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SW8080907_HISTORICAL FILE_20081008
r STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. I SW8 Mo` o-Z DOC TYPE I ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS N HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE I 2-a obb 1005 YYYYM M DD Permit Number SW8080907 Program Category State SW Permit Type State Stormwater Primary Reviewer chris.baker Permitted Flow Facility Name USMC AAV Company Location Address Courthouse Rd Camp Lejeune NC 28547 Owner Name Commanding Officer US Marine Corps - Camp Lejeune Central Files. APS SWP 10108108 Permit Tracking Slip Status Project Type Active New Project Version Permit Classification 1.00 Individual Permit Contact Affiliation MajorlMinor Region Minor Wilmington County Onslow Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Government - Federal Owner Affiliation Carl Baker, Dir Psc Box 20004 Camp Lejeune NC 286420004 Scheduled prig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Issuance public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 10/08/08 09/19/08 10/08108 10/08/08 10I08118 Regulated Activities Reauested/Received Events State Stormwater - HD - Sand filters T� Deed restriction requested Deed restriction received Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Glass Subbasin !q ? r�0F W A rF,�Q �O 7 Wa 17 "C October 8, 2008 Carl Baker, Deputy Public Works Officer United States Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune Building 1005 Michael Road MCB Camp Lejeune, NC 28547 Subject: Stormwater Permit No. SW8 080907 AAV Company High Density Project Onslow County r"k,,,, ":r. E)aker: Michael F. Eailey, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Fovirontnent and i Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins Director Division of Water Quality The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for AAV Company on October 7, 2008. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 080907 dated October 8, 2008, for the construction of the subject project. . This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 8, 2018, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein: Pieaselpay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems�� If any parts, requirementsyor limitations co to a ned in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150E of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer�27447, Raleigh,/NC 21611- 7447, Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Chris Baker, or me at (910) 796-7215. Si rely, Edward Beck Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section ENBlcsb: S:1WQSISTORMWATIPERMIT1080907.oct08 cc: Sean Gleason, P.E., Earth Tech Onslow County Building Inspections Chris Baker Wilmington Regional Office Central Files N i e hcarolina l�!lCli�%!f North Carolina Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone (910) 796-7215 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Internet' www.nc%va1ertluality-oxg Fax (910) 350-2004 t•877-623-6748 An Equal CpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer — 50%Recyc€edt10% Post Consumer Paper M State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable taws, Rules, and Regulations ::.•PERMISSION' -IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Carl Baker and The United States Marine Corps, Camp L'ejeune AA V Company Onslow County FOR THE construction,, operation and maintenance of six (6) sand filters in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "storrrrwater rules`) and .. . the approved stormwater management plaits and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 8, 2018, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. - 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.6 on page 3 of this permit. The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 134,879 square feet of impervious area. 3. The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. 5. The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. Page 2 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems - or Permit No. SW8 080907 6. The following design criteria have been provided in the sand filters and must be maintained at design condition: "' Sand Sand Sand: Sand Sand Sand Filter #1 : Filter #2 Filter #3 -filter #4 . Filter #5 Filter #6 Drainage Area, acres: 0.58 0,43 0.62 0.59 0.54 0.91 Onsite, ft2:y ''�- 25,390 18,742 27,150 25,884 23,468 39,672 Offsife; ftz:` w., `'.y , 5° None None None None None None Total Impervious : Surfaces, 42: "` .:, . " =. 25,066 8,800 13,060 25,064 23,217 39,672 Desi h Storm inches: 3.7 3.7 3.7 17 3.7 3.7 Water -Quality Volume ft : ' 7 551 2,756 3.062 7,421 6,232 11,484 Sand Filter T Y e ' Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Sand Filter :- Bottom Elevation, ft:. 8.7 6.0 8.0 9.04 7.5 4.95 SH 6.5 .4.0. 5.5 6.24 6.5 ., 3.45.., Surface Area: @ design Elevation Sed.'Basin (As), ft2:;' ;'. 2,270 384 336 1,057 854 1,188 Sand Filter 2,250 1,504 1,992 3,123 2,262 4,554 Filter. Perrneabili,:ft/da 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Drawdown'Tirne, hrs: 23 23 10.6 22.6 18.9 17.3 Receiving;Stream/River :.:..; New RiverlWhite Oak Basim ; Stream Index Number: 19'- 7(,2) ' Classificatiori 'of ,Water Bod SA;HQW , II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing and revegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of bypass structure, filter media, flow spreader, catch basins, piping and vegetated filter. g. A clear access path to the bypass structure must be available at all times. 4. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWO. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. Page 3 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 5. The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 6. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. 7. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. "38. r ;• Access`to the stormwater facilities shall be-maihtained'via'appropriate - easements at all times. 9. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc. b.. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. A. Redesign or addition to the approved.amount of built -upon area or to the . drainage area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 10. The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans, prior to construction. 11. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. 12. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. Page 4 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director. In the event of a change of ownership, or a name change, the permittee must submit a formal permit transfer request to the Division of Water Quality, accompanied by a completed name/ownership change form, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed.by government agencies (local, state, and federal) having -jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of, inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility..'i..: ;. : 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and, reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 8. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 9. The permittee shall notify the Division any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days. Permit issued this the 8th day of October, 2008. NO H CARO=Vi MENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION for Co Aeen. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 5 of 7 State StormwaterManagement Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 AAV Company Stormwater Permit No. SW8 080907 Onslow County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 6 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 . el... Certification Requirements: 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system. 5. The bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 6- The bypass structure is located ° pec ttie:-approved plans: 7. A Trash Rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. v 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the:system, 11. The permitted amounts o_f.surface area and/or volume have been provided. 12. All required design depths are provided. 13. All required parts of the system are provided. 14. The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans. cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Onslow County Building Inspections Page 7 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Car! Balser acid The United States Marine Corps, Camp Lejeune rHH v Lompany Onslow County 1=QR THE construction, operation and maintenance of six (6),sand filters in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the, "stormwater rules' and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Divisidn' of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. / This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 8, 2018, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: 1. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described in Section 1.6 on page 3 of this permit. The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 134,879 square feet of impervious area. 3. The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. 5. The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. Page 2 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No, SW8 080907 6. The following design criteria have been provided in the sand filters and must be maintained at design condition: Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand Sand : Filter #1 Filter #2 Filter #3 Filter #4 Filter #5 Filter #6 Drainage Area, acres: 0.58 0,43 0.62 0.59 0.54 0.91 Onsite, ft2: 25,390 18,742 27,150 25,884 23,468 39,672 Offsite, fee None None None None None None Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 25,066 8,800 13,060 25,064 23,217 39,672 Design Storm, inches: 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 Water Quality Volume, ft : 7,551 2,756 3,062 7,421 6 232 11,484 Sand Filter Type: Open Closed Closed Open Closed Closed Sand Filter Bottom Elevation, ft: 8.7 6.0 8.0 9.04 7.5 4.95 SHWL, ft: 6.5 4.0 5.6 6.24 6.5 3.45 Surface Area @ design Elevation, Sed. Basin (As), ft2: 2,270 384 336 1,057 854 1,188 Sand Filter AF , ft2: 2,250 1,504 1,992 3,123 2,262 4,554 Filter Permeability, ftlda : 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 Drawdown Time, hrs: 23 23 10.6 22.6 18.9 17,3 Receiving Stream/River New River/White Oak Basin: Stream Index Number: 19 - 72 Classification of Water SA;HQW Body: II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE The stormwater management system shall be constructed in its entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal C. Mowing and revegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f_ Debris removal and unclogging of bypass structure, filter media, flow spreader, catch basins, piping and vegetated filter. g. A clear access path to the bypass structure must be available at all times. 4. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. Page 3of7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 5. The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 5. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. 7. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 8. Access to the stormwater facilities shall be maintained via appropriate easements at all times. 9. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 10. The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans, prior to construction. 11. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. 12. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. Page 4 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 III, GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director. In the event of a change of ownership, or a name change, the permittee must submit a formal permit transfer request to the Division of Water Quality, accompanied by a completed name/ownership change form, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 8. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 9. The permittee shall notify the Division any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days. Permit issued thi a 8th day of October, 2008. NO CAROLIDIA ENVARONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION roruoieen H. 5unins, uirector Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 5 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 AAV Company Stormwater Permit No. SW8 080907 Onslow County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 6 of 7 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 080907 Certification Requirements: 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. All roof drains are located such that the runoff is directed into the system. 5. The bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 6. The bypass structure is located per the approved plans. 7. A Trash Rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 8. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 9. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 10. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short- circuiting of the system. 11. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 12. All required design depths are provided. 13. All required parts of the system are provided. 