduct more than one pilot test on any separate groundwater contaminant plume. 4) Air In jection Wells -Used to inject ambient air to enhance in-situ treatment of soil or groundwater. Print Clearly or Type Information. Illegible Submittals Will Be Returned As Incomplete. DATE: _\__,_/~2-~2.-~~· 20 -12._ PERMIT NO. w J.O 4: DO Lfg 1 (to be filled in by DWR) A. WELL TYPE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OR OPERATED (1) ___ Air Injection Well ...................................... Complete sections B through F, K, N (2) ___ Aquifer Test Well ....................................... Complete sections B through F, K, N (3) ___ Passive Injection System ............................... Complete sections B through F, H-N (4) XXXX Small-Scale Injection Operation ...................... Complete sections B through N (5) ___ .Pilot Test ................................................. Complete sections B through N (6) __ Tracer Injection Well. .................................. Complete sections B throuR.~CE.\\JEO/NCOEOJDWR B. STATUS OF WELL OWNER: Choose an item. JAN 2 2 2018 C. WELL OWNER(S)-State name of Business/Agency, and Name and Title of person delega , · r Regional sign on behalf of the business or agency: Operations Section Name(s): NCDEO . DWM. UST Section-Federal & State Lead Pro gram (TF# 30236) Mailing Address: --~1=6~4~6=M=a=i~l =S=erv~ic~e~C~e=n=te=r~-------------------- City: Ralei gh State: NC Zip Code: 27699-1646 County: WAKE DayTeleNo.: 919-707-8166 CellNo.: _________ _ EMAIL Address: Sharon.Ghiold c ,ncdenr.gov Fax No.: --~9_1~9-~5~7_1-_4~71~8~ Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOi Rev. 6/1/2017 Page 1 D. PROPERTY OWNER(S) (if different than well owner) Name and Title: ----'H=ar~o=ld~R=e~y=no=l=d=s .~P""'r-'-o,._pe~rt_y~O~w~n~e_r _________________ _ CompanyName ____ N~IA ____________________________ _ Mailing Address: ___ 3_90_0_M_c_C_o_nn_e_l_l R_oa_d _______________ _ City: Greensboro State: NC Zip Code:----'2=7'"""'4""0=6 ____ County: GUILFORD Day Tele No.: 336-707-3907 Cell No.: NIA EMAIL Address: __ ---=-N""""l""'A,....._ ________ _ Fax No.: NIA E. PROJECT CONTACT (Typically Environmental Engineering Firm) Name and Title: ----'K=ev""'i=n""'B""u=c=h=an=an==------------------------- Company Name ----'-W""'i=th=e=rs=R=a""v""'e=n=el"'".=In=c""". ______________________ _ Mailing Address: --~1~1=5~M=ac=K=e=n=an~D~n=·v~e~---------------------- City: Carv State: NC Zip Code:_=2~75~1~1,....._ ___ County: WAKE Day Tele No.:. 919-469-3340 Cell No.: 919-422-1141 EMAIL Address: __ --'k=b~u~c=h=an=an~@ ....... w~it=h=er=s=ra~v~e=n=el~.c~o=m~ Fax No.: --~9~1~9-~4~67~-~6~00~8,....._ __ _ F. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (1) Facility Name & Address: ---~(F_o=rm~e=r~) ~C~av~m~· ~e=ss~G~ro~c~e~ry~-------------- 3904 McConnell Road City: ___ G_r_e_en_s_b_o_ro ________ County_,_: G=-=u=il=fo=r--=d ______ Zip Code: 2=--7'--4'"""0'-"-5 __ _ (2) Geographic Coordinates: Latitude**: ___ 0 --__ " or 0 Longitude**: 0 "or 0 Reference Datum: _______ ---'Accuracy: ________ _ Method of Collection: _________________ _ **FOR AIR INJECTION AND AQUIFER TEST WELLS ONLY: A FACILITY SITE MAP WITH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MAY BE SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF GEOGRAPHIC COO RD INA TES. G. TREATMENT AREA Land surface area of contaminant plume: ""4.000 (Est) square feet Land surface area ofinj. well network: < 500 square feet (:s 10,000 ft2 for small-scale injections) Percent of contaminant plume area to be treated: :::,IQ% (must be :s; 5% of plume for pilot test injections) H. INJECTION ZONE MAPS -Attach the following to the notification. (1) Contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells; and (2) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, changes in lithology, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) indicating the rate and direction of groundwater movement, plus existing and proposed wells. Deemed Permitted OW Remediation NOi Rev. 6/1/2017 Page2 I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INJECTION ACTIVITIES -Provide a brief narrative regarding the purpose, scope, and goals of the proposed injection activity. This should include the rate, volume, and duration of injection over time. Pu rp ose: Reduction of Gross Contaminant Level concentrations of petroleum com pounds. Sco pe: In jection of EnviroClean surfactant into two existing 2" diameter monitorin g wells followed by the performance of a surfactant enhanced recove ry event (Aggressive Fluid/Va por Recove ry). Goals: Reduction of source area contamination throu eh removal of dissolved-phase petroleum contamination with the aid of surfactants. J. APPROVED INJECT ANTS -Provide a MSDS for each injectant. Attach additional sheets if necessary. NOTE: Only injectants approved by the NC Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services can be irijected. Approved irijectants can be found online at hnp://deq.nc.s:wv/about/divisions/water- resources/water-resources-permits/wastewater-branch/ground-water-protection/ground-water-approved-iniectants. All other substances must be reviewed by the DHHS prior to use. Contact the UIC Program for more info (919- 807-6496). Injectant: EnviroClean Surfactant Volume of injectant: __ 7'-6""1=---=G=a=ll=o=n=s ..._{1=5'-=e.a=l=lo=n=s'--'E=n=-v'-'i""'ro""C=l=e=an=--=d=il=u=te=d=-w-'-'-'-'ith=---'w'-'-'a=t=e=---r =to=-5=--0'-'¼'---s=o=l=ut=io""n=-),____ Concentration at point of injection: 5% Mixture with potable water Percent ifin a mixture with other injectants: ---=5"-'o/i-=-o-=E=n=v-=ir"""o""C=l=ean=·-=9-=5""'¾""0..,p-=o=ta=b=le"-'-'w=a=te=r _____ _ Injectant: Volume of injectant: Concentration at point of injection: Percent ifin amixture with other injectants: K. