HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020338_Permit Modification_20100406NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NC0020338 Yadkinville WWTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Speculative Limits Correspondence Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: April 6, 2010 This documezit is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the resrerase :side Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor ATA ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Director Secretary NYr. Thomas Gray, ORC Town of Yadkinville 213 Van Buren Street P.O. Drawer 816 Yadkinville, North Carolina 27055-0816 April 6, 2010 Subject: NPDES Permit Correction Permit No. NC0020338 Yadkinville WWTP Yadkin County Dear Mr. Gray: Division persp nnel have reviewed and corrected an effluent parameter that was limited in the final permit issued bn December 29, 2009. Specifically, the following correction has been made in the attached efflue t page. • The parameter "total phenolic compounds" was erroneously limited with monthly average and daily maximum limits of 4 ug/L. A review of the data analysis indicated that the water quality standard for chlorinated phenolic compounds was used to evaluate the total phenolic compounds data. Upon further evaluation and using the appro riate federal criteria for total phenolic compounds in the reasonable potential analysis, it was determined that there was no reasonable potential for the criteria to be exceeded instream. Therefore, the limit for total phenolic compounds was incorrectly given. The monthly average and daily maximum limits for total phenolic compounds will be removed from the final permit. In addition, there was an evaluation for chlorinated phenolic compounds based on submitted priority pollutant data and using the North Carolina water quality standard of 1 ug/1 for streams classified as water supply. All the submitted data was below detection and the results of the analysis indicated no reasonable' potential to exceed the standard for chlorinated phenolic compounds instream. Based on this inform+tion, there should be no limit or monitoring for chlorinated phenolic compounds. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 1919-807-6492\ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer NonrthCarolina Xaturaiij Yadkinville will continue to monitor for chlorinated phenolic compounds in the required annual priority pollutant tests for evaluation during the next permit renewal. The facility will continue to monitor for total phenolic compounds (or phenol) in the pretreatment long term monitoring plan. Please replace the existing effluent page with the new attached page and discard the old effluent page. This permit correction is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this permit is not transferable. The Division may require modification revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act, or any other Federal or Local governmental permits may be required. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jacquelyn Nowell at telephone number (919) 807-6386. Sine rely, 0/14 leen H. Sullins / Attachment cc: EPA/Region IV (ecopy)) Winston-Salem Regional Office/Surface Water Protection Section (ecopy) ESS/Aquatic Toxicology Unit (ecopy) Technical Assistance and Certification Unit (ecopy) ESS/Carrie Ruhlman (ecopy) PERCS/Attn: Monti Hassan (ecopy) NPDES File/NC0020338 Central Files Permit No. NC0020338 A. (1) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS - FINAL During the pexiod beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from ot}tfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT I CHARACTERISTICS DISCHARGE LIMITATIONS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Weekly Average • Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency Sample Type Sample Locations Flow 2.5 MGD Continuous Recording Influent or Effluent BOD, 5-day, 20°C (April 1 — October 31)2 16.0 mg/L 24.0 mg/L . 