HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040026 Ver 4_Fax_20070604~t A.j'FA Michael F. Easley, Qovernor William Q. Ross Jr., Secrotary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ~_ t~ Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Address: Contact Information To: ~ ~~ Com any: ~~ P ]~/~ n ~ From: ~~ ~ ~ lCi ~ 1 /1V~. ~---~ Fag #: g/~'~-- ~~~- ~ I~~ Date: t~ Number of pages including cover •sheet: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Division of Water Quality . Department of Environmental. and Natural Resources 401 Oversight~E~press Review, Program Development and . Transportation Permitting Units ~,~-~,''~ ~ ~ ~ / ~` {' / ~ ~'1--1 lf'"° Caro ' a ~Eura~ 4010versightBxpressRcview Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone (919) 733-1786 /Fax (9.19) 733-6893 Internet; http;//h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27691650 ~~ ~ I Phone #: 9 9-733-17.86 Fax #: -919-733-6893 An Equal Oppon`.unlty/Afflrmatlve Actlon Employer- 50~ Recycled/10°~ Post Consumer Paper Notes or special instructions: SENDING CONFIRMATION DATE JUN-4-2007 MON 13:15 NAME DF7Q--WETLANDS TEL 9197336893 PHONE : 92504108 PAGES : 5~5 START TIME : JUN-04 13:14 ELAPSED TIME : O1' 19" MODE : ECM RESULTS : OK FIRST PAGE OF RECENT DOCUMENT TRANSMTTTED... ~ warfiR 9 H A Y MiCked F. BMky: [3a1at110~ Wllflorm O. Aaee h., 6eo21cy NORA Gm11ix D,puhomt of &rvkornenc sltl NWeY fLCISi1,KY Alai W.laimek P.e pUrtamr pfe~at of Wemr t)Oelf4 Division of Water Quality Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 401 Oversighf/Express Review, Program Development and Transportation Permitting Units Street Address: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigfi, NC 27604-2260 Mailing Addrose: 1850 Mail Service Center Izaieigh, NC 2T6y49f ~ 503 [I Contact Information: P ono #: 9~9-733-1786 D Fax #: 8919-733~-618~9~31 q To: @, T Fan #: `! ~`" ~J V ` ~t I ~~ Company: ,V ~i Date: ~O Q From: ~C h 1 `6'~ Number o£ pages including cover sheep NoUea or special iaatrucriona: ~ ~ C~1 VC', ,~ >l T 9010vouIRlmHm~, AevlewPemklmf lhut 16501dNI5ameo Oeeies HeYiyq, Plum Go1bo27690.] 650 2331 G1.64ta 9oole,e<46rta 26Q Rek1~NaM6 LYrMinn 27601 ~~ 61~ 7Jy1786 (Fa fii17 733.6IffJ R~ ~wtl oo0oluluypmmwlreA~or E^VN+-S~%Mgvbd'10% Poet CawmarPepe, L'ti a~.CSp~~ r ~^ ~c~ ~ r ¢v c ~ m Aiken. & `yelle Associates, PA ~7+`y~5y Denson lJriue Attention: C~tr. F3ataald't'elie Subject: Report of Subsurf~ Eploratican Bottc-rn[ess Cu[vert - Ceder Ftic[~ ~u~divsibr~ lc~lesuille, l~lc~rth Carcilina Job f~to. F-2~~ , Report Na. ~ ~~62~ C3ear ktlr. Yelle, This report presents the findings of r~ur saabsurface exploration cif the site piaraned for a l~cattomless culvert that will crt~ss under Virginia mater Drive. The explorati~in +~tas pa~rftirra?ed in general acccard'ance with our Proposal I`Jfl. P07-~~~ dated March 2~, 2€77, and Prop~al Acceptance 51~eet autl~ori~ed on April 1, 2~"~. The purpose of the. exploration was tti spot- chc for the presence t~f shal[ciw ruck. ~ci geotechnical rect~mendatians paartainirtg t€i the design and constructa~n e~f the culvert are pr~auided at this time. I~I~.t~J~CT IN~'C~RNfATIQN The project entails the design and ccnstruc~#ian rf a bottarn[ess culvert that. will span ~ creek for c~intinuatic~n of ~i,rt~ania ~!aters Drive as shnwn Qn the attached figure l~lo.t. This roadway a~arrasntly terminates about tt}t~ feet west of the creek. As ~.ve understand, ttte rcaprssed culvert will generally be designed tri folla~w tree curving a[ignrnent of the creek fer ab~rut 7l~ fa:t. `l he culvert's cress sectian wGli tie abc~tat ~~ feet wide and 1 C~ feet to€!. The terrain at this site is steep and groundctiver ccin~ist~ of thick brush and trees. EXPt_C~FiAT[t?hi METHQI~S kl4ae performed a series of hand wager b€irings slang each side cif th? creek spaced at abriut 2~- fcaot intervals and aafl`set apprt~xirnately ~~' frar~a the creek's c~nt~rline. Ti'ae liarings were advanced using a '-inch diameter bucket auger