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Number of injection wells: __ O ___ Proposed ___ 2 ___ Existing (provide GW-ls) (2) For Proposed wells or Existing wells not having GW-ls, provide well construction details for each injection well in a diagram or table format. A single diagram or line in a table can be used for multiple wells with the same construction details. Well construction details shall include the following (indicate if construction is proposed or as-built): (a) Well type as permanent, Geoprobe/DPT, or subsurface distribution infiltration gallery (b) Depth below land surface of casing, each grout type and depth, screen, and sand pack ( c) Well contractor name and certification number Well Contractor Name: NIA NC Certification #:_~N~/ A~_ Deemed Permitted GW Remediation NOi Rev. 6/1/2017 Page3 L. SCHEDULES — Briefly describe the schedule for well construction and injection activities. Following approval. schedule includes: 1. Gauging, of site monitorino. wells (Da% 1 #, 2, Performance of apre-injection AFVR event (Da% 1) 3. Injection of surfactant into wells (Da\ s 1 /2) 4. Performance of a post -in iection AFVR event (Week 2 i 5, Performance of a site -wide groundwater caugion and monitoring event (Week 5j M. MONITORING PLAN — Describe below or in separate attachment a monitoring plan to be used to determine if violations of groundwater quality standards specified in Subchapter 02L result from the injection activity. After completion of infection and post -injection AFVR event at the facility. WR proposes a groundwater sampling event at the site after three -weeks' time to determine whether: a] the injection of material has had the desired effect (e.g.. reduction ofpetro]eum contaminants in eroundwater of the site). N. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT: "I hereby certify, under penalty oflaw, that I am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, 1 believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct operate, maintain. repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the 15A ACM: 1)2C 020f) Rules." Mark Brown. LG RSM, on behalf ofNCDEQ-DWM. UST Section. TF#30236 Signature of Applicant Print or Type Full Name and Title PROPERTY OWNER jif the prapert\ is not owned by the permit applicant): "As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (? J: i NCA C 02 ( o 11(J) „ "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing. SEE ATTACHED NCDEQ STATE -LEAD ACCESS AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY Signature* or Property Owner (if different from applicant) Print or Type Full Name and Tide *An access agreement between the applicant and property owner may be submitted in lieu of a signature on this form. Submit the completed notification package to: DWR — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 807-6464 Deemed Permitted OW Remediation NOI Rev. 6/1/2017 Page 4 Sharon Ghiold DWM UST Section 163 7 Mai] Service Ctr Raleigh, NC 27699-1637 Dear Ms. Ghiold: RE: Site Access Agreement Caviness Grocery 3904 McConnell Road Greensboro, Guilford Cmfnty;NC l:. WSRO -~ ·t Incident #30236 Risk/Rank: High H260D 20! 5 SEP 14 PM 3: l 8 I am/We are the owner(:s) of a pai~I of property, Iocit~ at or near the incident in question, and hereby pennit the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Department) or its contractor to enter upon said property for the purpose of conducting an investigation of the groundwaters under the authority of G.S. l 43-2 l 5.3(a)2. t, . .,.., • f }•' • n ~ • '" ~ •," I am/We are granting·pennissfon with the underst~ding that 1. The investigation shall be conducted by the UST Section of the Department's Division of Waste Management or its contractor. 2. The costs of construction, ~d m8i{ntmaqoe qf t~e site .. and .:~ess shall be home by the Department or its contractor. The Department or its contractor shall protect and prevent damage to the surrounding lands. 3. Unless otherwise agr:eed, the Department or its contractor shall have access to the site by the shortest feasible route tri the near~ publiC.•'toad :; '•The Department or its contractor may enter upon the land at reasonable times and have fulJ right of access during the period of the mvestigation. 4. Any claims which may arise against the Department or its contractor shall be goveJTied by Article 31 of Chapter ·143 of the North Carolina Oenentl Statutes; Tort Claims Against State Departments and Agencies, and as otherwise provided by law. 5. The infonn.ation derived from the investigation shall be made avaHable to the owner upon request and is a public record, in accordaQ.ce with G.S. 132-1. 