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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0800186_GEO THERMAL_20100326RA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beveriy Eaves Perdue Governor James Williams Vickie Williams 5441 Blue Clay Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Coleen H. Sullins Director 3i26/2010 Subject: Aclmowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0800186 5441 Blue.Clay Road Castle Hayne, NC 28429 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Williams: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program that was received on 3i10/2010, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed-loop geothermal water- only injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at 5441 Blue Clay Road, Castle Hayne, . New Hanover County, NC 28429. This system is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .021 l(u)(2)). However, it is.recommended that you contact the New Hanover County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. If you have any questions please call me at (919) 715-6166. Sincerely, o~&-~ ~1chael Rogers cc: Wilmington Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0800186 New Hanover County Health Dept. Environmental Specialist GPU-Aquifer Protection Section Nate Care (O'Brien Heating & Air) 3308 Enterprise Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Ra leigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location : 2728 Capital Boulevard , Rale igh . North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919 -73 3-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588 ; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 \ Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmative Action Employe r NOnehC 1· ort aro 1na JVatura/~lf Permit Number WI0800186 Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name James and Vickie Williams SFR Location Address 5441 Blue Clay Rd Castle Hayne Owner Owner Name James Dates/Events NC 28429 Williams Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 03/26/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Nate Carr Contractor Heat Pump 3308 Enterprise Dr Wilmington NC Major/Minor Minor Region Wilmington County New Hanover Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation James Williams 5441 Blue Clay Rd Castle Hayne NC 28405 28429 Orig Issue 03/26/10 App Received Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Issue 03/26/10 Effective 03/26/10 Expiration 03/10/10 Re g ulated Activities Heat Pum p Injection Outfall l\~l. _ Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED -LOOP GEOTHERMAL WATER -ONLY INJECTION WELL SYSTEM: TYPE 5-OW WELL) S ) In Accordance with the provisions of NCAC Title 15A: 02C.0200, please complete this notification and mail to address on the back page (please Print or Tyne information). DATE: February 15. 2010 Well 7} pe Confirmation: Does the proposed system circulate potable water onlN (no additives) in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid from the environment (i.e, closed -loop)? Yes X Continue completing this form. No Do Not complete this form. Complete other UIC application forms for installing either a 5A7 well (open -loop well iniecting potable water into the aquifer) or a 5QM well (closed - loop well Containing additives such as R-22, ethanol, or other antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors). A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)IAPPLICANT(S) List each Property Owner listed on property deed (if owned by a business or government agency, state name of entity and a representative wlauthority for signature): James and Vickie Williams (1) (2) Mailing Address: 5441 Blue Cla4 Road City: Castle Havne State: NC Zip Code: 28429 County: New Hanover Home/Office Tele No.: 910- 675-3477 Cell No.: 910- 443-5999 Email Address: Website: Physical Address of Well Site (if different than above)_ City: State: Zip Code: Home/Office Tele No,: Cell No.: County: B. AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter from the property owner authorizing Agent to install and operate UIC well) Company Name: Contact Person: EMAIL Address: Address: City: State: Zip Code: County: Office Tele No.: Cell No.: Website Address of Company, if any: RECEIVED ! DENR 1 DVVQ Aquifer protecgon Seeflon GPUIUIC 5QW Notification of intent Form (Revised 812008) MAR 10 2M Page 1 C. WELL DRILLER INFORMATION Company Name: A pp lied Resource Manag ement. P.C. Well Driller Contractor's Name: """'H='-'. M'-=ic=h=a=el"-'S=a=g=e ________________ _ NC Contractor Certification No.: -----=2=5=-3-=-1--=--A=---------------------- Contact Person~: ~J=im~C-=-o=m=e=tt=e __________ =E=MA~I=L""'A~d=dr=e=ss=:--'J=im=-A~RM=@ ..... ~b~e=lls~o~u_th_.n_e_t __ Address: P.O. Box 882 City: Ham pstead Zip Code: 28443 County: __ .c:;P~e=n=de=r ________ _ Office Tele No.: 910-270-2919 Cell No .: 910-512-4890 D. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (if different than driller) Company Name: O'Brien Heating and Air Contact Person"-: -"-N=a=te=-C=arr:.:,._ __________ ---=E=MA=-"'I=L"--'A'--"-=d=dr=e=ss=:-"-N=a=te::c,;@=ob=r=ie=n=s=erv'--'--'-'ic=e"'"".c'""o=m=---- Address: 3308 Enterp rise Drive City: Wilmin gt on Zip Code: 28405 County : ---=-N"""e'""'w~H=a=no=-v""'e~r ______ _ Office Tele No.: 910-799-6611 E. STATUS OF APPLICANT Private: ____X__ State: Federal: Municipal: __ Cell No.: __________ _ Commercial: Native American Lands: F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used) Closed Loo p geothermal system. Water onl y. Grouted alon g the loo p's entire ly . G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (1) Proposed date to be constructed: ~2=/=24"""'/""""1.a.0 ______ Number of borings: _6 ___ _ Approximate depth of each boring (feet):_"'""'2=5-=-0_' ______ _ (2) Type of