HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400413_DEEMED FILES_20151214f Rogers, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Good morning Michael, Corley, Helen <helen.corley@amecfw.com> Monday, December 14, 2015 10:18 AM Rogers, Michael Tom Wood (tewood@coopertire.com) RE: Cooper Tire -Brown Property Site NOi WI0400414 IER.signed.pdf Pursuant to permit# WI04O0414 , I have attached the IER form with an accompanying table to convey the volume of injectant for each well ·with cylinders installed. The well record for· the new monitoring is also included for your files. Let me know if you have any questions. Best regards .. Heten Corley LG, RSM Senior Associate , Hydrogeo!ogist, Amee Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure 2801 Yorkmont Road, Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 0 704 357 5516 M 70.a 236 3494 E helen.corley@amecfvv.com amecfw.com From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael .ro gers .~ ncdenr.gov) Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 4:24 PM To: Corley, Helen <helen .corle , ,1::arnec.com> Cc: tewood (ci1 coo o ertire.com; Basinger, Corey <core ·_1_basin r:.er(a)ncdenr.gov>; Knight, Sherri <~herri .knight a.•ncdenr .. ov> Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Brown Prnperty Site NOi \t\/10400414 Thank you for submitting the Notice of Intent to Construct 01· Operate Injection Wells {NOi) for Brown Property Site located at 426-466 Ridge Street, Asheboro, Randolph County, NC 27205. The Central Office of the WQROS received your complete NOi efectronically on August 13, 2015. Please note the foltowing: Please remembe r to submit the following regarding this injection activity: 1) WeH Construction Records {GW-1) and Abandonment Records (GW-30) when completed. Please provide copies of the GW-ls and GW-30s if not alreadv submitted {originals go the address printed on the form). NOTE: Direct push or Geoprobe wells are considered wells and require construction (GW-1) and abandonment forms (GW-30). If well construction/abandonment information is the same for· the wells, on!y one form needs to be completed-just indicate total number of injection points in the Comments/Remarks section of form. These forms can be found on our website at http:L/'.Jor-tal :..e1cdenr-'o,g 1 web/wo 1aov gwpro/repo1·tin1e.-forrns 2) Injection Event Records {!ER). All injections, including air and pass ive systems require an IER . The IER can be modified for air sparge wells {e.g., air flow 'continuous' for date or rate of injection, etc.). You can scan and send these forms directly to me at m1chael.rne.ers~;ncdenr.gc\', send by fax to my attention at 919 - 807-6406, or via regular mail to address below. When submitting the above forms, you will need to enter the nine -digit alpha-humeric number on the form (i.e., \I\IIOXXXXXX) that has been assigned to the injection activity at this site. This notification has been given the deemed permit number l,'\/10400414. This number is also referenced in the subject line of this emqif. You may if you wish, scan and send back as attachments in re p ly to this emai l. as it will already have the assigned deemed permit number in the subject line. Thank you for your cooperation From: Corley, Helen [mailto:helen.corley@ amecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:26 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI Michael, Here is the electronic file, for the two well NOi on the Brown's property, saved at a reduced size. You should both packages electronically now. Thanks working with me on this, Helen Corley LG, RSM Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist, Amee Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure 2801 Yorkmont Road, Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 D 704 357 5516 M 704 236 3494 E helen.corle y@ amecfw.com amecfw.com From: Corley, Helen Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 1:01 PM To: 'Rogers, Michael' <michael.rogers @ncdenr.g ov> Cc: tewood @coo p ertire.com Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi Michael, Thank you for your response. The wells to be installed with new candles are situated on two different properties; either owned by Oliver Rubber or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown. For that reason I am sending 2 NOi packages to account for the tv .. 10 property owner signature pages. I will send them as Zipped files in separate emails in order to not exceed your email size limit. Here is the files for the two wells on property owned by the Browns. The figure is the same in both packages and the passive injection wells are indeed recognized by a different color (red) The most readily available well construction forms are Amee generated vs the GW-1. Both the Carns Fact Sheet and SDS are included for the injectant. The "candle" is relatively new as it was first used in North Carolina in 2014. It was used in l\lew Jersey a few years prior. Picture a giant purple crayon. The potassium permanganate is encapsulated in vvax to make a cylinder, which is suspended within the saturated sections of wells_. and performs as a sustained release of chemical oxidant. The technology is used for source treatment and/or as a barrier application. Please do let me know that vou receive this first of two emails on the subject. Many thanks, Hefen Corley LG, RSM Senior Associate. Hydrogeologist, Amee Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure 2801 Yorkmont Road, Ste 100. Charlotte. North Carolina 28208 D 704 357 5516 IVt 704 236 3494 E helen corley @ amecfw com arnecfw.com 2 From: Rogers, Michael Imailto,michael.ro ersf5 ncdenr.rov] Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 3:34 PM To: Corley, Helen rheien.carlevamec.com> Cc: tewood'wrcoo ertire.com Subject: Cooper Tire - Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI Helen - We received the NOI packages for the above site. Thank you. However, We only need 1 NOI package per project/site indicating the locations and number of wells to be used for passive injection. Please provide: • 1 revised NOI, sent electronically and followed up with hard copy, with the inj wells identified on the map (maybe another color and/or symbol) + GW-1 well construction records if available + MSDS Sheet Also, i am not familiar with a 'candle`, Is this the same thing as a sock Thanks Michael Rogers, P.C. (NC& FL) Hydrogeoiogist NCDENR - DWR Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Direct No. 919-807-6406 htti::_, ;,orta[.ncdenr,orL_web w•_'a, s _tiw ro.re! ortin_ _forms NOTE. Per Eirecu ive Order No. 150, oli e-moils sent ond';r m 1crs oarir.:re Eubler' rctl rh rVorti' Cvro inn Records Low end rrtov be disclosed to third pnr TE!: amec foster wheeler This message is the property of ,rust easier Wheeler plc and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipienlis) Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law Unauthorised use. copying. distribution at -disclosure of any of it may be urriavdful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of emrrI transmission_ If you have received this rTiessaae in error, please notify us immediately by reply ernail to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. This disclaimer applies to any and alf messages originating from us and set out above If you de riot wish to receive future unsolicited comrnerciar e&actronic messages from us, please forward this email to' unsubscribef}amecfw_com and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line_ It applicable. you will continue le receive invoices. protect communications and similar factual nor{ -commercial electronic! communications. Please click htto://arnecfw."corn/email-disclaimer for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK , Italy or France . INJECTION EVENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources —Division of Water Resources Permit Number W10400413 I, Permit Information Cooper Tire Permittee. Oliver Rubber Facility Name 408 Telei hone Ave. Asheboro NC 27204 Facility Address Injection Contractor Information Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure Injection Contractor/ Company Name Street Address 2$01 Yorkmont Road Charlotte NC 78708 City State Zip Code 704) '�57-8600 Arca code— Phone number 3. Welllnformatlou Number of wells used for injection 11 Weil names MW-s, g, 11, 14_ 20, 21, 23, 24 DW-1, 1S, 3 Were any new wells installed during this injection event? ❑ Yes D No If yes, please provide lie folio -wing information: Nun -,leer of M.oinitoring Wells Number of Injection Wells c Typo of Well Installed (Check applicable type): ❑ Bored Q Driilcd ❑ Direct -Push ❑ Hand -Augured ❑ other (specify't Were any wells abandoned during this injection event? ❑ Yes No Lf yes, please provide the following i_nfornzation: Number of Monitoring Wells Number of Injection Wells Please include a oapy of the GTE`-30,tvr each well abandoned 4. rnjecrant Information Potassil.l.rn Perrv_an= anate Injectant Type ' Concentration 80% if the injectannt is diluted please indicate the. source dilution fluid. in paraffin wax c ..tinder Total Volume Injected See attached table Volume Injected per well See attached table 5. Injection History (Installation) Injection date(s) 10-20- 5 Injection number (e,g_ 3 of 5?.First_in5taflatipn of 7 cylinders, after pilot test with 4 cylinders. Is this the last injection al this site? rg yes 0 No l DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE INJE-CTIO.N WAS PERFORMED WITHIN THE STANDARDS LAID OUT IN TI'!E PERM rl', Z/P /,r S} NAIL) RE 0F'1NJEC'!iON CONTRA.C'rort DATE PRINT NAME OF PERSON PFRKIRMING TNT' IN.1EC T IOro Form t!!C ;FT Rey_ 8I .