3/week Composite Influent & Effluent BOD, 5-day, 20°C I (November 1— March 331)2 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 3/week Composite Influent & Effluent Total Suspended Solids2 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 3/week Composite Influent & Effluent NH3-N (April 1— October 31) 2.0 mg/L 6.0 mg/L 3/week Composite Effluent NH3-N (November 1 — March 31) 4.0 mg/L 12.0 mg/L 3/week Composite Effluent Dissolved Oxygen3 3/week Grab Effluent, U, D pH4 3/week Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorines 28 µg/L 3/week Grab Effluent Temperature oC Daily Grab Effluent Temperature °C 3/week Grab U, D Fecal Coliform 200/100 ml 400/100 ml 3/week Grab Effluent, U, D Oil and Grease I Quarterly Grab Effluent Conductivity 3/week Grab Effluent, U, D Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Weekly Composite • Effluent Total Phosphorus • Weekly Composite Effluent Total Copper 1 2/Month Composite Effluent Cyanide6 1 10 µg/L 22 µg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Total Mercury 24 ng/L 24 ng/L 2/Month Grab Effluent Total Zinc 2/Month Composite Effluent Chronic Toxicity? Quarterly Composite Effluent NOTES: 1. U: upstream at the Old U.S. 421 crossing. D: downstream at the NCSR 1510 crossing and at the NCSR 1146 crossing; Upstream and downstream samples shall be grab samples collected 3/Week during the months of June, July, August, and September and Weekly during the remaining months of the year. 2. The monthly av age effluent BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of their respective influ t value (85% removal). 3. The daily average dissolved oxygen concentration in the effluent shall not be less than 5.0 mg/L. 4. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units or greater than 9.0 standard units. 5. The Division shall consider all effluent total residual chlorine values reported below 50 µg/1 to be in compliance with the permit. However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 µg/1. 6. The quantitation level for cyanide (CN) shall be 10 µg/L. CN levels reported as less than 10 µg/L shall be considered zero for compliance purposes. 7. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F @ 50%; January, April, July, and October, See condition A(2) of the Supplement to Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Section of this permit. THERE SHALL BE NO DISCHARGE OF FLOATING SOLIDS OR VISIBLE FOAM IN OTHER THAN TRACE AMOUNTS. ADDENDUM TO FACTSHEET COMMENTS RECEIVED ON DRAFT PERMIT 9/24/2009 - TOWN OF YADKINVILLE REQUESTED MONTHLY MONITORING FOR MERCURY INSTEAD OF WEEKLY, AS GIVEN IN THE PERMIT. NOTED THAT HG VALUES HAD BEEN LOW FOR SEVERAL YEARS AND REQUESTED SOME RELIEF ON MONITORING FREQUENCY- DWQ RESPONSE- BASED ON CONSULTATION WITH EPA AND NPDES SUPERVISOR WILL RECOMMEND 2/MONTH MONITORING FOR MERCURY. AFTER 24 SAMPLES HAVE BEEN COT .T .FETED, UPON WRITTEN REQUEST FROM YADKINVILLE, WILL REEVALUATE HG DATA WITH RPA AND DETERMINE IF HG LIMIT IS STILL NEEDED. TALKED WITH TOM GRAY, ORC FOR YADKINVIT I .F AND HE CONCURRED WITH THE 2/M0 SAMPLING MOD. WILL CORRECT HG LIMIT FROM 24 UG/L TO 24 NG/L WILL CHANGE ALL WEEKLY AVERAGE LIMITS FOR METALS' TO MONTHLY AVERAGE LIMITS BASED ON CHANGE IN NC NPDES PROCEDURE FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LIMITS. THIS WILL INCLUDE CYANIDE AND TOTAL MERCURY. PHENOLS ALREADY HAD A MONTHLY AVERAGE LIMIT. THE WEEKLY AVERAGE LIMIT FOR PHENOLS WILL BE CHANGED TO A DAILY MAXIMUM LIMIT. THE SAMPLE TYPE FOR MERCURY AND PHENOLS WILL BE CHANGED FROM COMPOSITE TO GRAB. JACKIE NO WELL 12/22/2009 AMENDMENT TO FACTSHEET- 3/26/2010 HAVE RECEIVED INFORMATION AND COMMENTS FROM THE PERM111 .LE ABOUT THE TOTAL PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS LIMIT OF 4 UG/L THE PHENOLS LIMIT IS SO TIGHT THAT THERE ARE PROBLEMS ASSIGNING PRETREATMENT LIMITS TO THE SIUS THAT DISCHARGE PHENOL AFTER