6. The activities to be carried out by the Department or its contractor are for the primary benefit of the Department and of the State of North Carolina. Any benefits accruing to the owner are incidental. The Department or its contractor is not and shall not be construed to be an agent, employee, or contractor of the land owner. Caviness Grocery STF #30236 Page 2 I/We agree not to interfere with, remove, or any way damage the Department's well(s) or its contractor's well(s) and equipment during the investigation. Signatu RRDid Type/Print Name of Gwne- or Agent Phone Number YyyD lyeZoNNeiJ 4) Address 4g. Es,P5445 A / 7406 City/State/Zip Code Date 5 • • :JECT SIT 0.46 ACRE • / I F nel Wm GRAPHIC SCALE 250 500 I ch=500 n. 1000 aroWithersRavenet Engineers I Planners I Surveyors 115 MxHcr• n Drive [Cary RC 275111 c 914,1492NC f 1.se+nc a! CAB 321 wnw.wf[icnrarcr.d.com FORMER CAV1NESS GROCERY (INCIDENT R30236) B9D4 M.CONNELL ROAD GREENSBORO GUILFORD COUNTY NC GENERAL LOCATION MAP DRAWN BY: MOF SCALE 1"=500' FIGURE ND.' 1 APPROVE° 8Y: SMB DATE: 12/11/17 PROJE CT NO.: 02170214.09 KNIT -421,717Eif6A11-ilm111 - Cabo* ImerAllainatifLORICEM Y-r1.1 It! 1101T.d - Dwwlrr 11. 101i - RCnNNI RIN WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This fot m cnn be IL~cd for sinl!lc c,r multiple well~ 1. Well Contractor Information: James D. Barker Well Co111rnctorNamc 3106A NC Well Controctor Cenific<iti,m Number Quantex, Inc. C<>mp3ny Name. l. Well Construttion Permit#: NA J,i.<I all opplit•t1b/,• """ ,o,1.<1ruc#oJ1,J>rrmit., (i.,·. Cmin~•·· Stair, l'nriu11N, "'") 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: □Agricultural □Municipal/Public □Geothermal (He:iting!Cooling Supply) .□Residential Water Supply (single) OlndustrialtCommcrcial □Rc~idential Water Supply (shared) □Irrigation Non-Water Suppl~• Well: @Monitoring □Recovery Injection Well: □Aquifer Recharge □Groundwater Remediation □AquiJer Storage and Recovery □Salinity Barrier □Aquifer Test O Stom1watcr Drainage □Experimental Technology □Surn.idcncc Control OGeothennal (Clo,cd Loop) □Tracer OGcoth~'flllal (Heating •Coolin~ Return) □Other (explain Ullder #21 Remark.'\) 4. Date Well(s) Completed: 12/22/15 W.eDID# MW-1R SR. Well Location: Former Caviness Prprty NA FacilityiOwnor Name· Fncility ID# (if applicable) 3904 McConnell Road, Greensboro, NC 27406 Physical Addres.s. City. and Zip Guilford NA County 1•~rcel Jdentiikatk•n No. (PIN) Sb, Ladtude and Longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: ( 1f we II field. <>ne latlll'ng is sufficient) 36.0539921 N 79.6890857 w .. 6. ls (are) the \\eO(s). f;11Permanent or □Temporary 7. ls this a repair to an exisdng well: □Yes or f!Jlio /{/his is a repoir,ji/1 out k"°"" wt'// ,•,mstnJr.tio11 inf,rmt11itm and e,,p/ain the nature of 1/,e repair und,:r #21 remark< .uction t>r u11 the hack nf this fi.,.,,,, 8. Number of wells construrted: _O_n_e ________ _ For n,11/liple Injection or hOn-urzter .,upp{1• well., ONLJ' 11,itb the sa,nt' ron.,trMction, yo11 """ M,bmil one form. 9, Total well depth below land surface: 40' (rt.) FQr mulliple wells list all d~plhs ifdiffcr1•n1 (example-3@200' u11d l@J(J(I') JO. Static water level below top of casing: _N_A ________ (ft.) (fwater lewd Is ubo,·e ca.r/11g. tlSe "f" 711 11. Borehole di11meter: _~ _______ (In.) 12. Well construction method: _A_u....;::;g_e_r ___________ _ (i.e. auger. rowy, nble. direct push, CIC .) }.OR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Ba. Yi~ld (gpm) _______ Mt>thod of lest: _______ _ I For lnirrn:il Use ONLY : 14, WATER ZOM:S t'RO~I TO Dt:SC:RIPTION 33 fl. 35 ft. Orange Brown Silty CLAY It. ft. 1!1. OUTER C" ASJSG I for multkaHd welll l ()It J.!Nf.R llr a Do Uc-bld •·Jl<IM I TO I DIAMlTElt I THICKNE...S I MA1ERIAL 0 It. 25 rt. 2 In, Sch 40 PVC J6. INNER CASING OJt TlJBlN(; li!l.'tllllerm1I rlosrd.;aoon1 FROM TO DIAMt:n:R THICKNESS MATEIUAL ,,. fl, In. fL fl. In. J7.SCREEN FRO.\t TO DIAML"T£R Sl,OTSIZE 'l'IIICKN~ !IIATEltlAL 25 fl, 40 ft, 2 lo. 0.010 Sch40 PVC fl. ft. in. 18.GROUT FR.OM TO MATERIAi , l!,~ll'LACEI\IEN1' l\ll.'Tlt(lb &. AMOUNT 0 fL 21 fl. nea1 cement Pour -370 lbs. neat cement 21 fL 23 fl. bentonite Pour• 35 lbs. 3/8" bentonite fL ft, 19, SAJl.1)/CRA\"EL PACK llfAnnUl'llblt} FRO:\! TO MATERIAL EMPLAC1::Jl1£1\T Mt:THOD 23 ft. 40 ft. #2sand Pour ft. ft. lO. DRILLING LOG (attach IKldJ«-1 •lltet• If ntt&anll HtO~t 1'0 Dl..•,CIUl'TJO;\, f<nlnr, banla<,•• so!U-k lrnc:, nala ,lzr. rte.I 0 ft. 12 fl. Brown Moist Medium SANDS 12 fL 35 fl. Reddish Brown SILT 35 fL 40 ft. Orange Brown Silty CLAY fl, ft. It. ft. ft. fl, ft. ft. 21. llL\IARKS 22. Certifii:.+ on: ~' 6L--~ 12/24/15 -Siguture of J · ertifled Well Contractor Date .By signi!IJ; thi.< .forn,. 1 btrrby ctTtify thfll th~ ll'cll(s) was ,.,..,,,~ cm.-rructed in act1>rda11ee with 15A NCAC 02C'. 0100 ,., J 5A NCAC ll2C . ()WO Wei/ Ct1n.<1n,ct/1J11 Standard• and that o t:fJPJ ' u/J/,u-~,cl)l'd has fx-~·11 pn•vidtd ,,. 1/w wd/ owner. 23. Site diagram or additional wdl details: You may uw the back of this page to provide addiiional well site details or well construction dctaili.. You may 11lso attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMJTIALINSTIJCTJONS 24a. For AH Wells: Submit this fonn within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of W11ter QuRlity, Jnformation Processing Unit, 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699~1617 24b. f'gr Injection W,Us: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abo ve, also submit a 1,:opy of this fom1 within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Quall!)·, Undrrground lnjertion Control Program, 1636 Mall Stn•ife Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 24r. For W11ter Sup ph· & lnirdlon Well~: Tn addition to sending the form to the addn:~s(cs) abcve, also submit one copy of this fonn within 30 days of 13b. Dl sinfiection typA,• complction of well construction lo the county health department of the county L.::::.:.