HomeMy WebLinkAbout19990512 Ver 2_Modifications_2013012116 January 2013
Joanne Steenhuis
NC Division of Water Quality
127 N Cardinal Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
RE; Hardesty Farms Community Boat Ramp Access Relocation, Newport
NC DWQ Project # 1999 0512 V2
Plan Modification
Dear Joanne,
Thank you for your comments regarding the above - referenced CAMA permit application. The
proposed driveway alignment has been redesigned to minimize wetland impacts and to address
the DWQ's comments. Specifically, the requested information is provided below. Revised permit
application plans, which were previously forwarded, and revised application forms are also
1) The applicants' preferred design was to completely relocate the driveway off Lot 17
so that the lot was unencumbered by the boat ramp access for improved
marketability. The current owner purchased the property with lots platted and
recorded in the existing configuration. Septic systems had been approved on Lots 16
and 17 with required setbacks off the side property lines. Reconfiguration of the lots
was not preferred due to the impact on these systems and the associated setback
requirements. However, to further reduce wetland impacts and to completely
eliminate any coastal marsh impact, the driveway has been redesigned along the lot
line between the common area and Lot 17. If approved, an access easement would
be created and recorded for the driveway. Total wetland impacts with the revised
alignment would be 0.9 -ac and coastal marsh impact is eliminated.
2) Because the common area is accessed from the end of a cul -de -sac and because a
large turn around area is not proposed at the waterward end to minimize wetland
impacts, turning of vehicles must be done at the cul -de -sac. The trailer must be
backed into the lot from the end of the cul -de -sac and then turned at almost a ninety
degree angle to run down the western property line where the driveway is now
proposed. A 40' -wide radius was used as a standard for a small trailer boat and
vehicle and will likely be a tight turning radius for this particular configuration. The
driveway itself is shown as slightly wider than 12' just south of the turning area to
allow for a little more room to straighten the trailer /vehicle after turning. The driveway
then narrows to a 12' width. The original site plan showed the driveway aligned to
the east more, giving a more gentle turning radius off the cul -de -sac. With the
driveway now located to abut the western property line, the turning radius is even
more critical and 40' is thought to be a minimal radius.
3) All wetlands west of the relocated driveway have been included in the revised 0.9 -ac
impact total. It is noted that with relocation of the driveway to the lot line, less
wetland is left disconnected.
4) The application forms have been modified to clarify the access drive to be earthen
and grassed.
5) With the revised plans, up to 150 -Ift of retaining wall may be constructed on the
eastern side as needed. The applicants have indicated they do not intend to raise
the driveway more than a foot or two above the adjacent, existing wetland grade.
With such a slight change in elevation, side slopes would be very minimal and would
range between 2' and 4' wide. Cost of constructing a retaining wall along the length
of the driveway was thought to be excessive when side slopes are so minimal. Side
slopes have been shown on the eastern side, where all wetland would have been
considered impacted either directly or indirectly. During construction, if elevations
allow the driving surface and 2:1 side slopes to be constructed within the impact
footprint shown, the retaining wall along the eastern side will not be constructed. If
greater elevation changes require, a retaining wall will be constructed along this
6) Relocating the lot lines was not considered practicable because it would have
impacted approved waste treatment systems for the adjacent residential lots. Septic
permits for Lots 17 and 16 specify that systems be located in suitable areas at the
front of the lots near Shellbank Road. The approved system for Lot 17 is required to
be 10' off the western property line, has a 30' wide system (80' long), and specifies a
12' wide drive for the lot on the eastern side. This leaves only 5' of space between
the drive and the eastern lot line near the road. Even if the lot line between Lots 16
and 17 was also reconfigured, there is only approximately 20' of width not needed for
the systems and drives between the two lots. These systems were apparently
approved under exemption allowances since the lots were platted around 1987. If
new lot lines were to be platted, any previous exemption allowances would be lost.
New system requirements are expected to require considerably more space, and it is
unknown whether additional areas of suitable soil are available. Not only might this
be counterproductive to gaining more space for the boat ramp access, but it also may
result in the loss of a lot. With the boat ramp access now proposed along the center
of the lot line between Lot 17 and the common area, and with coastal marsh impact
and the adjacent transitional /slope wetland minimized, the cost and potential loss of
space resulting from re- platting lots was not considered feasible.