•2' )" fnjectant Information (Total Volume lnstalledNolume Installed Per Well} # o f Cylinders Weight per Well ID Installed Cylinder Cylinder Dimension -MW-6 9 1.9 lbs. 18"LX 1.35"W -MW-9 4 1.9 lbs. 1 B"L X 1.35 11 W MW-11 7 1.9 lbs. 18"L X 1.35 11 W --MW-14 7 1.9 lbs. 18"L X 1.35" W J MW-20 7 1.9 lbs. 18"L X 1.35" W MW-21 7 1.9 lbs. 18"LX 1.35''W l MW-23 7 1.9 lbs. 18"L X 1.35" W MW-24 7 1.9 lbs. 18"L X 1.35" W DW-1 7 6.3 lbs. 18"L X 2.5" W DW-4S 7 6.3 lbs. 18"L X 2.5 11 W DW-3 7 6.3 lbs. 18"L X 2.5 11 W WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD TT is farm an h. used %silrei: slr rnultiTiTa +•rife 1. Wolf Club--t•etur Infornsstt}nrr: Robaat 1 i. r { s� • t� 1 For 114si nO-Use ONLY "9 11 Cuutnicsur ldamx 2675 14 Well Cuatrlclrlr CCrt Wpm lax 11 toitttt SAEDACCQ Inc 'roc 4geni1 Name Icy �L 2, VYc:T1 CrTnstrartintz PCrni!i O: vim y,�, l V T O w l 7 a - tan ark u 314.041,' wrl(yfrruni, I cr. Croat v. Seine. 1'nriri e i 14a-rim r:i--J 3, Welt t'ftt {rha S.1rrl? t1sCX: Waive' Supply Wre1I: LI ti gi 'claw itt I I-1C.4-,o1111:mal {f3etrtingt0olilln Suintl 1 f 3 induStf tnliContsudsvdA nirrizasum Triti-IN-.11r3' St1iT171,'Weil_ i Mc1Ilnrikk:_ 1o,eclktru Wen: l IAtlstlFor lteehurge DArinitr 5tgas.;c a1bI i!cr;dixri• CtA.rfitt!Lcr 1cs; 17> rne5lCtflAl i'oeh!artlogy ❑Otorttcm}aI tCiusett Loup! t JGeodtensu!I (ikaLinorCualislg P,cruniI 4. Pt to 4 efl(sl Cc 1 iI lttC4I 9_ 1-3--15 5x, 1F4'0 L.tetrturnr Cooper Tire -IX ! Roft ;chi MI MM.: fiMil nic i171! liPittiliC I.IP tsidenti111 \rotor SupPR'' lsfnge) 1:61.- itfentiul ixrntzr Eupph• I.stonx11 ORccn=xr• t1C1Ito1I d15tier Reim('illti[n L»n1iiiii 13errler Cltitrsr0S1r11lCr 13r,!ltraf JSEIhsicicacI1 Cordrai ❑later texalain tindOr Ak? t Rcursrta) } 4 41 Well 1-11111w-2 9 Ths;;11• i1-P e it ti i its 409 Telephone ]ova. , Asheboro, N.C. , 27205 Plr.gsa! Address. C115..er0Zti Randolph { Sour!,: P Is•Rj 3J:•l1l,r,cihul r Nr, 1z'i" I � 56. l;itri{tick ;ma/ fIi•(i11U111 rir elk•VS: CI! a .•111114, 1Ylt_ 1:11-1.)F1; L. ylJlitt', 111 35,584S21 7S E12412 isisrrey t e-at:11W; ePearr I rrlr uI TCe11114rrn17. i-$:. this ri ri rain to in existing sktilr 2N'r+ e5r itCiQrt 1� Jiri.• rt id rejN.ri I: i 1i irrg L•n,yr_ " t•rr r wrrrreuru,++ Vaal , c±+tern r1.r ,yrrrre•.,I r.!I, 1'r iM:i ii Illritre runic rJ:S' hr5" 7f :r.' ?'r r,r ill• i'r,= k It/ III!.:' 11"',t1. 4V E. ftirkrllItrr crTctiis ttinXltiLcteti: 1•i,r nlrltrtJllr.00.Y•NMI r,, rrfxl-n kiwi. 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TsI 1 21_ RE:MARRS Two feet bentanite zeal from a 'to 10' I KMP-'t'kk71r!Cr s:T"rtsos 20,30 71- Cerriftr_dr..Mn- S/13/2015 Vase 1 4i arknnlry ?ivy ferny..1 ecr•ru:J+• rrrlrf5 ti,r' fh; ,r,-f11nr ,vt. !L.tlrJ rnrn'IHs.4 ± e,s fa:;r.T0Rigr.'• 1,1!h ?Id rl'CrtCi):C 411r, r,i J•ia If ;dC (Pr.' J?-.'09 11'1•,7 (..1;.IAa; iiri,t Sy,InL-,r nnrFtA-4 ,, -Ale! ,rj-i'L' weyol..1 hie% terra p•.vridrsil rep ,4lr- .,rJJ aI:s11•i _ 23. SSIieillttf;saeri esrlkttdittulrstl l+'eil i1 (iiii:; '()1 rfli use t11fii tract: of it& pa* fo picwi(k etU{IttrcTll:il Ls't'.ie S!i''t doiliftt „-r 1 Lrsl JiI Bust Llctsils. You nay 0h0x4t.tlil lcfditirflntlLxlges if u.rrs..ln- ZUf ritiit -jt j,NaIR-TION'S [}[_t 2-1u. i`r,r i1. V-clix 5rstraut ties fan11 slitlutr Ill 'slaps t$ nmicisors 14 ssell mom of»tlnn•in flit rii111 .,1 iri1.: 1*11417sf Ir!'ti'xtcr Rcsau root, inform:tlio! Prrrrt irt.• r;rtir. 1b17 Mknil Su -:'ice ceurer-, Huki 15, N [; 27695-1617 (fr-1 j FOR w'r1[T C11 SUPPLY WELLS .LS O L'1 t tart. VIrid (twiny _ . ]iL'tit:,4 n: Ir-sc; 1311. i}iSiirl'CPr!Iu1 r�lrc: - rfnunur:1 24!1. fur ,III;•Clfuy) V[-gl It ONLY: In rditlilydn to st t1111:s8t ti L1; fnt'11: to Lltr ,ltitllt. 1MI 2 :t rlbt+re. al:r, Si3l11311! :I Crir nC fjW fiurrl 'IL i! flip 0) t!ri s n:.colltl1iowa:: or r.r•li :PI33l n7L'llt.01 Sri Ilke I'nitlo inv... - T}Is'[rirlsr of\VilIcc Remnirt'[•i.Lltt;lei • l'urret[1 lojecritor Cum -veil P ru0e:osi. 11136 ! II Sir' ire Ginter. Rdicl;skt. NC 37699-1 638 2Jt. FurFur W2 1tr $to l-rrly ti is triierlr 4t'ci>r r izs: tiirl+i1iei 00t coo if Ill!. f1771it 7ltll'IIIL +ti t`I+sot t:0ii11rlctls,rt 3t \-cii cousin:Z-linn In ihr rs,11n1 tiCilil 1'5 sit -'tit ,1,Cr!1 ry!- IIiC crotttdy +k-lscr. Cnncirlcle� .iiVlir [ R-_i ,ti r nit C71.1u1,,t, 3 �!'�ip,Tch1 nF i'uoel1 11 l !1i Slll7 tal n.�t: ii•:;evd:: 1r.:1 IS+'+-' -1 ., ut -'' 1 Permit Number WI0400413 Program Cate~ory Deemed Ground Water Permit Type Injection Deemed In-situ Groundwater Remediation Well Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SWRule Permitted Flow Facility Facility Name Oliver Rubber Co. Facility Location Address 408 Telephone Ave Asheboro Owner Owner Name Cooper Tire Dates/Events NC Orig Issue 8/14/2015 App Received 8/13/2015 Regulated Activities Groundwater remediation Outfall Waterbody Name 27205 Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Central Files: APS S\/1/P 8/14/2015 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Version 1.00 Project Type New Project Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County Randolph Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non-Government Owner Affiliation Tom Wood 701 Lima Ave Findlay Issue 8/14/2015 Effective 8/14/2015 OH 45840 Expiration Requested /Received Events Streamlndex Number Current Class Subbasin What is your size limit for email attachments? From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.rogers @ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 2:52 PM To: Corley, Helen <helen.corley@ amec.com> Cc: tewood @coo pertire.com Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi I could not open the ZIP drive. Try resending emails with Word attachment. If may go thru. From: Corley, Helen [mailto:helen.corley@ amecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 1:24 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: tewood @coo pertire.com Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI Hello again Michael, Here is the NOi package for the 5 wells on the Oliver Rubber property. This is the second of the two emails you are expecting for this project. One hard copy of each NOi well package was sent to you also today in overnight mail. Best regards, Helen Corley LG, RSM Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist, Amee Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure 2801 Yorkmont Road, Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 D 704 357 5516 M 704 236 3494 E helen.corle y@ amecfw.com amecfw.com From: Corley, Helen Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 1:02 PM To: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers @ncdenr.gov> Cc: tewood @coo pertire.com Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi Michael, Thank you for your response. The wells to be installed with new candles are situated on two different properties; either owned by Oliver Rubber or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown. For that reason I am sending 2 NOi packages to account for the two property owner signature pages. I will send them as Zipped files in separate emails in order to not exceed your email size limit. Here is the files for the two wells on property owned by the Browns. The figure is the same in both packages and the passive injection wells are indeed recognized by a different color (red). The most readily available well construction forms are Amee generated vs the GW-1. Both the Carus Fact Sheet and SDS are included for the injectant. The "candle" is relatively new as it was first used in North Carolina in 2014. It was used in New Jersey a few years prior. Picture a giant purple crayon. The potassium permanganate is encapsulated in wax to make a cylinder, which is suspended within the saturated sections of wells, and performs as a sustained release of chemical oxidant. The technology is used for source treatment and/or as a barrier application. 2 Rogers, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Rogers, Michael Friday, August 14, 2015 4:20 PM 'Corley, Helen' tewood@coopertire.com; Knight, Sherri; Basinger, Corey RE : Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi WI0400413 Thank you for submitting the Notice of Intent to Construct or Operate Injection Wells (NOi) for Oliver Rubber Facility located at 408 Telephone Ave., Asheboro, Randolph County, NC 27205. The Central Office of the WQROS received your complete NOi electronically on August 13, 2015. Please remember to submit the following regarding this injection activity: 1) Well Construction Records {GW-1) and Abandonment Records (GW-30) when completed. Please provide copies of the GW-ls and GW-30s if not already submitted (originals go the address printed on the form). NOTE: Direct push or Geo probe wells are considered wells and require construction (GW-1) and abandonment forms (GW-30). If well construction/abandonment information is the same for the wells, only one form needs to be completed-just indicate total number of injection points in the Comments/Remarks section of form. These forms can be found on our website at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/aps/gwpro/reporting-forms. 2) Injection Event Records (IER). All injections, including air and passive systems require an IER. The IER can be modified for air sparge wells (e.g., air flow 'continuous' for date or rate of injection, etc.). You can scan and send these forms directly to me at michael.ro gers @ncdenr.gov, send by fax to my attention at 919- 807 -6406, or via regular mail to address below. When submitting the above forms, you will need to enter the nine-digit alpha-numeric number on the form (i.e., WI0XXXXXX) that has been assigned to the injection activity at this site. This notification has been given the deemed permit number WI0400413. This number is also referenced in the subject line of this email. You may if you wish, scan and send back as attachments in re ply to this email, as it will already have the assigned deemed permit number in the subject line. Thank you for your cooperation From: Corley, Helen [mailto:helen.corley@amecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:20 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI I reduced the file size . From: Rogers, Michael (mailto:michael.rogers @ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:18 PM To: Corley, Helen <helen.corle y@ amec.com> Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi I don't really know but I can take significant sized emails . From: Corley, Helen [mailto:helen.corley@amecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 2:55 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI 1 France. 