HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020443_Wasteload Allocation_19950712NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0020443 Columbia WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance ~Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Speculative Limits 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: July 12, 1995 This document ie printed on remise paper - wore any content on the reiirex a wide NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION r PERMIT NO.: NC0020443 PERMITTEE NAME: FACILITY NAME: Town of Columbia Town of Columbia WWTP Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 0.150 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 100 Industrial (% of Flow): 0 % Comments: e04 ;N9 }-o ..,fib p o14 6.0 I - RECEIVING STREAM:the Scuppernong River Class: SC Sub -Basin: 03-01-53 Reference USGS Quad: D 33 NE (please attach) County: Tyrrell Regional Office: Washington Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 3/31/98 Treatment Plant Class: II Classification changes within three miles: Requested by: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Charles Alvarez t %t-fir , 6& Qlzij rid Ft*G (� f Date: 4/12/95 Date: -2 Date: Modeler Date Rec. # JcA -13 9� g 2 Drainage Area (mi ) AM Avg. Streamflow (cfs): 7Z,0A L 7Q10 (cfs) ,,¢ Winter 7Q10 (cfs) /J/// 30Q2 (cfs) Af/ Toxicity Limits: IWC % / Acute/Chronic Instream Monitoring: 6,in A.6 ex: 45 �1 �f'rn,� ‘0, o� iA sir4 F 64e►10/;n5 A I m -er ;e3tef'1g Parameters ,SPr. a iA4Ayic.nt -6c* < ec Upstream ye$ Location (} S 1��� (( "' Downstream ye.4 Location MAr'kzr it o Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Col. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (141): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Comments: Qw = 0.150 MGD Monthly Average Summer Winter 0.15 0.15 30 monitor NL 30 200 6.8-8.5 monitor monitor monitor 30 monitor NL 30 200 6.8-8.5 monitor quarterly quarterly Qw = 0.30 MGD Monthly Average Summer Winter 0.30 0.30 15 15 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 30 30 200 200 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 28 28 monitor quarterly monitor quarterly F. DOWNSTREAM MONITORING REQURIEMENTS PHYSICACPARAMETERSt: Parameter Sample Type Freauenc Dissolved Oxygen v Instantaneous weekly Temperature . Instantaneous weekly Conductivity • Instantaneous weekly • Salinity • Instantaneous weekly pH • Instantaneous * tThe above parameters shall be collected as grab samples at one foot intervals vertically throughout the water column. *pH shall be collected only when chlorophyll -a is collected. CHEMICAL PARAMETERS#: Parameter Freauenc TKN twice per month NH3 twice per month NO2 + • NO3 twice per month Total Nitrogen twice per month Total P osphorus twice per month Chloro hyll-a twice per month Fecal C liform** twice per month # The above parameters, except Fecal Coliform, shall be collected via a spatial composite throughtout the photic zone (defined as twice the secchi depth). ** Fecal Coliform shall be collected grab sample approximately 6" below the surface. Samples shall be collected between June 1 and September 30 of each year. STATION LOCATIONS: (see attached map detailing locations) L. 1) See location at end of pipe. 2) See upstream location on map. 3) See lownstream location on map. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Data entered on a form approved by the Division and summarized in an annual report due by January first of the year immediately following the summer period when sampling occurre . Yearly monitoring reports shall be sent to: Instream Assessment Unit DEM Water Quality Section PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 A/GOO_25 `VV3 0, .&crkz1 7fit- --kotad�-? 9;ty f�.��, /p/ rl yp ‘I est/ 4 - a, 7 7/( M(6, ' nt 4, /rake.. 4-/ '' 59r-) &t4<4:-707<-, ..co-hAt,e4" C , 2i — 0 ot G ?6, )102 Ao jAlta 4/trz>k, 1, ; • S ,wrjatif ailtew 4N,ezia frz.d&- kozibw-e;rz 4.012%e a)u, Aeclid / L ijia >-,: ite 4641 AydA rte,ed -(.4) aird 6o /7 a. zee Jr 0, 0 126 it*,J 6e4)1 vItf eo4.14,04 -67c,c-er-A-4- 5a, Aila—abi /1-zd r>/-•,,&;( 11714144)2 W4- A34 Z'22lya4ti -1-ifatthrn a 6 0 `P'ef.0.71. 21,1 pd A,071/ /306 — IS filcnb e-F , 2,4e, 60 1J0 id ,Y4ete ./11.A1 ee>te4aerit& /dew ce a 735 yo, 7(--es GL)4 0 44 6 td )ei/Liscal 4660-7L,dv h)t../1 4e4i Mpo714o jiexe,uouf (.1 Ao Acii*),(Lei levii 61- b /.1)-4?-1 V-ro-idd Soc. 3/44A) c-4.1 ANfi'ut. retoA- z E„/ :6,) ? 4)0 — rz,o,e." /___ 7-•.0 (4t4R- •t41-&<--r. ,rze _ A.5"/V. 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Q I.:eh /au 4cAy7:62-0-ti iC ?„1,4)d-i,J >xeqz, 401*- eit-4/ _e_.4,4626e4-t_62,i &0/ $(,mtve- 4./t "6-/ 4,4-, r� a /111QJ1t- -WI 9P1-61 1/1-111"-- LI) / 'Pq --f2)41 a/11.. ,eT74-2,0f-f-Mic., _,e/19402cor--zir z/iLa/7.1,-2ei. 0.).i4i.it Aard;:02,e. /te,----(122.tfzix yl2f0jY_,(4-7X,/t4 . / ()C)V191A:e ALd ,Wit, a/1/1/11.24.41 AL it,t01,6-xi 4-44/1LX. _M(.1574-.). -6z A-77,0ttif w4.ritet difrt Tz,rviltt- 771e, 0, --,A;li?-"i- (1/314 getcao41114,1Leda 0 e /....44_, ,(9249t.evtel. - eetetre- _iv CalaAltir& (-t- -ite -1 ,,--x, -66 jae_evizzfae- ,e/i7J_6"; ) if_e,t.Acric- (1717,-4t.a4(24- 6427 -60' GOAA4-16-1f, --S4,01.4,2-Itz, piero6yr_," ,,6,4_, 7Zc kulitlid . C4 .-4t, y-Fq V ao6-#6 1 r - tAzzyx Ak.$) , 06 Alt.& .ityd-- L:7-/ .A7v ad 0 1.4/0-(14 itg. ley& .71,Xcarj il d-ig- o, .P2-.5" 4,77 6,6 (03) Age.e7,fizzaild 6PJ ,e,1014 8045 A - i ( kf ji,ip ,h,, i;e7 rite/lbe4141 -?X. C144-eld-Piejef /Ce7t-/&66,12terit Ct "- &K'6ift-11' AP. :1-7b4?44di -441-(2414.., Oif 41,e-t(04A0A4 4 tr 'ti:>t)*---ek_, ti „Vciz Jelltint... ,6icti ,.64-1,,td Lel- 1-0-2, &t,3 --: D - 3 e611 -z. -evi-kc ,264r a -07z,, ,A)/7 074 WAY/to- _, , .tlilettbe cPs .41 e_xtf.,-,51.-(./ ..,/x0( dgaze,ti. z4, , (-40 iPzilc. /OH 3)0 44Ad anioxerit.tec fiotef-zi /06,6 ‘ziorrice-c, kttzAt) 749,24,51.4euty .Ze/i9tei- as fit616%. coa_. ‘k6/t4161,6 7x4AA-94(---&a //r/l) r-P57th- deruerx_tpti, 4/7.13--itze,eLozy7 7X-) ,-&Q 4,-)2A_ -att6aelzik, &/4-z,ete;it, (zit} de.fyyive • i-g---dzik, , . . file5->y-ux ).1ubu(4-_,tit 1,v24 -e--, rie6f,iz i-- /cut kiztL, , 77A4.- A- 244w62,i) _ae-li.6/ )'/IXt;'/,ri - 1 ,dimit(ezel �l - (it JPe. ,. 4-, 4' 0711pail c->/Le- .Gr/i/b6ZA14/24 ki)14/ 1/0 ,‘ATTAW 66:4066,11.. _ _214/11LAr-6. ,ovit9:_tz) )w - /D-mod. t,(D /,,AL14141 U 4-txx,,t`) e J Aeif 4 • e4 O.06.y -SNA/7-0'4,,te7y ID/ 30 0 4AYI Cmac, re-j-, 1E3(Y .d f D WASH NGTONEOFFICE Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Facility Status: Permit Status: Receiving Stream: Stream Classification: Subbasin: County: Regional Office: Requestor: Date of Request: Topo Quad: FACT SHEET FOR WAS'IELOAD ALLOCATION Request #: 8285 Town of Columbia WWTP NC0020443 100% Domestic Existion Modification (expansion to 0.3 MGD) Scuppernong River SC 03-01-53 Tyrell Washington Charles Alverez 4/12/95 D33NE Stream Characteristic: USGS # Date: Drainage Area (mi2): Summer 7Q10 (cfs): Winter 7Q10 (cfs): Average Flow (cfs): 30Q2 (cfs): IWC (%): MAY 3 • 1995 TIDAL NA NA D. E. ICA. Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Past wasteload for Qw = 0.225 MGD recommended BPJ limits for BOD5/NH3N of 15/4 with DO (minimum) = 6.0 mg/1 in order to minimize dicharge impacts on this area of the Scuppernong near where documented water quality problems already exist. Current recommendation is for same BPJ limits for 0.3 MGD in light of persistent low DO levels in the receiving waters, lower than levels that could be attributed to swamp waters. Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: /%'' 1kJ 7t1 4-1 vi �G' 1 Tvt,Al oG it�5if 44 f /yl Ai .eot)Gi fui T5 1G 11oi gorJE 4fcaoy. Recommended by: Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: Lim.` CLIP Date: 6 /2 (,0/�15 Date: b(//?S--- 7/%- RETURN TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT BY: JUN 2 8 1995 Date: ti 2 Fxisting Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1): Fecal Co1. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (141): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): Recommended Limits: Wasteflow (MGD): BOD5 (mg/1): NH3N (mg/1): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/1) Fecal Co1. (/100 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (4/1): TP (mg/1): TN (mg/1): CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Qw = 0.150 MGD Monthly Average Summer Winter 0.15 0.15 30 30 monitor monitor NL NL 30 30 200 200 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 monitor monitor monitor quarterly monitor quarterly Qw = 0.150 MGD Monthly Average Summer Winter 0.15 0.15 30 30 monitor monitor NL NL 30 30 200 200 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 monitor monitor monitor quarterly monitor quarterly h . D . T. • NONE Change in 1 Q10 data Change in stream classification Relocation 'of discharge Change in wasteflow Other (onsi$e toxicity study, interaction, etc.) Instream data New regulations/standards/procedures New facility information Qw = 0.225 MGD Monthly Average Summer Winter 0.225 0.225 15 15 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 30 30 200 200 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 28 28 monitor quarterly monitor quarterly Qw = 0.30 MGD Monthly Average Summer Winter 0.30 0.30 15 15 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 30 30 200 200 6.8-8.5 6.8-8.5 28 28 monitor quarterly monitor quarterly WQ or EL WQ WQ WQ EL EL EL EL Parameter(s) Affected _ Par eter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immedi to receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. 3 INSTREAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream Location: See Attachment Downstream Location: Parameters: Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Instream monitoring requirements should remain the same as in existing permit with the exception of depth stratified saampling, which should be done at 1.0 meter intervals, rather than 1.0 foot intervals in the water column. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy Existing Treatment Has the facility demonstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No If no, which parameters cannot be met? Woltild a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No If yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload 4ent to EPA? (Major) N (Y or N) (If yes, then attach updated evaluation of facility, including toxics analysis, modeling analysis if modeled at renewal, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? Y (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. The page from the existing permit outlining instream monitoring requirements is attached. F. DOWNSTREAM MONITORING REQURIEMENTS PHYSICAL; PARAMETERSt: Parameter Sample Tvoe Freauenc Dissolved Oxygen Instantaneous weekly Temperature Instantaneous weekly Conductivity Instantaneous weekly Salinity Instantaneous weekly pH Instantaneous * tThe above parameters shall be collected as grab samples at one-€osf intervals vertically throughout the water column. mer *pH shall be collected only when chlorophyll -a is collected. CHEMICAL PARAMETERS#: Parameter Freauenc TKN twice per month NH3 twice per month NO2 + NO3 twice per month Total Nitrogen twice per month Total Phosphorus twice per month Chlorophyll -a twice per month Fecal Coliform** twice per month # The above parameters, except Fecal Coliform, shall be collected via a spatial composite throughtout the photic zone (defined as twice the secchi depth). ** Fecal Coliform shall be collected grab sample approximately 6" below the surface. Samples shall be collected between June 1 and September 30 of each year. STATION LOCATIONS: (see attached map detailing locations) I) See location at end of pipe. 2) See upstream location on map. 3) See downstream location on map. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: Data entered on a form approved by the Division and summarized in an annual report due by January first of the year immediately following the summer period when sampling occurred. Yearly monitoring reports shall be sent to: Instream Assessment Unit DEM Water Quality Section PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 410 6x T -- . T _ yY- -4. .1- - T - - + - tiw _ + -r- — • ° u 11 n tl° 11 • - .. , -°- 4- -11 4- — - . -0- y 4+ Foul 6 x2 3 r Piling .• e- - tip- •"- - •+- - -110 } •r- _�- --a1.. _o" _"1�` -r- - .er- T _ _ -yl y' y- -- -W �- - - -- - �- _ - 4111- sieT - -4- - - _ T c- - tib _ e- T _ -0- - -0 -- •M- �. /0\ M` II- ye- 4 - 11 11- _ T -- til -810 '- ::1ipi 1141 T. T, tit - T• .410- 40ti 4- _T. d - -• - • 2 River Neck P - 4- ti' - -•- tit + } -' -0- -•'- -- T xz -.�,. +-- . - ti� - tiw _ ti- - - T - T - - ti•- .-- - - _ - - -0 ~- __ T- -'~ - - tir -- - ..�- _ -� — tir - .w (lac_ II \ - tiw -4- -0.- II -� T �-~_tii- 4, -- -.°- it - -M /t fh ►. -T tiW tih - •-' �- _ -- ... _ _ 4-- 0- r .--T T -' 71-_ - -1110 T- T. -'4' . 4• . �- -•- .40 -- _ .r - 0 T - r +- - - = _ X44.7 T - -+- -40. 40- -�-� - _.r- - 410 .i _-- -« -00 -910 tit. • - it \ 9 ec T •Y - • BM-4 T TT i gu u • ._� 4' • • 2 .•..- - ' -4- .� _ 4- - - --.- I` /� {_ - 1- _ -�F .•i - -0 tir . - -0 - - -.r + -0- -•1-4 :11�• -- -4- :- -0 _ -.1.. - -0 40 ,,,.- .�.. • 0 +- - ▪ - -0 -0- _- -0--.. - -0 - tie- _ _ tir -�- - 4- .1- _ -- ;. f• e-�` t- �s Piling, -tea- Win'. .80 _ f _ I 0 -. ,4 — ---r`-T - -�- -_ �M-- T. .4- -0 • .a•. - - �- - tiy.. ti- _ b 4 'r .r_ 11 ti_ T ti._ — T -- - ylip- .�.. b I -4- •.• w _ • - - + tip- 4' - - + _ - •- •- -4- _ + - - tiF- 410 - •- art 01 H • - •It- • -le- - • -1 ." -M .1- �► - -0- - .4.- .•- -1L- 1 7 - T -0 •.0 - . -- - 4110 + •O T a ° E) 0 -4 •b -�'- - -•11•+ tit • rl�..r- T_.. -�` 410 --''- T \O • 4r - -• 7..._-0::: - ::::..... M�-- - - - -0tiw -0- '- „ • • tir �• M - T - - _ _ T 5 - _ 1- tit- - ▪ - R - - - '- - - - .r.. - -1.- .► _ 4. -- - _4 _ 14 1- _4_ _ -ter- '�_ - •- _•� - 4, •a- !_. -4- _ -t'-' -i- .- _ 01 04 e) W 0 0 'a• 0 64 t1/