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HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 J Resolutions for Pollution Control OrdinanceResolution No. 2004- 00371 TOWN OF CORNELIUS RESOLUTION EXTENDING JURISDICTION OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY SURFACE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ORDINANCE WITHIN TOWN LIMITS WHEREAS, the Town of Comelius k"Town") and Mecklenburg County entered into an Amended and Restated Storm Water Management Program Interlocal Agreement in which Mecklenburg County agreed to assist the Town with an application for the Town's NPDES Phase lI Storm Water Permit and the enforcement of all elements necessary to comply with the NPDES Phase II Storm Water requirements; and WHEREAS, one of the requirements is the adoption and enforcement of certain rules and regulations which rules and regulations are addressed in the Mecklenburg County Surface Water Pollution Control Ordinance, which Ordinance has been adopted by the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners to be effective throughout the unincorporated areas of the County; and WHEREAS, the Town needs either the County Ordinance or a similar ordinance to govern conduct within the Town limits in order to meet its NPDES Phase H Storm Water Permit obligations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153A-122, the governing board of a municipality may by resolution permit a county ordinance to become applicable within its corporate limits, and allows the municipality by resolution to withdraw its permission to such an ordinance by giving the county written notice of its withdrawal 30 days prior to the date that it wishes its permission to be withdrawn for such ordinance to be applicable within the municipal limits; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of Commissioners adopts this Resolution to authorize the Mecklenburg County Surface Water Pollution Control Ordinance to become applicable within the Town's corporate limits effective the day of the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED this the 21s` day of Tune, 2004. RBCW B:141099.DocR-20-04 ATTESTED TO: APPROVED AS TO FORM: WjLmtM 2 • V fur-w William L. Brown, Town Attorney TOWN OF HUNTERSVILLE RESOLUTION EXTENDING JURISDICTION OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY SURFACE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ORDINANCE WITHIN TOWN LIMITS WHEREAS, the Town of Huntersville ("Town") and Mecklenburg County entered into an Amended and Restated Storm Water Management Program Interlocal Agreement in which Mecklenburg County agreed to assist the Town with an application for the Town's NPDES Phase II Storm Water Permit and the enforcement of all elements necessary to comply with the NPDES Phase II Storm Water requirements; and WHEREAS, one of the requirements is the adoption and enforcement of certain rules and regulations which rules and regulations are addressed in the Mecklenburg County Surface Water Pollution Control Ordinance, which Ordinance has been adopted by the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners to be effective throughout the unincorporated areas of the County; and WHEREAS, the Town needs either the County Ordinance or a similar ordinance to govern conduct within the Town limits in order to meet its NPDES Phase II Storm Water Permit obligations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153A-122, the governing board of a municipality may by resolution permit a county ordinance to become applicable within its corporate limits, and allows the municipality by resolution to withdraw its permission to such an ordinance by giving the county written notice of its withdrawal 30 days prior to the date that it wishes its permission to be withdrawn for such ordinance to be applicable within the municipal limits; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of Commissioners adopts this Resolution to authorize the Mecklenburg County Surface Water Pollution Control Ordinance to become applicable within the Town's corporate limits effective the day of the adoption of this Resolution. Adopted this 21 n day of June, 2004, Kim P iilll s, M y r ATTEST: '.�� 1►. A1�1;i. RECEIVED JUL 1 9 2004 L ESA Resolution No. R-2004-06 RECEIVED JUN 3 0 2004 TOWN OF MINT HILL RESOLUTION EXTENDING JURISDICTION OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY SURFACE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ORDINANCE WITHIN TOWN LIMITS WHEREAS, the Town of Mint Hill and Mecklenburg County entered into an Amended and Restated Storm Water Management Program Interlocal Agreement in which Mecklenburg County agreed to assist the Town with an application for the Town's NPDES Phase II Storm Water Permit and the enforcement of all elements necessary to comply with the NPDES Phase II Storm Water requirements; and WHEREAS, one of the requirements is the adoption and enforcement of certain rules and regulations which rules and regulations are addressed in the Mecklenburg County Surface Water Pollution Control Ordinance, which Ordinance has been adopted by the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners to be effective throughout the unincorporated areas of the County; and WHEREAS, the Town needs either the County Ordinance or a similar ordinance. to govern conduct within the Town limits in order to meet its NPDES Phase II Storm Water Permit obligations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 1CIA -122, the governing board of a municipality may by resolution permit a county ordinance to become applicable within its corporate limits, and allows the municipality by resolution to withdraw its permission to such an ordinance by giving the county written notice of its withdrawal 30 days prior to the date that it wishes its permission to be withdrawn for such ordinance to be applicable within the municipal limits; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of Commissioners adopts this Resolution to authorize the Mecklenburg County Surface Water Pollution Control Ordinance to become applicable within the Town's corporate limits effective the day of the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED this the 24`h day of June, 2004. ,ee�pnun�gy, � � OF' M//V�!4o ATTEST: 0 t 1 SEA, Beth Q. H ick, Town Clerk ' 0 00 �' ��.,. Nil I Town of Mint Hill Ted H. Biggers, M or TOWN OF PINEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA_ RESOLUTION EXTENDING NRISDICTION OF MECKLENBURG COUNTY SURFACE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ORDINANCE WTTHIN TOWN LIMITS WHEREAS, the Town of Pineville ("Town") and Mecklenburg County entered into an Amended and Restated Storm Water Management Program Interlocal Agreement in which Mecklenburg County agreed to assist the Town with an application for the Town's NPDES Phase II Storm Water Permit and the enforcement of all elements necessary to comply with the NPDES Phase II Storm Water requirements; and WHEREAS, one of the requirements is the adoption and enforcement of certain rules and regulations which rules and regulations are addressed in the Mecklenburg County Surface Water Pollution Control Ordinance, which Ordinance has been adopted by the Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners to be effective throughout the unincorporated areas of the County; and WHEREAS, the Town needs either the County Ordinance or a similaz ordinance to govern conduct within the Town limits in order to meet its NPDES Phase II Storm Water Permit obligations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153A-122, the governing boazd of a municipality may by resolution permit a county ordinance to become applicable within its corporate limits, and allows the municipality by resolution to withdraw its permission to such an ordinance by giving the county written notice of its withdrawal 30 days prior to the date that it wishes its pernussion to be withdrawn for such ordinance to be applicable within the municipal limits; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Council adopts this Resolution to authorize the Mecklenburg County.Surface Water Pollution Control Ordinance to become applicable within the Town's corporate limits effective the day of the adoption of this Resolution. ADOPTED this the 8th day of June, 2004. RSC WB:141099.Doc/2-20-04