14. The required system dimensions are provided per the approved plans. cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Onslow County Building Inspections Page 7 of 7 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARED FOR: MCB CAMP LEJEUNE AAV COMPANY DATE: 9-2- 08 EARTH TECH, INC 701 CORPORATE CENTER DR., SUITE 475 RALEIGH, NC 27607 9 1 9-854-6200 PREPARED BY: BRYAN M. DICK, EiT, PH CHECKED BY: SEAN GL.EASON, PE 4 LBY: PROJECT DESCRIPTION THIS DOCUMENT IS TO SERVE; AS A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE MCS CAMP LEJEUNE - AAV PROJECT. THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE ADDITION OF PARKING AREAS TO THE; ALREADY DEVELOPED SITE. THE COMPLETED PROJECT WILL PROVIDE FOR EXPANSION OF THE FACILITIES TO ACCOMMODATE ADDITIONAL STAFF IN THE COMING YEAR AS THE POPULATION OF THE BASE GROWS. CONTACT INFORMATION EARTH TECH, INC. ATTN: BRYAN M. DICK, PH 701 CORPORATE CENTER DR., SUITE 475 RALEIGH, NC 27607 TELEPHONE: 9 1 9-854-6252 FAX: 919-854-6259 IDENTIFY PROJECT INVOLVEMENT THIS PROJECT IS A PART OF THE WHITE OAK RIVER BASIN, AND IS CURRENTLY NOT SU13JFCT TO ANY 13UFFER RULES. THE SITE IS APPROXIMATELY 2,500 FEET FROM THE NEW RIVER AND ABOUT 2.000 FEET FROM COURTHOUSE BAY, JUST OUTSIDE OF SNI EDS FERRY, NC AND IS LOCATED IN ONSLOW COUNTY.. WHICH IS A PHASE 11 - NPIDES REQUIREMENT COUNTY. THE PROPOSED PROJECT STORMWATER PLAN WILL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF DETAINING THE 3.7 INCH RAINFALL EVENT FOR A PERIOD OF APPROXIMATELY 2 DAYS. PER THE REQUIREMENTS BY THE STATE AS REFERENCED FROM THE DWQ STORMWATER MANUAL, JULY 2007. SIX SAND FILTERS ARE USED TO TREAT 6 SEPARATE DRAINAGE AREAS. THIS PROJECT IS WITHIN 0.5 MILES OF SA WATERS AND THr USE OF INFILTRATION DEVICES WAS REJECTED BY MR. VINCENT LEWIS ON BEHALF OF NC- DWQ, DUE TO THE POOR INFILTRATING CONDITIONS ON THE SITE, SAND FILTERS ARE USED TO TREAT THE DESIGN TREATMENT VOLUME. IN ORDER TO MEET PRE -POST REQUIREMENTS, EACH BASIN DISCHARGES TO A DEPRESSIONAL AREA. USUALLY A WETLAND, TO ENSURE THAT DOWNSTREAM RECEIVING WATERS ARE NOT ACTUALLY RECEIVING DISCHARGE FROM THE SAND FILTERS DURING THE DESIGN STORM. STORMWATER DESIGN PARAMETERS THE SAND FILTERS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS OR OBJEC71VIrS: • PROVIDE 65% TSS REMOVAL • PROTECT T'HE VALUE OF THE RECEIVING WATER RESOURCE • 3,7" RAINFALL FOR BASIN STORAGE SIZING * THE I YR RAINFALL DISCHARGE FROM THE FILTER MUST INFILTRATE BEFORE REACHING SURFACE WATERS • RATIO OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE TO THE TOTAL AREA OF THE DRAINAGE AREA • RAINFALL EXCEEDING THE DESIGN STORM WILL BYPASS THE BASINS AND FL THROUGH A MINIMUM OF 50' LONG VEGETATED FILTER R -F,� f w DISCUSSION OF TREATMENT MEASURES THE PROPOSED TREATMENT IS TO UTILIZE G SEPARATE SAND FILTERS TO MEET THE TSS AND PEAK FLOW REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH BY DWO. BYPASS DEVICES ARE PROVIDE❑ TO ALLOW ANY RUNOFF VOLUME THAT EXCEEDS THE DESIGN STORAGE VOLUME TO BE ROUTED TO A LEVEL SPREADER WITH A VEGETATED FILTER STRIP. THE LEVEL SPREADER LENGTH IS ❑ESIGNED TO HANDLE THE lO YR PEAK RUNOFF RATE, SO NO BYPASS OF THE FILTER IS NECESSARY. CONCLUSION THIS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN REPRESENTS AN ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AND EFFECTIVE PLAN FOR UTILIZING THE PROPOSED STORMWATER TREATMENTS TO ACCOMMODATE THE INCREASE❑ RUNOFF OF THE PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT. Camp Lejeune AAV Platoon Sand Filter Basin 1 WQV (ft3) = Rv ' Ad (ac) '43,560 ' Rd ' 1/12 SF Ac Drainge Area (Sf) 25390 0.583 Imp Area (sf) 25066 0.575 Pervious Area 324 0.007 Rd = 3.7 WQV = 7360 WQV adj = 5520 Sedimentation Basin Surface Area = As = .066WOV Min As = 486 Sand filter Bed surface Area = Af = (WQV'df)I((k)'(t)(ha+df)) Depth of sand filter dr Min (ft) = k: coeff of permeability (ft/day) = t: time to drain sand filter bed (days) _ ha: avg head = Min Al = 760 Check water qualtiy volume = (Af + As)'Hmax > WQV adj Check volume = 2180 Required Af = (WQVadjlHmax) • As = 2669 Rv = 0.94 ft3 ft3 ft2 1.5 3.5 1.66 0.875 ft min revise total volume <WQV adj Required forebay Volume Vs = .2WQV = 1472 Forebay As at base EL 8.70 90 Forebay As at top of BC weir EL 11.70' 1057 Forebay depth 3 ft, Volume = 1720 OK > required Vol Sand Filter Area Af top of sand EL 10.40 2250 total Sand Filter Area Af top of CB weir EL 11.70 3464 Sand Filter Volume at El. 11.70 ft = SA avg•depth 3714 Volume Fore Bay + Sand Filter @ 11.70' 5434 < WQV add storage vol Area of Sand Filter + fore bay at el. 11.70 Af + As at El. 11.70 4520 sf Required additional Volume 1927 ;Area of Sand Filter + forebay at el. 12.15 4890 sf Additonal volume = All l,7I+At12.15/2'(12.15-11.70) 2117 Total volume at EL 12.15 7551 OK Set Top of Bypass weir at 12.15 Depth to Exist grount to SHWT (ft) 2.50-FromCatena Ad = 0,583 Existing Ground Elevation 9.00 Bypass Weir El. Flow Splitter - Inlet El. Sand Filter Bottom Elevation 8.70 Flow Splitter - Bypass Flow Outlet Elev Sand Filter Top of Bed Elevation 10,40 Fore Bay Bottom Elevation 8.70 Fore Bay Top Elevation 11.70 Sand Filter Under Drain Discharge Elev. 8.70 Top of Berm Elevation ,Flaw rate through titter media = (k-b35)1{24'60'60) = i 0.091 �_ CFS Design = 0.96 Diameter at S=.005 and n=.011 1.386 2-4- pipes Time to Drain WQV = volumel{rate(cfs)'60s'60min) _ 23.0 hrs 12. 9. 13 Camp Lejeune AAV Platoon SF Ac Sand Filter Basin 2 Drainge Area (Sf) 18742 0.430 Imp Area (sf) 8800 0,202 Ratio Imp 0.47 WQV (ft3) = Rv * Ad (ac) *43,560 * Rd * 1/12 Rd = 3.7 Rv = 0,47 Ad = 0.4302 WQV = 2716 ft3 WQV adj = 2037 ft3 Sedimentation Basin Surface Area = As = .066WQV Min As — 179 ft2� Sand filter Bed surface Area = Af = (WQV-df)/((k)`(t)(ha+df)) Depth of sand filter dr Min (ft) = 1.5 k: coeff of permeability (ft/day) = 3.5 t: time to drain sand filter bed (days) = 1.66 ha: avg head = 0.73 ft min Min Af = 280 Check water qualtiy volume = (Af + As)*Mmax > WQV adj Check volume = 671 revise total volume <WQV adj Required At = (WQVadj/Hmax) - As JlM Required forebay Volume Vs = .2WQV =�543 Design Forebay Area As = 16x24 384 Design Forebay Vol = 16*24*1.46 560.64 0.20339 OK > required Vol Sand Filter Area16' x 94' 1504 Volume Storage Sand Filter 2196 Total Treated Vol = Vol filter + Vol Forebay 2756 >WQVadj ueptn to txist grount to 5Hvv i (rt) �j.uu-r-rornuatena Existing Ground Elevation 7.00 Bypass Weir El, 9.36 Flow Splitter - Inlet El. 9,56 Sand Filter Bottom Elevation 6.00 Flow Splitter - Bypass 6.80 Sand Filter Top of Bed Elevation 7.90 Fore Bay Bottom Elevation 6.00 Sand Filter Under Drain Discharge Elev. 6.00 Top of tank Elevation 10.00 Flaw rate through filter media = (k*b36)/(24*60*60) = 0.061 _ ICFS Design = 0.49 Diameter at S=.005 and n=.011 1.077 2-4" pipes Camp Lejeune AAV Platoon Sand Filter Basin 3 WQV (ft3) = Rv * Ad (ac) *43,560 * Rd * 1/12 SEP 1 9 2009 BY: IF Ac Drainge Area (St) 27150 0.623 Imp Area (sf) 13060 0.300 Pervious Area 14090 0.323 Rd = 3.7 Rv = 0.48 Ad = 0.623 WQV = 4018 ft3 WQV adj = 3014 ft3 Sedimentation Basin Surface Area = As = .066WQV Min As = 1265 ft2 Sand filter Bed surface Area = Af = (WQV`df)1((k)*(t)(ha+df)) Depth of sand filter dr Min (ft) = 1.5 k: coeff of permeability (ft/day) = 3.5 t: time to drain sand filter bed (days) = 1.66 ha: avg head = 0.6 ft min Min Af = 415 Check water qualtiy volume = (Af + As)*Hmax > WQV adj Check volume = 816 revise total volume <WQV adj Required Af = (WQVadj/Hmax) - As = 2246 Required Forebay Volume Vs = 2WQV 1804 Design Forebay Area As = 14x24 336 Design Forebay Vol (Sed removal = 9.1') = 1C 672 0.219436 OK > required Vol Sand Filter Area 24' x 83' 1992 Volume Storage Sand Filter 2390 Total Treated Vol = Vol filter + Vol Forebay 3062 >WQVadj OK Depth to Exist grount to SHWT (ft) 2.50 Existing Ground Elevation 8.00 Bypass Weir El. 10.90 Flow Splitter - Inlet EL 11.10 Sand Filter Bottom Elevation 8.00 Flow Splitter - Bypass 10.50 Sand Filter Top of Bed Elevation 9.70 Fore Bay Bottom Elevation 8.00 Sand Filter Under Drain Discharge Elev. 8.00 Top of Concrete 12.001 Flo rate through filter media = (k`b36)1(24`60*60) _ 0.081 CFS Design = 0.49 Diameter at S=.005 and n=.011 1.077 2-4" pipes (Time to Drain WQV = volume/( rate(cfs)*60s*60i 10.5 hrs Camp Lejeune AAV Platoon Sand Filter Basin 4 WOV (ft3) = Rv ' Ad (ac) *43,560 ' Rd ' 1112 Rd = 3.7 WQV = 7340 WOV adi = 5505 Sedimentation Basin Surface Area = As = .066WOV Min As = 484 Sand filter Bed surface Area = At = (WOV'df)/((k)'(t)(ha+df)) Depth of sand filter dr Min (ft) = k: coeti of permeability (ft/day) = t: time to drain sand filter bed (days) ha: avg head = Min Af = 758 Check water qualtiy volume = (At + As)'Hmax > WOV adi Check volume = 2485 Required At = (WOVadjlHmax) - As = 2268 SF Ar. Ora Area (St) 25884 0.594 Imp Area (sf) 1 25064 0.575 Pervious Area 1 820 0.019 Rv = 0.92 ft3 ft3 ft2 1.5 3.5 1.66 1 ft min revise total volume <WOV adj Required forebay Votume Vs = .2WOV = 1468 Forebay As at base EL 8,70 90 Forebay As at top of BC weir EL 11.70 1057 Forebay depth 3 ft, Volume = 1720 OK > required Vol {f Sand Filter Area At top of sand EL 10.74 2250 total Sand Filter Area At top of CB weir EL 11.70 3123 Sand Filter Volume at El. 11.70 ft 2579 Volume Fore Bay + Sand Filter 4299 < WOV add storage vol Area of Sand Filter + fore bay at el. 11.70 At + As at El. 11.70 4179 Required additional Volume 3041 Area of Sand Filter + fofebay at el. 12.40 4740 Additonal volume 3122 Total volume at EL 7421 OK Set Top of Bypass weir at 12.40 D h E; SHWT F C R ept to xist grount to t) 3.33 - rom atena - econ Ad = 0.594 Existing Ground Elevation 9.50 Bypass Weir El. 12.40 Flow Splitter - Inlet El. 12.60 Sand Filter Bottom Elevation 9.04 Flow Splitter - Bypass Flow Outlet Elev 9.60 Sand Filter Top of Sand Elevation 10.74 Fore Bay Bottom Elevation 8.70 Fore Bay Top Elevation 11.70 Sand Filter Under Drain Discharge Elev. 9.04 Top of Berm Elevation 13,40 Flow rate through filter media = (k'b35)I(24'60'60) = 0.091 , CFS Design = 0.96 Diameter at S=.005 and n=.011 1.386 2-4" pipes Time to Drain WOV = volume1(rate(cfs)'60s'60r 22.6 hrs Camp Lejeune AAV Platoon Sand Filter Basin 5 WQV (ft3) = Rv * Ad (ac) *43,560 * Rd * 1/12 SF Ac Drainge Area (Sf) 23468 0.539 Imp Area (sf) 23217 0.533 Ratio Imp 251 0.006 Rd = 3.7 Rv = 0.94 WQV = 6802 �ft3� WQV adj = 5101 ft3 Sedimentation Basin Surface Area = As = .066WQV Min As = 449 ft2 Sand filter Bed surface Area = Af = (WQV*df)1((k)*(t)(ha+df)) Depth of sand filter dr Min (ft) = k: coeff of permeability (ft/day) = t: time to drain sand filter bed (days) _ ha: avg head = ►AITITT11fi1�1(6Y: Check water quaitiy volume = (Af + As)*Hmax > WQV adj Check volume = 2303 Required Af = (WQVadj/Hmax) - As = 2102 Required forebay Volume Vs = .2WQV = 1360 Design Forebay Area As = 14x61 854 Design Forebay Vol (Sed removal = 9.7') = 1(1708 Sand Filter Area 26'x87" 2262 Volume Storage Sand Filter 4524 Total Treated Vol = Vol filter + Vol Forebay 6232 1.5 3.5 1.66 1 ft min revise total volume <WQV adj 0.274069 OK > required Vol >WQVadj OK Ad = 0.539 ueptn to txist grount to 6HVV I (tt) 3.UU Existing Ground Elevation 9.00 Bypass Weir El. 11.25 Flow Splitter - Inlet El. 11.40 Sand Filter Bottom Elevation 7.50 Flow Splitter - Bypass Flow Outlet Elev 8.00 Sand Filter Top of Bed Elevation 9.25 Fore Bay Bottom Elevation 7.00 Sand Filter Under Drain Discharge Elev. 7.50 Top of Concrete 12.00 Flow rate through filter media = (k*b36)1(24*60*60) = 0.092 }CFS Design = 0.49 Diameter at S=.005 and n=.011 1.077 2-4" pipes Time to Drain WQV = volume/(rale(cfs)`66s'66 18.9 hrs �a�r LP Camp Lejeune AAV Platoon Sand Filter Basin 6 WQV (ft3) = Rv * Ad (ac) *43,560 * Rd * 1/12 SF Ac Drainge Area (Sf) 39672 0.911 Imp Area (sf) 39672 0.911 Ratio Imp 1 0.000 Rd = 3.7 Rv = 0.95 Ad = 0.911 �- WQV = 11621 ft3 WQV adj = 8715 ft3 Sedimentation Basin Surface Area = As = .066WQV Min As = 1767 ft2 Sand filter Bed surface Area = At = (WQV*df)/((k)*(t)(ha+df)) Depth of sand filter dr Min (ft) = 1.5 k: coeff of permeability (ft/day) = 3.5 t: time to drain sand filter bed (days) = 1.66 ha: avg head = 1 ft min Min At = 1200 Check water qualtiy volume = (Af + As)*Hmax > WQV adj Check volume = 3934 revise total volume <WQV adj Required Af = (WQVadj/Hmax) - As = !3591 -] Required forebay Volume Vs = .2WQV = 12324 Design Forebay Area As = 18x66 1188 Design Forebay Vol (Sed removal = 6.8') = 2376 0.206897 OK > required Vol Sand Filter Area 69'x66' 4554 Volume Storage Sand Filter 9108 Total Treated Vol = Vol filter + Vol Forebay 11484 >WQVadj OK ueptn to Lxist grount to bmvv i (it) 1.00 Existing Ground Elevation 4.50 Bypass Weir El. 8.80 Flow Splitter - Inlet El. 9.10 Sand Filter Bottom Elevation 4.95 Flow Splitter - Bypass F 5.10 Sand Filter Top of Bed Elevation 6.80 Fore Bay Bottom Elevation 4.95 Fore Bay Weir Elevation 7.80 Sarid Filter Under Drain Discharge Elev. 4.95 Top of Concrete 9.50 Flow rate through filter media = (k*b36)/(24*60"60) _ 0.184 CFS Design = 0.49 Diameter at S=.005 and n=.011 1.077 2-4" pipes Time to Drain WQV = volume) rate cfs *60s*60i17.3 hrs �r�. Check for Headwater Clearence Before Bypassing Flows Designer BMD AAV Project Date: 9/10/2008 Basin # Op 1in/hr cfs Hw 1in/hr ft) Op 10 yr (cfs) Hw 10 Yr (ft Clearence Provide B to C Check for Clearence i0 r 1 0.46 0.24 1.43 0.51 1.25 ok 7 2 0.30 0.18 0.75 0.33 0.96 ok , , 4- 3 0.25 0.16 0.79 0.34 1.80 ok 5 4 0.46 0.24 1 A6 0.52 2.50 ok 3 e, 5 0.31 0.18 1.32 0.49 1.25 ok 3 6 0.71 0.32 2.23 0.69 1.80 ok , 50 L= 1.3 ft Cw = 3.0 Broad Crested Weir Q=Cw-L.HI.s t Q 1.5 Hw Cw - L `� ti�ISCO -OPEN CHANNEL FLOW MEASUREMENT HANDBOOK SECOND EDITION 773 Isco, ING. Lscp ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION 6 A �1 TABLE 6- 2A DISCHARGE OF 1', 1.51, 2',2.5', & 3' RECTANGULAR WEIRS WITH END CONTRACTIONS FORMULAS, CFS=3.33(L-0.2H)H1.5 GS CFS X 7.481 MGD=CFS X 0.6463 HEAD 1.0 FT. 1.5 FT, 2.0 FT. 2.5 FT. 3.0 FT. FT, CFS GS I MGD CFS GS MGD CFS GS MGD CFS GS MGD CFS GS MGD O.O1 .0033 .0249 .0021 .0050 .0373 .0032 .0067 .0498 .0043 .0085 .0622 .0054 .0100 .0747 .0065 n .02 .0094 .0702 .0061 .0141 .L054 .009L •OIBB .1406 .O122 .0235 .tT59 .O152 -OZ82 .2tll .0182 0.03 .0172 .1267 .01%1 .0259 •€934 .0167 .t)345 .256! .02Z3 .0432 .1228 .0279 .0510 .3876 .0335 0 _04 .0264 .1977 .0171 . 0397 .2973 .0261 .0F31 .3970 .0343 .0664 .4966 .0429 .0797 .5963 .0515 0.05 .0369 .2157 .023E .0555 .4150 .0359 .0741 .5543 .0479 .ns27 .6-35 .0599 .1113 .832E . OT 19 0 .06 .0484 .3617 .0313 .CT28 .544E .0471 .0973 '1225 .7279 Ob29 .1216 ,9LO9 ,0787 .1462 1.094 .0945 0.07 .0608 ,4549 .0393 .0916 .t,856 .0592 .9163 _. .0192 .1533 1. L47 .0991 .1842 1.378 .1190 0. 013 .0741 .5543 .0479 .111E .0365 .CT23 .1495- 1. 116 .096E .1872 1.400 .12L0 .2246 1.b82 .1453 0.09 .06d3 .6605 .0571 _1332 .996A .0861 .1702 1.333 .H5I .2232 1. 669 .1442 .2681 Z.006 .1T33 0.t0 .1032 .7720 .04,67 .1550 1.166 .1007 .Z005 1.560 .134E .2612 1. 951. .16$$ .3138 2,348 .202E O.11 .118E .68$S .07bB .179E 1.343 .1160 .2403 1. 