=.:=::.:.::::..::~•:.:__=====--_:A:.:-.::IDll:::.:u:.::n:.::t::__:=======-.l where con~1ructcd . Fonn GW-J N11rth Carolina Derartntent of Environment and Natural Resources Dh-ision of W;,tcr Quality Revis~ Jan. 201~ WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Thi$ for m c~n be used for single or multiple welt~ J.Wrll C I f ontractor n ormat1on: James D. Barker Well Co ntractor Nanic 3106A NC Wtll C'ontroctor Certification Nunii>cr Quantex, Inc. Company Name l. Well Construction Permit#: NA Li.•t oil app/i,-able u~•// c,>1i.s/rut•tion permit< (i.,•. Co111•~••• Stole. l'oriunu. r/t·J 3. Well Use (check ""ell use): Water Supply Well: □Agricultural □MunicipaliPublic O(,eothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) □Residential Water Supply (single) DindustriaL'Commercial □Residential Water Supply (shnrcd) Olrri~ation Non-Water Suppl)' Well: @Monitoring □Recovery Injection Well: □Aquifer Recharge □Groundwater Remediation □Aquifer Storage and Recovery □Salinity Barrier □Aquifer Test OStormwater Drainage Ofap.,"tlmcntal Technology □Subsidence Control □Geothermal (Closed Loop) □Tracer D<.cothennal (Heatill!! Cooling Return) DO:thcT{c.\plain undcr#21 Remarks) 4. Date Well(li) Completed: 12/22/15 Well ID# MW-2R Sa. WeU Location: Former Caviness Prprty NA Fae ility/OWlK.'I" Name Facility ID# (if'applk.ahle) 3904 McConnell Road, Greensboro, NC 27406 Physical Addi=. City, and Zip Guilford NA Coun1y Pan:d ldentilication No. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or dl'Cimal degrees: (tf well field, one laVlong is •uffi&rcnt) 36.0542164 N 79.6890255 w 6. Is (are)thewell(s). 1i11Pennanrnt or □Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing weU: □Yes or i!!No If this is o repair, fill nu/ lmo•ni ..-ell cunstnmiun infi>rmation and explain 11,c nature '!f the rrpair under t:21 remartr sectio11 or'"' the lxwk of Jhls form . 8. Number of wells constructed: 008 -----------F <>r m1tlt;p/t i,yeclion or non-water supply well< ONLI' u;1J, th e sam, con.,tr11ct/on, )"'" can $1tbmi1 on~ form. 9. Total weU depth below land surface: 40 1 . (ft.) Ft>r m11/tiplc ..-t'lls li!t all drplhs ((diffi,i•,:111 (,~ample-3@200' und 2Cfj_;l(lf.l'/ 10. Static water level below top of casing: _N_A ________ (ft.) JJ,w,te:1 · levt'I is above cosiJ1g. use •-~" 711 ll, Borehole di11meter: _~ _______ (in.) 12. Well construction mttbod: _A_u_g~e_r __________ _ (k alljler. rotary, cable. direc1 push. tic,) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 13a. \-1eld (gpm) _______ Method of test: _______ _ 13b. Dlslnfet'tlon type: Amount: 11'or lnt~m.11 l 1se ONLY: 14, WATER 7..0NES FROM TO DESC:Rll'TIOS 33 rt. 35 ft. Orange Brown Silty CLAY ft, fr, 15. OIJTER CAS1"'C lfor 111attkawd ,n•lls l OR LIN£R ti! a1>ollcllbk\ •'RO!II I TO I l>IAMf,'TI:R I l"HICKNESS I MAlt:RIAL 0 ft. 25 ft. 2 In. Sch 40 PVC 16. INNER CASISG OR TUBl~G leeoi.rmal tlMtd-1"""' FROM TO DIAMt:n:R 1HICKN~S MATERIAL (t. n. In. ft. ft. In. 17.S(1lE'£S FROM 'J'O DIAMl:'Ft:R SLOT SIU ·rmCKML'I.~ I\IATI:RIAL 25 fl. 40 fl. 2 ht. 0.010 Sch40 PVC fl. ft. In. 18.GROL'T t'ROlll TO lll.\1·ERL<l.l, £1\tPLACE.ME!\11' J\11-..'TIIOD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 21 ft. neat cement Pour -370 lbs. neat cement 21 ft. 23 n. bentonite Pour -35 lbs. 3/8" bentonite ft. ft. 19. SA."liD/GRA VEL PACK (If ■n11 Ucablrl t'ROM TO MAl"ERL-\1. K\tPLAC'E.\tE.._T i\lE"OIOD 23 ft. 40 ft. #2sand Pour ft. fl. .28. l>RlLUNG LOG (attaeb lldd!Ckmal •111.-eb U _,.._) FRCl!II ·10 DES<:IUI' flO."i itolar. llanloN,. ••ll'rotl< ,,.,,,. ,rain du.. et<, I 0 ft. 11 ft. Brown Moist Medium SANDS 11 ft. 35 n. Reddish Brown SILT 35 ft. 40 ft. Orange Brown Silty CLAY ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. 2l. ltL\1ARKS "(jt\~ ~I 6L 12/24/15 --Sienarore off ertifled Well Contractor Date .By signing this f"tm. J herrbJ· 1·"'1ifi.· 1h01 the 11rl/{s) ,..,,. (wr-rt'.I ""n.<1n,r,tc'd in uc~r,rdam,c wiih 15A NC,J(' 01(' llJOfJ or I 5A NCAC ll2C ,IJ1llll Well Constn,rt/011 Srundard, and thar o mp)' of thir rt>,•1,nl ho., t,,,,·n pt<>t1dt'd lo the 11,•I/ o».,<'r. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use 1he back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also altach additional pages if ncccss~. SUBMITIAL INSTUCTJONS 24a. For All WeUs: Submit this foml within 30 days of completion of well construdion to the following: Division or Water Quality, Information Processing Ualt, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 17699-1617 24b. for lnjrrtion WeUs: In addition to sending the form to the 11ddrcss in 24a above, also submit a copy of this fom1 \\ilhin 30 days of completion of well construction 10 the followi:1g: Division ofWatu Qwilil), Uaderground Jnjtttion Control Progra111, 16.'16 Mail Service Center, Raltigh, NC 27699-1636 24r. Fpr Watt>r Supph· & Injection Wells: In addition 11) scndint? the form lo the address(cs) abCl\::, al~o submit one copy of this form wiihin 30 days of completion of well construction to the county hc-.llth dcpartm"'nt of the county where constructed. Fom1GW-I Nc,rtb Car"lina Department c,f 1!1wirontnc:n1 and Natural R~ourc ,-s -DM$ion "f Water Qualil~· Rc\.'is~J Jan .2013 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for ~in1tle or multiple wells l. Well Contrartor Information: James D. Barker Well Contraclor Name 3106A NC Well Conlractor Certifi~ation Nuntber Quantex, Inc. Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit#: NA Lisi all applicable well ro11s//w:tio11pe1•mi1.< (I.e. County, Sro1,·, l'nri1111u, elt'.) 