REVIEWING THE DATA, IT WAS DETERMINED THAT TOTAL PHENOLS DATA IVAS SUBMIIT ED ON THE DMRS, AND THE STANDARD FOR TOTAL CHLORINATED PHENOLS (1 UG/L) WAS USED IN THE RPA AND RP WAS SHOWN TO EXCEED THE CHLORINATED PHENOLS STANDARD. IN ORDER TO CORRECT THIS, THE TOTAL PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS DATA WAS EVALUATED USING THE TOTAL PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS CRITERIA OF 300 UG/L THERE WAS NO REASONABLE POTENTIAL TO EXCFED TOTAL PHENOLS IN STREAM, THEREFORE NO LIMIT OR MONITORING SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN THE PERMIT. TOTAL PHENOLS WILL CONTINUE TO BE MONITORED IN THE PRETREATMENT PROGRAM. THERE WAS CHLORINATED PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS DATA FROM 4 PPAS SUBMTI I ED BY YADKINVII .1 .F. ALL DATA WAS BELOW DETECTION AND WAS EVALUATED USING THE NC CHLORINAI ED PHENOLS STANDARD OF 1 UG/L THERE WAS NO REASONABLE POTENTIAL TO EXCEED THE CHLORINATED PHENOLICS COMPOUND STANDARD. NO LIMIT OR MONITORING WILL BE REQUIRED IN THE PERMIT. A CORRECTION LE 11 ER WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE FACILITY REMOVING THE TOTAL PHENOLS SIT OF UG/ FRO THE PERMIT. NAME/Q�C , ' DATE 1/ �'/o / Yadkinville Fact Sheet NPDES Renewal Page 5 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Yadki villa WWTP NC0020338 Time Period 1/2006-6/2009 Ow (MGD) 2.5 7010S (cfs) 3.9 7010W (cfs) 10 3002 (cfs) 12.3 Avg. Stream Flow, OA (cfs) 35.9 Rec'ving Stream North DeepCreek WWTP Class IV IWC (%) ® 7010S 49.839 ® 7010W 27.928 0 3002 23.957 ® OA 9.7423 Stream Class WS-IV Outfall 001 Qw=2.5MGD PARAMETER TYPE I11 STANDARDS & CRITERIA (2) PQL Units REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS RECOMMENDED ACTION NCW09/ Monk KFAV/ Acute n fD.t lit xAsdQv AOowsbi,Cw Acute: N/A Arsenic C 10 ug/L 30 0 2.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _All values below detection level._ _ _ _ _ _... Chronic: 103 No RP shown to exceed the chronic albwabte cone. No limit or monitoring In permit. Continue in LIMP Acute: N/A Aluminum C 6500.0 ug+L 29 19 398.0 _ __ ________-___ _ ____--- Chronic: 66,719 No RP shown t0 exceed the Chronic allowable cone No limit or monitoring In permit. Acute: 15 Ail values below detection level. _ —7- — CadmiumNC 2 15 uglL 30 0 0.5 No RP toexceed the chronic or acute afowable cone _ _ Chronb: _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 No limit or monitoring In permit Continue in LTMP Acute: 1,022 Chromium NC 50 1,022 ug/L 30 0 2.5 All values below detection level. _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ Chronic: ---100 _ __ _-- No RP t0 exceed the chromic or acute a towable cone No Limit or monitoring In permit Continue in LTMP I Acute: 7 Copper is NC action level standard. C°PPefl NC 7 Al. 7.3 ug/L 88 86 69.3 RP Is shown to exceed chronic and acute allowable Dons. 1 Chronic: --_ _ __ 14 However b/c no tardttity testing Giures in past 5 years, Cu not thought to be causative. Continue 2/mo monitoring Acute: 22 Cyantdo NC 5 N 22 10 ug/L 152 21 50.4 _ _____ __ _ _-_-_ — ___ _---- Chronic: 10 RP ks shown to exceed chronic and acute allowable cones. Recommend wk avg and da max limits in permit Acute: N/A Fluoride NC 1,800 ug/L 144 144 2,280.0 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ —_—_— _ _ ___ Chronic: 3,612 No RP shown to exceed the chronic atiowable cone. No Itmit or mandating in permit Acute: 34 Lead NC 25 N 33.8 ug/L 151 0 2.5 _ _ _--_ __ All values below detection Level. _ _ _ _ _--_— Chronic: 50 No RP to exceed the chronic or acute allowable cone. No limit or monitoring in permit. Continue in LTMP Acute: WA Mercury NC 12 2.0000 ng/L 30 30 48,0240 _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __— _ _--__ Chronic: ___ 24 _ APIs shown to exceed chronic allowable concentration Recommend weekly avg limit In the permit. Acute: N/A Molybdenum A 3,500 ug/L 0 0 WA _ ._ _10 - ---------_---------------_—.