798 .1553 .30LO 2.252 .1946 .3618 2.707 .233E O.12 .t351 I.O11 .0873 .2043 1.52E .1320 .2735 2.046 .17b6 .3427 2. 564 .2215 .4120 3.002 .2662 0.13 ..1520 1.L37 _0941 .2301 1.111 ,t497 .308t 2. 305 .€691 .3062 2. 889 .244E .4642 3.473 .3000 0.14 _1691, 1.76E .109E .256E 1.921 .LbbO .3440 2. 573 .2223 .43L2 3. 726 .2787 .5164 3.070 .3351 0.15 .187T 1.1" .1213 .2844 .1.12T .I638 .381 22.851 _2463 .47 78 3,575 .3058 .5T46 4.291 .3713 0.1E .2063 1.543 .k 333 .3L29 2.341 .2022 .4194 3. L36 .2711 .5260 3,935 .3399 .6329 4. 732 .4088 0.17 .2255 1.187 .1457 .3422 2.560 ,2211 .4509 3.433 .296E .575E 4, 306 .3720 .6923 5.179 .4474 0.10 .2451 1.634 .1584 .3T73 2.T85 .240E .4945 3.73E .3Z26 .626E 4. 686 .4050 .7538 5.634 .4672 O.i9 .2653 1.985 .I715 .4032 3. 016 .260b .541L 4.04$ -3497 -6T90 5.080 .4300 .st6q 6.111 .5280 0.20 .2859 2.139 .184$ .4349 3-253 .2810 .5938 4.367 .3733 .7321 5.401 .4735 .881E 6.595 .569E 0.21 .3070 2.297 ,1964 .4672 3.495 .3020 .62T5 4, 694 .4C55 .7877 5. 693 .509L .9474 7, 09L .6126 0.22 .3Z85 2.458 .2123 .5003 3.743 .3234 .6721 5.028 .4344 .H43s 6.313 .5454 L.Ol6 7,599 .6565 0,23 .3504 2.621 ,2265 -5341 3.995 .3452 .T177 5.369 .4639 .9014 6.743 .562E 1.065 8_L17 •7013 0.24 .372T 2.7P0 .2409 .5685 4.253 .3674 3 5.717 .4939 .9600 1.182 .6205 1.156 0.646 .1410 .3954 2.95E .255E .6036 4.515 .3901 .BI 6.072 .525E 1.020 7.629 .65v1 1.22E 9.186 .793b DISCHARGE. OF 1', 1.5', 21 2.517 & 3' RECTANGULAR WEIRS WITH END CONTRACTIONS TABLE 6-2A CONTINUED HEAD 1.0 FT. 1.5 FT. 2.0 FT. 2.5 FT. 3.0 FT. FT. CFS GS MGD CFS GS MGD CFS GS MGD CFS GS MCD CFS GS MGD, 0.26 .4185 3. 131 .2705 .b393 4.782 ,413L .R600 6.434 .555E 1.081 6. 065 .6985 1.30L 9.73h .84ll 0.27 .4420 3.30E 2856 .30LO .6756 5..054 .436E ,90911 6.001 567E 1.141 0. 549 66, 465E 3. 404 7124 90.28 021 1 1.453 to a? .9368 0.9 4699 . 36h5 3Le6 9 .7i 9 S.e10 4847 1.0i0 7,555 C5: 1.2 t0 4.501 .820E2 I.53a I L45 .488E 00 51433.84E .1324, .T8 59.5 .5092 1. 062 1.941 .6961 1.335 9.98E .8629 1.009 12.03 1.040 0.31 .539t 4.033 .3484 .9265 6. 1A3 .534E 1.114 �.331 .Ilv9 1.401 30.4E .905E 1.609 12.63 1.091 0.32 .5642 4.271 .3647 .B656 0.47E .5594 1•L67 0.770 .7542 l•468 10.99 ,4494 1.770 13.24 L.144 0.33 .SB96 4.411 3811 .9052 6.T72 .5851 I.221 9, 133 .7091 1.11, 11,49 .9930 l.852 13.86 1.191 0 ,34 .6153 4, 603 .3977 .4454 7. 072 .6110 I.ITy 4,542 .82.43 t•000 12.41 1.038 L.s36 l4.i8 1,251 0.35 .6413 4.797 .4144 .9860 7.3 T6 .1313 1,331 9.95, .6601 1.676 17.53 1.083 2.020 15.11 1. 306 0.36 .e6T5 4.9v4 .4314 1.027 T.a94 -6b30 1. 367 10,11 .A911 1. T46 13,06 1.t24 2.10b 15.7b 1.36t 0.37 .6940 5.192 ,4485 1.06v T.gg4 .6907 L443 10.30 .937q 1.818 13.60 1.175 2,L93 16.41 I.41T 0.38 .7208 5.392 .cb50 I.IIL e,310 .7174 1,501 11.23 .97UO 1•Hs1 14, 15 1.2i2 2. 281 I7.Cb 1.4T4 0,37 ,747E 5.594 .4833 I.SSy 0.426 .745.. 1, 959 11.6P I.UC7 1.9h4 14,70 L.270 2.370 17.73 1.532 0.40 .7150 5.79E .5009 1.19E 8.94b ,7734 1.61f 11.10 1.045 :.039 L5.25 1.31E 2.4&Q 18.40 1.590 0.4L .8025 6.004 .5187 1.240 9.2T4 .89LZ 1.6f7 12. 54 1.004 2.114 15,81 104.6 2.55t 19.0E L'649 0.42 .8303 6.211 .5366 1 283 9.602 .A2v5 1. 737 12.54 1.122 2.I90 16.30 1.415 2.60. ;• 19.77 1.708 0.43 .8582 4.420 .5547 1.320 9.932 .856L L.T97 L3.44 L.162 2.287 L6.9b 1.465 2.T36 20.47 I.7b8 0.44 .6864 6.63E .5729 1.3T2 10.27 .6849 1.650 13.g0 1.201 2.344 17.54 L,515 7.030' 2L.t7 1.429 0.45 .9148 b.943 .5912 1.417 t0.60 .S160 1. 920 L4. 3b 1.741 2.473 10,17 1.566 2.915 21.E8 L.891 0.4E .9433 f.057 .6097 1.463 10. 74 .9c 54 1.987 1a, 03 1.ZAl 2.502 1d,72 1.617 3.02E 77..60 1.953 0.47 .9T21 7.2T2 .6283 1.509 IL.20 '.9750 2.045 t5. 30 t.322 I.SA2 19.31 1.0166 3.118 73.33 Z.Oi5 0.4A L.001 r,459 .b470 1.555 I1.63 1.005 2.10H 15,1,1 1.363 2.662 19.92 1.721 3.216 24.06 2.076 0 .49 1.030 T.70T .6659 k.601 I1. 9tl 1.035 2.172 i6. 25 1.404 2.744 ;0.52 1.773 1.315 24. 80 2.l42 D.50 1. 000 7.927 .684E L.649 12.33 I.obS 2.2'17 Ib. 71 1.446 2.82E 11 .14 I. 826 3.414 25. 54 2.207 0.51 1,1169 0-146 .T039 l.bp6 12-68 1.09E 7.302 17.27 1.48E 2.90E A .7e t.660 3.515 26.29 2,2T2 0.5Z 1.IIv 0.370 .723L I.74• 13.04 1.127 Z.)61 lT. it L.530 7.992 22.38 1.934 3.116 27.05 2.33T 0,53 l•149 B.5s3 ,T 424 1.791 13.40 1.156 2,4)4 18•ZL 1.573 f.076 21.01 I.90B 3.71E 27.82 2.403 0.54 1,17s P. 815 ,761e 1.fl39 13.7E 1.189 2.SOU LH. fO 1.61E 3.1e! 23.b5 2.043 3.821 28.59 2.470 0.55 1.Z09 9.044 .7613 i.$$5 14. 12 1.22U 2•}67 19. 20 1.b59 3.24b 24 .25 2.09E 3.925 29.37 2.537 D,56 L-219 1.270 .8009 1.937 14_49 1.252 Z.635 19. 71 L_10) 3.332 24.93 2.154 4.030 30.15 2.605 0.57 L,210 9.45E .8206 1,986 14.286 t.284 2.703 20.2.: L.74T 3.41q 25.50 2.210 4.13e 30.94 2.673 0.5E 1. 300 , 7 .8404 2.03E L5. 23 Y•316 2.771 10,73 !_T9Y 3.507 26.2] 2.26E 4.242 31.74 2.T42 0.5a I. G.957 .8603 2.08E 15.60 L•346 2.040 2I.25 1.836 3.595 1b,89 2.323 4.34s 32.54 2.Oil 0,611 1.3b2 10.19 .8802 2.156 15.9E L.380 2.g10 It.?? 1.880 3.683 27. 56 Z.361 4.457 33.34 2.961 DISCHARGE OF 1', 1.51121, 2.5', & 3' RECTANGULAR WEIRS I WITH END CONTRACTIONS TABLE 6-2A CONTINUED FT. H00000 ,393 4 T.M .t2 ,900 1.10 0.a5 9204 FS 1.5 T.L GD 16.35 l_413 1606.3 .44b FS 2.9704 3,SQ T. GS MD 2.22033 29 1G6 7.2.52 22. CFS 3.773 GS MOD 2622 22.438 2_ .5 FT. CFS 3.0 FT_ GS M GDC 6343 25 .6 6 ,455 1 112 .9406 9609 2.2tlA .F 38F48 1.97E 017 3.063 ,0.6E 2P10ev 90 .496 4.675 ,I6 34. .97, 3.022 065 5 12 2 2.391 5 92 2Ob3 4.044 30.25 2.555 2 c,T84 5.00 3,99487 7 1.5i5 3.263 24.4L 2.L09 436 30.44 . 4., . 550 007 2.443 18,21 2.673 5.000 37,4T 3.23766L 8SF3 10,66 L-579 i.612 1.131 3.408 21.11 2.156 4, 22S C. 313 3 5.111 38,3E 0. .613 11L1C....,65F48S2S 7i 00i3 1,053 2.547 1905 l64h 3.48E 2$.9 26.04 2_2020.68 4.32E 4, 3.]2 . 54 .23 39.16 3.310 3.382.150 31 125 L064 2.600 7.652 9.45 19,84 1,680 3.554 269 2.291 4.508. 33102 33.T3 2.853 2.914 5. 0.0E12.351 3.45667 1,714 3,627 77.54 ,1 .6q3 34.43 2,975 5.42 40.86 3.530 ,E....66T7A407E 709 12.79 Lk05 . 1.740 3.70E 5578 41.73 3605 0. L.741 L_71 l3.03 I26 2.759 20.64 1_7833.77628.252.440 17.69 r.342 4.648 35.11 Oltr 5.644 42.54 3.680O.T2 0,75 806 13.5E .13 lit 1.167 2.B12 2.866 21.S4 20.l1 2.4 4,79 4 35.86 36.58 3.098 5.810 43_47 1.7553.85E 0,75 t 1_B]B 13. 75 I.IBp 2.920 21.8a 1.852 3_926 29.37 2.537 4.069 37, 30 3.Z22 t-se? 4.001 29.93 -.586 S,0B3 38,02 3.ZB5 6.046 45.23 3.907 0.76 0.77 L.p7l IS•00 1.209 2.574 22.25 L-922 4, 6.046 46.1E 3.907 0,74 1.903 l_936 L4.24 14.46 L Z30 3.028 22.6d 1, 9$7 077 4.I53 153 30. 50 3L.0T JL 2.635 2.684 5.180 3b.75 3.348 6.284 47,01 4,061 0.7 t-4641.272 L,251 3.0, 3.F 3S 23,06 1,993 4, 65 2.734 5.278 39.49 3,41E 6.403 47.90 4,139 0.80 2,002 14. 97 t. 294 3.193 25.41 73.89 2.028 4, 307 32.22 2.784 5.476 23 40_.97 3.475 6.524 48.BL 4,2i6 Z.064 4.384 32.80 2.034 S.S 76 41 .71 '3.539 49.71 4.295 0.8E 2.034" 15. 22 1. 315 3.2sR 6.645 IcT 50.62 4.174 O.B3 04.462 .94 2.067 2_133 15.4b 15. 71 1.336 1. 357 3.303 1.359 24. R 2,103S 4.540 33. 96 2.934 T76 6-809 51,54, 4.453 0.65 2,13] 15. 4a 1.779 3.4 F5 25.13 25.55 1.17L 4.618 34.55 2,9x5 .5-, 5,776 43.2E 43.21 3.TSJ 3.T90 136 4.532 0.83 2.166 16.20 1.400 3.411 25.96 2,207 2.243 4,697 35.14 3.035 .5.877 44,73 3.964 7. 7.260 53.46 4.612 0,56 2_149 16. 45 4.776 35.73 3.006 -6.OB0 '45.c93.930 7,385 54.31 55.25 4.692 _ 4.773 O.B7 2.232 36.70 1,421 1. 443 3_527 3. 503 26.38 7_279 4.855 36.a2 3.138 6.Ip3 0.80 2.265 17.19 t.464 3.640 26,41 27.13 2_316 4.934 36.91 3.189 6,205 46.25 i7.02 3, 996 4.062 7-511 56.19 4AS4 0.90 2.Z9B I7.19 1.485 3.696 27.65 2.352 2.389 S.pL4 77.5E 3.241 6.349 47 .i9 4,129 7.b37 7,7b3 5T. 13 4,935 0.90 2. J31 iT. 44 1.507 1,153 70.00 2.426 5.094 38.1E 3.292 6.542 4tl.57 4,129 7.890 SB. OB S,DlY 5.175 3d. 71 3.344 6.596 49.35 4.263 56.03 5.011 0.9E 2.365 17.69 1. 528 31810 28.50 2.462 8.018 59.96 5.182 0.92 0.93 2.198 Z.432 47.94 t8.19 11550 1.611 3.867 28.93 2.499 5.255 34.12 3.397 6.70! 50.13 4.131 B.L46 60.94 5.265 0.94 2.464. J$.44 1.59] 3.924 3.982 29.30 2.536 5.410 40.53 3.501 6.96E SL_70 3 8.404 61.81 5.348 0.95 2_490 18-68 1.614 4. 079 30.22 )0. 22 2.573 2.61E S,s99 41.14 3.554 7.017 52.49 4,466 4,535 8.4p4 67.87 5.432 5.58E 41,75 3,60E 7.123 53.28 4i603 s,534 63.84 5,516 0.664 44.82 5.6p0 DISCHARGE OF 11.522.5& 3' RECTANGULAR WEIRS WITH END CONTRACTIONS TABLE 6-2A CONTINUED HEAD 1.0 FT. 1.5 FT. 2.0 FT. 2.5 FT. 3.0 FT. FT, CFS GS M G D CFS GS I MOD CFS GS MGD CFS G5 MOD CFS G5 MOD 0.91, 2,531 18.93 i. 436 a.p9T 10, 65 2.648 5.bei s2.31 3.b6O 7_Z29 54.09 4.672 B.l9S 65.00 5.654 0-97 2.564 1a.19 1.651 4.155 31.OA 2.a85 5.745 42.ob 3, I1) 1.336 ".Be, 4.141 6,927 66,76 5, 769 0.98 2.597 1. 679 4, 713 11,52 Z. 723 5.820 43. 60 3.767 T.443 55.68 4.011 9.059 67.77 5.855 p•99 2,631 19.46 1.7" 4.27L }J, 95 2. 760 5. 911 44, 21 3,520 7..55E 56 .49 4.880 9.19E 68,76 5.940 1.00 2.664 19.93 1.722 4.324 32,39 2. T96 5. v94 44. 04 3.8 14 7.659 5.1.30 4.950 9.324 69.75 6. 026 1.0f 2. 69T 20.141 1. 743 4.387 32. BZ 2.836 6.071 45,46 3, 92p 7,76E - 59.L1 5.020 9.4$T 70.75 6, I12 l•02 2.711 10.43 1. 765 4.446 33-26 Z.871 6.161 46. 09 3.9P2 T_e7b 58.92 5. 090 9. 591 11.75 6,199 L-03 Z. 764 20. be 1. 786 4.504 33.70 2.9L1 6.245 46.11 4.026 T_985 .59.71. 5-161 9, 726 7Z. 76 6.286 1_04 2.T4T 40.93 1.6ax s_Sb1 34-14 2.949 6. 129 4J, 35 4.a90 8.095 60•S6 5.712 9, 841 73. 77 6.373 I.OS 2,830 21.1T 1. 829 {,62Z 34.SP 2,987 b.413 4T,98 4:145 5. 205 6t •3A 5.303 9.996 74.78 6.4b0 1.06 2.064 11l 41 1, 051 4.0B1 35.02 3.024 6. 498 48.61 4. 209 5.315 62. 2.0 5.374 10, 13 75.80 6, 548 1 .07 2.897 21.67 1. 872 4. 740 35.46 3.063 6.563 �4v, 24 4.254 6.421, 63.03 5.445 10.Z7 7b•82 6.63h L.08 2.930 21.92 1.694 4.194 35.90 3, 102 6. b6E 49.6E 4_309 8. 536 63•Bb 5.5L7 10.4E 77.84 6.725 2.9e3 22. 17 l•9l5 4.858 36. 34 3.140 6.T53 50.57 4.364 9.646 64.b9 5.584 10.54 78.01 6,814 1-10 2.997 2L42 1.93T 4.937 36. 79 3.178 6•B3B 51,16 4.420 8.759 65.53 5.661 10.06 79.90 6.903 1. 13 3.030 22.67 1. 956 4.9T7 lY. 23 3.217 r.. 974 51. 00 A.415 8.87E eb.37 5.733 10. 82 00. 93 6.992 1 .11 3.0h3 22.91 1.980 5.036 37, b8 3.255 7.010 b2.44 4.53E 8. 983 67.21 5.806 10.96 6l.97 7.08E t,13 3.096 23. 16 7. 001 5. 096 30. 12 3,294 7.C46 53.09 4, 586 9.096. '88,OS 5.8 T9 Il. lO 83.01 1. 171 l-]c 3.129 2.3.4E 7. 012 5.156 39.5T s.332 7. IP2 53.T3 4.b42 9.209 69 .84 5.952 I1. 24 84:05 7.262 1,15 3. 16Z 23.66 7. 044 5.Z16 19.02 1.37E 7.7a9 54. 38 4.696 9. 322 69.74 6. 025 L1.30 85.10 7.352 1-i6 3.Iv5 23. 90 7. 065 5.275 a4_46 3.409 7.356 }5, 03 4, 754 9.436 10 .59 6. 098 11,57 86.15 -1.443 1 .17 3.2205 24.15 2,086 5.335 34.v! 3.448 7. 441 55, 6P 4.B10 9.550 T L 44 6.172 i1.6b 87.20 T. 534 1.18 3.261 24.413 2.108 5.311 4L1. 16 J•487 7,i7y SL•33 4.Pb6 9.664 72.29 6.246 N .80 58.26 7.625 ,.19 3. 294 24. 64 2. 129 5.455 40.9E 1.52c, 7,ni7 5b, 90 1.923 9."'a 7).15 6.32. 11.114 69, 32 T.71T 1.20 3. 327 24.09 2. I50 5.51b 41.2e 1.51.5 7.704 T•7. e4 ,..979 9. 8•13 74.01 h.394 12.06 90.38 7, one 1.21 3.3tr0 25.11 2.111 5.576 71 3bn4 J. 792 "'A. 2` 5.04 10. PI 1},87 6.468 12.22 91.45 7,900 )•392 25.3E l92 5.6 4•tl 2 3.643 7.HPn 5_093 10.12 T$TJ 6_543 12.37 9.52 T.9931.22 23 3.425 25..' 6 7214 5.69 42.E 5 ,_l49 0.24 70•0 93.51 0.005 1.24 3458 25. 81 2. 235 5_757 43.07 3,721 e.n56 60.27 5..'0f, 10.35 T7.4f, 6.692 17.65 94.66 5.118 l .25 3..49C 26_11 7.75L 5.817 43.52 4,760 8. 144 40.9E 3, 21,4 10.47 78,33 b•1b7 12.60 95.14 8,Z71 1 .26 3.523 26. 35 2.277 5.616 43.9E 3. 799 tl..133 61,51 1.321 10.59 74,21 6.64) 12.94 96.52 8.365 7 .27 3,555 2b.n0 7.29P 5.918 a4•s1 1:938 8.321 62.Z5 5.3 Y8 10, 10 Bu.9e b.418 13. 09 97.9E 1, 450 1.Z8 3.768 16.A4 t.719 5.999 44.89 },p71 x,410 61.92 5.436 f0. 02 80 .45 6.994 13,23 98,94 0.552 1.Z4 3.620 27,0e 2.340 6.060 45.33 3.4L6 e.4a. 61.56 5.4.1 10. 54 91.87 7.070 13.30 100.1 0.646- 1,30 3.653 27. 32 2.361 6, 120 45•T9 _ 3.956 6.5AB 64.25 5.551 11.Ob U.. 71 T.146 13..52-1at:2.1 T4f@ 1 �..,4 %7 lH .i j SEF 1 9 2008 Basin # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L= Cw = Designer BMD Date: 9114/2008 Check of Primary Discharge Velocity Op 1 in/hr Hw 1 in/hr Velocity (fps) from (cfs) (ft) Level Spreader 0.63 0.08 0.83 0.60 0.07 0.81 0.60 0.07 0.81 0.59 0.07 0.81 0.61 0.07 0.82 0.82 0.09 0.90 0.63 0.08 0.83 Qp 10 yr Hw 10 Yr Velocity (fps) from (cfs) (ft) Level Spreader 1.57 0.14 1.12 1.49 0.14 1.10 1.51 0.14 1.11 1A7 0.13 1.10 1.53 0.14 1.11 2.06 0.17 1.23 1.57 0.14 1.12 10 ft Level Spreader Length 3.0 Broad Crested Weir Q =Cw •L-Ht5 I I .5 Hw Q Cw • L Broad Crested Weir: Q=VA V=Q= Q A Length lip • Head � Check for Velocity 2.5 fps ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Cross Reference Table - Basin Name to Soils Report Label Design Basin Name (#) 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 1 5 6 Soils Report Test Number 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 15 6 P. 01 >X TRANSACTION REPORT OCT-09-2008 THU 10:02 AM >K FOR: NCDENR 910 350 2004 SEND DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP OCT-09 10:01 AM 919198546259 1'25" 8 FAX TX OK 348 TOTAL 1M 25S PAGES: 8 � State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor FAX COVER. SHEET Date: To: _ J<-- Co: Pax: P,G: Williaor G. Ross, Jr., Secretary No. Pages (excl. cover): Express Permitting From: Sandra Exum Phone (910) 796-7265 Fax: t910 350.2004_ 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, NC 28405 r (910) 796.7215 • An Equal Opportunity Affirm»tivc Action Rmployer P.01 TRANSACTION REPORT OCT-09-2008 THU 08:57 AM � FOR: NCDENR 910 350 2004 SEND DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP OCT-09 08:55 AM 919104512927 1'28" 8 FAX TX OK 344 � TOTAL : 1M 28S PAGES; 8 >K Miclerrel F. Easley, Governor Date: _ U To: (� Co. LL S Fax.Re- 44V State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural .Resources Wilmington Regional office FAX COVI✓R S)Et7sET William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary No. .Pages (excl. cover): —7 Express Permitting .From: Sandra Phone: �910 796-72b5 Fax: 9] 0 35Q-?00�1 127 Cardinal Drive Extcnsion, Wilmington NC 28405. (910) 796-7215 . An Equal Opportunity Affirn1dive Action Emplo er Y W1-1ITI' OAK RIVER BASIN Name of Stream Subbasin Stream Index Number Map Number Class Mairey Branch WOK03 21-3-1 H31SW7 C Margaret Branch WOK02 19-4-3 H29NW9 C;NSW Maria Creek WOK04 21-35-7-13-1 H33SW2 SA;ORW Meadows Branch WOK03 21-S