HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 BMP Maintenance Plan PCO20Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) BMP Maintenance Plan [Name of Development Project as indicated on approved plans] [Jurisdiction] [Date] [This document must be recorded as an Addendum to the Operation & Maintenance Agreement] I. General BMP Information [Complete this table with each BMP that is planned within the development. Use the same naming system used on the approved plans, ie. Birkdale Phase I Bioretention 1] BMP ID Name Street with Block Number Parcel Tax ID II. BMP Site Location Map (attached) [Attach a small site plan map coinciding with the table above to show the general location of each BMP within the development.] III. Maintenance Annual Budget [Provide a simple annual budget for maintenance and inspection of BMPs and list the source of funding, ie. owner, trust, HOA, etc. Edit chart below as necessary] Budget for BMP Maintenance / Inspections Expenses Estimated Costs Source Routine inspections Sediment removal Plant management / weed control Replacement supplies, rock, plants, soil media, mulch Mowing and litter removal Seeding Miscellaneous [Other] Total $ Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) IV. Escrow Account Activity Provide documentation of BMP maintenance escrow account activity. This may be provided in the form of a bank statement which includes the current balance, deposits and withdraws for the previous 12 months. V. Maintenance Inspection Reports As indicated in the Post-Construction Storm Water Ordinance, annual maintenance inspection reports shall be submitted to the Storm Water Administrator. The first report shall be submitted one year following the final approval date of the BMP and each year thereafter on or before the approval anniversary date. All maintenance activities and inspection reports shall be documented using the forms contained in the Administrative Manual. Annual maintenance inspection reports shall be sealed by a registered North Carolina professional engineer or landscape architect. These inspections shall be discontinued only if the BMPs are accepted for maintenance by the applicable jurisdiction. VI. Routine Maintenance Tasks and Schedule [The following pages outline the specific maintenance tasks and frequency for each type of BMP in tables. For the recorded document, simply discard the pages (tables) that are not needed according to the types of BMPs within the development.] Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) Wet Pond Maintenance Tasks and Schedule TASK SCHEDULE Forebay inspection and cleanout Monthly inspection. Remove sediment every 7 years or whenever the sediment volume exceeds 50% of storage volume Volume measurement Yearly – Dredging needed every 20 years or when 25% of permanent pool volume has been lost Bank mowing and inspection / stabilization of eroded areas Monthly Outlet / inlet inspection and cleanout Monthly Unwanted vegetation and trash removal Monthly Visual inspection of water quality Monthly Inspect / exercise all mechanical devices, valves, etc Yearly Inspect for structural damage, leaks, etc Yearly Rodent management As needed Security As needed Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) Dry Pond Maintenance Tasks and Schedule TASK SCHEDULE Forebay inspection and cleanout Monthly inspection. Remove sediment every 7 years or when sediment volume exceeds 50% of storage volume Bank mowing and inspection / stabilization of eroded areas Monthly Outlet / inlet inspection and cleanout Monthly Unwanted vegetation and trash removal Monthly Inspect for structural damage, leaks, etc Yearly Inspect / exercise all mechanical devices, valves, etc Yearly Evaluate sediment level (remove as needed) Yearly Security As needed Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) Wetland Maintenance Tasks and Schedule TASK SCHEDULE Forebay cleanout Monthly inspection. Remove sediment every 7 years or when sediment volume exceeds 50% of storage volume Invasive species control / vegetation management and replanting to maintain design densities Semi-Annual Bank mowing and stabilization of eroded areas Monthly Outlet / inlet inspection and cleanout Monthly Trash removal Monthly Inspect for structural damage, leaks, etc Yearly Visual inspection of water quality Monthly Rodent and mosquito management As needed Evaluate sediment level (remove at 20 yrs. or when plants are being impacted) Yearly Security As needed Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) Bioretention Maintenance Tasks and Schedule TASK SCHEDULE Sedimentation prevention Monthly inspection and watch on surrounding drainage areas such as out parcels and parking lots Drop box clean off Monthly Perimeter mowing Monthly (maintain 2 – 6 inch height) Inspect for proper drawdown / clogging Monthly Stabilization of eroded areas Monthly Trash removal Monthly Pruning Yearly Mulch renewal Yearly Mulch replacement Every 3 years Inspect plants, replace as necessary Monthly Test P Index of soil media and replace if over 50 ppm Every 2 years Replace pea gravel diaphragm As needed Remove sediment As needed Perimeter mowing Monthly Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) Sand Filter Maintenance Tasks and Schedule TASK SCHEDULE Street sweep parking lot Quarterly Trash removal Monthly Inspect outlet for obstructions Monthly Inspect for clogging Monthly Inspect inlet grates Monthly Skim sand media Yearly Pump oil and grit from sedimentation chamber Yearly or at 50% full Replace sand media As needed (expect 3 years) Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) Infiltration Trench Maintenance Tasks and Schedule TASK SCHEDULE Maintain stone or mulch top surface Yearly Clean forebay if present Yearly or at 50% full Trash removal Monthly Remove unwanted vegetation Monthly Check observation wells following precipitation events to ensure proper infiltration Monthly Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) Grassed Channels / Enhanced Swales Maintenance Tasks and Schedule TASK SCHEDULE Mowing Weekly – Monthly (as needed to retain 2-6 inch height) Inspect condition of dispersion devices and check dams Yearly Trash removal Weekly – Monthly (prior to mowing) Reseed Yearly Stabilization of eroded areas Monthly Removal of sediment Yearly Inspect for clogging (enhanced swale) Monthly Inspect pea gravel diaphragm and replace / repair as necessary Monthly Form #PCO20 (Revision Jan. 08) Filter Strip with Flow Dispersion Maintenance and Schedule TASK SCHEDULE Mowing of grass Weekly – Monthly (as needed to retain 2-6 inch height) Stabilization of eroded areas throughout the filter strip and below the flow dispersion device. Monthly Inspect gravel diaphragm (if present) and remove sediment Yearly Check outlet pipes on berms (if present) for clogging Monthly Remove debris / unwanted vegetation from behind lip of level spreader (if present) Monthly Repair flow dispersion device to prevent formation of channels in filter strip Monthly as needed Reseeding of grass Yearly