----- Chronic: 14,6 Acute: 261 Nickel NC 88 261 ug/L 30 1 96.7 _ _____ __ _Nearlyall values below detection level._ _ _ _--_— Chronic: 177 No RP to exceed the chronic or acute allowable conc. No limit or monitoring in permit. Continue in LTMP Acute: WA Total Phenolics A 300 N ug/L 30 4 261.5 _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---- — Chronic: 1,252 No RP shown to exceed chronic allowable concentration. i Acute: 56 Selenium NC 5.0 56 ug/L 30 0 5.0 values below detection level. _ _ _ __—__ Chronlc: __ 10 _All _-- No RP to exceed the chronic or acute allowable cone No limit or monitoring in permit Continue in LTMP Acute: 1 Silver NC 0.06 Al. 1.23 ugfl. 87 1 15.6 Silver Is NC action level standard. Nearly ail values B_DL— _ __—__-- Chronic: 0 Although RP shown not believed t0 exceed w. Conalloe. No limit or mortitodng recommended per BPJ Acute: 67 Zinc is NC action level standard. Zinc NC 50 AL 67 ug/L 87 87 321.0 RP Is shown to exceed chronic and acute aliow_abte cones. _ _ - Chronic: _ _ _ ..... 100 However b/c no toxicity testiailuIn ng fres past 5 years, Zn not thought to be causative. Continue 2/mo monitoring • Legend: C = Carcinogenic NC = Non•carcinogenlc A = Aesthetic •• Freshwater Discharge 20338totalphenolscorrected.xls, rpa 2/5/2010 NC0020338 - Yadkinville REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 12 Total Phenolics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Date Jan-2007 Apr-2007 JuI-2007 Oct-2007 Jan-2008 Apr-2008 JuI-2008 Oct-2008 Jan-2009 Data BDL=1/2DL �.i r► i Results 10 5.0 Std Dev. 12.2526 10 5.0 Mean 8.4800 10 5.0 C.V. 1.4449 10 5.0 n 30 10 5.0 10 5.0 Muit Factor = 3.7900 10 5.0 Max. Value 69.0 ug/L 23 23.0 Max. Pred Cw 261.5 ug/L 21 21.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 11.4 11.4 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 69 69.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 10 5.0 20338totalphenolscorrected.xls, data -1 - 2/5/2010 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Yadki Iville WWTP NC002 338 Time Period 1/2006-6/2009 Ow (MGD) 2.5 7010S (cfs) 3.9 7010W (cfs) 10 3002 (cfs) 12.3 Avg. Stream Flow, OA (cfs) 35.9 Rec'ving Stream North DeepCreek WWTP Class IV 1WC (%) @ 7010S 49.839 @ 7010W 27.928 ® 3002 23.957 0 OA 9.7423 Stream Class WS-IV Outfall 001 Qw = 2.5 MGD PARAMETER TYPE n1 STANDARDS & CRITERIA (2) POL Units REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS RECOMMENDED ACTION NCW03/ 1SFAY / Chronic Awl n SDot ilex Prod Cw Alkonthis CW ArsentF C 10 ug/L 30 0 2.5 Acute: N/A _ —•—•—_ —_ Chronic: 103 All vatues below detection level.__________.___ No RP shown to exceed the chronic allowable conc. No limit or monitoring in permit Continue to LTMP Aluminum C 6500.0 ug/L 29 19 398.0 Acute: NIA ____ ______ Chronic: 66,719 __ ____ ______ No RP shown to exceed the chronic allowable conc. No limit or monitoring In permit. Cadmium NC 2 15 ug/L 30 0 0.5 Acute: 15 _ _ _ Chronic: •-- 4 •-- All values below detection level_______._______ No RP to exceed the chronic or acute allowable conc. No Itmit or monitoring in permit Continue in LTMP Chromium NC 50 1,022 ug/L 30 0 2.5 Acute: 1,022 _-___ __ Chronic: 100 All values below detection level.___ __—_—•— No RP to exceed the chronic or acute allowable conc. No limit or monttodng to permit Continue in LTMP Coppe • NC 7 AL 7.3 ug/L 88 86 69.3 Acute: 7 ................ _ _ _ Chronic: • 14 Copper Is NC action level standard. RP is shown to exceed chronic and acute allowableconcs. However b/c no to:dcity testing failures in past 5 years, Cu not thought to be causative. Continue 2/mo monitoring Cyanide NC 5 N 22 10 ugfl. 152 21 50.4 Acute: 22 ___•— Chronic: 10_ _e _owt_exce—e_c_ro_C _andacu_e_ow_ab__cons_•— RP Recommend wk avg and da max limits in permit Fluoride NC 1,800 ug/L 144 144 2,280.0 Acute: N/A _ _•_ _ __ Chronic: 3,612 _ _ _ —• _ _ _ __—_—_— No RP shown to exceed the chronic allowable con. No Limit or monitoring in permit. Lead NC 25 N 33.8 ug+L 151 0 2.5 Acute: 34 _ _ _ • — _ _ Chronic: • 50 Alt values below detection level.