H31SW9 C Middens Creek WOK04 21-35-7-24 H32SE9 SA;HQW Mile Hammock Bay WOK02 19-41-2 I29SE5 $A;HQW Mill Creek WOK02 19-9 H29SWB SC;NSW Mill Creek WOK02 19-30-1 129NWB SA;HQW Mill Creek WOK02 19-39-3-1 129SWB SA;HQW Mill Creek WOKO1 19-41-11-1 I30NW7 SA;HQW Mill Creek WOK01 20-29-1-1 130NE2 SA;HQW Mill Creek WOK03 21-19 H31SE9 SA;HQW Mill Run WOK02 19-17-7 I29NWS SC;NSW Mill Swamp WOK02 19-3-1 1428NES C;NSW Milldam Branch WOK03 21-3-6 H31SWS C Millis Swamp WOK03 21-3-2 H31SW7 C Millstone Creek WOK02 19-30-3-1 129SW1 SA;HQW Mingo Creek WOK04 21-35-7-10-3 H33NW9 SC Mire:y Branch WOK02 19-41-5-3 129S£3 SA;HQW Mirey Branch WOK01 20-7 H30NW7 C Money Island Say WOK03 20-36-13 I32NW4 SA;HQW Money Island Slough WOK03 20-36-13-1 I32NW4 SA;HQW Money Island Swamp WOK03 21-16-2 1431SES C Morgan Bay WOK02 19-18 129NWG SC;NSW Mott Creek WOK02 19-16-3 I29NE1 C;NSW Muddy Creek WOK02 19-30-2 I29NW8 SA;HQW Mulberry Creek WOK01 20-13 H30SW4 C Mullet Cove WOK05 21-35-7-31 I33NW4 SA;ORW Mullet Gut WOK01 20-29-2-1 I30NE1 SA;HOW Mundine Branch WOK01 20-6 H29NE6 C Negro Creek WOK05 21-35-7-4 H33SE2 SA;HQW Nelson Bay WOK04 21-35-7-10-(1) H33NW9 SC Nelson Bay WOK04 21-35-7-10-(5) H33NW9 SA;HQW NEW RIVER WOK02 19-(1) H28NW3 C;NSW NEW RIVER WOK02 19-(7) H29SW8 SB;NSW NEW RIVER WOK02 19-(10.5) H29SWB SB;HQW,NSW NEW RIVER WOK02 19-(11) I29NW2 SC;HQW,NSW NEW RIVER WOK02 19-(15.5) 229NW2 SC;NSW INEW=RIV� Elm WOK02 e:1,9`(2,71] I29NE7 SA: HQW� New River Restricted Area f# 1 WOK02 19-31 I29SW2 SC New River Restricted Area # 2 WOK02 19-37 129SE4 SC Newby Creek WOK04 21-35-1-a I32NW3 SA;HQW NEWPORT RIVER WOK03 21-(1) H31SW9 C NEWPORT RIVEA WOK03 21-(17) H31SE9 SA;HQW Newport River Restricted Area (Morehead City WOK03 21-31 I32NW2 SC Harbor) North Fork White Oak River WOK01 20-2 H29NW6 C North Leopard Creek WOK04 21-35-1-7-2 H32SES SA;HQW North River WOK04 21-35-1 H32SW6 SA;HQW Northeast Creek WOK02 19-16-(0.5) H29SE4 SC;NSW Northeast Creek WOK02 19-1fi-(3-S) I29NE1 SC;HQW,NSW Northeast Creek WOK02 19-16-(4.5) I29NW3 SC;NSW Northwest Prong Newport River WOK03 21-2 H31SW5 C Old Channel WOK05 21-35-7-8-1 H33SE4 SA;ORW Page 5 of 8 The Catena Group SOILS REPORT FOR STORM WATER BASINS AAV Site Camp Lejeune, NC Prepared For: EarthTech 701 Corporate Center Drive Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 Prepared By: The Catena Group Hillsborough, North Carolina April 14, 2008 rj / Gary S. Kreiser 410-B Millstone Drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 732-1300 So'� S INTRODUCTION The Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune plans an expansion of Amphibious Assault Vehicle Site (AAV). As part of this expansion, several stormwater infiltration basins are proposed to infiltrate runoff from adjacent impervious surfaces. As part of the application process, a soils investigation detailing soil type, infiltration rate, and depth to seasonal high water table is required. The Catena Group, Inc (TCG) has been retained to perform the soil investigations. INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY Prior to the field investigation, the Onslow County Soil Survey was referenced to get an overview of the possible soil series located in the study area. Around the AAV Site, there are two mapping units. Figure 1 presents the mapped soil series and the general location of the proposed infiltration basins where the borings and infiltration tests were performed. Table I presents the soil series, map unit symbol and taxonomic class. Table 1 Soil Series, Map Unit Symbol, and Taxonomic Class Map Unit Symbol Soil Series/Map Unit Name Taxonomic Class Ur Urban Land NIA WaB Wando Thermic, coated Typic Quartzipsamments The Feld investigation was performed on March 11, and 27, 2008. Soil borings were made with a hand - turned auger in the vicinity of the proposed infiltration basins. Observations of the landscape (slope, drainage patterns, past use, etc.) as well as soil properties (depth, texture, structure, seasonal wetness, restrictive horizons, etc.) to a depth > 48 inches, when possible, were recorded. Soil color was determined with a Munsell Soil Color Chart. The rate of water entry into a soil is referred to as the infiltration rate. The infiltration rate into a soil decreases with time mainly due to an increase in the soil water content and a decrease in the hydraulic gradient. As infiltration continues, the rate of water entry into the soil reaches a constant value (steady state condition) which is considered to be the same as the saturated hydraulic conductivity (KSAT) of the soil. The KSAT was measured in the field and used to characterize the infiltration rate for each proposed infiltration basin. KSAT measurements were performed at each of the proposed infiltration basin using a constant -head permeameter (Amoozemeter). Before any readings were recorded, the Amoozemeter was allowed to . equilibrate, typically 25 minutes. Based on conversations with the designer of the proposed infiltration basins (Mr. Bryan Dick of Earth Tech), construction of these basins would remove approximately 6 to 12 inches of topsoil. As such, the KSAT measurements were performed around a depth of 12 inches in order to estimate the infiltration rate at the new soil surface. FINDINGS Soil 'Type Based on the borings in the vicinity of the proposed basins, it was determined that the majority of the soil at the AAV Site was urban land with varying depths of sandy fill material over the naturally occurring soil surface. There were two borings (Site l and Site 6) that the soil borings indicated that there was less disturbance and were classified as the Wando soil series. Detailed boring logs for each boring are attached. Table 2 presents each boring with a soil series determination. Determination of soil series was made through a comparison of soil boring descriptions to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) Official Series Description (OSD) for the soil series that were mapped by the NRCS for this site. Table 2 Soil Borings and Soil Series Determination Boring # Soil Series Determination Basin 1 Wando Basin 2 Urban Land 24" fill* Basin 3 Urban Land 22" fill* Basin 4 Urban Land 30 " fill* Basin 5 Urban Land 30" fill* Basin 6 Wando *no determination of soil series due to fill material Depth to Seasonal High Water Table During the field investigation, the depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT) was determined. Since the soil was typically sandy, the determination of the SHWT was made through field indicators of redoximorphic features or the presence of saturated soil. Table 3 presents the soil borings and the determination of the SHWT. Table 3 Boring, and Depth to SHWT Boring # SHWT Determination (inches below Surface) Basin 1 40 Basin 2 40 Basin 3 30 Basin 4 >48 Basin 5 40 Basin 6 30 The depth to the SHWT varied greatly around Basin 6. There is a large ditch (See Figure 1) that is near the proposed basin location. Approximately 60 feet to the east of the test location, the depth to the SHWT is only 13 inches. During this investigation, the exact configuration of the basin was unknown. Due to the variations in SHWT, the proximity of the ditch and the uncertainties of the basin configuration it is unknown if there will be a large enough area to fit a basin. Infiltration Rate Multiple saturated hydraulic conductivity tests were performed at each proposed infiltration basin. The results for each test are shown below in Table 4. Data sheets for each hydraulic conductivity tests are also attached. At each basin location, the geometric mean was taken and is presented in Table 4. The geometric mean was calculated instead of the arithmetic mean, as it tends to dampen the effect of very high or low values, which might bias the arithmetic mean if a straight average was calculated. Table 4 Results of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Tests and Geometric Mean Test Location Test Number Test Depth inches Measured KsaT (inlhr) Geometric Mean in/hr) Basin 1 1 11.4 1.22 1.41 2 12.2 1.17 3 9.8 1.97 Basin 2 1 11.8 3.13 2.19 2 10.6 1.53 3 11.0 1.76 Basin 3 1 12.6 3.51 2.88 2 11.8 1.53 3 11.0 1.76 Basin 4 1 9.8 2.20 70 2 11.0 3.30 Basin 5 1 11.4 1.0 1.52 2 11.0 1.8 3 11.0 2.0 Basin 6 1 12.2 5.34 6.60 2 13.8 7.12 3 13.4 7.54 Since soil is inherently non -homogeneous, field tests can often misrepresent the areal hydraulic conductivity of a soil. Typically, field tests underestimate the saturated hydraulic conductivity of clayey soil and overestimate it in sandy soils. As a result of this misrepresentation a "moderation factor" is suggested to convert point saturated hydraulic conductivity to areal saturated hydraulic conductivity for each proposed infiltration basin. Since the soil is typically fine sand or loamy sand, a moderation factor of 0.5 was used to correct for the potential of overestimating the infiltration rate. Table 5 presents the saturated hydraulic conductivity geometric mean for each infiltration basin as well as a moderation factor to get an area infiltration rate for each proposed infiltration basin. Table 5 Geometric Mean, Moderation Factor and Areal Infiltration Rate for Each Basin Test Location Geometric Mean Moderation Factor Areal Infiltration Rate inchesthour Basin 1 1.41 0.5 0.71 Basin 2 2.19 0.5 1.10 Basin 3 2.88 0.5 1.44 Basin 4 2.70 0.5 1.35 Basin 5 1.52 0.5 0.76 Basin 6 6.60 0.5 1.04 As shown in Table 5, the majority of proposed basin locations have an infiltration rate of I inch/hour or greater with the only exceptions being Basin Iand 5. However, even with these lower infiltration rates for Basin I and 5, these areas are still greater than the required 0.52 inch/hour. CONCLUSIONS The findings presented herein represent TCG's professional opinion based on our site and soils evaluation. This report is provided to assist in the application for the infiltration basins by providing the soil information. North Carolina DWQ must issue the final permit. Any concurrence with the findings in this report would be made at that time. The Catena i%%SGroup �r "•_"sr Legend • Proposed Basins w Ditch - = NRCS Soil Mapping Unit � • Ur r � 4-� VbB AAV Site Camp Lejeune, NC April 2ao8 Scale 1 =150' Job No.: 7354 Figure ERARTNTE` - F..*,LTH & NL T'_k;kL FE.SGCRCE4 1',•1510*4 OF ENA'iR0Cl '.%!'T..i_ F?E!.L.TF? -c - .. �'•� S : S"�'� _ it ' - � � ; � , ; ; ! � T7 ;44 IT- LT.-1,r Er'-1 `:: -- HYDRAUUC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY Cam L sacra Dole. 3r11)2006 Wawa, Con bt Sunny L_M,MAAV $win 1 T-P-Wr• IF)' 60 Number 7 Hmzon- E Cm rndha4 Ceglh(mcros]: 11.4 UPmdn0 Tarpel Weler Level: 15.0 5.9 prhh BagWater LoI 140 55 Hole Dept, (Cml: 29.0 114 EMvg Wow. Leval: 14.0 5.5 Rare,a-J-)_ • 11.0 4.3 Heed Iom): - 15.0 6.0 CHT T1 be(s) -IbI g. _ 250 Hole Ifi mebr (Cml: 5.0 Hde ra6w lr) 2 5 ir.�es Valre.Sefhng a [,e en1A OUC1266 1-ON 2-0N NOTE: Reading. based on Ebdrng Wale, Level C--un Fe IC F) 1050 41 10 105.o 2,0 zoo 0.0m 31500 4.0691 1.5077 23004 40,2 0.8 105.0 4.0 2.00 0.033 2520.0 3.2455 12m 10123 324 0 6 1050 5.0 2.00 0 033 25N 0 32455 12M 10. 123 35T n7 1o50 59 2.00 0033 22050 2541 1.1104 TO 370 Do 105 0 2.00 0.033 2520.0 3.2455 12M 19123 F1n41 Ka4l 3.711 1.225 15.325 HYDRAULIC C0N000TIvtTY STOCY Cam LeeunI, Dow 3FllrAW Locum: AAV SmI 1 Si mber. 2 Hl cem ! C inches pappyil1d14ej; 122 SET UP 7ary.r ware, Le 15.0 so ndhw 8enrvlq wader Lme4 140 g1 5.5 Hole Depth(cm): 31.0 12-2 Ending Water Level 140 5.5 Rileren0e I-): +11,0 4.3 How (Mr. -15 0 SA CHT TuWs) wI - 270 Hole cf o,na , 1rm). 60 Fk1le canna {r)_ 2.5 Vlive D 001288 1.014 2-ON NOTE = Rapdn2. basso en Endrnq Water Level Gc .-- factor ICE 1- 11350 ware, 1lerhga �n CSemper dad, Elepwd Tuns q K K K Rears v.alar all C F time Imrn} (mrrl) 0v) (=3") (-dhr) (INMpiftkil 41 00 1050 so 402 04 1050 TO 2.00 0033 2520.0 32466 1.2782 19,123 39.4 0.9 1050 9.0 2.00 0.033 2520.0 3 2465 12M TO 123 39.7 0 7 1050 11D 2.00 0.033 22050 2 640T 11184 15.T33 35 0.7 1050 130 2.00 0033 22050 2.8407 11184 15.733 HYDRAULIC CONl7UCTIVITY STUDY Cwn L Ode: 3r11f2008 Local-. AAV 6esln 1 Numbx 3 Halzoe. APME lcm Depth(nnhm) 9-6 7 ""I" water Level: 1s o 59 cm mdw 8egrmm�g Water Leval: 14 0 5.5 Hob Depth (cm): 25.0 0.8 Emd,g WmLevel. 14 0 55 Rorh r s (Cm): + 14.0 5.5 Heed(cm)'. •15,0 50 CHT TubI asmrq - 24.0 Hdc dramete, Irrn 5.0 Has .wAuv l,i- 2-5 VIIN. S.Mrrg m A 0001258 1-ON 2-0N NOTE = Readings based on Ending W der Lend Cp.-- Fa" fG f 1: 1050 Wabr dunpe In Chamber dock Eiapwd Time O K K K 33.5 1A 105.0 100 2-00 0033 44100 5014 2.2366 3348e 323 1.2 105.0 120 2.00 0.033 3750.0 4.83B6 1.2172 2B.685 311 1,2 105.n 140 200 0033 37800 4BB06 12172 28.6B.5 302 0.0 105.0 180 200 0.033 2635 o 3.6523 1.4379 21 514 229 1.3 1o6 0 160 2.00 0.033 4005 0 5.2756 2.OM 31.075 276 1-1 1050 20.0 2,00 0.033 3465.0 44640 1.7575 28.294 25 5 1.3 105.0 220 2.00 0.033 4095 0 5 2756 2.0770 31.0T5 Ke.L HYDRAULIC CONDUCTMTv Bruin L nM. 1111200E W.Mr Oe1ldYon: 9lartM L-Abw MY Rollin Twgwgkm in 00 Nr.nw 1 Hpr M ! r1 1lchn D.o1rKlwr.) 11.5 TMW wMw L.Y.t 15.0 Be en a B .g,-9 Waw L": 14.o 55 Hole D.o.l lcml 30.0 11E rn NWaWUnl 120 4F R.Irw,c. lung, • 100 39 Hww(ml -15.0 S9 CHr TupN.) rwrg • 25.0 Hale dr4m01w (am)5.0 "0l.radrw(rl 25 AN. swi.w K ..R,u.n1 A O D018,3 1-ON 2-ON NOTE. Rereiirg4 h4.ed m Ending wMw Laval Covarwm Fades fC F I No wN.r char,,*,. Cha 1101 tlo * Elspaed Tlmo a K K K Revell waver I.rN C F. Ume Im1n) rNn hr an911a cfrNY INN 331 00 1050 00 22 1 7 1050 2.0 2 00 0 033 53550 0 Biro 3 4OD4 SO STS x 5 1 5 1050 4.0 2.00 0.033 4725 0 7 6M 3 OD03 44.890 291 IS 1050 00 2 OO 0 033 &MO 0 aim 3.2004 47 193 27.3 is 1 US 0 60 200 0 033 8040 0 aim 3 2004 47 9Sd 252 Is 1060 faa 200 0 a33 4725.0 7 E209 3 oM u am W VkW KEN 7ISO 3-134 Mus HYDRAULIC CO4Ol2CTMTr STUD„ Cemp L DMK YI VM L0016wc AAV MMl Y Mao81r 2 H."a* I= Inun. D.pkK1r31..3 10.9 T4Kpwsm LwM- 15.0 59 cr„ .w,wl 9mnV.Pwrw L.v.F ,x 0 4 7 Hoh DWth (Wn 27.0 10.9 Erdn9 Wa w tans: 12 a 47 Palo- (My * 12,0 4.7 H.ad {cmj -15.0 5.9 CHT Tu0.1.) w wa - 260 HaM 6amele. Icml SO Hole radu.'0 25 Val.. S.EIr1g merhu.m A. 0 OC1013 1-ON 2-ON NOTE'- R.4dn¢ OSE on Endirg WMw L.YM Cov.rwm F.Aw (C F } 1050 wmr chwg. ,n Ch-wr dock Ei.pwd TM,. 