HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019755_Monitoring - 03-2021_20210428Monitoring Report Submittal ............................................................................................................................................ Permit Number #* WQ0019755 Name of Facility:* JPC Utilities, LLC Month:* March Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter:* Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2021 Upload Document* Scan0027.pdf 1.05MB FDF Cnly Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-t, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). doug@jpc-management.com Douglas Smith Reviewer: Williams, Kendall N 4/28/2021 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct? * WQ0019755 Is the monitoring report r Yes r No accepted?* Regional Office * Winston-Salem Accepted Date: 4/28/2021 JPC Utilities, L L PQ'a" 346 OM Hidge, NC 27310 trtifoTnmtitm ProeasiN unit PhM6F. CM MD4032 OdL (330p ;21. -M!; d0J99 NP4RW%WFWV Nan-Dischar-ge Compliance Group 1617 Mail SflfVlOL% Center Raleigh, NC 27M-1-1317 RE: Oak Ridge Commorke spray trtlgati¢n WasWwaty System Oak Ridge, NC Guilford Courlily Permit WQDO 19765 Rear Sir or Madam: ACtached are the Spray htation Nora -Discharge R-Apo ling Forms for March, 2g21. Please call with any questi-ons cir oomrrents.. Sae# regards, PP)IQ Qoug1 Snuth -M LIVI es. LLC (335)215-0949� dpugQpc-mar agement.mm )Rfd• L% I )AH- 1 14-' 3 NON -DI SC FtARGE APPLICA7FOR RE PORT l NdAR-1 i page 1 oI Md the a p pl ication rates exe eed th a fire its in Aftae h ment B of you r permit? WELre adeq uate meas u res to ken to prevent effluerrt pending i n o r runoff frern the sirs 7 D wopw k 0 np Im Q fmO6nt :-1 Hon•canoorc ICI a5 a suite bFe vegetative c over mainte fined a n el I sites as spec If led in you r perm it? D iawom Q rr x Were aJ I eetb;ack5 listed in your perm it mai nta i nod for every a ppiicati on to eac h perm i#ted site 7 D EMW[I14D CUMprent Were all freeboar-d s maintW ned in accordance with the specified f rpoboard heights in yo u r ptrm It? [I c&-vi itL Ll Ivcri--aunpwrr. 11 fho Wiky la non-GomNan! Pease evisin 1r the space b..-,.:ow rho mssorit5) tie rac Iiiv w" not in Qvwlinnoe. PrDwIds in your eVLana.inn Me dabMaj of the ntm.r4roplimw artd deea lbe the con'etWe 2C1u1::s'1 -a try A-1 ,1rh xMIGnril 9hee19; it rkhtessarv. OperMr in R69POhMbie Charge (On[ Uertlflceuon ;e 11;Wx Do Ft firraTion Cep; 1�tqulep Flint Nrmruee, JPC UCillies, i_LC CW-6flcart1" No.: 21171 S igni ng Cft+ w: Douglas Smilh Grade: IV Phone NLwnhOF; r33S1430-UE52 Si•gning Off ipra T tle; Back-up SRC Grade 1 1 OOM 11 Kn the ORC [h;mngod !gMca U* Previous- HDAR-1 -' y Y'; NU Rhano Member. (33�'3)21 5-0949 Pkgm it Exp.! i nature QR14 BiQrlailre Dale !!f dab artrry iFo IMF repwt Is wnr,y, red !cm pisra to u. 4+c1 a+ my krnMada I —kly. urKW pitmft or M- that IYfs deb rr kn WW aw ah8#meris k&M PrdW r d uroa ,� ¢ sup4Nshnmao+xdWGe wrtrr 41 Fy-s W der y ad m #Fine khm el qudnM pwwv t N pne}r" 9 A p u , o ard ewFRkd Fa Irfanmdarr sLLWWrd am&a on Ir rK16*Y4 the pease• orpffsons m s naA" iho epskm. or frose permon& dWLy fi"o" -%.