2 Rogers, Michael From: Coney, Helen <helen.corley@amecfw.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 2:54 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: tewoad c@coopertire.com; Basinger, Corey; Knight, Sherri Subject: RE: Cooper Tire - Brown Property Site NOI W10400414 Attachments: GW Contour Fig.pdf; Figure 7 (with inset).pdf; Figure 8 (with inset).pdf Good afternoon Michael, Here are the maps to complete the packages for NCIs W10400414 and WI0400413. The maps are the same for both NOIs as it is one Project Site that impacts two land owners, hence two NOIs. Thank you for your reviews and responses to the Notices. We will send you the relevant records once applicable. Best Regards, Helen Corley LG, RSM Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure 2801 Yorkmont Road, Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 D 704 357 5516 M 704 236 3494 E helen.corlev�a�amecfw.com arnecfw.com From: Rogers, Michaeljmailto:michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday, August 14, 2015 4:50 PM To: Corley, Helen <helen_corley@amec.com> Cc: tewoodgicoopertire.com; Basinger-, Corey <corev.basinger@ncdenr,gov>; Knight, Sherri <sherri.knight(ayncdenr gov> Subject: RE: Cooper Tire - Brown Property Site NCI W10400414 Helen - Evidently when you reduced the email size, you left off the X-Sections and groundwater flow maps for both sites. Please send electronically the maps for both sites. Thanks. amec foster wheeler This message is the property of Amec Foster Wheeler plc and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited_ We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission_ If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. This disclaimer applies to any and all messages originating from us and set out above. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe@amecfw.com and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. if applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click http://amecfw_com/email-disclaimer for notices and company information in relation to emaits originating in the UK, Italy or Please do let me know that you receive this first of two emaiis on the subject. Many thanks, Helen Corley LG, RSM Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure 2801 Yorkmont Road, Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 ❑ 704 357 5516 M 704 236 3494 E helen.corlevsaamecfw.com amecfw.com From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.rogers@a,ncdenr govj Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 3:34 PM To: Corley, Helen rhelen.corlev@ amec.com> Cc: tewoodPcoopertire.com Subject: Cooper Tire - Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI Helen - We received the NOI packages for the above site. Thank you. However, We only need 1 NOI package per project/site indicating the locations and number of wells to be used for passive injection. Please provide: • 1 revised NOI, sent electronically and followed up with hard copy, with the inj wells identified on the map (maybe another color and/or symbol) • GW-1 well construction records if available • MSDS Sheet Also, 1 am not familiar with a `candle'. Is this the same thing as a sock? Thanks Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Hydrogeologist NCDENR - DWR Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Direct No. 919-807-6406 http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/woiapsigwpro/reporting-forms NOTE: Per Executive Order No. 150, all e-marls sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records taw and may be disclosed to third parties. amec foster wheeler This message is the property of Amec Foster Wheeler plc and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by 3 law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. This disclaimer applies to any and all messages originating from us and set out above. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe@amecfw.com and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click htt p://amecfw.com/email-disclaimer for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. 4 Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: To: Friday, August 14, 2015 4:16 PM Knight, Sherri; Basinger, Corey Subject: Attachments: FW: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi WI0400413 OliverRubber.MWs.NOl.reduced.pdf Please find attached a NOi. From: Corley, Helen [mailto:helen.corley@amecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:20 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI I reduced the file size. From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.ro gers @ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 3:18 PM To: Corley, Helen <helen.corley@ amec.com> Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi I don't really know but I can take significant sized emails. From: Corley, Helen [niailto:helen.corle y@ amecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 2:55 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI What is your size limit for email attachments? From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.rogers @ncdenr.gov) Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 2:52 PM To: Corley, Helen <helen.corley@ amec.com> Cc: tewood @coo pertire:com Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi I could not open the ZIP drive . Try resending emails with Word attachment. If may go thru. From:·corley, Helen [mailto:helen.corley@ amecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 1:24 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: tewood @coo pertire.com Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOI Hello again Michael, Here is the NOi package for the 5 wells on the Oliver Rubber property. This is the second of the two emails you are expecting for this project . One hard copy of each NOi well package was sent to you also today in overnight mail. Best regards, Helen Corley LG, RSM 1 Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist, Amee Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure 2801 Yorkmont Road, Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 D 704 357 5516 M 704 236 3494 E helen.corley@ amecfw.com amecfw.com From: Corley, Helen Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2015 1:02 PM To: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov> Cc: tewood@coopertire.com Subject: RE: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber co·mpany Site NOi Michael, Thank you for your response. The wells to be installed with new candles are situated on two different properties; either owned by Oliver Rubber or Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown. For that reason I am sending 2 NOi packages to account for the two property owner signature pages. I will send them as Zipped files in separate emails in order to not exceed your email size limit. Here is the files for the two wells on property owned by the Browns. The figure is the same in both packages and the passive injection wells are indeed recognized by a different color (red). The most readily available well construction forms are Amee generated vs the GW-1. Both the Carus Fact Sheet and SOS are included for the injectant. The "candle" is relatively new as it was first used in North Carolina in 2014. It was used in New Jersey a few years prior. Picture a giant purple crayon. The potassium permanganate is encapsulated in wax to make a cylinder, which is suspended within the saturated sections of wells, and performs as a sustained release of chemical oxidant. The technology is used for source treatment and/or as a barrier application. Please do let me know that you receive this first of two emails on the subject. Many thanks, Helen Corley LG, RSM Senior Associate, Hydrogeologist, Amee Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure 2801 Yorkmont Road, Ste 100, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 D 704 357 5516 M 704 236 3494 E helen.corley@amecfw.com amecfw.com From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 3:34 PM To: Corley, Helen <helen.corley@amec.com> Cc: tewood@coopertire.com Subject: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber Company Site NOi Helen- We received the NOi packages for the above site. Thank you. However, We only need 1 NOi package per project/site indicating the locations and number of wells to be used for passive injection. Please provide: 2 • 1 revised NOI, sent electronically and followed up with hard copy, with the inj wells identified on the map (maybe another color and/or symbol) • GW-1 well construction records if available • MSDS Sheet Also, I am not familiar with a 'candle'. Is this the same thing as a sock? Thanks Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Hydrogeologist NCDENR - DWR Water quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Direct No. 919-807-6406 http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/w_gfaps/Rwpro/reporting-forrns NOTE: Per Executive Order No. 150, all e-mails sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. amec foster wheeler This message is the property ❑f Amec Foster Wheeler plc and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any en -ors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. if you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. This disclaimer applies to any and all messages originating from us and set out above. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe{a7amecfw.com and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. if applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please click http: lamecfw_comlemail-disclaimer for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. 3 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT OR OPERATE INJECTION WELLS The following are ''permitted by rule" and do not require an individual permit when constructed in accordance with the rules of 15A NCAC 02C .0200. This form shall be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to in jection. AQUIFER TEST WELLS 0 5A NCAC 02c .0220 ) These wells are used to inject uncontaminated fluid into an aquifer to determine aquifer hydraulic characteristics. IN SITU REMEDIATION (15A NCAC 02c .0225) or TRACER WELLS USA NCAC 02C .0229): 1) Passive Injection S v stems -In-well delivery systems to diffuse injectants into the subsurface. Examples include ORC socks, iSOC systems, and other gas infusion methods. 2) Small-Scale Injection O perations -Injection wells located within a land surface area not to exceed 10,000 square feet for the purpose of soil or groundwater remediation or tracer tests. An individual permit shall be required for test or treatment areas exceeding 10,000 square feet. 3) Pilot Tests -Preliminary studies conducted for the purpose of evaluating the technical feasibility of a remediation strategy in order to develop a full scale remediation plan for future implementation, and where the surface area of the injection zone wells are located within an area that does not exceed five percent of the land surface above the known extent of groundwater contamination. An individual permit shall be required to conduct more than one pilot test on any separate groundwater contaminant plume. 4) Air Injection Wells -Used to inject ambient air to enhance in-situ treatment of soil or groundwater. Print Clearly or Type Information. Illegible Submittals Will Be Returned As Incomplete. DATE: July 16 , 2015 __ PERMIT NO. IA }'io '-{00':-/ /5 (to be filled in by DWR) (o~ ~ ~-.(;'/e.-) A. WELL TYPE TO BE CONSTRUCTED OR OPERATED B. C. (1) ___ Air Injection Well ...................................... Complete sections B-F, K, N (2) ___ Aquifer Test Well ....................................... Complete sections B-F, K, N (3) X __ Passive Injection System ............................... Complete sections B-F, H-N (4) ___ Small-Scale Injection Operation ...................... Complete sections B-N (5) ___ .Pilot Test.. ............................................... Complete sections B-N (6) __ Tracer Injection Well ................................. -~E!NE&/l}fNRJDWR STATUS OF WELL OWNER: Business/Organization AUG 1 4 2015 WaterQualif¥ WELL OWNER-State name of entity and name of person delegated-~ ~ehalf of the business or agency: Name: _______ C~o~o_per~~T~ir~e~, _P~O~C~-~Mr~. ~T~o=m~W~o~o~d _________________ _ Mailing Address: ___ 7_0_1_L_i_m_a_A_v_e_n_u_e _______________________ _ City: Findlay State: _OH_Zip Code: 45840 County: Hancock Day Tele No.: (419) 424-4345 Cell No.: __________ _ EMAIL Address: tewood@coopertire.com Fax No.: ___________ _ UICI In Situ Rem ed. Notification (Revised 3/2/2015) Page I D. PROPERTY OWNER (if different than well owner) Name: Oliver Rubber Compan y Mailing Address: __ __,_4-=-08=---=T=e=le,.p=h"'-on::.e::...:...;Ao..:.v..::ce ______________________ _ City: Asheboro State: _NC_ Zip Code:. __ --=2=7-=2-=-04-'--County: Randolph Day Tele No.: (336) 629-1436 Cell No.: __________ _ EMAIL Address: _____________ _ Fax No.: ___________ _ E. PROJECT CONTACT -Person who can answer technical questions about the proposed injection project. Name: ---------'H=el=e=n-'C=o=r=le,..,y..,_, '°"'A~m""e=c"-'F'-'o=s=te~r--'Wh:..:..==cee:c.:l""er,....._ _______________ _ Mailing Address: ----=2=8-=-0 -=-1 -=Y-=o=rkm=o=n=t'--"R=o=a=d::i...=Su=i=te=-1:....:0a:..::0'--________________ _ City: ----'C=h=ar=l=o=tt=e ________ State: _NC_ Zip Code: 28208 County: Mecklenburg DayTeleNo.: (704) 357-8600 Cell No.: __________ _ EMAIL Address: helen.corley@ amecfw.com Fax No.: ___________ _ F. PHYSICAL LOCATION OF WELL SITE (DW-1) (1) (2) Physical Address: __ ___,4-=-0><--8 ---"T'""e~lee,;,pce,h""'on::.e"----=---'A,...,v-"en::.u""'e"--------------------- _______________________ County: Randol ph <' State: NC Zip Code: d r)-v .S / City: Asheboro Geographic Coordinates: Latitude**: ___ 0 __ __" or ----=3-=-5_0 .684655_ Longitude**: 0 "or __ -__,_79"-0 .810869 ___ _ Reference Datum: __ -=-N=A~D~8=-3 ___ Accuracy: ___ <~l=-=m=-------- Method of Collection: ______ ----==G'-""IS""------------ **FOR AIR INJECTION AND AQUIFER TEST WELLS ONLY: AF ACILITY SITE MAP WITH PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MAY BE SUBMITTED IN LIEU OF GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES. G. TREATMENT AREA Land surface area of contaminant plume: _______ square feet Land surface area of inj. well network: square feet(~ 10,000 ft2 for small-scale injections) Percent of contaminant plume area to be treated: (must be~ 5% of plume for pilot test injections) H. INJECTION ZONE MAPS -Attach the following to the notification. (1) Contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells; and (2) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, changes in lithology, existing and proposed monitoring wells, and existing and proposed injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) indicating the rate and direction of groundwater movement, plus existing and proposed wells. VIC/In Situ Remed. Notification (Revised 3/2/2015) Page 2 I. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INJECTION ACTIVITIES -Provide a brief narrative regarding the purpose, scope, and goals of the proposed injection activity. This should include the rate, volume, and duration of injection over time. Potassium perman ganate candles will be hung in the desi l!Il ated wells identified in the provided fi gures. The pu rp ose of this passive in jection is to promote chemical oxidation of chlorinated compounds present in groundwater, as demonstrated in the 2014 Pilot Test. J. INJECTANTS-Provide a MSDS and the following for each injectant. Attach additional sheets if necessary. NOTE: Approved injectants (tracers and remediation additives) can be found online at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/apsh:wpro. All other substances must be reviewed by the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Contact the UIC Program for more info (919-807-6496). lnjectant: Potassium Permanganate (RemOx SR ISCO ) Volume of injectant: --------=-1=2=--8.=8'---'c=--=u=b=ic=---=in=c=h=e=--s ------------------ Concentration at point of injection: ___ 7'-7'---=8=3-'-o/c.a..o __________________ _ Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: lnjectant: Volume of injectant: _____________________________ _ Concentration at point of injection: _______________________ _ Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: lnjectant: ---------------------------------- Volume of injectant: Concentration at point of injection: _______________________ _ Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: ____________________ _ K. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Number of injection wells: _____ Proposed" ___ S~_~Existing (2) Provide well construction details for each injection well in a diagram or table format. A single diagram or line in a table can be used for multiple wells with the same construction details. Well construction details shall include the following: (a) well type as permanent, direct-push, or subsurface distribution system (infiltration gallery) (b) depth below land surface of grout, screen, and casing intervals ( c) well contractor name and certification number UICI In Situ Remed. Notification (Revised 3/2/2015) Page 3 L. SCHEDULES - Briefly describe the schedule for well constructicm and injection activities. Well construction has&heady occurred_ Deployment of the passive iniectattt will occur in August 2015. M. MONITORING PLAN - Describe below or in separate attachment a mnnitori eg plan to be used to determine if violations of groundwater quality standards specified in Subchapter 02L result from the injection activity. Grounawates sample collection and NiteVIDES Wail CV= ally fer 12/1) a der fox perm of remedial action, Sampling ii wig_ be pezfourned in specific wells in to evade the desaadotkin of TCE and its dauehmtproducts, Menborine weak sn be azumilled air MW-6. MW-I 1c, pW-i. DW-X DW-4. DRY-2. MW-1D, MW9_ MW-21. MW-22. MW-23.1 24, MW 25 and )MW-as. Momtb* rissts will be condtglxd to the 'Ste to virataltv inspect the want/ =face water trabrttary and wells located downgrad-ient from the vplie,ation area, Gsperalwarer from monitoring wells will be collected using a disposal) bailer. Physical observations of jlb+e iletteding stroll aid odor:will be mrded in a dedicated field notebook and abatsaezanbed. The tie span between =idle emulaceieent and braatnhro,gh, of the; pannormgauate prole color to a monitoring wee is m~aefnl infonnstissaflan pertains to giouodwater flow velocity turd frame connectivity. if color age is observed in the tributary. then candlelogtb in l i uvtr dient well may be reduced or candle placement may be lid to another wciL If calm' change is not observed in nearby wells to where candle are deployoLlhen cAndikMaybe releealgO#kIneelemwell. N. 5 G ATURE OF APPLICANT AND PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT; `I hereby cerlrfy, under penalty of law, that lam familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individual immediately responstbk for obtaining mid fit, formation. I believe that the information its hue accrlmte and complete. t am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for submitting false infbnnation. 