0 K K K R..drn ...w WM C F tnro (mm) Irm N eln34r (sown w w) 336 00 1060 30 329 0 r 1060 so 2.00 0.033 2206 0 3 5w 14002 20.940 32 OR 105 D 70 200 0033 28350 4 S725 1 am 20 934 3, 3 0 7 1050 9.0 200 OM 2205 0 3 5W 1 am 2090 304 09 ID50 11.0 200 0033 293SO 45M 1am M904 297 0 7 1060 13 0 2 DO 0 033 22DS 0 3 55E4 1.4002 2090. bul K.M 1.995 1.S34 22 M4 H _lj1ICC__Lj T1V17Y _OV Camel 0w4 N,+r2006 Loc.rlm MY 94Nn 2 r4 "W 3 F6__ AprSE vn nCn.. D.^,nm4.1 11.6 711W Y1a1.r L4VM: 15,0 5,9 cm incn.e Brgmn.ng W.I.r LwN: l4-0 5.tl Hde Depth Icml 28 0 III EMing W.Ier L..* $4,0 S,9 R.f. lonl' a 100 19 Hwd t-n - 15 0 8,9 CHT TW.I.I rn, g. . 23.0 Hol. d.m w (am): Hai- r"m 1rR 2.5 VN.. S.mnO t -WB.WM A. 0001288 I -ON 2-ON NOTE: Re".p h.e.d an Endlrg 91.I.r L-W Ccv x. radw{Cr1 105a w M.i Wrg. n Chwnw �11- El.oeed T. 0 K R K ftexTn9 w 4eM C: F urns � 'i (-,) Ihr vnlnr 1-ft) KYllr rm a13 on +05a 41) 40 + 3 1050 on 200 0 O33 409S 0 52756 2 OTTO 31.075 A 9 1 2 1060 6 0 2.00 0 033 37M 0 4 MW 1 9172 25.595 379 09 1050 1o0 2.00 0033 28350 36523 14379 21,514 368 1 3 1050 120 200 0 033 40H 0 S Me 2 OTTO 31 075 355 1 1 1050 140 2 00 0 033 3465 0 44640 1 MM 292M IFI-1 K.M 4.464 1.757 1 29J94 1 1 WDRAULIC CONDUC7IVTTY STUDY Len _ DN.' j/11f2009 Wrmr C-d-bnn SL" Lpc.b.r. ^AV 6+vn3 T. Pr IFI 80 t*,.w 1 Herrin E aA -xrw D.ptiXWOwl 12e TagW Wow Lw 150 59 an Be9�a.n9 WNW Lwd 140 5 5 HOW Dptl1(mr 320 as Endmg WNW UWO 940 5 5 R.1.1Ww (m) 0.0 &1 Head(m). -150 CHT Tub.(.) wM% • 250 H.I. d-w fan). SA Hd. ro*A 111. 75 Inn Vat-. 3.0,q s -.Ok W A O a01288 iON ZON NOTE'. R.Winpc bawd w Endng WNW L-1 C9-W F.M. ICY.): 106.0 WN.1 c}1W1pe in Cllxnb.r dock EI.p.W Time O K K K .r.r MvN CF Km. {min {min (MI cm31nl (on8v INN Ide *$ 0,0 106,0 01) >ni 2 2 1050 20 200 0 033 69300 e U79 35149 52 580 86A- 2.2 105,0 11.0 2.Oa 0 033 69300 0.9279 35140 52.589 22 105,0 RO 200 0 033 89300 8 9279 3 5149 52 589 iL HYDRAULIC CDNDLICT TTY STUDY Damp L wlle Dow &I IMM Lndbw AAV B.Wn3 Nd w 2 H.1wn'. E cm_ 1cn.e Dep NkKtr 11-e T.rgW W., L-N Is 0 59 B.pimmnp water L.-N 12 0 4 7 HOW D.pth(c1A1, 303 lie Endrtg W"ro Level 130 5t Rofta 1pml: • 11.0 43 Hand (cm)', - 15 0 59 CHT Tub.(.) Wunp- .40 Hd. dam.l.r fool' 50 V.N. S.Amg: K c9 ft mt A 0 001435 1-0N 2-0N NOTE, R.W.rg. brd on Endrg WNW La-W Co -Wren Fan. iC F ): 1050 W.hr cYrrtp. to U-b.r clock Elopa.d Tune D K K K ..I.t L.-.! CF bin.1-1 iminl IMI Ian3Ae (a1a1r IiNt.l 2L2 0.0 105.0 30 24.9 3.3 106,6 Sf.A 200 0 033 10395.0 14.9l80 5 97T2 07 932 21.i 30 1060 74 200 0 033 9460 0 13-SM 5.3429 79 938 Su 31 106.0 !A 2.00 0 033 97e6.0 % SM10 82 603 Ise 3.2 1050 11l 200 0033 100e0.0 14A757 56991 85.267 IA'DRADLK: CDNOLICTNTTY STUDY C.m L Deb. 3111/2008 Leutibn AAV B.NA3 Nrnw 3 H9ntpn e p.pml-nwl: 12.2 JUMT.TpN WNW L-,M 150 5. an htrtrea Bs9lnnnp W al.r L.-N 140 55 Hbl. D.pW Icm1 31 0 U2 Endn9 WNW L-d 140 55 R.WW Jant, 130 61 H..d I=): 150 5.2 CHT T.M%) m1g. = 290 Hda d.meMr 1[ ) 60 Hd. r.da1. I" 7 5 Val-. 54mnp. a ffm A 000,20 1-0N 2-ON NDTE. R..d,npa b. W m Endn9 Wt., L.-N Cb-r Fa IC F 1 1050 WNW Nrtlp.m DMwOW deli EWpud T.ne D K K K I.a1W Ia-N C F w" lmel 1mA1 IN7 cm3/tK1 ILYNhrY (Wvh,) pywdt �.7 00 1050 !a e 07 los 0 0 200 0 033 22050 2 &MT 1 1184 16 733 0.9 1060 TA 2.00 0 033 28M 0 3,6523 1 4379 21.514 > 07 1050 " 2 00 0 033 2205 0 26401 1.1184 16.733 .� a OF 1050 11.0 200 o a31 77M G 2 6407 1 118A is TM rL.W K.N 3.111 1.228 18.326 HVORAULIC,GONDl1CTIVITY sTUOY L Del`3r11rZ= W.0 Condloan Ck** Lp tic : M.V 9nln 4 Temorrelvm (F) 40 Number 7 1lortxm E 1m w4tm ap011incnee]. 8,6 SET UP 7argxl Wnee� L-I: 15.0 54 cm Beginning Water Level: 11.0 4.3 Hde DWh Jcml- 25.0 OB Ending wafer Levr: 11.0 43 Rer-Sal- • 10.0 39 H4ad 1-1 . - 150 5 9 CHT Tubes) setting' • 20,0 Hde dtbmetar (ani 80 Hde md- (rl 25 II1C11Da VeNe 9eoinp. r -fhaed A 0 001527 Covernon Factor {c F 1 1-0N 20.0 2-ON NOTE, Readings based on Ending W.I., L-1 Wm,, change n Cl,-- do Elspsstl Torre q X K K Reading waist level CF Ame lmmt IminS fhr] (rad3lhr} S-Ihrt (Inrhrt arm2lday 34.1 C.0 200 1.0 28 8 5.7 200 30 2.00 0033 3420.0 6.2492 24503 35 810 23.2 $A 200 5.0 2.00 0033 32400 5.9203 2.3308 36 873 11 7 5.5 211 10 200 0.033 3300.0 8.0299 2.3740 35.519 12.1 8 2 200 A 0 2.00 0.033 3120.0 5.7010 2.2445 33.581 7 4 51 20 0 11 0 200 0.033 30500 55914 22013 32.05 24 so 200 13.0 2.00 0 033 3000.a 54817 2.1562 32.290 phid Rod 5.5E1 ZM 1 umr 1 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDYCam Le was Dose' 3111ra08 LombM AAV Esfdn 4 Number. 2 Hohzen- E 1m Mlehr D.XNh mnl. 11.0 T.W ware* Leer: 15.0 8A an indm Beg.-Q Water Ler41. 13.0 8.1 W. apticml 28.0 11.0 Ending Wrer Linter, 14.0 5.4 Ref.--(cml. •9.0 35 Hrad (-o - 15.0 89 CHT T.W. seRLng - 22-0 Hde dumafer (on l: 5.0 Hole mdilm {11: 2.5 value sen�rg. x ceel6rleM A: 0-001288 1-ON 21ON NOTE: Readings tined m Ending W KW Levy Cove.e�on Fade {GF ): 1050 W.I. change m Ch-t W 6%k Elapsed Time O K K K ReedeN wafer I-i C F bore Imml Imml (ho I-Yr l (vnft) (W r) 30,9 00 105.0 1.0 37.6 2.3 105.0 3.0 2.00 0033 7245.0 9,3337 3-6747 54.970 35 6 2'a 105 a 5.0 2.00 0,033 63M 0 81163 3 1964 47 BOB 334 22 105 0 7,0 2.00 0.03T 610300 82279 3.5149 52 569 313 2.1 1050 9,0 2.00 D033 6615.0 85ni 33552 50198 292 2.1 1(.0 11 A 2.00 0.033 6615.0 B 5221 33552 50.198 27.2 20 105.0 13.0 2.00 0.033 53000 81163 3, 1g54 47,808 HYDRAiluc conxTivITY STUDY Cam are D.W. 3r11I2006 Wn8w CoNd6m, sw" WOW- MV 9aar5 T-rlpa.e.. IR 60 Nn1l . 1 Hwr.on: E Icni M10t1a. D.pNk.t .1: 11.4 SET ME TrgM Walr L..n115.D 5.9 B.90.rg WalWL"el4.0 55 HOW DM161IanY 290 11i Endrg Wr.r Lwr.F 13.0 5.1 pmhr (-1 • 90 31 Hmw (an] - 150 59 C71T T ".} .wbng = 23 0 NOa dkw wa jomt is Hda rr11e lrt 25 V.M. sm.b w a ✓ A. 0.001438 1.ON 2�ON MOTE, RwdY- dw4m ErWk g W.W U.al Cor.r>,m pepw IC F 1' 105.0 WwW clrrgen Chambr derl Elap..d Twr 0 K K K waW rvel C.F 5ma Imml mle Ihr (ClAdIINhrOWROdy 44 00 1RSA pp 43 10 105,0 30 3.00 0050 2100.0 3,015E 1.16T3 17.764 4&1 09 105.a 6D 3.00 0O50 1690.0 2,7142 1.OB86 15.956 413 08 1050 9.0 3.00 0.050 1660A 24126 0.949E 14.211 40.5 08 IDS 120 3,00 0050 1660.0 241M OA1B6 14.211 IFIMI Kcal E513 WMI 1 14493 HYDRAULIC C;M0X W1 Y STUDY C4m Dar. 3r„Y2a09 LDrmbm MY BmWhS Nrebr 2 H=ryw, Dp1lylrrJrfl. 11.0 T.rgsl WOW 150 5.9 Ge na,n B.nang WmIevN M '. 3 0 eO 5 ` HoM Dwth ldnl 210 11.0 Ebrg Wales L-h 170 5 RNa.a.lunl 10.0 31 H..d Ivor -150 a/ CHT Tub.(.; .emrg •230 Hob 04.narr fun) a0 Hob radio jr) 25 valve S.1Sug Y mefw-A A 0 00 ia36 1-ON 2,014 NOTE, R.Mmg. Weed m Ending Win., Level Cov4rron Fawn {C F } 1050 Warr change.n Chamber clock Elspud Tlm. 0 K K K R-di wa1.r le.el C F dma ImVnl min hr Irmyhr} cmlhr> fl dhr) gWfft2td, 444 00 1050 DD 435 11.9 1 D5 0 2A 2.00 0 033 2835 0 4 0713 1 " 23 201 424 1 1 1050 40 200 0.033 34M 0 4 9760 1 9591 29.311 415 09 105.0 00 2.00 0 033 2835 0 40713 1 6029 23.961 40.5 10 1 D5.0 6.D 2.00 0 033 31500 4 5236 1 7610 26 6" HYpRAUUC 0D./Ol1CT%"Y STUDY amp 3111Y2006 L-bm. AAV MOM Nm,b.r 3 Hon7m. Deplh(vwiya}: 11.G Tsegal WNW 150 . rrJ.a plm,D BOrg WwWa1W Laval: 16 6 .3 Hd. D.pm lrm7 280 1tIo Endirg WWW L-d: 160 6.3 RerWWaa lanr. • 9 D 3.5 H..d I=Y •15.0 59 CHI Tu@.(•) -Ring, - 22 C FiDle deme,er Icml: 5.0 Hde rad�ua fr1: 25 V.He Sewnp', a cosK.runt A: D 001 D57 i-ON 2-ON NOTE: Read-.Q. based m Endrrg WWer Lwd Cp "w FRO- (C.F r. 1050 Wow darg. m Chm n duo Erprd The O K K K R.d. nmw level C.F nm.1-m "i.) hr cm37Ml ( (WVhrl 424 00 E1.pa.d T.nr 3.D 395 3.0 1050 so 3.00 0 050 6306A $ &M 2.8208 30.212 3159 2.7 M 0 10 300 0 090 56700 SAW2 2.3567 35 200 349 20 1050 120 300 0.050 42000 44379 17472 211141 111 3,5 IDS 150 300 cow 73500 7.T553 20570 45747 29 1 22 105 0 16.0 300 000 4820 0 4 M7 19219 28 756 260 2,3 1050 nA 300 0 050 4630 0 51036 2 0063 30.052 245 2-3 105 0 240 300 0 ow 4a30 D 5.,03a 2 am 20 an HYORAI7UC CONOucnvm STUDY AAv Doe: 3rsrG006 w.eow ar,eibnn s,mny L.C.o- Erin 5 r,n ne.,vxe IFI. 60 Nenbr 1 Horizon: E.u1r rncllee Otpthlinchet) 12.2 SET EP Txrg9i waiarlwN: 1S.0 5¢ CBeg n,ny Walm Level: i30 51 HNe Dept, (Ua): 1; 0 122 End,ng Wale, LevsC 130 51 Rtgrenot 1-; + 13.0 5 1 Head(om)'. • 15.0 59 CHT TubeHel setting: = 790 Hok demet4r lrznY: �.O Hde ad,w Irk 2 5 rn:� vwvb Sernr,O ■ toetT,oera A: 0 OCIA36 1-ON 2-CN NOTE: Readings oaegd on Endng Ware[ Level Cgyertgn Fedp IC F 1 1050 WNer the[ga,r Chamber clock Eleuaed 7,me O K K K Reath water level CF bmaimin1 .-) ft, IcmD+hr {cr118[r (irdhr) e18I21dey 2" 00 1050 80 2" , 6 1050 4.0 1.00 0 017 low a 14 A757 5.8991 85 267 3u 1 4 1050 60 1.00 coil 8820 0 12.6682 4.9867 74 609 263 15 1D50 6.0 1.00 O.D17 9450.0 13.5709 53429 79,938 i6 1.5 IDS 0 To 100 0.017 9450.0 13.5709 5.3429 T9 938 22.E 15 1060 AD 1.00 0.017 9450.0 13.5700 5.5429 79 93a 203 15 105.0 94 1.00 0 017 "WO 13.5709 53429 79 938 -wkw Kew 13.ST7 5.343 79.634 I O WLIC, CaNDUrTIVl7Y STUDY AAv Dale 3r18r2008 L-oi - Erin 6 Nur11t1er: 2 Harim: E Lm „then Danthllndat): 13.2 T P Terger Weler Lava'' 150 59 an ,,,tyres 11":ng W.I., L-11 13.0 5 1 Hde Depth(,w): 360 130 Ending Waw LwfA: 13.0 5,1 Helerenoe(-I; +T30 Si wad lan)' - 15.0 59 CHT Tuwksl mu q. • 33.0 Hole 4-n. s, r-1' 00 Hole radw trl 2 5 Vawt Sst,nO: web- 0.001436 1-0N 2-ON NOTE Readings haled - Endrrr9 '14w.r Levd Coverer -Fears IC F S 1050 Wa1e1 therge ur Chemom c1orA Elapsed Tlme O K K K Ready water hvM C.F. sane lmml hr cm3lhr IcmlM1r {Inlhr drt2lda 211 00 1050 13 26 20 105 0 2.3 100 0 017 12600 0 16 D946 7 1238 106 sw 24 20 105.0 33 100 0 017 12600 0 180946 7.1238 106,584 22 2,0 1D5.0 4.3 1.D0 0.017 128000 18.0946 71238 106.584 20 2,0 IDS E.3 1.D0 0.017 72NO0 180946 7123-S 106 M4 HYDRAUUC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY Dole: 31262008 Loca9on: Begin 4 Marshy 3 Hprpoq E G1S Irw j- OepOrlirltlltt): 13.4 Ttrger WNm L1. 6.9 on [1cMe 0egmning WNw Lm-k N-, 11.5 4.5 Hole Deptliuni 340 134 Erdrrlg Wow Level-. 12.5 49 Rllere[p(M); • 130 6,f Head (=n - ISO ¢6 CHT TuWsl eewn0 - 320 Hde. d-ew l ml: S 0 Fide W.- 0) 2 5 Valve Sellrng. A c-R-rd A 0001520 1-0N 2-DN NOTE. Read,191 based on EM,n7 Ware, Level Cmeruon Ftaor C.F,): 105.0 Water crwpe m Cnembw cock Elapsed Time O K K K Reed wMer leyol C.F t-1-1 Iranl Ixl [a+r3rhrl Irn[mr 4NM X2 00 105.0 3.0 34.4 1.8 105.0 4.0 1.00 0-017 113400 172412 5.7679 101 557 31.0 2.6 1050 St I 0.017 18380.0 24.9C39 9.8047 146EP 29.9 19 105.0 as 1DO 0.017 11670.0 18-1990 7law $07199 278 21 1050 70 1DO 0-017 lam 201147 79192 118.483 25,2 19 1050 80 100 0 017 11270.0 181980 716W 107199 23-0 2.0 105.0 0.0 1.no 0.017 12600.0 19.150 7.5421 112.841 218 2.1 105.0 10,0 1.00 0,617 13230-0 201147 7,9192 119.483 198 2.0 1050 110 1.00 Boll 12600-0 101559 7,5421 112.841 179 1.9 1050 120 1.00 0017 1IBM 0 1a Togo 71650 IT;'99 Final KaN 19.157 7.642 112.41 a 'nviiid S 4 ,6' 4u` No�ASER R AD G .�� , Piney Gr �o a tio,� S - As Bay O - BREWSTER BOULEVARD r l Camp Lejeune Main GateP �° o {� •z w 1 if C � � 1T BIRCH •e_,_ `� t--__ -. _`1, I r� C c �, - �_y `t. V!R �, !r Camp u9jeane MC Bash i i Camp Lejeune South Gate � ! f - r - \ l ry T�� �` 1 o 'T-_= PROJECT SITE Sneads Ferry Project Location '1' ,o Legend Vicinity Map EARTH TECH AECOM PAVED a 0.5 , aAAV Company pany Interim Facility at Courthouse Bay UNPAVED �� ' F+ 1 Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base E P 1 9 2008 Onslow County, NC ie . =�h y c C; 000 XF Wetlands and DWQ Legend — DWQ Named Streams Existing Roads Classifcation Map UnnamedTrihutarios —PAVED EARTH TECH AECOM AAV Company Interim Facilities L j UPLAND UNPAVED at Courthouse Bay I WETLAND ® Shellfish Area HOW Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base ® Shellfish Area ORW Onslow County, North Carolina 0 500 1,c0c 2,000 Feet 1 inch = 1,000 feet Page 1 of 2 RFC `.FT-\iF1D CL]N.CL]N.jurisdictional_wetland_ar a SFp 1 8 7nng SDE Feature Class BY Description ' Spatial I Attributes Keywords Theme: Wetlands Area, Location Place: Camp Lejeune Stratum: wetlands, planning, jurisdictional Temporal: None Description Abstract CUN.CUN.jurisdictional_wetland _area contains polygons representing wetlands created from the Jurisdictional Wetlands obtained from field survey and approved by the Corps of Engineers, Wilmington, NC. Purpose Provide wetlands identification as it relates to planning, construction siting and management tasks. Supplementary Information CUN.CUN.jurisdictional_wetiand_area created from feature class CUN.CUN.wetland_area New feature class 2006 Status of the data Complete - Last Reviewed: 10/17/06 Data update frequency: As needed Time period for which the data is relevant Date and time: 2005 Description: REQUIRED: The basis on which the time period of content information is determined. Publication Information Who created the data: I&E/EMD/ECON Date and time: REQUIRED: The date when the data set is published or otherwise made available for release. Data storage and access information File name: CUN.CUN.jurisdictional_wetland_area file://C:1Documents and SettingsVan.SewelhLocal Settings\Templmetadata3.htm 2/8/2008 ROJECT LIMITS 14 QF 1A,GL> `gym •i V ,r ii �i�i 1 f ` � �•I i ilk OL + y 41 0011, Y \ • O Legend Soils Map Existing Roads EARTH TECH AECONI AAV Company Interim Facilities at Courthouse Bay — PAVED Camp Le}eune Marine Corps Base UNPAVED Onslow County, North Carolina Soil Map Units 0 150 300 600 Feet 1 inch = 300 feet �6 �-o 5L3 -1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Request for Express Permit Review NCDENR For DENR Use ONLY Reviewer: Submit Time q'• no Confirm Q>AS.