____________._ No RP to exceed the chronic or acute allowable cons No limit or monitoring in permit Continue to LTMP Mercury l NC 12 2.0000 ng/L 30 30 48.0240 Acute: N/A _ — __ __—-- Chronic: 24 _•—•_•— _•___ _ _•—•— _ _•— RP is shown to exceed chronic allowable concentration. Recommend weekly avg limit In the permit. Molybdenum A 3,500 ug/L 0 0 N/A Acute: N/A _ _ __ _ _ Chrontc: 14,610 -----•---------------------_—•--- Nickel NC 88 261 ug/L 30 1 96.7 Acute: 261 _ _ _ _ __ Chronic: •—•177 geartyall values below detection level.—•—•—•—_—_— No RP to exceed the chronic or acute allowable conc. No limit or monitoring in permit. Continue in LTMP Chlorinated phenols A 1 N ug/L 4 0 Note: ne12 Umtted data 14.6 set Acute: N/A _ ___ Chronic: • ____ _Mn_madatpo_fo_R_A. R_show_to_xceed chroric_ but all data below detection. Selenium NC 5.0 56 ug4L 30 0 5.0 Acute: 56 _ _ _•— __ Chronic: 10 All values below detection level._________._.___ No RP to exceed the chronic or acute allowable conc. No limit or monitoring in permit Continue in LTMP Silver NC 0.06 AL 1.23 ug/L 87 1 15.6 Acute: 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Chronic: 0 Silver is NC action level standard. Nearty all values BDn_L_ Although RP shown not believed to exceed allow. Co No limit or monitoring recommended per BPJ Zinc NC 50 Al- 67 ug/L 87 87 321.0 Acute: 67 _ _ _ Chronic: ---100 Zlnc Is NC action level standard. RP is shown to exceed chronic and acute allowable cons. However b/c no tmdcity testing failures in past 5 years, Zn not thought to be causative. Continue 2/mo monitoring ' Legend: C = Carcinogenic NC = Non -carcinogenic A = Aesthetic " Freshwater Discharge 20338chlorinatedphenolscmrrrected.xls, rpa 2/5/2010 NC0020338 - Yadkinville REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS 12 13 Chlorinated phenols 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Date Data L8L UUO Oct-2007 Oct-2008 Oct-2009 10 5 5.1 5 BDL=1/2DL Results 5.0 Std Dev. 2.5 Mean 2.6 C.V. 2.5 n 1.2419 1 3.1375 2 0.3958 3 4 4 5 Mult Factor = 2.9200 6 Max. Value 5.0 ug/L 7 Max. Pred Cw 14.6 ug/L 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 20338chlorinatedphenolscorrected.xls, data - 1 - 2/5/2010 OF YADlw'L es THE TOWN OF yadknvitCe Jackie, On the phenol limit, we could not find a lab to go low enough (4 ugl). I've contacted the Winston Salem office and spoke with Steve Tedder. He said to set the detection limit at 5 ugl. We have found a lab that will go down to a 5 ugl. We are checking the industries and influent to help us find the source that is causing the problem with phenol. We are asking that you give a lead way until we can find the source and resolve the issue. Any help in this situation would greatly be appreciated. If you have any questions, you may contact me at (336) 679-2184 or (336) 518-4507. Thank you, Tom Gray Town of Yadkinville Waste Water Treatment Plant 213 Van Buren Street • P.O. Box 816 • Yadkinville, NC 27055. (336) 679-8732 • (336) 679-6151 fax www.yadkinville.org Fron: 02/03/2010 16:30 4322 P.001/003 TOWN of YADKINVILLE Public Works Facility a6�F YN` Y 111E SEALS "A Town In Progress" Date: .Z J 3 Ji ) Number of Pages: -3 (Including Cover Page) To: jpc�ue (yN NNt.1I From: C--02ANT T w E 1TE Fax #: Town of Yadkinville Fax #: (336) 677-1199 OUrgent OPer Your Request OFor Your Information OPlease Reply For Your Review (& Comments) Comments: -TAL ue kin/. 