3. Well UM: (l'heck wrll use): Water Supply Well: □Agricultural □Municipal/Public □Geothermal <Heating'CC101ing Supply) □Residential Water Supp ly (single) Oindust.rial!Commcn:ial □Residential Water Supply (shared) Olrri~ation Non-Water Suppl)' Well: @Monitoring □Recovery Injection Well: □Aquifer Recharge □Groundwater Remediation □Aquifer Storage and Recovery O Salin:ity Barrier □Aquifer Test □Stonnwater Drainage □Experimental Technology □Subsidence Control □Geothermal (Clo~ed Loop) □Tracer OGcothennal (Hcatilll!iCoolinJ.: RctumJ □Other /exl)lain under #21 Remark.~) 4. Date Well(s) Cornplrted: 12/22/1 5 Well JD# MW-3R Sa. Well Location: Former Caviness Prprty NA Facility/Own~-r Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 3904 McConnell Road, Greensboro, NC 27406 Physical Address. City, and Zip Guilford NA Conni}' Pan:el Identification No. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Longitude in degrffl/minutl'Slseconds or decimal degrees: lif well field, one latllong is suffi~icnt) 36.0539735 N 79.6889784 w 6. Is (are) the \lell(s): @Permanent or □Temporary 7. ls this a repair to an existing well: □Yes or ~No !ftl,is is it repuir,.fi/10111 /wo1>., w<'II ct1hstn1ction in,/imnatitm und e:rplailt 11,e na1ure q(1he repair und,'r #211·enuirk< .<e<'tio11 or on tl,c buck nfthi.•form. 8. Number of wells construrted: _O_n_e ________ _ For mu/liplr 111/ertion or non-11·ater .,upflJ' wdl, ONLY ,iith the saml! con.,tr11ction, yo11 ,•un .,ubtnil one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 40' (ft.) For multiple well, list all depths if d!ffe,,,111 (example-3@20/J • and 2@JfKI') 10, Static water lenl below top of r:asing: _N_A _________ {ft.) if llU/er /ere/ is above ca.ring. use ;,+ " 7" 11. Borehole diameter: _..., ______ (in.) 12. Well construction method: _A_u ___ g_e_r ___________ _ (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct p~h, ct".) FORWATERSUPPLYWELLSONLY: I l''<>r lnltm.11 Use ONJ. Y: 14, WAT&R7.0NES •1m~1 TO DESCRIPTION 33 rt. 35 ft, Orange Brown Silty CLAY (L (t, 15. OVTl:R CASING lfnT mllllkllffll wtllll OR UNER ttf aoolJca ltld FROM TO l DIAMt::Tt:R I THICKNESS MATERIAL 0 fl. 25 Cl. 2 In. Sch40 PVC 16. INNER CASING OR 'fUBl:-IG l11eolbrnnll do.ed-la11nl FR0!\1 ·m DIAMt:Tt;R THICK.'iESS MATERIAL (I, fr. In; Cl. ft. In. 17.S<.'IUm'i tltOM TO DIAMt:'fER SI.OT SIZE TIUCKNES.~ MAU:RIAL 25 11• 40 ft. 2 In. 0.010 Sch40 PVC ft. ft. In. lll.GROl'T FROM TO MATERIAi. EMPLACEME"T ~U,'THOll & AMOt!l'i"T 0 fl, 21 fl, neat cement Pour• 370 lbs. neat cement 21 fl. 23 n. bentonite Pour • 35 lbs. 3/8" bentonite fl. fl. 19. SA?\1>/GRA VEL PACK (If au11llcablel FRI>:\! TO MATERIAi, E!\ll'LACEMENT lllETHOD 23 fl. 40 ft. #2sand Pour fl. ft. 2ft. DRILLING LOG lattarb additional 1lteetl ll nttesun'\ FROM 1'0 DF.st:llll'fll)l'i trolor.mnln,.,. ••Hlm<l< h'D<. ,nm dz,. ett.l 0 ft. 10 Cl. Brown Moist Medium SANDS 10 fl. 35 ft. Reddish Brown SILT 35 ft. 40 ft. Orange Brown Silty CLAY fl. ft. fL ft. ft. ft. fl. ft. ?J.RL'\tARKS 22. Certifi~ion: if), 6L -~ 12124/15 Signature off ertit1ed Well c.-.ntractor Date By .,;gni11g lhi.• fim11. I h~rchy ,·m[/1" tha/ /he well(•) waJ (..-,~.,,) ,·mt<lttlf'leJ in ucrorda11ce with 15,1 NCAC fl2C .0100 or 1511 Nl.'AC ()2C .()l{l(J ll'ell Constmt•lit>n S1a11dard< arid that a ,•or.i• Dflhi.• reeOl'd has f>een pnH'iilM/ 11, tire W<'ll 01mer. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may aL~o attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTJONS 24a. For AU Wells: Suhmit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Dlvhion of Water Quality, Jnforrnation Processing Unit, 1617 Mall Service Crnter. Raleigh. NC 27699-1617 24b. For Initttlon Well!i: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abo,·c:, also submit a copy of this fonn \\ithin 30 days of completion of well construction to the followin8: Dhision of Waler Quall~, Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 J\tail Sen•ice Centl.'r, lblcigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield (gprn) ________ Method of trst: _________ 24c. Fpr W?lt·r Suppl\' & lnjl'dion Wells: In addition to sending the form lo the addms(cs) abow, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Dlsinfeetion type: Amount: ________ complet ion of well eor.s1r..ic1ion to ll1e county healll1 d:partment of the col!llty L.::=-====:..::~::.:...-=====--....:.:=::::::.:=======-_J where constructed. FormGW-1 N011h Camli,1a Department nfEn\'iro11ment and Natural .Resow.:cs .. DM~fon nf\\'u1cr Quality Revi<t:d Jan. 10 I 3 EnviroClean Degassing/Hydrocarbon Removal/Remediation Chemistry PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Product Name Physical Form Color EnviroClean Clear Liquid Colorless unless dyed Specific Gravity (Water= 1) Solubility in Water Freezing/Melting Point Flash Point (°F) pH Reportable Quantity (RQ} 1 .028 +/-.01 100% NE >200° F 8.5 +/-.25 None Complete information on health hazards, protective equipment, handling precautions, environmental hazards and disposal is listed in the current EnviroClean Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product. SUMMARY EnviroClean is a non-flammable, non-toxic, water-based, proprietary blend of non-ionic ethoxylated octylphenolic surfactants that has been specifically engineered as a cleanup/mitigation agent for a wide range of hydrocarbon products. EnviroClean has been shown to be effective for quickly and effectively suppressing or completely eliminating voes, LEL's, benzene and low levels of H2S and mercaptans in open or confined spaces. EnviroClean has been used for cleanup of hydrocarbon