HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0040616_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018Division of Water Resources State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources ISA NCAC 02T .0300 — FAST TRACK SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSION APPLICATION ETA 04-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Application Number: ilc) (to he completed All items must be completed or the_application will be returned 1. APPLICANT INFORMATION: Applicant's name: Pnplar Pointe Townhomes, LLC (company, municipality, IIOA. Applicant type: E] Federal 0 State/County Municipal Signature authority's name: Mark Boyce per 15 \ NCAC 021. ,0 Objbj 'Title: Partner Applicant's mailing address: 2649 Brekonridge Centre Dr, City: Monroe State: NC Zip: 28,1 10- 5. Applicant's contact inforrnation: Phone number; (980) 313-3361 Email Address: inboyeelOruehomesusa.com 11. PROJECT INFORMATION: Project. name: Poplar Pointe Townhomes 7, Application/Project status: etc,) Individual E.1 Corporation 0 General Partnership El Privately -Owned Public Utility Other Proposed (New Permit) 0 Existing Pennit/Project Ifa modification: provide the existing permit number; WQ00and issued date: If new construction but part of a master plan, provide .the existing pen -nit number: WOK_ 3, County where project is located: Caharrus 4, Approximate Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: 35.24Longitude: -80,43" 5, Parcel ID (if applicable); 4680:17$,18, 58'7 (or Parcel ID to closest downstream sewer) 111. CONSULTANT INFORMATION: 1, Professional Engineer: Vincent G, Keene PE: license Number: 17637 Firm: Yarbrough -Williams & Houle. Inc. Mailing address.: PO Bo' I 198 City; Pineville State: NC Zip:281.34- Phone number: (704) 556-1990 Email Address: vincekii:i)N-Wil COM IV. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY (WWTF) INFORMATION: 1. Facility Name: Rocky River Permit Number:. NC0036269 Owner Name: Water and Sewer Authority olCabarrus County V. RECEIVING DOWNSTREAM SEWER INFORMATION (if different than WWTF): 1 Permit Number(s): WQ Downstream (Receiving) Sewer Size: 8" inch System 'Wide. Collection System Permit Number(s) WQCS Owner Name(s); FORM.: 1IA 04-16 Page 1 of5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS L If the .Applicant is a Privately -Owned Public Utility, has a Certificate of Public Convenience arid Necessity, been attached? ri Yes LINo N/A L. If the Applicant is a .Developer of lots to be sold, has a Deve191-)„.gr's Operational ,AgreemenLif ORM: DEN) been attached'? [2] Yes LINo N/A if the Applicant is a Home/Property;Owners' .Association, has an Operational AgyenientifORMi 110A) been attached' LI Yes LINo NIA 4. Origin of wastewater: (check all that apply): E Residential Owned LJ Residential Leased El School I preschool I day, care E Food and drink facilities LII Businesses / offices / factories L] Retail (stores, centers, malls) [1] Retail with food preparation/service ID Medical dental veterinary facilities El Church fl Nursing Home 5, Nature of wastewater ' 100 (.)Domestic/Commercial 9/ii Commercial % Industrial (See 15A NCAC 0.2/I" .010.3120)) )r• Is there a Pretreatment Program in effect?. 6. Has a flow reduction been approved under 15A NCAC 02T ,0 1 141(i)? Yes If ves, provide a copy of flow reduction approval letter 7. Summarize wastewater generated by project: Establishment Type (see 02T.0 I 1 4(i)) Residential Townhomes Daily Design Flow a,b 360 gal/Day Lj Car Wash El Hotel and or M nels El Swimming Pool /Clubhouse El Swimming Pool/Filter Backwash El Other (Explain in Attachment) LJ Yes El No gal' GPI) GPD GPD TOtal GPD GPD 1 0800 (;PI) a See I 5A NCAC 02't .01 14(111,0)„(e_1(11undfc1(2) for caveats to wastewater design flow rates (i.e., minimum flow per dwelling, proposed unknown non-residential development uses; public access facilities located near high public use areas; and residential property loc.qtted. south or east of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway to be used as vacation rentals as defined in G.S. 42A-4). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0114(c), design flow rates for establishments not identified [in table 1,5AN(7,,L),c 02.11,01141 shall be determined using available flow data, water using fixtures, occupancy or operation patterns, and other measured data. 8. Wastewater generated by project: 10800 GPD (per 15A__NC.A(07L(1114) Do not include future flows or previously .permitted allocations If permitted flow. is zero, indicate why: E Pump Station or Gravity Sewer where flow will be permitted in subsequent permits that connect to this line El Flow has already been allocated in Permit Number: Rehabilitation or replacement of e,- 612, sewer sswith no new flow expected L Other (fixplait FORM: F—A 04- 16 Page 2 of 5 Tuvia, Ori A From: Vince Keene <vincek@y-wh.com> Sent Monday, February 04, 2019 1:24 PM To: Tuvia, Ori A Subject: [External] RE: Poplar pointe townhomes Yes, 3 bedroom townhomes, Vincent G. Keene, P.E. Yarbrough -Williams & Houle, Inc. 730 Windsor Oak Court: (28273) Charlotte, North Carolina 1M°lail to: P.O. Box 1198 Pineville, NC (28134) Mob (704) 685-0071 Phone (704)5:56-1990 Fax (704)556-0505 From: Tuvia, Ori A <ori,,tuvia@ncdenr,gov> Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 1:18 PM To: Vince Keene <vincek@y-wh.com> Subject: Poplar pointe townhomes Good afternoon Vince, 