HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 D CPCC Interlocal Agreement/!6tV4� STATE OF NORTH CAROL_TNA STORM WATER. MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 1FNgERLOCAL AGREEMENT C�UNTY ®F l�C=�.E1\T3URG CENTZAG PYEDliiiQ31\`T COMMUNITY C,®Li.EGr' 11�+ 1� T X� k�tir�AUaVJL ll�`TT71� AGREEMENT l 3IS AGREEi+11�NT made as of April 1, 2010, by and between Ivi CI�LL N� C�LTl i T ' - a political subdi.rision of the State of North. Carolina (hereinafter "County") and Cct.: - Pied.morat �Co> m comity Co1l�lege, a public entity of the State of Nord- Carolina located in Charlotte, North Carolina (hereinafter "CPCC"). WITNESSETH: ��THEREAS, CPCC is required by p'ederal law {40 CFIZ 12232} to obtain a National )l want Discharge Elimination System {NPDES) Phase Il Storm Water Permit; and �UHEREAS, the County and the Towns of Cornelius, I9avidson, Iluntersville, Matthews, Mint Mill and Pineville currently hold a joint NPDES Phase II Stoma Water Permit (permit # NCS000395) (hereinafter "Joint Permit") that is to be renewed effective July 1, 2010; and WHEREAS, ail the cu_rrenx Joint Permit holders aad the I�T_C. i�egaA-dnent of Environment Natural Resources, which is the agency who issued the Joint Permit, agree to allow CPCC to become covered by this Joint Permit, as renewed; and EU�-IEREAS, the County is responsible for administering this Jo<nt Pe_� coif; and �NTPIIEREAS, CPCC desires to ob aim coverage under this 3oint Permit upon renewal rather than obtain an individual Phase II Stonn Water Permit; and WfIERBAS, the purpose of this Agreement is to sex for'da the roles and responsibilities c_ he County and CPCC associated va th this Joint Permit as renewed as weL as he method for Among activities performed by 1V_(ecklenburg County for Joint Per nit compliance. NOW E'HEiZEFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PREiVIiSES AND THE ,,"LrILLMENT OF TI�x, TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE COUNTY ANl�3 CPCC 3REE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Joint Permit — Following appzoval and issuance by the N.C. Depa�tTtxent of Env�rormaent Na'nsal Resources, CPCC shall be included under the renewed 3oint Permit currently administered by the County and held jointly by the County and the Towns of Comelius, Davidson, Huntersville, Matthews, Mint Hill and Pineville (permit # NCS000395). RSC b9B:165238:1/ 15/2010 Page 1 of4 2. Storm Sewer System Maintenance — CPCC is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the storm sewer systems and associated ir_frastcvctuure located at those iacilai=es that they own and/or operate. 3. Water Cuallty — CPCC is responsible for protecting the quality of storm water runoff and surface waters at those facilities that they own and/or operate to the extent required by the Clean Water Act and associated regulations promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and/or the State of North Carolina, and uher laws and regulations that may apply to CPCC. However, on behalf of CPCC, the County will fulfill the National_ Pollutant Discharge Elirnmation System ( PDES) Phase lI Storin eater Permit rETLUTernents for CPCC provided the CPCC cooperates with the County in the completion of specific measures at CPCC facilities necessary for compliance with Joint Permit requirements, including but not limited to proper maintenance and housekeeping as well as pollution prevention measures and other best management practices. The County will draft the required NPDES Phase lI Storm. Water Permit application for renewal and forward to the State for approval_ The County will subsequently develop an annual Work Plan to be reviewed and approved by CPCC describing the activities the County will perform, to fulfill the Joint Permit requirements on behalf of CPCC. Consistent with the agreed upon Work Plan, the County will implement the: requirements of the Joint Permit when issued by the State and provide regular reports to CPCC concerning Joint Permit activities and compliance. CPCC will perform the activities necessary as directed by the County to support the implementation of the Joint Permit. The County will also respond to citizen requests for service regarding water quality problems and concerns and enforce applicable local surface water quality regulations at those facilities owned and/or operated by CPCC. �. Financia-a;r —The County shall include the costs associated with the activities necessary for compliance with Joint Permit requirements in the annual Work Plan described in 43 above. CPCC shall agree to these costs prior to the implementation of activities for Joint Permit compliance by the County. The County shall submit to CPCC a quarterly invoice indicating the activities performed and associated costs that shall subsequently be paid by CPCC. 5. CPCC's Cbli ag bons —CPCC agrees to implement the actions necessary to ensure Joint Permit compliance as specified by the County. CPCC hereby a'iants the County the right to go upon properties and facilities that CPCC ovens and/or operates for put -poses of carrying out its responsibilities hereunder. 6. Cc IQ €obligations —The County agrees to implement t!e actions necessary for compliance with Joint Permit requirements as described in the: annual Work Plan and to provide quarterly reports to CPCC regarding activities completed and associated costs. 7. Indemnity of CPCC —The County agrees to indemnify and hold CPCC harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages and expenses, including aiiomey's fees, 57om actions taken by the Count; under this Agreement, or from CPCC's implementation of actions for compliance with Joint Permit requirements as specified by the Country_ This provision shall survive the termination_ of this Agreement. �. Indemnity of County —CPCC agrees to indemnify and hold the County 12arr_+rless iYom and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages and expenses, including attor?rey's fees, RB C W B:16523 8: I / 15 /2010 ?age 2 of 4 arising mom CPCC's failure to implement the actions necessary to ensure Joint Permit compliance as specified by the County. Any action(s) or lack thereof on sae part of CPCC resulting in noncompliance with Joint Permit requirements are the responsibility of CPCC and not the County and any subsequent penalties or other actions on the part of Jdae regulatory agency are the sole responsibility of CPCC. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 9. tV_+ethods of Amending the Agreement — This Agreement may not be amended except by subsequent written agreement authorized by the governing bodies of each Daily ant signed by authorized representatives of both patties. 1 fl. Term of Agreement — Methods of Terminating he Agreement —The ial term of this Agreement shall be from April 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, and shall be automatically renewed each fiscal year thereafter unless notice of non -renewal is given in waiting at least 18 months prior to the beginning of the fiscal year when termination is intended. For example, the Parties agree hat if the notice of non -renewal were given prior to January 1, 2011, this Agreement would terminate on June 30, 2012. This Agreement may also be terminated by court order upon the finding that there has been substantial_ breach of this Agreement by the non - complaining party so as to entitle the complaining party io be relieved on its obligations under this Agreement. This Agreement shall automatically tenninate if for whatever reason, CPCC is not included in the Joint Permit that is renewed for the period. beginning July 1, 2010, or if they cease to be included in the Joint Permit. 11. Enforcement of Agreement —The patties a,�-cee that the remedy of specifzc performance would be an appropriate remedy, among others, for the enforcement of this Agreement. 12. Entire Agreement — This Agreement is the entire agreement of the Dailies. lIV VJITN.I;SS �V%1ERE®F, the parties hereto have caused'ib�s Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written by the authorty duly granted by their respective governing bodies. CENTl21li, PiEl7IVd®NT COi�€JNITY 1�CKLENBLTi�C CC€N T �' CL3LLEC3E o —IL 6AZ Chaamas of Board C J rman, BoT of Connuiissioners RBCwB: ib5238a/15/2010 Page 3 of 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM County Attorney I � A RBCWB:165238: I/15/2010 Page 4 of 4