tubing to be used (copper, PVC, etc): --=H=D=P~Ec,..._ __________ _ (3) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a.) Yes ill: (b .) No below) (a) Yes ___ if yes, then provide casing information below Type: __ galvanized steel __ black steel_plastic __ other (specify) Casing depth: From ___ to ___ feet (reference to land surface) Casing extends to above ground ___ inches (b) No X (4) Grout Info (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): (a) (b) (c) Grout type: Neat Cement__ Bentonite Other (specify) _T=h=e=rm=e=x __ Grout placement: Pumping__ Pressure Other Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): from 0 to 250 (feet) If well has casing, indicate grout depth: from ____ to ____ (feet) GPU/UIC 5QW Notification oflntent Form (Revised 8/2008) Page2 H. INJECTION -RELATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the engineering layout or proposed modificatiou of the injection equipment and extcri+ar pipingltubing associated with the injection op= -at an. The manufacturer's brochure may provide supplementary information. 11. LOCATION OF WELLS) Attach two copies of maps showing the following information: (1) include a Site Map (oaa be drawn) showing: buildings, property lines, sw&cc w:stcr bodies, potential sources of groundwater epntamination and the orientstion of and distances between the proposed well(s) and any existing wells) or waste disposal facilities such as septic tanks or drain fields located within 2100 fcct of the geotherma3 heat pump wall system. Label all features clearly and include a north arrow. (2) The Site Map must show the subject property in relation to the surrounding area by using at least two fixed rcfercucx points such as roads, streams, and/or highway intersections. J. CERTIFICATION Note: This Permit Application must he signed by each person appearing on the recorded legal property deed. —1 hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and 41 attachments thereto and than, based on nay inquiry of those individuals immcdiattly responmble for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and irr0sonment. for submitting faisc Wormafion. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, avid if applicable, abandon the injection well and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditioux of the Permit" r Signet of Property wncr/Applicant Print or Type Full Name and -title Signature of Property Owner/Applicant V'I' Q � X- Wi iLO ens Print or Type FulrName and title Signature of Authorized Agent. if any Print or Type Full Nnme and title Please return two copies of the completed Application package to: North Carolina DENR DWQ Aquifer Protection Section-UTC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 i L-EIVED) I )ENR + DWD Telephone (919) 715-6935 Aquifer Protamiort Sedon GPUNIC 5QW Nodf:caeon of Iaten[ Form [Rovjsa3 8/2008) MAR 10 200 %v; SOS/SOS 6 V89S 661 016(xdI ) 01 33IA63S N3Ideo 0 81 'E2 (11HIM02-liD-d1fH New Hanover County Page 1 of 1 New Hanover County Profile Sales Residentia$ Commercial f,IisC. Improvements Permits Land Values Agr oaltural Sketch Full Legal ExernpUons Sub-parcel(s) info Original Parcel Info ■ Parcel Map I CONTACT US j HELP NHC Tax HarRe � Reg6-ter of Deeds Home Horne Property Records Owner Address Parcel ID Advanced PARIQ: R01300-008-004-003 WILLIAMS LAMES III REV LIV TR Aerials R r F nn FW11 5441 BLUE CLAY RD CURRENT RECORD R 1 7 of 35 M N f Return to Search Results r ��` Orb- r t 0 i List G I S Data Up date: 4-J a n-20 10 Data Copyright New Hanover County [Disclaimer] [Privacy Policy] Last Upolated: 01 Mar 2010 1 Site ❑eslgn Copyright 1999-2006 Akanda Group LLC. All rights reserved.►s/MapDatalet.aspx?slndex=0&idx=7&LMparent=20 3l512010 New Hanover County Page 1 of 1 I CONTACT US I HELP New Hanover County NHC Tax Home > Register ot Deeds Home Home Property Records Owner Address Parcel ID Advanced ► Profile Sales Residential Commercial Misc. Improvements Permits Land Values Agricultural Sketch Full Legal Exemptions Sub-parcel(s) Info Original Parcel Info Parcel Map PARID: ROU00-008-004-003 WILLIAMS JAMES Ill REV LIV TR Parcel Alt ID 324105.08.6757.000 Address 5441 BLUE CLAY RD Unit City CASTLE HAYNE Zip Code Neighborhood 2000 Class RES-Residential Land Use Code Living Units Acres Zoning Legal Legal Description Tax District 10-1 Fam Res 1 1.09 R-15-RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ( 1.08 ACRES) PT TR 7 HUTAFF LAND FD ~--------~ Owners Owner City WILLIAMS JAMES Ill REV LIV TR CASTLE HAYNE State Country Zip NC 28429 THE DATA IS FROM 2009 5441 BLUE CLAY RD CURRENT RECORD M ◄ I 7 of 35 j ► H I Return to Search Results I 8 Printable Summary 8 Printable Version Data Copyright New Hanover County [Disclaimer] [Privacy Policy] Last Updated: 01 Mar 2010 Site Design Copyright 1999-2006 Akanda Group LLC. All rights reserved. http:/ /etax.nhcgov_com/F orms/Datalets.aspx?mode=PROFILEALL&slndex=0&idx=7 &LM. .. 3/5/2010 Approximate Property Lines Approximate Building Perimeter Approximate Closed Loop Locations Existing Well Location N i Notes; 1. Subject property serviced by private well and off -site septic system. 2. Well locations are approximate and will be ❑ minimum of 20' apart and 25' from the building. 3. Adapted from Google Earth and New Hanover County GIS Map, March 2010. TITLE: SITE MAP FIGURE: :.lied Resource Management Fc 5441 BLUE CLAY ROAD PO. Box 882, Hompstead, NC 28443JOB; SCALE; DATE; DRAWN BY: (910) 270 2919 FAX 270 2988 Williamst As Shown 31411 U DNH W it M r7-Ld&. , - Approximate Property Lines s -j 1A VIV. „f 41 Ash Note: Adapted from Google Earth and New Hanover County GI5 Map, March 2010. TITLE: OVERALL SITE MAP FIGURE: 7 s vlied IZeoource Management FC 5441 BLUE CLAY ROAD ❑mpsteu JOB: SCALE: !DATE: !DRAWN BY: [910) 270-2919 FAX 270-2988 Williams As Shown f 3/4j 10 DNH