HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130037 Ver 1_Application_20130109    S TATE  OF  N ORTH  C AROLINA   D EPARTMENT  OF  T RANSPORTATION   B EVERLY  E AVES  P ERDUE  E UGENE  A. C ONTI , J R .  G OVERNOR  S ECRETARY       January 4, 2013 Mr. John Thomas U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 RE: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Bowers to Lake Railroad Improvements Project, Davidson County, NC TIP C-4901A, D Federal Aid Project No. FR-HSR-000S(681) Debit $240.00 from WBS No. 49010.1.STR04 Dear John, The North Carolina Department of Transporta tion (NCDOT) Rail Division (Rail Division) proposes to make safety improvements to appr oximately 4.2 miles of rail within the North Carolina Railroad Company (NCRR)/Norfolk S outhern Corporation (NS) railroad corridor extending from station “Bowers” to a point approximately 250 feet south of station “Lake” in Davidson County (Figure 1). The project area a ssociated with the C-4901 project encompasses approximately 183.3 acres and generally consists of th e area within 100 feet of the center of the existing railway and outward along Upper Lake Ro ad (State Route [SR] 2024) and Turner Road (SR 2005). Along these roadways, the project area extends up to 1475 feet from the existing rail line with widths that range from 75 to 350 feet from the roadway center. The C-4901 project has been split into two com ponents that have each been determined to demonstrate independent utilit y: a track work component of the project and a safety improvements component of the project (per a meeting between the Rail Division, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE], and the N.C. Division of Water Qu ality [NCDWQ] held on April 5, 2012). This permit application requests authorization for Sectio n 404 jurisdictional area impacts associated with the railroad improveme nts portion of the projec t [C-4901A (preparation of the roadbed) and C-4901D (installation of the second rail)]. Informati on within this package has been prepared to support the application for an In dividual Permit (IP) along with the Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 2 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   associated NCDWQ General Wate r Quality Certification, and a NCDWQ State General Permit for Impacts to Isolated and other Non-404 Juri sdictional Wetlands and Waters (IWGP100000). The rail within the project corri dor currently consists of a single track, a llowing one train access to this portion of the rail at any given time. The Rail Division proposes to construct a second track adjacent to the existing track. The rail corridor north of Bowers and south of Lake currently has double tracks and this project will e liminate traffic bottlenecks. This section of rail previously contained two track s; however, portions of the double track were removed as redundant in the 1960’s as part of a signal system improvement pr oject. Since that time, rail traffic has greatly increased and additional cap acity and service reliability are needed. In addition, the alignments of specific curves in this section inhibit the abil ity to achieve high speed passenger train service. The propos ed project will realign the thr ee curves within the study area that are currently greater than 1º 30' to improve them to the 90 miles per hour design speed for higher speed passenger service. This will include th e 1º 54' curve beginning just south of Jimmys Creek (depicted on the attached Design Plans as “Hamby Creek Trib”) and the 2º curve that it transitions into (depicted on the attached Desi gn Plans, Sheets 10-12). This compound curve ends just north of Lower Lake Road. The propos ed project will also improve the 2º curve beginning south of Abbotts Creek (Design Plans, Sheet 18). The curve realignments will also benefit freights by reducing drag and hence re ducing fuel consumption, emissions, and wheel noise. Therefore, NCDOT’s track improvements within the corridor focus on increasing safety, track capacity, reliability, and train speed. Purpose and Need This project will facilitate and support future increased passenger rail service for the NCRR Piedmont Corridor 3rd and 4th Frequencies pr ogram, which will provide two additional round trips per day between Raleigh and Charlotte and serve nine stations: Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Burlington, Greensboro, High Poin t, Salisbury, Kannapolis, and Char lotte. Because this corridor development plan consists of the expansion of an existing service, there are no changes planned in the classes of service, fare policies, or service quality standards. The 3rd and 4th frequency program includes projects which must be complete d in order to provide mo re frequent passenger rail service along the NCRR Pied mont Corridor. These projects comprise improvements to part of the Southeast High Speed Rail (SEHSR) corridor connecting New York/Boston south to Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, and Miami, FL, and southwest to Atlanta, GA, ultimately connecting to the Gulf Coast High Speed Rail Co rridor extending to Louisiana. It will also benefit the host railroads on the corridor including Norfolk Southern Railway, CSX Transportation (CSXT), and NCRR. The NCDOT, th e Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, and the Federal Railroad Administ ration (FRA) have already completed a Tier I EIS and the FRA issued a Record of Decision for the portion of the SEHSR corridor between Charlotte and Washington, DC. This project is one of several Tier II studies being undertaken for the portion of the SEHSR corridor between Charlotte and Raleigh. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 3 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   This project will improve overall corridor ca pacity and improve passenger train schedule reliability by allowing freight and passenger trains to quickly and efficiently maneuver past one other. In addition, the implemen tation of this project is intende d to provide a combination of alignment and safety improvements to provide high speed passenger service on one of the most heavily traveled railroads in the state. Project Organization This project is divided into two sections:  Rail grading (C-4901A), which will include pr eparation for the sec ond track, replacement of the rail bridge superstruc ture over Abbott’s Creek, replacem ent of the rail bridge over Jimmy’s Creek, and rehabilitation of the rail bridge over Rich Fork Creek;  Track work (C-4901D), which includes the inst allation of 4.1 miles of the second track. Summary of Project Impacts Based upon 65 percent plans dated November 15, 2012, and Permit Drawings dated December 6, 2012, the project is anticipated to permanently impact approximately 1154 linear feet of streams and approximately 3.48 acres of jurisdictional wetland areas. In addition to jurisdictional wetlands, one isolated wetland area is anticipated to receive 0.51 acre of impact. All impacts to jurisdictional streams and jurisdictional and isolat ed wetland areas are anti cipated in conjunction with the C-4901A portion of the project. The att ached Permit Drawings depict the locations and extents of jurisdictional and isolated area im pacts, and the attached Wetland Permit Impact Summary provides details of impacts at each impact site. The following table lists the geographic coordinates fo r each waterbody crossing. Table 1. Project Impacts Locations Site NC State Plane, feet (NAD 83) WGS 84, decimal degrees Easting Northing Latitude Longitude Site 1 1,660,285.682 771,347.442 35.863981 -80.146554 Site 2 1,659,732.423 771,117.222 35.863331 -80.148412 Site 3 1,658,662.509 770,451.501 35.861468 -80.151996 Site 4 1,657,842.467 769,662.628 35.859275 -80.154733 Site 5 1,657,451.689 769,283.618 35.858221 -80.156036 Site 6 1,657,022.613 768,866.809 35.857062 -80.157468 Site 7 1,656,509.528 768,304.632 35.855502 -80.159177 Site 8 1,655,882.375 767,696.037 35.853810 -80.161269 Site 9 1,655,056.912 766,860.993 35.851489 -80.164022 Site 10 1,654,313.997 766,293.784 35.849907 -80.166506 Site 11 1,653,608.381 765,697.082 35.848245 -80.168863 Site 12 1,652,638.423 765,103.476 35.846583 -80.172112 Site 13 1,650,454.350 764,672.675 35.845329 -80.179464 Site 14 1,646,105.996 764,038.572 35.843444 -80.194110 Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 4 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Table 1. Project Impacts Locations (continued) Site NC State Plane, feet (NAD 83) WGS 84, decimal degrees Easting Northing Latitude Longitude Site 15 1,644,270.478 763,475.907 35.841837 -80.200279 Site 16 1,643,622.627 763,193.418 35.841040 -80.202454 Site 17 1,643,069.831 762,848.186 35.840073 -80.204304 Site 18 1,641,948.401 762,232.086 35.838343 -80.208063 Summary of Project Mitigation Based upon agreements stipulated in the “Memorandum of Agreement Among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natura l Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District” (MOA), it is understood that the North Carolina Ecosys tem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) will assume responsibility for satisfying Clean Water Act co mpensatory mitigation requirements for this project. The offsetting mitigation provided by the NCEEP will derive from an inventory of assets already in existence within U.S. Ge ological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) 03040103. A total of 1,474 warm-water stream mitigation credits and 6.77 riparian wetland mitigation credits will be purchased through the NCEEP in-lieu fee program. A Mitigation Acceptance Letter from the NCEEP, dated Ja nuary 4, 2013, is attached. NEPA DOCUMENT STATUS The Environmental Assessment (EA) document for this project was finalized in October 2011 and was submitted to the appropriate regulator y agencies for review. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was approve d on March 28, 2012 and is attached. INDEPENDENT UTILITY This project is in complian ce with 23 CFR 771.111(f) which lis ts the characteristics of independent utility of a projec t and includes the following: (1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope. (2) Have independent util ity or independent significance, i.e ., be usable and be a reasonable expenditure even if no additional transportati on improvements in the area are made; and (3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 5 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   RESOURCE STATUS Water resources in the study area are located within NCDWQ sub-basin 03-03-07 of the Yadkin River basin (U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] Hydrologic Unit [HU] 03040103). All streams within the project area are classified as NCDW Q Class C waters. No designated anadromous fish waters or Primary Nursery Areas are presen t in the study area. No designated High Quality Waters (HQW), Outstanding Resource Waters (O RW), or water supply watersheds (WS-I or WS-II) are located within 1.0 mile downstream of the study area. The project lies within the Yadkin River Ba sin (USGS HU 03040103); th erefore, no streams within the study area are subject to any N.C. River Basin Buffer Rules. Delineations of streams and wetlands subject to Section 404 jurisdiction were performed by Axiom biologists from April 22 through Septem ber 14, 2012. Jurisdictional areas identified within the study area, with the exception of seve ral extensions of previously-delineated and approved areas submitted in July 2012, were verified by John Thomas of the USACE and Amy Euliss of the NCDWQ during field visits on August 26, 2009 and August 3, 2010. Additions to the jurisdictional area inventory for this projec t after August 3, 2010 consis t of extensions to approved jurisdictional systems. An approved Determination of Jurisdiction ha s been provided by the USACE and is dated November 20, 2012. 303(d)-LISTED STREAMS The North Carolina Final 2012 303(d) list of impaire d waters identifies Rich Fork as impaired due to poor biological integrity based upon fish sampling and Hamby Creek as impaired due to high levels of copper. Abbott’s Creek and Jimmy s Creek are not listed; however, approximately 6 miles downstream of the project area, Abbotts Creek is listed as impaired due to turbidity, and less than 0.5-mile downstream of the study area, Jimmys Creek drai ns into the impaired Hamby Creek. During the August 26, 2009 field verifi cation visit, the NCDWQ request ed that particular care be taken to protect these water resources. In orde r to ensure that the project does not further degrade impaired waters, the Rail Division will employ NCDOT’s Design Practices for Sensitive Watersheds (15A NCAC 04B .0124). Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 6 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   RESOURCE IMPACTS Based upon 65 percent plans dated November 15, 2012, and Permit Drawings dated December 6, 2012, total project impacts are antic ipated to impact 14 streams fo r a total of 1154 linear feet and 7 jurisdictional wetland areas for a total of 3.48 acres. In addition to jurisdictional wetlands, one isolated wetland area is anticipated to rece ive 0.51 acre of impact. The attached Permit Drawings depict the locations a nd extents of jurisdictional and isolated area impacts, and the attached Wetland Permit Impact Summary provides details of impacts at each impact site. The following tables (2a and 2b) list impact details and proposed mitigation for each permit site. Individual permit sites are desc ribed in the following section. Table 2a. Jurisdictional Streams Im pacted by the Proposed Project Site JD Reference Stream Names Permanent Impact Type Temporary Impacts (linear feet) Permanent Impacts (linear feet) Proposed Mitigation Ratio Warm-Water Stream Mitigation Credits Required 1 Stream 1 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 16 77 2:1 154 1 Stream 2 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 10 114 2:1 228 1 Stream 3 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension -- 35 1:1 35 2 Stream 4 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 10 132 1:1 132 3 Stream 5 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 32 116 2:1 232 4 Stream 6 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 5 220 1:1 220 5 Stream 7 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 5 36 1:1 36 6 Stream 9 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 17 110 1:1 110 9 Stream 11 UT to Jimmys Creek -- 43 -- -- -- 11 Stream 12 Jimmys Creek (Hamby Creek Trib) Culvert Removal -- *44 *-- *-- 11 Stream 13 UT to Jimmys Creek Fill Slope -- 69 1:1 69 12 Stream 14 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 10 144 1:1 144 14 Stream 20 UT to Rich Fork -- 58 -- -- -- 18 Stream 24 UT to Abbotts Creek Culvert Extension 16 57 2:1 114 Total: 222 1154 -- 1,474 *Permanent impacts to Jimmy’s Creek (Hamby Creek Trib) are a ssociated with the alignment of the section of Jimmy’s Creek removed from the existing culverts with stable upstream and downstream reaches. Please see the description of activities presented in the Permit Site 11 narrative below. As these im pacts are incurred in the process of removing Jimmy’s Creek from culverts, no mitigation fo r these impacts is proposed. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 7 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Table 2b. Jurisdictional and Isolated Wetl ands Impacted by the Proposed Project Permit Site JD Reference Permanent Fill (acres) Mechanized Clearing (acres) Excavation (acres) Total Permanent Impacts (acres) Proposed Mitigation Ratio Riparian Wetland Mitigation Credits Required 7* Wetland 4* 0.38* 0.15* -- 0.53* --* --* 8 Wetland 5 0.09 0.10 -- 0.19 1:1 0.19 10 Wetland 7 0.17 0.07 -- 0.24 2:1 0.48 11 Wetland 9 1.98 0.25 0.02 2.25 2:1 4.50 13 Wetland 13 0.01 0.02 -- 0.03 2:1 0.06 15 Wetland 20 0.04 0.03 -- 0.07 2:1 0.14 16 Wetland 21 0.45 0.18 -- 0.63 2:1 1.26 17 Wetland 23 0.03 0.04 -- 0.07 2:1 0.14 Total : 3.15 0.84 0.02 4.01 -- 6.77 *Wetland 4, located at Permit Site 7, has been determined by th e USACE to be Isolated; therefore, mitigation is not required by the USACE, although mitigation may be required by the NCDWQ under the State General Permit for Impacts to Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional We tlands and Waters (IWGP100000) if impacts exceed 1.0 acre. Permit Site 1 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 05). Permit Site 1 entails the replacement of the exis ting 30-inch concrete and stone culvert (CSC) that conveys the perennial Str eam 1 under the rail with a longe r, 42-inch welded steel pipe (WSP) that will be installed by trenchless methods (jack and bore). The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a 4-foot tail ditch with sides c onsisting of Class I rip rap. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable materi al (grout) and left in place. The existing headwalls on the CSC will be removed. Approxima tely 77 feet of Stream 1 (approximately 64 feet on the upstream side of the rail and approx imately 13 feet on the downstream side of the rail) will be placed inside the new 42-inch WSP. The portions of Streams 2 and 3 that will be covered with fill from the expanded railway slope will be placed within 5-foot lateral base ditches located at the toe of the new fill slope. Approximately 114 linear feet of Stream 2 and the entirety (approximately 35 linear feet) of Stream 3 will be permanently impacted by this redirection. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to perennial Streams 1 and 2, and at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 3. This rail crossing occurs over a re latively steep, narrow stream valle y, and existing fill slopes are steep. A gabion basket wall was previously pro posed for placement along the south side of the rail in order to minimize the footprint of the f ill slope necessary to s upport the additional track and avoid impacts to the three small streams lo cated along this side of the existing rail. Discussions between the Rail Division, NS, and natural resource agencies have led to the Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 8 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   removal of these baskets from design plans due to concerns about stru ctural strength and long- term stability. The use of fill slopes is proposed in order to avoid future instability issues. Permit Site 2 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 05). Permit Site 2 entails the replacement of the ex isting 30-inch by 36-inch CSC that conveys the intermittent Stream 4 under the ra il with a longer, 42-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. A 3-f oot base ditch will be placed at the upstream end of the WSP and will tie to the existing st ream channel to direct flow through the new culvert. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a shor t tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap and of a length sufficient to tie immediately into the existing stream channel. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls of the CSC will be removed. A total of 132 linear feet of th e intermittent Stream 4 will be impacted by the proposed culvert installation. Appr oximately 79 feet of Stream 4 on the upstream side of the rail and approximately 53 feet of Stream 4 on the downs tream side of the rail will be placed inside the new 42-inch WSP. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 4. Permit Site 3 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 06). Permit Site 3 entails the replacement of the exis ting 36-inch CSC that conveys the intermittent Stream 5 under the rail with a longer, 72-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. A 5-foot lateral base ditch that conveys runoff from the toe of the new roadway slope will intercept the intermittent Stream 5 a nd direct it to the new WSP. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a shor t tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap and of a length sufficient to tie immediately into the existing stream channel. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls of the CSC will be removed. A total of 116 linear feet of th e intermittent Stream 5 will be impacted by the proposed culvert installation. Appr oximately 80 feet of Stream 5 on the upstream side of the rail and approximately 36 feet of Stream 5 on the downst ream side of the rail) will be placed inside the new 72-inch WSP. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 5. Permit Site 4 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 07). Permit Site 4 entails the replacement of the exis ting 24-inch CSC that conveys the intermittent Stream 6 under the rail with a longer, 36-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a standard tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap and of a length sufficient to tie immediately into the existing stream channel. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls on the CSC will be removed. A total of 220 linear feet of the Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 9 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   intermittent Stream 6 will be impacted by the proposed culvert installation. Approximately 95 feet of Stream 6 on the upstream side of the rail (including the stream origin) will be placed inside the new 36-inch WSP and approximately 115 feet of Stream 6 on the downstream side of the rail will be realigned to di scharge appropriately from the WSP to the existing stream channel. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 6. Permit Site 5 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 07). Permit Site 5 entails the replacement of the exis ting 24-inch CSC that conveys the intermittent Stream 7 under the rail with a longer, 36-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a standard tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap and of a length sufficient to tie immediately into the existing stream channel. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls on the CSC will be re moved. A total of 36 linear feet of Stream 7 will be realigned to discharge appropriately fro m the WSP to the existing stream channel. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 7. Permit Site 6 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 08). Permit Site 6 entails the replacement of the ex isting 30-inch by 36-inch CSC that conveys the perennial Stream 9 under the rail with a longer, 48-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a 4-foot tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap. The exis ting CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls on the existing CSC will be removed. A total of 110 linear feet of the intermittent St ream 9 will be impacted by the proposed culvert installation. Approximately 76 feet of Stream 9 on the upstream side of the rail will be placed inside the new 48-inch WSP and approximately 34 feet of Stream 9 on the downstream side of the rail will be realigned to discharge appropriate ly from the WSP to the existing stream channel. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre w ill result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compen sate for permanent imp acts to the intermittent Stream 9. Permit Site 7 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 08). Permit Site 7 involves approximately 0.38 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 3 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. Th e toe of the proposed sl ope, which will extend into the wetland area, will be protected by means of a filter fabric lined with Class II rip rap on a 2:1 or flatter fill slope. The ar ea within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 10 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   cleared of vegetation, representing a maximum of 0.15 acre of additional permanent impacts; however, the majority of this wetland area is inundated and unvegetated. Wetland 3 is an NC WAM Bottomland Hardwood Fo rest with a functiona l rating of Low. Wetland 3 was determined by the USACE to be isolated and therefore not considered jurisdictional by the USACE; however, the NCDWQ may assert jurisdiction over this resource under the State General Permit for Impacts to Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters (IWGP100000), and may require mitigation if impacts to this resource increase to exceed 1.0 acre. Permit Site 8 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 09). Permit Site 8 involves approximately 0.09 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 5 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. Th e toe of the proposed sl ope, which will extend into the wetland area, will be protected by means of a filter fabric lined with Class I rip rap on a 2:1 or flatter fill slope. The ar ea within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an additional 0.10 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 5 is a NC WAM Bottomland Hardwood Forest with a functional rati ng of Low. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to Wetland 5. Please note that impacts to We tland 5 are calculated between stations 7635+50 to 7639+60. Additional permanent impacts to Wetland 5 (0.16 acr e) due to fill slope expansion and the adjacent Stream 10 (87 linear feet) due to culver t installation have been previously permitted under the C-4901B/C project (Bowers to Lake Safe ty Improvements) in association with the crossing of Upper Lake Road over the rail. Permit Site 9 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 10). Permit Site 9 entails the excavation of a 5-foot lateral base ditch to intercept runoff from the proposed railroad slope and direct flow to the perennial Stream 11. No permanent impacts to Stream 11 are anticipated; however , the tying of the proposed ditc h into the stream channel is anticipated to temporarily impact 43 linear feet of the stream. This section of channel will be temporarily dewatered to minimize tu rbidity to downstream waters. Permit Site 10 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 10). Permit Site 10 involves approximately 0.17 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 7 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double -track associated with the rea lignment of the adjacent curve. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill sl ope will be cleare d, representing an additional 0.07 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 7 is an NC WAM Bottomland Hardwood Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitiga tion is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to Wetland 7. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 11 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Permit Site 11 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 11). Permit Site 11 involves permanent fill to Wetland 9 in association with the straightening of a curve in the rail and permanent fill to the intermittent Stream 13 due to the placement of an abutment on the west side of Jimmy’s Creek (d epicted on the attached Design Plans and Permit Drawings as “Hamby Creek Trib”) for a proposed new bridge. This relocation of the track will result in permanent fill to approximately 1.98 acres of Wetland 9, and the placement of the proposed bridge abutment will result in fill to 69 feet (including the origin) of the intermittent Stream 13. Drainage from the remaining wetla nd area will be maintained subsequent to the removal of Stream 13 by means of a 5-foot base ditch located at the toe of the proposed fill slope. Excavation of this ditch to maintain wetland drainage will re sult in 0.02 acre of excavation. Additionally, the area wi thin 10 feet of the proposed fill slope and base ditch will be mechanically cleared, represen ting an additional 0.25 acre of pe rmanent impacts, for a total impact to Wetland 9 of 2.25 acres. Wetland 9 is an NC WAM Riverine Swamp Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitiga tion is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to Wetland 9. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio for impacts to the intermittent Stream 13. Subsequent to bridge construc tion and the placement of the pr oposed tracks on the new bridge, the culverts conveying Jimmy’s Cr eek under the existing rail line will be removed. Culvert removal will permanently impact approximately 256 square feet (0.059 acr e) of Jimmy’s Creek due to the minor shaping of stream banks in orde r to align the geometry of the newly liberated stream channel with stable upstream and downstream reaches and placement of rip-rap to protect against erosion. Class I rip-rap will be placed along the new stream banks and the outside of widened areas of stream channel that have been destabilized due to the existing culverts. This section of channel will be temporarily dewatered (if water is present) to minimize turbidity to downstream waters. Culvert removal and dewatering processes will temporarily impact 36 feet of Jimmy’s Creek; however, due to the reshaping of banks adjacent to these temporary impacts, impacts are included within 44 linear feet of perman ent impacts (22 linear feet on either side of the existing culverts). Due to the liberation of Jimmy’s Creek from the existing culverts, and the minimal area of earthwork (256 square feet) th at constitutes permanent impacts to existing stream channel, no mitigation is proposed for the 44 linear feet of perm anent impacts to this stream. Permit Site 12 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 12). Permit Site 12 involves the placemen t of fill on the west side of the rail in order to ease the associated curve including the placement of 1 36 feet of Stream 14 w ithin a base ditch and culvert. A 54-inch bituminous coated corrugate d metal pipe (BCCMP) w ill be placed on the west (upstream) side of the rail prior to the placement of fill to conve y the intermittent Stream 14. Approximately 144 feet of Stream 14 will be intercepted by an appr opriately sized base ditch and directed to the BCCMP prior to discharging to a Cla ss I rip rap pad and continuing through the existing 44-inch concrete culvert lo cated under the existing rail line. Temporary Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 12 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   impacts of less than 0.01 acre w ill result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to the intermittent Stream 14. Permit Site 13 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 13). Permit Site 13 involves approximately 0.01 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 13 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an additional 0.02 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 13 is an NC WAM Botto mland Hardwood Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to Wetland 13. Permit Site 14 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 16). Permit Site 14 entails the excavation of a 5-foot lateral base ditch on both sides of the expanded rail fill slopes to intercept runoff from the proposed railroad slope and direct flow to the intermittent Stream 20. No permanent impacts to Stream 20 are anticipated; however, the tying of the proposed ditch into the stream channel is anticipated to temporaril y impact 58 linear feet of the stream. This section of channel will be temporarily dewatered (if water is present) to minimize turbidity to downstream waters. Permit Site 15 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 18). Permit Site 15 involves approximately 0.04 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 20 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an additional 0.03 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 20 is an NC WAM Botto mland Hardwood Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compen sate for impacts to Wetland 20. By proposing a fill slope on the east side of the rail, design plan s avoid impacts to the intermittent Stream 22. Permit Site 16 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheets 18 and 19). Permit Site 16 involves approximately 0.45 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 21 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an additional 0.18 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 21 is an NC WAM Botto mland Hardwood Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compen sate for impacts to Wetland 21. By proposing a fill slope on the east side of the rail, design plans avoid impacts to the intermittent Streams 22 and 23, and the High-quality Wetland 22. Permit Site 17 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 19). Permit Site 15 involves approximately 0.03 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 23 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an a dditional 0.04 acre of permanent impacts to this wetland area. Wetland 23 is an NC WAM Bottoml and Hardwood Forest with a functional rating Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 13 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   of High. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 rati o to compensate for impacts to Wetland 23. By proposing a fill slope on the east side of the ra il, design plans avoid imp acts to the High-quality Wetland 23. Permit Site 18 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 20). Permit Site 18 entails th e replacement of the existing 30-inch by 36-inch CSC that conveys the perennial Stream 24 under the rail with a longer, 48-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a 4-foot tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap. The exis ting CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls of the CSC will be removed. A total of 57 linear feet of Stream 24 will be impacted by proposed acti vities. Approximately 23 feet of Stream 24 on the downstream end of the proposed culvert will be placed within the SCP and realigned to meet the proposed tail ditch appropriate ly. Approximately 34 feet of the upstream reach of Stream 24 will be intercepted by a 4-foot base ditch and dir ected to the new WSP. Class I rip rap will be placed on both sides of the 4-foot base ditch at the upstream end of the proposed WSP to maintain the integrity of the embankment and slow the discharge of stormwater from the adjacent 18-inch BCCMP. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is pr oposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to the perennial Stream 24. MORATORIA No work moratoria have been requested by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with a federal classification of Endangered or Threatened are protected under provisions of Sections 7 and 9 of the Endange red Species Act of 1973, as amended. Three federally protected species ar e listed by the USFWS for Davids on County (Table x). A brief description of each species’ habitat requirement s follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based upon survey results within the study area. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 14 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Table 3. Federally Protected Species Listed for Davidson County Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status* Habitat Present Biological Conclusion Clemmys muhlenbergii Bog turtle T(S/A) Yes Not Applicable Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's sunflower E Yes No Effect Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle BPGA No No Effect *Federal Status – T(S/A) =Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance; E = Endangered; BGPA = protected by the Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act. Suitable habitat for the bog turtle occurs within the st udy area; however, this species is Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance (T (S/A)) with another rare species and is not subject to Section 7 consu ltation in North Carolina. Suitable habitat for Schweinitz’s sunflower occu rs along the margins of roadways and the rail lines, along woodland edges, and wi thin utility line corridors. Ho wever, systematic surveys were performed in all areas of suitable habita t on September 29 and 30, 2009, October 9, 2009, and September 29, 2010 and no individuals of this specie s were identified. In addition, several small areas of suitable habitat added subsequent to the 2010 survey window were surveyed on April 5, May 11, and June 1, 2012 for individuals of the Helianthus genus, and no individuals of this genus were found. This project is expected to have No Eff ect on Schweinitz’s sunflower. Potential habitat for the bald eagle does not occu r within or adjacent to the study area. The nearest open water which may serve as habitat for the bald eagle is approximately 2 miles north at Tom-a-Lex Lake. The Site ma y serve as a fly-over corridor fo r the bald eagle; however, the proposed project will have No Effect on the bald eagle. No known occurrences are documented by the NCNHP within or near the Site. CULTURAL RESOURCES This project is subject to compliance with Sect ion 106 of the National Hi storic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and implemented by the A dvisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 , codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Section 106 requires federal agencies to take into account the effect of th eir undertakings (federally funded, licensed, or permitted) on properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and to afford th e Advisory Council a reasonable opportunity to comment on such undertakings. In a concurrence form dated December 11, 2009, the State Historic Preservation Officer concurred that there are no propert ies eligible for the NRHP within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) of the proposed project. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 15 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   The proposed project was reviewed by representa tives of the Office of State Archaeology on December 4, 2009. Based on the maps provided at th e meeting, it was determined that no further work is required from an archaeological perspective. PUBLIC HEARINGS The NCDOT conducted a Citizen’s Informational Workshop (CIW) for the proposed project on August 13, 2009 at Davidson Community College. Based on public participation at the CIW, a Notice of Opportunity for a Public Hearing for this project was a dvertised. This advertisement ran in two local newspapers from December 8 to December 17, 2011. Copies of the approved EA document and Project Hearing Maps were ma de available for public viewing at the NCDOT Division Maintenance Office and the Davidson County Library, both in Lexington. Several inquiries regarding the project were received, and one citizen requested a meeting; however, after discussions about project concerns, the citi zen decided that a meeting was not necessary. The Notice of Opportunity for a Public Hear ing, a memorandum summa rizing the CIW and the Notice of Opportunity for a Pub lic Hearing, and citizen responses to the No tice of Opportunity for the Public Hearing are included in the attached Public Hearing Documents. On February 10, 2012, the NCDOT held a meeti ng to discuss the project and the potential impacts to farm operations at th e request of an adjacent property owner. Based on this meeting, several measures were incorporated into project designs in order to minimize or mitigate the impacts of the project to the farm. These measur es are included in the attached Public Hearing Documents. On March 28, 2012, the NCDOT requested a P ublic Hearing with the Davidson County Cooperative Extension to present the propose d project and solicit input regarding the minimization of impacts to the Davidson County Voluntary Agricultural Di strict (VAD). This hearing was April 11, 2012. On April 16, 201 2, the Davidson County VAD Board issued a Public Hearing Report with recommendations for the NCDOT. Recommendations and NCDOT responses are provided in Appendix B of the attached FONSI, and in the attached Public Hearing Documents with the NCDOT request for a Public Hearing. SECTION 4(f) Section 4(f) and de minimis Section 4(f) of the Department of Transporta tion Act of 1966, as amended, (23 U.S.C. 138) states that the US Department of Transporta tion “may not approve the use of land from a significant publicly-owned park, recreation area, or wildlife and waterfow l refuge, or any significant historic site unless a determination is made that: (i) there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of land fr om the property; and (ii) the ac tion includes all possible planning Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 16 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   to minimize harm to the property resulting from su ch use.” For Section 4(f), a “use” is defined as one of the following:  Direct use – property is permanently inco rporated into the right-of-way of the transportation project;  Temporary use – property is temporarily oc cupied in a way that is adverse to the property’s purpose; or  Constructive use – a use that occurs when the “the transporta tion project does not incorporate land from a Section 4(f) property, but the project’s proximity impacts are so severe that the property activities, features, or attributes that qua lify the property for protection under Section 4(f) are substantially impaired. S ubstantial impairment occurs only when the protected activities, features, or attributes of the pr operty are “s ubstantially diminished.” (23 CFR 774.15(a)). In 2005, Congress amended Section 4(f) in its passage of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), specifically in Section 6009(a). An important change was the introduction of the de minimis procedures for processing minor impacts to Section 4(f) resources. Subs equent to the passage of SAFETEA-LU, FHWA amended the Section 4(f) regulations (23 CFR 774.3(b), 23 CFR 774.5(b) and 23 CFR 774.17) and issued guidance for determining de minimis findings (Guidance for Determining de minimis Impacts for Section 4(f) Resources). Based on these regulations and guidance documents, the use of land from a publicly-owned park, recreation area, or wildlif e and waterfowl refuge may be determined to be de minimis if: 1. The transportation use of the park, together with any impact, avoidance, minimization, and mitigation or enhancement measures do not adversely affect the activities, features, and attributes that qualify the reso urce for protection under Section 4(f). 2. The official(s) with jurisdiction over the pr operty is informed of FHWA’s intent to make the de minimis impact finding, based on hi s/her written concurre nce that the project will not adversely affect the activ ities, features, and attributes that qualify the property for protection under Section 4(f). 3. The public has been afforded an opportunity to review and comment on the effects of the project on the proposed activit ies, features, and attributes of the Section 4(f) resource. According to the provisions set forth in Se ction 6009(a) of SAFETEA-LU, once the U.S. Department of Transportation determines that a transportation use of property from a Section 4(f) resource constitutes a de minimis impact, anal ysis of avoidance altern atives is not required and the Section 4(f) evaluation process is complete. No Section 4(f) resources were identified within the project area; therefor e, the proposed project will have no effect on Section 4(f) resources. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 17 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   FEMA COMPLIANCE Based on a review of the FIRM mapping available for Davidson County (FIRMs 3710674600J, and 3710675600J), there are several 100-year floodplai ns located within the study area. From the northern project terminus to approximately mid-way between Upper Lake Road and Lower Lake Road, the floodplain of Jimmys Creek (dep icted on attached Design Plans and Permit Drawings as “Hamby Creek Trib”) runs parallel and adjacent to the west side of the existing railroad track. In one location, approximately 500 feet south of Upper Lake Road, the floodway of Jimmys Creek is adjacent to the embankment for the track on the west side. Since the second track is proposed on the east side of the existing track, no impact to this floodway is anticipated at this location. Midway be tween Upper Lake Road and Lower Lake Road, Jimmys Creek crosses to the east side of the track. The new bridge conveying th e rail line over Jimmys Creek has been designed to avoid any in crease in current flood levels, a nd the existing culverts will be removed. South of Lower Lake Road, the Jimmys Creek floodplain runs al ong the east side of the railroad. The project has been designed to minimize impact s to the Jimmys Creek floodplain and avoid impacts to the floodway. Since the new track will primarily be on the existing roadbed of the former second track, no impacts to the fl oodway are anticipated at this location. The floodway for Rich Fork crosses the railroad just north of Turner Road and crosses Turner Road just east of the railroad. The co ncrete arch bridge carrying the railroad over Rich Fork will be retained; therefore, no impacts to the floodplain in this location will be necessary. The Abbotts Creek floodway crosses the railroad between Turn er Road and the southern project terminus. The existing 215-foot steel bridge over Abbotts Creek will be retained. No in-water work will be required at this location and no impacts to the Abbotts Creek floodw ay are necessary. The NCDOT Hydraulics Unit has coordinated with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program in regard to the necessary steps to insure appr oval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Ma p Revision (LOMR). The NCDOT Division 9 Construction Unit will submit sealed, as-b uilt plans to the Hydr aulics Unit upon project completion, certifying that draina ge structures and roadway em bankment features that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown on construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. UTILITIES There are expected to be no impacts to jurisd ictional areas due to utility relocations. Any utilities that require relocati on shall be relocated aerially or by directional bore through non- jurisdictional areas. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 18 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Indirect impacts in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project consist of continued mixed-use development in accordance with local land use planning and zoning. The cumulative impacts of foreseeable future actions will improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system and enhance the potential for economic growth in the region. Induced or secondary economic activity is the resu lt of additional industrie s providing goods and se rvices to supply those industries primarily related to the project. Overal l, impacts are considered positive when assessed from a regional perspective. I ndirect and cumulative impacts ar e discussed in greater detail in the FONSI signed on March 28, 2012. WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM The project will not impact any designated Wild a nd Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90-542; U.S.C. 1271 et seq., as amended).   MITIGATION The Rail Division is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize stream and wetland impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisd ictional area impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during planning wherever possible. Additional avoidance measures will be taken to insure that all streams and wetland areas in the vicinity that ar e not affected by the project will be protected from unnecessary encroachment. No staging of construction equipment or storage of construction supplies will be allowed in wetlands or near surface waters. Careful containment of toxic or hazardous materials near streams and wetla nds, and employment of strict erosion control procedures will be utilized to avoid additional impacts to jurisdictional areas. This project has been designed to avoid disturba nce to aquatic life movements a nd all practicable measures to maintain aquatic life movement and habitat will be employed for the life of the project. Due to the nature and location of the rail, some impacts to jurisdictional areas are unavoidable. In these locations, measures to minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas have been incorporated into the project design throughout the design proce ss. These measures include the examination of appropriate and practicable st eps to reduce adverse impacts to jurisdictional resources such as the reduction of roadway footprints and the re duction of fill slopes for rail bed construction through the investigation of gabion basket walls and steep fill slopes. It is understood that waters impacted by this project are classified as , or drain to, an impaired water as designated on the NCDWQ Final 2008 List of Impaired Waters. The Rail Division is committed to minimize construction-related impacts to theses impaired waters through the use of stringent erosion control measures. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 19 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Site-specific avoidance and minimization measures are presented in each Permit Site description. Based upon correspondence with the USACE and NCDW Q, mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio for impacts to intermittent streams and jurisd ictional wetlands receiving an NC WAM overall rating of “Low,” and a 2:1 ratio for perennial streams and jurisdictional wetlands receiving an NC WAM overall rating of “Med ium” or “High.” Proposed mitigation ratios and the resulting mitigation requirements are presented in Tables 2a and 2b. Compensatory mitigation for this project is anti cipated from warm water stream and riparian wetland mitigation credits from the NCEEP. Based upon agreements stipulated in the “Memorandum of Agreement Among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Departme nt of Transportation, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District ” (MOA), it is understood that the NCEEP will assume responsibility for satisfying the remainde r of Clean Water Act compensatory mitigation requirements for this project (1,474 warm-water stream mitigation credits and 6.77 riparian wetland mitigation credits). The offsetting mitigation provided by the NCEEP will derive from an inventory of assets already in existence wi thin U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) 03040103.     STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P ATRICK L. M C C RORY A NTHONY  J. T ATA   G OVERNOR  S ECRETARY   MAILING ADDRESS: NC D EPARTMENT O F T RANSPORTATION R AIL D IVISION 1553 MSC R ALEIGH NC 27699-1553 T ELEPHONE : 919-707-4700 FAX: 919-715-6580 W EBSITE : WWW .BYTRAIN .ORG LOCATION: T RANSPORTATION B UILDING 1 S OUTH W ILMINGTON S TREET R ALEIGH NC   January 4, 2013 Mr. John Thomas U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 RE: Application for Section 404 Individual Permit and Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the Bowers to Lake Railroad Improvements Project, Davidson County, NC TIP C-4901A, D Federal Aid Project No. FR-HSR-000S(681) Debit $240.00 from WBS No. 49010.1.STR04 Dear John, The North Carolina Department of Transporta tion (NCDOT) Rail Division (Rail Division) proposes to make safety improvements to appr oximately 4.2 miles of rail within the North Carolina Railroad Company (NCRR)/Norfolk S outhern Corporation (NS) railroad corridor extending from station “Bowers” to a point approximately 250 feet south of station “Lake” in Davidson County (Figure 1). The project area a ssociated with the C-4901 project encompasses approximately 183.3 acres and generally consists of th e area within 100 feet of the center of the existing railway and outward along Upper Lake Ro ad (State Route [SR] 2024) and Turner Road (SR 2005). Along these roadways, the project area extends up to 1475 feet from the existing rail line with widths that range from 75 to 350 feet from the roadway center. The C-4901 project has been split into two com ponents that have each been determined to demonstrate independent utilit y: a track work component of the project and a safety improvements component of the project (per a meeting between the Rail Division, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE], and the N.C. Division of Water Qu ality [NCDWQ] held on April 5, 2012). This permit application requests authorization for Sectio n 404 jurisdictional area impacts associated with the railroad improveme nts portion of the projec t [C-4901A (preparation Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 2 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   of the roadbed) and C-4901D (installation of the second rail)]. Informati on within this package has been prepared to support the application for an In dividual Permit (IP) along with the associated NCDWQ General Wate r Quality Certification, and a NCDWQ State General Permit for Impacts to Isolated and other Non-404 Juri sdictional Wetlands and Waters (IWGP100000). The rail within the project corri dor currently consists of a single track, a llowing one train access to this portion of the rail at any given time. The Rail Division proposes to construct a second track adjacent to the existing track. The rail corridor north of Bowers and south of Lake currently has double tracks and this project will e liminate traffic bottlenecks. This section of rail previously contained two track s; however, portions of the double track were removed as redundant in the 1960’s as part of a signal system improvement pr oject. Since that time, rail traffic has greatly increased and additional cap acity and service reliability are needed. In addition, the alignments of specific curves in this section inhibit the abil ity to achieve high speed passenger train service. The propos ed project will realign the thr ee curves within the study area that are currently greater than 1º 30' to improve them to the 90 miles per hour design speed for higher speed passenger service. This will include th e 1º 54' curve beginning just south of Jimmys Creek (depicted on the attached Design Plans as “Hamby Creek Trib”) and the 2º curve that it transitions into (depicted on the attached Desi gn Plans, Sheets 10-12). This compound curve ends just north of Lower Lake Road. The propos ed project will also improve the 2º curve beginning south of Abbotts Creek (Design Plans, Sheet 18). The curve realignments will also benefit freights by reducing drag and hence re ducing fuel consumption, emissions, and wheel noise. Therefore, NCDOT’s track improvements within the corridor focus on increasing safety, track capacity, reliability, and train speed. Purpose and Need This project will facilitate and support future increased passenger rail service for the NCRR Piedmont Corridor 3rd and 4th Frequencies pr ogram, which will provide two additional round trips per day between Raleigh and Charlotte and serve nine stations: Raleigh, Cary, Durham, Burlington, Greensboro, High Poin t, Salisbury, Kannapolis, and Char lotte. Because this corridor development plan consists of the expansion of an existing service, there are no changes planned in the classes of service, fare policies, or service quality standards. The 3rd and 4th frequency program includes projects which must be complete d in order to provide mo re frequent passenger rail service along the NCRR Pied mont Corridor. These projects comprise improvements to part of the Southeast High Speed Rail (SEHSR) corridor connecting New York/Boston south to Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa, and Miami, FL, and southwest to Atlanta, GA, ultimately connecting to the Gulf Coast High Speed Rail Co rridor extending to Louisiana. It will also benefit the host railroads on the corridor including Norfolk Southern Railway, CSX Transportation (CSXT), and NCRR. The NCDOT, th e Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation, and the Federal Railroad Administ ration (FRA) have already completed a Tier I EIS and the FRA issued a Record of Decision for the portion of the SEHSR corridor between Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 3 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Charlotte and Washington, DC. This project is one of several Tier II studies being undertaken for the portion of the SEHSR corridor between Charlotte and Raleigh. This project will improve overall corridor ca pacity and improve passenger train schedule reliability by allowing freight and passenger trains to quickly and efficiently maneuver past one other. In addition, the implemen tation of this project is intende d to provide a combination of alignment and safety improvements to provide high speed passenger service on one of the most heavily traveled railroads in the state. Project Organization This project is divided into two sections:  Rail grading (C-4901A), which will include pr eparation for the sec ond track, replacement of the rail bridge superstruc ture over Abbott’s Creek, replacem ent of the rail bridge over Jimmy’s Creek, and rehabilitation of the rail bridge over Rich Fork Creek;  Track work (C-4901D), which includes the inst allation of 4.1 miles of the second track. Summary of Project Impacts Based upon 65 percent plans dated November 15, 2012, and Permit Drawings dated December 6, 2012, the project is anticipated to permanently impact approximately 1154 linear feet of streams and approximately 3.48 acres of jurisdictional wetland areas. In addition to jurisdictional wetlands, one isolated wetland area is anticipated to receive 0.51 acre of impact. All impacts to jurisdictional streams and jurisdictional and isolat ed wetland areas are anti cipated in conjunction with the C-4901A portion of the project. The att ached Permit Drawings depict the locations and extents of jurisdictional and isolated area im pacts, and the attached Wetland Permit Impact Summary provides details of impacts at each impact site. The following table lists the geographic coordinates fo r each waterbody crossing. Table 1. Project Impacts Locations Site NC State Plane, feet (NAD 83) WGS 84, decimal degrees Easting Northing Latitude Longitude Site 1 1,660,285.682 771,347.442 35.863981 -80.146554 Site 2 1,659,732.423 771,117.222 35.863331 -80.148412 Site 3 1,658,662.509 770,451.501 35.861468 -80.151996 Site 4 1,657,842.467 769,662.628 35.859275 -80.154733 Site 5 1,657,451.689 769,283.618 35.858221 -80.156036 Site 6 1,657,022.613 768,866.809 35.857062 -80.157468 Site 7 1,656,509.528 768,304.632 35.855502 -80.159177 Site 8 1,655,882.375 767,696.037 35.853810 -80.161269 Site 9 1,655,056.912 766,860.993 35.851489 -80.164022 Site 10 1,654,313.997 766,293.784 35.849907 -80.166506 Site 11 1,653,608.381 765,697.082 35.848245 -80.168863 Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 4 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Table 1. Project Impacts Locations (continued) Site NC State Plane, feet (NAD 83) WGS 84, decimal degrees Easting Northing Latitude Longitude Site 12 1,652,638.423 765,103.476 35.846583 -80.172112 Site 13 1,650,454.350 764,672.675 35.845329 -80.179464 Site 14 1,646,105.996 764,038.572 35.843444 -80.194110 Site 15 1,644,270.478 763,475.907 35.841837 -80.200279 Site 16 1,643,622.627 763,193.418 35.841040 -80.202454 Site 17 1,643,069.831 762,848.186 35.840073 -80.204304 Site 18 1,641,948.401 762,232.086 35.838343 -80.208063 Summary of Project Mitigation Based upon agreements stipulated in the “Memorandum of Agreement Among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natura l Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District” (MOA), it is understood that the North Carolina Ecosys tem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) will assume responsibility for satisfying Clean Water Act co mpensatory mitigation requirements for this project. The offsetting mitigation provided by the NCEEP will derive from an inventory of assets already in existence within U.S. Ge ological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) 03040103. A total of 1,474 warm-water stream mitigation credits and 6.77 riparian wetland mitigation credits will be purchased through the NCEEP in-lieu fee program. A Mitigation Acceptance Letter from the NCEEP, dated Ja nuary 4, 2013, is attached. NEPA DOCUMENT STATUS The Environmental Assessment (EA) document for this project was finalized in October 2011 and was submitted to the appropriate regulator y agencies for review. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was approve d on March 28, 2012 and is attached. INDEPENDENT UTILITY This project is in complian ce with 23 CFR 771.111(f) which lis ts the characteristics of independent utility of a projec t and includes the following: (1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope. (2) Have independent util ity or independent significance, i.e ., be usable and be a reasonable expenditure even if no additional transportati on improvements in the area are made; and Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 5 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   (3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. RESOURCE STATUS Water resources in the study area are located within NCDWQ sub-basin 03-03-07 of the Yadkin River basin (U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] Hydrologic Unit [HU] 03040103). All streams within the project area are classified as NCDW Q Class C waters. No designated anadromous fish waters or Primary Nursery Areas are presen t in the study area. No designated High Quality Waters (HQW), Outstanding Resource Waters (O RW), or water supply watersheds (WS-I or WS-II) are located within 1.0 mile downstream of the study area. The project lies within the Yadkin River Ba sin (USGS HU 03040103); th erefore, no streams within the study area are subject to any N.C. River Basin Buffer Rules. Delineations of streams and wetlands subject to Section 404 jurisdiction were performed by Axiom biologists from April 22 through Septem ber 14, 2012. Jurisdictional areas identified within the study area, with the exception of seve ral extensions of previously-delineated and approved areas submitted in July 2012, were verified by John Thomas of the USACE and Amy Euliss of the NCDWQ during field visits on August 26, 2009 and August 3, 2010. Additions to the jurisdictional area inventory for this projec t after August 3, 2010 consis t of extensions to approved jurisdictional systems. An approved Determination of Jurisdiction ha s been provided by the USACE and is dated November 20, 2012. 303(d)-LISTED STREAMS The North Carolina Final 2012 303(d) list of impaire d waters identifies Rich Fork as impaired due to poor biological integrity based upon fish sampling and Hamby Creek as impaired due to high levels of copper. Abbott’s Creek and Jimmy s Creek are not listed; however, approximately 6 miles downstream of the project area, Abbotts Creek is listed as impaired due to turbidity, and less than 0.5-mile downstream of the study area, Jimmys Creek drai ns into the impaired Hamby Creek. During the August 26, 2009 field verifi cation visit, the NCDWQ requested that particular care be taken to protect these water resources. In orde r to ensure that the project does not further degrade impaired waters, the Rail Division will employ NCDOT’s Design Practices for Sensitive Watersheds (15A NCAC 04B .0124). Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 6 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   RESOURCE IMPACTS Based upon 65 percent plans dated November 15, 2012, and Permit Drawings dated December 6, 2012, total project impacts are antic ipated to impact 14 streams fo r a total of 1154 linear feet and 7 jurisdictional wetland areas for a total of 3.48 acres. In addition to jurisdictional wetlands, one isolated wetland area is anticipated to rece ive 0.51 acre of impact. The attached Permit Drawings depict the locations a nd extents of jurisdictional and isolated area impacts, and the attached Wetland Permit Impact Summary provides details of impacts at each impact site. The following tables (2a and 2b) list impact details and proposed mitigation for each permit site. Individual permit sites are desc ribed in the following section. Table 2a. Jurisdictional Streams Im pacted by the Proposed Project Site JD Reference Stream Names Permanent Impact Type Temporary Impacts (linear feet) Permanent Impacts (linear feet) Proposed Mitigation Ratio Warm-Water Stream Mitigation Credits Required 1 Stream 1 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 16 77 2:1 154 1 Stream 2 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 10 114 2:1 228 1 Stream 3 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension -- 35 1:1 35 2 Stream 4 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 10 132 1:1 132 3 Stream 5 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 32 116 2:1 232 4 Stream 6 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 5 220 1:1 220 5 Stream 7 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 5 36 1:1 36 6 Stream 9 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 17 110 1:1 110 9 Stream 11 UT to Jimmys Creek -- 43 -- -- -- 11 Stream 12 Jimmys Creek (Hamby Creek Trib) Culvert Removal -- *44 *-- *-- 11 Stream 13 UT to Jimmys Creek Fill Slope -- 69 1:1 69 12 Stream 14 UT to Jimmys Creek Culvert Extension 10 144 1:1 144 14 Stream 20 UT to Rich Fork -- 58 -- -- -- 18 Stream 24 UT to Abbotts Creek Culvert Extension 16 57 2:1 114 Total: 222 1154 -- 1,474 *Permanent impacts to Jimmy’s Creek (Hamby Creek Trib) are a ssociated with the alignment of the section of Jimmy’s Creek removed from the existing culverts with stable upstream and downstream reaches. Please see the description of activities presented in the Permit Site 11 narrative below. As these im pacts are incurred in the process of removing Jimmy’s Creek from culverts, no mitigation fo r these impacts is proposed. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 7 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Table 2b. Jurisdictional and Isolated Wetl ands Impacted by the Proposed Project Permit Site JD Reference Permanent Fill (acres) Mechanized Clearing (acres) Excavation (acres) Total Permanent Impacts (acres) Proposed Mitigation Ratio Riparian Wetland Mitigation Credits Required 7* Wetland 4* 0.38* 0.15* -- 0.53* --* --* 8 Wetland 5 0.09 0.10 -- 0.19 1:1 0.19 10 Wetland 7 0.17 0.07 -- 0.24 2:1 0.48 11 Wetland 9 1.98 0.25 0.02 2.25 2:1 4.50 13 Wetland 13 0.01 0.02 -- 0.03 2:1 0.06 15 Wetland 20 0.04 0.03 -- 0.07 2:1 0.14 16 Wetland 21 0.45 0.18 -- 0.63 2:1 1.26 17 Wetland 23 0.03 0.04 -- 0.07 2:1 0.14 Total : 3.15 0.84 0.02 4.01 -- 6.77 *Wetland 4, located at Permit Site 7, has been determined by th e USACE to be Isolated; therefore, mitigation is not required by the USACE, although mitigation may be required by the NCDWQ under the State General Permit for Impacts to Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional We tlands and Waters (IWGP100000) if impacts exceed 1.0 acre. Permit Site 1 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 05). Permit Site 1 entails the replacement of the exis ting 30-inch concrete and stone culvert (CSC) that conveys the perennial Str eam 1 under the rail with a longe r, 42-inch welded steel pipe (WSP) that will be installed by trenchless methods (jack and bore). The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a 4-foot tail ditch with sides c onsisting of Class I rip rap. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable materi al (grout) and left in place. The existing headwalls on the CSC will be removed. Approxima tely 77 feet of Stream 1 (approximately 64 feet on the upstream side of the rail and approx imately 13 feet on the downstream side of the rail) will be placed inside the new 42-inch WSP. The portions of Streams 2 and 3 that will be covered with fill from the expanded railway slope will be placed within 5-foot lateral base ditches located at the toe of the new fill slope. Approximately 114 linear feet of Stream 2 and the entirety (approximately 35 linear feet) of Stream 3 will be permanently impacted by this redirection. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to perennial Streams 1 and 2, and at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 3. This rail crossing occurs over a re latively steep, narrow stream valle y, and existing fill slopes are steep. A gabion basket wall was previously pro posed for placement along the south side of the rail in order to minimize the footprint of the f ill slope necessary to s upport the additional track and avoid impacts to the three small streams lo cated along this side of the existing rail. Discussions between the Rail Division, NS, and natural resource agencies have led to the Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 8 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   removal of these baskets from design plans due to concerns about stru ctural strength and long- term stability. The use of fill slopes is proposed in order to avoid future instability issues. Permit Site 2 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 05). Permit Site 2 entails the replacement of the ex isting 30-inch by 36-inch CSC that conveys the intermittent Stream 4 under the ra il with a longer, 42-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. A 3-f oot base ditch will be placed at the upstream end of the WSP and will tie to the existing st ream channel to direct flow through the new culvert. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a shor t tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap and of a length sufficient to tie immediately into the existing stream channel. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls of the CSC will be removed. A total of 132 linear feet of th e intermittent Stream 4 will be impacted by the proposed culvert installation. Appr oximately 79 feet of Stream 4 on the upstream side of the rail and approximately 53 feet of Stream 4 on the downs tream side of the rail will be placed inside the new 42-inch WSP. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 4. Permit Site 3 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 06). Permit Site 3 entails the replacement of the exis ting 36-inch CSC that conveys the intermittent Stream 5 under the rail with a longer, 72-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. A 5-foot lateral base ditch that conveys runoff from the toe of the new roadway slope will intercept the intermittent Stream 5 a nd direct it to the new WSP. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a shor t tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap and of a length sufficient to tie immediately into the existing stream channel. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls of the CSC will be removed. A total of 116 linear feet of th e intermittent Stream 5 will be impacted by the proposed culvert installation. Appr oximately 80 feet of Stream 5 on the upstream side of the rail and approximately 36 feet of Stream 5 on the downst ream side of the rail) will be placed inside the new 72-inch WSP. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 5. Permit Site 4 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 07). Permit Site 4 entails the replacement of the exis ting 24-inch CSC that conveys the intermittent Stream 6 under the rail with a longer, 36-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a standard tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap and of a length sufficient to tie immediately into the existing stream channel. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls on the CSC will be removed. A total of 220 linear feet of the Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 9 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   intermittent Stream 6 will be impacted by the proposed culvert installation. Approximately 95 feet of Stream 6 on the upstream side of the rail (including the stream origin) will be placed inside the new 36-inch WSP and approximately 115 feet of Stream 6 on the downstream side of the rail will be realigned to di scharge appropriately from the WSP to the existing stream channel. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 6. Permit Site 5 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 07). Permit Site 5 entails the replacement of the exis ting 24-inch CSC that conveys the intermittent Stream 7 under the rail with a longer, 36-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a standard tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap and of a length sufficient to tie immediately into the existing stream channel. The existing CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls on the CSC will be re moved. A total of 36 linear feet of Stream 7 will be realigned to discharge appropriately fro m the WSP to the existing stream channel. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for permanent impacts to the intermittent Stream 7. Permit Site 6 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 08). Permit Site 6 entails the replacement of the ex isting 30-inch by 36-inch CSC that conveys the perennial Stream 9 under the rail with a longer, 48-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a 4-foot tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap. The exis ting CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls on the existing CSC will be removed. A total of 110 linear feet of the intermittent St ream 9 will be impacted by the proposed culvert installation. Approximately 76 feet of Stream 9 on the upstream side of the rail will be placed inside the new 48-inch WSP and approximately 34 feet of Stream 9 on the downstream side of the rail will be realigned to discharge appropriate ly from the WSP to the existing stream channel. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre w ill result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compen sate for permanent imp acts to the intermittent Stream 9. Permit Site 7 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 08). Permit Site 7 involves approximately 0.38 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 3 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. Th e toe of the proposed sl ope, which will extend into the wetland area, will be protected by means of a filter fabric lined with Class II rip rap on a 2:1 or flatter fill slope. The ar ea within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 10 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   cleared of vegetation, representing a maximum of 0.15 acre of additional permanent impacts; however, the majority of this wetland area is inundated and unvegetated. Wetland 3 is an NC WAM Bottomland Hardwood Fo rest with a functiona l rating of Low. Wetland 3 was determined by the USACE to be isolated and therefore not considered jurisdictional by the USACE; however, the NCDWQ may assert jurisdiction over this resource under the State General Permit for Impacts to Isolated and Other Non-404 Jurisdictional Wetlands and Waters (IWGP100000), and may require mitigation if impacts to this resource increase to exceed 1.0 acre. Permit Site 8 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 09). Permit Site 8 involves approximately 0.09 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 5 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. Th e toe of the proposed sl ope, which will extend into the wetland area, will be protected by means of a filter fabric lined with Class I rip rap on a 2:1 or flatter fill slope. The ar ea within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an additional 0.10 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 5 is a NC WAM Bottomland Hardwood Forest with a functional rati ng of Low. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to Wetland 5. Please note that impacts to We tland 5 are calculated between stations 7635+50 to 7639+60. Additional permanent impacts to Wetland 5 (0.16 acr e) due to fill slope expansion and the adjacent Stream 10 (87 linear feet) due to culver t installation have been previously permitted under the C-4901B/C project (Bowers to Lake Safe ty Improvements) in association with the crossing of Upper Lake Road over the rail. Permit Site 9 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 10). Permit Site 9 entails the excavation of a 5-foot lateral base ditch to intercept runoff from the proposed railroad slope and direct flow to the perennial Stream 11. No permanent impacts to Stream 11 are anticipated; however , the tying of the proposed ditc h into the stream channel is anticipated to temporarily impact 43 linear feet of the stream. This section of channel will be temporarily dewatered to minimize tu rbidity to downstream waters. Permit Site 10 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 10). Permit Site 10 involves approximately 0.17 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 7 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double -track associated with the rea lignment of the adjacent curve. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill sl ope will be cleare d, representing an additional 0.07 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 7 is an NC WAM Bottomland Hardwood Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitiga tion is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to Wetland 7. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 11 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Permit Site 11 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 11). Permit Site 11 involves permanent fill to Wetland 9 in association with the straightening of a curve in the rail and permanent fill to the intermittent Stream 13 due to the placement of an abutment on the west side of Jimmy’s Creek (d epicted on the attached Design Plans and Permit Drawings as “Hamby Creek Trib”) for a proposed new bridge. This relocation of the track will result in permanent fill to approximately 1.98 acres of Wetland 9, and the placement of the proposed bridge abutment will result in fill to 69 feet (including the origin) of the intermittent Stream 13. Drainage from the remaining wetla nd area will be maintained subsequent to the removal of Stream 13 by means of a 5-foot base ditch located at the toe of the proposed fill slope. Excavation of this ditch to maintain wetland drainage will re sult in 0.02 acre of excavation. Additionally, the area wi thin 10 feet of the proposed fill slope and base ditch will be mechanically cleared, represen ting an additional 0.25 acre of pe rmanent impacts, for a total impact to Wetland 9 of 2.25 acres. Wetland 9 is an NC WAM Riverine Swamp Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitiga tion is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to Wetland 9. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio for impacts to the intermittent Stream 13. Subsequent to bridge construc tion and the placement of the pr oposed tracks on the new bridge, the culverts conveying Jimmy’s Cr eek under the existing rail line will be removed. Culvert removal will permanently impact approximately 256 square feet (0.059 acr e) of Jimmy’s Creek due to the minor shaping of stream banks in orde r to align the geometry of the newly liberated stream channel with stable upstream and downstream reaches and placement of rip-rap to protect against erosion. Class I rip-rap will be placed along the new stream banks and the outside of widened areas of stream channel that have been destabilized due to the existing culverts. This section of channel will be temporarily dewatered (if water is present) to minimize turbidity to downstream waters. Culvert removal and dewatering processes will temporarily impact 36 feet of Jimmy’s Creek; however, due to the reshaping of banks adjacent to these temporary impacts, impacts are included within 44 linear feet of perman ent impacts (22 linear feet on either side of the existing culverts). Due to the liberation of Jimmy’s Creek from the existing culverts, and the minimal area of earthwork (256 square feet) th at constitutes permanent impacts to existing stream channel, no mitigation is proposed for the 44 linear feet of perm anent impacts to this stream. Permit Site 12 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 12). Permit Site 12 involves the placemen t of fill on the west side of the rail in order to ease the associated curve including the placement of 1 36 feet of Stream 14 w ithin a base ditch and culvert. A 54-inch bituminous coated corrugate d metal pipe (BCCMP) w ill be placed on the west (upstream) side of the rail prior to the placement of fill to conve y the intermittent Stream 14. Approximately 144 feet of Stream 14 will be intercepted by an appr opriately sized base ditch and directed to the BCCMP prior to discharging to a Cla ss I rip rap pad and continuing through the existing 44-inch concrete culvert lo cated under the existing rail line. Temporary Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 12 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   impacts of less than 0.01 acre w ill result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to the intermittent Stream 14. Permit Site 13 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 13). Permit Site 13 involves approximately 0.01 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 13 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an additional 0.02 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 13 is an NC WAM Botto mland Hardwood Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to Wetland 13. Permit Site 14 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 16). Permit Site 14 entails the excavation of a 5-foot lateral base ditch on both sides of the expanded rail fill slopes to intercept runoff from the proposed railroad slope and direct flow to the intermittent Stream 20. No permanent impacts to Stream 20 are anticipated; however, the tying of the proposed ditch into the stream channel is anticipated to temporaril y impact 58 linear feet of the stream. This section of channel will be temporarily dewatered (if water is present) to minimize turbidity to downstream waters. Permit Site 15 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 18). Permit Site 15 involves approximately 0.04 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 20 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an additional 0.03 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 20 is an NC WAM Botto mland Hardwood Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compen sate for impacts to Wetland 20. By proposing a fill slope on the east side of the rail, design plan s avoid impacts to the intermittent Stream 22. Permit Site 16 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheets 18 and 19). Permit Site 16 involves approximately 0.45 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 21 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an additional 0.18 acre of permanent impacts. Wetland 21 is an NC WAM Botto mland Hardwood Forest with a functional rating of High. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 ratio to compen sate for impacts to Wetland 21. By proposing a fill slope on the east side of the rail, design plans avoid impacts to the intermittent Streams 22 and 23, and the High-quality Wetland 22. Permit Site 17 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 19). Permit Site 15 involves approximately 0.03 acre of permanent fill to Wetland 23 due to the expanded footprint of the rail double-track. The area within 10 feet of the proposed fill slope will be mechanically cleared, representing an a dditional 0.04 acre of permanent impacts to this wetland area. Wetland 23 is an NC WAM Bottoml and Hardwood Forest with a functional rating Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 13 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   of High. Mitigation is proposed at a 2:1 rati o to compensate for impacts to Wetland 23. By proposing a fill slope on the east side of the ra il, design plans avoid imp acts to the High-quality Wetland 23. Permit Site 18 (see attached Permit Drawings, Sheet 20). Permit Site 18 entails th e replacement of the existing 30-inch by 36-inch CSC that conveys the perennial Stream 24 under the rail with a longer, 48-inch WSP that will be installed by trenchless construction. The WSP includes headwalls on both ends and will discharge to a 4-foot tail ditch with sides consisting of Class I rip rap. The exis ting CSC will be filled with a flowable material and left in place. The existing headwalls of the CSC will be removed. A total of 57 linear feet of Stream 24 will be impacted by proposed acti vities. Approximately 23 feet of Stream 24 on the downstream end of the proposed culvert will be placed within the SCP and realigned to meet the proposed tail ditch appropriate ly. Approximately 34 feet of the upstream reach of Stream 24 will be intercepted by a 4-foot base ditch and dir ected to the new WSP. Class I rip rap will be placed on both sides of the 4-foot base ditch at the upstream end of the proposed WSP to maintain the integrity of the embankment and slow the discharge of stormwater from the adjacent 18-inch BCCMP. Temporary impacts of less than 0.01 acre will result from dewatering methods during pipe installation. Mitigation is pr oposed at a 2:1 ratio to compensate for impacts to the perennial Stream 24. MORATORIA No work moratoria have been requested by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) or the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). PROTECTED SPECIES Plants and animals with a federal classification of Endangered or Threatened are protected under provisions of Sections 7 and 9 of the Endange red Species Act of 1973, as amended. Three federally protected species ar e listed by the USFWS for Davids on County (Table x). A brief description of each species’ habitat requirement s follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based upon survey results within the study area. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 14 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Table 3. Federally Protected Species Listed for Davidson County Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status* Habitat Present Biological Conclusion Clemmys muhlenbergii Bog turtle T(S/A) Yes Not Applicable Helianthus schweinitzii Schweinitz's sunflower E Yes No Effect Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle BPGA No No Effect *Federal Status – T(S/A) =Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance; E = Endangered; BGPA = protected by the Bald and Gold Eagle Protection Act. Suitable habitat for the bog turtle occurs within the st udy area; however, this species is Threatened due to Similarity of Appearance (T (S/A)) with another rare species and is not subject to Section 7 consu ltation in North Carolina. Suitable habitat for Schweinitz’s sunflower occu rs along the margins of roadways and the rail lines, along woodland edges, and wi thin utility line corridors. Ho wever, systematic surveys were performed in all areas of suitable habita t on September 29 and 30, 2009, October 9, 2009, and September 29, 2010 and no individuals of this specie s were identified. In addition, several small areas of suitable habitat added subsequent to the 2010 survey window were surveyed on April 5, May 11, and June 1, 2012 for individuals of the Helianthus genus, and no individuals of this genus were found. This project is expected to have No Eff ect on Schweinitz’s sunflower. Potential habitat for the bald eagle does not occu r within or adjacent to the study area. The nearest open water which may serve as habitat for the bald eagle is approximately 2 miles north at Tom-a-Lex Lake. The Site ma y serve as a fly-over corridor fo r the bald eagle; however, the proposed project will have No Effect on the bald eagle. No known occurrences are documented by the NCNHP within or near the Site. CULTURAL RESOURCES This project is subject to compliance with Sect ion 106 of the National Hi storic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and implemented by the A dvisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 , codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Section 106 requires federal agencies to take into account th e effect of their underta kings (federally funded, licensed, or permitted) on properties included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and to afford th e Advisory Council a reasonable opportunity to comment on such undertakings. In a concurrence form dated December 11, 2009, the State Historic Preservation Officer concurred that there are no propert ies eligible for the NRHP within the Area of Potential Effects (APE) of the proposed project. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 15 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   The proposed project was reviewed by representa tives of the Office of State Archaeology on December 4, 2009. Based on the maps provided at th e meeting, it was determined that no further work is required from an archaeological perspective. PUBLIC HEARINGS The NCDOT conducted a Citizen’s Informational Workshop (CIW) for the proposed project on August 13, 2009 at Davidson Community College. Based on public participation at the CIW, a Notice of Opportunity for a Public Hearing for this project was a dvertised. This advertisement ran in two local newspapers from December 8 to December 17, 2011. Copies of the approved EA document and Project Hearing Maps were ma de available for public viewing at the NCDOT Division Maintenance Office and the Davidson County Library, both in Lexington. Several inquiries regarding the project were received, and one citizen requested a meeting; however, after discussions about project concerns, the citi zen decided that a meeting was not necessary. The Notice of Opportunity for a Public Hear ing, a memorandum summa rizing the CIW and the Notice of Opportunity for a Pub lic Hearing, and citizen responses to the No tice of Opportunity for the Public Hearing are included in the attached Public Hearing Documents. On February 10, 2012, the NCDOT held a meeti ng to discuss the project and the potential impacts to farm operations at th e request of an adjacent property owner. Based on this meeting, several measures were incorporated into project designs in order to minimize or mitigate the impacts of the project to the farm. These measur es are included in the attached Public Hearing Documents. On March 28, 2012, the NCDOT requested a P ublic Hearing with the Davidson County Cooperative Extension to present the propose d project and solicit input regarding the minimization of impacts to the Davidson County Voluntary Agricultural Di strict (VAD). This hearing was April 11, 2012. On April 16, 201 2, the Davidson County VAD Board issued a Public Hearing Report with recommendations for the NCDOT. Recommendations and NCDOT responses are provided in Appendix B of the attached FONSI, and in the attached Public Hearing Documents with the NCDOT request for a Public Hearing. SECTION 4(f) Section 4(f) and de minimis Section 4(f) of the Department of Transporta tion Act of 1966, as amended, (23 U.S.C. 138) states that the US Department of Transporta tion “may not approve the use of land from a significant publicly-owned park, recreation area, or wildlife and waterfow l refuge, or any significant historic site unless a determination is made that: (i) there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of land fr om the property; and (ii) the ac tion includes all possible planning Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 16 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   to minimize harm to the property resulting from su ch use.” For Section 4(f), a “use” is defined as one of the following:  Direct use – property is permanently inco rporated into the right-of-way of the transportation project;  Temporary use – property is temporarily oc cupied in a way that is adverse to the property’s purpose; or  Constructive use – a use that occurs when the “the transporta tion project does not incorporate land from a Section 4(f) property, but the project’s proximity impacts are so severe that the property activities, features, or attributes that qua lify the property for protection under Section 4(f) are substantially impaired. S ubstantial impairment occurs only when the protected activities, features, or attributes of the pr operty are “s ubstantially diminished.” (23 CFR 774.15(a)). In 2005, Congress amended Section 4(f) in its passage of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), specifically in Section 6009(a). An important change was the introduction of the de minimis procedures for processing minor impacts to Section 4(f) resources. Subs equent to the passage of SAFETEA-LU, FHWA amended the Section 4(f) regulations (23 CFR 774.3(b), 23 CFR 774.5(b) and 23 CFR 774.17) and issued guidance for determining de minimis findings (Guidance for Determining de minimis Impacts for Section 4(f) Resources). Based on these regulations and guidance documents, the use of land from a publicly-owned park, recreation area, or wildlif e and waterfowl refuge may be determined to be de minimis if: 1. The transportation use of the park, together with any impact, avoidance, minimization, and mitigation or enhancement measures do not adversely affect the activities, features, and attributes that qualify the reso urce for protection under Section 4(f). 2. The official(s) with jurisdiction over the pr operty is informed of FHWA’s intent to make the de minimis impact finding, based on hi s/her written concurre nce that the project will not adversely affect the activ ities, features, and attributes that qualify the property for protection under Section 4(f). 3. The public has been afforded an opportunity to review and comment on the effects of the project on the proposed activit ies, features, and attributes of the Section 4(f) resource. According to the provisions set forth in Se ction 6009(a) of SAFETEA-LU, once the U.S. Department of Transportation determines that a transportation use of property from a Section 4(f) resource constitutes a de minimis impact, anal ysis of avoidance altern atives is not required and the Section 4(f) evaluation process is complete. No Section 4(f) resources were identified within the project area; therefore, the proposed project will have no effect on Section 4(f) resources. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 17 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   FEMA COMPLIANCE Based on a review of the FIRM mapping available for Davidson County (FIRMs 3710674600J, and 3710675600J), there are several 100-year floodplai ns located within the study area. From the northern project terminus to approximately mid-way between Upper Lake Road and Lower Lake Road, the floodplain of Jimmys Creek (dep icted on attached Design Plans and Permit Drawings as “Hamby Creek Trib”) runs parallel and adjacent to the west side of the existing railroad track. In one location, approximately 500 feet south of Upper Lake Road, the floodway of Jimmys Creek is adjacent to the embankment for the track on the west side. Since the second track is proposed on the east side of the existing track, no impact to this floodway is anticipated at this location. Midway be tween Upper Lake Road and Lower Lake Road, Jimmys Creek crosses to the east side of the track. The new bridge conveying th e rail line over Jimmys Creek has been designed to avoid any in crease in current flood levels, a nd the existing culverts will be removed. South of Lower Lake Road, the Jimmys Creek floodplain runs al ong the east side of the railroad. The project has been designed to minimize impact s to the Jimmys Creek floodplain and avoid impacts to the floodway. Since the new track will primarily be on the existing roadbed of the former second track, no impacts to the fl oodway are anticipated at this location. The floodway for Rich Fork crosses the railroad just north of Turner Road and crosses Turner Road just east of the railroad. The co ncrete arch bridge carrying the railroad over Rich Fork will be retained; therefore, no impacts to the floodplain in this location will be necessary. The Abbotts Creek floodway crosses the railroad between Turn er Road and the southern project terminus. The existing 215-foot steel bridge over Abbotts Creek will be retained. No in-water work will be required at this location and no impacts to the Abbotts Creek floodw ay are necessary. The NCDOT Hydraulics Unit has coordinated with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program in regard to the necessary steps to insure appr oval of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) and subsequent final Letter of Ma p Revision (LOMR). The NCDOT Division 9 Construction Unit will submit sealed, as-b uilt plans to the Hydr aulics Unit upon project completion, certifying that draina ge structures and roadway em bankment features that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown on construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. UTILITIES There are expected to be no impacts to jurisd ictional areas due to utility relocations. Any utilities that require relocati on shall be relocated aerially or by directional bore through non- jurisdictional areas. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 18 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   INDIRECT AND CUMULATIVE IMPACTS Indirect impacts in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project consist of continued mixed-use development in accordance with local land use planning and zoning. The cumulative impacts of foreseeable future actions will improve the safety and efficiency of the transportation system and enhance the potential for economic growth in the region. Induced or secondary economic activity is the resu lt of additional industrie s providing goods and se rvices to supply those industries primarily related to the project. Overal l, impacts are considered positive when assessed from a regional perspective. I ndirect and cumulative impacts ar e discussed in greater detail in the FONSI signed on March 28, 2012. WILD AND SCENIC RIVER SYSTEM The project will not impact any designated Wild a nd Scenic Rivers or any rivers included in the list of study rivers (Public Law 90-542; U.S.C. 1271 et seq., as amended).   MITIGATION The Rail Division is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize stream and wetland impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisd ictional area impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during planning wherever possible. Additional avoidance measures will be taken to insure that all streams and wetland areas in the vicinity that ar e not affected by the project will be protected from unnecessary encroachment. No staging of construction equipment or storage of construction supplies will be allowed in wetlands or near surface waters. Careful containment of toxic or hazardous materials near streams and wetla nds, and employment of strict erosion control procedures will be utilized to avoid additional impacts to jurisdictional areas. This project has been designed to avoid disturba nce to aquatic life movements a nd all practicable measures to maintain aquatic life movement and habitat will be employed for the life of the project. Due to the nature and location of the rail, some impacts to jurisdictional areas are unavoidable. In these locations, measures to minimize impacts to jurisdictional areas have been incorporated into the project design throughout the design proce ss. These measures include the examination of appropriate and practicable st eps to reduce adverse impacts to jurisdictional resources such as the reduction of roadway footprints and the re duction of fill slopes for rail bed construction through the investigation of gabion basket walls and steep fill slopes. It is understood that waters impacted by this project are classified as , or drain to, an impaired water as designated on the NCDWQ Final 2008 List of Impaired Waters. The Rail Division is committed to minimize construction-related impacts to theses impaired waters through the use of stringent erosion control measures. Mr. John Thomas Individual Permit Application Page 19 of 20 TIP C-4901A and D, Davidson County   Site-specific avoidance and minimization measures are presented in each Permit Site description. Based upon correspondence with the USACE and NCDW Q, mitigation is proposed at a 1:1 ratio for impacts to intermittent streams and jurisd ictional wetlands receiving an NC WAM overall rating of “Low,” and a 2:1 ratio for perennial streams and jurisdictional wetlands receiving an NC WAM overall rating of “Med ium” or “High.” Proposed mitigation ratios and the resulting mitigation requirements are presented in Tables 2a and 2b. Compensatory mitigation for this project is anti cipated from warm water stream and riparian wetland mitigation credits from the NCEEP. Based upon agreements stipulated in the “Memorandum of Agreement Among the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Departme nt of Transportation, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District ” (MOA), it is understood that the NCEEP will assume responsibility for satisfying the remainde r of Clean Water Act compensatory mitigation requirements for this project (1,474 warm-water stream mitigation credits and 6.77 riparian wetland mitigation credits). The offsetting mitigation provided by the NCEEP will derive from an inventory of assets already in existence wi thin U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit (HU) 03040103. A Mitigation Acceptance Le tter from the NCEEP, dated January 4, 2013, is attached. FIGURE Title: Project: Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS ³ 1 0.500.511.52 0.25 Miles Legend Study area Railroad Improvements Study Area figures Safety Improvements Study Area figures Figure 2Q Figure 2R Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD MAY 2012 1: 24,000 09-004 Notes: Background imagery source: Lexington East 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle provided by the United States Geological Survey. Bowers Lake Figure 2S k k Fig u r e 2 A Fig u r e 2 B Fig u r e 2 C Fig u r e 2 D Fig u r e 2 E Fig u r e 2 F Fig u r e 2 G Fig u r e 2 H Fig u r e 2 I Fig u r e 2 J Fig u r e 2 K Fig u r e 2 L Fig u r e 2 M Fig u r e 2 N Fig u r e 2 O Fig u r e 2 P PROJECT SITE LOCATION MAP §¨¦85 £¤29 £¤70 £¤64 §¨¦85 726 730 706 702 698 694 734 710 714 722 718 738 690 742 7 4 6 7 5 0 754 686 726 69 4 730 706 698 734 71 8 702 722 738 Wetland 2 722 718 714 710 706 702 698 73 4 7 3 0 726 738 742 746 75 0 754 758 762 766 770 6 9 4 722 74 2 714 718 71 0 71 0 72 2 706 7 3 8 Wetland 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD JUNE 2012 1:1200 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours £¤29 Business Stream 2 FIGURES Stream 1 A A B 2A, 2B B Stream 3 Stream 1 1000100 50 Feet Stream 4 ³ ³ Stream 5 686 690 682 678 698 6 9 4 70 2 706 7 1 0 714 7 1 8 72 2 72 6 73 0 734 7 3 8 68 6 694 678 6 9 0 678 71 0 710 706 702 714 718 722 726 698 694 7 3 0 690 7 3 4 686 746 738 750 742 714 698 710 686 7 0 2 718 71 0 706 714 710 7 0 6 694 690 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD SEPT 2012 1:1200 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands Isolated wetland !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours Stream 9 £¤29 Business Stream 7 Wetland 3 FIGURES C D 2C, 2D C D Stream 6 1000100 50 Feet Stream 8 Jimmys Creek ³ ³ Stream 8 Jimmys Creek 67 8 674 670 68 6 682 690 69 4 6 98 7 0 2 70 6 678 698 686 674 6 7 4 686 6 78 674 682 682 678 682 686 690 694 674 698 702 706 710 714 718 722 726 730 67 0 734 678 686 678 674 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD JUNE 2012 1:1200 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Wetland 4 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands Isolated wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours Wetland 6 Stream 10 £¤29 Business Wetland 5 Wetland 3 FIGURES 2E, 2F E F E F Stream 11 1000100 50 Feet Stream 8 Jimmys Creek ³ ³ Stream 10 Wetland 5 Stream 8 Jimmys Creek 670 666 674 678 662 682 686 690 694 698 67 8 666 670 674 682 686 Wetland 10 Wetland 9 Stream 14 670 666 674 678 6 82 686 690 6 94 698 702 706 710 662 670 666 Wetland 9 Wetland 10 Wetland 8 Wetland 7 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD AUG 2012 1:1200 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours £¤29 Business FIGURES Stream 13 Stream 12 Jimmys Creek 100 0 100 50 Feet 2G, 2H G H G H Stream 25 ³ ³ 654 658 662 666 670 6 50 674 678 666 654 674 662 670 6 58 662 666 654 658 6 5 0 Wetland 14 Wetland 13 Wetland 15 Wetland 16 666 662 670 65 8 674 678 682 686 654 690 674 666 6 78 68 2 662 658 Wetland 13 Wetland 14 Wetland 11 Wetland 12 Stream 15 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD JUNE 2012 1:1200 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours Stream 16 £¤29 Business Stream 17 Jimmys Creek FIGURES L o w e r L a k e R o a d 2I, 2J I J I J 1000100 50 Feet ³ ³ 666 662 658 654 650 674 646 670 678 682 686 690 694 6 9 8 7 0 2 682 674 690 682 686 678 6 8 2 682 670 678 686 Wetland 27 666 662 658 654 674 678 670 682 686 690 694 698 702 7 0 6 650 710 714 650 674 686 678 650 662 666 654 686 682 666 658 6 5 0 650 Wetland 14 Wetland 18 Wetland 17 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD AUG 2012 1:1200 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours £¤29 Business Stream 28 Hamby Creek FIGURES 2K, 2L K L K L Stream 18 Stream 17 Jimmys Creek 1000100 50 Feet ³ ³ 646 6 4 2 658 6 54 650 662 66 6 670 646 646 Wetland 21 Wetland 20 666 6 6 2 64 6 670 650 654 65 8 678 674 682 68 6 64 2 678 670 66 6 6 5 8 674 682 Wetland 19 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD JUNE 2012 1:1200 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours £¤29 Business Stream 22 Stream 21 Abbott's Creek FIGURES 2M, 2N M N M N Stream 19 Rich Fork 1000100 50 Feet ³ ³ Stream 28 Hamby Creek Stream 20 666 662 670 674 658 678 654 650 682 646 6 8 6 642 690 694 698 702 706 71 0 638 714 66 6 670 66 2 66 6 66 2 67 4 65 8 Stream 24 662 658 654 650 646 666 670 67 4 67 8 68 2 6 4 2 68 6 690 65 0 67 0 Wetland 21 Wetland 22 Wetland 23 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 2 Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD JUNE 2012 1:1200 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours £¤29 Business Stream 22 FIGURES 2O, 2P O P O P Stream 23 1000100 50 Feet ³ ³ 6 8 6 6 9 0 682 678 674 670 69 4 6 9 8 7 0 2 7 0 6 710 714 718 722 726 730 734 7 38 74 2 74 6 70 2 678 674 6 7 0 686 6 7 4 678 686 682 686 682 698 U p p e r L a k e R o a d U nknow n ³ Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD JUNE 2012 1:2000 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Wetland 4 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands Isolated wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours £¤29 Business Stream 8 Jimmys Creek Stream 10 Stream 11 Wetland 24 FIGURE Stream 27 1000100200 50 Feet 2Q Wetland 5 Wetland 25 Wetland 32 Wetland 7 Wetland 6 Wetland 3 Wetland 26 Stream 26 650 6 5 4 666 66 2 65 8 6 4 6 670 674 6 7 8 6 8 2 6 8 6 69 0 6 9 4 698 702 706 71 0 714 6 4 2 7 1 8 72 2 7 2 6 6 5 4 658 6 4 2 682 7 2 2 678 690 686 674 666 71 8 67 8 674 6 9 8 68 2 682 710 67 0 7 1 4 Turner R o a d U n k n o w n Wetland 27 Wetland 19 Wetland 28 ³ Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD JUNE 2012 1:2000 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours Stream 20 £¤29 Business Stream 19 Rich Fork FIGURE Stream 28 Hamby Creek 1000100 50 Feet 2R 7 06 710 714 718 7 2 2 726 730 734 738 742 6 78 682 65 8 674 686 690 694 698 702 66 2 670 66 6 7 4 6 750 7 5 8 754 7 6 2 7 6 6 6 5 4 7 7 0 774 778 782 786 790 794 798 802 80 6 81 0 814 6 5 4 726 786 706 7 74 778 710 734 7 3 4 678 690 718 782 6 6 2 758 722 670 670 7 5 0 75 0 77 0 666 738 77 4 734 67 4 694 662 730 66 6 65 4 714 682 746 6 8 6 762 73 0 65 4 7 7 8 David s o n C o L a n d f i l l R o a d U n k n o w n R o y L o p p R o a d L o w e r L a k e R o a d U n k n o w n ³ Prepared for: Davidson County, NC BOWERS TO LAKE RAIL IMPROVEMENTS Drawn by: Date: Scale: Project No.: SGD JUNE 2012 1:3000 09-004 Title: Notes: Background imagery source: 2010 aerial photography provided by the NC OneMap program (online, supported by the NC Geographic Information Coordination Council). STUDY AREA AND JURISDICTIONAL STREAM AND WETLAND AREAS Project: Location: ³ £¤70 §¨¦85 Legend Study area Jurisdictional streams Jurisdictional wetlands !(Field-located data point Direction of flow Approximate center of rail line NCDOT roads 4-foot elevation contours £¤29 Business Stream 29 FIGURE 1000100 50 Feet 2S Wetland 29 67 0 6 66 66 2 658 67 4 678 6 8 2 68 6 65 4 6 9 0 69 4 6 9 8 70 2 67 0 6 7 8 65 8 66 6 6 6 2 6 5 4 Wetland 30 Wetland 31 Stream 28 Hamby Creek Stream 30 Stream 30 Stream 31 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c 00 9 8 T _ P 1 0 c Ha n d Ex i s t i n g Existing Te m p . E x c a v a t i o n C l e a r i n g C h a n n e l C h a n n e l N a t u r a l Si t e S t a t i o n S t r u c t u r e F i l l I n i n i n I m p a c t s I m p a c t s S t r e am No . ( F r o m / T o ) S i z e / T y p e W e t l a n d s W e t l a n d s W e t l a n d s P e rmanentTemp.Design (a c ) ( a c ) ( a c ) ( f t ) ( f t ) ( f t ) 1 7 5 7 9 + 4 3 4 2 " W S P - - - - - 0 . 0 2 0 . 0 1 2 2 6 2 6 - 2 7 5 8 5 + 3 1 4 2 " W S P - - - - - 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 1 3 2 1 0 - 3 7 5 9 7 + 5 6 7 2 " W S P - - - - - 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 1 1 6 3 2 - 4 7 6 0 9 + 1 2 3 6 " W S P - - - - - 0 . 0 2 0 . 0 1 2 2 0 5 - 5 7 6 1 4 + 6 0 3 6 " W S P - - - - - 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 3 6 5 - 6 7 6 2 0 + 6 0 4 8 " W S P - - - - - 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 1 1 0 1 7 - 7 7 6 2 4 + 9 4 t o 7 6 3 2 + 3 4 L T F i l l S l o p e 0 . 3 8 - - 0 . 1 5 - - - - - - 8 7 6 3 5 + 6 0 t o 7 6 4 0 + 7 5 L T F i l l S l o p e 0 . 0 9 - - 0 . 1 0 - - - - - - 9 7 6 4 8 + 6 0 L T D i t c h E x c a v a t i o n - - - - - - 0 . 0 1 - 4 3 - 10 7 6 5 6 + 0 0 t o 7 6 6 2 + 4 5 R T F i l l S l o p e 0 . 1 7 - - 0 . 0 7 - - - - - - 11 7 6 6 2 + 5 0 t o 7 6 7 4 + 1 2 R T F i l l S l o p e 1 . 9 8 - 0 . 0 1 6 0 . 2 5 - 0 . 0 4 - 1 0 9 - - 12 7 6 7 8 + 6 6 5 4 " B C C M P - - - - - 0 . 1 9 - 1 4 4 1 0 - 13 7 7 0 0 + 0 0 t o 7 7 0 1 + 8 7 L T F i l l S l o p e 0 . 0 1 - - 0 . 0 2 - - - - - - 14 7 7 4 5 + 0 0 D i t c h E x c a v a t i o n - - - - - - 0 . 0 1 - 5 8 - 15 7 7 6 3 + 5 0 t o 7 7 6 4 + 6 7 L T F i l l S l o p e 0 . 0 4 - - 0 . 0 3 - - - - - - 16 7 7 6 6 + 3 2 t o 7 7 7 5 + 6 2 L T F i l l S l o p e 0 . 4 5 - - 0 . 1 8 - - - - - - 17 7 7 7 6 + 0 0 t o 7 7 7 8 + 5 0 L T F i l l S l o p e 0 . 0 3 - - 0 . 0 4 - - - - - - 18 7 7 9 0 + 6 6 4 8 " W S P - - - - - 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 5 7 1 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO T A L S : 0. 0 0 0 . 0 2 0 . 0 0 11502220 W S P - W E L D E D S T E E L P I P E BC C M P - B I T U M I N O U S C O A T E D C O R R U G A T E D M E T A L P I P E OF 11/29/2012 Pe r m a n e n t im p a c t s C-4901 A/D Pe r m a n e n t Fi l l I n W e t l a n d s Me c h a n i z e d 0. 0 2 SW 3. 1 3 BO W E R S T O L A K E G R A D E S E P A R A T I O N AN D D O U B L E T R A C K P R O J E C T NC D E P A R T M E N T O F T R A N S P O R T A T I O N (a c ) ( a c ) ( a c ) DI V I S I O N O F H I G H W A Y S W E T L A N D P E R M I T I M P A C T S U M M A R Y SU R F A C E W A T E R I M P A C T S WE T L A N D I M P A C T S T e m p . in W e t l a n d s Cl e a r i n g (a c ) 0. 3 1 SW im p a c t s 0. 8 4 9 6 C SS t a . 7 5 98 +66 .50 S t a . 7 6 1 3 +85 .68 P I N o . 2 4 R H CR O S S O V E R 7570+00 7575+00 7580+00 7595+00 7600+00 7605+00 7610+00 7615+00 7620+00 7625+00 7630+00 7640+00 7645+00 S t a . 7 6 17 +2 6 .8 6 P I N o . 2 4 R H C R O S S O V E R S t a . 7 6 1 9 +1 7 .86 P S N o . 2 4 L H C R O S S O V E R -TRACK 1- STA. 7568+00.00 BEGIN PROJECT 7585+00 7590+00 S C S t a . 7 58 6 +6 8 .17 T S S t a . 7 5 8 2 +65 .17 S T s t a . 76 0 2 +6 9 .50 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 P O L S t a . 7 5 6 8 +00 .0 0 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 T S S t a . 7660 +6 7 .8 0 S C S t a . 7664 +7 0 .8 0 C S S t a . 7 6 8 4 +99 .8 4 T S S t a . 7 7 3 9 +9 2 .4 1 S C S t a . 77 4 3 +9 5 .4 1 C S S t a . 7 746 +58 .95 S T S t a . 77 5 0 +6 1 .9 5 T S S t a . 7 75 9 +79 .7 7 S C S t a . 776 3 +8 2 .7 7 C S S t a . 7771 +7 8 .28 S T S t a . 7 7 7 5 +8 1 .2 8 T S S t a . 7 64 8 +9 6 .9 1 S C S t a . 7651 +13 .9 1 C S S t a . 76 54 +3 6 .1 7 S T S t a . 7 6 5 6 +5 3 .1 7 T S S t a . 76 6 0 +6 7 .2 1 S C S t a . 7 664 +7 0 .2 1 C S S t a . 7 68 4 +99 .2 5 T S S t a . 7 7 39 +8 9 .4 5 S C S t a . 7 7 4 3 +9 2 .45 C S S t a . 77 4 6 +67 .28 S T S t a . 77 5 0 +7 0 .2 8 S C S t a . 7 7 6 3 +7 4 .41 C S S t a . 7 7 71 +85 .0 8 S T S t a . 7 7 7 5 +8 8 .0 8 S t a . 7 62 3 +3 9 .4 0 P I N o . 2 4 L H CR O SS OV E R S t a . 7 62 4 +30 .4 0 P S N o . 24 L H C R O S S O V E R P R O P . N O 2 4 R H C R O S S OV E R P R O P . N O 2 4 L H C R O S S O V E R -TRACK 1- STA. 7800+00.00 END PROJECT P O L S t a . 7 8 0 0 +0 0 .0 0 T I E T O E X I S T I NG T R A C K 1 P O L S t a . 7 8 0 0 +00 .0 0 T I E T O E X I S T I NG T R A C K 2 7650+00 7655+00 7660+00 7665+00 7670+00 7680+00 7750+00 7755+00 7765+00 7770+00 7775+00 7785+00 7790+00 7795+00 S t a . 76 12 +9 4 .68 P S N o . 24 R H CR O S S O V E R S t a . 761 8 +17 .8 6 P S N o . 2 4 R H CR O S S OV E R S C S t a . 7 6 5 0 +9 9 .6 5 C S S t a . 7 6 5 4 +60 .42 S T S t a . 7 6 5 6 +7 7 .4 2 S t a . 7 630 +00 .00 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 T S S t a . 76 48 +82 .65 T I E T O E X I S T I NG T R A C K 2 S T S t a . 7 6 89 +0 2 .84 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 S t a . 7 609 +50 .00 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 P I N C S t a . 7 735 +0 1 .78 P I N C S t a . 7 7 3 4 +98 .29 P O L S t a . 7732 +33 .4 2 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 C S S t a . 7598 +6 4 .42 S C S t a . 75 8 6 +6 9 .8 9 T S S t a . 7 5 8 2 +66 .8 9 S T s t a . 7 602 +6 7 .42 P O L S t a . 7 5 6 8 +00 .0 0 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 1 P I N C S t a . 7 5 7 2 +3 1 .54 7675+00 S T S t a . 768 9 +0 2 .2 5 S t a . 7 6 20 +0 8 .8 6 P I N o . 2 4 L H C R O S S OV E R T S S t a . 7759 +7 1 .41 7760+00 7635+00 7780+00 6 0 .0 0 ’ 60 .0 0 ’ 60.00’ 50.00’60.00’ T H -2 EOI EOI WATERLINE FOR E N C A S E M E N T 36"DI BLOWOFF 8"PVC 6 " P L T O 6 "S T L T R AN S I T I O N P O I N T F R O M A P P R OX I M A TE 6 "S TL 6 " P L T O 6 "S T L T R AN S I T I O N P O I N T F R O M A PP R O X I M A TE 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 P R O P . NO 24 R H CR O S S O V E R P R O P . N O 2 4 L H C R O SS O V E R STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. STATE PROJ. NO.F. A. PROJ. NO.DESCRIPTION NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. SHEET 1 SIGNATURE: P.E. RAIL PROJECT ENGINEER RAIL PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER D E P A R T M E N T O F T R A N S P O R T A T I O N S T A T E O F N O R T H C A R O L I N A NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION C N N C NO R T H C A R O L I NA RALEIGH, NC 27699-1556 1556 MAIL SERVICE CENTER CAPITAL YARD ENGINEERING AND SAFETY BRANCH RAIL DIVISION NCDOT VICINITY MAP T I P P R O J E C T : JASON ORTHNER, P.E. RIGHT OF WAY DATE: LETTING DATE: Prepared in the Office of: PROJECT LENGTH GRAPHIC SCALES 0 50 50 PLANS 5 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) 0 5 PROFILE (VERTICAL) RAIL ENGINEER TYPE OF WORK: HYDRAULICS PROJECT ENGINEER JAMES BYRD, P.E. NCDOT PROJECT MANAGER 50 0 50 100 100 DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS LENGTH OF RAIL TIP PROJECT PROJECT TITLE: NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. AUGUST 2012 DATE: ENGINEER HYDRAULICS DAVIDSON COUNTY (TO BE RETIRED) CP "BOWERS" (PROPOSED) CP "LAKE" TO GREENSBORO TO CHARLOTTE (TO BE RETIRED) (EXISTING) CP "LAKE" 49010.1.STR03T1B 310 311 312 313 314 END PROJECT BEGIN PROJECT U PP E R L A K E R D SR 2024 -Y1- L O W E R L AK E R D SR 2020 -Y2- TURNER RD SR 2005 -Y3- CREEK RICH FORK CREEK ABBOTTS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 U p p e r L O W E R L AK E BUS 85 70 29 70 29 BUS 85 64 85 20 DAVID HAWKINS, P.E. R d . T u r n e r R d . L a k e R d . THOMASVILLE LEXINGTON TRIBUTARY CREEK HAMBY STRUCTURE PROJECT ENGINEER 2012 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS D C N C-4901A GRADING, DRAINAGE, STRUCTURE TRACK 1 STA. 7800+00.00 END CONSTRUCTION END TIP PROJECT C-4901A TRACK 1 STA. 7568+00.