1 agree to construct, operate, maintain. repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the 15A NCAC 02C 0200 Rules.' r l E. \nLo act glyarrare ofAppltit Prim ear Type Fall Mune PROPERTY OWNER (if the property is not owned by the permit applicant); "As owner of the property on which the injection wen(s) are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent In allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Ctsrastruclwn Standards {15A NCAC 02C .0200). " "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is read property and its construction on land shill be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the ®trace of con;: c} agreement le writing. 5 tar ad Property rAwnrr (f differeii from applicant) aau t) P rial or Type Mali Name 'r A ems agr teat hetween the applicant and property Miler ry be submitted in hew of a signature an this form. uICAN Son Retard. NGtificttien (Raviaed 3/VU 15) Page 4 DW-lA TYPE II MONITORING WELL SOIL SURFACE LOCKABLE PVC CAP GROUT 6—INCH DIA, BOREHOLE 1 AY r f 2—INCH DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE r 1 i c BENTONITE SEAL n SAND PACK ;. 2—INCH DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC SCREEN (0.010 INCH SLOTS) CAP - INSTALLATION DATE 11I18 /G3 l f • l 0 0 0 COVER ASSEMBLY WITH REMOVABLE STEEL COVER DEPTH TO TOP OF BENTONITE SEAL 84.0 FT_ DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND PACK 86.0 FT. TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL 100.0 FT. SCREENED INTERVAL 90.0-100.0 FT. I GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD COOPER TIRE TELEPHONE AVE. ASHEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC MACTEC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING 1HC. 7147-E WEST T•RIE CLY AVENUE GRE✓;NSBOW, NC 27410 DRAWN: JMB DATE: MARCH 2004 DFT CHECK: SCALE: NTS ENG CHECK: JOB: 12000-1--0139 APPROVAL: FIGURE: DW-1A REFERENCE: MACTEC FIELD NOTES AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project: Oliver Rubber, Cooper Tire Asheboro, NC Number: DW"4S_, 6123-11-0367 ` FLUSHMOUNT OVERBURDEN MULTICASED WELUPIEZOMETER Client: Cooper lire Drilling Method: Air Hammer Development Method: Submersible Pump Date: 3/14/2013 Sucking Posts: N/A Item Depth, below Measuring Point (ft) Grade Elevation (ft) Subcontractor: SAEDACCO Measuring Point Type: Elevation (ft): Description Flushmount Diameter: Riser Pipe D Base of Casing Base of Casing Top of Seal. Top of Filter Pack. Top of Screen. Base of Screen. End Cap Drilled Depth Total Depth Notes: N/A 126.3 115 120 127 137 137 137 137 6 inch `Surface Seal Type: concrete pad Grout Type: Portland Type I/II cement Borehole Diameter: Casing Type: Casing ID: Borehole Diameter --Casing Type: Casing ID: 11 Grout Type: Riser Pipe Type: Riser Pipe ID: Type of Seal: Screen Type: Screen ID: Screen Slot Size: Filter/Sand Pack Type: N/A N/A N/A 6 314" 6" Schedule 40 PVC Portland Type IIII cement Schedule 40 PVC bentonite chips Schedule 40 PVC 0.010 Borehole Diameter: 4" Sump: FallbacklBackfill: Prepared by: Checked by: Date: Date: 6-INCH DIA. BOREHOLE MW-6A TYPE II MONITORING WELL SOIL SURFACE LOCKABLE PVC CAP GROUT BENTONITE SEAL a 0 0 2-!NCH DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE .- COVER ASSEMBLY WITH REMOVABLE STEEL COVER DEPTH TO TOP OF BENTONITE SEAL 2. OFT. DEPTH TO TOP OF SAND PACK 4.0 FT SAND PACK 2-INCH ❑IA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC SCREEN (0.010 INCH SLOTS) CAP INSTALLATION DATE 1j QJQ4 -:.E ,r- ra GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD COOPER TIRE TELEPHONE AVE. ASHEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA SCREENED INTERVAL 5.0-20.❑ FT, TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL 20.0 FT, MACTEC MACTEC ENGN+EERJNG AND COHSVLrwC 7347-E VEST FRFENDLY AVENUE GREENSBORO, NC Z7410 DRAWN: JMB DATE: MARCH 2004 DFT CHECK: SCALE: NTS ENG CHECK: JOB: 12000-1-0139 APPROVAL: FIGURE: MW-6A REFERENCE: MACTEC FIELD NOTES ASPHALT SURFACE LOCKABLE PVC CAP S--INCH DIA, BOREHOLE - BENTONITE SEAL 10- 2—INCH DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE SAND PACK 2—INCH DIA. SCHEDULE 40 PVC SCREEN �- (0.010 INCH SLOTS) INSTALLATION DATE 12/11 /06 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD OLIVER RUBBER COMPANY ASHEBORO, NORTH CAROLINA — COVER ASSEMBLY WITH REMOVABLE STEEL COVER a i 1 DEPTH TO BASE OF GROUT 1.0 FT. DEPTH TO } TOP OF SAND PACK 2.0 FT. SCREENED INTERVAL 3.0-18.0 FT. TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL 18.0 FT, MACTEC IdACTEC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC. 7347—E WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE GREEMORO, HC 27410 DRAWN: A.K DFT CHECK: ENG CHECK: APPROVAL: DATE: JANUARY 2007 SCALE: NTS JOB: 12000-1-0139 �n� FIGURE: MW--9A MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Project: Cooper Tire -Oliver Rubber 12000-1-0139-2 Number: MW-14A FLUSHMOUNT OVERBURDEN WELL/PIEZOMETER Client: Cooper Tire Date: 5/28/2009 Subcontractor: SAEDACCO Drilling Method: Air Rotary Hammer Development Method: submersible pump Bucking Posts: Measuring Point Type: Top Of Riser Elevation (ft): xxx Item Depth, below Elevation Measuring Point {ft) (ft) Grade Riser Pipe 0 Top cf Seal 8 Top of 10 Filter Pack Top of 12 Screen Base of 27 Screen End Cap 27.5 Drilled Depth 28 Total Depth 28 Notes: Description Flushmount Diameter. 6 inch Surface Seal Type: concrete pad BacktillfGrout Type: Portland Type I/II cement Riser Pipe Type: Schedule 40 PVC Riser Pipe ID: Borehole Diameter: 6 inch Type of Seal: bentonite chips Screen Type: Screen ID: Screen Slot Size: Screen Length: Filter/Sand Pack Type: Sump: FailbacklBackfill: Schedule 40 PVC 0.010 15 feet GP#3 Eller sand 6 inch Prepared By: Date: Checked By. Date: CARUS REMEOIATION CAS Registry No_ 7722-64-7 EINECS No_ 231-760-3 CAS Registry No 64742-51-4 EINECS No_ 265-154-5 RemOxe SR ISCO reagent has been specifically manufactured for environmental applications such as remedlation of stalls and associated groundwater. This product can he used co degrade a variety of contaminants including chlorinated solvents, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, phenolics, organo-pesticides, and substituted aromatics. REMEUTATI0N GRADE RemOx SR is manufactured with RemOxe S iSCO reagent. RemOx S meets Carus specifications and a certificate of analysis is available upon request for the RemOx S product used to manufacture RemOx SR, CHEMICAL/PHYSICAL C4T�. Formula KMnO4 in paraffin wax Formula Weight KMnO4: 158.0 g/rnol Wax: not determined Form Extruded solid of granular crystalline inside wax Decomposition of KMnOa may start at 150° C/ 302' F Congealing point of wax is 54-57° CI 129-I34' F Paraffin wax will start to melt at 55° CI l32° F DESCRIPTION Potassium permanganate crystals or granules are dark purple encapsulated in a clear wax. Standard sixes are 1.35 in (3.4 cm) or 2,5 in (6.4 cm) diameter by 18 in (45,7 cm ) long with 77-83% by weight KMnOR. APPLSC.T10N5 RemOx SR was developed to provide a sustained release of potassium permanganate for soil and groundwater treatment of: Chlorinated ethenes, phenolic compounds, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, RDX, HMX, and various pesticides, RemOx SR can be emplaced in the subsurface using direct push technology or suspended into existing wells, This technology can be used for source treatment as well as barrier applications. F-447" RelnOx4r SR ISCO Reagent FACT SHEET SHIPPING CONTAINERS RemOx SR 1.35 in (3.4 crn) by 18 in (45.7 cm) cylinders - Qty I21box Corrugated box that is 12.5 in (31.75 cm) by 10.625 in (26,9137 cm) by 22 in (55,88 cm) with foam insert. Weight of box is 3.383 Ibs (1,534 kg). Weight per cylinder is 1.931 Ibs (0.875 kg) or 23.172 Ibs (10.510 kg) per box. Total weight of box and cylinders is 26.555 Ibs (12.045 kg). (Domestic and International) RemOx SR 2.5 in (6.4 cm) by 18 in (45.7 cm) cylinder Qty 6/box Corrugated box that is 12.5 in (31.75 cm) by 10.625 in (26.987 cm) by 22 in (55,88 cm) with foam insert. Weight of box is 3.303 lbs (1.498 kg). Weight per cylinder is 6.348 Ibs (2.879 kg) or 38.088 Ibs (17.276 kg) per box. Total weight of box and cylinders is 41.391 Ibs (18.774 kg). (Domestic and international) Specialty packaging above was designed to insure delivery of cylinders without breakage. Orders can only be placed as full boxes in multiples of 6 or 12 depending on the cylinder dimensions. Packaging meets UN performance -oriented packaging requirements. SHIPPING RemOx SR is classified as an oxidizer in accordance with the classification requirements of the Hazardous Materials Transportation regulations. It is shipped under Interstate Commerce Commission's (ICC) Tariff 19. Proper Shipping Name: Hazard Class: Identification Number: Label Requirements: Packaging Requirements: Sections: Shipping Limitations: Minimum quantities: Rail car: See Tariff For destination Truck: No minimum Postal regulations: Information applicable to packaging of oxidizers for shipment by the U.S. Postal Service to domestic and foreign destinations is readily available from the local postmaster. United Parcel Service accepts 25 Ihs as largest unit quantity properly packaged; (consult United Parcel Service). Regulations concerning shipping and packing should be consulted regularly due to frequent changes. Oxidizing solid. n.o.s. (potassium permanganate) (RQ- 100) Oxidizer UN 1479 Oxidizer 49 CFR Parts 100 to l99 173.152, 173.153, f 73.194 CARUS CORPORATION ONE COMPANY EN0LESS S0L11TI0HS CORPORATE HEAD ODARTERS1715Tilt Steel. Pere IL 61356 l Tel + 1.815.223.150D 1-000-635-68561 Fax _ 1,015,274.66971 Web: wmr.earusehem.cum 1 E-leeiI, 3a[esrekticarusehem,eam CARUS EDRPE 1 Pa re xe Empresariai de 74IP01 CiSecend! oo Rotes 3. Plana 1. Ofictna 13-16 133620 Cares. Ltanera Spain l lei +34.99525 55.13 7 Fax ..24.995.79.55,10 t56105 WATER. JINING 1 Jiangmiac Md13ge. Ershihpu lawn. Renelson g District, Jininl City,1 Shandong Rev/ince. China. 