until. refusing pan hard materials.. Based an this method of explaraticin, hard materials that were encountered were a~surned to be partially weathered r€~k, Sarrtples were nit obtained for classification. Probes were perfcirmed alrang the a:enter of the creek to suppl~*ment our hand auger bflrings. ~ small diameter steel probe rcid wars used to penetrate the relatively hose creek bed sedirrments to refusal. The deptfas to refuse! ware: recordedln addition to the hand auger borings. '4nle used taped measurerraents to late our farad auger baring locatiat~s and a survey rod and level to obtain.. approximate ground s~urrac+e elevations at eaeti herinc~ relative tri a nearby rrtanhoie cciver rased as a benchrraari~ ~Elevatic~n ~QC~j. A c~raterline stake fr~r the rciadway had been installed adjacent to tt7e creek and we used this stake as a reference in laying out caur bor"ang locations. 4.521 S ~~.3,.1str I'~~ Bs~;r,h~lurre~ i;;arnh¢~s 275?2 !q"yi 3~3-`h~9p (~ }41~} 363.715 Prop+ased Bt~t#or~l~ss Culvert - G~dar Kdge - Knlesville, C ~r1ay ~14, 20t~~ Jib tdo. #~-2381, lepcsrt ~Ic?: 128~i26 Psge ~ ~EC?t_t'}G'1~ The site is located iH the Piedrrtant Physiographic Province- t~f l~lt~rth Cart~lina. Geologic rnappirag indicates that the predt~rnir4ate forrnatitrn is foliated to massive granitic rack of t~?e Raleigh Belt. The site soils, formed as a result of weathering of the uraderlyir~g parent rock, are termed "residual" and typlC~lly ~rlciude firrrj sits and Gic'l~` subsoils trar~s~tionEHg tQ grams ar materials with iHCreasing depth. Underlying the residual sails is partially weathered rack (PUNK). The surface of partially weathered rock w'ili be extremely erratic and variable, Hard rc+ck layers,. boulders, and pinnaoles of rock caH often be enct~untered within the t~verburder~ sails and exposes as outcr~aps at the gre~und surface. FINl~11VG The exploration encountered base alluvial Sandy sails that were underlain by shallow depths of partially weathered roes at all cif the baring lacaticr~s. Kock o~utcrappir~gs were observed t~pstrearr~ from the proposed. crc~sirig at various locations clang the creek banks, Topsoil was en~untered at each of the boring lotions and was. found to be as much as 1 foot thick. Upon completion of the hand auger borings, groundwater collected In all of the borings anti generalty stabilizEZti at the same level as the adjacent creek. Tabulations and generalized profiles of the subsurface cioHditicar~s er~cauntered were prepared an;d are presented off the attached Figure Na. 2. ~tG K tC~'ItYI»C]CaE M E ~T This report has been prepared f~-r the exclusive use of .Aiken ~ Yetle Associates, PA fr~r specific application trr the suia~ect project as described. This report of exploration has been farepared using generally accepted standards taf geotechnical engineering practice. ttila ether warranty is expressed or implied, GC)K is nt~t responsit~le for the nolusions, c~pinians, ter recx~nnmerrdations of esters basest ors these data. UNe appreciate the cppcrkunity to kae taf service to you: Please contact us if ciu have aHy questioHS regarding this report or if addlticaHal services are Hearted: Sinoerely, Q{~RE, 11V;~, ~~ ~ ~ Christopher D. Carroll, E.I,T. t,,~~~~rx~+~,.f, Staff Er~giHeer ~ A~r~/,~"'>,,,~ ,,~ ` , 1 .. y~ ~ ~ ~. ~" A .py $ {~ {^ r David T. Cunningham, P, Senior Geotedhnical Engineer ~ Q ~ ~ ~, ~ t ~ ~". ,5 ~"~ ~ ,. ar ~'L~I~~'r.~~,.,~~w. ~r , ' w ,v ~ ~a Ja~ ~+t~~ ~c~e q'$\`~ 4i'~4dR+~ ~' Attachments: Figure l~l0.1 ~ ''"'~'~°'~``~} Figure l+~a:2 '( i~ '~@~~. ice. i. ~~~ 1 • ~ • ~w `~ ~ f~ .• m m~o0~.mr'~ col n m ~ . m~ ~ ~ M ~ ~~ m m m ~ m ..~ r ~ m / - •~ ... ~--~-. ~ t 1 ~ . • _.... ~---.. 11 ..-,. ~ .......~. y i e u :J w „~, ~ ~. ~ F ~ . _ S ~ ~i - ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ a w Z Q W .. .,;~.~w~ a O U J N W 'il'~ ix2 i~, ~° ~ _~ o '~ b, Z O Z Q g ~ ~. o J OZ Z pW O J U m z ~ ch ~ C CO O a a a z~ q ~! X11 JtJ ( k ~~ M ~ p~' ~,. 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