HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 O&M Plan for Municipal SCMsOperation and Maintenance Plan
Municipal Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs)
prepared for
NPDES # NCS000395, including Mecklenburg County, Charlotte
Mecklenburg Schools, Central Piedmont Community College
and the Towns of Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Matthews,
Mint Hill, and Pineville
prepared by
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services
2145 Suttle Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28208
March 2021
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Standard Operating Procedure
Modification / Review Log
Version Effective Date Author Summary of Changes Approved By
1.0 3-1-2021 Rusty Rozzelle Original moved from SWMP Rusty Rozzelle
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
Section 2: Inventory of SCMs ........................................................................................... 1
Section 3: Operation and Maintenance of SCMs .............................................................. 3
Section 4: Inspections of SCMs for Permit Compliance .................................................. 3
Table 1: SCMs Owned and Operated by Mecklenburg County .............................................. 1
Table 2: SCMs Owned and Operated by the Towns................................................................ 2
Table 3: SCMs Owned and Operated by Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools ............................. 2
Table 4: SCMs Owned and Operated by Central Piedmont Community College ................... 2
Attachment 1: Operation and Maintenance Programs for Structural Stormwater Controls .... 4
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Section 1: Introduction
This Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan has been prepared by Charlotte-Mecklenburg
Storm Water Services (CMSWS) to describe the O&M measures implemented by the co-
permittees, including Mecklenburg County, Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC),
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), and the Towns, for the structural stormwater control
measures (SCMs) that they own and/or operate as required in NPDES Permit # NCS000395.
This O&M Plan is also provided in Sections 7.4 and 8.8 of Mecklenburg County’s Storm Water
Quality Management Program Plan.
This O&M Plan addresses the Permit requirements contained in Section G Pollution Prevention
and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations by describing the actions that will be
undertaken by the co-permittees for the long-term operation and maintenance of the SCMs that
they own and/or maintain as required by the Post-Construction Ordinance, including frequency
of inspections, routine maintenance and record keeping.
Section 2: Inventory of SCMs
CMSWS maintains a current inventory of the structural SCMs owned and/or operated by the
Phase II co-permittees that were installed for compliance with Post-Construction Ordinances.
Tables 1 through 4 provide some of the information from this inventory at the project level as of
February 9, 2021. Most projects have multiple BMPs. This information is available More
detailed information is available upon request. In Table 1 for Mecklenburg County, a row has
been added to indicate the County department responsible for maintenance and inspection
activities. In Table 2, the added rows indicate the responsible Towns.
Table 1: SCMs Owned and Operated by Mecklenburg County
ID Project Name Project Address Jurisdiction Parcel ID
Asset & Facility Management
369255 Double Oaks Family Aquatic Center 2014 Statesville Av Charlotte 7904303
12012 Hickory Grove Branch Library 5935 Hickory Grove Rd Charlotte 9931120
381255 Mecklenburg County Medic
4425 Wilkinson Blvd Charlotte 11509101,
366854 Second Harvest Food Bank 500 Spratt St Charlotte 7845439
ABC Board
340041 Wilkinson ABC 2915 Wilkinson Blvd Charlotte 11701122
Park & Recreation
233633 Ballantyne District Park Phase 3 10020 Community House
Charlotte 22904107,
430068 Hucks Road Community Park 5435 Hucks Rd Charlotte 2719497
36827 Romare Bearden Park 301 S. Mint St Charlotte 7302301
348439 Mallard Creek Park (Johnston Oehler
Elementary School?)