�r WWM ft hra malal the M$xM d&k ULbM Mad w, rp Ore Mehl st mp WIN"A and t "1. ram. w4v�#n and aom*PxL. I am amr n ihar m N sr impfrsri gem b s ix 1501b!T"t4 rd G& HWm4kn. nc KAN Vie pours 6ify a irrta LLd uYOi`a Prd 1w ;rKhwU %I Dj wr s. Miril OrJg InaP iiad Two Copses Ro: OiASian of Water Resourtp* I:nformat.lorr Primessing Unit 1617 Ma 118erviice Comer Raleigh, North C;�roilrra 27fi99-161? FORM N❑AR- ;0-1 a NON -DI SC HARG E APPLI CATION R EPORT iN DAR-1) Page _ L cr Pg0rmly Ho.: VYQ0r)1 D755 Faclrltp Name Oak Rld!i�a Comrn ns VVVVTP coulff }•: G...Ilfc�ro llJA onth: March Yea r: 2(V1 Flew RA'Me; Ar$a jaer&sj= Did irrigation occurat this facility? Crwiw Crap= TE .71 W) Hourly Rate fdn;-6 Annumt Raft (inM: R.GjD1 Fleld Namec RCS FIvid Name; RC-D3 -- 2.1 Fluid Nam■: Am �KFGSj; Cv6w Crop; Hourly Rabe (IMF! Ann -,al R81e (10 RO-04A 2.11 Area [scree): 2.11 Area (a�crosli: '• 46 03 22.21 r wErST n MD Cover Crop' Dever Crop! Hourly Rnfa jIn)' D.3 2 21 HourPV R aM (Irk)= Arinrual Flehe (In): 0 3 22,21 2? 21 Annual Raab (Irk); Fleld IrrigakQd7 o w E ~ gal min Y1�eafh4r Fmeboatd Ffift IrrEgand? ❑ YB L Na ❑ WE [a lc� FwWd llffaWmd7 YeS L j j� F9eld IrrSgitrleaF O e [5 1a F 4 {17 fls ft Bal a _ E H o — 3 t �! x o E ji gap min _— � � o = a _ M v a OF h k min Irt in Jn in In iri gar m In In in i CL U2 1.11 376 - 3 PC 50 3.75 — — 4 C 36 3.76. 0 PC 66 9.7� 6 PC: 51 T PC FiD 8 FBI 9 PC 53 3,65 3.7fi 16 C 36 3 9B 11 PC 73-- 19 PC: 81 3.F6 13 RC a3 14 CL E?B is CL 64 9.5 1's R 45 3.5 3-7 17 CL 56 0-25 5.6 IS C.L 55 306 f9 R 48 1.71 31W A C 54 21 C 63 22 C 56 3.25 22 R 50 D_46 9.25 3.5 25 C S2 1.76 3.2 25 PC 84 3 27 PC 74 28 CL 71 0.84 29 C 30 28 30 0 39 24 34 t19 31 fI ED -D.63 2.75 Montbl�r L0lding: 4 14.149.72 1 6 12 Month PEoatirrg Total (in): FORM: N❑AR-1 10-13 NON -MSC FfARG E APP UC ATIO N REPORT (N DAR-t M paw Fill Did Irrigation occui r rl R..j. MEMMMEME -0 ommm N= INMEMINMOM MEMM EM EM INMEM INMEM mmmmm MMS WmIlM MEME M = mm MEMM ME MM ME MEME ��Ml MEME MMMN�WS INMEM Emso � o � � mom ...ion FORM! NWAR•t 1().13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION RlP PORT I NDAR-1 j P:iya q of Did irrigation occur at this faciliw mill EM OEM FORM NLAR-1 10 -3 A OWUSCH*RGE APPLICATION REPORT IMDAR-1) Pam of � Did irrigation occur at this facility? Fill I Field rriga MM MEW Emu AMR Nam FCMA f4GAR-1 1 l�-13 NOWDISCHARG