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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03 BMP Summary TablesBMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 1 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric Program Administration Permit Ref. Permit Development (Part III Section B; Part IV B; Part V Section A.11): Performing activities necessary to fulfill the administrative requireme nts for compliance with permit requirements, including coordinating with co-permittees, completing the annual assessment report, applying for permit renewal, and updating the Storm Water Management Program Plan as necessary. #1 PD-1 (Permit Develop ment) Permit Development Coordinate with co- permittees for Permit compliance and complete audits and program assessments as well as submit Permit applications, reports, etc. as required. a. Coordinate with co-permittees regarding permit compliance efforts at a minimum of twice during the fiscal year. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Meet and coordinate with CMSWS as requested as well as provide data and information as requested for inclusion in reports, audits, Permit applications, etc. b. Participate in an NPDES MS4 Permit Compliance Audit, as scheduled and performed by EPA or NCDEQ. b. As scheduled by NCDEQ -Typically Permit Year 4 b. Completion status c. Self-audit and document any stormwater program components not audited by EPA or NCDEQ utilizing the NCDEQ Audit Template. Submit Self-Audit to NCDEQ (required component of Permit renewal application package). c. As scheduled by NCDEQ c. Completion status d. Certify the stormwater Permit renewal application (Permit renewal application form, Self-Audit, and Draft SWMP for the next 5-year permit cycle) and submit to NCDEQ at least 180 days prior to Permit expiration. d. Permit Year 5 d. Date of Permit renewal application submittal e. Complete annual assessment of Phase II Permit compliance, including all BMPs and measurable goals. Summarize the assessment in an annual report, including recommendations for improvement. Provide report to all Phase II co-permittees and NCDEQ. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #2 PD-3 (Evaluate Manage ment Plan) Evaluate Effectiveness of Storm Water Plan Evaluate the effectiveness of the Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan and update as necessary, including all written policies and procedures. a. Implement through the annual Work Plan the recommendations for improvement identified in the annual report (see PD-1) summarizing the annual assessment of Phase II Permit compliance (PD-1). a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Provide data and information as requested for inclusion in reports, audits, etc. as well as implement recommendations for improvement as necessary. b. Assess the effectiveness of the Storm Water Management Program Plan for compliance with permit. Summarize the assessment in an annual report, including recommendations for improvement. Include the assessment in the report for PD-1. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 2 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric Public Education & Outreach Program Permit Ref. Public Education and Outreach (Part II Section A.4, 5 and 7; Part II Section B.; Part II Section C.2.c; Part II Section D.2.i; Part II Section E.3): Distri buting educational materials to the community or conducting equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of storm water dischar ges on water bodies and the steps that the public can take to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff. (Note: SOPs are the same for Phases I and II. Documentation for revising these SOPs and performing training is contained unde r the Phase I program element.) #3 PE-10(a) (Education and Outreach) Planning and Coordination Coordinate with Charlotte Storm Water Services and the co-permittees to review work plan element scope, direction, procedures, and necessary steps to coordinate efforts. a. Coordinate with Charlotte Storm Water and the co- permittees. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Work with CMSWS to ensure an effective outreach. b. Identify and implement ongoing coordination measures between Charlotte Storm Water and the co -permittees. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Review target pollutants and audiences and revise as necessary. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status e. Review residential/ commercial issues and revise as necessary. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #4 PE-10(b) (Education and Outreach) Educational Materials Develop and distribute educational materials to target audiences. a. Evaluate available brochures and update or develop new ones as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Inform CMSWS if new brochures are needed to meet a special need. Ensure brochures are maintained in a location available to the public. b. Make brochures available to staff for distribution. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Provide brochures to Town Halls and other locations within the Towns as necessary for distribution. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Maintain a record of the extent of exposure. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; extent of exposure #5 PE-10(c) (Education and Outreach) Newsletters Develop and send newsletter articles to Pineville for distribution at a minimum of quarterly. a. Develop newsletter articles and make available to Town for distribution. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Ensure educational materials are included in newsletters and/or other regular communications. b. Maintain record of extent of exposure. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; extent of exposure #6 PE-10(d) Public Education Media Campaign Develop and implement public a. Develop and implement a media campaign, including television, radio, print ads, utility bill inserts, etc. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Ensure availability of information to BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 3 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric (Education and Outreach) education media campaign. b. Develop and implement social media posts. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status public as requested by CMSWS. Maintain link to CMSWS website. c. Maintain website, including information regarding current water quality conditions, stormwater pollutants and how to minimize them, municipal stormwater projects, volunteer opportunities, etc. Ensure co - permittee links to website are maintained. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Maintain record of extent of exposure. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; extent of exposure #7 PE-10(e) (Education and Outreach) Schools Conduct presentations for students/teachers. a. Develop age-specific educational information for use in schools and for presentations to school age children. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Present information in appropriate format. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Maintain record of extent of exposure. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; extent of exposure #8 PE-10(f) (Education and Outreach) Commercial Outreach Conduct outreach program for commercial facilities. a. Develop and implement outreach program. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Update commercial sector BMP flyers as necessary. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Maintain record of extent of exposure. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; extent of exposure #9 PE-9 (Evaluate Education) Evaluate Effectiveness of the Public Education and Outreach Program Evaluate effectiveness of the Public Education and Outreach Program. a. Evaluate program effectiveness at meeting established goals and objectives. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Notify CMSWS of actions necessary to improve the effectiveness of the program. b. Measure program success using established criteria. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; criteria measure c. Recommend improvements as necessary. Include the recommendations in the report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Implement improvements in the next fiscal year. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 4 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric #10 PE-10(h) (Education and Outreach) Annual Report Complete annual reports. a. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Include the annual report in PD-1. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; extent of exposure; criteria measure Public Involvement and Participation Program Permit Ref. Public Involvement & Participation (Part II Section C.2.a, b; Part II Section A.4, 5 and 7; Part II Section B.2.h): Developing and implementing a program to provide opportunities for the public, including major economic and ethnic groups, to participate in efforts to protect and restore su rface water quality. (Note: SOPs are the same for Phases I and II. Documentation for revising these SOPs and performing training is contained under the Phase I program element.) #11 PI-1 (Public Meetings) Phase II Public Meeting Meet with the Storm Water Advisory Committee (SWAC) and co-permittees to provide and promote a mechanism for public involvement that allows for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. a. Conduct a minimum of one (1) meeting annually before SWAC. Provide information regarding activities performed to comply with Phase II requirements. Promote opportunity to receive public input during the meeting. Receive input from the public regarding storm water issues and the program. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None b. Address input as necessary. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # attending meeting #12 PI-2 (Volunteer AAS) Adopt-A-Stream Implementing an Adopt-A-Stream Program that involves the adoption of stream sections by the general public, businesses and institutions. a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Work with CMSWS to maximize volunteer participation. Assist with trash removal as requested. b. Implement program activities coordinating closely with volunteers. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Maintain data regarding program activities. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # volunteers d. Follow up on reported pollution problems to ensure compliance. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; # problems resolved BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 5 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #13 PI-3 (Volunteer SDM) Storm Drain Marker Implementing a Storm Drain Marker Program that involves the placement by volunteers of markers on storm drain inlets with the message “Do Not Dump – Drains To Creek.” a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Work with CMSWS to maximize volunteer participation. Receive and respond as necessary to reported problems with the storm sewer system. b. Implement program activities coordinating closely with volunteers. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Maintain data regarding program activities. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # volunteers d. Follow up on reported pollution problems to ensure compliance. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; # problems resolved e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #14 PE-I(4) (Volunteer Big Spring Clean) Annual Spring Cleanup Conduct annual cleanup event that involves removing trash and debris from surface waters and identifying pollution sources. a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Work with CMSWS to maximize volunteer participation. Assist with trash removal as requested. b. Implement program activities coordinating closely with volunteers. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Maintain data regarding program activities. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # volunteers d. Follow up on reported pollution problems to ensure compliance. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; # problems resolved e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #15 VM (Volunteer Monit) Volunteer Monitoring Implement volunteer monitoring program that involves the monitoring of stream conditions by volunteers. a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Work with CMSWS to maximize volunteer participation. b. Implement program activities coordinating closely with volunteers. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Maintain data regarding program activities. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # volunteers BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 6 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric d. Follow up on reported pollution problems to ensure compliance. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; # problems resolved e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #16 PE-I(13) (Educate Media Campaign) Public Involvement Media Campaign Develop and implement a public involvement media campaign to educate and solicit volunteers for public involvement programs. a. Coordinate with Charlotte Storm Water Services and co- permittees to develop and implement an effective strategy to promote and increase volunteerism. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Work with CMSWS to maximize volunteer participation through media campaign. b. Work with the Media Buy vendor and Creative Services vendor to develop and implement a media campaign per the strategy in “a” including television, radio and other media outlets. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Implement the social media strategy created in “b” above by reviewing topics, content and social posts created by vendor. Schedule and post to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Monitor social media traffic and respond as necessary. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; extent of exposure d. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status #17 PE-I(14) (Volunteer Recognition) Volunteer Appreciation Conduct annual volunteer appreciation campaign to recognize volunteer efforts for protecting water quality. a. Update SOPs as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Implement program activities. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; # volunteers recognized c. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status #18 PI-6 (Evaluate Involvement) Evaluate Effectiveness of the Public Involvement and Participation Program Evaluate effectiveness of Public Involvement and Participation Program. a. Evaluate program effectiveness at meeting established goals and objectives. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Measure program success using established criteria. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; criteria measure BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 7 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric c. Recommend improvements as necessary. Include the recommendations in the report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Implement improvements in the next fiscal year. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program Permit Ref. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) (Part II Section A.4, 5 and 7; Part II Section B.2.g; Part II Section C.2.c; Part II Section A.4, 5 and 7; Part II Section D;): Develop and implement a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges to the MS4. (Note: The IDDE Manual and SOPs are the same for Phases I and II. Documentation for revising these documents and performing training is contained under the Phase I program element.) #19 ID-1 (Storm Sewer Mapping) Storm Sewer System Maps Maintain a current a map showing major outfalls and receiving streams. a. Receive from GIS a list of the newly collected storm sewer system features. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Receive and respond as necessary to reported problems with the storm sewer system. b. Field evaluate GIS data and input additional attribute information into ArcGIS Collector. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Complete inspections of new outfalls using the Cityworks Mobile App. Identify and eliminate pollution sources. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Document the date of inspection, condition of the outfall, dry weather flows, and any other potential illicit discharges as well as the date and results of any follow up actions. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; # inlets; outfalls; dry weather flows e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #20 ID-2 (Outfall Inspection) Screening for Non-Stormwater Flows Maintain a program for conducting dry weather flow field observations in accordance with written procedures. a. Identify and investigate areas where there is a high potential for illicit discharges in accordance with procedures contained in the IDDE Manual (outfalls are also inspected for ID-1 and ID-8). a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Receive and respond as necessary to reported problems with the storm sewer system. b. Complete follow up actions as necessary to ensure the elimination of identified pollution sources. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Document nature of investigation, names, dates, locations, follow up actions, violations, and final resolution. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # problems resolved d. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD -1. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 8 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric #21 ID-3 (NOV & Enforceme nt) Maintain an IDDE Program Maintain a written IDDE Program, adequate legal authorities including ordinances, and written procedures for conducting investigations of Illicit discharges. a. Review and revise IDDE Manual. a. Once during 5-year permit term a. Completion status Work with CMSWS to update and adopt ordinances as necessary. b. Review and revise SOPs and ordinances as necessary. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; # trained c. Perform IDDE training for staff. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Conduct investigations and document nature of investigation, names, dates, locations, follow up actions, violations, and final resolution.. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status e. Prepare and issue NOVs and initiate enforcement actions in accordance with SOPs. Follow up to ensure compliance and document. Maintain system to track NOVs for identifying chronic violators. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status; # NOVs; # enforcements f. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. f. Annually beginning July 1 f. Completion status #22 ID-4.1; ID- 4.3; ID-4.4; ID-4.10; (Monit Fixed Interval; Monit Bugs; Monit Fish; Monit CMANN) Water Quality Monitoring Program Maintain a monitoring program to assess water quality conditions for identification and elimination of illicit discharges and other pollution sources. a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. Perform staff training. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Receive and respond as necessary to reported problems with the storm sewer system. b. Perform monitoring activities. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Analyze data and initiate follow up actions as necessary to identify and eliminate pollution sources. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Document nature of investigation, names, dates, locations, follow up actions, violations, and final resolution. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; summary of data collected e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD -1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #23 ID-5 (Educate Prevention) Pollution Prevention Education Develop and implement a public outreach program to inform public employees, businesses and the a. Ensure that messages are incorporated into the general water quality media campaign. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Ensure employees are properly trained. b. Conduct presentations for public employees, businesses and the general public regarding the environmental threat of illicit discharges and how they are identified and reported. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 9 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric general public of illicit discharges and improper waste disposal and how they threaten the environment as well as provide instructions concerning proper reporting. c. Provide training to appropriate municipal staff, who, as part of their normal job responsibilities, may come into contact with or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection to the storm sewer system. c. Once during 5-year permit term c. Completion status; # trained d. Review and update 311 Keywords annually and coordinate with 311 staff as necessary to ensure their continued effectiveness as a stormwater helpline for reporting illicit discharges and as a mechanism for public education and involvement. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD -1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #24 ID-6 (Follow up Insp., CRS and ER) Follow up Inspections and Responding to Citizen Requests and Emergencies Respond to citizen requests for service and emergency situations as well as conduct follow up inspections as necessary to identify and eliminate pollution problems. a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. Perform staff training. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Receive and respond as necessary to reported problems with the storm sewer system. b. Maintain the duty roster for the Emergency Response Program. Ensure SOPs are followed, and necessary equipment provided. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Receive and respond to citizen requests for service and emergency responses. Identify and eliminate pollution sources. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Document nature of investigation, names, dates, locations, follow up actions, violations, and final resolution. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; # service requests; # problems resolved e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD -1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #25 ID-8 (Stream Walk) Stream Walk/Outfall Inventory & Inspection/Dry Weather Flow Analysis Inspect creeks for the purpose of identifying and eliminating illicit discharges and collecting outfall and stream channel data as well as conducting a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. Perform staff training. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Receive and respond as necessary to reported problems with the storm sewer system. b. Perform stream walk activities in accordance with established SOPs. Document the dates and results of stream walk activities. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Analyze data and initiate follow up actions as necessary to identify and eliminate pollution sources. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # miles walked; # problems resolved BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 10 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric dry weather flow field observations in accordance with written procedures. d. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status #26 ID-9 (IDEP) Illicit Discharge Elimination Program (IDEP) Investigate select locations on a regular, recurring schedule for the identification and elimination illicit discharges and other pollution problems. a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. Perform staff training. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None b. Perform IDEP activities and follow up as necessary to identify and eliminate pollution sources. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Document nature of investigation, names, dates, locations, follow up actions, violations, and final resolution. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # investigations; # problems resolved d. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status #27 ID-U (Used Oil Inspection) Used Oil Inspection Conduct inspections of vehicle maintenance facilities to ensure the proper implementation of good housekeeping measures to prevent the discharge of pollutants. a. Conduct inspections and follow up as necessary to identify and eliminate pollution sources in accordance with the procedures contained in the IDDE Manual. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None b. Document nature of investigation, names, dates, locations, follow up actions, violations, and final resolution. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; # investigations; # problems resolved c. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status #28 ID-10 (Evaluate IDDE) Evaluate Effectiveness of the IDDE Program Evaluate effectiveness of the IDDE Program. a. Evaluate program effectiveness at meeting established goals and objectives. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Measure program success using established criteria. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; criteria measure c. Recommend improvements as necessary. Include recommendations in report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Implement improvements in the next fiscal year. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 11 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric Construction Site Runoff Controls Program Permit Ref. Construction Site Runoff Control Program (Part II Section E.1; Part II Section A.4, 5 and 7): Enforce erosion and sedimentation control ordinances by permitting and controlling development activities disturbing one or more acres of lan d surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development as authorized under the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973. #29 CS-1 (SOPs contained in the Erosion Control Policy & Procedure Manual) Enforce Erosion Control Ordinances Enforce erosion and sedimentation control ordinances by permitting and controlling development activities disturbing one or more acres of land surface and those activities less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development. a. Review and revise Erosion Control Policy and Procedure Manual and train staff as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Huntersville administers its own Erosion Control Program. County administers a program for the other Towns. All co- permittees ensure compliance at their construction sites. b. Conduct inspections and document the date(s) violations are observed, the results of investigations, and follow up actions conducted for compliance. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; # inspections c. Prepare and issue NOVs and initiate enforcement actions in accordance with SOPs. Follow up to ensure compliance. Document dates, locations, names, nature of the violations, and final resolution. Track NOVs for identifying chronic violators. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # NOVs; # enforcements d. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status #30 CS-2 (Erosion Education) Erosion Control Education Develop and implement an outreach program to educate contractors and land developers regarding proper erosion control. a. Distribute educational materials prior to or when conducting pre-construction meetings and during inspection activities as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Participate in training as requested by CMSWS. b. Implement and update/enhance as necessary the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Certified Site Inspector (CMCSI) Training Program (program has gone virtual during the pandemic). b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; # trained c. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status #31 CS-3 (Evaluate Erosion Control) Evaluate Effectiveness of the Erosion Control Program Evaluate effectiveness of the Erosion Control Program. a. Measure program success using established criteria. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status; criteria measure Huntersville provides information for inclusion in annual b. Recommend improvements as necessary. Include recommendations in report for PD-1. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 12 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric c. Implement improvements in the next fiscal year. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status assessment and report. Post-Construction Site Runoff Controls Program Permit Ref. Post-Construction Site Runoff Control Program (Part II Section F a through i; Part II Section A.4, 5 and 7; Part II Section G.2.g): Implement and enforce a program to address storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment projects, including publ ic transportation maintained by the permittee, that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, including projects less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale, that discharge into the small MS4. #32 PC-1 (PCO Admin) Implement Post-Construction Ordinances Develop, implement and enforce ordinances that will minimize negative water quality impacts to surface waters from post- construction discharges in accordance with local and State regulations. a. Complete an annual review of the post-construction ordinances and the Administrative Manual. Document any suggested changes/updates and follow through for implementation a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status CMSWS serves as the Storm Water Administrator for all Post-Construction Ordinance except for Cornelius where their Zoning Administrator fulfills this role working with CMSWS. b. Provide interpretations of ordinance requirements as requested by staff and the general public. Maintain a log of all interpretations of the ordinances and a log of all changes to the Administrative and Design Manual. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; # interpretations c. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status #33 PC-2 (PCO inspections) Post-Construction Ordinance Inspections Conduct site inspections of stormwater controls installed for compliance with ordinance requirements. a. Update/revise the SCM Inspection Manual and train staff as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Huntersville reviews plans, issues permits, and conducts inspections during construction. CMSWS reviews plans, issues permits, and conducts inspections during construction for the other Towns. Following construction, CMSWS administers an inspection b. Review and approve site plans and issue permits for compliance with ordinance requirements. Ensure mechanisms are in place for long-term maintenance of the project, including SCMs, consistent with approved plans and permit requirements. Conduct inspections during construction to ensure compliance. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Conduct annual inspections of SCMs owned by co- permittees following construction except for County owned SCMs that are inspected and maintained by the controlling County agency. Require annual inspections of private SCMs. Document the date(s) deficiencies are observed, the results of investigations, and follow up actions conducted. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # inspections BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 13 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric d. Prepare and issue inspection reports and notices of deficiencies. Track for identifying chronic maintenance problems. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status; # deficiencies program for both public and private SCMs in Huntersville as well as the other Towns. All co-permittees ensure compliance for the SCMs that they own/maintain. e. Maintain an inventory of public and private SCMs installed for compliance with post-construction ordinances. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status f. Verify that Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Plans have been established and recorded for SCMs at the time of plan approval, including municipally owned and maintained SCMs. f. Annually beginning July 1 f. Completion status g. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. g. Annually beginning July 1 g. Completion status #34 PC-3 (PCO Education) Post-Construction Ordinance Education Implement a program to educate the development community and the general public concerning the post- construction requirements. a. Work with Charlotte Storm Water Services to develop a post-construction ordinance training event for the development community. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Participate in training as requested by CMSWS. b. Conduct training event. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; # trained c. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status #35 PC-5 (Evaluate PCO) Evaluate Effectiveness of the Post-Construction Controls Program Evaluate effectiveness of the Post-Construction Controls Program. a. Measure program success using established criteria. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status; criteria measure Huntersville provides information for inclusion in annual assessment and report. b. Recommend improvements as necessary. Include recommendations for report in PD-1. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Implement improvements in the next fiscal year. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Program Permit Ref. Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping (Part II Section G a through j except g that is included in BMP #31; Part II Section A.4, 5 and 7): Implement an operation and maintenance program that includes a training component and has the ultimate goal of prev enting or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations. Provide employee training to prevent and reduce storm water pollution from activities such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and storm water system maintenance. #36 Employee Training BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 14 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric PP-1 (Municipal Training) Implement a training program for employees involved in implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. a. Review training program annually and revise as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Ensure employees receive annual training. Maintain training records. b. Coordinate with co-permittees on scheduling and conducting training. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Conduct training and document dates, persons attending, and topics covered. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # trained #37 PP-2 (Municipal Inspection) Inspections Implement inspection program for municipal facilities with the significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. a. Review and revise SOPs annually and train staff. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Ensure issues identified in inspection reports are addressed in a timely manner. Submit documentation of completion to CMSWS. Co- permittees are responsible for the property, facilities, infrastructure, etc. that they own/control, including maintaining and complying with O&M Plans for their facilities (SWPPPs), SCMs, MS4s, streets and parking lots. b. Conduct inspections, generate reports, and follow up as necessary to identify and eliminate pollution sources. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; # inspections; # problems resolved c. Evaluate the Operation and Maintenance programs for facilities with the significant potential to pollute as described in their Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs), which also includes a spill response plan. Work with co-permittee to update/revise as necessary. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Ensure that municipal employees and contractors are properly trained and all permits, certifications, and other measures for applicators are followed by verifying the validity of pesticide licenses as a component of the facility inspection process in “b” above. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status e. Ensure that measures are implemented to prevent or minimize contamination of the stormwater runoff from all areas used for vehicle and equipment cleaning as a component of the facility inspection process in “b” above. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status f. Document the date of inspections and/or evaluation of O&M Plans, results, follow up actions, and final resolution. f. Annually beginning July 1 f. Completion status g. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. g. Annually beginning July 1 g. Completion status #38 Inventory BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 15 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric PP-5 (Municipal Inventory) Maintain, a current inventory of facilities and operations owned and operated by the permittee with the significant potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. a. Review SOPs annually and revise as necessary. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Notify CMSWS of all new properties purchased. b. Complete inventory process. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Document nature of investigation, names, dates, locations, follow up actions, violations, and final resolution. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status; # facilities d. Notify co-permittees of any changes in their inventory of facilities with the significant potential to pollute and work them to ensure permit compliance. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status e. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status #39 PP-9 (Evaluate Pollution Prevention) Evaluate Effectiveness of the Pollution Prevention/ Good Housekeeping Program Evaluate the effectiveness of Pollution Prevention/ Good Housekeeping Program. a. Evaluate program effectiveness at meeting established goals and objectives. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status Notify CMSWS of actions necessary to improve the effectiveness of the program. b. Measure program success using established criteria. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status; criteria measure c. Evaluate the effectiveness of the O&M Plan for reducing polluted stormwater runoff from municipally owned streets, roads, and public parking lots based on cost and the estimated quantity of pollutants removed. Work with co-permittees to update/revise as necessary. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Evaluate the O&M Plan for reducing polluted stormwater runoff from municipally owned or maintained catch basins and conveyance systems. Work with co -permittees to update/revise as necessary. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status e. Recommend improvements as necessary. Include recommendations in report for PD-1. e. Annually beginning July 1 e. Completion status f. Implement improvements in the next fiscal year. f. Annually beginning July 1 f. Completion status Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program Permit Ref. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program (Section H.1 through 6; Part II Section A.4, 5 and 7): Implement a program to reduce levels of the pollutant of concern in accordance with approved Waste Load Allocation (WLAs) assigned to stormwater in an approved TMDL. #40 IW-1 Evaluate Impaired Waters BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 16 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric (Evaluate Impaired Waters) Identify those impaired waters with an approved TMDL in Mecklenburg County that have a waste load allocation assigned to stormwater. a. Complete an evaluation of the latest version of the 303(d) list and the integrated 305(b) and 303(d) reports. Identify all changes to designations in Mecklenburg County. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Identify and review all TMDLs that have been developed and approved by EPA for receiving waters in Mecklenburg County. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status #41 IW-2 (WQRPs for TMDLs) Water Quality Recovery Plans for TMDLs Develop and implement Water Quality Recovery Plans (WQRPs) to reduce non-point source pollutant loading to the maximum extent practicable (MEP) for TMDL waters with a waste load allocation assigned to stormwater. a. Based on the results from IW-1 above, identify those TMDL waters in Mecklenburg County with a waste load allocation assigned to stormwater. Work with Charlotte Stormwater on a compliance strategy for these waters. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Develop WQRPs for the waters from “a” above that are the responsibility of Mecklenburg County, including structural and/or non-structural BMPs and a brief explanation as to how the programs, controls, partnerships, projects and strategies address impaired waters. b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Incorporate BMPs from “b” above into Work Plans for implementation. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings. Include in report for PD-1. d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status #42 IW-4 (Evaluate Effectivene ss of the TMDL Program) Evaluate Effectiveness of TMDL Program Assess the effectiveness of structural and non- structural BMPs at addressing TMDL waters with a waste load allocation assigned to stormwater and modifying as necessary. a. Identify and assess the effectiveness of existing programs, controls, partnerships, projects, and strategies for all TMDL waters identified in IW-2 above. a. Annually beginning July 1 a. Completion status None. b. Based on the results from “a” develop additional structural and non-structural BMPs as necessary to reduce non-point source pollutant loading to the maximum extent practicable (MEP). b. Annually beginning July 1 b. Completion status c. Incorporate BMPs from “b” above into Work Plans for implementation. c. Annually beginning July 1 c. Completion status d. Complete annual report detailing activities completed and summarizing findings, including a description of the d. Annually beginning July 1 d. Completion status BMP Summary Table for the Mecklenburg County Storm Water Quality Management Program Plan (SWMP) March 2021 17 BMP No. County Work Plan Code A B C D E County Activities Co-Permittee Responsibilities Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Annual Reporting Metric effectiveness of existing structural and/or non -structural BMPs and a brief explanation as to how the existing programs, controls, partnerships, projects and strategies address impaired waters as well as whether additional BMPs are necessary and when they will be implemented. Include in report for PD-1.