2945 Johnston Oehler Rd Charlotte 2934233
Solid Waste
366855 Compost Central Relocation 6750 Rozzelle’s Ferry Rd Charlotte 3505423
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Table 2: SCMs Owned and Operated by the Towns
ID Project Name Project Address Jurisdiction Parcel ID
Town of Cornelius
47226 Westmoreland Sports Plex 8430 Westmoreland Rd Cornelius 0057118
Town of Huntersville
83 Bradford Park 17005 Davidson-Concord
Huntersville 01127109
461673 Huntersville Fire Station #4 8824 McIlwaine Rd Huntersville 01512115
296 Huntersville Town Center 105 Gilead Rd Huntersville 01711615
46426 N. Meck. Park Tennis Courts 16131 Old Statesville Rd Huntersville 01911119
Town of Pineville
322 Town of Pineville Police Dept 427 Main St Pineville 22105115
Table 3: SCMs Owned and Operated by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
ID Project Name Project Address Jurisdiction Parcel ID
327637 Newell Elementary School
325 W. Rocky River
Charlotte 4923103
311236 Grand Oaks Elementary School 15000 Stumptown Road Huntersville 909109
282 Long Creek Elementary School 9213 Beatties Ford Rd Mecklenburg 02306311
200 Bain School 11524 Bain School Road Mint Hill 19701146
11598 Ballantyne Elementary School 15425 Scholastic Lane Charlotte 22309103
400465 CMS Language Immersion K8
5471 Central Av Charlotte 10304199
179632 Independence High School 1967 Patriot Drive Mint Hill 10935108
368454 JM Alexander Middle School
12010 Hambright Road Huntersville 1705112
342838 Nations Ford Elementary
7050 Nations Ford Rd Charlotte 16712106
343239 Olympic HS Renovations 4301 Sandy Porter Rd Charlotte 20108105
280436 Phillip O Berry Academy of
1430 Alleghany St Charlotte 6714202
192033 Pineville Elementary 204 Lowry Street Pineville 22106440
105 Rocky River High School 10505 Clear Creek
Commerce Drive
Mint Hill 13731158
236 Sharon Amity Road Pre-
K/Elementary School
4835 Shamrock Dr Charlotte 9926105
52426 South Mecklenburg HS Parking
8900 Park Rd. Charlotte 20721133
339639 Statesville Rd Elementary
5521 Milhaven Ln Charlotte 4118315
344838 West Charlotte High School
Track Improvements
2219 Senior Dr Charlotte 6916443
Table 4: SCMs Owned and Operated by Central Piedmont Community College
ID Project Name Project Address Jurisdiction Parcel ID
380856 CPCC Harper Campus Revision 315 W Hebron St Charlotte
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
ID Project Name Project Address Jurisdiction Parcel ID
CPCC Levine Campus Parking lot
2800 Campus Ridge
Road Matthews 21523201
175632 CPCC Cato Campus 8120 Grier Rd Charlotte 10509106
473273 CPCC North Classroom Building 1320 Sam Ryburn Walk Charlotte
Section 3: Operation and Maintenance of SCMs
New developments constructed by or under contract with the Phase II entities are required to
comply with the local Post-Construction Ordinance requirements adopted by the jurisdiction
where the project is located, including the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, and the
Towns of Cornelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Matthews, Mint Hill, and Pineville. New roads and
road expansions interior to land development projects required to comply with post-construction
requirements must adhere to these same requirements regardless of whether these roads will be
privately maintained or maintained by the jurisdiction. For such projects, the built-upon area for
the roads is incorporated into the built-upon area for the project and structural SCMs are installed
as necessary to comply with ordinance requirements. Roadway projects constructed by the
North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) are subject to NCDOT’s Post-
Construction Program; therefore, these projects are not subject to local Post-Construction
The Phase II co-permittees maintain and implement O&M Plans for the SCMs that they own
and/or operate for compliance with Post-Construction Ordinance requirements as shown on the
approved construction plans or the Declaration of Covenants recorded at the Register of Deeds
Office. These Plans specify the frequency of inspections and routine maintenance requirements.
The Phase II co-permittees are responsible for inspecting and maintaining their SCMs in
accordance with the schedule contained in the O&M Plan. Plans vary based on SCM type.
Sample O&M Plans are provided in Attachment 1.
Section 4: Inspections of SCMs for Permit Compliance
To ensure that all structural SCMs are being maintained pursuant to their O&M Plan, all co-
permittees conduct annual inspections of the SCMs that they own and/or operate using a
qualified professional. A qualified professional is either a qualified NC professional engineer or
registered landscape architect performing services only in their area of competence, or someone
who has a valid Stormwater SCM Inspection & Maintenance Certification from NC State
University. All inspections of SCMs are documented on an inspection form and submitted to the
Storm Water Administrator for review and follow up as necessary. These forms are available at
the following link:
pection_Checklists_PCO21/. For Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Central Piedmont
Community College, and the Towns, these inspections are performed by CMSWS staff.
Inspections of County owned facilities are the responsibility of the Department that manages the
facility where the SCM is located, including Asset and Facility Management, Park and
Recreation and the Sheriff’s Department.
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Attachment 1: Sample Operation and Maintenance Plans for Structural Stormwater
Operation and Maintenance Program for Wet Pond
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Forebay inspection and cleanout Monthly inspection. Remove
sediment every 7 years or whenever
the sediment volume exceeds 50% of
storage volume
Volume measurement Yearly – Dredging needed every 20
years or when 25% of permanent pool
volume has been lost
Bank mowing and inspection / stabilization of
eroded areas
Outlet / inlet inspection and cleanout Monthly
Unwanted vegetation and trash removal Monthly
Visual inspection of water quality Monthly
Inspect / exercise all mechanical devices,
valves, etc.
Inspect for structural damage, leaks, etc. Yearly
Rodent management As needed
Security As needed
Operation and Maintenance Program for Dry Pond
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Forebay inspection and cleanout Monthly inspection. Remove sediment
every 7 years or when sediment volume
exceeds 50% of storage volume
Bank mowing and inspection /
stabilization of eroded areas
Monthly (maintain 3 to 6-inch grass height)
Outlet / inlet inspection and cleanout Monthly
Unwanted vegetation and trash removal Monthly
Inspect for structural damage, leaks, etc. Yearly
Inspect / exercise all mechanical
devices, valves, etc.