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION BEGIN TIP PROJECT C-4901A 4.302 MILES 0.092 MILES 4.394 MILES LENTGH OF STRUCTURES TIP PROJECT TOTAL LENGTH OF TIP PROJECT MAY 2013 C - 4 9 0 1 A C O N T R A C T : SEE SHEET 1A FOR INDEX OF SHEETS C 2 0 3 1 6 0 49010.3.STR01T4A P.E. THIS PROJECT IS NOT WITHIN ANY MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES CLEARING ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED TO THE LIMITS ESTABLISHED BY METHOD III (MP 309.8 TO MP 314.0) NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED ROW SIGNATURE: P.E. 43219.2.STR02C4901 UTIL. & CONST. WETLAND AND STREAM IMPACTS PERMIT DRAWINGS SITE 1 SITE 2 SITE 3 SITE 4 SITE 5 SITE 6 SITE 7 SITE 8 SITE 11 SITE 12 SITE 13 SITE 14 SITE 15 SITE 16 SITE 17 SITE 18 SITE 9 SITE 10 COREY VERNIER, P.E. ENRICO ROQUE, P.E. NOVEMBER 29, 2012 C S S t a . 75 9 8 +66 .5 0 S t a . 76 1 3 +8 5 .68 P I N o . 24 R H C R O S S O V E R 7570+00 7575+00 7580+00 7 5 95 +0 0 760 0 +00 76 05 +0 0 7 61 0 +00 7 61 5 +00 7 620 +00 76 25 +0 0 76 30 +0 0 7 64 0 +00 76 45 +0 0 S t a . 76 1 7 +26 .86 P I N o . 2 4 R H C R O SS O V E R S t a . 76 1 9 +1 7 .8 6 PS N o . 24 L H C R O SS OV E R -TRACK 1- STA. 7568+00.00 BEGIN PROJECT 7585+00 7590+00 S C S t a . 7 5 8 6 +6 8 .17 T S S t a . 7 5 8 2 +6 5 .1 7 S T s t a . 76 02 +6 9 .5 0 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 P O L S t a . 7 5 6 8 +0 0 .0 0 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 T S S t a . 7 6 6 0 +6 7 .8 0 S C S t a . 76 6 4 +70 .80 C S S t a . 7 68 4 +9 9 .8 4 T S S t a . 7 739 +9 2 .4 1 S C S t a . 7 7 4 3 +95 .41 C S S t a . 7 7 46 +58 .95 S T S t a . 775 0 +6 1 .95 T S S t a . 7 759 +7 9 .77 S C S t a . 7 763 +8 2 .77 C S S t a . 777 1 +78 .28 S T S t a . 77 7 5 +81 .2 8 T S S t a . 76 4 8 +9 6 .91 S C S t a . 7 65 1 +13 .91 C S S t a . 76 5 4 +3 6 .1 7 S T S t a . 7 65 6 +5 3 .1 7 T S S t a . 7 6 6 0 +6 7 .2 1 S C S t a . 766 4 +70 .21 C S S t a . 76 8 4 +9 9 .25 T S S t a . 7 7 39 +8 9 .4 5 S C S t a . 7 7 4 3 +92 .4 5 C S S t a . 77 4 6 +67 .28 S T S t a . 775 0 +70 .28 S C S t a . 776 3 +7 4 .41 C S S t a . 777 1 +85 .08 S T S t a . 777 5 +8 8 .08 S t a . 7 62 3 +39 .4 0 P I N o . 24 L H C R O S S O V E R S t a . 7 6 24 +3 0 .4 0 PS N o . 2 4 L H C R O S S OV E R P R O P . NO 24 R H C R O S S OV E R P R O P . N O 2 4 L H C R O S S O V E R -T R A C K 1 - S T A . 780 0 +00 .00 E N D P R O J E C T P O L S t a . 7 80 0 +0 0 .00 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 1 P O L S t a . 7 80 0 +0 0 .00 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 7 6 50 +0 0 7 6 5 5 +00 7 6 6 0 +00 7 665 +00 7670+00 7680+00 7685+00 7695+00 7700+00 7705+00 7710+00 7715+00 7720+00 7725+00 7730+00 7735+00 7740+00 7750+00 7755+00 7765+00 7770+00 7775+00 7785+00 7790+00 7795+00 7690+00 S t a . 76 12 +9 4 .68 PS N o . 2 4 R H C R O SS O V E R S t a . 76 1 8 +17 .8 6 PS N o . 2 4 R H C R O S S O V E R S C S t a . 76 5 0 +99 .65 C S S t a . 7 65 4 +6 0 .4 2 S T S t a . 7 6 5 6 +7 7 .4 2 S t a . 76 3 0 +0 0 .0 0 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 T S S t a . 76 4 8 +8 2 .6 5 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 S T S t a . 7689 +0 2 .8 4 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 S t a . 76 0 9 +50 .0 0 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 P I N C S t a . 7735 +0 1 .7 8 P I N C S t a . 77 34 +9 8 .2 9 P O L S t a . 773 2 +33 .42 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 2 C S S t a . 75 9 8 +64 .4 2 S C S t a . 7 58 6 +6 9 .89 T S S t a . 758 2 +6 6 .8 9 S T s t a . 760 2 +67 .4 2 P O L S t a . 7 5 6 8 +0 0 .0 0 T I E T O E X I S T I N G T R A C K 1 P I N C S t a . 7 572 +31 .5 4 7675+00 S T S t a . 7689 +0 2 .25 S t a . 762 0 +08 .86 P I N o . 24 L H C R O S S O V E R T S S t a . 7759 +7 1 .41 7760+00 763 5 +0 0 7745+00 7780+00 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 SITE 18 SITE 15 SITE 16 SITE 17 SITE 14 SITE 13 SITE 12 SITE 11 SITE 8 SITE 7 SITE 6 SITE 5 SITE 4 SITE 2 SITE 3 SITE 1 C-4901A/D SITE 9 SITE 10 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 HW HW TS S S 1"=50’ SCALE 1"=50’ SCALE HW 1"=50’ SCALE HW 1"=50’ SCALE F S SITE 1 SITE 2 d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7578+50 TO STA. 7580+50 LT. Filter Fabric Slope Fill DETAIL F B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7579+36 RT. DETAIL N Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7585+29 LT. & RT. DETAIL S Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=3.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7579+00 LT. DETAIL M B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural *When B is < 6.0’ Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Geotextile HW HW 4 2 " W S P 4 2 " W S P HEADWALL REMOVE HEADWALL REMOVE HW FLOWABLE MATERIAL FILL EXISTING CULVERT WITH BY TRENCHLESS METHODS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED BY TRENCHLESS METHODS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED MATERIAL WITH FLOWABLE FILL EXISTING CULVERT HW EST 260 SYFF EST 155 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH HEADWALLS REMOVE EXIST SEE DETAIL M S = 7.20% 4’ BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL D 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH EST 380 SYFF EST 220 TONS SEE DETAIL F 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH PLACED IN STREAM BED NO RIP RAP IS TO BE EST 50 SYFF EST 26 TONS SEE DETAIL N S =1.30% 4’ BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT IN STREAM BED TO BE PLACED NO RIP RAP IS EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS SEE DETAIL S S =3.23% 3’ BASE DITCH IN STREAM BED TO BE PLACED NO RIP RAP IS EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS SEE DETAIL S S =9.10% 3’ BASE DITCH C C C C F F F F C C F F F F F F F I NV =700 .81 ’ T O P =704 .61 ’ 11 ’C ON C H W I NV =696 .21 ’ T O P =700 .83 ’ 84 "C ON C H W C U L V E R T C ON C &S T ON E 30 "x30 " I N V =70 5 .68 ’ I N V =70 3 .2 6 ’ T O P =70 9 .9 3 ’ 8 .5 ’C ON C H W T O P =70 7 .1 7 ’ 54 "S T O N E H W C U L V E R T C ON C &S T ON E 30 "H x36 "W AA T U R G R E A S E R S T A T I ON AA T U R W E 737 .1 ’ P OND R C P 1 5 " #310 R /R M I LE P O S T HA M B Y CR E E K T R I B U T A R Y E X I S T I NG R A I L R O AD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W 7580 +00 7585+00 7590+00 T O P =707 .17 ’ 54 "S T ON E H W 05 S E E D W G N O . 4 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 5 7 7 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 6 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 5 9 1 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 69 0 6 9 2 692 692 692 6 94 694 69 4 694 6 9 4 69 4 69 4 69 4 6 9 6 69 6 696 696 696 696 696 6 9 6 69 6 69 6 69 6 696 696 69 6 6 9 6 696 69 6 6 9 6 696 696 696 6 9 6 698 698 698 698 698 69 8 6 9 8 698 69 8 698 6 9 8 698 6 9 8 698 698 6 9 8 7 0 0 700 70 0 700 700 700 7 00 700 70 0 70 0 7 00 700 70 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 70 0 700 700 700 700 700 702 702 702 702 702 70 2 7 0 2 70 2 702 702 7 0 2 702 702 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 7 0 4 7 0 4 70 4 7 0 4 706 706 706 706 706 706 7 0 6 70 6 7 0 6 7 0 6 70 6 706 706 708 708 70 8 70 8 7 0 8 70 8 708 7 08 70 8 70 8 7 0 8 7 0 8 7 08 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 7 1 0 7 10 710 710 710 71 0 710 7 1 0 7 1 0 710 710 710 710 710 710 7 1 0 712 712 712 712 712 712 71 2 7 1 2 7 1 2 71 2 712 712 712 714 714 714 714 714 71 4 714 71 4 7 14 7 14 714 71 4 714 716 71 6 716 716 71 6 7 1 6 716 716 7 1 6 71 6 716 7 1 6 716 71 6 71 6 71 6 716 716 7 16 716 716 718 718 7 1 8 71 8 718 718 718 718 718 718 71 8 71 8 7 1 8 7 1 8 71 8 7 18 7 18 7 1 8 718 718 720 7 20 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 72 0 720 72 0 720 7 2 0 7 20 72 0 720 720 720 7 2 0 720 720 7 2 0 720 72 0 720 720 720 720 72 0 7 2 0 7 2 0 72 0 7 2 0 7 2 2 722 722 722 7 22 72 2 722 722 722 722 722 7 2 2 72 2 722 722 722 722 72 2 7 2 2 722 7 2 2 7 2 2 722 72 2 722 722 722 724 724 724 72 4 724 724 724 724 7 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 724 724 724 724 72 4 7 2 4 72 4 7 2 4 724 724 724 7 2 4 724 724 724 7 2 4 726 726 726 726 726 726 7 26 726 72 6 726 7 2 6 7 2 6 726 7 2 6 72 6 7 2 6 726 726 7 2 6 726 726 7 26 726 726 728 728 728 728 728 728 72 8 728 7 2 8 7 28 728 7 2 8 728 728 728 7 2 8 728 728 72 8 728 730 730 730 730 73 0 7 3 0 73 0 7 30 73 0 730 73 0 73 0 730 73 0 7 3 0 7 3 0 73 0 7 3 0 7 3 0 730 730 7 3 0 730 73 0 730 7 3 0 7 3 0 73 0 730 730 730 7 3 0 7 3 0 7 32 7 32 73 2 7 32 732 7 3 2 7 3 2 7 3 2 732 73 2 73 2 7 3 2 732 7 32 732 73 4 734 73 4 73 4 734 7 3 4 73 4 734 7 3 4 734 734 73 4 734 734 7 3 4 734 7 3 4 73 6 7 3 6 73 6 736 7 3 6 73 6 736 7 3 6 736 736 7 3 6 7 36 7 3 6 736 738 7 38 7 3 8 73 8 73 8 7 3 8 73 8 7 3 8 7 3 8 73 8 7 3 8 738 738 7 3 8 738 738 738 7 4 0 7 40 740 740 740 7 4 0 740 74 0 740 7 4 0 74 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 74 0 74 0 740 740 7 4 0 7 4 0 740 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 740 7 4 0 7 40 7 40 740 74 2 742 7 4 2 7 42 7 42 74 2 74 2 7 4 2 7 4 2 74 2 7 4 2 7 4 2 7 4 2 742 742 74 4 744 744 7 4 4 74 4 744 74 4 7 4 4 7 4 4 7 4 4 744 7 4 4 744 7 4 4 744 7 4 6 7 4 6 746 7 4 6 746 746 7 4 6 74 6 746 746 7 4 6 7 4 6 746 7 4 8 748 7 4 8 748 7 4 8 74 8 7 4 8 7 4 8 74 8 7 4 8 7 5 0 750 75 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 75 0 7 5 0 75 0 75 0 75 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 75 0 750 75 0 750 752 752 7 5 2 752 752 752 7 5 2 7 5 2 752 75 2 75 4 75 4 75 4 754 7 54 754 7 5 4 7 5 4 754 75 4 756 756 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 5 6 756 75 8 758 75 8 7 5 8 7 5 8 7 5 8 76 0 76 0 76 0 7 6 0 76 0 7 62 76 4 7 6 6 768 702 70 4 7 0 6 70 8 7 0 8 710 710 710 71 2 712 7 14 7 1 6 718 724 726 728 730 698 70 0 HW HW TS S S 1"=50’ SCALE 1"=50’ SCALE HW 1"=50’ SCALE HW 1"=50’ SCALE F S SITE 1 SITE 2 d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7578+50 TO STA. 7580+50 LT. Filter Fabric Slope Fill DETAIL F B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7579+36 RT. DETAIL N Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7585+29 LT. & RT. DETAIL S Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=3.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7579+00 LT. DETAIL M B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural *When B is < 6.0’ Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Geotextile HW HW 4 2 " W S P 4 2 " W S P HEADWALL REMOVE HEADWALL REMOVE HW FLOWABLE MATERIAL FILL EXISTING CULVERT WITH BY TRENCHLESS METHODS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED BY TRENCHLESS METHODS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED MATERIAL WITH FLOWABLE FILL EXISTING CULVERT HW EST 260 SYFF EST 155 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH HEADWALLS REMOVE EXIST SEE DETAIL M S = 7.20% 4’ BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL D 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH EST 380 SYFF EST 220 TONS SEE DETAIL F 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH PLACED IN STREAM BED NO RIP RAP IS TO BE EST 50 SYFF EST 26 TONS SEE DETAIL N S =1.30% 4’ BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT IN STREAM BED TO BE PLACED NO RIP RAP IS EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS SEE DETAIL S S =3.23% 3’ BASE DITCH IN STREAM BED TO BE PLACED NO RIP RAP IS EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS SEE DETAIL S S =9.10% 3’ BASE DITCH C C C C F F F F C C F F F F F F F I NV =700 .81 ’ T O P =704 .61 ’ 11 ’C ON C H W I NV =696 .21 ’ T O P =700 .83 ’ 84 "C ON C H W C U L V E R T C ON C &S T ON E 30 "x30 " I N V =70 5 .68 ’ I N V =70 3 .2 6 ’ T O P =70 9 .9 3 ’ 8 .5 ’C ON C H W T O P =70 7 .1 7 ’ 54 "S T O N E H W C U L V E R T C ON C &S T ON E 30 "H x36 "W AA T U R G R E A S E R S T A T I ON AA T U R W E 737 .1 ’ P OND R C P 1 5 " #310 R /R M I LE P O S T HA M B Y CR E E K T R I B U T A R Y E X I S T I NG R A I L R O AD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W 7580 +00 7585+00 7590+00 704 7 0 8 7 1 0 T O P =707 .17 ’ 54 "S T ON E H W 70 6 708 7 1 0 7 1 6 7 2 0 722 05 S E E D W G N O . 4 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 5 7 7 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 6 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 5 9 1 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 HW HW 1"=50’ SCALE 1"=50’ SCALE SITE 3 F R O M S T A . 7605 +50 T O S T A . 7616 +00 LT . d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH 2 :1 FROM STA. 7592+50 TO STA. 7597+29 LT. DETAIL D B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= PSRM Ground Natural Slope Ditch Front 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7597+86 RT. STA. 7597+30 LT. DETAIL N Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 7 2 " W S P 3 6 " W S P SEE DETAIL D 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL D 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH HW HW 71 6 SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT HEADWALL REMOVE HEADWALL REMOVE HEADWALL REMOVE MATERIAL FLOWABLE F I LL E X I S T I NG C U L V E R T W I T H METHODS BY TRENCHLESS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED HW HW MATERIAL FLOWABLE CULVERT WITH FILL EXISTING METHODS BY TRENCHLESS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED HEADWALL REMOVE EST 240 SYFF EST 140 TONS SEE DETAIL C TOE PROTECTION E S T 260 S Y FF E S T 155 T ON S S EE D ET A I L L B E R M B A S E D I T C H S EE D ET A I L E B A S E D I T C H 5 ’ SP E C I A L C U T E S T 3 9 0 S Y FF E S T 220 T ON S S =12.70% S EE D ET A I L I S T ANDA R D ’V ’ H E AD D I T C H EST 150 SYFF EST 65 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS S = 1.00%; SEE DETAIL N 4’ BASE DITCH IN STREAM BED TO BE PLACED NO RIP RAP IS EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL N S =2.16% 4’ BASE DITCH EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS SEE DETAIL M S =3.50% 4’ BASE DITCH C C C C F F C C ELE V .=7 0 6 .9 1 ’ 5 7 .53 ’ R T -B L - S T A .8 6 +6 3 .5 5 B M #4 I NV =687 .61 ’ T O P =692 .0 ’+/- DA M AG E D 60 "S T ON E H W I NV =689 .12 ’ T O P =693 .45 ’ 12 ’C ON C H W C U L V E R T C O N C &S T ON E 3 6 "x36 " I NV =691 .75 ’ I NV =696 .66 ’ T O P =700 .02 ’84 "C ON C H W T O P =695 .07 ’11 ’C ON C H W C U L V E R T C ON C R ETE 24 "x24 " T AA T U R AA T U R AA T U R H T R 1 0 ’ G R S O I L W / LT 7 2 " S O I L 72 "S O I L HA M B Y CR E E K T R I B U T A R Y E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W =754.7 OH L I N E =752.9 OH L I N E =753.8 OH L I N E 7595 +00 7600 +00 7 60 5 +0 0 C S S t a . 7 5 9 8 + 6 6 . 5 0 F 06 S E E D W G N O . 5 M A T C H L I N E S T A .7 5 9 1 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 7 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 0 5 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 6 8 0 680 680 6 80 680 680 680 68 0 682 68 2 6 8 2 682 682 682 682 682 68 2 684 6 8 4 684 6 84 6 84 684 68 4 6 8 4 68 4 684 684 684 684 68 4 68 4 68 6 686 686 68 6 686 686 686 686 686 686 68 6 6 8 6 686 686 686 686 68 6 686 686 68 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 68 6 686 686 686 686 68 6 68 6 6 86 68 6 6 8 6 688 688 6 8 8 68 8 688 688 6 88 6 8 8 688 688 688 688 6 8 8 688 68 8 6 8 8 68 8 688 6 88 688 6 8 8 688 688 688 688 68 8 68 8 68 8 68 8 6 8 8 68 8 688 68 8 6 88 688 688 68 8 68 8 68 8 68 8 68 8 68 8 68 8 688 688 688 688 690 690 69 0 690 690 69 0 69 0 690 690 690 690 690 6 9 0 690 690 6 9 0 69 0 6 9 0 690 690 690 690 6 9 0 6 9 0 690 690 6 90 69 0 69 0 69 0 690 692 6 9 2 69 2 692 6 9 2 692 692 69 2 692 69 2 692 6 92 692 69 2 69 2 694 6 9 4 69 4 694 694 694 694 694 6 94 694 6 9 4 694 6 9 4 694 69 4 694 69 4 69 4 696 696 696 69 6 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 696 69 6 6 9 6 6 9 6 69 6 696 696 69 6 6 98 698 698 698 6 9 8 69 8 698 6 98 698 698 6 9 8 698 69 8 6 9 8 69 8 70 0 700 700 700 700 7 00 700 7 0 0 7 0 0 700 700 700 70 0 70 0 700 700 700 700 70 0 700 7 00 700 700 70 0 700 7 0 0 700 700 7 0 0 7 0 0 700 700 70 0 70 2 702 702 702 70 2 702 702 702 702 7 0 2 702 70 2 7 0 2 7 0 2 702 7 0 2 70 2 7 0 2 702 70 2 702 7 0 4 70 4 704 704 7 0 4 704 704 7 04 704 704 70 4 70 4 7 0 4 70 4 704 70 4 7 0 4 704 706 706 706 706 70 6 706 7 06 706 706 706 706 70 6 7 0 6 706 7 0 6 70 6 7 06 706 706 706 7 0 6 70 6 7 0 6 708 708 708 708 708 708 7 0 8 70 8 7 0 8 70 8 7 08 708 70 8 7 0 8 7 0 8 70 8 7 0 8 7 0 8 708 70 8 7 1 0 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 71 0 710 710 7 1 0 7 10 710 710 710 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 710 710 710 71 0 71 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 71 0 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 71 0 71 0 71 0 710 71 0 71 2 712 71 2 7 1 2 71 2 712 712 7 1 2 7 1 2 7 1 2 712 712 71 2 712 712 712 7 1 2 712 712 712 712 712 712 71 2 71 2 7 12 71 4 7 1 4 7 1 4 7 1 4 71 4 714 714 7 1 4 7 1 4 714 7 1 4 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 7 14 7 1 4 71 4 714 714 7 1 6 7 1 6 71 6 7 1 6 71 6 716 716 71 6 7 1 6 716 7 1 6 716 716 716 716 716 7 1 6 716 716 716 71 6 71 6 7 1 8 7 1 8 718 7 1 8 718 718 718 718 7 1 8 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 720 72 0 7 2 0 720 7 2 0 7 2 0 720 720 72 0 720 7 2 0 7 2 0 7 2 0 720 7 2 0 72 0 7 2 0 72 0 720 720 720 7 2 0 72 0 720 720 720 720 720 722 7 2 2 722 7 2 2 7 2 2 7 2 2 7 2 2 7 2 2 7 2 2 722 72 2 722 7 2 2 72 2 7 2 4 72 4 72 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 72 4 7 2 4 7 2 4 724 7 2 4 72 6 726 726 72 6 7 2 6 7 2 6 726 726 7 2 6 7 26 72 6 728 728 72 8 7 2 8 728 7 2 8 728 728 7 2 8 7 2 8 7 28 730 73 0 7 3 0 730 73 0 7 3 0 7 3 0 73 0 730 7 3 0 7 3 0 7 3 0 730 7 3 0 730 7 3 0 730 7 30 7 3 0 7 30 73 2 732 7 3 2 73 2 7 3 2 7 3 2 732 732 732 7 34 73 4 734 73 4 73 4 734 7 3 4 7 3 4 7 3 4 73 4 7 3 4 734 73 6 73 6 7 3 6 7 3 6 73 6 736 736 73 6 7 3 8 73 8 73 8 738 7 3 8 7 3 8 7 3 8 73 8 7 4 0 7 4 0 74 0 74 0 7 4 0 74 0 740 74 0 740 7 40 74 0 740 74 0 74 2 7 4 2 742 7 4 2 74 2 7 4 2 742 74 2 7 44 74 4 744 744 7 4 4 74 4 7 4 6 7 4 6 74 6 74 6 74 6 74 8 7 4 8 74 8 748 75 0 75 0 7 5 0 750 75 0 750 75 2 752 75 4 75 6 HW HW 1"=50’ SCALE 1"=50’ SCALE SITE 3 F R O M S T A . 7605 +50 T O S T A . 7616 +00 LT . d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH 2 :1 FROM STA. 7592+50 TO STA. 7597+29 LT. DETAIL D B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= PSRM Ground Natural Slope Ditch Front 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7597+86 RT. STA. 7597+30 LT. DETAIL N Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 7 2 " W S P 3 6 " W S P SEE DETAIL D 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL D 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH HW HW 71 6 SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT HEADWALL REMOVE HEADWALL REMOVE HEADWALL REMOVE MATERIAL FLOWABLE F I LL E X I S T I NG C U L V E R T W I T H METHODS BY TRENCHLESS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED HW HW MATERIAL FLOWABLE CULVERT WITH FILL EXISTING METHODS BY TRENCHLESS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED HEADWALL REMOVE EST 240 SYFF EST 140 TONS SEE DETAIL C TOE PROTECTION E S T 260 S Y FF E S T 155 T ON S S EE D ET A I L L B E R M B A S E D I T C H S EE D ET A I L E B A S E D I T C H 5 ’ SP E C I A L C U T E S T 3 9 0 S Y FF E S T 220 T ON S S =12.70% S EE D ET A I L I S T ANDA R D ’V ’ H E AD D I T C H EST 150 SYFF EST 65 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS S = 1.00%; SEE DETAIL N 4’ BASE DITCH IN STREAM BED TO BE PLACED NO RIP RAP IS EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL N S =2.16% 4’ BASE DITCH EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS SEE DETAIL M S =3.50% 4’ BASE DITCH C C C C F F C C ELE V .=7 0 6 .9 1 ’ 5 7 .53 ’ R T -B L - S T A .8 6 +6 3 .5 5 B M #4 I NV =687 .61 ’ T O P =692 .0 ’+/- DA M AG E D 60 "S T ON E H W I NV =689 .12 ’ T O P =693 .45 ’ 12 ’C ON C H W C U L V E R T C O N C &S T ON E 3 6 "x36 " I NV =691 .75 ’ I NV =696 .66 ’ T O P =700 .02 ’84 "C ON C H W T O P =695 .07 ’11 ’C ON C H W C U L V E R T C ON C R ETE 24 "x24 " T AA T U R AA T U R AA T U R H T R 1 0 ’ G R S O I L W / LT 7 2 " S O I L 72 "S O I L HA M B Y CR E E K T R I B U T A R Y E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W =754.7 OH L I N E =752.9 OH L I N E =753.8 OH L I N E 7595 +00 7600 +00 7 60 5 +0 0 688 6 9 0 6 9 0 6 9 2 6 9 8 7 0 0 C S S t a . 7 5 9 8 + 6 6 . 5 0 69 0 69 2 6 94 6 9 6 6 9 8 7 0 0 700 702 706 710 F 06 S E E D W G N O . 5 M A T C H L I N E S T A .7 5 9 1 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 7 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 0 5 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 S TS 1"=50’ SCALE SITE 4 SITE 5 ( Not to Scale) BERM BASE DITCH 2 : 1 2 :1 D 2 : 1 B b d FROM STA. 7608+60 TO STA. 7609+00 LT. DETAIL J Type of Liner= PSRM b=3.0Ft. B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. TRACK Ground Natural 2 : 1 D B ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH 2 :1 FROM STA. 7605+50 TO STA. 7616+00 LT. DETAIL B B=5.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Ground Natural Slope Ditch Front B 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7609+18 TO STA. 7610+00 RT. DETAIL P B=3.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7614+57 RT. DETAIL N Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 3 6 " W S P 3 6 " W S P HW HW T O P =69 6 .3 0 ’8 4 "C O N C H W T O P = 6 9 6 . 3 0 ’ 8 4 " C O N C H W METHODS BY TRENCHLESS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED MATERIAL FLOWABLE CULVERT WITH FILL EXISTING HW METHODS BY TRENCHLESS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED MATERIAL FLOWABLE CULVERT WITH FILL EXISTING SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH HEADWALLS REMOVE EXISTING HEADWALLS REMOVE EXISTING SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL P S = 0.40% 3’ BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT EST 220 SYFF EST 105 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 640 SYFF EST 310 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL K EST 30 SYFF EST 15 TONS SEE DETAIL K PLACED IN STREAM BED NO RIP RAP IS TO BE EST 23 SYFF = 23 EST 10 TONS = 10 CLASS I RIP RAP IN STREAM BED TO BE PLACED NO RIP RAP IS EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL N S =12.16% 4’ BASE DITCH C C C C ELEV.=697.29’ 57.18’ RT -BL- STA. 106+77.86 BM#15 INV=702.06’ INV=701.51’ 2 4 " C I TOP=705.09’ 72"CONC HW TOP=704.50’ 72"CONC HW INV=692.48’ INV=690.10’ TOP=697.22’ 11’CONC HW TOP=696.30’ 84"CONC HW CULVERT CONCRETE 26"Hx32"W AATUR HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y EXISTING RAILROAD R/W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OA D R /W HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y 1 3 (PROPOSED) CP "LAKE" 7605+00 7610+00 7615+00 3 6 " W S P 07 S E E D W G N O . 8 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 1 9 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 6 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 0 5 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 6 74 6 7 4 674 676 67 6 6 7 6 6 7 6 6 7 8 67 8 678 67 8 678 67 8 680 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 68 0 680 6 8 0 680 6 8 0 68 0 68 0 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 68 0 6 8 0 68 0 6 8 0 680 680 680 680 68 0 68 0 680 68 0 68 0 680 68 0 68 0 6 8 0 68 0 68 0 68 2 682 682 682 682 682 682 68 2 6 8 2 68 2 682 682 682 682 682 68 2 68 2 68 2 68 2 684 6 8 4 68 4 6 8 4 684 68 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 684 684 6 84 68 4 68 4 684 68 4 684 684 68 4 68 4 684 6 8 4 68 4 68 4 68 4 68 6 68 6 6 8 6 686 686 686 6 8 6 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 68 6 68 6 686 686 68 6 68 6 68 6 68 6 68 6 68 8 6 8 8 688 688 688 68 8 68 8 68 8 688 688 688 68 8 688 68 8 688 68 8 68 8 688 68 8 690 690 690 6 9 0 69 0 6 90 69 0 6 90 690 690 690 690 6 90 6 9 0 690 690 69 0 69 0 690 690 6 90 690 690 6 9 0 69 0 6 9 0 690 69 0 69 0 692 6 9 2 69 2 692 692 692 6 92 6 92 6 9 2 692 692 6 9 2 692 69 2 69 2 69 4 694 69 4 6 9 4 694 694 6 94 6 9 4 694 6 9 4 694 6 9 4 694 69 4 696 696 69 6 696 696 6 9 6 696 696 69 6 696 696 696 698 69 8 6 9 8 6 9 8 698 698 69 8 698 698 698 698 6 9 8 698 69 8 698 698 69 8 700 7 0 0 700 7 0 0 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 70 0 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 7 0 0 700 7 0 0 70 0 700 7 00 7 0 0 7 0 0 702 70 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 702 70 2 702 702 7 0 2 7 0 2 7 0 2 702 704 70 4 704 704 7 0 4 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 704 70 4 704 704 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 704 704 7 0 4 70 4 70 6 706 706 706 7 0 6 7 0 6 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 706 7 0 6 706 706 706 7 0 6 706 706 706 70 6 70 6 708 708 708 708 708 708 708 70 8 708 708 7 0 8 708 708 7 0 8 70 8 708 708 708 7 0 8 708 708 7 0 8 7 0 8 70 8 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 7 1 0 71 0 710 710 7 10 710 7 1 0 7 1 0 710 710 71 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 710 710 710 7 1 0 710 7 10 7 1 0 710 7 1 0 71 0 710 710 712 712 712 712 712 7 1 2 71 2 71 2 7 1 2 7 1 2 712 712 7 1 2 7 12 712 7 1 2 71 2 71 4 714 7 1 4 71 4 714 714 7 1 4 71 4 7 1 4 7 1 4 7 1 4 714 714 714 714 71 4 7 1 6 716 7 1 6 71 6 716 716 7 1 6 7 1 6 716 7 1 6 716 7 16 7 1 6 718 718 7 1 8 7 1 8 718 718 7 1 8 7 1 8 718 7 18 718 71 8 718 7 2 0 7 2 0 72 0 720 720 7 2 0 72 0 72 0 7 2 0 7 2 0 720 720 720 72 0 7 2 0 72 0 7 20 7 2 0 720 720 720 7 2 0 720 7 20 722 72 2 72 2 7 2 2 722 722 7 2 2 72 2 7 2 2 7 2 2 722 72 2 72 2 724 724 7 2 4 72 4 7 2 4 724 724 7 2 4 72 4 724 7 2 4 724 72 4 72 4 726 726 7 2 6 726 7 2 6 726 726 7 2 6 72 6 726 7 2 6 7 2 6 72 6 72 6 728 7 2 8 728 728 7 2 8 728 7 28 7 2 8 72 8 728 7 2 8 7 2 8 73 0 730 73 0 730 7 3 0 7 30 7 30 730 730 73 0 7 3 0 73 0 7 3 0 730 7 3 0 7 3 0 730 73 0 7 3 0 730 73 0 73 0 73 2 732 7 3 2 7 3 2 7 3 2 73 2 73 2 732 7 3 2 73 2 732 7 3 2 734 7 3 4 73 4 73 4 7 34 7 3 4 734 7 3 4 7 34 7 3 4 73 4 7 3 4 734 7 34 73 6 7 3 6 7 3 6 73 6 73 6 73 6 736 7 3 6 736 7 36 7 3 6 73 6 73 8 738 7 3 8 7 38 7 38 7 3 8 738 738 7 3 8 7 38 7 38 7 3 8 74 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 40 7 4 0 74 0 740 74 0 7 4 0 74 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 4 0 740 7 4 0 7 4 0 74 2 742 74 2 742 7 42 7 4 2 7 42 7 4 2 7 4 2 7 4 2 74 2 7 4 4 744 7 44 744 7 4 4 744 7 4 4 7 4 4 74 4 74 4 74 6 7 4 6 7 4 6 74 6 746 7 4 6 746 746 746 74 6 7 4 6 748 7 4 8 748 7 4 8 748 7 4 8 7 4 8 74 8 750 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 75 0 750 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 5 0 7 50 750 7 5 0 752 7 5 2 7 5 2 752 75 2 7 5 2 752 7 5 2 7 5 4 75 4 754 75 4 7 5 4 7 5 4 75 4 75 6 7 5 6 756 7 5 6 7 5 6 7 58 75 8 7 5 8 7 5 8 7 6 0 7 60 76 0 7 60 760 7 60 7 6 2 7 6 2 7 62 7 6 2 7 6 4 764 766 7 6 6 768 S TS 1"=50’ SCALE SITE 4 SITE 5 ( Not to Scale) BERM BASE DITCH 2 : 1 2 :1 D 2 : 1 B b d FROM STA. 7608+60 TO STA. 7609+00 LT. DETAIL J Type of Liner= PSRM b=3.0Ft. B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. TRACK Ground Natural 2 : 1 D B ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH 2 :1 FROM STA. 7605+50 TO STA. 7616+00 LT. DETAIL B B=5.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Ground Natural Slope Ditch Front B 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7609+18 TO STA. 7610+00 RT. DETAIL P B=3.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7614+57 RT. DETAIL N Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 3 6 " W S P 3 6 " W S P HW HW T O P =69 6 .3 0 ’8 4 "C O N C H W T O P = 6 9 6 . 3 0 ’ 8 4 " C O N C H W METHODS BY TRENCHLESS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED MATERIAL FLOWABLE CULVERT WITH FILL EXISTING HW METHODS BY TRENCHLESS PIPE TO BE INSTALLED MATERIAL FLOWABLE CULVERT WITH FILL EXISTING SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH HEADWALLS REMOVE EXISTING HEADWALLS REMOVE EXISTING SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL P S = 0.40% 3’ BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT EST 220 SYFF EST 105 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 640 SYFF EST 310 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL K EST 30 SYFF EST 15 TONS SEE DETAIL K PLACED IN STREAM BED NO RIP RAP IS TO BE EST 23 SYFF = 23 EST 10 TONS = 10 CLASS I RIP RAP IN STREAM BED TO BE PLACED NO RIP RAP IS EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL N S =12.16% 4’ BASE DITCH C C C C ELEV.