E APPLICATION DEPORT (NWA) Pwo ar (c Permit No.! WO(TO1 755 Did irrigation occur tea=■ � r� ��� �� �i eta o � { D} %4 NDmR o2 1.2 NO N•aMSC HARGE MON ITGR ING REnRT d N DM R J Page 1 of Sampiing P&MQMl !kp Name: Bradley Flynt Name: Douglas Smith Name: Statesville Anmyleal Nunp: CertiFed Laboratorws Elon al I monitoring data a rid Sa mpl i ng fraq uencies rrI fret the requ iremenbr. in Attachment A of your perm i t? CD Cu„ot" L mKrujn�Qrt If the fRu ity is non-compl aril. ple;56 6xple n in t96 SnLr br.,aw MO. 7• MDn[6) Pie farAlityr wens MOL in Lbmpi!an- Pr!'rrd6 in pour exnlanaLmd hhe dw14[s) of Uhs non-wmpllance and desrbe the or mbwe acbonis] tak4e 1. A4iwh woivnai sheets it nacassarv. Operator In Responslblo ChaFM JORO) Cerllfrestiarl F'errRlktae Certllieatibrl Bradll9y Flynt Perrnittee; J-PC Uhh'wr, L LC Cert+flcatlon Nam' 27171 Signmg C"CiaE; DoucJas Srrlil.) Gra4q: IV Phone Nurn ber! [33G]430-6A2 signing CffchmI's 76e; $ack•up ORO Grade, 1 1008611 Has tit¢ ORC uunged -akkc* Um prwiat s RDMR? ❑ Yes '� ro Rhone Nwnbar_ (335g 1 :5�949 Permit Expiration- Sf31 t�i)27 IV __�Ujo 4! u� Daft 6ignalure Date By U". pp UA I y,r+X "hat I ft reimm Is aaurrain ana wfrplpa is Ih* I;�&g 4 rrer bw. I •tea . uder rf' peroft# la+r. M tlis dD{umdn[ we arl aR,rhnmpp wnk Fegvrsd under Rrr dteaka-• t!e sup[rdskrl m wwrdaron Ydh a LY:�zm m4rwl h1 uprure rhd di qu�ffoJ pworn i propq FIN galhFlad Wo+rej"Hd Irk i-IUimHhM cutrdI110 €med -m mq "L&V or Un par M ar p f*0r*6 wl1 iiu.yir"lam• tt base parmlrm dkodIV ra.narsi:la rnr galhrrkV IW trkmaAdrt M infiO-Aiighom 4"I*J Ik la Me ho;l or mp rrd DPW. Ins s4oraW aM mmp+br. I4J'n e TM flare awe 591kant p WUS VY SLIXR" lama wA.mmr#a1. iWAW rE7 Ure p[MMAky ai d-as We rnprisarma d far F'. KwU %$AW0n I. Mp iI Origi na I and Two Copies to: aivisiun r}f Water Resou reel linfonnatinn F'roeeesing unit 1617Mal Service CenWr Radelgh, Nij-rttl Qa roiina 27699-1617 FORM. NDMR 03�-12 NON -DISCHARGE MGNITORINQ RF; PORT INOMR) Page 'Z vr 3 Permrt No.; WQ041 �f :55 FaclUty Namjr OBk Ridge Fq"I; DO 1 Flow IMeBauri iFy Pt3In1 E:'IfAjtrt ;J LfflxM Part-gur Code dh 5046f} 01)910 SOON 3109 e O _ o t C4)mc ns WVVTP Fj r+o + gtiti*.�ftb 00610 W525 - P-te-trmf4r 0MV 00SK County-, Wnlrorinp 00r10� Guilford Poi 11 00665 ]dkwt Ono wam h. [�, EM"t DOM mamh ❑ G<+r r Lea Yvcu, U surface 2021 W&,r m L z a rr1geL C# mipL MgYL W 722 3 CL rn r+t o m F 1 115:45 hrc GPI mg1L :W144 mL 075 6, 00A 1.09 0 5 lo.oDO 2.69 m L NTU 1.22 257 0.&9 r2 2 544 _ 7-3 7.2 3 17-,W OLS 5,Opp 1 1.76 _ moo 6 I&Is 0-5 5,Ow 0.5 Mom 7.0W 1.m 5.41 7.# 7.3 ', . 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Mnrftyr Atcffl� A1w" M rwN d X mac minihip $ aQ M -Hilly 10 C wr6Tjous daily Lpmlt 15 33ni plc Fr*qu. fq. CwLnn MA Wy