27200P I Tel +06,057.7219.1220I Fax +16,051.7279,1379 The lsformarlon contained hereon is acxurne co doe knot of our Iu.oweedte H°.rerer, dam saftty snnda,ds and government regulations are subject to change: and d.e evndYduns of holding, use or misuse of die plodss wee beyond our oomv°t Carus CorpotatIon makes no warranty, alder expressed or irepeed, 'Including any warranties of mershannblllq xtd fermis fora prdcusar purpose. Carus also disclaims all kabiery kr enhance on the complem.ess a unarming accuracy of any mrormanan included hereon. Shen stools/ sanely 4 dhemsar.n Neat they are men Of di current dau rekrans co theft pert olar eseysh Cans and Desire as colt resod terYls.eOOfk of C.,a. Cnrpu nua.. Sono.' i.. rersse•nd uadumuk ulGvua Cnrpuaoon. Rai t1te a httsrON516te Cr9Re' Caterh a rep.rered ser.iee mark of de Anevean Chemistry Count This product may be cc..ered by smear mare kernel by Spee tlty Bah Sdenee. Copynght2O11 ev. 01/13 Corm RX 1649 [_ CARDS REMEDIATIDN CAS Registry No. 7722•64.7 EINECS No. 231 -760-3 CAS Registry No. 64742-51-4 EINECS No 265-154-5 CORROSIVE PROPERTIES RemOx' SR 1SCO reagent Is compatible with many metals and synthetic materials. Natural rubbers and fibers are often incompatible. Solution pH and temperature are also important factors. The material must be compatible with either the acid or alkali also being used. In neutral and alkaline solutions, RemOx SR is not corrosive to iron, mild steel, or stainless steel; however, chloride corrosion of metals may be accelerated when an oxidant such as permanganate is present in solution. Plastics such as polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride Type I (PVC I), epoxy resins, fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), Penton, Lucite, Viton A, and Hypeion are suitable. Teflon FEP and TFE, and Tefzel ETFE are best Refer to Material Compatibility Chart. Aluminum, zinc. copper. lead, and alloys containing these metals may be (slightly) affected by RemOx SR solutions. Actual studies should be made under the conditions in which permanganate will be used. RemOxaSR ISCO Reagent FACT SHEET I4ANLs1ING, STORAE, AND 1NCOMAPTff311-1TY Protect containers against physical damage. Eye protection should also be worn when handling RemOx SR as a solid or in solution. Avoid breathing vapors or mists of the wax. Exposure or inhalation may cause irritation. RemOx SR is stable and will keep indefinitely if stared in a cool, dry area in closed containers. Concrete floors are preferred to wooden decks. To clean up spills and leaks, follow the steps recommended in the MSOS or eSDS. Be sure to use goggles, rubber groves. and respirator when cleaning up a spill or leak. Avoid contact with acids, peroxides, and all combustible organic or readily oxidizable materials including Inorganic oxidizable materials and metal powders. With hydrochloric acid, chlorine gas is liberated. Avoid hearing wax to 200° C (392° F} In the presence of potassium permanganate. RemOx SR is not combustible. but it will support combustion. it may decompose if exposed to intense heat. Fir may be controlled and extinkuished by I ,jnjaree auantitigk of water. Refer to the MaDS or eSDS for more infot7natio0 CARUS CORPORATION ONE COMPANIY, ENDLESS SOLUTIONS epepORATE'sEAOOUNTERS 1315 Fifth Sueet Pen 1161354 ! Tel , 1.615.223.1500 i 1-806-435-415d I Fax+ T.815.22d d&i71 Weh: w w.caruscfum.cele I E-Mal salramkterarmscilee.tam CARUS EUROPE I Pasqua Env resari alde ASIPO 1 CiSerundino Huns 3. Planla 1. 0ririne 13-16 132426Cayes. !Janata Spells 1Tel+3h.98S.78.55.131F3a+3i985.76.55,10 CARUS WATER, RHINO t Jiang miao Y11age. ErshilipoTown. Rene helg ais iieL Jirtirgi City_ I Shandan0 Previica. China. 272600 I T4l+H.653.7279.122117 Fax +86.101.7279.1339 The ,nlwmaciom cnnalr.ed herein K accurate ro the bast of our knawlgdge. WOWeVer, data, ofecy sranda,dt and government regulations e subtect re. change: and the conditions of handling use or misuse of die product are teyand olrr Control Carus Corporadce maces no warranty, enter expressed or xoPunch indehne any 'Narratives of merchenrabiNW and Fmese lac a parecular purpose. Gres else declaims ati lehtkry for eelance oh toe compIcce,ess or conerming ncwacy or any inba-madoe Included Imam. LF0 n aho.Ad eases rhemseiree chat they are aware of all :.utvent don relaxant la them particular eta4s). Cuua , n [snip, Ls a raj teed amha nark of Carats Corpore... nemOx' n a rce neied trademark of Carus Corymenon Resprumh1e Cars' is rrg,.Lcred,on. .nuh vide American Ownrmsey Cou.dl_ The preeL er may at termed crane or more learner enm Spceulry eu-er 30se.cm. 4�? RESPPONeSIBLERCAR Copyright 2012 rev. 01113 form RX 1649 -.elk F a' J $vn Material name: RemOx® SR ISCO reagent SDS No. Not available. Version #. 61 Issue date: 11-20-2012 Revision date: - SOS BRAZIL 117 1. Identification (company Product name Manufacturer/Supplier Address Telephone E-mail Website Contact person Emergency Telephone Recommended use and Limitati SAFETY DATA SHEET name & product) RernQx® SR ISCO reagent CARUS CORPORATION 315 Fifth Street, Peru, IL 61354, USA 815 223-1500 - All other non -emergency inquiries about the product should be directed to the company salesmkt@caruscorporation.com www.caruscorporation.com Dr. Chithambarathanu Pillai For Hazardous Materials [or Dangerous Goods] Incidents ONLY (spill, leak. fire, exposure or accident), call CHEMTREC at CHEMTREC®, Brazil (local): +(55)-2139581449 CHEMTREC®, Other countries: 001 (703) 527-3887 ons on use Recommended use RemOx SR is used for soit and groundwater remediation by in situ or ex situ chemical oxidation and as an active agent in subsurface reactive barriers for treatment of: chlorinated ethenes. phenolic compounds, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, R❑X, HMX. and various pesticides. RemOx SR can also be used for non barrier applications as well. Limitations on use Use in accordance with suppliers recommendations. SDS number 2. Hazards identification GHS classification Physical hazards Health hazards Environmental hazards Label elements Symbols Signal word Hazard statement Precautionary statement Prevention Response Disposal Not available. Oxidizing solids Acute toxicity (Oral) Skin corros[onlirritation Acute hazards to the aquatic environment Chronic hazards to the aquatic environment Category 2 Category 4 Category 10 Category 1 Category 1 Danger May intensify fire; oxidizer. Harmful if swallowed. Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Very toxic to aquatic life. Very toxic to aquatic fife with long lasting effects, Keep away from heat. KeeplStore away from clothingllcombustible materials. Take any precaution to avoid mixing with combustibles. Do not breathe dust. Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. VVash thoroughly after handling. Avoid release to the environment. Immediately calla POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. In case of ire: Use water for extinction. IF SWALLOWED: Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower. IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. VVash contaminated clothing before reuse. Collect spillage. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. 3. Composition/information on ingredients Substance or mixture Substance Material ID #. 910833 Material name: RemOx® SR ISCO reagent SDS BRAZIL 217 SDS No. Not available. Version#: 01 Issue date: 11-20-2012 Revision date: - Chemical property Chemical name Potassium permanganate Composition comments 4. First aid measures CAS Number Concentration(%) 7722-64-7 60-85 All concentrations are in percent by weight unless ingredient is a gas. Gas concentrations are in percent by volume. First aid measures for different exposure routes Inhalation Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. For breathing difficulties, oxygen may be necessary. Get medical attention immediately. Skin contact Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Immediately flush skin with plenty of water. Get medical attention immediately. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Eye contact Ingestion Most important symptoms and effects Contact with skin may leave a brown stain of insoluble manganese dioxide. This can be easily removed by washing with a mixture of equal volume of household vinegar and 3% hydrogen peroxide, followed by washing with soap and water. Immediately flush with plenty of water for up to 15 minutes. Remove any contact lenses and open eyelids wide apart. Continue rinsing. Get medical attention immediately. Immediately rinse mouth and drink plenty of water. Never give anything by mouth to a victim who is unconscious or is having convulsions. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs. Get medical attention immediately. Contact with this material will cause burns to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Permanent eye damage including blindness could result. Personal protection for first-aid Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to responders protect themselves. For personal protection, see section 8 of the MSDS. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Notes to physician 5. Fire-fighting measures Extinguishing media Extinguishing media to avoid Specific hazards during fire fighting Special fire fighting procedures Protection of fire-fighters Specific hazards arising from combustion Specific methods Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. In case of shortness of breath, give oxygen. Decomposition products are alkaline. Brown stain is insoluble manganese dioxide. Flood with water from a distance, water spray or fog. The following extinguishing media are ineffective: Dry chemical. Foam. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Halogenated materials. Oxidizing agent, may cause spontaneous ignition of combustible materials. By heating and fire, corrosive vapors/gases may be formed. Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire. Selection of respiratory protection for firefighting: follow the general fire precautions indicated in the workplace. Prevent runoff from fire control or dilution from entering streams, sewers, or drinking water supply. Dike fire control water for later disposal. Self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire. Selection of respiratory protection for firefighting: follow the general fire precautions indicated in the workplace. May intensify fire; oxidizer. May ignite combustibles (wood, paper, oil, clothing, etc.). Contact with incompatible materials or heat (135 •c / 275 °F) could result in violent exothermic chemical reaction. Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Cool containers exposed to flames with water until well after the fire is out. Prevent runoff from fire control or dilution from entering streams, sewers, or drinking water supply. Water runoff can cause environmental damage. Selection of respiratory protection for firefighting: follow the general fire precautions indicated in the workplace. Dike fire control water for later disposal. 6. Accidental release measures Personal precautions Environmental precautions Material ID#: 910833 Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep upwind. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing. Avoid inhalation of vapors and contact with skin and eyes. Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. Do not allow to enter drains, sewers or watercourses. Contact local authorities in case of spillage to drain/aquatic environment. Material name: RemOx® SR ISCO reagent SOS BRAZIL 3/7 SDS No. Not available. Version#: 01 Issue date: 11-20-2012 Revision date: - Emergency procedures 7. Handling and storage Handling Technical measures Local and general ventilation Precautions Safe handling advice Storage Technical measures Suitable storage conditions Incompatible materials Safe packaging materials Keep combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. Should not be released into the environment. Stop leak if possible without any risk. Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Clean up in accordance with all applicable regulations. Clean up spills immediately by sweeping or shoveling up the material. Do not return spilled material to the original container; transfer to a clean metal or plastic drum. To clean up potassium permanganate solutions, follow either of the following two options: Option # 1: Dilute to approximately 6% with water, and then reduce with sodium thiosulfate, a bisulfite or ferrous salt solution. The bisulfile or ferrous salt may require some dilute sulfuric acid (10% w/w) to promote reduction. Neutralize with sodium carbonate to neutral pH, if acid was used. Decant or filter and deposit sludge in approved landfill. Where permitted, the sludge may be drained into sewer with large quantities of water. Option # 2: Absorb with inert media like diatomaceous earth or inert floor dry, collect into a drum and dispose of properly. Do not use saw dust or other incompatible media. Disposal of all materials shall be in full and strict compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to permanganates. To clean contaminated floors, flush with abundant quantities of water into sewer, if permitted by federal, state, and local regulations. If not, collect water and treat as described above. Never return spills in original containers for re-use. Take any precaution to avoid mixing with combustibles. Provide adequate ventilation. Do not breathe dust or mist or vapor of the solution. Do not get this material in your eyes, on your skin, or on your clothing. Use Personal Protective Equipment recommended in section 8 of the MSDS. If clothing becomes contaminated, remove and wash off immediately. Avoid release to the environment. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Good personal hygiene is necessary. Wash hands and contaminated areas with water and soap before leaving the work site. Take any precaution to avoid mixing with combustibles. Store locked up. Keep container tightly closed and in a well-ventilated place. Store in a cool, dry place. Store away from incompatible materials. Follow applicable local/national/international recommendations on storage of oxidizers. Acids. Peroxides. Reducing agents. Combustible material. Metal powders. Keep in original container. 8. Exposure controls/personal protection Exposure limits US. ACGIH Threshold Limit Values Components Potassium permanganate (CAS 7722-64-7) Engineering measures Material ID#: 910833 Type Value TWA 0.2 mg/m3 Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation. An eye wash and safety shower must be available in the immediate work area. Material name: RemOx® SR ISCO reagent SDS BRAZIL 4/7 SDS No. Not available. Version#: 01 Issue date: 11-20-2012 Revision date: - Personal protective equipment Respiratory protection Hand protection Eye/Face protection Skin and body protection Thermal hazards Hygiene measures In case of inadequate ventilation or risk of inhalation of dust, use suitable respiratory equipment with particle filter. Measurement Element: Manganese (Mn) 10 mg/m3 Any particulate respirator equipped with an N95, R95, or P95 filter (including N95, R95, and P95 filtering facepieces) except quarter-mask respirators. The following filters may also be used: N99, R99, P99, N100, R100 or P100. Any supplied-air respirator. 25 mg/m3 Any supplied-air respirator operated in a continuous-flow mode. Any powered, air-purifying respirator with a high-efficiency particulate filter. 50 mg/m3 Any air-purifying, full-face piece respirator equipped with an N100, R100, or P100 filter. Any supplied-air respirator with a tight-fitting face piece that is operated in a continuous-flow mode. Any powered, air-purifying respirator with a tight-fitting face piece and a high-efficiency particulate filter. Any self-contained breathing apparatus with a full face piece. Any supplied-air respirator with a full face piece. 500 mg/m3 Any supplied-air respirator operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode. Emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations or IDLH conditions - Any self-contained breathing apparatus that has a full face piece and is operated in a pressure-demand or other positive-pressure mode. Escape Any air-purifying, full-face piece respirator equipped with an N100, R100, or P100 filter. Any appropriate escape-type, self-contained breathing apparatus. Wear chemical-resistant, impervious gloves. Use protective gloves made of: Polyethylene. Laminate (PE/EVOH) gloves are recommended. Frequent change is advisable. Suitable gloves can be recommended by the glove supplier. Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles). Wear face shield if there is risk of splashes. Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing. Rubber or plastic apron. Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary. When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Keep from contact with clothing and other combustible materials. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product. Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. 9. Physical and chemical properties Appearance Physical state Form Color Odor Odor threshold pH Melting point/freezing point Boiling point, initial boiling point, and boiling range Flash point Auto-ignition temperature Solid. Solid. Dark purple. Not available. Not available. Not applicable. Paraffin wax will start to melt at 55° Cl 132° F. Not applicable. Not available. Not available. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Flammability (solid, gas) Non combustible. Flammability limit -lower Not available. (%) Flammability limit -upper (%) Material ID#: 910833 Not available. Material name: RemOx® SR ISCO reagent SOS BRAZIL 5/7 SDS No. Not available. Version#: 01 Issue date: 11-20-2012 Revision date: - Explosive limit -lower(%) Explosive limit -upper(%) Vapor pressure Vapor density Evaporation rate Relative density Density Solubility Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water) Decomposition temperature Viscosity Molecular weight Other data Molecular formula Oxidizing properties 10. Stability and reactivity Stability Reactivity Conditions to avoid Incompatible materials Hazardous decomposition products Possibility of hazardous reactions Not available. Not available. Not available. Not applicable. Not applicable. Not available. Not available. Not available. Not available. Decomposition of KMnO4 may start at 150° Cl 302° F . Not applicable. KMnO4: 158.0 g/mol. Wax: Not determined. KMnO4 in paraffin wax Strong oxidizing agent. Stable at normal conditions. The product is non-reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport. Contact with incompatible materials or heat (135 •c / 275 °F) could result in violent exothermic chemical reaction. Rubber. Acids. Peroxides. Reducing agents. Combustible material. Metal powders. Contact with hydrochloric acid liberates chlorine gas. By heating and fire, corrosive vapors/gases may be formed. Contact with combustible material may cause fire. Can explode in contact with sulfuric acid, peroxides and metal powders. Starts to decompose with evolution of oxygen (02) at temperatures above 150 ·c. Once initiated, the decomposition is exothermic and self sustaining. 11. Toxicological information Acute toxicity Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Causes respiratory tract burns. Harmful if swallowed. Components Species Test Results Potassium permanganate (CAS 7722-64-7) Acute Oral LD50 Routes of exposure Symptoms Skin corrosion/irritation Serious eye damage/irritation Respiratory sensitizer Skin sensitizer Germ cell mutagenicity Carcinogenicity Toxic to reproduction Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Aspiration hazard Material ID#: 910833 Rat Eye contact. Skin contact. Ingestion. Inhalation. 