� FILL-IN all the information below and CHECK the Permit(s) you are requesting for express review. FAX or Email the completed form to Express Coordinator along with a completed DETAILED narrative, siteplan (PDF file) and vicinity map (same items expected in the application package of the project location. Include this form in the application package. • Asheville Region -Alison Davidson 828-296-4698;alison.davidson ncmail.net • Fayetteville or Raleigh Region -David tee 919-791.4203; david.Iee(a)_ncmail.net • Mooresville & -Patrick Grogan 704-663-3772 or Patrick.groAan(- cmail.no • Washington Region -Lyn Hardison 252-946-9215 or Ivn.hardlsonPncmail.net • Wilmington Region -Janet Russell 910-350-2004 or janet.russell(dncmail.net NO TE: Project application received after 12 noon will be stamped In the following work day. Project Name: USMC - AAV COMPANY County: ONSLOW Applicant: CARL BAKER, DEPUTY PUBLIC WORKS OFFICER Company: MCB CAMP LEJEUNE Address: BLDG 1005 MICHAEL RD. City: MCB CAMP LEJEUNE, State: NC Zip:-285472521 Phone:910-451-2213 Fax: - - Email cad.h.baker@usmc.mil R E C E I V E Project is Drains into SA, HQW waters Project Located in WHITE OAK River Basin Engineer/Consultant: Bryan M. DickCompany: Earth Tech SEP Q 3 2008 Address: 701 COPORATE CENTER DR. City: RALEIGH, State: NC Zip: 27607 Phone: 919-854-6252 Fax::919-854-6259 Email: bryan.dick(d)gmail.com awo PRO.i ., (Check all that apply) ❑ Scoping Meeting ONLY ❑ DWQ, ❑ DCM, ❑ DLR. ❑ OTHER: ❑ Stream Origin Determination: # of stream calls — Please attach TOPO map marking the areas in questions ® State Stormwater ❑ General ❑ SFR, ❑Bkhd & Bt Rmp, ❑ Clear & Grub, ❑ Utility ❑ Low Density ❑ Low Density -Curb & Gutter _ # Curb Outlet Swales ❑ Off -site [SW (Provide permit #)] ❑ High Density -Detention Pond _ # Treatment Systems ® High Density -Infiltration 3 #Treatment Systems (p SArd '�' ( ❑ High Density -Bio-Retention — # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density —Constructive Wetlands — # Treatment Systems ❑ High Density -Other _ # Treatment Systems ❑ MODIFICATION SW (Provide permit #) ❑ Coastal Management ❑ Excavation & Fill ❑ Bridges & Culverts ❑ Structures Information ❑ Upland Development ❑ Marina Development ❑ Urban Waterfront ❑ Land Quality ❑ Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan with acres to be disturbed.(CK # (for DENR use)) WETLANDS QUESTIONS MUST BE ADDRESSED BELOW ❑ Wetlands (401): Check all that apply Wetlands on Site ❑ Yes ❑ No Wetlands Delineation has been completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No US ACOE Approval of Delineation completed: ❑ Yes ❑ No 404 Application in Process wi US ALOE: ❑ Yes ❑ No Permit Received from US ACOE ❑ Yes ❑ No Fee Split for multiple per its. # Isolated wetland on Property ❑ Yes ❑ No Buffer Impacts: ❑ No ❑ YES: acre(s) Minor Variance: ❑ No ❑ YES Major General Variance ❑ No ❑ YES 401 Application required: ❑Yes ❑ No If YES, ❑ Regular Perennial, Blue line stream, etc on site ❑ yes ❑ No For DENR use only Total Fee Amount $ SUBMITTAL DATES Fee SUBMITTAL DATES Fee CAMA $ Variance ❑ Ma'; ❑ Min $ SW ❑ HD, ❑ LD, ❑ Gen $ 401: 1 $ LQS $ Stream Deter— $ Stormwater Management Plan Prepared For: MCB Camp Lejeune AAV Company Date: 9-2-08 Earth Tech, Inc 701 Corporate Center Dr., Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-854-6200 Prepared By: Bryan M. Dick, EIT, PH Checked By: Sean Gleason, PE E C E IV E1 SEP 0 3 2008 Dwo PROJ # Proiect Description This document is to serve as a stormwater management plan for the MCB Camp Lejeune — AAV project. The project consists of the addition of parking areas to the already developed site. The completed project will provide for expansion of the facilities to accommodate additional staff in the coming year as the population of the Base grows. Contact Information Earth Tech, Inc. Attn: Bryan M. Dick, PH 701 Corporate Center Dr., Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: 919-854-6252 Fax: 919-854-6259 Identify Proiect Involvement This project is a part of the White Oak River Basin, and is currently not subject to any buffer rules. The site is approximately 2,500 feet from the New River and about 2,000 feet from Courthouse Bay, just outside of Sneeds Ferry, NC and is located in Onslow County, which is a Phase II — NPDES requirement county. The proposed project stormwater plan will meet the requirements of detaining the 3.7 inch rainfall event for a period of approximately 2 days, per the requirements by the State as referenced from the DWQ Stormwater Manual, July 2007. Six sand filters are used to treat 6 separate drainage areas. This project is within 0.5 miles of SA waters and the use of infiltration devices was rejected by Mr. Vincent Lewis on behalf of NC- DWQ. Due to the poor infiltrating conditions on the site, sand filters are used to treat the design treatment volume. In order to meet pre -post requirements, each basin discharges to a depressional area, usually a wetland, to ensure that downstream receiving waters are not actually receiving discharge from the sand filters during the design storm. Stormwater Design Parameters The sand filters are based on the following parameters or objectives: • Provide 85% TSS removal • Protect the value of the receiving water resource • 3.7" rainfall for basin storage sizing • The 1 yr rainfall discharge from the filter must infiltrate before reaching surface waters • Ratio of impervious surface to the total area of the drainage area • Rainfall exceeding the design storm will bypass the basins and flow through a minimum of 50' long vegetated filter Discussion of Treatment Measures The proposed treatment is to utilize 6 separate sand filters to meet the TSS and Peak Flow requirements set forth by DWQ. Bypass devices are provided to allow any runoff volume that exceeds the design storage volume to be routed to a level spreader with a vegetated filter strip. The level spreader length is designed to handle the 10 yr peak runoff rate, so no bypass of the filter is necessary. Conclusion This Stormwater Management Plan represents an environmentally sensitive and effective plan for utilizing the proposed stormwater treatments to accommodate the increased runoff of the proposed s;te development. N Camp Lejeune Main Gate PiGreenRASFR ROA +I6R'A A - uP°i7 qP 74 s '� Jacksonuil y � sREwsiFR eouLFVARo J 7! CRY 4, R1V£ ? !0 Pp 1 �1 l 7- x R— Mows Cqp, A. 81. 7 O SICEN E l I F U o x s 01, ' y a w' J Z C iL R1= A1RCH Q BIRCH F O f �4f en OJa4 �'" er S &k HUCHB ARd \ QL 4 r'cw2ALFl V Rd%' Cann L.'— MC r— }pps AAV Co. Location R � �R1NE5 I I Y a �P C� Camp Lejeune South Gate��� pa r r Sneads Ferry Legend J�,yr O ��� U PAVas @)EarthTech LocaaonMap ED f zu UNPAVED two -v+� ahM�4 AAV Co Camp Lejeune MCB DWO Onslow County, NC PROJ # LEGM + •q•Oi/�41�17•CN • �OIf10r169BL • 19.OMC1!l�QflL • mm 0I 6 �#M MLVYMf v• �sw�c�ve r-+cv �J� wfer� j Law '\ oY0 RIDI M 3 D+. your v~A Yula.yd.. sm� GP+4Y r+\+ Itp d 1 E G 13 1 V E ttp Q 3 2008 LU w Ica � Z ++^� TANK LEGM li�0[T��7fr0 wn a mmos" ce f� !Ri®Il6f OYWT�1 Lit -am `i LEGM A¢a�OO ro mf raaarnf •aa 0 14/•Ip•f7\!L • 6Kmc wr•Ia! • tp6lMv+• rmmK • 9W71A1MLN o IW Nnarwt • fowwMgt • alt o nfgo� Y••rAl mYp QQ t. �aoo n a aalofoc .i tl 1 • 1•b b p tl Ufa •. 1'•W EwthTech !"" �_2 awrr.rrnu— 9 w r Irr co;.ws er w ■ .rrrra _ AAV AW tNTSUM FACA nets AT COURTHMSE 9AY Irma •� f r�p® .s r mre4..c .r,e••.nre R gml _ ewmwi 20 a r.a r•¢ r.•w tr a rw „A TEMPORARY SEDIMENTTRAP SCHEDULE Og41*a(* OtsTumm AEOURm AREA ARM O°' Si1t'JMAT IEOUI1SINMACE lNSW110. CFtM ORES CFS 8{Sili dhBiS10t15 LBIGTYI VOL. AAEII nu1 06 « 3L0 X 87A K 3.w 4 370 1 1901 LEGEq retsA+o. y4 �® i WOtNfY alflOa•�p�lOfIQI •••••• TMILM LEGEM Tie - ia` ,\, t` I ' ! al�"o r� •°�"r ro` *.w . 1oi. .w > (a�Cs�L9E s1Wq 4 •ONotra.aiurtw i r-- 1 ` ,a t o� 70.�O,M1[Y OOtgeTLcrm OfOMllCeeM 5 `- it t `t 1 a Rom• Lhm v mR.. �� . auwr C ttA,.tue `� t 1 _ • I+ 1 .�4' .Iv®sar Ge1w7O1 ne m 5etl. wow • Tmtim rmarl( a nxerep.Attr Lela.plt.WMMOFTALPHTp,. t�atAnr,oae rr 1iTFa 7dfCMR7.l'LefM ilW.eBI OeTALrHTG10 4- 9AE • w��� • attttun k•t m Sad. It / �` -_ -__- � •`_ _ Twil roams 1 t , %� t r {t ^�• ::s ��' wa fie an.+r • wp�.r y^t4 met.c a� swl a� ms•o Iw.aAI �� �.,a••..tu ry a>AAo Ir . t..^ To nerol yml •.o•nm owae \ .::ti•'' �-" +o emus Lpl-IIl �" moro® raiw .tom. ::.h'`, •' I ,w ur aa.sxe- �'��-- i t /�! 1 + u►ta 'f �• or Cm ana am a-tq 6, a` IAAr• +sm _ u " - Iti, ' Batumi ,r • r� it'+LI l0 .I,lAN 1PM I'14101�•WiILf= Il.b e3mnra w - tn,e,• ,t1Wl a + EMSm A7 9 FC>IE81.Y llVf � 4 ! - S v If /` ` •�'1 " a rA1wm. --- -- a, -- EarthTech C-4 •• __----m•r.l tr�n•tYo � `a1 I101•eIG1/7$ ; , , { ® reM•.t•a�,. < ...� AAV COMPANY AY �s 1 ` l •�•� AT OOUFaHOUM BAY '4 Aarll.rtrnnaso• •a• � �slce '\ o eW81 80001ffi2 Ye!•C4r4 •4 EMUY .�.�.�/ �IRR !y IMF UNM •i , 1 C ED Y oar 0 3 2008 Dwo ------------ - P-M W—Abid UNE y�TA(SEE SHM C-8) LEGEND ly FQV97- 4 L&M OF 007LMWAN L FFITI], ItAl-/ ---171dance < a��ww Dm 1Y 7 1;7 I rm < 51 AOA%ft MY& OVUPDM M MMA& vMU CY SDI& DUMO WOLA" M. WT D-%-" TMWPMW/ 7W.XMMUAbWU640 TA mug" UTM LEGEND M� �El 4N Myotw UTM mawrop"WA&L `� ,, / i k i kr� I $ ! '—"' III . T 11 �0 ® : TnANCWPIDCM i - um — to SC*) VL%TMVALK HYDPAM fz � , t le 20 GR*PMBCALLI*-27 EarthTech W FC-6 N PCPV 2 PARKM MADING PLAN MARINE CORM BASE AAV COMPANY iNTERN FACLUMS AT COURTHOUSE BAY s....o. .. y row. ..ao.w ` -� -J /� - ��,` - ,� n.odweariam sw a; BOOD1H24 I 'C-rm A. .429� MCI v EDD SEP 0 3 2008 DWQ PROJ 4 -------------- r -- LEGEM � 1 SIMMA SHWC WTpNHHNiR.MILC.�, 0L1lrlYLSIRETC•IR 1 1i M�5� � m[ a F2C�IaG�MNOFi]f1EV 41t1 T�L altlo t ` , � 1t, l�ill�ai7lJ�M1►7 1LM O�'6� 9PML Mm11 ✓�V �\ ' 'I w�.� w� Y V V �� t�AG 1N1 tl YVIk AIO �10 t i a11C1�0.E9 MOT �lWTYPI OY1.0 5V0 RN, F L bRGrF �i. ls4 M M,b'� .M�WT W R 4H� 01 IFVMfm to r fl,�If Ipr. .� HIV 1 - � , , � ,� ++' ■ wuw i , ^ 151{3 TDMKMWNMWWl MMTARMR41u l ' rvvap , — — s =09P11T� 411TCM a aral� M ... ..�..� •�o11oe¢I ° 1 4 +1wa ea 6 M pgvaw 1 sare°"a1� 120' To tr,sr�,y A73 O amwo�KD e,o.P a , j Sw V m ,,W 0 ! -,.)% !-, 1 i 11P ■WCFWU eV sorromarweu ++ ILIS G 14 amaw—. i r.Y� T '+'- 4Maf % .aer�a. i �•�.ep, 7Xw •e, - I • "` i 1 , � � r. r. �.•.,. a.- 1 Y ` \y a e,crri, J-�walwl aml �, / dim ., o 1`'1 1\+\1 `'�+ --WLC• � � �f ��f~' - lt�' kl} 1 \+IS VlY' .Kw.t�, � --r �`•�J �!-_ ,! � `.?S,, ,1 Y-F- j,,_ LEGEND ly y - y dreg y .� lgyp' YFo-1ld ` YP i� NtII i I 1 4 PDNMPnranragP \ .-14 1 , ! . Y' Y�4c�., � Eatt>hTedr IVICUPwCP—QM //�� o (ii UOWFO1tW7 1' 1' 9O V—v �'�4TrA&SUPPLY KAL�Q ORNW QR/W �����c�/�/��p-p"pA4+� MARINE OOWS BASE AAv CCMPAW INTER u FACLTWS AT COURTHOUSE BAY • aaCfwGIMn102 • 1RA917t/®6pL Wreyew,ey. a r•sNeolewr - 10m '6 � li rim '� 1/ yV - rr..ry�ae--ll1'1 6Mte16 Nri10L1'^ //�ij y , PUSANW MUM* ma _ c ,� c " � I a _ an`"�W T�. x�0-ad11rE) ee..yea• . ..., _..A + • /w1E11a1U•�. • awnlr `� `�`.y ►IATCHUNE - away p0ew '\' �' H>b ,er {7c .SHEET C ) f' �� 1'- 90.g wage tom- Nel m Se3e ttr- Nee m .w�,w•uas aw — ®•.rtr 81� � ••,rwn .r.r snr .� x ars .v.m�e• C E I V a 3 2008 Dwo Subject: From: "Dick, Bryan" <Bryan.Dick@aecom.com> Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 00:02:20 -0400 To: "Janet Russell" <Janet.Russel l@ncmail.net> CC: "Jenkins, Bill" <Bil1.Jcnkins a aecom.com>, "Towler CIV David W" <david.towler@usmc.mil> Janet, Please schedule us for an express review meeting for the USMCB Lejeune - AAV project. If there is a date open next week, that would be preferable. Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me at this time. Please let me know that you revived the email as I am working away from the office and the web mail that I am using is sometimes problematic.' Thanks in advance. bryan Content -Description: Express Permit Request 103352 9-1-08.doe Express Permit Request 103352 9-1-08.doc Content -Type: applicationlmsword Content -Encoding: basc64 AAV 103352 Stormwater Management Plan 9-2-08.doc AAV 103352 Content -Description: Stormwater ] Management Ilan 9-2-08.doc Content -Type: applicationlmsword Content -Encoding: basc64 — —� Content -Description: location -map aavco.pdf location-map_aaveo.pdf Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: basc64 Content -Description: AAV Wetlands .pdf AAV Wetlands .pdf Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: base64 Content -Description: AAV_storm.pdf AAV_storm.pdf Content -Type: application/pdf Content -Encoding: base64 of 1 9/3/2008 9:17 AM AAV Company Express Review Subject: AAV Company Express Review From: "Dick, Bryan" <Bryan.Dick@aecom.com> Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2008 16:26:20 -0400 To: <Janet.Russell@ncmail.net> CC: "`fowler CIV David W" <david_towler@usmc_mil> Janet, I tried to send an email last night from a motel, but the webmail that we have to use does not always work. So, if you have already received one email today, this is the same information l previously sent. I copied David Towler on it and he said that he had not seen it so here it is again.... Please schedule an express meeting for the AAV project at Lejeune. The project consists of 6 sand filters, within a % mile of SA waters. I have openings after Monday of next week, if you have an available time, please let me know. I have attached the request for express, a narrative, aerial with wetlands and project site plan. Also, can you check to see if Malcolm received my request for extension to the deadline for addressed comments for the Intel Project. I sent it on Monday and have not received confirmation that he received it. The response to the RFI was due today. Thanks, Bryan Please note email address is changed Bryan M. Dick, PH Project Manager EARTH TECH I AECOM 701 Corporate Center Drive Suite 475 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 854-6200 - voice (919) 854-6259 - Fax www.earthtech.aecom.com bryan.dick(@aecom.com lExpress Permit Request 103352 9-1-08.doe Content -Description: Express Permit Request 103352 9-1-08.doc Content -Type: application/msword Content -Encoding: base64 AAV 103352 Management Plan 9-2-08.doe Content -Description: Stormwater AAV 103352 Stormwater Mann gManagement Plan 9-2-08.doc I ol`2 9/3/2008 5:19 PM about:blank September 5, 2008 AAV Company Gentlemen: The Express stormwater submittal meeting for AAV Company has been scheduled with Chris Baker on September t5, 2008 at 10:00 AM here in the Wilmington Regional Office. Please review the submittal requirements - attached. Note that plans should be submitted folded to 9" x 14" so that they will fit into our tiling system. Also, please submit a copy of the soils report with the stormwater application package. Please respond within 2 business days to reserve and confirm the submittal meeting date. Thanks, Janet Russell Express Coordinator 1 of 1 9/5/2008 1 1:54 AM about:blank Thank you - see you Thursday. Dick, Bryan wrote: 0 Janet, f We are confirmed. I will be early! Please note email address is changed Bryan M. Dick, PH Project Manager EARTH TECH I AECOM 701 Corporate Center Drive Suite 475 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 854-6200 - voice (919) 854-6259 - Fax www.earthtech.aecom.com bryan.dick@aecom.com -----Original Message ----- From: Janet Russell [mailto:Janet.Russell@ncmail.net] Sent: Friday, September 05, 2008 3:51 PM To: Dick, Bryan; Towler GS05 David W Subject: Re: AAV Company Bryan/David: Chris will see you for *AAV Company on Thursday Sept. 11 at 9:00 AM*. Please be on time since he has another appointment at 10.00. David & Bryan - Please confirm by return email that we are good to go with this schedule. Thanks, Janet Dick, Bryan wrote: I could be there by 9 a.m. If it is going to push things too much for Chris, I will work something else out with Vincent. Please note email address is changed Bryan M. Dick, PH Project Manager EARTH TECH I AECOM 701 Corporate Center Drive Suite 475 Raleigh NC 27607 (919) 854-6200 - voice (919) 854-6259 - Fax www.earthtech.aecom.com bryan.dick@aecom.com -----Original Message ----- From: Janet Russell [mailto:Janet.Russell@ncmail.net] l of 4 9I5/2008 4:15 ['M EARTH TECH I AECOM Earth Tech 701 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 475, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 T 919.854.6200 F 919.a54.6254 www.earthtech.aecom.com September 14, 2008 Bryan M. Dick, EIT, PH 701 Corporate Center Dr. Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-854-6252 NC DWQ - Express Stormwater Permitting Attn: Mr. Chris Baker 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Re: USMC — AAV Company: Express Stormwater Application Mr. Baker, Please find enclosed the updates to the stormwater management plan for the AAV site per the items that you identified in our meeting on 9/1 t/08. We addressed your initial comments with the following changes:. 2. 3. 4 Verify sufficient head clearance for the weir trough in the details for each basin. - We have reviewed each basin and change as necessary. Turn on spot elevations for each basin grading plan.- Done Make sure to clearly define the boundary between basins l and 4's DA. — This has been addressed. Use a lever spreader for the primary discharge at any sand filter than does not already show one, and document that the velocity of primary discharge from each spreader is less than 2.5 fps. You indicated that this would demonstrate the required non -erosive velocity of discharge from the 1 yr event. — 1 have provided a calculation table that demonstrates velocities of less than 2.5 fps for each of the six sand filter's primary discharge. Additional supplements far the added level spreaders for primary discharge are not provided, as you indicated that you mainly needed to see the documentation of velocity over the level spreader lip. You did indicate that you needed additional O&M forms for these level spreaders. David Towler will mail you the signed O&M directly from the base this week. A $4000.00 check in enclosed to cover the application fee. 1 have included the updated plan sheets, one copy and one original, and one copy and one original of the stormwater management plan with all supplements and O&M forms. Please give me a call if you have any questions or comments. 864-506-1465 Thank ou in advance 4e--� X��e Bryan M. Dick, PH Permit Number: 6 W � V M07 (to be provided by 0WQ) Drainage Area Number: Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer and Level Spreader Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. Important maintenance procedures: — Immediately after the filter strip is established, any newly planted vegetation will be watered twice weekly if needed until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). — Once a year, the filter strip will be reseeded to maintain a dense growth of vegetation — Stable groundcover will be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the vegetation. — Two to three times a year, grass filter strips will be mowed and the clippings harvested to promote the growth of thick vegetation with optimum pollutant removal efficiency. Turf grass should not be cut shorter than 3 to 5 inches and may be allowed to grow as tall as 12 inches depending on aesthetic requirements (NIPC, 1993). Forested filter strips do not require this type of maintenance. — Once a year, the soil will be aerated if necessary. — Once a year, soil pH will be tested and time will be added if necessary. After the filter strip is established, it will be inspected quarterly and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inch (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential roblem: How I will remediate theproblem: The entire filter strip Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. system The flow splitter device The flow splitter device is Unclog the conveyance and dispose (if applicable) cl ged. of any sediment off -site. The flow splitter device is Make any necessary repairs or damaged. replace if damage is too large for repair. Form SWU401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 1 of 3 BMP element: The swale and the level lip The bypass channel The filter strip The receiving water Potential problem: _ The swale is clogged with sediment. The level lip is cracked, settled, undercut, eroded or otherwise damaged. There is erosion around the end of the level spreader that shows stormwater has bypassed it. Trees or shrubs have begun to grow on the swale or just do_wnslop_e of the level lip. _ Areas of bare soil and/or erosive gullies have formed Turf reinforcement is damaged or ripap is rolling downhill. Grass is too short or too long (if applicable). Areas of bare soil and/or erosive gullies have formed. Sediment is building up on the filter strip. Plants are desiccated. Plants are dead, diseased or dying. Nuisance vegetation is choking out desirable species. Erosion or other signs of damage have occurred at the outlet. How I will remediate the roblem: Remove the sediment and dispose of it off -site. Repair or replace lip. Regrade the soil to create a berm that is higher than the level lip, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Remove them. Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then reestablish proper erosion control. Study the site to see if a larger bypass channel is needed (enlarge if necessary). After this, reestablish the erosion control material. Maintain grass at a height of approximately three to six inches. Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Remove the sediment and - restabilize the soil with vegetation if necessary. Provide lime and a one- time fertilizer application. Provide additional irrigation and fertilizer as needed. Determine the source of the problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application. Remove vegetation by hand if possible. If pesticide is used, do not allow it to get into the receiving water. Contact the NC Division of Water Quality local Regional Office, or the 401 Oversight Unit at 919-733-1786. Form SWU401-Level Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 2 of 3 Permit Number:(�6��}� (to be provided by DWQ) 1 acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project narne:USMCB AAV Company BMP drainage area number: Primary Discharge Outlets - 1,2,3,4,5,6 Print name: Carl Baker Title: Deputy Public Works Officer Address: 1005 Michael Rd. Phone: Signatt Date: Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. F r 6do6pev t n &�., County of -e day of GW*pn ,a a Notary Public for the State of 5`D E) , do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing filter strip, riparian buffer, and/or level spreader maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, •NOT� r ••.....•• ,�. 0� COUXA '4joltW" SEAL '04" &P)LJ My commission expires 1 116 1/ZC6 Corm SWU401-11-evel Spreader, Filter Strip, Restored Riparian Buffer O&M-Rev.3 Page 3 of 3 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY INFILTRATION SYSTEM INVESTIGATION Complete and email this form to Vincent.Le�vis©ncmail.net, If there are more than 7 areas to be tested, attach a second sheet. Scheduled Site Visit Date: q /17 06 Time: 0$ -,30_�� Project Name: Li �yt��- AAv fro. County: QL\S1_6 vJ Street Address: Directions from the nearest intersection of two major roads: 'rltrtry /Zr. UNTO 1oit��� RD• [: >1 acre being disturbed? OYES ❑NO CAMA Major required? ❑YES ONO Consultant Name: 3Ryhr..j D I C-!,- - ._- Phone: Consultant Firm Name: Et-6LT 74-. _77_� CF{ 100 DC5161y 5 k51t.J '� z/1 3 1 x Bore Number ' 2 3 4 5 a Existing Ground Elevation �' ''� 5.6' /0.0 b) Proposed Bottom Elevation o' p. 3' '� ' S. �, D` _ • p` c Difference(a minus b d Add 2 ft. Min. Bore Depth) 3 �� 2' 1' e) Hard an Depth? y yy it f)lnfiltration Rate OK? p ti �}/ g)_0rox. Elev. Of SHWT 4. ' �_� _ p' 4 g 2` h Max. lowest bottom elev. �, �' 7. '�. p' 7, 2' S . 6.5 Commeni r d fog 5 RirevrJ 2mX r Required Attachments- 1 , Legible vicinity map. 2. Complete Soils Report. 3. PDF formatted site plan with the boring locations to be tested. Site plans should be emailed or hand -delivered only. Illegible taxed maps will not be accepted. All proposed infiltration areas and existing, active utility lines located within the proposed basin/trench must be marked and flagged. If these areas are not flagged, the Soils Scientist reserves the right to decline to do the investigation. If the proposed infiltration system will be located in an area of existing pavement and there is no open area nearby, equipment capable of breaking through the impervious layer must be provided. The soils investigation does not take the place of a soils report prepared by an appropriate professional. The Soils Scientist will only verify the soil conditions that are reported in the Soils Report, and make a determination as to the suitability of the site to meet the infiltration design requirements under NCAC 2H.1000. and assumes no liability should the system fail. S:IWOSISTORMWATERIFORMSIinfiltration site visit.for Revised 8.07 The Calena Group SOILS REPORT FOR STORM WATER BASINS Second Reconnaissance Battalion Camp Lejeune, NC _ Prepared For: Earth,rcch 701 Corporate Center Drive Suite 475 Raleigh, NC 27607 Prepared By: The Catena Group Hillsborough, North Carolina April 3, 2008 / Gary S. Kreiser 410-8 Millstone drive Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 732-1300 11-- y QEs 5 try r- t,M rntr5 f-EP027- �cCo Solt 5 INTRODUCTION The Marine Corps Base at Camp Lcjcune plans an expansion of The Second Rccolinaissance Battalion (2"d Recon Bn). As part of this expansion, several stormwater infiltration basins are proposed to infiltrate runoff from adjacent impervious surfaces. As part of the application process, a soils investigation detailing soil type, infiltration rate, and depth to seasonal high watcr table is required. The Catena Group, Inc (TCG) has been retained to perform the soil investigations. INVESTIGATION METHODOLOGY Prior to the field investigation, the Onslow County Soil Survey was referenced to get an overview of the possible soil series located at the site. In the area around the 2"d Recon Bn, there are six mapping units. Figure 1 presents the mapped soil series and the general location of the proposed infiltration basins where the borings and infiltration tests were performed. Table 1 presents the soil series, map unit symbol and taxonomic class. Table 1 Soil Series, Map Unit Symbol, and Taxonomic Class Map Unit Symbol Soil Scries/Map Unit Taxonomic Class Name BaB, Baymeade Loamy, siliceous, semiactive, thermic Arenic Flapludults Bo Bohicket Pine, mixed, superactive, nonacid, thermic Typic Sulfaquents Mk Muckalee Coarse -loamy, siliceous, superactive, nonacid, thermic Typic Fluvaquents Pt Pits NIA Ur Urban Land NIA WaB Wando Thermic, coated Typic Quartz ipsamments The field investigation was performed on March 5, 11, and 27, 2008. Eight (8) soil borings were made with a hand -turned auger in the vicinity of the proposed infiltration basins. Observations of the landscape (slope, drainage patterns, past use, etc.) as well as soil properties (depth, texture, structure, seasonal wetness, restrictive horizons, etc.) to a depth >- 48 inches, when possible, were recorded. Soil color was determined with a Mansell Soil Color Chart. The rate of water entry into a soil is referred to as the infiltration rate. The infiltration rate into a soil decreases with time mainly due to an increase in the soil water content and a decrease in the hydraulic gradient. As infiltration continues, the rate of water entry into the soil reaches a constant value (steady state condition) which is considered to be the same as the saturated hydraulic conductivity (KsAT-) of the soil. The K-SA'T was measured in the field and used to characterize the infiltration rate for each proposed infiltration basin. KSxT• measurements were performed at each of the proposed infiltration basin using a constant - head permeameter (Amoozemeter). Before any readings were recorded, the Amoozemeter was allowed time to equilibrate, typically 25 minutes. Based on conversations with the designer of the proposed infiltration basins (Mr. Bryan Dick of Earth Tech), construction of these basins would remove approximately 6 to 12 inches of topsoil. As such, the KSar measurements were performed around a depth of 12 inches in order to estimate the infiltration rate at the new soil surface. FINDINGS Soil Type Based on the borings in the vicinity of the proposed basins, it was determined that the majority of the soil at the Recon Site was the Baymeade and Wando soil series. The major exception was boring (B6), where there was approximately 48 inches of loamy sand fill material above the natural soil surface. Detailed boring logs for each boring are attached. Table 2 presents each boring with a soil series determination. Determination of soil series was made through a comparison of soil boring descriptions to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) Official Series Description (OSD) for the soil series that were mapped by the NRCS for this site. Table 2 Soil Borings and Soil Series Determination Boring# Soil Series Determination Basin 1 Baymeade Basin 2 Baymeade Basin 3 Baymeade Basin 4 Wando Basin 5 Wando Basin 6 Urban land* Basin 7 Baymeade Basin $ 1Baymeade *48 inches of fill, no determination of soii series Depth to Seasonal High Water Table During the field investigation, the depth to the seasonal high water table (SHWT) was determined. Since the soil was typically sandy, the determination of the SFIWT was made through field indicators of redoximorphic features or the presence of saturated soil. Table 3 presents the soil borings and the determination of the SHWT. Table 3 Boring and Depth to SHWT Boring # SHWT Determination (inches below Surface) Basin 1 32 Basing 48 Basin3 >53 Basin4 36 Basins 42 Basin6 >48 Basin? 