4404'0 vkik LtaL mdha& Ca as R P ►4 9 ✓he m cQ z{ ZU ow2 QU.Ar v rCy S 1t.n57c.vQ Post Office Drawer 816 Telephone: (336) 679-2990 Yadkinville, North Carolina 27055-0816 Fax: (336) 677-1199 From: 02/03/2010 16:30 11322 P.002/003 -Dana Original Messge Subject:Yadkinville Date:Tue, 26 Feb From:Dana Folley To:Shannon Ad CC:Perry Willi <Jenifer.Cart A 008 12:12:20 -0500 Dana.Follencm ail.net> <yadkinlab@ahotmail. com> s (yadkinville) <pwilliamsRvadkinville.org>, Jenifer Carter cmail.net>, Monti Hassan <Monti.Hassan®ncmail.net> Hey, Shannon, once main I'm ridiculously late in providing these review comments...I do apologize. Overall, your,8/22/07 HWA looks good. But I did find a few mistakes - see the attached spreadsheets. I also still need some final documentation. Please reply to the following by March 31, 2008. I'm turning this over to Monti since he oversees your program and he's getting good at HWA reviews, so send your reply to him. 'Design: I still need documentation of your WWTP Design Influent Criteria. Have you tried to find these? Do you lave an O&M Manual? or any documents from the WWTP Design? Or can you contact the Design engineers? 2. Sludge: The sludge permit you submitted expired in 2004. Please submit the current one. Also, I need the pages from 'our sludge annual report, along with any calculations, that show how you got the sludge to disposal flow and percent solids values. 3. Arsenic: added the NC WQS. 4. Copper: corrected the removal rate source. 5. Phenols: The NC Water Quality Standard for phenols for Water Supply streams is 1 ug/l or 0.001 mg/1. Changing this ii your HWA shows over allocation. But this standard actually applies to "chlorinated phenols" - those analyzed for by EPA Method 625 - located in the "acid -extractable compounds" section on page 2 of the DWQ "Annual Monitoring and Pollutant Scan" reporting form. I found your scans for 10/07, 10/06, and 10/03 in our DWQ Central Files and the chlorinated phenols are all below detection. The phenols I a$sume you do as part of your LTMP and at your SIUs is the "total phenolic compounds" with EPA Method 420.1, located in the "metals (total recoverable), cyanide and total phenols" section of the DWQ annual scan form. Please confirm this with your lab and your SIUs, and let us know. Assuming this i the case, NC DWQ Planning has provided DWQ PERCS with a water quality protection value of 0.3 mg/1 for this type of "total phenolics." I revised your spreadsheet to list both of these phenols categories, which resolves the over allocation. 6. Lead: corrected, the literature inhibition criteria. 7. Uncontrollable Issues: Somehow, the SIU flows you used in your mass balance did not match those in your SIU flow summary sheet, so I corrected these. This changed you uncontrollable flow slightly. Also, somehow he influent mg/1 in the mass balance did not match the average influents from your removal rate spreadsheet....like in some cases they were way off, like phosphorus. I corrected these, and then re -chose your uncontrollable concentrations to be used in your HWA. . .&Removal Rate Spreadsheet Printout: Your submission didn't include the pages with the 2/2/06-4/18/06 pages for several! parameters. Also, you may find the printout easier if you do the following on the "sheet" page of " age set-up." Then submit a new printout with your final submission. 1. enter "1: " in "rows to repeat" 2. enter "a:a" in "columns to repeat" 3. choose "Orint row and column headings" 4. choose "down and over" yanide: I noticed you are having violations of your NPDES limit for cyanide. Please submit a summary of your activities taken to resolve these violations. Have you tried the following? 2 From: 02/03/2010 16:31 #322 P.003/003 1. Carefully review your sample techniques with your lab, including all the interferences and ways to neutralize these. Do this with your SIUs too. 2. Collect find preserve a grab each day of the week. Have the lab analyze the first day's sample. If it shows a violation of the weekly average limit, have the lab analyze the rest - hopefully they average will be below 10 ug/1. Have fun, and of course as always feel free to ask any questions...ask Monti first, and he'll ask me if he needs to. -Dana NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Quality 585 Waughtown street Winston-Salem, NC 2r7107 Voice: (336) 771-49 7 FAX: (336) 771-4630� 3