780 mg/kg, 14 days, (Male) 525 mg/kg, 14 days, (Female) Contact with this material will cause burns to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Permanent eye damage including blindness could result. Causes severe skin burns. Causes serious eye damage. Not classified. Not classified. Not classified. Not classified. Not classified. Not classified. Not classified. Not classified. Material name: RemOx® SR ISCO reagent SDS No. Not available. Version #: 01 Issue date: 11-20-2012 Revision date: - SDS BRAZIL 6/7 Chronic effects May cause damage to respiratory system. Prolonged exposure, usually over many years, to manganese oxide fume/dust can lead to chronic manganese poisoning, chiefly affecting the central nervous system. Other information 12. Ecological information Ecotoxicological data No other specific acute or chronic health impact noted. Components Species Test Results Potassium permanganate (CAS 7722-64-7) Aquatic Fish LC50 Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) 2.7 mg/I, 96 hours, static 2.3 mg/I, 96 hours, flow through 2.3 mg/I, 96 hours 1.8 -5.6 mg/I Carp (Cyprinus carpio} 3.16 -3.77 mg/I, 96 hours 2.97 -3.11 mg/I, 96 hours Goldfish (Carassius auratus) 3.3 -3.93 mg/I, 96 hours, static Milkfish, salmon-herring (Chanos > 1.4 mg/I, 96 hours chanos) Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 1.8 mg/I, 96 hours 1.08 -1.38 mg/I, 96 hours 0.77 -1.27 mg/I, 96 hours Ecotoxicity Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Persistence and degradability Expected to be readily converted by oxidizable materials to insoluble manganese oxide. Bioaccumulation Potential to bioaccumulate is low. Mobility in soil The product is water soluble and may spread in water systems. Other adverse effects None known. 13. Disposal considerations Residual waste Contaminated packaging Local disposal regulations 14. Transport information International regulations IATA UN number Proper shipping name Hazard class Packing group Special transport precautions and conditions IMDG UN number Proper shipping name Hazard class Packing group EmS Marine pollutant Special transport precautions and conditions Material ID#: 910833 Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies. Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container is emptied. Rinse container at least three times to an absence of pink color before disposing. Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal. Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. UN1479 Oxidizing solid, n.o.s. (Potassium permanganate) 5.1 II Read safety instructions, MSDS and emergency procedures before handling. UN1479 OXIDIZING SOLID, N.O.S. (Potassium permanganate) 5.1 II F-A, S-Q Yes Read safety instructions, MSDS and emergency procedures before handling. Material name: RemOx® SR ISCO reagent SDS BRAZIL 717 SOS No. Not available. Version#: 01 Issue date: 11-20-2012 Revision date: - 15. Regulatory information Applicable regulations Montreal Protocol Not applicable. Rotterdam Convention Not applicable. Stockholm Convention Not applicable. 16. Other information List of abbreviations References Issued by Company name Disclaimer Material ID#: 910833 This chemical product safety data sheet was prepared in accordance with the Brazilian Standard (ABNT NBR 14725-4: (Safety data sheet for chemicals (SOS))). Not available. HSDB® -Hazardous Substances Data Bank Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTE CS) EPA: AQUIRE database NLM: Hazardous Substances Data Base ACGIH Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices Carus Corporation The information contained herein is accurate to the best of our knowledge. However, data, safety standards and government regulations are subject to change and, therefore, holders and users should satisfy themselves that they are aware of all current data and regulations relevant to their particular use of product. CARUS CORPORATION DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FOR RELIANCE ON THE COMPLETENESS OR ACCURACY OR THE INFORMATION INCLUDED HEREIN. CARUS CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED HEREIN. All conditions relating to storage, handling, and use of the product are beyond the control of Carus Corporation, and shall be the sole responsibility of the holder or user of the product. (Carus and design) is a registered service mark of Carus Corporation. RemOx® is a registered trademark of Carus Corporation. Copyright 1998. Mj OLIVER RJBBER COMPANY REFERENCE: MAW-12 N MW-8 otnrAtir ou. 1 d CM 7HIA LYNN Bl1RKHEART 03E-914 .99 PG35 • • WCNAEL DEAN NANCY KERN 1,3S-156A PB9 PC35 M W—' 7 W-13 MW- 1,n-.3 MW 15 n.4w-8 JAMES 4 I PANE P. ALLRED� 373- 557 PB¢ PG35 MA AE SPENCER 1131-519 PB9 PG35 • 'FOLLOW & BETTY FARRR 917-180 PA7 PG33 VIRGINIA V. BRADY 1087-39 PET PG33 ELsA euLLMIS 7O3-352 • s i 1 MICHA_L T. DENAItK @ WIFE N(=FI A G. )FNAV[N D 1526-P996 I 1 MARIO IY.C..0:1EL df ALEJANDRO ARROYO YOBB-53B P89 PG35 WRGINIA 1A a RACY 1127-973 P89 PG35 JOSEPH E. 2r IF NA BROWN 1055-462 PB9 PG35 • L IJ1 W-19 JOSEPH E. do LENA 0. BROWN 01400-P234 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 1 no 50 0 100 MW-25 ritikp LEGEND a5 MONITORING WELL — APPROXIMATE PROPERTY BOUNDARY TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE DITCH (1,7) TCE CONCENTRATION TCE CONCENTRATION EXCEEDS 2L STANDARD (Ns) NOT SAMPLED (c1.0) BELOW DETECTION LIMITS MW-26 TCE RESULTS IN pg/L FROM MARCH 2015 2L STANDARD FOR TCE = 3 pg/L TCE CONCENTRATION >3,0 TCE CONCENTRATION >30 CURRENT WELLS WITH ISCO CANDLES ADDITIONAL WELLS FOR ISCO CANDLES MONITORING WELL TO BE SAMPLED PLANNED MONITORING WELL EXCAVATION FOR SEDIMENT REMOVAL ACTION FOR ZINC 10 m Pit foster wheeler u E r Li t LL 2 L MAP SOURCE: 2012 Regional Lund Surveyors 5:1AuioCPD Drawings Only -CHECK OUT BEFORE DELETIN1\Envi ranrnentollNat S228\1200-1-1039 Pshehoro Cooper Tire\Remediol Action Pilot TeFigure 9 TCE in Groundwater (3-'5) 061515-bwg - Fgure 5 - 10. 2015 9:43orr - micl.ael.flonik �M) OLIVER RUBBER COMPANY 4MW-2 847.92) W-12 (846.80) `'W-8 (847.72) 1.� L CYNTIXA LINN BIINNNEART 03E-914 P69 PG35- MICHA L DEAN & NANCY KERN 1435-1589 P89 PC35 (839.63) (8420 JAMES II & _ ❑IAC4 R. Al RFD 1373-5813 PR9 PC35 OLA MAE SPENCLN 1131-519 Sp P99 9633 ..ter MW-1 (842.36) I MICHAEL T. DEHAVEN & 16FE ANCELA C. OEHAVEH D1�526-P -- MAR.0 RODRIGUEZ & ALEJANDRO ARROYO 2022-58' VIRGINIA N. BRADY 1127-973 P69 PC35 MACON PRDPERIIE5. LLC 1684-1764 P699 PG43 JOSEPH E. & LENA 8Rpy5V 1055-462 PH9 PG35 JOSEPi. E. & IENA O. BROWN =234�5 W- 2 (826.41 LEGEND MONITORING WELL -- APPROXIMATE PROPERLY E3OLINDARY TRIF3UTARY DRAINAGE DITCH (831.58) GROUNDWATER E I F VA IION 840-- GROUNDWATER CONTOUR (P114) NOT MEASURED FLOW DIRECTION f Sao 825 $MW-19 (837.19) MW-20 (831.56) fM (840.2 L 820 REFERENCE: HI.LIAM & BETTY FARR 917 180 PB2 PC33 VIRGINIA M. BRADT 1087-39 P82 PG33 ELSIA BUWNS 703 -352 P62 PC33 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET :DC 0 SOD Rb >srkEr "5+ MW--76 (837.53) MAP SOURCE' 2012 Regionol Lind SNriey0r5 y OQ1 W-27 (815.95) EN, C� ry FIGURE No 6123-11-0367 2 m 0 U x CD = t 0 m P.\AutoCA0 Drowings Only -CHECK OUT BEFORE DE: ING\Environmentol\Nol 6225/1200-1-1039 Asheboro Cooper Tire\Remedial Action Pilot Test '141Figure 3 CMf Elevation Contour Map (2014) 061915.dwg - Figure 3 - Jun. 19. 2015 10:25am - soroh.perry 00 a tttttttttt L L 414+ 0 oo 111111114 La 0 00 0 w 00 00 O V�i LEGEND GROUNDWATER `_ — ELEVATION SAPROLITE BEDROCK WELL SCREEN (10.4) TCE CONCENTRATION IN pg/L �.�--CONCENTRATION >3.0 APPROXIMATE HORIZONTAL SCALE 100' 50' 0' 100' APPROXIMATE VERTICAL SCALE 20' 10' 0' 20' NOTES: 1, GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS USED IN THIS CROSS-SECTION WERE FROM DECEMBER 2013. 2. ELEVATIONS OF GROUND SURFACE AND DEPTHS TO BEDROCK, TAKEN FROM MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION TABLE AND BORING LOGS, RESPECTIVELY. 3. ALL CONCENTRATIONS USED IN THIS CROSS-SECTION WERE FROM DECEMBER 2014_ 4. NC 2L S7ANDARD FOR TCE IS 3.0 Ng/L. TCE PLUME amec foster wheeler VERTICAL EXTENT X-SECTION A -A' Oliver Rubber Company 408 Telephone Avenue Asheboro, North Carolina DESIGNATES WELL WITH MW21 PERMANGANATE APPLICATION. PREPARED BY: MOF DATE: 7/8/15 CHECKED 8Y: HC DATE 718115 JOB NUMBER: 6123-11-0367 P: IICAD FIGURE- 7 Drowinge Onby'CHECK OLT BEFORE DELVING \EnvkanmencoI\Not 622B\1200-1-1039 Aehebvra Cooper TTre\Rsmedal Action Rot TeFIgures 7 & B 061915.dwg — FIGURE 7 — Jul, 10, 2015 9r54om — mlahad.flantk illiliilli Hllittttt 414114 4111111111111111 N 0 ll +4 0 LEGEND GROUNDWATER - ELEVATION rt.-A SAPROLITE BEDROCK WELL SCREEN (17.2) TCE CONCENTRATION IN Wg/L TCE CONCENTRATION >3.0 tallb TCE CONCENTRATION >30 DESIGNATES WELL WITH PERMANGANATE APPLICATION. Dist-3 APPROXIMATE HORIZONTAL SCALE 100' 50' at 100' APPROXIMATE VERTICAL SCALE 20' 10' 0' 20' NOTES: 1. GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS USED IN THIS CROSS-SECTION WERE FROM DECEMBER 2013. 2. ELEVATIONS OP GROUND SURFACE AND DEPTHS TO BEDROCK, TAKEN FROM MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION TABLE AND BORING LOGS, RESPECTIVELY. 3. ALL CONCENTRATIONS USED IN THIS CROSS-SECTION WERE FROM DECEMBER 2014. 4. NC 2L STANDARD FOR TCE IS 3.0 pg/L. amec foster wheeler TCE PLUME VERTICAL EXTENT X-SECTION B-B' Oliver Rubber Company 408 Telephone Avenue Asheboro, North Carolina PREPARED BY: MDF PATE 718115 CHECKED BY: HC DATE: 7/8115 JOB NUMBER 6123-11.03S7 FIGURE: 8 P:1/wtoCAD Drawings Only" OHECK OUT BEFORE DELEf1NCI,EnJironmentc1\Not 8228\1200--1-1039 Aah.6ana Cooper Tire \Remedol Action Pilot TeFguraa 7 & 9 051915.Ewg — FIGURE 5 — Jul. 10, 2015 9:54am — minha�l.flonik