1 was reviewing the subject fast track application and wanted to confirm that the 30 townhomes will be 3 bedroom homes. Sincerely, Ori Tuvia Environmental Engineer NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources 610 East. Center Avenue Mooresville, NC 28115 Direct Line: (704) 235-2190 Fax„ (704) 663-6040 Qri.tuvia a,nedenr,gov VIE. GRAVITY SEWER DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applicable) - 02T .0305 & NIDC (Gravity Sewers): 1. Summarize gravity sewer to be permitted: Length (feet) 604 !Material PVC Section 11 & 11 of the MDC for Permitting of Gravity Sewers contains information related to design criteria Section III contains information related to minimum slopes for gravity sewer(s) • Oversizing lines to meet minimum slope requirement is not allowed and a violation of the MDC VIII. PUMP STATION DESIGN CRITERIA (If Applicable) — 02T 03 & MDC (Pump Stations/Force Mains): COMPLETE FOR EACH PUMP STATION INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT Pump station number or name: 2 Approximate Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: Longitude: - 3„ Design flow: of the pump station: millions gallons per day (firm capacity) 4. Operational point(s) of the pumptsi: gallons per minute at feet total dynamic head (TM) Summarize the force main to be permitted (for this Pump Station): Size cries) Length (feet) Material 6, Power reliability in accordance: with I 5A NCAC 02T .0305111)a): 11 Standby power source or pump with automatic activation and telemetry - 15A NCAC 02T M305(11)(1)(13): • Required for all pump stations with an average daily flow greater than or equal to '15,000 gallons per day • Must be permanent to facility Or if the pump station has an average daily flow less than 15,000 gallons per day: CI Portable power source with manual activation, quick -connection receptacle and telemetry - 1 5A .0305(h)(I)(C) or " 2T El Portable pumping unit with plugged emergency pump connection and telemetry - ISA NCAC 02'T .0305(0(1 )(C): • It shall be demonstrated to the Division that the portable source is owned or contracted by the applicant (draft agreement) and is compatible with the station. • If the portable power source or pump is dedicated to multiple pump stations, an evaluation of all the pump stations' storage capacities and the rotation schedule of the portable power source or pump, including travel timeframes, shall be provided in the case of a multiple station power outage. FORM: ETA 04- 16 Page 3 of 5 IX. SETBACKS & SEPA.RATIONS -- (02B .0200 & 15A NCAC 02T .0305(f)): Does the project comply with all separations found injjkNcAC 02"..J1P,305.01&(sj El Yes rii No fr 15A NCAC 02/1[0305(0 contains minimum separations that shall be provided for sewer systems: Setback Parameter* J Separation Required Storm sewers and other utilities not listed below (vertical) 24 inches Water mains (vertical -water over sewer including in benched trenches) 18 inches Water mains (horizontal) ID feet Reclaimed water lines (vertical - reclaimed over sescr 18 inches Reclaimed water lines (horizontal - reclaimed over sewer) 2 feet **Any private or public water supply source, including any wells. WS-I waters of Class 1 or Class II impounded reservoirs used as a source of drinking water 100 feet 1 **Waters classified WS (except WS-I or 'WS-V), 13, SA, OR W, I1QW, or 513 from normal high water (or tide elevation) and wetlands (see item IX,2) 50 feet. **Any other stream, lake, impoundment, or ground water lowering and surface drainage. ditches Any building foundation Any basement. Top slope of embankment or cuts of 2 feet or more vertical height Drainage systems and interceptor drains Any swimming pools Final earth grade (vertical) 10 feet 5 feet 10 feet 10 feet 5 feet 10 feet 36 inches 51XNC)c 1.0fiagil contains alternatives where separations in 02T.0305a) cannot be achieved, fr **Stream classifications can be identified using the Division's NC Surhice Water Classifications webpage fr If noncompliance with 02T(I3(15.(tiors1,,I, see Section X of this application Does the project comply with separation requirements for wetlands? (50 feet of separation) Ves Ifr See the Division's draft separation requirements for situations where separation cannot be meet No variance is required if th.e alternative design criteria specified is utilized in design and construction. fr As built documents should reference the location of areas effected Does the project. comply with setbacks found in the river basin rules per I 5A CAC 0213 ,0200? • 'Fills would include Trout Buffered Streams per I .5A NCAC 213,02.02 4. Does the project require coverage/authorization under a 404 Nationwide or individual permits or 401 Water Quality Certifications? '- Information can be obtained from the 401 & Buffer Permitting, Branch E NIA N/A 5, Does project comply with I5A M./AC 02 .1 010510(u) (additional permits/certifications)? 12] Yes flNo Per 15A NCAC 021 005(c)(6), directly related environmental permits or certification applications are being prepared, have been applied for, or have been obtained. Issuance of this permit is contingent on issuance of dependent permits (erosion and sedimentation control plans, storms ater .management plans, etc). 