spills and soil remediation. In these applications , EnviroClean effectively conditions (physically) the hydrocarbon such that the microbes that naturally· occur can more readily consume it. It turns hydrocarbons into a nutrient source for the microbes . When sufficiently mixed with hydrocarbon and water, the EnviroClean forms a homogeneous solution of hydrocarbon, EnviroClean and water, whi _ch is very stable. EnviroClean is a concentrated product that readily biodegrades. EnviroClean is commercially available in ~allon units , 5~allon drums , 275 and 330-gallon totes and bulk from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and Houston, Texas . Page 1 of 2 FLUID DESIGN EnviroClean is a proprietary blend of surfactants that needs to be diluted to be effective and it is very safe to workers and the environment. EnviroClean does not contain caustic, therefore does not have the common harmful side effects associated with caustic based products. The product is designed for use as a degassing agent and a cleaner/degreaser for remediation. The product does not contain any enzymes or biomass itself. It works by conditioning the hydrocarbon so that the naturally occurring microbes (bacteria) are able to readily consume it. Through the application of the appropriate dilution and mixing, the EnviroClean will capture the hydrocarbon and tie it up in a solution that is very stable. The formation of this solution results in extremely small particles that will not recoalesce. It is important to note that if EnviroClean reaches its saturation point the oversaturated hydrocarbon will breakout of solution very quickly. This will allow for easy removal or reclamation of any hydrocarbon that is not preconditioned for remediation. In addition to tying up the hydrocarbon in solution, the product is very effective when contacted with hydrocarbon vapors at suppressing volatile organic vapors, gases, and odors. Once combustible and flammable hydrocarbon vapors are tied up in the resultant solution, the solution will be very difficult to ignite . It also accelerates the biodegradation process of the hydrocarbon, thereby enhancing recycling or reclamation of water. EnviroClean has been demonstrated to be effective on gas, oil, lube oil, hydraulic oil, most petroleum-based products, animal and vegetable oils, fats, and tallow oils. EnviroClean cleans the heavy tar build-up, asphaltenes or oily residue from inside of tanks and vessels . Furthermore , once a surface has been cleaned with EnviroClean , the cleaned surface will resist the deposition of oily materials . EnviroClean can be used to cleanup oil spills whether in/on soil or hard surfaces. The first step in this process is to remove as much of the free oil as possible. This step is followed by contacting the contaminated surface appropriately with the proper dilution of EnviroClean and water. The treatment solution will contact the hydrocarbon molecules and change their behavior such that they are now essentially water soluble . The large increase in interfacial surface area creates conditions that are favorable to degradation and consumption by bacteria and microbes. The product converts hydrocarbons into a very good nutrient source for bacteria and microbes. EnviroClean is typically fed at concentrations between 1 % and 6%, depending on the nature of the hydrocarbon contamination problem. It can be diluted with most types of water -hard, soft or brackish water. The product has an unlimited shelf life when unopened. EnviroClean is effective at ambient temperatures. However, the effectiveness will increase as the tem perature of the a lication is increased. EnviroClean does not require the use of steam, but has been shown to be very effective when injected into the steam (vapor) phase. FIELD MIXING PROCEDURES Mixing Concentrates EnviroClean is usually delivered as a concentrate and must be diluted with water to work properly. Cleaning solutions can be formulated by premixing or eduction. It is not necessary to provide high shear agitation when preparing a batch of cleaning solution since EnviroClean is 100% soluble in water. It is recommended that when preparing the cleaning solution you first add the water into the mix container and then follow by the addition of EnviroClean. This will minimize foaming as the EnviroClean and water form a homogeneous solution. For premixing, the following procedure may be used: 1. Add the correct amount of water to the container. 2. Depending on the desired strength, add the correct amount of EnviroClean to the container. 3. If the final solution is not a consistent pink color, mild agitation may be required until a consistent pink color is achieved. Quality Control Testing There is no easy field testing procedure to monitor the concentration of active ingredients in the EnviroClean formulation. Visually the color changes from rose color to lighter pink as the product is further diluted. Effectiveness can also be predicted by quantifying the amount of hydrocarbon that is to be picked up. By observing the effluent from the use of EnviroClean, an adjustment in the cleaning solution concentration can be made. If it is observed that free oil is floating on the effluent Page 2 of 2 solution, then the concentration should be increased. MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS For specific protocols and application rates, please refer to the available Product Usage Guide, product label, or consult with the manufacturer or