Rights to access and use water- dependent structures on the common area are
clearly outlined in the subdivision's restrictive covenants. The boat ramp was
permitted by the previous owner /developer, and although the covenants reference a
boat dock, the boat ramp is the only remaining water - dependent structure on the
common area. The current owner of un- purchased lots (applicant) is trying to
maintain access to that structure and respect the intent of the covenants. The
applicant wishes to maintain an access to the structure for any current and future lot
owners who may wish to use the ramp. The applicant will maintain the structure as
needed, but once transferred to the HOA, the HOA may make any changes its
majority prefers. However, at this time, the applicant is attempting to respect and
honor previous commitments made to lot owners.
7) In addition to the original permit, authorization for replacement of the boat ramp was
also obtained in approximately 1999 by the previous owner. Any repair work that
may be needed now, such as replacing decking on the elevated wooden ramp, may
meet requirements of the maintenance and repair exemption of the CAMA. In case
the repairs do not meet the maintenance and repair exemption, permission to repair
the boat ramp in its current footprint as shown on the enclosed site plans and as
previously permitted by CAMA is requested as part of this application. By way of this
letter, labels on the site plans and notation in the application forms, permission to
maintain the boat ramp in its current footprint, dimension and elevation is requested.
Thank you again for your assistance in this application process. If you have any additional
comments or would like to discuss the proposed revisions, please feel free to contact me at your
Laura Stasavich
agent, Land Management Group
cc: Mr. Dave Timpy, US ACOE, Wilmington
Mr. Jonathan Howell, NC DCM, Morehead City
Mr. Wiley Jones, Shellbank Inc.
www.lmgroup.net • info @lmgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060
3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403
Major Development Permit
(last revised 12/27/06)
1. Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information
Business Name
Project Name (if applicable)
Shellbank Inc
Hardesty Farms Community Boat Ramp Access Relocation
Applicant 1: First Name
MI Last Name
Mr. Wiley
Applicant 2: First Name
MI Last Name
If additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed.
Mailing Address
- - ____________ _.
PO Box City State
6619 Wheeler Drive
Charlotte NC
ZIP Country
Phone No. FAX No, .
704 - 366 - 8891 ext.
Street Address (if different from above)
City State ZIP
2. Agent/Contractor Information
Business Name
Land Management Group Inc.
Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name
Last Name
Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name
Last Name
Mailing Address
PO Box
City State
Wilmington NC
Phone No. 1
Phone No, 2
910 - 452 - 0001 ext.
- - ext.
Contractor #
910 452 0060
Street Address (if different from above)
State ZIP
3805 Wrightsville Ave, Suite 15
<Form continues on back>
252 - 808 -2808 :: 1- 888- 4RCOAST :: www.nccoastalmanagement.net
Form DCM MP -1 (Page 2 of 5) APPLICATION for
Major Development Permit
3. Project Location
State Rd. #
County (can be multiple) Street Address Hardesty LP is SR 1160
Carteret Shellbank Road (Common or Recreation Area), no street no. no state road number for
Shellbank Road
Subdivision Name City State Zip
Hardesty Farms Harlowe Township NC 28570-
Phone No, Lot No. (s) (if many, attach additional page with list)
- ext. Common Area, I , ,
a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project
V Q L,-- Oyster Creek and Newport River
c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site_
®Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown Newport River
e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed
❑Yes ®No work falls within.
In Harlowe Township of Carteret County
4. Site Description
a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.)
754 -Ift along NHW as flagged by DCM Common Area Lot = 0.76 -ac
c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or
N /A, I I NWL (normal water level)
(If many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) — 2' -3' ®NHW or ❑NWL
e. Vegetation on tract
Wax myrtle, Loblolly pine, Live oak, Baccharis halmifolia, Spartina patens, Juncus roemerianus, Spartina alternifora,
f. Man -made features and uses now on tract
Community boat ramp exists at waterward end of tract at the Newport River.
g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adjacent to the proposed project site.
Adjacent uses are residential.
h. How does local government zone the tract? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning?
None (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable)
❑Yes []No ®NA
j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? []Yes ®No
k. Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy_ ❑Yes ®No ❑NA
If yes, by whom?
1. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes []No ®NA
National Register listed or eligible property?
<Form continues on next page>
a; �:III Z7 n
Form DCM MP -1 (Page 3 of 5) APPLICATION for
Major Development Permit
m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? ®Yes [--]No
(ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? ®Yes ❑No
(iii) If yes to either (i) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? ®Yes []No
(Attach documentation, if available)
n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities.
No wastetreatment is needed for the common area lot, which will not have bathrooms. Adjacent lots have received approval
for individual, on -site wastetreament systems.
o. Describe existing drinking water supply source.
No water is need for the common area lot, although the North River Community system supplies the area.
p, Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems.