6, Does this project include any sewer collection lines that are deemed "high-priorityr Per I 5A NCAC 02-1.0402, "high -priority sewer" means "any aerial sewer, sewer contacting surface waters, siphon, or sewer positioned parallel to streamhanks that is subject to erosion that undermines or deteriorates the sewer, LjjYes Ej No N/A Byes, include an attachment with details for each line, including type (aerial inc.lsize, material, and ication). High priority lines shall be inspected by the permittee or its representative at least once every six -months and inspections documented per 15A NCAC 02T.0403(a)(5) or the permitec's individual System -Wide Collection permit. FORM. 1 FA 04-16 Page 4 015 X. CERTIFIC.A"FIONS: Does the submitted system comply with 15A. NCAC 0.'„,"1- the "vivemurn Jesign Criteria ror the' Pernlinu, Pernp Stat:ons Jed leurce VI,Ae7.5.ieexest version), and the Gravrley Sewer Min imul'n Design Criteria Oeilest version) as applicable? M Yes LI No I No, complete and submit the VarianeefAlternative Design Request application (VA DC 10-14) and supporting documents for rev iew, Appr of the...request is required prior to submittal of the Fast Track A . r • Prn u,nalJ tee Cer -diet, ion, e sional Engineer's namenarnc&om Application Item III 1.1 sr. attest that this application for has been reviewed by rne and iS accurate, complete and consistent with the information supplied in the plans, specifications, engineering calculations, and all other supporting. documentation to the hest ot my knowledge,. further attest that to the hest of my knowledge the proposeddesign has been prepared in accordance with the applicable regulations. Gravity Sewer Minimum Desigri. Criteria for Gravity Sewers (latest version), arid the 'Minimum Design Criteria for the Fast -Track Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains (latest version), Although other professionals may have developed certain portions ()flits submittalpackage, inclusion of these .materials under my signature and seal signifies that I have reviewed this material and have judged it to he consistent with the proposed design, statement, representation, or certification in any application package shall he guilty of a Class 2 misdigneatior, hich may NOTE — In accordance with General Statutes 1.43-215,6A and 143-215_613, any person who knowingly makes any false include a fine not to exceed SI0,000, as w'ell as civil penalties up to S25,000 per violation, ,c,AROL • North Carolina Professional Engineer's seal, signature, and date: o•ootano, 3, Applicant's Certification per I5A NCAC 02T .0106(b): 1.4, a. fV7'L( ...7 attest that this application for (Signature Authority-s name & title from Application Item 1,3,) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my 'knowledge, 9 understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting documentation and attachments are not included, this application package is subject to being returned as incomplete„ 9 understand that any, discharge of ,,vastewater from this non - discharge system to suiface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action that may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and or criminal prosecution, I will make no claim against the Division of Water Resources should a condition of this permit be violated, I also understand that if all required parts of this application package are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachmerots are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete NOTE in accordance with General Statutes Iz-1.3-21 5 6.A and 143:215MA, an person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application .package shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, \Odell may include a fine not to exceed S10,000 as ‘vell as civil penalties up to S25,000 per 'violation, Signature, Dale: FORM, Ft A 0,4-.16 Page 5 of 5 NORTH CA R 0 LINA I-IigIi Performance Living Poplar Pointe Townhom.es, L.1„( Mr. Mark Boyce, Manager 2649 Brekonridge Centre Dr. Monroe, NC 28110 P) 980-313-3361 Jeff Reasner jreasner@tr. esusa.com 635 Alfred Brown 'Jr Court SW „P sBox 10S, C(MCOrd, N(. 28026-voxiv.wricordnu.gov January 16, 2019 SUBJECT: City of Concord Willingness to. Serve Private Wastewater Collection System Extension/Modification City of Concord Project Title: Poplar Pointe Townhomes Private Sewer Extension City of Concord Project # 2018-039 Receipt Date: January 10, 201 9 (WSACC Response dated January 4, 2019) December 1, 2018 (Drawings) Engineering Plan Seal Date: August 29, 2018 WSACC Rocky River WWTP NC0036269 City of Concord, Cabarrus County', North Carolina Dear Mr, Boyce: This letter is to confirmthat on November 19, 2018, our office received the Poplar .Pointe Townhomes Private Sewer Extension engineering plans and specifications, a digital copy of the engineering plans, and private wastewater collection system application, as prepared and sealed by Vince G. Keene, NCPE, NCPE, with Yarbrough -Williams & Houle, Inc„ for the private wastewater collection system extension consisting of approximately 604 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer 1,vith. 6 manholes and other appurtenances to serve 30 townhouse units, located off of Poplar Woods Dive and Poplar Tent Road, with a domestic wastewater discharge of 10,800 GPD. The City of Concord's public wastewater collection system has the capacity to accommodate the estimated total average wastewater discharge of 10,800 GPD based on the information indicated on the NCDFNR Fast Track application for the project. 