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Evaluate sediment level (remove as
Security As needed
Operation and Maintenance Program for Grassed Channel /
Enhanced Swale
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Mowing Weekly to Monthly (maintain 3 to 6-
inch grass height)
Inspect condition of dispersion devices and
check dams
Trash removal Weekly to Monthly (prior to mowing)
Reseed Yearly
Stabilization of eroded areas Monthly
Removal of sediment Yearly
Operation and Maintenance Program for Wetland
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Forebay cleanout Monthly inspection. Remove sediment
every 7 years or when sediment volume
exceeds 50% of storage volume
Invasive species control / vegetation
management and replanting to maintain
design densities
Bank mowing and stabilization of
eroded areas
Monthly (maintain 3 to 6-inch grass height)
Outlet / inlet inspection and cleanout Monthly
Trash removal Monthly
Inspect for structural damage, leaks,
Visual inspection of water quality Monthly
Rodent and mosquito management As needed
Evaluate sediment level (remove at 20
yrs. or when plants are being impacted)
Security As needed
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Inspect for clogging (enhanced swale) Monthly
Inspect pea gravel diaphragm and replace /
repair as necessary
Operation and Maintenance Program for Bioretention
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Inspect banks and surrounding drainage areas
for erosion and stabilize if necessary.
Inspect/Clean Inlets (sediment in pipe,
damaged pipe, blockage or erosion)
Inspect/Clean Outlet (blockage, bypass,
erosion or damaged)
Perimeter mowing (3 to 6-inch grass height) Monthly
Inspect for proper drawdown / clogging Monthly
Trash removal Monthly
Pruning Yearly
Mulch renewal Yearly
Mulch replacement Every 3 years
Inspect plants, replace as necessary Monthly
Test Phosphorus Index of soil media and
replace if over 50
Every 2 years
Replace pea gravel diaphragm As needed
Remove sediment or other organic material As needed
Grassed Bioretention Cells only
Mow basin to recommended height in
alternating patterns to prevent compaction
Weekly to bi-weekly during the
growing season, as needed other times
Light fertilizing to establish healthy roots Only during the first 2 years
Aerate and dethatch basin floor Every 2 years
Operation and Maintenance Program for Infiltration Structure
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Maintain stone or mulch top surface Yearly
Clean forebay if present Yearly or at 50% full
Trash removal Monthly
Remove unwanted vegetation Monthly
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Check observation wells following
precipitation events to ensure proper
Operation and Maintenance Program for Filter Strip with Flow
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Mowing of grass Weekly to Monthly (maintain 3 to 6-
inch grass height)
Stabilization of eroded areas throughout the
filter strip and below the flow dispersion
Inspect gravel diaphragm (if present) and
remove sediment
Check outlet pipes on berms (if present) for
Remove debris / unwanted vegetation from
behind lip of level spreader (if present)
Repair flow dispersion device to prevent
formation of channels in filter strip
Monthly as needed
Reseeding of grass Yearly
Operation and Maintenance Program for Sand Filter
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Inspect banks and surrounding drainage
areas for erosion and stabilize if necessary
Street sweep parking lot Quarterly
Trash removal Monthly
Inspect outlet for obstructions Monthly
Inspect for clogging Monthly
Inspect inlet grates Monthly
Skim sand media Yearly
Pump oil and grit from sediment chamber Yearly or at 50% full
Replace sand media As needed (expect 3 years)
Grassed Sand Filter Only
Operation & Maintenance Plan for Municipally Owned SCMs - Permit # NCS000395
Mow basin to recommended height in
alternating patterns to prevent compaction
and prevent weed growth. Bag clippings to
prevent thatch built-up.
Weekly to bi-weekly during the
growing season, as needed other
Light fertilizing to establish healthy roots Only during the first 2 years
Aerate and dethatch basin floor Every 2 Years
Operation and Maintenance Program for Underground Detention
Name of Project:
Number of Stormwater Control Measures:
Responsible Party:
Address of Responsible Party:
Task Schedule
Inspect inlets and outlets – Remove trash,
sediment, debris, and petroleum products for
proper disposal
Inspect sediment chamber – Remove trash,
sediment, debris, and petroleum products for
proper disposal
Inspect subsurface detention facility and
control structures – Remove trash, sediment,
debris, and petroleum products for proper
Inspect / exercise all mechanical devices,
valves, etc. – Ensure proper operation
Inspect pipe / vault system – Remove trash,
sediment, debris, and petroleum products for
proper disposal
Inspect for structural damage, leaks, etc. –
Ensure proper operation