=697.29’ 57.18’ RT -BL- STA. 106+77.86 BM#15 INV=702.06’ INV=701.51’ 2 4 " C I TOP=705.09’ 72"CONC HW TOP=704.50’ 72"CONC HW INV=692.48’ INV=690.10’ TOP=697.22’ 11’CONC HW TOP=696.30’ 84"CONC HW CULVERT CONCRETE 26"Hx32"W AATUR HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y EXISTING RAILROAD R/W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OA D R /W HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y 1 3 (PROPOSED) CP "LAKE" 7605+00 7610+00 7615+00 68 8 69 0 700 3 6 " W S P 07 S E E D W G N O . 8 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 1 9 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 6 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 0 5 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 HW TS S 1"=50’ SCALE 1"=50’ SCALE S TS SITE 6 SITE 7 F ill S l op e 2 :1 o r F l a tt e r b=2.0Ft. d=3.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL II Rip-Rap b DETAIL C Ground Natural Fabric Filter ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 7620+54 TO STA. 7633+00 LT. d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7619+75 TO STA. 7620+40 LT. Filter Fabric Slope Fill DETAIL F B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7620+72 RT. DETAIL N Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 4 8 " W S P HW FLOWABLE MATERIAL FILL EXISTING CULVERT WITH METHODS TRENCHLESS BY INSTALLED PIPE TO BE SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT HEADWALLS REMOVE EXISTING EST 1530 SYFF EST 790 TONS SEE DETAIL C TOE PROTECTION EST 110 SYFF EST 55 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 100 SYFF EST 65 TONS SEE DETAIL F BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL LAT. PLACED IN STREAM BED NO RIP RAP IS TO BE EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL N S =4.76% 4’ BASE DITCH C F C F C ELEV.=697.29’ 57.18’ RT -BL- STA. 106+77.86 BM#15 INV=681.66’ INV=680.13’ TOP=683.82’ 11’CONC HW TOP=685.55’ 11’CONC HW CULVERT 30"Hx36"W STONE T T AATUR AATUR C A S E AA T U R AATUR 18 " RC P 2 4 " C M P P OND W E 675 .2 ’ J I M E S C R E E K H A M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y EXISTING RAILROAD R/W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W M A R T I N M A R I ETT A M A T E R I A L S I N C 2 4 7620+00 7625+00 7630+00 4 8 " W S P 08 S E E D W G N O . 7 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 1 9 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 9 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 3 3 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 672 672 6 72 67 2 672 672 6 72 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 67 4 674 674 674 674 674 674 676 676 6 7 6 676 6 7 6 676 6 7 6 676 6 76 676 67 6 676 676 6 7 6 676 67 6 676 676 6 7 6 676 6 7 6 67 6 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 6 76 676 6 7 6 678 678 67 8 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 6 78 6 7 8 6 7 8 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 67 8 678 678 678 678 678 67 8 6 7 8 67 8 678 67 8 678 6 8 0 68 0 680 680 680 68 0 680 680 680 680 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 68 0 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 680 6 80 68 0 680 680 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 680 682 682 6 8 2 6 8 2 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 6 8 2 682 682 682 682 6 8 2 682 682 68 2 6 8 2 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 68 2 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 6 8 4 68 4 68 4 684 6 84 684 684 684 684 684 684 6 8 4 68 4 684 68 4 684 684 6 8 4 684 68 4 6 8 4 686 686 686 686 6 8 6 68 6 686 6 86 68 6 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 6 8 6 686 6 86 68 6 6 8 6 6 86 686 68 6 686 68 6 688 688 688 6 8 8 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 688 68 8 68 8 688 688 688 6 8 8 6 88 6 8 8 688 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 690 6 90 690 690 690 69 0 6 9 0 6 9 0 6 9 0 69 0 6 9 0 690 690 690 690 690 690 6 9 0 690 690 690 690 69 0 6 9 0 690 690 690 690 690 6 9 0 6 9 0 6 9 0 690 69 2 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 692 69 2 692 6 9 2 692 692 69 2 692 692 692 6 9 2 692 692 692 6 9 2 692 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 694 6 9 4 69 4 69 4 694 6 9 4 694 694 6 9 4 694 694 69 4 694 694 69 4 6 9 4 6 9 6 6 9 6 696 696 6 9 6 696 696 696 696 6 9 6 696 6 9 6 6 9 6 6 9 6 696 696 69 6 696 696 69 6 6 96 69 6 698 698 698 698 698 698 6 9 8 69 8 698 6 9 8 698 698 698 6 9 8 698 69 8 6 9 8 6 9 8 698 6 9 8 698 698 700 7 0 0 700 700 70 0 7 0 0 700 70 0 700 700 7 0 0 700 70 0 70 0 70 0 70 0 7 0 0 700 700 700 700 700 7 0 0 70 0 700 700 7 0 0 7 0 0 700 702 702 702 702 702 7 02 702 70 2 7 0 2 7 0 2 70 2 702 7 0 2 702 704 704 704 70 4 70 4 704 704 70 4 70 4 704 70 4 7 0 6 706 706 706 706 706 70 6 706 7 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 6 706 7 0 8 70 8 7 08 70 8 708 7 08 7 0 8 708 708 7 0 8 7 0 8 708 70 8 71 0 71 0 7 10 710 7 1 0 7 1 0 710 710 710 710 71 0 7 10 710 71 0 7 1 0 710 7 1 0 710 71 2 71 2 712 712 7 1 2 712 7 1 2 7 12 7 1 2 712 71 2 71 4 71 4 71 4 714 7 1 4 7 1 4 714 7 1 4 7 1 6 71 6 7 1 6 716 7 1 6 7 1 6 7 1 8 718 718 7 18 718 718 720 7 2 0 7 2 0 7 20 7 2 0 720 72 0 720 7 2 0 72 0 7 2 0 72 2 722 722 72 2 72 2 7 22 7 2 4 7 2 4 724 724 724 724 726 72 6 726 7 2 6 7 2 6 72 6 726 7 2 8 72 8 7 2 8 72 8 728 728 7 3 0 730 73 0 730 7 30 73 0 730 73 0 73 0 73 0 730 7 3 2 732 7 3 2 732 73 2 7 3 4 7 3 4 7 3 4 73 4 73 4 73 6 736 736 736 7 36 738 73 8 738 738 7 4 0 74 0 740 740 740 7 4 0 7 4 0 7 40 74 2 742 742 742 744 7 4 4 744 7 46 746 7 46 74 6 74 8 748 748 7 5 0 7 50 7 50 7 5 2 754 HW TS S 1"=50’ SCALE 1"=50’ SCALE S TS SITE 6 SITE 7 F ill S l op e 2 :1 o r F l a tt e r b=2.0Ft. d=3.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL II Rip-Rap b DETAIL C Ground Natural Fabric Filter ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 7620+54 TO STA. 7633+00 LT. d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7619+75 TO STA. 7620+40 LT. Filter Fabric Slope Fill DETAIL F B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d STA. 7620+72 RT. DETAIL N Std. No. 876.01 - Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural Geotextile 4 8 " W S P HW FLOWABLE MATERIAL FILL EXISTING CULVERT WITH METHODS TRENCHLESS BY INSTALLED PIPE TO BE SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT HEADWALLS REMOVE EXISTING EST 1530 SYFF EST 790 TONS SEE DETAIL C TOE PROTECTION EST 110 SYFF EST 55 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 100 SYFF EST 65 TONS SEE DETAIL F BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL LAT. PLACED IN STREAM BED NO RIP RAP IS TO BE EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL N S =4.76% 4’ BASE DITCH C F C F C F C ELEV.=697.29’ 57.18’ RT -BL- STA. 106+77.86 BM#15 INV=681.66’ INV=680.13’ TOP=683.82’ 11’CONC HW TOP=685.55’ 11’CONC HW CULVERT 30"Hx36"W STONE T T AATUR AATUR C A S E AA T U R AATUR 18 " RC P 2 4 " C M P P OND W E 675 .2 ’ J I M E S C R E E K H A M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y EXISTING RAILROAD R/W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W M A R T I N M A R I ETT A M A T E R I A L S I N C 2 4 7620+00 7625+00 7630+00 68 2 6 8 4 6 86 6 9 0 6 9 6 4 8 " W S P 6 82 684 6 8 6 08 S E E D W G N O . 7 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 1 9 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 9 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 3 3 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 120 130 130 130 140 140 140 150 680 680 690 690 700 700 X-1 SITE 7 WETLAND CROSS SECTION 7628+00 WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F 11 : 3 8 : 17 A M . . . \ c 4 9 0 1 a d _ r r _ x p l _ p e r m i t t i n g . d g n $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 D C N 5 10 C-4901A/D TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS PROJECT C-4901 A/D DAVIDSON COUNTY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS LEGEND N C R R R /W C PROP TRK 1 L C PROP TRK 2 L T/ R ELEV T/ R ELEV 694.16 693.98 W L B S T R E A M 675.23 53.5’L 689.94 24.1’ L 690.72 7.1’ R NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 PERMITTED AS PART OF TIP C-4901B OF UPPER LAKE ROAD ARE RESULTING FROM CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS TO THIS STREAM SITE 8 F R O M S T A . 7648 +18 T O S T A . 7648 +60 LT . F il l S l op e 2 :1 o r F l a tt e r b=2.0Ft. d=3.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL II Rip-Rap b DETAIL C Ground Natural Fabric Filter ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 7633+00 TO STA. 7639+00 LT. 48 " W SP (B Y O T H E R S ) SEE DETAIL A 5 ’ L A T . B A S E D I T C H SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5 ’ SP E C I A L C U T SEE DETAIL H SP E C I A L D I T C H G R AD E BY OTHERS BE ABANDONED EXISTING PIPE TO 24 " HD P E HW HW EST 740 SYFF EST 380 TONS SEE DETAIL C TOE PROTECTION F C F C F C C C C ELEV.=674.35’ 220.31’ RT -BL- STA.132+33.82 BM#5 INV=668.25’ TOP=672.51’ 11’CONC HW TOP=673.38’ 96"CONC HW INV=668.89’ CULVERT CONCRETE 36"x36" T T AATUR AATUR C A S E CR O SS I NG AATUR SIGNAL W E 669 .9 ’ W E 667 .1 ’ W E 6 67 .1 ’ W E 671 .5 ’ W E 6 7 0 .7 ’ W E 670 .1 ’ W E 670 .2 ’W E 670 .0 ’ GR U P P E R L A K E R D S R 2 0 2 4 2 5 ’ B S T 4 8 " W O O D 12 ’ B S T GR W E 666 .3 ’ 7 2 " C M P 72 " C H L #311 R/R MILEPOST HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W F / G P O S T S F / G P O S T S GATE CABLE M TL P O S T S M TL G R W / M T L W / M T L P O S T S GATE CABLE S S SIG ARM CROSS ARM C R O SS 3 6 " C M P S G A T E W D 7 2 " W D S / R W A LL 48 " R O C K G A TE W D W D P O S T W / R O P E P O L E F L AG W / R O P E W D P O S T B S T B S T G R 23 ’ B S T P O LE F L AG 3 5 6 6 0 .0 0 ’ E X I S T I NG R / W E X I S T I NG R / W E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W 60 .00 ’ E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W M A R T I N M A R I ET T A M A T E R I A L S I N C 2 2 2 3 24 T 4 " P L 4" STL 6 " P V C 4 " P L 6 " P V C 4 " P L 4 "P L G R AU 35 0 G R A U 35 0 GA TE 89.15’ LT TRK 1 +95.92 94.65’ LT TRK 1 +06.79 94.66’ LT TRK 1 +14.28 94.66’ LT TRK 1 +85.16 119.99’ RT TRK 1 +96.99 108.50’ RT TRK 1 +18.17 (N S P L AN 7 -12 ) I N S T A LL R /W GA TE 7640+00 7645+00 7635+00 09 S E E D W G N O . 8 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 3 3 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 0 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 4 7 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 6 0 0 6 1 0 6 6 0 6 6 2 66 4 664 664 66 4 66 4 6 6 6 666 666 666 6 66 6 6 6 6 6 6 666 666 666 666 6 6 6 6 6 8 668 668 6 6 8 66 8 668 66 8 668 6 6 8 6 6 8 668 668 6 6 8 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 668 668 668 66 8 6 70 670 670 6 7 0 67 0 670 6 7 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 67 0 670 67 0 670 67 0 6 7 0 670 670 670 670 670 67 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 670 670 670 670 670 6 70 6 7 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 670 67 0 670 6 70 67 0 6 7 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 670 670 67 0 6 7 0 670 67 0 6 7 0 67 0 670 67 0 67 0 670 67 0 672 672 6 7 2 6 7 2 672 672 672 672 6 72 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 6 7 2 672 6 72 6 7 2 672 672 67 2 6 7 2 672 672 672 6 7 2 67 2 672 672 672 672 672 672 6 7 2 67 2 672 67 4 674 6 74 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 67 4 674 6 7 4 674 674 674 6 7 4 67 4 6 7 4 6 7 4 674 674 674 6 7 4 674 674 6 7 4 67 4 674 6 74 674 674 674 674 674 6 74 67 4 67 4 6 7 4 674 67 4 674 6 7 6 676 676 6 7 6 67 6 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 6 7 6 6 76 6 7 6 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 6 7 6 67 6 6 7 6 676 67 6 6 7 6 678 678 678 678 678 678 6 7 8 678 678 678 678 678 67 8 6 78 678 678 67 8 678 678 678 678 678 678 6 7 8 678 6 7 8 6 7 8 678 678 67 8 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 68 0 680 680 680 680 68 0 680 6 8 0 6 8 0 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 6 8 0 6 8 0 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 68 0 680 680 680 680 68 0 68 0 682 682 6 8 2 682 682 68 2 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 68 2 682 682 682 682 682 6 8 2 682 682 68 2 682 6 8 2 682 682 682 682 682 6 8 2 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 6 84 684 684 68 4 6 8 4 684 684 68 4 684 684 684 6 8 4 684 684 684 684 684 684 684 68 4 6 84 68 6 6 8 6 686 6 8 6 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 686 68 6 68 6 686 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 686 6 8 6 6 86 686 686 68 6 686 6 8 8 688 68 8 68 8 6 8 8 688 688 688 688 688 6 88 6 88 688 68 8 688 688 6 8 8 68 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 68 8 688 688 6 8 8 690 69 0 690 69 0 690 690 690 6 9 0 690 690 69 0 690 69 0 6 90 690 690 6 9 0 6 9 0 69 0 690 690 6 9 0 69 0 6 9 0 69 0 6 9 0 690 69 0 6 9 0 69 0 69 0 6 90 6 90 690 690 690 690 690 69 2 69 2 692 692 6 9 2 692 69 2 692 692 69 2 6 92 6 92 692 6 9 2 6 9 2 6 9 2 692 6 9 2 69 2 694 6 94 694 6 94 69 4 694 694 694 694 6 94 69 4 6 9 4 69 4 6 9 4 694 6 9 4 6 94 69 4 69 6 696 6 9 6 69 6 696 6 9 6 696 69 6 696 6 9 6 696 696 696 6 9 6 6 9 6 69 6 6 96 69 6 69 6 6 9 6 696 6 96 69 6 69 8 6 9 8 698 698 6 9 8 6 98 69 8 6 9 8 6 9 8 6 9 8 698 69 8 69 8 69 8 698 7 0 0 700 7 0 0 700 70 0 700 700 700 7 00 700 7 0 0 700 700 7 0 0 700 700 700 700 70 0 700 7 0 0 700 7 0 0 702 702 702 7 0 2 702 702 7 0 2 702 702 702 70 4 70 4 7 0 4 704 70 4 7 0 4 704 7 0 4 704 70 6 706 706 7 06 70 6 706 7 0 6 706 7 0 8 70 8 70 8 708 70 8 708 7 0 8 70 8 7 0 8 7 1 0 71 0 710 71 0 710 710 710 7 1 0 71 0 710 7 10 71 0 7 1 0 71 0 71 0 71 2 712 71 2 712 712 7 12 7 1 2 7 1 2 71 2 71 4 7 14 7 1 4 7 14 714 714 7 1 4 71 4 71 6 7 1 6 716 716 71 6 71 6 71 6 718 718 7 1 8 71 8 7 1 8 71 8 720 72 0 72 0 720 720 720 720 72 0 720 7 20 7 2 0 722 72 2 72 2 72 2 7 22 72 2 72 2 722 722 724 7 2 4 7 2 4 724 724 724 72 4 726 72 6 726 7 2 6 726 7 2 6 72 6 72 6 72 6 72 6 72 8 7 2 8 72 8 7 2 8 728 7 2 8 72 8 7 3 0 730 730 7 3 0 730 730 73 0 73 0 73 0 73 0 7 3 0 7 3 2 732 73 2 73 2 732 73 2 73 2 73 2 73 2 73 2 734 734 7 3 4 734 7 3 4 734 7 3 4 736 73 6 73 6 73 6 736 736 73 6 736 738 7 38 738 7 38 7 3 8 73 8 740 740 7 4 0 74 0 742 PERMITTED AS PART OF TIP C-4901B OF UPPER LAKE ROAD ARE RESULTING FROM CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS TO THIS STREAM SITE 8 F R O M S T A . 7648 +18 T O S T A . 7648 +60 LT . F il l S l op e 2 :1 o r F l a tt e r b=2.0Ft. d=3.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL II Rip-Rap b DETAIL C Ground Natural Fabric Filter ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 7633+00 TO STA. 7639+00 LT. 48 " W SP (B Y O T H E R S ) SEE DETAIL A 5 ’ L A T . B A S E D I T C H SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5 ’ SP E C I A L C U T SEE DETAIL H SP E C I A L D I T C H G R AD E BY OTHERS BE ABANDONED EXISTING PIPE TO 24 " HD P E HW HW EST 740 SYFF EST 380 TONS SEE DETAIL C TOE PROTECTION F C F C F C C C C ELEV.=674.35’ 220.31’ RT -BL- STA.132+33.82 BM#5 INV=668.25’ TOP=672.51’ 11’CONC HW TOP=673.38’ 96"CONC HW INV=668.89’ CULVERT CONCRETE 36"x36" T T AATUR AATUR C A S E CR O SS I NG AATUR SIGNAL W E 669 .9 ’ W E 667 .1 ’ W E 6 67 .1 ’ W E 671 .5 ’ W E 6 7 0 .7 ’ W E 670 .1 ’ W E 670 .2 ’W E 670 .0 ’ GR U P P E R L A K E R D S R 2 0 2 4 2 5 ’ B S T 4 8 " W O O D 12 ’ B S T GR W E 666 .3 ’ 7 2 " C M P 72 " C H L #311 R/R MILEPOST HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W F / G P O S T S F / G P O S T S GATE CABLE M TL P O S T S M TL G R W / M T L W / M T L P O S T S GATE CABLE S S SIG ARM CROSS ARM C R O SS 3 6 " C M P S G A T E W D 7 2 " W D S / R W A LL 48 " R O C K G A TE W D W D P O S T W / R O P E P O L E F L AG W / R O P E W D P O S T B S T B S T G R 23 ’ B S T P O LE F L AG 3 5 6 6 0 .0 0 ’ E X I S T I NG R / W E X I S T I NG R / W E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W 60 .00 ’ E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W M A R T I N M A R I ET T A M A T E R I A L S I N C 2 2 2 3 24 T 4 " P L 4" STL 6 " P V C 4 " P L 6 " P V C 4 " P L 4 "P L G R AU 35 0 G R A U 35 0 GA TE 89.15’ LT TRK 1 +95.92 94.65’ LT TRK 1 +06.79 94.66’ LT TRK 1 +14.28 94.66’ LT TRK 1 +85.16 119.99’ RT TRK 1 +96.99 108.50’ RT TRK 1 +18.17 (N S P L AN 7 -12 ) I N S T A LL R /W GA TE 7640+00 7645+00 7635+00 09 S E E D W G N O . 8 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 3 3 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 0 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 4 7 + 0 0 670 670 680 680 690 690 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 100 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 120 120 120 120 130 130 130 140 140 140 150 X-2 SITE 8 WETLAND CROSS SECTION 7637+00 WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F 11 : 3 8 : 2 0 A M . . . \ c 4 9 0 1 a d _ r r _ x p l _ p e r m i t t i n g . d g n $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 D C N 5 10 C-4901A/D TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS PROJECT C-4901 A/D DAVIDSON COUNTY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS LEGEND N C R R R / W C PROP TRK 1 L C PROP TRK 2 L T/ R ELEV T/ R ELEV 687.07 686.93 W L B S T R E A M 671.23 47.5’L 682.91 24.1’ L 683.70 7.3’ R NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 SITE 9 SITE 10 2 : 1 D B ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7648+18 TO STA. 7648+60 LT. DETAIL A B=5.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Ground Natural Slope Fill SEE DETAIL A 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT R E T A I N C C C C F F F C F C C F F BARRELS 2-5’x7’ C ON C H W C ON C H W T AATUR AA T U R AA T U R W E 6 66 .8 ’ W E 6 6 6 .3 ’ 7 2 " C M P 36 " W D GR GR W E 6 6 6 .3 ’ W E 665 .0 ’ W E 66 6 .3 ’ 3 6 " W D 7 2 " C H L HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y E X I S T I NG R A I L R O AD R /W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W S T ON E R ET A I N I NG W A LL S C AN BRIDGE DECK BURIED ON BRIDGE DECK BURIED ON 7 2 " C H L 72 " C H L S T ON E QUA RR Y M A R T I N M A R I ETT A M A R T I N M A R I ET T A M A TE R I A L S I N C WIDTH FOR ACCESS ADDITIONAL ROADBED 7650+00 7655 +00 7660 +00 10 S E E D W G N O . 1 1 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 6 1 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 9 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 4 7 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 526 5 2 8 53 0 5 3 0 5 30 53 2 5 3 4 53 4 53 6 536 53 8 538 5 3 8 5 4 0 54 0 540 540 54 0 5 4 0 5 4 2 542 54 2 54 2 54 4 5 4 4 544 5 4 6 54 6 5 4 8 548 54 8 5 5 0 550 550 550 55 0 55 0 55 0 552 552 55 2 5 5 4 55 4 55 4 5 5 6 5 56 556 55 6 5 5 8 5 5 8 55 8 5 58 56 0 5 6 0 56 0 5 6 0 560 560 560 562 56 2 56 4 56 4 5 6 4 564 56 4 5 6 4 5 6 4 566 566 56 6 56 6 56 6 56 8 56 8 5 6 8 56 8 57 0 57 0 5 7 0 5 7 0 570 5 7 0 5 7 0 57 2 572 572 57 2 5 7 2 574 574 5 74 57 4 57 6 57 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 576 576 57 6 576 57 6 57 8 578 5 78 5 7 8 5 8 0 5 80 58 0 5 8 0 580 58 0 58 0 58 2 58 2 582 582 584 584 584 5 8 4 58 6 58 6 586 586 58 8 5 8 8 588 588 58 8 58 8 588 588 59 0 59 0 5 9 0 59 0 590 590 59 0 5 9 2 5 92 5 9 2 5 9 4 5 9 4 594 59 4 59 4 59 6 5 9 6 59 6 59 6 59 6 59 6 59 6 596 598 598 5 9 8 59 8 59 8 6 0 0 60 0 60 0 6 0 0 600 600 6 0 0 60 0 60 0 600 60 2 602 602 6 0 2 602 60 2 604 60 4 6 0 4 604 604 604 6 0 4 604 60 6 6 0 6 6 06 60 6 608 6 0 8 6 0 8 60 8 608 608 608 610 610 610 610 610 610 6 1 0 6 1 0 61 0 610 61 2 61 2 61 2 61 2 6 12 612 612 61 2 6 1 2 61 4 614 6 1 4 61 4 61 6 6 1 6 6 1 6 616 6 1 6 618 618 6 1 8 61 8 618 62 0 62 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 20 6 2 0 620 620 620 620 62 2 6 2 2 622 622 6 24 6 2 4 624 6 2 4 62 4 62 4 62 6 6 2 6 6 26 626 626 62 6 628 6 28 628 62 8 62 8 6 30 63 0 6 3 0 6 3 0 6 3 0 630 630 630 630 63 2 63 2 632 6 3 2 63 2 6 3 4 6 3 4 634 634 63 4 6 3 6 6 3 6 63 6 636 6 36 6 3 8 638 6 3 8 638 6 4 0 640 640 640 640 6 40 640 64 0 6 4 0 6 4 2 6 4 2 642 642 64 2 64 4 644 644 64 4 6 4 4 6 4 6 6 4 6 646 646 64 6 648 648 648 648 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 650 650 6 5 0 650 650 65 0 6 5 2 6 5 2 65 2 6 52 65 2 6 5 4 6 5 4 654 65 4 654 6 5 6 656 6 5 6 656 656 6 5 8 6 5 8 658 658 658 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 60 66 0 66 0 660 660 66 0 6 6 2 662 662 66 2 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 4 6 6 4 664 664 66 4 664 6 6 4 664 664 664 664 66 4 66 4 666 66 6 6 6 6 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 6 6 6 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 66 6 666 666 6 66 668 668 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 668 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 668 6 6 8 6 6 8 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 668 66 8 668 668 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 68 668 668 668 66 8 668 668 668 668 668 668 66 8 66 8 66 8 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 66 8 66 8 668 670 6 7 0 670 670 670 670 67 0 670 670 670 67 0 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 67 0 6 7 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 670 67 0 6 70 670 670 6 7 0 670 6 7 0 6 7 0 670 67 0 67 0 67 0 67 0 6 7 0 672 67 2 672 672 6 72 672 672 672 672 67 2 6 7 2 67 2 6 7 2 672 672 672 672 672 6 72 6 7 2 67 2 67 2 6 7 2 6 7 2 67 2 67 2 6 74 67 4 674 674 6 74 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 6 74 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 67 4 6 7 4 674 674 674 674 67 4 6 7 4 6 76 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 6 7 6 676 676 67 6 676 676 676 676 676 6 7 6 67 6 676 6 7 6 676 67 6 6 76 6 76 67 6 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 678 6 78 67 8 678 678 67 8 678 678 67 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 678 678 6 7 8 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 680 68 0 680 68 0 680 680 68 0 680 68 0 680 680 6 8 0 6 8 0 6 8 0 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 68 0 6 8 0 68 0 68 0 68 0 68 2 68 2 6 8 2 6 82 682 682 682 6 8 2 682 6 8 2 682 6 8 2 6 8 2 68 2 68 2 682 684 68 4 684 68 4 68 4 684 684 68 4 6 84 68 4 6 84 684 6 8 4 6 84 68 4 684 684 68 4 686 686 68 6 686 686 686 686 686 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 686 686 6 8 6 686 68 6 688 688 6 8 8 688 6 88 68 8 68 8 6 8 8 688 688 688 6 8 8 688 688 688 690 690 690 69 0 690 690 69 0 690 6 9 0 690 690 690 690 6 9 0 6 9 0 6 9 0 69 0 6 9 0 690 6 9 0 690 69 0 6 92 6 92 692 692 69 2 6 9 2 692 692 692 6 9 2 692 6 9 2 692 6 9 2 69 2 69 2 694 694 694 69 4 694 69 4 69 4 6 9 4 694 69 4 694 694 6 9 4 69 4 69 4 6 9 6 696 696 696 6 9 6 696 696 696 696 698 698 698 69 8 698 698 6 9 8 7 0 0 7 0 0 700 700 700 700 700 7 0 0 70 0 7 00 7 0 0 700 700 70 0 7 0 0 70 0 70 0 70 2 702 7 0 2 702 70 2 7 0 2 70 2 7 0 2 70 2 70 2 70 2 7 0 4 7 0 4 704 704 7 0 4 7 0 4 7 0 4 70 4 70 4 7 0 4 70 4 7 06 7 06 706 706 706 7 0 6 7 0 6 706 706 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 708 708 708 708 708 7 08 7 0 8 708 7 0 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 7 0 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 70 8 710 7 1 0 71 0 7 10 7 10 710 7 10 710 710 710 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 710 7 1 0 71 0 71 0 71 0 71 0 71 2 7 12 7 1 2 71 2 7 1 2 71 2 71 2 71 2 714 7 1 4 7 14 71 4 7 1 4 714 71 6 716 7 1 6 716 7 16 7 1 6 7 18 71 8 7 1 8 718 718 720 72 0 7 20 72 0 720 720 7 2 0 722 7 22 7 2 2 72 2 72 4 724 72 4 7 2 6 726 7 2 6 7 2 8 7 2 8 7 2 8 730 7 3 0 73 0 732 732 734 734 736 73 6 73 8 74 0 SITE 9 SITE 10 2 : 1 D B ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7648+18 TO STA. 7648+60 LT. DETAIL A B=5.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Ground Natural Slope Fill SEE DETAIL A 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT R E T A I N C C C C F F F C F C C F F BARRELS 2-5’x7’ C ON C H W C ON C H W T AATUR AA T U R AA T U R W E 6 66 .8 ’ W E 6 6 6 .3 ’ 7 2 " C M P 36 " W D GR GR W E 6 6 6 .3 ’ W E 665 .0 ’ W E 66 6 .3 ’ 3 6 " W D 7 2 " C H L HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y HA M B Y CR EE K T R I B U T A R Y E X I S T I NG R A I L R O AD R /W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W S T ON E R ET A I N I NG W A LL S C AN BRIDGE DECK BURIED ON BRIDGE DECK BURIED ON 7 2 " C H L 72 " C H L S T ON E QUA RR Y M A R T I N M A R I ETT A M A R T I N M A R I ET T A M A TE R I A L S I N C WIDTH FOR ACCESS ADDITIONAL ROADBED 7650+00 7655 +00 7660 +00 10 S E E D W G N O . 1 1 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 6 1 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 9 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 4 7 + 0 0 670 670 680 680 0 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 120 130 130 140 140 150 X-3 X-1 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 120 130 140 WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F 11 : 3 8 : 2 3 A M . . . \ c 4 9 0 1 a d _ r r _ x p l _ p e r m i t t i n g . d g n $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 D C N 5 10 C-4901A/D TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS PROJECT C-4901 A/D DAVIDSON COUNTY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS LEGEND SITE 10 WETLAND CROSS SECTION 7659+00 N C R R R / W C PROP TRK 1 L C PROP TRK 2 L T/ R ELEV T/ R ELEV 677.39 677.38 W L B W L B 672.94 53.3’ L 673.23 52.7’ L 665.03 47.1’ RT 674.11 7.0’ RT 673.53 16.1’ LT 671.53 20.1’ LT 671.53 25.7’ LT 673.79 30.2’ LT 673.53 30.1’ RT NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 SITE 11 SP E C I A L C U T B A S E D I T C H F R O M S T A . 7675 + 00 T O S T A . 768 9 + 00 R T . B = 5 . 0 F t . M i n . D = 2 . 0 F t . S I TE 10 B 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7662+47 TO STA. 7663+11 DETAIL O B=5.0 Ft. Min. D=1.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural F ill S l op e 2 :1 o r F l a tt e r b=2.0Ft. d=3.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL II Rip-Rap b DETAIL C Ground Natural Fabric Filter ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 7672+00 TO STA. 7673+00 RT. F R O M S T A . 76 6 4 + 00 T O S T A . 768 1 + 00 LT . S EE D ET A I L B B A S E D I T C H 5 ’ S P E C I A L C U T SEE DETAIL B SPECIAL DITCH GRADE S EE D ET A I L J B E R M B A S E D I T C H S = 3.70% SEE DETAIL O 5’ BASE DITCH EST 130 SYFF EST 65 TONS SEE DETAIL C TOE PROTECTION F C F C C F C F F F C F B A R R EL S 4 -10 ’W A RC H W E 664 .9 ’ W E 664 .9 ’ W E 664 .2 ’ EXISTING RAILROAD R/W E X I S T I NG R A I L R O AD R /W HA M B Y C R E E K T R I B U T A R Y M T L P O S T M T L P O S T M TL P O S T T T AA T U R AA T U R AA T U R BR I DG E D E C K B U R I E D O N BR I DG E D E C K B U R I E D O N NO T F I EL D L O C A TE D N O TE : T H I S S T R E A M NO T F I EL D L O C A TE D NO TE : T H I S S T R E A M 7665 +00 7670 +00 11 S E E D W G N O . 1 2 M A T C H L I N E S T A .7 6 7 5 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 0 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 6 1 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 660 6 6 0 6 6 0 66 0 6 60 66 0 66 0 6 6 0 660 6 62 66 2 662 66 2 662 66 2 662 6 6 2 662 66 2 66 2 6 62 66 2 662 6 6 2 6 6 2 66 2 662 662 6 6 2 66 4 664 6 6 4 664 66 4 66 4 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 66 4 6 6 4 6 6 4 664 66 4 664 6 6 4 6 6 4 664 6 6 4 664 666 666 666 666 6 66 666 666 666 6 66 666 666 66 6 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 66 6 66 6 666 666 66 6 6 66 6 6 6 66 6 66 6 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 66 8 668 6 68 668 668 668 670 670 670 670 6 70 6 7 0 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 70 67 0 6 70 670 670 670 670 67 0 67 0 670 6 70 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 67 0 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 670 6 7 0 6 70 67 0 67 0 6 72 67 2 672 672 672 672 672 672 6 7 2 672 672 672 672 672 672 67 2 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 674 674 67 4 674 674 6 7 4 674 674 6 74 674 674 674 6 7 4 67 4 674 674 67 4 674 674 6 74 6 74 6 7 4 67 4 674 676 676 676 67 6 676 6 7 6 676 67 6 676 676 676 676 676 6 76 676 67 8 6 7 8 6 78 678 6 7 8 678 678 6 78 680 6 8 0 6 80 680 68 0 68 0 680 6 80 6 80 680 680 680 6 80 680 6 8 0 680 682 6 82 682 682 6 8 2 68 2 6 8 2 68 2 682 6 84 68 4 6 84 684 684 6 84 6 8 4 686 686 686 686 68 6 686 688 68 8 688 6 8 8 688 6 8 8 68 8 6 9 0 690 6 90 690 69 0 690 690 690 690 690 690 69 2 692 692 692 692 6 9 4 694 694 694 694 6 9 6 6 96 696 696 6 96 69 6 6 9 8 698 698 698 698 7 0 0 700 700 700 7 00 70 0 700 700 7 0 2 702 702 702 70 2 70 4 704 704 7 0 6 706 706 7 0 8 708 7 08 708 71 0 710 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 12 712 712 71 4 7 14 7 14 716 716 716 718 720 720 7 2 0 722 7 2 4 726 72 8 SITE 11 SP E C I A L C U T B A S E D I T C H F R O M S T A . 7675 + 00 T O S T A . 768 9 + 00 R T . B = 5 . 0 F t . M i n . D = 2 . 0 F t . S I TE 10 B 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7662+47 TO STA. 7663+11 DETAIL O B=5.0 Ft. Min. D=1.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural F ill S l op e 2 :1 o r F l a tt e r b=2.0Ft. d=3.