'rhe City of Concord, however, will not guarantee the acceptance of any additional requests, revisions, deficiencies, or expansions that were not included in the consulting engineer's submitted engineering plans, specifications, reports, and/or calculations associated with this private system. THE CITY OF CONCORD AND ITS STAFF ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN DESIGNS, CALCULATIONS, DRAWINGS OR STATEMENTS SUBMITTED BY APPLICANTS, THEIR TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS, SURVEYORS OR ENGINEERS. THE CITY OF CONCORD AND ITS STAFF ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR FINDING OR CORRECTING ANY ERRORS OR DEFICIENCIES IN PLANS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF CONCORD FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL. THE CITY OF CONCORD DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR ERRORS CONTAINED IN PLANS SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF Engineering Phone (704) 920-5425 1ax (704) 521 CONCORD. THE SIGNATURE OF THE CITY OF CONCORD ENGINEER MAY NOT BE RELIED UPON TO ESTABLISH ANY DUTY OR RELATIONSHIP (SUCH AS A THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY) WITH ANY PARTY USING THIS PLAN OR DRAWING. PARTIES USING THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD CONDUCT THEIR OWN REVIEW AND ANALYSIS FOR MAKING A DECISION IN RELIANCE ON THIS DOCUMENT. This letter shall not be construed as an Authorization to Construct by the City of Concord. All applicable permits associated with this project must be obtained and copies rnust be presented on site prior to commencement of the work. IMPORTANT: Poplar Pointe Townhomes, 1JC. must submita copy of the NCDENR-Division of Water Quality, Non -Discharge approval letter and authorization to construct permit and a copy of the engineer's final certification to the City of Concord prior to interconnection with the City of Concord's public wastewater collection system, The City of Concord must be present to observe the connection of this private system, in order to meet the Standard Specifications for Wastewater Collection and Water Distribution for Cabarrus County, Contact Gary Stansbury, Construction Administrator, at (704) 920- 5404 at least 48 hours prior to the initiating system connection. Construction of the private wastewater collection system project shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T.0300; The Division of Water Quality's Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996, as applicable. This does not constitute an acceptance of any part of the project that does not meet North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A 021-.0300, as applicable. 'Failure to comply may result in penalties in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 043-215.6A through §143- 215.6C, construction of additional or replacement facilities, and/or referral of the North Carolina - licensed Professional Engineer to the licensing board. Please be aware that the City will not assume any responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the subject private wastewater collection system that is located on the property beyond the public utility easement/rights-of-way, Poplar Pointe Townhomes, LEC, will be responsible .for complying with the regulatory requirements in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A 0210300, the maintenance and operation of the private wastewater collection system, and obtaining the required permit approvals associated with the private wastewater collection system. Please review this section of the Administrative Code prior to submitting your application to the State. lithe permit. applicant is unable to perform all of the operation and maintenance duties required by the State's Administrative Code, a private wastewater collection system extension should not be requested, The City reserves the right to disconnect the subjectwastewater collection system and potable water service from the. City of Concord's public system if improper operation and maintenance of the private system violations of any Federal, State or local regulations, ordinances, or policies„ After the private wastewater collection system has been constructed and prior to water service activation, Poplar Pointe Townhomes, 1.1,C must complete the NCDENR DWQ regulatory requirements in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 21 for final approval and Poplar Pointe Townhomes. LLC's engineer must certify that the private wastewater collection system has been installed in accordance with North Carolina Administrative Code 15A NCAC 2.T. A copy of the ap a able in tb safaritt a�ff Sue Hyde of Co a pfbr�afr`a Digitally signed y Sue Hyde Date; 2019,01,17 3 7:2:3:01 -05'00 9-)i rec to r rf F° n, p any c.tarz csfratd rncs, a ng Matra , WSACC January 4, 2019 Mr. Lloyd Payne City Manager City of Concord P.O. Box 308 Concord, NC 28026-0308 Subject: Flow Acceptance Request City of Concord Poplar Point Townhornes Private Sewer Extensi Dear Mr, Payne: WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY 232 Davidson Hwy. Concord, NC 28027 704.786,17E3 0 704 795.1564 Fax www,wsacc.org This is a notice of capacity for the flow acceptance request received by the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) from the City of Concord on December 13, 2018. WSACC has or will have capacity at the Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant and appropriate sewer interceptors to transport and treat the domestic wastewater from the proposed project entitled Poplar Point Townhomes Private Sewer Extension, located off Poplar Tent Road. The referenced project will serve 30 townhomes, with a projected flow of 10,800 gallons per day (god). The wastewater generated by this project will be conveyed through a proposed gravity system, through an existing gravity system, and then enter WSACC's system at the existing 36-inch Rocky River Interceptor, WSACC acknowledges it has or will have capacity for wastewater from the proposed development based on information provided by Yarbrough -Williams & Houle, Inc, (Civil Engineer for the project) using North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) wastewater flow guidelines. The WSACC Capital Improvement Program (CIP) has been on pay as you go since Fiscal Year 2005 2006, funding Capital Projects entirely from Capital Reserves, and WSACC expects to continue this policy into the future, Projects on the CIP are subject to approval by WSACC's Board of Directors, support from local governing bodies, regulatory approval, and funding availability. The list and schedule of CIP projects are tentative and are revised periodically to reflect changing conditions and needs, if construction of this project does not commence within two (2) years of the date of this notice, the notice is rescinded and a second request and notice will be required before flow capacity is accepted. Please notify WSACC, in writing, when construction of this project is initiated. This sewer capacity allocation may also be cancelled pursuant to the conditions set forth in the WSACC Sewer Allocation and Commitment Policy, Please note that the final commitment to service to provide wastewater treatment services shall occur upon application for a building permit for the project and when system development fees are paid pursuant to N.C.G.S. §162A, Article 8. If you have any questions, please call me at (704) 786-4164, extension 104. Sincerely, J. Thomas Hahn, PE Utility Systems Engineer cc: Sherri MooreConcord Vince G. Keene, PLAarbrough-Williams & Houle, Inc. Michael Wilson/WSACC Tim Kiser, PE.,'WSACC Chad VonCannon, PE:WSACC Mark Lomax/WSACC WASTEWATER FLOW ACCEPTANCE FORM FOR THE WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITY OF CABARRUS COUNTY Private Sewer Jurisdiction Requcs ti. City of'Concord QCharlotte Meeklen g Flow Acceptance: d" KannapoIis [Militias Date: December 1,2018 vn of Harrisburg Town of Mt. Pleasant. Project Title, Description, and Number of LotsfUnit: Project Title: Poplar Point Towuhomes Private Sewer Extension — ('CoC Project N2018439D Description: The Poplar Point Townhomes Private Sewer Extension eft ineerinq plans and sing t lctttions, as prepared and sealed by yince G. Keene,.NCPE. with Yarbrough -Williams& Houle, Inc„ kr the private wastewater ceallectiort system extension consisting, ot'' approximately 604 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer, with 6 manholes and t ihet appurtenances to serve 30 townhouse units. located off of Poplar Woods Dive and Poplar Tent Road, with a domestic wastewater discharge of I 0,,8Q0 GPD, *Number of Lots: OR *Number of Units. 30 Where will the new line be connected: © Directly into a WSACC Interceptor into the Jurisdiction's existing collection system [} into a private line Describe the location of the tie-in line to which the new :ewe ust be included in request. T ae proposed private 8-inch sanitary sewer extension will tie-in to the proposed Poplar Point Townhome public 8-is h tt Ow Citv's existing 8-inch sanitary sewer system, which extends t the 36-inch PVC WSACC Rocky River Interceptor Which WSACC Interceptor will the flow ultimately be discharged into: 36-inch PVC. WSACC Rocky Riyee intercettor What is the WSACC manhole number that the flow will be discharged into? ~0-/- Node 011779 What is the quantity of flow that will be discharged? 10,800 GPO type: Domestic °!m Commercia Industrial Narne ofwastewater treatment facility (W WTF) rereivittg wastewater: Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Facility — Permit sfNC0036269 Elj Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Facility — Permit #NC0081621 Design drawings of new lines will be submitted to WSACC with the request for acceptance. Drawings can be submitted as a digital file (DWG) or distance and bearing starting with the tap on existing infrastructure. lithe new line is to connect directly into a WSACC interceptor. detailed drawings including specification of the tap, will be required before flow acceptance will be provided. Mark Lomax at 704-786-1783, ext. 231, must be notified 48 hours in advance ofa connection into a WSACC interceptor. WSACC will inspect connection More, during_ and atter completion. If construction is not started within rwo (2) year from the date of approval of t/te,.Ilow acceptance for approval is rescinded and a second request and approval will be required for the project, WSACC USE ONLY: DATE: Current sewesdel show an Interceptor as being surclwarged south of the manhole in question, Approved „tity,,nlxi.-. d Not Approved Current Sewer Model shows: _sjf Lr r" pi- t CA_ Ac ,, x �-....._.._.. IQ ..2 At. t,t.�5 3 5+-r-1r"�.