authorized distributor for additional guidance. SECTION 1 EAR ICCLEAN SAFETY DATA SHEET MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME / DESCRIPTION: EnviroClean DISTRIBUTED / MANUFACTURED BY: ENVIRO CLEAN PRODUCTS & SERVICES PO BOX 721090 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73172 DATE: 05/18/2015 PHONE: (405) 373-4545 EMERGENCY PHONE: (800) 255-3924 FUNCTION: Industrial Cleaner and Remediation Agent SECTION 2 HAZARD IDENTIFICATION CLASSIFICATION: Acute Toxicity- Oral Category 4 Skin Corrosion/Irritation Catecor\ 3 Eye Damage/Irritation ~ Category 2B Target Organ Specific Toxicity: Single Category 3 Target Organ Specific Toxicity: Chronic Category 2 SIGNAL WORD: WARNING! HAZARD STATEMENTS: Harmful if swallowed Causes mild skin irritation Causes eye irritation May cause respiratory irritation May cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS: Obtain special instructions before use Do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood Use personal protective equipment as required Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/spray Use only outdoors or in a well ventilated area Wash all exposed skin thoroughly after handling Avoid release to the environment ENVIR • : LEAN Store in a well ventilated place TOXICITY INFO: See Section 11. SECTION 3 HEALTH HAZARDS CHEMICAL NAME %WIW CAS NUMBER (Proprietary Formula) Proprietary Blend of Ethoxylated Octylphenolic Surfactants Non-ionic water based liquid blend, concentrate This product does not contain any hazardous ingredients as defined by CERCLA and California's Prop. 65. SECTION 4 FIRST AID Potential acute health effects: Eyes: May cause irritation with redness and pain. Skin: Inhalation: Ingestion: May cause irritation with redness and pain. Inhalation may cause irritation. Ingestion may cause severe irritation, corrosionfulceration, nausea, and vomiting. Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: None known. Eye Contact: Skin Contact: Inhalation: Ingestion: SECTION 5 In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with cool running water. Lift and separate eyelids while flushing with plenty- of water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention_ Wash with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation occurs. Wash clothing before reuse. Destroy contaminated shoes. Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position confortable for breathing. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek medical attention if symptoms develop. Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If large quantities of this material are swallowed, call a physician immediately. Give plenty of water. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Fire Hazard Classification (OSHAINFPA): Extinguishing Media: Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Hazardous combustion products: 0 As required for fire being fought. Use self-contained breathing apparatus. No known. E NVI R • <>' LEAN rextuors ra tart r:En SECTION 6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions, PPE, and Emergency Procedures: Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. Containment Procedures: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Do not allow the spilled product 10 enter public drainage system or open water courses. Clean -Up Procedures: Sweep up or gather material and place in appropriate container for disposal. Wash spill area thoroughly. Wear appropriate protective equipment during cleanup_ Dispose of collected material according to regulations. SECTION 7 HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Storage: Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Do not take internally. For industrial use only. Wash after handling. Don't breathe dust, vapor, or gas. Keep this and all chemicals out of reach of children. Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flames. Prevent spills, Keep container tightly closed and in a coos, well -ventilated place away from incompatible materials. Empty product containers may contain product residue, do not reuse. SECTION 8 PERSONAL PROTECTION / EXPOSURE CONTROLS Ventilation System: Always keep exposure below permissible exposure Limits. In genera], dilution ventilation is a satisfactory health hazard control for this substance. However, if conditions of use create discomfort to the worker, a local exhaust system should be considered. Airborne Exposure Limits: None Established, Personal Protection: As prescribed in the OSHA Standard for Personal Protective Equipment (29 CFR 192O.132), employers must perform a Hazard Assessment of all workplaces to determine the need for, and selection of, proper protective equipment for each task performed. Eyes: Wear face shield, safety glasses, or chemical goggles. Hands & Skin: For prolonged or repeated handling, use impervious gloves. Gloves should be tested to determine suitability for prolonged contact. Use of impervious apron and boots are recommended. Respiratory: If ventilation is not sufficient appropriate NIOSHIMSHA respiratory protection must be provided. Work Practices: Eye wash fountain and emergency showers are recommended. SECTION 9 TYPICAL PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical Form: Liquid Color: Red ENV IROCLEAN Odor: Odor Threshold: pH: Boiling Point: Melting Point: Flash Point: Evaporation Rate (Butylacetate = 1) Flammability: UEL: LEL: Vapor Pressure: Vapor Density: Specific Gravity (Water = 1): Solubility Water: Partition Coefficient: Auto -ignition Temperature: Decomposition Temperature: Viscosity (CPS): SECTION 10 Wintergreen NE 8.5+1-0.5 NE N/A >200 deg F NE Non -Flammable NE NE NE NE 1.03 +1- .05 Complete NE NE NE NE STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Incompatibility: Decomposition Products: Conditions to Avoid: SECTION 11 This product is stable under normal temperatures and pressures. Strong Oxidizers and strong acids. No Known hazardous products. Sparks/flames/high heat. TOXICOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Raw Material Test Result Route Species N/A See Section 4 for symptoms. CARCINOGENICITY: No known carcinogens, mutagens, or reproductively toxic ingredients SECTION 12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Raw Material Test Result Time Species N/A PERSISTENCE & DEGRADABILITY: NE EN1►PR ■%' LEAN BIOACCUMULATION: NE MOBILITY NE SECTION 13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Processing, use, or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements. SECTION 14 TRANSPORT INFORMATION Not Regulated by DOT or IATA. SECTION 15 REGULATORY INFORMATION US FEDERAL REGULATIONS SARA (SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT): SARA 302 EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES LIST- NA SARA 312 HAZARD CATEGORY: NA SARA 313 TOXIC CHEMICALS LIST: NA CERCLA (COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE. COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY ACT): NA RCRA (RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT) LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTES: NA CWA (CLEAN WATER ACT) LISTED SUBSTANCES: NA FDA (FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION): NA TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT (TSCA): NA IATA: NA ENVIRO' CLEAN NFPA HAZARD INFORMATION SIGN [01 [01 4 - DEADLY 3 - EXTREME DANGER 2 - HAZARDOUS 1 - SLIGHTLY HAZARDOUS 0 -NORMAL MATERIAL FLASH POINTS: 4 - BELOW 73 F 3-BELOW 100F 2 -BELOW 200 F 1 - ABOVE 200 F 0 - WILL NOT BURN [01 REACTIVITY TY HAZARD (YELLOW DIAMOND) 4 - MAY DETONATE 3 - SHOCK AND HEAT MAY DETONATE 2 - VIOLENT CHEMICAL CHANGE 1 - UNSTABLE IF HEATED 0 - STABLE SPECIFIC HAZARD (WHITE ❑IAMOND) OXY OXIDIZER ACID ACID ALK ALKALI COR CORROSIVE W USE NO WATER SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION THIS INFORMATION IS OFFERED IN GOOD FAITH AS TYPICAL VALUES AND NOT AS A PRODUCT SPECIFICATION. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS HEREBY MADE. THE RECOMMENDED INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND SAFE HANDLING PROCEDURES ARE BELIEVED TO BE GENERALLY APPLICABLE. HOWEVER, EACH USER SHOULD REVIEW THESE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE SPECIFIC CONTEXT OF THE INTENDED USE AND DETERMINE WHETHER THEY ARE APPROPRIATE. FORMER PUMP ISLAND FORMER UST AREA (UST#1&#2) FORMER CAVINESS GROCERY GRAPHIC SCALE 1inch •10 ft. LEGEND TYPE II MONITORING WELL !•OTES 1.) 2014A2RtAL OBTAINED BROLM THE LOCI. COUNTY GIS DEPARTMENT. CC 1.61 u a z 4, oRu v�,a La 0 o 5 0 .s x Ao z Lt c4 o 2 a 1 FORMER PUMP ISLAND A FORMER UST AREA (UST#1&#2) GRAPHIC SCALE 0 0 finch =10ft 20 LEGEND TYPE II MONITORING WELL (23,210) TOTAL BTEX CONCENTRATION (ug/L) - O9r28116 (1,1381 TOTAL BTEX CONCENTRATION (ug;L) - 812104 (BOL••) NO BTEX COMPOUNDS DETECTED ABOVE LABORATORY METHOD DETECTION LIMITS-12/22115 NOTES 1. IC!4 AERIAL OBTAINED FROiFTHE LOCAL COUNTY GIS DEPARTMENT. 2. ESTIMATED EXTENTOF TOTAL BTEX IN GROLUNMATER PICLUDESM ALY MA DATA FOR SAMPLES OBTAINED ON OBf2d&16 {LAW-1RR MIL MW-3R),12122/15 (MW-R)AND o32? 41tW... I ESTIMATED EXTENT OF _ BENZENE AT CONCENTRATIONS B'EXCEEDING GCL 4_(19,660) MW-1RR 1 MW-4 (1,1381 N ESTIMATED EXTENT OF TOTAL BTEX IN GROUNDWATER FORMER UST AREA -�� (UST #3) t t r 1 r 1 ,� / / 1 r l 3 / f (23,210 .� _ � f1 MW-3R � r ' ! ' , . A' J a M Y 15 02170214.09 0 kl • n 4 H CO5,4 CO APPROVCUtl1: Engineers I PLanners 1 Surveyors 2 I J FORMER PUMP ISLAND (BOt' FORMER UST AREA (UST #1 & #21 LEGEND TYPE 1I MONITORING WELL 123,210) TOTAL 8TEX CONCENTRATION (ugR) • 0928/16 (1,1381 TOTAL BTEX CONCENTRATION (uglt) - 8/21104 IOU") 2 2 NO BTEX COMPOUNDS DETECTED ABOVE LABORATORY METHOD DETECTION LIMITS - 12127J15 NOTES: 1. 2014 AER[AL OBTAINED FROM ThE LOCAL COUNTY GIS 0 EPAR'Ne4r. 2. ESTatATED EXTENT OF TOTAL BTEX IN GROUNDWATER INCLUDES ANALYTICAL DATA FOR SAMPLES WANED ON WANE (I114'-1 RR AND MW3R). 42c7115 i 4-ZR'. AND 6F7211S4 011044). GRAPHIC SCALE 0 1y° 20 fInch =10ft. 31V3S1V IiH3A 01 110 100 90 80 1 inch = 15 ft. 0 7S 15 30 HORIZONTAL SCALE 1 4(19.660) MW-1RR I MW-4 (1.138•I 70 60 (23.210 IW-3R ESTIMATED EXTENT OF BENZENE AT CONCENTRATIONS EXCEEDING GCL �- ESTIM ATED EXTENTOF TOTAL BTEX 1N GROUNDWA` FORMER UST AREA Div 73) r $I r r a L A' a GROUNDSURFAC:_ 2 SILT 31V3S 1WD11U13A 0-01 .1 sti-W?��x 120 120 110 100 90 80 70 rx C� ❑ ❑ ; 1-STORY BLOCK BUILDING 5 1 inch =15 ft. SILT L- oc a GROUND SURFACE ESTIMATED EXTENT OF BENZENE AT LEVELS ABOVE GCL VALUE ESTIMATED EXTENT OF TOTAL BTEX IN GROUNDWATER 1,138' GROUNDWATEN ELEVATION D /2Sl16(MW1>%Ft-MW 3N 23.210 0 7.5 15 HORIZONTAL SCALE 1-STORY BLOCK BUILDING 1 4 i1Ii2] 1 _r '- `--' -1— 1 ESTIMATED EXTENT OF BENZENE AT LEVELS ABOVE GCL VALUE BDL*• ESTIMATED EXTENT OF 50 TOTAL BTEX IN GROUNDWATER ax IX I' SILT 9,660 * 1,138" 30 60 SO 3 J SILT GROUNDWATER ELEVATION 23,210 09/214116 MW W-11M-M3K) SILT 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 4a n x 0 1 02170214.09 m m 3 m I 1� 1 6 1 w aJ ro CC s� Lam. 1■ En 77s MrFnw�[kwrtC.nr :1. 17-97Y.{6P[