No stormwater management features exist on the lot, however, stormwater management features for the overall subdivision
were approved by SW8 880210. A plan dated 12/17/87 and associated with the stormwater management plan for the
subdivision shows a 12' -wide driveway along the lot line between the common area and Lot 17. Stormwater from the
relocated access drive would sheet flow into adjacnet vegetated areas.
5. Activities and Impacts
a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Commercial ❑Public/Government
®Private /Community
b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete.
The purpose of the requested work is to relocate the existing community boat ramp access. The boat ramp is currently being
accessed through Lot 17 which will impede construction of the septic field and associated home. Access will be relocated to
the lot line between Lot 17 and the common area lot which will remove common area access from the majority of Lo 17,
preserve waste treatment for the adjacent lots, and minimize wetland impacts. Uses will continue to be by the Hardesty
Farms homeowners for launching of small boats at the ramp.
c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type
of equipment and where it is to be stored.
Standard construction methods and techniques for installation of retaining wall and fill; dumptruck, backhoe.
d. List all development activities you propose.
Relocation and construction of dirt access driveway; construction of retaining wall along edge of re- located access and
coastal marsh.
e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Both
f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? 7,574 ®Sq.Ft or ❑Acres
g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ❑Yes ®No ❑NA
that the public has established use of?
h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state.
No direct discharges to waters of the state are proposed.
i. Will wastewater or stormwater be discharged into a wetland? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA
If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA
j. Is there any mitigation proposed? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA
If yes, attach a mitigation proposal.
, s A +, 5
Form DCM MP -1 (Page 4 of 5)
Major Development Permit
<Form continues on back>
6. Additional Information
In addition to this completed application form, (MP -1) the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in order for the application
package to be complete. Items (a) — (f) are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application
instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required items below.
a. A project narrative.
b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross - sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the
proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish
between work completed and proposed.
c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site,
d, A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties.
e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR.
f, A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such
owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in
which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management.
Name Raymond and Mary Ann Luce Phone No. not available on free
public records
Address 144 Shellbank Road, Newport, NC 28570
Name Anne Marie Nix Phone No. not available on free
public records
Address PO Box 321, Wedowee, AL 36278
Name Phone No.
g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permittee, and issuing dates.
Obtained by previous owner /developer, SW8 880210 and
CAMA Permit obtained for boat ramp — 1999 , permit
number unknown.
h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable.
i. Wetland delineation, if necessary.
j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner)
k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1 -10), if necessary. If the project involves expenditure
of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act.
7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land
I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application.
The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit.
I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agencies to
enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow -up
monitoring of the project.
I further certify that the information provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge.
Date Ctrs -- mm Print Name _Land Management Group Inc, agent
Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project.
®DCM MP -2 Excavation and Fill Information ❑DCM MP -5 Bridges and Culverts
®DCM MP -3 Upland Development
IFIF, 1 111111 111 T »,
Form DCM MP -1 (Page 5 of 5)
❑DCM MP -4 Structures Information
Major Development Permit
Form DCM MP -2
(Except for bridges and culverts)
Attach this form to
Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP -1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint
Application that relate
to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information.
Describe below the
purpose of proposed excavation and /or fill activities. All values should be given in feet.
Channel Canal Boat Basin
Boat Ramp Rock Groin Rock
(NLW or
Repair only. N/A N/A
Avg. Existing
-2' -3' NA NA
Final Project
No change. NA NA
ED This section
not applicable
a. Amount of material to be excavated from below NHW or NWL in b.
Type of material to be excavated,
cubic yards.
C, (i) Does the area to be excavated include coastal wetlands /marsh d.
High - ground excavation in cubic yards.
(CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SIB),
or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the
number of square feet affected.
OWL ❑None
(ii) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas:
2. DISPOSAL OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL ®This section not applicable
a. Location of disposal area. b. Dimensions of disposal area.
C. (i) Do you claim title to disposal area?
❑Yes ❑No RNA
(ii) If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner,.
d. (i) Will a disposal area be available for future maintenance?
[--]Yes ❑No ❑NA
(ii) If yes, where?
Form DCM MP-2 (Excavation and Fill, Page 2 of 3)
3. SHORELINE STABILIZATION ®This section not applicable
(If development is a wood groin, use MP -4 — Structures)
a. Type of shoreline stabilization: b. Length:
❑Bulkhead ❑ Riprap ❑Breakwater /Sill ❑Other: Width:
c. Average distance waterward of NHW or NWL: d. Maximum distance waterward of NHW or NWL:
e, Type of stabilization material:
g. Number of square feet of fill to be placed below water level.
Bulkhead backfill Riprap
Breakwater /Sill Other
i. Source of fill material.