� . z AT r.1k it - a rZu t,. the Division Re State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Applications (FTSE -04/16) (WSACC USE ONLY) Poplar Point Townhornes Private Sewer Extension Section I. Name of wastewater treatment facility (WWTE) receiving wastewater: Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Facility Permit 4NC0036269 E Muddy Creek Wastewater 'Treatment Facility - Permit #NC0081621 WWTP facility's permitted flow, MGD Estimated obligated flow not yet tributary to the WWTP, MGD WWTP facility's actual avg. daily flow, MGD Total flow for this specific request, MGD Total actual and obligated flows to the facility, MG[) Percent ofpermined flow used 26.50 2810 17.040 (6430% of permit) 0.011 19.861 74.95% Section II. Pump stations along the route from the .Jurisdiction's connection point to the WWTP, (Al Pump Station FirM CapaCily * Ds ir Average Daily flow ** (Narrle or Number) MGD (Firmduri MGD Lower Rocky River PS (3) Approx. Corrcril Avenge Daily Flow MGD CC) (DI 03+C) Obligaird, No Total Current Flow Tributary Nib' How Plus Obligated Row ,k16D MGD 37,000 14 800 3290 1123 (E)—(A-D) Availahk Capacity*“ MGD l0:413 4337 th. Firm Capacity of any pump station is defined a the ma datum pumped now that can be achieved with the largest pump taken out of ser-xice, •*Design Average Daily Flow is the firm capacity of the pump station divided by a peaking factor not less than 1.5., **A Planning Assessment Addendum shall be attached for each pump station located 'between the project connection paint an he WWTP where Available Capacity is < D. Section 111. WSACC Certification Statement: 1, LjJiojiias Haliri, PE, certify to the best of my knowledge that the addition of the volume of wastewater to be permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route from the connection to the WSACC interceptor to the receiving wastewater treatment facility and that the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden any downstream pump station en route to the receiving treatment plant under normal circumstances. given the implementation of the planned improvements identified in the planning assessment where applicable. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data„ This certification applies to those items listed above in Section 1 and Section 11 plus all attached planning assessment addendums for which 1 arn the responsible parry, Signature of this form indicates WSACC's guarantee of capacity for this wastewater flow, Notwithstanding the guarantee of capacity, WSACC does not make a commitment to service this wastewater flow until a building permit is requested through the Cabarrus County Building inspections Department and WSACC receives payment of the System Development Fee ,4CC's Signing Q Signature Masten of WaterRes State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Flow Tracking/Acceptance for Sewer Extension Permit Applications (FTSE —0 t / 1,4) (JURISDICTI)N liSE ONIA) Poplar Point Town homes Private Sewer Extension —Protect #201 Jurisdiction Requesting Flow Acceptance for Collection System: EjCity of Concord EICity et Kannapol is [IjTown of Harrisburg ElTown of Mt. P casant Charlotte Mecklenburg Utilities Project Title, Description, and Number of LotstUnit: Project Title: Poplar Point Townhomes Private Sewer Extension7 (Co(:. Project #2018-039I Description: The Poplar Point Townhomes Private Sewer Extension engineering plans and specifications, as prepared and scaled hv Vince G. Keene, !NCPE, with Yarbrough -Williams & floulejnc,, for the private wastewater collection system extension consisting of approximately 604 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer With 6 manholes and other a .,urtenances to serve 30 townhouse units, located off of Poplar \ Dive and Poplar 1 Roada domestic wastewater discharge of 8,00 GPD, What is the quantityofflow that will be discharged? 10,800 GPD Flow type: Domestic 100 % El Commercial [11 industrial Section - List the Jurisdiction's pump stations located between the project connection point and the WSACC interceptor connection point. Pump Station (Name or Numberl A) CaPLICItY De-s.tyn A‘grage Daily How '• MGD ,!•=6r-rnirlfy MUD Approit (reel findigined, Ndt VeragC Daily Flow "riiibuituy Daily r!kii,„! vicai 1.1Go (13"C / rFr4A-D11 Plus °Wigan:id kw Tora urrem Flow MGT) NUM Th Firm Capaeiry of any plAmp station is defined as the maximum purnpad flan that tan be achieved with the largest pump taken out of 5Crrice. ("Design Average Daily Flo* is the firm capacity of the pump station divided by a peaking factor not lens than 2.5. Planning Assessment Addendum shall he attached fnr each pump station located between r1 pl Merl connection point and the WWII' whereAvailably Capacity is .c Section II, Jurisdiction's Certification Statement: I, M. Sue. Hyde, certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the addition of the volume of wastewater to he permitted in this project has been evaluated along the route to the receiving 'WSA.CC. interceptor; and the flow from this project is not anticipated to cause any capacity related sanitary sewer overflows or overburden on any downstream pump station in route to the receiving WSACC interceptor normal circumstances, Oven the implementation of the planned improvements identified in the panning assessment .where applicable„. This analysis has been performed in accordance with local established policies and procedures using the best available data. This certification applies to those items listed above in Section I plus