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL II Rip-Rap b DETAIL C Ground Natural Fabric Filter ( Not to Scale) TOE PROTECTION d FROM STA. 7672+00 TO STA. 7673+00 RT. F R O M S T A . 76 6 4 + 00 T O S T A . 768 1 + 00 LT . S EE D ET A I L B B A S E D I T C H 5 ’ S P E C I A L C U T SEE DETAIL B SPECIAL DITCH GRADE S EE D ET A I L J B E R M B A S E D I T C H S = 3.70% SEE DETAIL O 5’ BASE DITCH EST 130 SYFF EST 65 TONS SEE DETAIL C TOE PROTECTION F C F C C F C F F F C F B A R R EL S 4 -10 ’W A RC H W E 664 .9 ’ W E 664 .9 ’ W E 664 .2 ’ EXISTING RAILROAD R/W E X I S T I NG R A I L R O AD R /W HA M B Y C R E E K T R I B U T A R Y M T L P O S T M T L P O S T M TL P O S T T T AA T U R AA T U R AA T U R BR I DG E D E C K B U R I E D O N BR I DG E D E C K B U R I E D O N NO T F I EL D L O C A TE D N O TE : T H I S S T R E A M NO T F I EL D L O C A TE D NO TE : T H I S S T R E A M 7665 +00 7670 +00 11 S E E D W G N O . 1 2 M A T C H L I N E S T A .7 6 7 5 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 0 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 6 1 + 0 0 670 670 680 680 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 120 130 130 140 150 X-2 X-1 SITE 11 WETLAND CROSS SECTION 7670+00 WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F 11 : 3 8 : 2 6 A M . . . \ c 4 9 0 1 a d _ r r _ x p l _ p e r m i t t i n g . d g n $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 D C N 5 10 C-4901A/D TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS PROJECT C-4901 A/D DAVIDSON COUNTY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS LEGEND C PROP TRK 1 L C PROP TRK 2 L T/ R ELEV T/ R ELEV 675.04 675.04 W L B W L B 667.70 23.1’ L 671.18 16.1’ L 671.17 30.6’ R 664.94 43.0’ R 671.76 7.0’ R NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 SITE 12 ( Not to Scale) BERM BASE DITCH 2 : 1 2 :1 D 2 : 1 B b d FROM STA. 7678+50 TO STA. 7680+00 RT. DETAIL L b=3.0 Ft. B=5.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural TRACK GEOTEXTILE ( Not to Scale) BERM BASE DITCH 2 : 1 2 :1 D 2 : 1 B b d FROM STA. 7676+00 TO STA. 7678+50 RT. DETAIL J Type of Liner= PSRM b=3.0Ft. B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. TRACK Ground Natural 2 : 1 D B ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH 2 :1 FROM STA. 7675+00 TO STA. 7689+00 RT. DETAIL B B=5.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Ground Natural Slope Ditch Front FROM STA. 7664+00 TO STA. 7681+00 LT. ( Not to Scale) DETAIL K 10’ Feature Drainage Offsite Subballast Railroad 2.0’ STA. 7678+50 RT. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Geotextile Section View 2 : 1 B 2 :1 Ground Natural Geotextile B=2.0Ft. Min. D=1.0Ft. D Ground Natural 54 " BC C M P HW SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL A 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT R E T A I N SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH R E M O V E R E M OV E EST 60 SYFF EST 30 TONS S =8.20% SEE DETAIL I STANDARD ’V’ DITCH EST 90 SYFF EST 45 TONS S =19.50% SEE DETAIL I STANDARD ’V’ DITCH EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS CLASS I RIP RAP EST 160 SYFF EST 80 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 60 SYFF EST 30 TONS CLASS I RIP RAP EST 80 SYFF EST 40 TONS SEE DETAIL K EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS SEE DETAIL K C C C C ELE V .=672 .11 ’ 48 .98 ’ R T -B L - S T A . 165 +05 .01 B M #6 T O P =6 6 6 .9 1 ’ 9 ’C ON C H W T O P =66 7 .13 ’ 12 ’C ON C H W I NV =6 6 3 .33 ’ I NV =662 .14 ’ I NV =662 .36 ’ I NV =66 3 .30 ’ 30" RCP C U L V E R T C ON CR ETE 44 "x44 " I NV =669 .4 0 ’ I N V =67 0 .4 7 ’ T AA T U R AA T U R C A S E CR O SS I NG AA T U R 6 " P V C 2 "P V C 6 " P V C AA T U R 6 " P V C GR H T R W 1 SF D S S S S C A N O P Y S S C ANO P Y C ON C A B A ND A B AND S O I L GR S L O W E R L A K E R D S R 2 0 2 0 2 4 ’ B S T H T R H T R H T R H T R H T R 1 SF D S 60 " W D S G R G R S S S S 7 2 " W D GR GR H T R H T R HTR H T R HTR H T R GR GR #31 2 R /R M I LE P O S T 9 ’ S O I L 8 ’ S O I L 15 " R C P 36 " V I NY L E X I S T I NG R A I L R O AD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W =70 7 .1 OH L I N E =700 .9 O H L I N E CHL 72" L O T DOG VA R G R W /LT R C P 12 " R C P 12 " RC P 1 5 " R C P 18 " W /LT S H E D C ON C 12 "RC P R C P 1 5 " GR ELE V .=676 .87 ’ 1 2 1 .93 ’ R T -B L -S T A . 175 +34 .1 3 B M #7 R C P 15 " 18 "R C P L AK E R D L O W E R S R 2 0 2 0 2 2 ’ B S T GA TE C A B LE B UNGA L O W CR O SS I NG GA TE C A B LE S S S I G = 6 9 8 .9 OH L I N E =713 .1 OH L I N E A R M CR O SS A R M CR O SS 1SFD ABAND T O O L D 2 9 T O U P P E R L A K E R D C A S I N G 4 "S TL 7680 +00 7685 +00 7675 +00 12 S E E D W G N O . 1 1 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 7 5 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 3 M A T C H L I N E S T A .7 6 8 9 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 656 65 8 6 5 8 6 5 8 660 66 0 660 660 660 66 0 660 660 660 660 660 6 6 0 6 6 0 66 0 660 66 0 6 6 2 662 66 2 662 662 662 66 2 6 6 2 6 6 4 664 664 664 6 6 4 664 6 6 4 6 64 6 6 4 664 664 666 6 66 6 6 6 666 666 666 6 66 66 6 6 6 6 666 666 6 6 6 66 6 666 6 68 66 8 6 6 8 668 6 6 8 6 68 668 668 668 66 8 6 68 668 6 7 0 6 7 0 67 0 670 670 6 70 670 67 0 6 70 67 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 670 6 70 670 670 670 670 670 67 0 670 670 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 670 670 6 7 0 670 670 672 672 672 672 672 6 7 2 672 672 672 672 67 2 672 672 672 67 2 6 7 2 672 672 672 6 7 2 67 2 6 7 2 672 67 2 672 6 72 67 2 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 6 7 2 6 72 672 672 672 672 674 6 7 4 674 67 4 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 674 6 7 4 674 6 7 4 674 674 67 4 67 4 6 7 4 674 674 674 674 674 674 67 4 674 67 6 6 7 6 676 676 676 6 7 6 676 676 676 676 6 76 676 676 676 676 676 676 676 67 6 676 676 676 676 678 6 7 8 6 7 8 678 6 78 678 678 678 678 6 7 8 6 78 6 7 8 678 6 7 8 67 8 678 678 6 7 8 67 8 680 68 0 68 0 6 8 0 6 8 0 680 68 0 68 0 6 8 0 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 6 8 0 6 8 0 68 0 680 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 68 0 68 0 6 80 6 8 0 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 680 68 0 680 682 682 682 6 8 2 68 2 682 682 68 2 6 8 2 6 8 2 6 8 2 682 682 6 82 6 8 2 682 684 684 6 8 4 6 8 4 684 684 6 8 4 684 6 8 4 68 4 68 4 684 684 684 68 6 6 8 6 6 86 6 8 6 686 6 8 6 686 686 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 68 8 688 688 688 688 688 6 8 8 6 8 8 688 6 8 8 688 69 0 69 0 69 0 690 690 6 9 0 690 6 9 0 690 69 0 690 6 9 0 6 9 0 690 690 690 6 9 2 69 2 692 6 9 2 69 2 69 2 6 9 2 6 9 2 692 692 6 9 4 69 4 6 9 4 6 9 4 694 69 4 6 9 4 6 94 6 9 4 6 9 4 694 694 69 6 6 9 6 696 696 6 96 69 6 696 69 8 6 9 8 6 9 8 6 9 8 698 6 98 69 8 6 9 8 698 700 70 0 7 0 0 700 700 7 0 0 70 0 700 70 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 700 700 700 7 0 0 7 0 2 702 7 0 2 702 7 02 70 2 7 0 2 7 0 2 702 702 7 0 4 70 4 704 70 4 7 0 4 7 0 4 7 0 4 70 4 704 7 0 6 7 06 70 6 7 0 6 706 7 0 8 70 8 7 0 8 70 8 7 1 0 710 7 10 7 1 0 7 10 712 7 1 2 712 712 71 4 7 1 4 7 1 6 7 1 8 7 18 7 2 0 720 722 7 24 SITE 12 ( Not to Scale) BERM BASE DITCH 2 : 1 2 :1 D 2 : 1 B b d FROM STA. 7678+50 TO STA. 7680+00 RT. DETAIL L b=3.0 Ft. B=5.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural TRACK GEOTEXTILE ( Not to Scale) BERM BASE DITCH 2 : 1 2 :1 D 2 : 1 B b d FROM STA. 7676+00 TO STA. 7678+50 RT. DETAIL J Type of Liner= PSRM b=3.0Ft. B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. TRACK Ground Natural 2 : 1 D B ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH 2 :1 FROM STA. 7675+00 TO STA. 7689+00 RT. DETAIL B B=5.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Ground Natural Slope Ditch Front FROM STA. 7664+00 TO STA. 7681+00 LT. ( Not to Scale) DETAIL K 10’ Feature Drainage Offsite Subballast Railroad 2.0’ STA. 7678+50 RT. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Geotextile Section View 2 : 1 B 2 :1 Ground Natural Geotextile B=2.0Ft. Min. D=1.0Ft. D Ground Natural 54 " BC C M P HW SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL A 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT R E T A I N SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL J BERM BASE DITCH R E M O V E R E M OV E EST 60 SYFF EST 30 TONS S =8.20% SEE DETAIL I STANDARD ’V’ DITCH EST 90 SYFF EST 45 TONS S =19.50% SEE DETAIL I STANDARD ’V’ DITCH EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS CLASS I RIP RAP EST 160 SYFF EST 80 TONS SEE DETAIL L BERM BASE DITCH EST 60 SYFF EST 30 TONS CLASS I RIP RAP EST 80 SYFF EST 40 TONS SEE DETAIL K EST 40 SYFF EST 20 TONS SEE DETAIL K C C C C C F ELE V .=672 .11 ’ 48 .98 ’ R T -B L - S T A . 165 +05 .01 B M #6 T O P =6 6 6 .9 1 ’ 9 ’C ON C H W T O P =66 7 .13 ’ 12 ’C ON C H W I NV =6 6 3 .33 ’ I NV =662 .14 ’ I NV =662 .36 ’ I NV =66 3 .30 ’ 30" RCP C U L V E R T C ON CR ETE 44 "x44 " I NV =669 .4 0 ’ I N V =67 0 .4 7 ’ T AA T U R AA T U R C A S E CR O SS I NG AA T U R 6 " P V C 2 "P V C 6 " P V C AA T U R 6 " P V C GR H T R W 1 SF D S S S S C A N O P Y S S C ANO P Y C ON C A B A ND A B AND S O I L GR S L O W E R L A K E R D S R 2 0 2 0 2 4 ’ B S T H T R H T R H T R H T R 1 SF D S 60 " W D S G R G R S S S S 7 2 " W D GR GR H T R H T R HTR H T R HTR H T R GR GR #31 2 R /R M I LE P O S T 9 ’ S O I L 8 ’ S O I L 15 " R C P 36 " V I NY L E X I S T I NG R A I L R O AD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W =70 7 .1 OH L I N E =700 .9 O H L I N E CHL 72" L O T DOG VA R G R W /LT R C P 12 " R C P 12 " RC P 1 5 " R C P 18 " W /LT S H E D C ON C 12 "RC P R C P 1 5 " GR ELE V .=676 .87 ’ 1 2 1 .93 ’ R T -B L -S T A . 175 +34 .1 3 B M #7 R C P 15 " 18 "R C P L AK E R D L O W E R S R 2 0 2 0 2 2 ’ B S T GA TE C A B LE B UNGA L O W CR O SS I NG GA TE C A B LE S S S I G = 6 9 8 .9 OH L I N E =713 .1 OH L I N E =716 .0 OH L I N E =722 .1 OH L I N E A R M CR O SS A R M CR O SS 1SFD ABAND T O O L D 2 9 T O U P P E R L A K E R D C A S I N G 4 "S TL 7680 +00 7685 +00 7675 +00 12 S E E D W G N O . 1 1 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 7 5 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 3 M A T C H L I N E S T A .7 6 8 9 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C.SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * *** ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 SITE 13 S EE D ET A I L A 5 ’ L A T . B A S E D I T C H R E T A I N SEE DETAIL A 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH C F F C C F INV=648.45’ INV=648.29’ TOP=654.32’ 12’CONC HW TOP=653.91’ 12’CONC HW T AATUR AATUR S H T R 60 " W D 36 " C M P 3 0 " R C P 36 " C M P E A R T H DA M W E 660 .7 ’ H A M B Y CR E E K T R I B U T A R Y EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W =713.1 OH LINE =716.0 OH LINE =722.1 OH LINE CONCRETE CULVERT 36"Hx40"W 7695 +00 7700 +00 7695+00 7700+00 7690+00 13 S E E D W G N O . 1 2 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 8 9 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 4 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 0 3 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C.SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * *** ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 6 50 650 6 50 650 652 652 652 652 652 652 652 6 52 65 2 652 65 2 6 5 2 65 2 6 5 2 6 5 2 6 5 2 65 2 6 5 2 652 652 652 652 652 6 5 2 652 652 652 6 5 4 65 4 654 6 54 6 5 4 6 5 4 654 65 4 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 65 4 654 6 54 6 5 4 65 4 65 4 654 654 65 4 654 6 5 4 654 654 654 654 654 654 6 5 4 654 654 654 654 654 65 4 65 4 6 56 65 6 65 6 65 6 6 5 6 65 6 6 56 65 6 656 656 656 656 656 656 6 5 6 656 656 656 656 656 656 6 5 6 6 5 6 65 6 6 5 6 656 65 6 656 656 658 65 8 65 8 658 6 58 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 65 8 65 8 6 5 8 6 58 65 8 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 660 660 66 0 660 6 6 0 66 0 66 0 6 6 0 6 60 6 6 0 660 66 0 6 60 6 6 0 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 66 0 660 660 660 6 6 0 660 660 660 66 0 66 0 66 0 66 0 660 660 66 0 660 660 660 66 0 660 66 0 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 6 6 2 662 66 2 662 662 66 2 662 662 6 6 2 662 662 662 662 66 2 6 6 2 66 2 662 6 6 2 662 662 6 6 2 6 6 2 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 6 6 2 662 66 2 662 6 6 2 662 66 2 66 2 662 6 6 4 66 4 6 64 664 6 6 4 6 6 4 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 66 4 664 6 6 4 6 64 6 6 4 6 6 4 664 66 4 664 664 6 6 4 664 664 664 664 664 66 4 664 664 6 64 664 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 66 6 666 66 6 6 66 666 66 6 6 66 66 6 666 666 6 6 6 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 66 6 6 6 6 666 666 66 6 666 666 668 668 668 668 668 668 66 8 6 6 8 66 8 668 66 8 668 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 6 6 8 66 8 668 668 668 668 668 668 6 68 668 670 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 67 0 670 670 670 6 7 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 6 70 670 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 670 670 6 7 0 67 0 67 0 670 670 670 6 70 67 0 67 0 670 670 6 72 6 7 2 672 67 2 67 2 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 672 6 7 2 672 672 672 6 7 2 672 672 672 674 674 67 4 67 4 6 7 4 67 4 674 674 67 4 674 674 674 676 676 676 67 6 6 7 6 676 676 6 7 6 67 6 6 76 678 678 6 7 8 67 8 67 8 67 8 678 678 6 7 8 678 6 8 0 68 0 680 6 8 0 680 6 80 68 0 68 0 68 0 6 8 0 6 8 0 680 680 682 6 8 2 682 682 682 68 2 68 2 682 68 4 6 8 4 684 6 84 684 68 4 6 84 684 686 686 68 6 68 6 6 8 6 68 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 68 8 68 8 690 69 0 690 6 9 0 69 0 69 0 6 9 0 69 0 6 9 2 69 2 69 2 69 4 69 4 69 4 696 69 6 6 98 69 8 698 7 0 0 7 0 0 70 0 7 00 70 0 70 2 7 0 2 70 4 70 4 70 6 706 70 8 708 710 710 71 0 710 71 2 71 4 7 1 6 716 71 8 72 0 7 2 0 72 2 72 4 72 6 7 2 8 73 0 73 2 7 3 4 738 740 SITE 13 S EE D ET A I L A 5 ’ L A T . B A S E D I T C H R E T A I N SEE DETAIL A 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH C F F C C F INV=648.45’ INV=648.29’ TOP=654.32’ 12’CONC HW TOP=653.91’ 12’CONC HW T AATUR AATUR S H T R 60 " W D 36 " C M P 3 0 " R C P 36 " C M P E A R T H DA M W E 660 .7 ’ H A M B Y CR E E K T R I B U T A R Y EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W =713.1 OH LINE =716.0 OH LINE =722.1 OH LINE CONCRETE CULVERT 36"Hx40"W 7695 +00 7700 +00 7695+00 7700+00 7690+00 13 S E E D W G N O . 1 2 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 6 8 9 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 4 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 0 3 + 0 0 650 650 660 660 670 670 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 120 130 130 140 150 X-2 X-1 SITE 13 WETLAND CROSS SECTION 7701+25 WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F 11 : 3 8 : 2 9 A M . . . \ c 4 9 0 1 a d _ r r _ x p l _ p e r m i t t i n g . d g n $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 D C N 5 10 C-4901A/D TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS PROJECT C-4901 A/D DAVIDSON COUNTY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS LEGEND 100 ’ L 51.3 651.75 W L B W L B 100 ’ L 51.3 651.75 W L B W L B NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 1"=50’ SCALE SITE 14 2 : 1 D B ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7744+82 TO STA. 7745+39 LT. DETAIL A B=5.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Ground Natural FROM STA. 7744+57 TO STA. 7744+80 RT. d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH 2 :1 DETAIL D B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= PSRM d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7744+28 TO STA. 7744+73 LT. Filter Fabric Slope Fill DETAIL F B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural FROM STA. 7745+00 TO STA. 7745+37 RT. SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL G BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL F 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL A 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH R E T A I N SEE DETAIL D 5 ’ L A T . B A S E D I T C H EST 70 SYFF E S T 40 T ON S SEE DETAIL F BASE DITCH 5 ’ SP E C I A L L A T . C C C F F C C C C C F F F F C C C C ELEV.=667.80’ 3.02’ RT -B L - S T A . 228 +60 .39 BM#9 I NV =654 .78 ’T O P =658 .95 ’12 ’C ON C H W C U L V E R T C O N C & S T O N E 2 4 "H x 3 0 "W I NV =666 .59 ’ L O C A TE E ND U NA B LE T O 2-50’ ARCHES CONC. BRIDGE T T T T AATUR AATUR EOI AA T U R AA T U R EOI 6 "P L TS M T L W / M T L P O S T S 8’ GR 4 8 " W D T U R N E R R D S R 2 0 2 0 2 4 ’ B S T R I C H F O R K CR EE K #313 R/R MILEPOST 48 " W D HA M B Y CR EE K H A M B Y CR EE K E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I N G R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W =705.4 OH L I N E =703.6 OH L I N E SHED CONC ABAND BR I DG E D E C K B U R I E D ON F / G P O S T S 7 2 " C H L 7 2 " C H L S S 12 "C M P GA TE C A B L E SIG SIG GATE C A B LE CR O SS A R M ARM CROSS C A S E C R O S S I N G F / G P O S T S v v v v 4 8 " W D S / R 1 S E L E C G R P O S T S M T L W / M T L S R 2 0 2 0 T U R N E R R D 1 7 L A W R E N C E R I C H A R D & C A M I L L E BROWN J OHN & L I NDA BR O W N J OHN & L I ND A B A N K S & N O N A E V E R H A R T E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W 50 .00 ’ 6 0 .0 0 ’ E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W 20 ’ G A S E A S E M E N T 2 0 ’ G A S E A S E M E N T E A S E M E N T 2 0 ’ G A S 8 "P L A S 8 "P L A S 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 T 6 " P L 6 "S TL 1 2 " 1 6 " D I 1 2 " (D A T U R ) 12 " A C 6 " P L T H - 2 T H -4 T T H -5 6 " P L T O 6 " S T L T R A N S I T I O N P O I N T F R O M A P P R O X I M A T E 6 " S T L 6 " P L T O 6 " S T L T R A N S I T I O N P O I N T F R O M A P P R O X I M A T E 2 0 + 0 0 2 5 + 0 0 STA. 7740+36.66 BEGIN BRIDGE STA. 7741+56.08 END BRIDGE WIDTH FOR ACCESS ADDITIONAL ROADBED WIDTH FOR ACCESS ADDITIONAL ROADBED 7735+00 7740+00 7745 +00 16 S E E D W G N O . 1 5 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 3 1 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 7 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 4 5 + 0 0 F F F C F NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 6 3 4 63 6 63 6 636 638 6 3 8 638 63 8 6 3 8 640 640 640 6 40 640 64 0 64 0 640 6 40 6 4 0 6 4 0 640 6 4 0 6 40 64 0 6 4 0 640 6 4 0 64 0 640 6 4 2 642 64 2 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 642 64 2 64 2 6 4 2 642 64 2 64 2 64 2 642 642 642 64 2 642 642 64 2 642 64 2 6 42 64 4 644 6 4 4 64 4 644 644 64 4 64 4 644 644 644 644 644 64 4 644 644 644 64 4 64 4 64 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 644 6 4 4 64 4 64 4 64 4 644 644 64 4 6 4 4 64 4 64 4 644 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 644 64 4 6 4 4 64 4 64 4 6 4 4 644 6 44 644 6 4 4 644 6 4 6 64 6 64 6 6 4 6 64 6 646 6 4 6 64 6 646 6 46 646 646 646 646 646 6 4 6 646 64 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 646 646 646 6 46 64 6 6 46 646 64 6 646 6 46 646 64 6 6 4 6 646 64 6 6 4 6 646 646 646 646 646 6 4 6 6 4 8 648 6 4 8 6 4 8 648 6 4 8 648 64 8 6 4 8 6 4 8 648 6 4 8 6 4 8 648 648 648 648 648 64 8 648 64 8 64 8 6 4 8 6 4 8 648 64 8 64 8 648 6 4 8 6 48 6 4 8 64 8 6 4 8 648 6 4 8 65 0 65 0 6 5 0 650 650 650 6 50 650 650 65 0 6 50 65 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 650 65 0 650 650 650 650 6 50 6 5 0 6 5 0 650 650 650 650 6 5 0 650 650 650 650 6 50 6 50 650 650 650 650 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 65 0 65 0 65 0 652 65 2 652 65 2 65 2 6 5 2 65 2 652 652 652 652 65 2 65 2 652 652 65 2 652 652 652 652 6 5 2 6 5 2 65 2 6 5 2 65 2 65 2 6 5 2 652 6 5 2 65 4 6 5 4 654 654 65 4 654 6 5 4 654 65 4 654 65 4 654 654 6 5 4 654 654 654 654 65 4 6 5 4 65 4 6 5 4 65 4 65 4 6 5 4 6 5 6 6 5 6 656 65 6 6 5 6 65 6 6 5 6 656 65 6 65 6 656 656 65 6 65 6 656 656 656 656 656 65 6 656 65 6 6 56 6 5 6 6 5 6 65 8 65 8 658 65 8 65 8 658 6 5 8 6 5 8 6 5 8 6 5 8 658 6 5 8 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 6 5 8 658 65 8 6 5 8 65 8 6 5 8 66 0 6 6 0 6 60 660 66 0 66 0 66 0 660 6 6 0 66 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 660 6 6 0 6 6 0 660 660 6 6 0 6 60 6 6 0 66 0 660 660 660 6 60 66 0 66 0 660 660 660 6 6 0 660 6 6 0 660 660 660 660 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 60 660 6 6 0 66 0 660 660 66 0 66 0 6 6 2 662 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 2 66 2 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 66 2 6 6 2 662 66 2 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 6 4 664 6 64 6 64 664 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 66 4 664 664 664 664 664 66 4 66 4 6 6 4 66 4 664 664 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 6 4 664 6 64 666 666 66 6 666 666 666 666 666 66 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 6 666 66 6 666 6 6 6 6 6 6 666 666 6 6 6 66 6 66 6 6 6 8 668 6 6 8 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 668 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 68 6 6 8 66 8 668 668 6 6 8 668 66 8 668 668 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 67 0 67 0 6 70 6 7 0 67 0 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 67 0 67 0 670 670 6 7 0 670 670 6 7 0 6 7 0 670 670 672 6 7 2 672 6 72 672 67 2 672 672 6 7 2 67 2 672 67 2 6 7 2 67 2 6 7 2 674 6 7 4 674 6 7 4 674 674 674 674 6 7 4 67 4 6 7 4 674 6 7 4 6 7 4 676 6 7 6 676 676 6 7 6 676 6 76 67 6 6 7 6 676 6 7 6 676 67 6 678 678 678 678 6 7 8 6 7 8 678 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 678 678 680 680 680 6 8 0 680 680 6 80 6 8 0 68 0 6 8 0 68 0 680 68 0 680 6 8 0 6 8 0 680 68 0 6 80 680 6 8 2 682 6 8 2 6 8 2 6 8 2 68 2 682 68 2 684 684 684 684 6 8 4 6 8 4 68 4 6 8 4 6 8 6 6 86 6 8 6 6 8 6 68 6 686 686 686 686 688 6 8 8 6 8 8 68 8 688 688 690 690 690 690 69 0 6 9 0 6 9 0 69 0 690 6 9 0 6 9 2 69 2 6 9 2 692 694 6 9 4 694 6 9 6 6 9 6 698 7 0 0 7 0 2 6 5 4 6 5 6 65 8 1"=50’ SCALE SITE 14 2 : 1 D B ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7744+82 TO STA. 7745+39 LT. DETAIL A B=5.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Ground Natural FROM STA. 7744+57 TO STA. 7744+80 RT. d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH 2 :1 DETAIL D B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= PSRM d 2 : 1 B D ( Not to Scale) 2 :1 SPECIAL LATERAL BASE DITCH FROM STA. 7744+28 TO STA. 7744+73 LT. Filter Fabric Slope Fill DETAIL F B=5.0Ft. Max. d=1.0Ft. Min. D=2.0Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural FROM STA. 7745+00 TO STA. 7745+37 RT. SEE DETAIL E BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT S EE D ET A I L D 5 ’ L A T . B A S E D I T C H S EE D ET A I L A 5 ’ L A T . B A S E D I T C H SEE DETAIL G BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL F 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL A 5’ LAT. BASE DITCH R E T A I N SEE DETAIL D 5 ’ L A T . B A S E D I T C H EST 70 SYFF E S T 40 T ON S SEE DETAIL F BASE DITCH 5 ’ SP E C I A L L A T . C C C C F F C C C C C F F F F C C C C ELEV.=667.80’ 3.02’ RT -B L - S T A . 228 +60 .39 BM#9 I NV =654 .78 ’T O P =658 .95 ’12 ’C ON C H W C U L V E R T C O N C & S T O N E 2 4 "H x 3 0 "W I NV =666 .59 ’ L O C A TE E ND U NA B LE T O 2-50’ ARCHES CONC. BRIDGE T T T T AATUR AATUR EOI AA T U R AA T U R EOI 6 "P L TS M T L W / M T L P O S T S 8’ GR 4 8 " W D T U R N E R R D S R 2 0 2 0 2 4 ’ B S T R I C H F O R K CR EE K #313 R/R MILEPOST 48 " W D HA M B Y CR EE K H A M B Y CR EE K E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I N G R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W =705.4 OH L I N E =703.6 OH L I N E SHED CONC ABAND BR I DG E D E C K B U R I E D ON F / G P O S T S 7 2 " C H L S S 12 "C M P GA TE C A B L E SIG SIG GATE C A B LE CR O SS A R M ARM CROSS C A S E C R O S S I N G F / G P O S T S v v 4 8 " W D S / R 1 S E L E C G R P O S T S M T L W / M T L S R 2 0 2 0 T U R N E R R D 1 7 L A W R E N C E R I C H A R D & C A M I L L E BROWN J OHN & L I NDA BR O W N J OHN & L I ND A B A N K S & N O N A E V E R H A R T E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W 50 .00 ’ 6 0 .0 0 ’ E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W E X I S T I N G R / W 20 ’ G A S E A S E M E N T 2 0 ’ G A S E A S E M E N T E A S E M E N T 2 0 ’ G A S 8 "P L A S 8 "P L A S 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 T 6 " P L 6 "S TL 1 2 " 1 6 " D I 1 2 " (D A T U R ) 12 " A C 6 " P L T H - 2 T H -4 T T H -5 6 " P L T O 6 " S T L T R A N S I T I O N P O I N T F R O M A P P R O X I M A T E 6 " S T L 6 " P L T O 6 " S T L T R A N S I T I O N P O I N T F R O M A P P R O X I M A T E 2 0 + 0 0 2 5 + 0 0 STA. 7740+36.66 BEGIN BRIDGE STA. 7741+56.08 END BRIDGE WIDTH FOR ACCESS ADDITIONAL ROADBED WIDTH FOR ACCESS ADDITIONAL ROADBED 7735+00 7740+00 7745 +00 16 S E E D W G N O . 1 5 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 3 1 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 7 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 4 5 + 0 0 F F F C F NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 SITE 15 SITE 16 F F F F F F F C C C C F F C C F C C C ELE V .=66 4 .9 9 ’ 33 .7 9 ’ R T -B L - S T A . 2 4 8 +0 2 .8 9 B M #10 T AA T U R E O I A BB O TT S CR E E K A BB O TT S CR EE K E X I S T I N G R A I L R O A D R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W C M P 1 8 " 48 " 4 S B W BR I DG E D E C K B U R I E D ON P O S T M T L 48 " 4 S B W 48 " 4 S B W P R P P R P P R P P R P P R P P R P P R P P R P PRP PRP PRP PRP ADD I T I ONA L R OAD B E D W I D T H F O R A CC E S S 7765 +00 7 7 7 0 +00 7760 +00 18 S E E D W G N O . 1 7 M A T C H L I N E S T A .7 7 5 9 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 9 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 7 3 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 640 6 4 0 6 4 0 64 0 6 4 0 640 640 6 4 0 6 4 0 642 64 2 642 642 642 64 2 64 2 64 2 6 4 2 64 2 6 4 2 6 4 2 6 42 6 4 2 642 6 4 2 6 4 2 6 4 2 642 642 642 64 2 642 642 642 64 2 6 4 2 6 4 2 64 2 642 642 6 4 2 64 2 64 2 64 2 64 2 64 2 64 2 642 64 2 6 4 2 644 644 64 4 6 4 4 644 64 4 644 6 4 4 64 4 6 4 4 644 644 644 644 644 6 44 644 644 644 644 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 44 6 44 644 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 64 4 6 4 4 64 4 644 644 6 4 4 6 4 4 644 64 4 644 644 6 44 64 4 6 4 4 64 4 64 4 6 4 4 64 4 64 4 6 4 4 644 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 64 4 6 4 4 644 644 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 644 644 6 4 4 6 4 4 64 4 644 644 6 4 4 644 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 44 64 4 646 646 6 4 6 64 6 646 646 646 646 646 646 6 4 6 6 46 6 4 6 646 64 6 646 646 646 64 6 6 4 6 64 6 646 64 6 6 4 6 646 64 6 646 646 6 46 64 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 646 6 4 6 6 4 6 646 6 4 6 6 4 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 646 6 4 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 646 646 6 4 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 64 8 64 8 64 8 648 648 648 6 4 8 6 4 8 6 4 8 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 6 4 8 64 8 648 648 648 648 648 6 4 8 6 4 8 6 48 6 4 8 648 648 6 4 8 6 48 650 650 650 6 50 6 5 0 65 0 650 6 50 650 650 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 50 650 650 650 650 650 650 65 0 65 0 650 650 6 5 0 650 650 650 6 5 0 65 0 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 65 0 650 6 5 0 65 0 6 5 0 652 652 652 652 652 652 65 2 652 652 652 652 652 65 2 652 652 652 65 2 652 65 2 6 5 2 6 52 6 52 654 654 654 6 5 4 654 6 5 4 654 6 5 4 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 65 4 654 654 6 5 6 656 656 6 5 6 656 656 656 656 656 656 6 56 656 656 656 656 6 5 6 65 8 658 658 65 8 658 658 658 658 658 658 6 58 6 5 8 65 8 658 6 5 8 658 660 6 6 0 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 66 0 660 660 66 0 660 660 6 6 0 660 660 660 660 6 6 0 660 660 660 660 6 6 0 660 660 660 662 662 6 6 2 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 664 6 64 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 666 666 666 666 666 6 6 6 666 666 6 66 666 666 666 666 66 6 66 6 668 6 6 8 668 668 668 SITE 15 SITE 16 F F F F F F F C C C C F F C C F C C C ELE V .=66 4 .9 9 ’ 33 .7 9 ’ R T -B L - S T A . 2 4 8 +0 2 .8 9 B M #10 T AA T U R E O I A BB O TT S CR E E K A BB O TT S CR EE K E X I S T I N G R A I L R O A D R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W C M P 1 8 " 48 " 4 S B W BR I DG E D E C K B U R I E D ON P O S T M T L 48 " 4 S B W 48 " 4 S B W P R P P R P P R P P R P P R P P R P P R P P R P PRP PRP PRP PRP ADD I T I ONA L R OAD B E D W I D T H F O R A CC E S S 7765 +00 7 7 7 0 +00 7760 +00 18 S E E D W G N O . 