(Excluding Shoreline Stabilization)
a. (i) Will fill material be brought to the site? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA
If yes,
(ii) Amount of material to be placed in the water None
(iii) Dimensions of fill area -7,574 sa.ft.)
(iv) Purpose of fill
To provide access to the existing boat ramp access through
the common area.
f. (i) Has there been shoreline erosion during preceding 12
❑Yes ❑No ❑NA
(ii) If yes, state amount of erosion and source of erosion amount
h. Type of fill material.
El This section not applicable
b. (i) Will fill material be placed in coastal wetlands /marsh (CW),
submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or
other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the
number of square feet affected.
®WL 4,074 ❑None
(ii) Describe the purpose of the fill in these areas:
To provide access to the existing boat ramp on the common
area lot which was platted by previous owner /developer,
a. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion b. What type of construction equipment will be used (e.g., dragline,
controlled? backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)?
Side slopes will be used along the edges of the driveway which is Backhoe, dumptruck
expected to be an average V to 2' above the adajcent, existing
grade. A retaining wall (up to 150 -Ift) may be constructed along
the eastern edge of the access drive to minimize wetland impact
if fill side slopes are not possible within the proposed footprint.
Side slopes will be stabilized with silt fencing at the toe for
temporary stabilization and grassing for permanent stabilization.
c. (i) Will navigational aids be required as a result of the project?
[-]Yes ®No ❑NA
(ii) If yes, explain what type and how they will be implemented.
d. (i) Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project
site? ®Yes ❑No ❑NA
(ii) If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize
environmental impacts.
Construction will begin at the road and will extend out over the
drive as work progresses.
S - -2 B :: 1- B - ' - www.nccoastaimanasement.net revised: 12/26/06
Hardesty Farms Community Boat Ramp Relocation
Project Name
Shellbank Inc.
Applicant e
App' ffSignature
252-808-2808::1-888-4RCOAST::www.nccogstairt!�n cem nt.net revised- 12/26/0)S
a L me
Form DCM MP -3
(Construction and /or land disturbing activities)
Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP -1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint
Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information.
a. Type and number of buildings, facilities, units or structures b. Number of lots or parcels.
proposed. No new subdivision. All work will be within the existing
common area lot.
c. Density (give the number of residential units and the units per
N /A- Work would serve existing Hardesty Farms
e. If the proposed project will disturb more than one acre of land, the
Division of Land Resources must receive an erosion and
sedimentation control plan at least 30 days before land- disturbing
activity begins.
(i) If applicable, has a sedimentation and erosion control plan been
submitted to the Division of Land Resources?
❑Yes ❑No ENA
(ii) If yes, list the date submitted:
g. Give the percentage of the tract within the coastal shoreline AEC to
be covered by impervious and /or built -upon surfaces, such as
pavement, building, rooftops, or to be used for vehicular driveways
or parking.
Access drive to be approximately 14.5% of AEC area.
d. Size of area to be graded, filled, or disturbed including roads,
ditches, etc.
7,574 -sqft
f. List the materials (such as marl, paver stone, asphalt, or concrete)
to be used for impervious surfaces.
Clean fill sand and wooden retaining wall.
h. Projects that require a CAMA Major Development Permit may also
require a Stormwater Certification.
(i) Has a site development plan been submitted to the Division of
Water Quality for review?
EYes ❑No ❑NA
i. Give the percentage of the entire tract to be covered by impervious (ii) If yes, list the date submitted: _Information is being
and /or built -upon surfaces, such as pavement, building, rooftops, submitted to NC DWQ regarding modification of SW8
or to be used for vehicular driveways or parking. 880210.
5,840 sq.ft. of relocated access drive surface on common
area lot; 17.6% of lot. Note - previous SW8 880210 was
obtained for subdivision.
j. Describe proposed method of sewage disposal.
N /A, No sewage disposal is required. Boats using the
existing ramp are small boats with no heads.
k. Have the facilities described in Item (i) received state or local
❑Yes ❑No ENA
If yes, attach appropriate documentation.
Form OCM MP-3 (Upland Development, Page 2 of 2)
m. Describe proposed drinking water supply source (e.g., well,
community, public system, etc.)
Community system available but additional water service is
not needed for the requested work.
o. When was the lot(s) platted and recorded?
N/A - not an oceanfront lot.
/'� �'- W-?
Hardesty Farms Community Boat Ramp Access
Project Name
Shellbank Inc.
Applicant Na! /����
Applica ignature
n. (i) Will water be impounded? ❑Yes ®No ❑NA
(ii) If yes, how many acres?
p. If proposed development is a subdivision, will additional utilities be
installed for this upland development?
❑Yes ®No ❑NA
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