all attached planning assessment addendums for which, to the best of my knowledge, will not adversely affect (he downstream sewer capacity, Signature of this form indicates acceptance of this wastewater flow. OaUy signed gy Si Hyde Sue Hy Date, 2018.12.13 T2:50Hfi Jurisdiction's Signing ()fficial „Sa,nal ire Dale Rolsion Daw YARBROUGH-WILLIAMS & HOULE, INC. Planning • Surveying • Engineering NCBFLS C-0475 SC C0A332 CALCULATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER FLOW FOR POPLAR POINTE TOWNHOMES 30 single family homes x 360 gpd, single family home = 10,800 gpd 730 Windsor nay: Court, Charlotte, NC 2827 • P.U. Box 11 , Pineville, NC 28134 • 704,556.1990 x7 4,5-6a0505 File an4Annoal Report/Amend an Annual Report Upload a PF Filing • Order a Document Online Add Entity to My mail Notificatiori List - View Filings • Print an Amended a Annual Report form • Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form usiness 'r rti n Legal Name Dependable Development, Inc. information osl : 523930 Status: C urrent-Active Annual Report Status: Current Citizenship: Domestic Date Formed: 6/13/2016 Fiscal. Month: December Registered Agent: Hinson, Wesley Addresses Principal Office 2627 rekonrir e Centre Dr Ste 04 2627 Brekonrid e Centre Dr Ste'104 Monroe, NC 28110 Monroe, NC 28110 Reg ffice Reg Mailing 309 Post Office Dr 309 Post Office Dr Indian Trail, NC 28079 Indian Trail, NC 6 Officers President David Cuthertson 2627 Brekonridge Centre Dr Ste 04 Monroe NC 28110 Stock North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results A Page 1 of 1 File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report Upload a PDF Filing Order a Document Online AdcfiEntity to My Email Notification List • View Filings Print an Amended a Annual Report form Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form Limited Liability Company Legal: Name Poplar Pointe Townhomes, LLC iriforrriatiori Sosid: 1700891 Status: Current -Active Annual Report Status: Current Citizenship: Domestic Date Formed: 5/9/2018 Registered Agent: Hinson, Wesley S. Addresses frtaiUng Principal Office Reg Office 2627 Brekonridge Centre Dr 2627 Brekonridge Centre Dr 309 Post Office Dr Monroe, NC 28110 Monroe, NC 28110 Indian Trail, NC 28079 Reg Mailing 309 Post Office Dr Indian Trail, NC 28079 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. https:PWWW.sosnc.govfon ine_servicesisearch/BuSinessRegistrafionResults 1/3112019 YA.RBROUGH-WILLIAl'`IS & HOULE, INC. Planning • Surveying • Engineering NCBFI..S C-0475 SC., COA.3a32 January 31, 2019 NCDEQ/OWR Mooresville Regional Office Water Quality Section 610 E. Center Avenue Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Project Narrative: 8" Private Gravity Sewer Trunk to Serve Poplar Pointe Townhomes The project consists of the extension of an 8" private gravity sewer trunk for 604 feet within the Poplar Pointe Townhorne project serving 30 townhome tots within the Poplar Woods Subdivision within the limits of the City of Concord. The proposed subdivision is served by an existing 8" water line located at Poplar Woods Drive, The Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County has agreed to accept the flow generated by this sewer extension. The package contains the following items: Y Fast Track Application (FTA 04-16)- 1 original, 1 copy • Cover Letter Application Fee $480.00 Flow Tracking/Acceptance Form (FTSE 04-16) Site Maps • DEV Operational Agreement Form • Engineering Plans- 2 copies If you should have any questions or need any additional information, feel free to give me a call. Vincent G. Keene PE Vice President dsor Oak Court, Charlotte, NC 282 i •p.i Box 11.98, Piney i l , NC 28134 • 704.556.1990 • fax 704.5.S6.0505 CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST To be completed by the certifying engineer prior to operation of the permitted sewers, per 15A NCAC 02T.01 16, Certifying Engineer: Certification Review Date: B / 2'7/ 20 Project Name: Poplar Point Townhomes Vincent G. Keene, PE WQ00 40616 Project County: WQR(K, RECEIVErVNCDENRIDwp Cabarrus 1) Has permittee information changed since the permit was issued (or last modifietti)atatigeAlltilikt change of ownership, transfer from developer to 140A/P0A, etc. I I Yes ,x No If yes,. please provide either a change of ownership form or new contact information. Note that transfer of permits from the developer to the HOA/P0A must occur with the first certification. 2) 1Iae the as -built drawings .have been signed, sealed, and dated by an N.C. P1? Yes P No 3) Final Engineering certification? xI Yes P No If Partial Engineering certification, provide detailed narrative including what is being certified in the current phase, what was previously certified (if applicable), and what is left to be certified. 4) Adequate information related to sewer lines x Yes N/A • 'lltree feet minimum cover has been provided for all sewers unless ferrous pipe was installed. • Minimum diameters for gravity sewers are 8-inches for public lines and 6-inches for private lines. • Manholes have been installed: At the end °leach linc, at all changes in grade, size, or alignment, at all intersections, and at distances not greater than 425 feet minimum diameter shall be 4 feet (48-in.ches). 5) Adequate information related to pump stations: Yes No N/A • Ensure power reliability option as selected per 15A NC AC 02T.0305(h). 