1 7 M A T C H L I N E S T A .7 7 5 9 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 1 9 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 7 3 + 0 0 650 650 660 660 670 670 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 120 130 130 140 150 X-2 X-1 SITE 15 WETLAND CROSS SECTION 7764+00 WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F 11 : 3 8 : 3 2 A M . . . \ c 4 9 0 1 a d _ r r _ x p l _ p e r m i t t i n g . d g n $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 D C N 5 10 C-4901A/D TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS PROJECT C-4901 A/D DAVIDSON COUNTY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS LEGEND N C R R R /W N C R R R /W C PROP TRK 1 L C PROP TRK 2 L T/ R ELEV T/ R ELEV W L B S T R E A M P R O P N C R R R /W 644.02 57.6’L 664.78 16.1’ L 665.39 8.1’ R 665.39 15.2’ R 668.65 668.64 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 110 110 120 120 130 140 650 650 660 660 670 670 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 X-2 X-1 SITE 16 WETLAND CROSS SECTION 7770+00 WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F 11 : 3 8 : 3 5 A M . . . \ c 4 9 0 1 a d _ r r _ x p l _ p e r m i t t i n g . d g n $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 D C N 5 10 C-4901A/D TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS PROJECT C-4901 A/D DAVIDSON COUNTY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS LEGEND N C R R R / W N C R R R / W C PROP TRK 1 L C PROP TRK 2 L T/ R ELEV T/ R ELEV 668.32 668.26 W L B S T R E A M 645.00 55.0’L 664.46 16.1’ L 665.01 5.8’ R 665.01 18.8’ R NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 SITE 16 SITE 17 SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL D BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL LAT. SEE DETAIL A BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL LAT. F C C C C F F F F F F C C C C C ELEV.=659.00’ 48.96’ RT -BL- STA. 267+84.06 BM#11 SENSOR AEI S E N S O R AEI & D R AG D ETE C T O R HO T B OX D ETE C T O R W E 644 .1 ’ WE 643.5’ W E 644 .1 ’ S O I L S O I L H T R GR H T R S S GR 8 ’ S O I L 8 ’ S O I L EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W 48 " 1 S B W 48 " 1 S B W 7785+00 L O C A TE D P L N O T F I EL D WIDTH FOR ACCESS ADDITIONAL ROADBED 7775+00 7785+00 7780+00 19 S E E D W G N O . 1 8 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 7 3 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 2 0 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 8 7 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 64 2 64 2 6 42 64 2 64 2 642 64 4 644 644 6 4 4 644 6 4 4 644 644 64 4 6 4 4 6 4 4 64 4 6 4 4 644 644 644 64 4 64 4 646 64 6 646 646 646 646 646 646 646 64 6 64 6 64 6 646 6 4 6 64 6 64 6 64 6 6 4 6 646 64 6 646 646 64 6 646 64 6 6 4 6 6 4 6 648 648 648 64 8 648 648 6 4 8 648 648 648 648 648 648 648 6 4 8 64 8 648 6 4 8 64 8 648 6 4 8 648 64 8 648 64 8 6 50 650 650 650 6 5 0 650 650 650 65 0 65 0 65 0 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 65 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 6 50 650 6 5 0 65 0 65 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 65 0 65 0 6 5 2 65 2 652 652 6 5 2 6 52 652 652 652 6 52 652 652 652 6 5 2 652 65 2 654 654 6 5 4 654 6 5 4 65 4 654 654 654 654 654 654 654 65 4 65 4 6 5 4 65 4 65 4 65 6 65 6 6 5 6 656 65 6 65 6 65 6 656 656 656 656 656 65 6 6 56 65 6 658 6 5 8 65 8 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 658 6 5 8 658 66 0 66 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 660 6 6 0 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 660 66 0 660 660 66 0 6 6 0 6 6 0 6 60 66 2 6 6 2 662 662 662 662 662 662 662 6 6 2 662 662 66 2 6 64 6 64 664 664 664 66 4 664 6 64 664 664 664 664 664 664 664 66 4 664 664 66 4 66 6 6 6 6 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 666 66 6 6 66 666 666 66 6 666 666 66 6 6 6 6 66 6 666 6 6 6 666 6 6 6 6 6 8 66 8 6 6 8 6 68 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 6 68 668 6 6 8 66 8 66 8 6 6 8 66 8 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 70 6 7 0 6 7 0 670 67 0 6 7 0 67 0 670 670 670 6 7 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 672 672 6 7 2 6 7 2 6 7 2 67 2 6 7 2 6 7 2 672 6 7 2 672 672 6 7 2 67 2 6 7 4 6 7 4 674 674 674 674 674 6 7 4 674 674 674 674 67 4 6 7 4 67 4 676 676 676 676 676 67 6 676 676 67 6 6 7 8 678 6 7 8 678 678 6 8 0 6 8 0 680 6 8 0 680 680 680 680 680 682 682 6 82 682 6 8 4 684 684 684 684 6 8 6 68 6 686 686 686 6 88 68 8 688 688 6 8 8 690 690 69 0 690 690 69 0 6 9 0 690 692 692 69 2 6 9 2 6 92 6 9 4 694 69 4 694 6 96 69 6 6 9 6 696 6 9 6 6 9 8 698 6 9 8 698 7 0 0 700 70 0 700 700 7 0 0 700 70 2 7 02 702 702 7 04 704 7 04 7 0 4 7 0 6 706 706 706 7 0 8 708 70 8 710 7 10 7 1 0 71 2 714 SITE 16 SITE 17 SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL B BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL CUT SEE DETAIL D BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL LAT. SEE DETAIL A BASE DITCH 5’ SPECIAL LAT. F C C C C F F F F F F C C C C C ELEV.=659.00’ 48.96’ RT -BL- STA. 267+84.06 BM#11 SENSOR AEI S E N S O R AEI & D R AG D ETE C T O R HO T B OX D ETE C T O R W E 644 .1 ’ WE 643.5’ W E 644 .1 ’ S O I L S O I L H T R GR H T R S S GR 8 ’ S O I L 8 ’ S O I L EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W 48 " 1 S B W 48 " 1 S B W 7785+00 L O C A TE D P L N O T F I EL D WIDTH FOR ACCESS ADDITIONAL ROADBED 7775+00 7785+00 7780+00 19 S E E D W G N O . 1 8 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 7 3 + 0 0 S E E D W G N O . 2 0 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 8 7 + 0 0 650 650 660 660 670 670 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 0 0 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 X-2 SITE 17 WETLAND CROSS SECTION 7777+00 WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F 11 : 3 8 : 3 8 A M . . . \ c 4 9 0 1 a d _ r r _ x p l _ p e r m i t t i n g . d g n $ $ $ $ U S E R N A M E $ $ $ $ PROJ. REFERENCE NO.SHEET NO.0 D C N 5 10 C-4901A/D TO LAKE RAILROAD ROADBED NCRR/NS MAINLINE BOWERS PROJECT C-4901 A/D DAVIDSON COUNTY SHEET OF PERMIT DRAWINGS LEGEND C PROP TRK 1 L C PROP TRK 2 L T/ R ELEV T/ R ELEV 668.45 668.30 W L B ’ L 54.4 645.29 664.43 16.1’ L 665.02 7.2’ R NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 HW TS S HW S TS 1"=50’ SCALE 1"=50’ SCALE 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d FROM STA. 7790+48 TO STA. 7790+64 DETAIL M B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural *When B is < 6.0’ Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Geotextile SITE 18 ( Not to Scale) BERM BASE DITCH 2 : 1 2 :1 D 2 : 1 B b d FROM STA. 7790+67 TO STA. 7794+00 RT. DETAIL L b=3.0 Ft. B=5.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural TRACK GEOTEXTILE HW R E T A I N HW MATERIAL FLOWABLE CULVERT WITH FILL EXISTING 4 8 " W S P 18 " W SP W I T H EL B O W CONSTRUCTION TRENCHLESS INSTALL PIPE BY CONSTRUCTION I N S T A LL P I P E B Y T R E N C H LE SS E S T 390 S Y FF E S T 230 T ON S S EE D ET A I L L B E R M B A S E D I T C H PLACED IN STREAM BED NO RIP RAP IS TO BE EST 38 SYFF EST 17 TONS CLASS I RIP RAP EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL M SLOPE = 7.80% 4’ BASE DITCH C C C C F F F F C C C C C INV=645.33’ INV=646.26’ C U L V E R T S T O N E 3 6 "H x 3 0 "W INV=647.99’ INV=649.01’ CULVERT C ON C &S T ON E 30"x30" 4 8 " C M P H H H H T T T T T T CASE SIGNAL H H 6 " P V C 2 4 "D I BUNGALOW SIGNAL CASE S I GNA L SENSOR AEI SENSOR AEI C A S E A E I & D R AG D ETE C T O R HO T B OX D ETE C T O R 6 "P V C 24 "D I SIGNAL S W I T C H A /G T ANK F R OG E ND O F R A I L W E 63 5 .7 ’ 15 " RC P BST LAKE 6 36 .8 ’ W E #314 R/R MILEPOST VA R S O I L 1 2 ’ G R 12 ’ G R EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W GATE CABLE GATE CABLE CR EE K A BB O TT S BRIDGE SIGNAL T O LEE S M I T H R D S R 2 003 6 " P V C 2 4 " D I 6 "P V C L O C A T E D P L N O T F I E L D 7A L O C A T E D P L NO T F I E L D 6A L O C A TE D P L N O T F I EL D 6A PARCEL NO. 1132500000114 BK 1859 PG 1474 KAREN S MCMAHAN DANNY J MCMAHAN & PARCEL NO. 1133400000001 BK 1809 PG 218 CLAY GITTER 6A PARCEL NO. 1132500000114 BK 1859 PG 1474 KAREN S MCMAHAN DANNY J MCMAHAN & REMOVED BY OTHERS) (TO BE RETIRED AND CP "LAKE" 7790+00 7795+00 (BY OTHERS) MAST SIGNALS BI-DIRECTIONAL PROPOSED 20 S E E D W G N O . 1 9 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 8 7 + 0 0 NC License No: C-1554 Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 343 E. Six Forks Road, Suite 200 HNTB NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. SHEET NO.PROJECT REFERENCE NO. HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER R/W SHEET NO. RAILROAD DESIGN C-4901A/D INCOMPLETE PLANS DO NOT USE FOR R/W ACQUISITION DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN F F LEGEND E E IN WETLAND DENOTES EXCAVATION S S SURFACE WATER DENOTES IMPACTS IN CLEARING DENOTES MECHANIZED * * * * ** * ** * * TS TS IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY PERMIT DRAWINGS SHEET OF DATE: NOVEMER 29, 2012 63 2 632 63 4 6 34 634 6 3 4 634 634 634 63 4 63 6 636 6 36 636 636 63 6 636 6 3 6 63 6 636 63 6 63 6 636 636 6 36 6 3 6 63 6 6 36 638 638 638 63 8 63 8 6 3 8 6 3 8 638 6 3 8 63 8 6 3 8 638 6 38 63 8 63 8 6 3 8 6 3 8 638 638 638 638 6 3 8 63 8 640 6 4 0 640 64 0 640 6 40 6 4 0 64 0 64 0 640 6 4 0 640 6 4 0 64 0 64 0 64 0 6 4 0 640 64 0 640 6 4 0 640 640 6 4 0 64 0 640 64 0 640 64 0 640 6 40 6 40 6 40 64 0 64 0 640 6 40 6 40 6 40 640 640 640 64 0 6 40 640 6 40 64 0 640 6 4 0 640 64 0 6 40 64 0 64 0 64 0 640 6 40 64 0 64 0 6 40 640 6 4 2 6 4 2 642 642 642 6 42 642 642 642 64 2 64 2 64 4 6 4 4 644 644 644 644 644 64 6 64 6 6 4 6 64 6 6 46 646 646 64 6 646 6 46 64 6 648 6 4 8 648 6 4 8 648 6 4 8 648 6 48 648 648 64 8 64 8 650 6 5 0 650 650 650 650 650 650 6 5 0 650 650 65 0 65 0 6 5 0 6 5 0 650 65 0 65 0 6 5 0 652 652 652 652 652 652 6 52 65 2 652 65 2 654 654 6 5 4 654 654 654 6 5 4 65 4 6 5 4 65 4 65 4 65 4 656 656 6 5 6 656 656 656 6 5 6 656 6 5 6 65 6 6 5 6 656 65 6 6 58 65 8 6 5 8 6 5 8 658 658 658 658 658 65 8 6 5 8 658 65 8 65 8 6 58 65 8 660 660 660 660 660 660 66 0 660 660 660 660 6 6 0 66 0 6 6 0 66 0 660 6 6 0 66 0 660 660 6 60 6 6 0 660 660 6 6 0 66 0 66 0 66 0 6 6 2 662 662 662 662 6 6 2 6 6 2 6 62 662 6 6 2 662 6 6 2 6 6 2 662 66 2 6 6 2 66 2 66 2 664 664 664 664 664 6 6 4 6 6 4 664 6 6 4 664 664 664 6 6 4 664 6 6 4 664 66 4 6 6 6 66 6 666 666 666 666 666 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 66 6 6 6 666 666 666 6 6 6 6 6 6 666 666 66 6 66 6 66 6 6 6 8 6 68 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 668 668 668 668 668 6 6 8 66 8 66 8 6 6 8 668 668 6 6 8 668 668 668 66 8 6 7 0 670 670 67 0 6 7 0 67 0 6 7 0 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 67 0 6 7 0 6 70 670 670 670 6 7 0 670 67 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 67 0 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 6 7 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 67 0 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 670 672 672 672 67 2 672 6 7 2 6 7 2 6 7 2 6 7 2 67 2 672 672 6 72 67 2 6 7 2 67 2 672 672 672 67 4 6 7 4 6 7 4 674 6 7 4 67 4 674 674 6 7 4 67 4 674 674 674 6 7 4 67 4 674 6 7 4 674 674 674 676 6 7 6 67 6 676 6 76 6 7 6 676 676 676 676 676 6 7 6 6 7 6 67 6 67 6 676 676 676 67 6 678 6 7 8 67 8 678 678 67 8 67 8 678 6 78 6 7 8 67 8 67 8 6 7 8 6 78 678 6 8 0 680 68 0 6 8 0 68 0 68 0 68 0 680 680 68 0 68 0 680 68 0 680 680 680 680 680 6 8 0 6 8 0 68 0 6 8 0 68 0 6 8 0 68 0 682 682 6 8 2 6 8 2 682 682 6 82 682 682 6 8 2 682 6 8 2 6 8 2 684 6 8 4 6 84 684 6 8 4 684 68 4 684 684 6 8 4 6 8 4 68 4 684 6 8 6 6 8 6 686 6 8 6 68 6 6 86 686 68 6 686 6 86 68 6 6 8 6 68 6 68 6 6 8 8 68 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 688 688 68 8 68 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 68 8 6 9 0 6 9 0 69 0 690 690 69 0 69 0 69 0 6 9 0 690 690 69 0 69 0 6 9 0 6 9 0 69 0 6 9 0 69 0 69 0 6 9 0 690 69 2 69 2 692 6 9 2 692 692 692 6 92 692 6 9 2 6 9 4 694 69 4 6 94 694 694 694 6 9 4 69 4 6 94 69 4 6 9 6 696 69 6 696 6 9 6 696 696 6 9 6 6 9 6 6 9 6 6 9 8 698 698 6 9 8 698 6 9 8 6 9 8 6 9 8 6 9 8 698 70 0 70 0 7 00 7 0 0 7 0 0 70 0 70 0 700 70 0 700 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 700 7 0 0 7 0 0 70 2 7 0 2 70 2 702 702 7 0 2 70 2 70 2 7 0 4 70 4 7 04 7 0 4 7 0 4 7 0 6 706 706 7 0 6 7 0 6 7 0 8 70 8 708 7 0 8 7 0 8 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 710 710 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 0 7 1 2 71 2 7 1 2 7 1 4 7 1 4 71 4 716 7 1 6 718 650 65 0 654 HW TS S HW S TS 1"=50’ SCALE 1"=50’ SCALE 2 :1 2 : 1 D ( Not to Scale) STANDARD BASE DITCH B d FROM STA. 7790+48 TO STA. 7790+64 DETAIL M B=4.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Ground Natural Ground Natural *When B is < 6.0’ Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Geotextile SITE 18 ( Not to Scale) BERM BASE DITCH 2 : 1 2 :1 D 2 : 1 B b d FROM STA. 7790+67 TO STA. 7794+00 RT. DETAIL L b=3.0 Ft. B=5.0 Ft. Max. d=1.0 Ft. Min. D=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL I Rip-Rap Ground Natural TRACK GEOTEXTILE HW R E T A I N HW MATERIAL FLOWABLE CULVERT WITH FILL EXISTING 4 8 " W S P 18 " W SP W I T H EL B O W CONSTRUCTION TRENCHLESS INSTALL PIPE BY CONSTRUCTION I N S T A LL P I P E B Y T R E N C H LE SS E S T 390 S Y FF E S T 230 T ON S S EE D ET A I L L B E R M B A S E D I T C H PLACED IN STREAM BED NO RIP RAP IS TO BE EST 38 SYFF EST 17 TONS CLASS I RIP RAP EST 50 SYFF EST 25 TONS SEE DETAIL M SLOPE = 7.80% 4’ BASE DITCH C C C C F F F F C C C C C INV=645.33’ INV=646.26’ C U L V E R T S T O N E 3 6 "H x 3 0 "W INV=647.99’ INV=649.01’ CULVERT C ON C &S T ON E 30"x30" 4 8 " C M P H H H H T T T T T T CASE SIGNAL H H 6 " P V C 2 4 "D I BUNGALOW SIGNAL CASE S I GNA L SENSOR AEI SENSOR AEI C A S E A E I & D R AG D ETE C T O R HO T B OX D ETE C T O R 6 "P V C 24 "D I SIGNAL S W I T C H A /G T ANK F R OG E ND O F R A I L W E 63 5 .7 ’ 15 " RC P BST LAKE 6 36 .8 ’ W E #314 R/R MILEPOST VA R S O I L 1 2 ’ G R 12 ’ G R EXISTING RAILROAD R/W EXISTING RAILROAD R/W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W E X I S T I NG R A I L R OAD R /W GATE CABLE GATE CABLE CR EE K A BB O TT S BRIDGE SIGNAL T O LEE S M I T H R D S R 2 003 6 " P V C 2 4 " D I 6 "P V C L O C A T E D P L N O T F I E L D 7A L O C A T E D P L NO T F I E L D 6A L O C A TE D P L N O T F I EL D 6A PARCEL NO. 1132500000114 BK 1859 PG 1474 KAREN S MCMAHAN DANNY J MCMAHAN & PARCEL NO. 1133400000001 BK 1809 PG 218 CLAY GITTER 6A PARCEL NO. 1132500000114 BK 1859 PG 1474 KAREN S MCMAHAN DANNY J MCMAHAN & REMOVED BY OTHERS) (TO BE RETIRED AND CP "LAKE" 7790+00 7795+00 6 4 8 65 0 6 5 4 6 5 6 664 (BY OTHERS) MAST SIGNALS BI-DIRECTIONAL PROPOSED 20 S E E D W G N O . 1 9 M A T C H L I N E S T A . 7 7 8 7 + 0 0 (V e r s i o n 1 . 2 ; R e l e a s e d S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 1 ) C- 4 9 0 1 A / D Co u n t y ( i e s ) : Da v i d s o n Page 1 of 2 Pr o j e c t T y p e : Date: Ph o n e : 91 9 - 7 1 5 - 8 8 0 3 Ph o n e : Em a i l : Em a i l : Co u n t y ( i e s ) : CA M A C o u n t y ? De s i g n / F u t u r e : Ex i s t i n g : Su r r o u n d i n g L a n d U s e : Li g h t R e s i d e n t i a l / I n d u s t r i a l 4. 3 0 2 M i l e s N/ A 31 . 0 0 Pr o j e c t B u i l t - U p o n A r e a ( a c . ) Pr o p o s e d P r o j e c t Ex i s t i n g S i t e Pr o j e c t L e n g t h ( l i n . M i l e s o r f e e t ) : Bu f f e r R u l e s i n E f f e c t Pr o j e c t D e s c r i p t i o n No No n e NC D W Q S u r f a c e W a t e r C l a s s i f i c a t i o n f o r P r i m a r y R e c e iv i n g W a t e r 30 3 ( d ) I m p a i r m e n t s : Ri v e r B a s i n ( s ) : Pr i m a r y R e c e i v i n g W a t e r : Cl a s s C Ot h e r S t r e a m C l a s s i f i c a t i o n : HN T B C o r p o r a t i o n Ci t y / T o w n : 91 9 - 4 2 4 - 0 4 3 7 86 2 C a p i t a l B l v d Ad d r e s s : Ra l e i g h Da v i d s o n ac. Ge n e r a l P r o j e c t N a r r a t i v e : Pr o j e c t C - 4 9 0 1 A / D c o n s i s t s o f a r a i l r e a l i g n m e n t e as t o f L o w e r L a k e R o a d a n d d o u b l e t r a c k i n g f r o m e a s t o f U p p e r L a k e R o a d ( C P B o w e r s ) t o w e s t o f A b b o t t s Creek Railroad br i d g e i n D a v i d s o n C o u n t y . T h e p r o j e c t i s l o c a t e d in t h e Y a d k i n P e e - D e e R i v e r b a s i n . Ty p i c a l C r o s s S e c t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n : Re f e r e n c e s N/A 31 . 0 0 Av e r a g e D a i l y T r a f f i c ( v e h / h r / d a y ) : ac . No r t h C a r o l i n a D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Hi g h w a y S t o r m w a t e r P r o g r a m S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T P L A N FO R L I N E A R R O A D W A Y P R O J E C T S Ry a n W h i t e Ro a d w a y R e l o c a t i o n Ge n e r a l P r o j e c t I n f o r m a t i o n Ad d r e s s : 11/29/2012 34 3 E . S i x F o r k s R o a d , S u i t e 2 0 0 Ra l e i g h , N C 2 7 6 0 3 Ra l e i g h , N C 2 7 6 0 9 Pr o j e c t / T I P N o . : NC D O T C o n t a c t : Pr o j e c t N o . : C- 4 9 0 1 A / D Co n t r a c t o r / D e s i g n e r : rw h i t e @ n c d o t . g o v Ya d k i n - P e e D e e Ji m m y s C r e e k 1 2 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 ; H a m b y C r e e k 1 2 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 ; R ich Fork 12-119-7; Abbotts Creek 12-119-(6)a ja b y r d @ H N T B . c o m Do u b l e t r a c k r a i l l i n e N/ A NC D W Q S t r e a m I n d e x N o . : Su p p l e m e n t a l : Pr i m a r y : Ji m m y s C r e e k / H a m b y C r e e k / R i c h F o r k / A b b o t t ' s C re e k (V e r s i o n 1 . 2 ; R e l e a s e d S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 1 ) C- 4 9 0 1 A / D Co u n t y ( i e s ) : Da v i d s o n Pa g e 2 of 2 Sh e e t No . St a t i o n (F r o m / T o ) Fe a t u r e Im p a c t e d Wa t e r / W e t l a n d / Bu f f e r T y p e Re c e i v i n g S u r f a c e Wa t e r N a m e NR T R M a p ID NC D W Q S t r e a m In d e x NC D W Q S u r f a c e Wa t e r C l a s s i f i c a t i o n 30 3 ( d ) Im p a i r m e n t s Ty p e o f Im p a c t Existing SCM 75 7 8 + 5 0 75 7 9 + 6 5 75 9 7 + 0 0 75 9 8 + 0 0 76 2 4 + 9 4 76 3 2 + 3 4 76 3 5 + 6 0 76 4 0 + 7 5 76 5 6 + 0 0 76 6 2 + 4 5 76 6 2 + 5 0 76 7 4 + 1 2 77 0 0 + 0 0 77 0 1 + 8 7 77 6 3 + 5 0 77 6 4 + 6 7 77 6 6 + 3 2 77 7 5 + 6 2 77 7 6 + 0 0 77 7 8 + 5 0 S T O R M W A T E R M A N A G E M E N T P L A N FO R L I N E A R R O A D W A Y P R O J E C T S In t e r m i t t e n t Bo t t o m l a n d H a r d w o o d N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Re f e r e n c e s Pr o j e c t / T I P N o . : * L i s t a l l s t r e a m a n d s u r f a c e w a t e r i m p a c t l o c a t i o n s r e g a r d l e s s o f j u r i s d i c t i o n o r s i z e . Pr o j e c t E n v i r o n m e n t a l S u m m a r y St r e a m 18 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A In t e r m i t t e n t No n e 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 C 6 Cu l v e r t 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 Cu l v e r t 16 S t r e a m I n t e r m i t t e n t 7 Fi l l 75 8 5 + 3 1 In t e r m i t t e n t We t l a n d 11 9 12 In t e r m i t t e n t We t l a n d St r e a m Ri v e r i n e S w a m p Fo r e s t Bo t t o m l a n d H a r d w o o d Bo t t o m l a n d H a r d w o o d 10 Ab b o t t s C r e e k Bo t t o m l a n d H a r d w o o d 19 We t l a n d We t l a n d Bo t t o m l a n d H a r d w o o d 13 Ri c h F o r k Ab b o t t s C r e e k Ab b o t t s C r e e k N/A Cu l v e r t Bi o l o g i c a l i m p a i r m e n t ; Co p p e r ( C u ) ; F e c a l Co l i f o r m ; T u r b i d i t y Fi l l 12 - 1 1 9 - ( 6 ) a Bi o l o g i c a l i m p a i r m e n t ; Co p p e r ( C u ) ; F e c a l Co l i f o r m ; T u r b i d i t y 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 N/A Cu l v e r t Cu l v e r t Fi l l N/A 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 No n e Fi l l Fi l l No n e Ji m m y s C r e e k Proposed SCM N/A N/A Cu l v e r t 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 No n e Cl e a r i n g 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 Bi o l o g i c a l i m p a i r m e n t ; Co p p e r ( C u ) ; F e c a l Co l i f o r m ; T u r b i d i t y 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 C Fi l l 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 Cu l v e r t C Bi o l o g i c a l i m p a i r m e n t ; Co p p e r ( C u ) ; F e c a l Co l i f o r m ; T u r b i d i t y Bi o l o g i c a l i m p a i r m e n t ; Co p p e r ( C u ) ; F e c a l Co l i f o r m ; T u r b i d i t y No n e Cu l v e r t Fi l l A l l p r o p o s e d S C M s l i s t e d m u s t a l s o b e l i s t e d u n d er S w a l e s , P r e f o r m e d S o u r H o l e s a n d o t h e r E n e r g y D i ss i p a t o r s , o r O t h e r S t o r m w a t e r C o n t r o l M e a s u r e s . 20 E q u a l i z e r P i p e s t o b e n o t e d a s a m i n i m i z a t i o n o f i m p a c t s . 12 - 1 1 9 - ( 6 ) a We t l a n d 18 / 1 9 St r e a m 12 - 1 1 9 - ( 6 ) a C C C St r e a m 5 No n e No n e C 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 5 In t e r m i t t e n t No n e Ji m m y s C r e e k C 7 No r t h C a r o l i n a D e p a r t m e n t o f T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Hi g h w a y S t o r m w a t e r P r o g r a m 8 No n e N/A No n e No n e No n e Fi l l N/A 12 - 1 1 9 - ( 6 ) a Su r f a c e W a t e r I m p a c t s 8 C C Pe r e n n i a l Bo t t o m l a n d H a r d w o o d Bo t t o m l a n d H a r d w o o d 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 12 - 1 1 9 - 7 - 4 - 2 Ji m m y s C r e e k Ji m m y s C r e e k Ji m m y s C r e e k Ji m m y s C r e e k In t e r m i t t e n t Pe r e n n i a l Ji m m y s C r e e k C C C C C C C We t l a n d We t l a n d J i m m y s C r e e k Ji m m y s C r e e k Ji m m y s C r e e k Ji m m y s C r e e k St r e a m 76 0 9 + 1 2 S t r e a m St r e a m St r e a m We t l a n d Ji m m y s C r e e k 76 1 4 + 6 0 76 2 0 + 6 0 Ab b o t t s C r e e k De s c r i p t i o n o f M i n i m i z a t i o n o f I m p a c t s o r M i t i g a t i o n 77 9 0 + 6 6 77 4 5 + 0 0 76 7 8 + 6 6 NCDOT PIEDMONT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM TIP P ROJECT C -4901 : RAIL AND CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS FROM THOMASVILLE “BOWERS” TO LEXINGTON “LAKE” Project Purpose and Need  The Charlotte to Greensboro section of the North Carolina Railroad (NCRR) currently hosts over thirty freight trains and eight passenger trains per day . Proposed railroad improvements will add capacity that will reduce curr ent and future passenger and freight train conflicts and improve passenger train schedule reliability.  Closing street -level railroad (at -grade) crossings and replacing them with grade separations (bridges) will significantly reduce the risk of vehicle – tra in collisions, improving safety for vehicular and rail passengers. Project Description  Construct 4 .2 miles of second main track from near Thomasville to east of Lexington.  Close the existing railroad crossing at Upper Lake Road , Lower Lake Road, and T urner Road .  Construct new grade separation s (bridges) at Upper Lake and Turner Road. Voluntary Agricultural District Impacts VAD Parcel ID Number Parcel Address Total Area (Acres) Approximate Project Impacts (Acres) 0500100000023 1043 Turner Road Lex ington, NC 28.960 acres 1.70 acres * Parcel data received from Davidson County GIS Project Costs  Estimated Right of Way Cost (Total Project): $3,200,000  Turner Road Bridge Construction Cost Estimate: $5,840,000  Total Project Construction Estimate: $45,900,000 Project Schedule  Finalize Environmental Documentation In -progress  Begin Right of Way Acquisition Spring 201 2  Begin Construction Spring 2013  Complete Construction Summer 2017 Project Contacts Division 9 Engineer: Pat Ivey , P.E. (336) 703 -650 0 Project Engineer : Ryan L. White, P.E. (919) 707 -4717 PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET NCDOT PIEDMONT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM RAIL AND CROSSING SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS FROM THOMASVILLE “BOWERS” TO LEXINGTON “LAKE” TIP PROJECT # C -4901 Davidson County Voluntary Agricultural District 301 East Center Street, Lexington, NC 27292 -4107 Phone: 336 -242 -2075 Fax: 336 -242 -2982 DAVIDSON COUNTY VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTICT AGRICULTURE ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA TIP PROJECT # C -4901 I. Call to Order II. Purpose of Meeting III. Project Presentation – NC DOT IV. Public Comment V. Close Comment Session VI. Board Discussion VII. Directions for Report VIII. Adjourn Meeting DAVIDSON COUNTY VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC HEARING REPORT DATE AND TIME OF HEARING: April 11, 2012, 7:00 PM PROPOSED ACTION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TIP # C -4901 LOCATION OF HEARING: Davidson County Governmental Center,ACommissioner’sAMeetingARoom , 913 N. Greensboro Street, Lexington, NC BOARD MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: Sterling Wall, Chairman, George Smith, Vice -Chairman, Leslie Crouse, John Hedgecock, Mik e Hege, Thom Hege, Jerry Hilton, Advisors: Troy Coggins, NC Coop erative Extension, Guy Cornman, Davidson County Planning De partment, Andy Miller, Davidson C ounty Soil and Water Conservation Department OTHERS IN ATTENDANCE: Chuck Frye, Davidson County Attorney, R yan White, NC DOT, Sandra Stepney, NC DOT, Tristan Ford, NC DOT, Rodney Ha tton, NC DOT, Keith Ralston, NC DOT, Jeff Boyst, Maxine Boyst, Gardner Boy st, Other Boyst Family Members, John Coppley Public N otice of the Meeting was provided inA“TheADispatch”AonA prilA6,A2012 The Meeting was called to Order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Sterling Wall. Chairman Wall stated that pursuant to GS 106 -740 and Article X of the Davidson County Voluntary Agricultural Ordinance , the purpose of the Meeting w as to determine whether the need for the project has been satisfactorily established, to review any fiscal impact analysis conducted by the agency involved, and to determine if there are alternatives to the proposed action that have less impact and are les s disruptive to the agricultural activities within the District where the project will take place. Evidence considered for this hearing includes the statements of witnesses, maps and diagrams provided and shown by the NC Department of Transportation, cons ultation with NC Cooperative Extension, US Department of Agriculture, District Conservationist, and Davidson Soil and Water Conservation District staff, and the Davidson County Voluntary Agricultural District Ordinance. Representatives from the NC Departm ent of Transportation reviewed the activities that the Project will involve and answered questions from the Board Members. The Board received public address from those in attendance and asked questions to ensure their understanding of the speaker. VAD Public Hearing Report Page 2 Following the comments from the public and NC DOT, the Board Members discussed the proposed action and the potential impacts. Following are their findings. The Voluntary Agricultural District Advisory Board finds that the NC Department of Transportation h as adequately shown the need for the proposed project. This finding is based on a need to provide a safe railroad crossing at Turner Road as high speed rail is developed , the need to provide the connectivity that Turner Road provides between Business Inter state 85 and US Highway 64, and the need to provide continued access to all properties in the project area. The Board finds that the NC Department of Transportation has conducted an analysis of the fiscal impacts of leaving and maintaining a section of th e existing Turner Road to provide access to the Bro wn Property versus purchasing the Brown Property and relocating the owners, or removing this section of TurnerARoadAandAtheAexistingAbridgeAandAconstructingAanAalternateAaccessAtoAtheAproperty.ANCADOT’sA an alysis shows that leaving and maintaining the existing section of Turner Road is the most fiscally responsible approach. NC DOT also stated that the existing section of Turner Road in question could be abandoned only with the agreement of all impacted prop erty owners. The Board finds that no fiscal impacts to the Boyst farming operation have been determined by NC DOT. The Board finds that ther e may be significant impact on the Boyst farming activities by loss of cattle access to pasture on east side of Turner Road during the period of construction, projected by DOT to be up to 3 years. After multiple questions from the Board and responses from NC DOT representatives, there appeared to be no legal provision to c ompensate the Boyst farm for a loss of income during the construction period. Under these circumstances there is a need to provide alternatives for the Boyst farm to operate as near to their current production level as possible. NC DOT failed to establish that alternatives had been considered, other than place of proposed grade separation. The Board recommends that the following alternatives be considered and their feasibility be determined: 1. Construct a tunnel style cattle crossing under Turner Road to allow cattle to pass from pastures on the east and west sides of the Road at will. 2. Provide a location for cattle crossing directly over Turner Road (at grade). 3. Utilize temporary fencing through the constructi on zone to allow cattle to pass between pastures during times when construction is not active (such as nights and weekends ). Chairman Wall adjourned the Hearing at 8:55 PM.