HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8960615_COMPLIANCE_19960717STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ T APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE- & � ] YYYYM M DD -7 777 ..r ,....� ENGINEERING Stocks and Tripp, Consulting Engineers 211 North Fifth Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Attn: Mr. Phil Tripe Ref Infiltration Evaluation Yarborough Transfer Property Wilmington, North Carolina Job No. 934-96 Dear Mr. Tripp: 7650 MARKET STREET MLMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405 April 15, 1996 OFFICE: 910-686-9114 FAX: 910-686-9666 S����[NA�E� D E C E I V E JUN 171996 D PROJ # _?WM0C01S Soil Tech Engineering, Inc. has recently conducted an evaluation of the existing subsurface conditions at the Yarborough Transfer site located on Highway 421 north of Wilmington, North Carolina. As requested, representatives recently visited the site to investigate the subsurface conditions within the proposed retention pond area. The subsurface conditions were investigated by drilling and sampling the eXI'sting soils to a depth of approximately 16 feet below the ground surface. During the investigation, groundwater was encountered at elevation 89, While on -site. Our re- .-sen*ative connducted an infiitration s#.udy of the rate of the cljbs>!r-F—p conditions at approximately elevation 92, This elevation is above the present design retention pond bottom because of the minimum separation above the seasonal high groundwater table. From our investigation, we estimate that the seasonal highwater table is approximately elevation 90. Our infiltration testing indicates that a maximum rate of 15-17 inches per hour should be used for design of the retention pond. Yarborough Transfer Wilmington, North Carolina Page Two Attached please find the results of our field and laboratory testing and a sketch of the areas tested. If you have any questions, please contact us. Very truly yours, SOIL TECH ENGINEERING �G1, ttb Parks A. Downing, Jr. Manager James Pate, P.E. PADjr;JP/ml 934a4-15 Attachments SUBSURFACE PROFILE YARBOROUGH STATION 0.0 - LEGEND SAND 5.0 10.0 15.0 - 20.0 aS �� [Yarborough Trudci ng , W4 wi1nriru on, Nbrth Carolina Job No. 934-96 Approximate location of retention pond Building N.C. tWY 421 SOI A DENOTES LOCATION OF INFILTRATIGU TE5TI11C-1 Fmgbf Yarborough Trucking Wi 1 rd ngtcn, North Carol i na LOCATION: DEPTH: (FT) 51E VE SIZE #10 440 980 #200 PERCENT MOISTURE: SOIL DESCRIPTION GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS YARBOROUGH TRUCKING FACILITY WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA JOB NO. 934-96 #1 #2 8.0' 13.0' PASSING, BY WEIGHT 100,0 1000 85.6 55.7 5.6 9.5 1.1 2.3 5.8% 4.0% Light Tan Cream/White/Gray Fine to Medium Mixed Fine to SAND Medium SANND