6) Was project construction completed in accordance with all of the following: LJ Yes No N/A NCAC 0,21, Minimum .DesigriCriteria (MDC) for the permitting of Gravt S yerstlatest versio , and 4DC Ibr the Permitting of Pump Stations, and Force itains 'la est version)? If not, a variance approval is required. in accordance with J 5.1, I : 021 .0 05(b), p ior to certification and operation. • Contact the Central Office to discuss the variance to determine a course of action. • Applicant must submit two copies oldie variance request -form, plans, specifications, calculations, and any other pertinent information to the Central Office (one hard copy, one digital copy). • The central office will review the variance request, and if approvable, specific language regarding the variance will be incorporated into the permit, either via a special condition or a supplementary letter. A copy of the reissued permit with variance language or the variance letter must be maintained with the original documents. 7) Does the project .contains high priority lines ( 5A NC AC 02T 0402(2)1? Yes x No • If yes, ensure that the permit already contains the necessary, condition related, to high priority lines I 5A NCA.0 01E0403 (a.)(5). lithe permit does not include this language. the Fast Track reviewer will reissue the permit with the appropriate language, 8) Are Permit modifications are required for any changes resulting in non-compliance with this pert -nit (including but not limited to pipe length changes of 10°./0' or greater,change in flow, pump station design capacity design change of 5% or greater, andlor change in the numberltype of connections)? Yes No • If yes, a permit modification request must he submitted to the appropriate Regional Office, and a modified permit with revised certification must be issued prior to certification and operation. NC DWR Water Quality Regional Operations Sec on 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 FAX. (704)-633-6040 FAST TRACK SEWER ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION NECLEIVEENNot)g.N.Ribwk PERMITTEE: POPLAR POIN/FE TOWNHOMES, .LLC PERMIT 4: W00040616 PROJECT: POPLAR POIN“iFE. -1/OWNHOMES ISSUE DATE: FEBRUARY 5, 2019 '0090C MOORESVILLEE RECUONAL OFFICE This project shall not be considered complete nor allowed to operate in accordance with standard Condition 7 of this permit until he 1„)ivision has received this Certification and all required supporting documentation. ft should be submitted in a manner that documents the Division's receipt. Send the required doc.urnentation to the Regional Supervisor Water Quality' Regional Operations Section at the address noted in the page looter, Any wastewater flow made tributary to the wastewater collection system extension prior to completion of this Certification shall be considered (1 violation of the permit. and shall subject the Permittee to appropriate enforcement actions, The Pen -Mace is 'responsible for tracking ail partial certilicatiOMS up until a final certification is received by the Division—i\ Filial Certification shall he a complete set of recoal drawings and design calculations regardless or whether partials,' have been submitted, VERMEI FEE'S CERTIFICATION 1, the undersigned agent tier the Permittee, hereby state that this project has been constructed pursuant to the applicable standards & requirements, the Professional Engineer below has provided applicable design/construction information to the Permittee: and the Perrnittee is prepared to operate & maintain the vKastewatcr collection system permitted herein or portions thereof, ropkoe Po rbet—Tc044sta4E-r.s,/ r 2 3 Printed Name, Signature Date ENGINEGR'S CE,RTI FICA I wN as a durcgisiced Professional Ent4,ineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe J'f periodically„ weekly. Li. full time) the construction of the project name and location as referenced above for the above Perm nice hereby state that, to the best ol in abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to he built vvith in substantial compliance of this permit: 15A .NCAC 02T: the Division of Water Resources' (Division) Gravity Sewer Minimum Design Criteria adopted February 12, 1996„ as. applicable:, the Division's Minimum Design Criteria for the Fastiiir rack Permitting of Pump Stations and Force Mains adopted June 1, 2000, as applicable; and other supporting materials, North Carolina Professional Engineer's Seal Nvisignatare &, date. Plin a I [1 Partial (iliclude description) Certification Comments/Qualifiers (attach if necessary): NC DWR — Water Quality Regional Operations Section 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresv11e NC 28115 Mooresville Regional Office Phonei C704 653-169e FAX (704)-633-6040 Project Nam skraa (eroomem repmaentat Low Pressure Air Test and Mandrel Test Form Contractor Location Pipe Startin Ending Diameter Length Manhole Manhoe 2nr:thes jltq_ a 7'4C}'? A We Test Time Groundwater (minutes Test Pressu Wrtnessed by Contractor V7,177e-fr1/27 4174/ :AgnM Lee Drop (Psia) Pressure Mandrel Pass/Fail Pass/Fail 0 m 23, 0 rn 0 0 40 n'T fri Project Name Manhole Vacuum Test Form Contractor Manhole No 4 7t7/9 -/-2-19 7 - I 7 -/f 7 - / 7 -/"/ 4-1 Test Time (sECOND Test Pressure Start (Psi9 10' 10' 10' 10" 10' 10' Drop Pass/Fail 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 10" 10' 10' 10' 10' 10 0' 10' 10' 10' 0' 10' c) 10' 10' Wilnessett hy Clertractur paw nAPTM1/ {W.