48 Basin8 j >50 Infiltration Rate Multiple saturated hydraulic conductivity tests were performed at each proposed infiltration basin. The results for each test are shown below in Table 4. Data sheets for each hydraulic conductivity tests are also attached. At each basin location the geometric mean was taken and is presented in Table 4, The geometric mean was calculated instead of the arithmetic mean, as it tends to dampen the effect of very high or low values, which might bias the arithmetic mean if a straight average was calculated. Table 4 Results of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Tests and Geometric Mean Test Location Test Number Test Depth (inches) Measured KSAT I (inlhr) Geometric Mean (inlhr) Basin l 1 12.2 0.90 1.37 2 10.2 0.56 3 12.2 0.34 4 10.6 5.19 5 11,8 5.29 Basin 2 1 12.2 0.47 1.20 2 12.2 3.05 Basin 3 1 12.2 2.96 4.84 2 12.2 7.02 3 11.8 5.44 Basin 4 l 11.8 4.27 4.04 2 11.8 4.05 3 11.0 180 Basin 5 1 11.0 8.0 3.99 2 11.0 2.0 Basin 6 1 11.4 5.01 2.22 2 11.0 0.98 Basin 7 1 12.6 4.51 5.61 2 12.2 499 3 12.2 7.86 Basin 8 1 12.6 5.21 5.46 2 11.8 4.26 3 11.8 7.33 Since soil is inherently non -homogeneous, field tests can often misrepresent the areal hydraulic conductivity of a soil. Typically, field tests underestimate the saturated hydraulic conductivity of clayey soil and overestimate it in sandy soils. As a result of this misrepresentation, a "moderation factor' is suggested to convert point saturated hydraulic conductivity to areal saturated hydraulic conductivity for each proposed infiltration basin. Since the soil is typically fine sand or loamy sand, a moderation factor of 0.5 was used to correct for the potential of overestimating the infiltration rate. Table 5 presents the saturated hydraulic conductivity geometric mean for each infiltration basin as well as a moderation factor to get an area infiltration rate for each proposed infiltration basin. Table 5 Geometric Mean, Moderation Factor and Areal Infiltration Rate for Each Basin Test Location Geometric Mean Moderation Factor Areal Infiltration Rate (inches/hour) Basin t 1.37 0.5 0.68 Basin 2 1.20 0.5 0.60 Basin 3 4.84 0.5 2.42 Basin 4 4.04 0.5 2.02 Basin 5 399 0.5 2.00 Basin 6 2.22 0.5 1.11 Basin 7 5.61 0.5 2.81 Basin 8 5.46 0.5 2.73 As shown in Table 5, the majority of proposed basin locations have an infiltration rate of 2 inches/hour or greater with the exceptions of Basin 1, 2 and 6. Basins I and 2 are located near a dirt trail and Basin 6(See Figure 1) is located in open field, and it is likely that these areas could have been compacted from past uses. However, even with these lower infiltration rates these areas are still greater than the required 0.52 inches per hour. CONCLUSIONS The findings presented herein represent TCG's professional opinion based on our site and soils evaluation. This report is provided to assist in the application for the infiltration basins by providing the soil information. North Carolina DWQ must issue the final permit. Any concurrence with the findings in this report would be made at that time. SOIL/SITE EVALUATION (Continuation Slmet) She¢t — Of — DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROPERTY ID r: DATE OF EVALUATION: COUNTY: FSOIL PE N/ HORIZ pEPTI{ IINITEXTURE MORPHOLOGY OTHER PROFILE FACTORS PROFILE C LASS 4L LTAR .1941 STRi CTliRFJ .1941 CONSI57frRCE1 MINERALOGY 1942 SOIL �Y"ETNESS/ COLOR 19;; gO11 DEPTH .1956 5APR0 CLASS .1944 RESTR HORIZ r0r� 9/y 5 ]L y/j rUrtt S� t } f < 3L I 3 Z i F= L S irri2 3 z �3 c. s v r r2 Q Z-5 lryr Va 6yr¢� G/L. i% ra 1��"- � � S (r ,� yr •'Uy�s./i � 7 y 7/ y fUl%10 Fe— Pg, * ii�rl ? �' S� r 2 f a 3 Y V:Fe2 57n �r47 6 - 2 y V r/7 zY 3�S trr/L trtYZ 31- 3Y r S Jl re V*/� `fir' SZ �' �• U'%� � I/r✓? /Gy�lz ys ny/! �rz 7// 7.syre�I 6 .�Y r 5 �. z vrK .2Y-3• rs sC t r. r DENRIDEH ON -SITE WASTEWATER SECTION 5{reet _ of — PROPERTY ID =: COUNTY: SORJSITE EVALUATION for ON -SITE WASTEWATER SYSTEM ����'- 31314' np �1 3/117161g ONVNER: fC �C(1✓+ S �r APPLICATION DATE ADDRESS: DATE Eli A,LUATED: PROPOSED FACiLiTY: PROPOSED DESIGN FLOW (.1949): PROPERTY SIZE: LOCATION OF SITE: PROPERTY RECORDED. WATER SUPPLY: - Private Public Well - Spring Other EVALUATION METHOD: • Auur Boring Pit • Cut TYPE OF WASTEWATER: - Sewaae • Industrial Process - Mixed PIR D F I SOIL MORPHOLOGY (.1941) OTHER PROFILE FACTORS I L E .I940 I LANDSCAPE. POSITiO\/ SLOPE % ' HORIZO:N I DEi m 0IN.) I PROFILE. CLASS & LTAR i I .1941 STRUCTURE! TEXTURE I .1941 CONSISTE'NCEI MENERALOGY .I942 SOIL WETNESS/ COLOR I I! .1943 SOIL DEYTIi .056 SAPRO � CI_aSS I .1944 RESTR HORIZ LsIF5 Uz Fir �r��yl3 ill cd Gtlsr- 1 v�[ /P7rz y% �zYya ylz I T-.lr'V" I ! v c1 t 5 f I5G v Fr c : �f5 Gn/i& I trf� �`�'�'�`I rUg1Zt/3 ,� /V41t7�1 i G Y� I �`S /sG vFz WGn E,- 1 � - G!Z/S(r Vt"�[ . zbuve CJ 1 f S G fc/ /t 1 7R/1( rya /ylfz p/3 rd & 3 /) Aft n•)/3 I j fG , U /,' v Fr? 3 i- t(D 1 FS � /j C(0-5s (rs G/C c. 1 r 1 � I DESCRIPTION A%-ai123lc Space (.1945) S)'st— upc(s) iUiiA1SYS) Vt R7-PA1RSYS.c�i OT'I-MR FACTORS (.1946): SITE CLASSIFICATION (_ 19431: � 5ite LTAR I :OMM'cVTS: EVALi_IATED BY: _ OTHER(S) PRESENT: r HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON SITE 1 Date', 3'Y2D08 weamercerAken. sunny Location, Camp Le)euns Tenperalue(F). 60 Number 1 Hamm: AWBE Iom ir". Depm(mchkii 12,2 Tmgel Wntm Level', .9 50 Beginning Water Level, t5150 5.9 Hole Depth (in): 31.0 y12.2 Ending Water li 15.0 5.9 Retarenca (cm): +12.0 47 Heed(cm)t -Mo 59 CHT Tute(sl eeteng. 28.0 Hde diameter San): 550 H.I. radius (r): 2.5 inches Valve 6etbng rnr,rlicient A: O.001161 ION 243N NOTE: Readirlgs besed on Ending Water Levol Caveman Fnclar (C IF (, 1050 Water changein CZwnber pock Elapsed Tme O K K K Roadmg water level C.F. time (min) (min) (hr1 (cm31hrl fcmlhr) finlhg q.11ft2ldiry 47.1 00 1050 0.0 40.6 1.3 1050 5.0 5.00 0083 18360 1.9056 0.T502 1T225 394 1 4 1050 10.0 5.00 0.053 1764.0 2.0522 0.9079 12.0B6 36.2 1, 2 105.0 15,0 5 00 0 063 1512.0 1.7590 0.6925 10.361 36.3 19 105.0 20.0 5_DO 0.083 23940 2,7851 10965 16.405 34.7 1 6 105.0 25.0 500 0 083 2016.0 2.3453 0.9234 13 815 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON SITE I Date: 315/2008 Location: Camp L.J.- Number, 2 Hanron: Ap Depth inches): 10.2 Target Water Level: 10 59 cm InC41Be Beginning Water Level: 720 4.7 Hde Depth (ant: 280 ,102 Ending Water Lave: 12. 0 4.7 Relemnce {cm): + 11.0 4.3 Head (tiny: - 15.0 5.9 CHT Tubefs) 4dting 220 Hole diameter(ctn): 5.0 Her, -1- (r)2.5 Vai Setting: -ffii: enr A: 0 001613 1-0N 2-ON NOTES Rendirga brspl on Endmg'Nnler Lei Ca niin uon Fact. IC.F.1: 105.0 Water ch:fnga in Chum ber clack Elapsed Time O K K K ReMing waler level C.F. time(minl (min) Ihr1 Icm3lhrl Icrrdhr) 1ir411r) ga0112JdeY 44.3 Q.O 105.0 2.0- 43.6 0.7 105.0 7.0 5 OQ 0.083 B82.0 1.4226 0 5601 8 379 42-9 0.7 105.0 12,0 500 0003 U20 1.4226 0.5601 8.379 42.2 07 1050 17.0 500 0003 M20 14226 0.5601 8.379 41.5 0.7 105 0 22.0 500 0 083 882.O 1 4226 C 5601 8 37S HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON SITE I Date: 3f5,ii L-liana Camp Lejeune Number. 3 Harixm: ApIBE rm irlrtles Depth(irrcheg): 12.2 Taring Water Level: 150 5.9 cm inches Beginning Water Level: 150 5.9 Hole Depth (ant: 31.0 L12-2 Ending water Levd: 160 6-3 R.fenni tce (ca): r 140 5 5 Head (cm): - 15.0 5.9 CHT Tubes) setting: 30.0 Hole diameter (cM: 5.0 Hi radius (r): 2.5 Vie-Sailing rn th ienl A0. Q01017 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Readings based on Ending Water Levd Cwersion li(C. F.) M0 Water hiin Chember clack Flapeed Time q K K K Rending wale, levd C.F. time(mm1 fanny (hrl 1cm311hr) (cmihr) (huhrl galm2lday 395 00 200 40 36 3.5 20.0 9.0 500 0.083 8400 0 8a76 0.3494 5 228 34.9 1.1 20,0 11,0 2.00 0.033 6600 06974 0.2746 4.108 33.4 1.5 20.0 13,0 2.00 0.033 900.0 0.9510 0.3744 5602 32,1 1.3 20.1) 150 2.00 0 0M 7900 08242 0.3245 4.855 30.9 1.2 20.0 17,C 2,00 0.033 T200 0.7503 02995 4481 29.5 1.4 20.0 190 2.00 0,033 840.0 0 a676 0.3494 5 225 252 1.3 200 21.0 2.OD 0.0M 780.0 08242 03245 4.055 26.8 1.4 20,0 23.0 2.00 0.033 840.0 0 BB76 0.3494 5.228 25.4 1.4 20.a 250 2AO 0C33 8400 08876 0.3494 5.226 0.000 HYDRAILIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON SITE l Date: 311112006 Weetne, WMilwn: Sunny Lodnti0n: Camp LeJeun• Tanperalure (F): 60 Numbe, 1 H.HZo E lerm m9he9 Deplh(inehes): 10,8 T Wale[ Level: 15.0 59 BeTargel ginning evel, 1Water L0.0 39 Hole Depth (cm) 27.0 �10.6 Ending Water Level 10.0 3.9 ReI.-(cmJ: • 12.0 47 Head(cm): •150 5.9 CHT Tube(s) sahing. •24.0 Itde diameler (cm1. 50 Hde radius (r): 2,5 nachos Valve Settingfficien' : caeA: 0.002091 I -ON 2-0N NOTE: Readings based on Ending Water Level Cave... Fan. (C F, (: 105.0 Wale, change,, Chamber dock Elapsed Time O K K K Reading wale, level C.F. hme(mm) (mml Shr) (cm3lhr) Ic+hr) I,Nhr) ge1/1121day 31.3 0.0 105.c 3.0 30 1,3 1050 4.0 1,00 0.01T 6190.0 17.1260 67429 100864 29 2 as 1050 5.0 IOU 0.017 5040.0 105396 4.1495 62 083 28.2 1.0 1050 6,0 1.00 0,017 6300.0 13.1745 5.1868 77.603 272 1.0 1050 7.0 1.00 0.017 6300.0 13.1745 5.1868 77 603 26.2 10 105.0 a 1.00 0,017 63000 13.1745 5.1858 77.603 Flnel Kut UA75 5.1e7 77,603 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON SITE 1 U,de311 V200A Laartwn: C-P L•leun• Numbe, 2 Hdizan' E an lxhee Deplh(incnesy 11.8 Tn DP Target W.Iar Level: 15.0 5 9 k.has Beginning Wafer Leval: 15. 0 59 Hole Depth (ant: 30.0 01.8 Endo Water Laval: 15.0 59 Refe,ence SC.): • 120 47 r59 Head (an): - 15 0 CHT Tubes) setting: - 27.0 Hde drameter (cml: 5 0 Hde radius {r):. 2.5 Valve selling: doaff nt A: 0001163 1-0N 2-ON NOTE: Readings based 0n Endlo Water Leval Cwe n Faclar (C F.J: 1050 Water cmrige in Chamber dock Elapsed Time Q K K K 18.5 20 s050 10 1.00 0111 12600.1 14 b563 5.7710 86,343 15.5 2.0 705.0 20 1.00 0.017 12600.0 148583 5.7710 86.343 15 1.5 1050 30 1.00 0.017 9450.0 10.9937 4.3282 64.757 13 2.0 10.50 40 1.00 0017 128DO 0 14.6583 5.7710 86.343 11.5 1.5 1050 50 1.1h7 OC17 94500 10.9957 43292 64. 757 9 5 2.0 105 0 6.0 1.00 0.017 12600.0 146583 5 MO 86 343 Final Keal 13.437 5,290 79.148 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON SITE 2 Dalone' 3NM08 WeatherC htro: Sunny Lotali. Camp an Lajaa Temperawre IF}: 80 Number. 1 Honz E Daplh(inchea): 12.2 SETargel Water LeveC 150 5g crtl 6eginnmg Wale, Level' 13.0 5.1 Hale Depth (anJ: 31.0 02,2 Ending Water Level, 13.0 5 1 R.l.-(Cm}, + 104 39 Hand I-m: -160 5I CHT Tubes) sarong. = 26.0 Hole diameter (-)'. 5.0 Hole radius (r), 2,5 inch.$ Vulva Setting. roefliaent A0001436 1-0N 2-ON NOTE: Readings based on Ending Water Level C-5on Ricker (GE): 105.0 Water chang. in Chamber cto Jc Flapaad Time q K K K Rending waler laud C F, lime (min) (min) {hr) (cm31hr) (clWhr) (inuhr) gal;1121da 344 0.0 105.0 00 332 1.2 105.0 3.0 3.00 0.050 2520.0 3.6109 1.4248 21.317 32.2 I,C 1050 60 3.DO D 050 210C 0 3 D158 1.1873 17.764 31,5 0.7 1050 9n 3.Do 0.050 1470.0 2.1110 08311 12.435 30.7 0.8 105.0 12.0 3.00 0.050 1680.0 2.4126 0.9498 14 211 207 1,D 1050 150 300 0050 21000 30158 1.1873 17.764 204 0.3 1050 18.0 3.IT) 0.050 63n.a 0.904T 0.7562 5.329 28.9 0.5 105.0 2iD 3.00 0.050 1050.0 1.50T9 0.5937 8,882 2B 6 0.3 1us 0 240 300 0.050 630 C 0.9047 C 3562 5.329 2B.2 04 105.0 27,0 306 0.050 8400 1.2063 Final K4al. 1.206 0.4749 7,106 04T5 T.106 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON&TF2 Ni., 3152008 Localion. Camp Lajasna Number. 2 H-on E 0 Depth(inchas): 12.2 SET UP Targel Water Level: 15.0 5. c,n Inahe] Beginning Water Level: 13.0 5.1 Hots Daplh (onJ' 31.0 J" 2 Endmg Water Levsl' 130 51 Rel.-(cm): + 11.0 ' .3 Head (cm)'. 15.0 5.9 CHT Tubes) se6ulg", 27.0 Hole haler (cm): 5.0 --�-��� Hde radius U): 2.5 Vnly. S.11ing: r n 1 coe6icienl A: 0.001496 1-ON 24N NOTE: Readings based on Endmg Water Level Coversion racter {C. r_J' 105.0 Water Idmrlgem Chamber clack Elapsed Time ClK K K Rending wale, level C F. lime (min) (min) (no (cm3lh,) (cmlh,) (iWhr) 9.11ftDd: 368 00 1050 10 342 2.6 105.0 4.0 3.00 0.050 S760.0 7.8410 30070 46.186 31,4 2.8 105.0 70 3.DO 0m 5880,0 64"1 33245 49.739 292 2.2 1050 IUD 300 0050 46200 66347 2.6121 39 Cal 266 2.6 105 0 13.0 3.00 0.050 5460.0 18410 30870 46 186 23.9 2.7 1050 16.0 3.00 0.050 5670.0 8.1426 3.2057 47,963 21,5 2.4 1050 Iq0 300 0050 50400 7.2378 2.8495 42634 18 9 2-6 105 0 22.0 3.00 0 050 5480.0 7.8410 3.08TO 45.186 163 26 1050 25.0 3.00 0.050 54500 7.8410 3.057D 46. HIS 13.7 2.6 1050 29.0 900 0.150 18200 2fi 137 Final Kaat 7.740 1,D296 15.395 3.617 {i594 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RE CON Site 3 Date. 1512008 Weacher Condition: Sunny tacauan: Camp LrJeone Temperaere (F7; 60 Number. 1 Hari- E lom inches Depth(inches): 12.2 SET 0 Target Water Leval; 15 0 5.9 cm Beginmrlg Wale, Level.- 100 7.5 Hde Depth (any- 310 1122 Endhig Water Lev N: 190 7.5 Rerererra (r4nl: • 15.0 5.9 Herd 15.0 59 CHT Tubs(e) setting; =31.0 Hole diameter(rzn): 50- � Hole rai(r1: 2.5 inches Vulva Selling: r cneflicient A. 0000315 1-0N 2-ON NOTE: Readings based oo Ending Water Level Coversian Factor (C F, Y. 1050 Wale, change in Chamber Clock Elapsed Time 0 K K K Reading venter level C F, time (min) (mini lhr) i-31hr) irri (ini ga14121dn 21,6 0.0 105.0 0.0 20.2 1.4 1050 1,0 1.00 0.017 a820.n 7.1881 28" 42-341 18.8 14 105 0 2.0 100 0 017 88200 7.1881 2.83CO 42.341 17 1,8 1050 3.0 1.00 0.017 11340.0 92412 3.6385 54 438 15.6 1.4 105.0 4.0 1.00 0,017 8820.0 7.1581 2.ii 0M 42,341 14.3 1,3 1050 5n 1.00 0.017 81900 66741 26278 39316 12.6 1.7 105.0 so 1.00 0.017 10710.0 8.7284 3.4364 51.414 114 t.2 105.0 7.0 1.00 0.017 7560.0 6, 1612 24257 38 292 9.9 1.5 1050 A 0 . 1.On n 017 9450.0 77015 3.0321 45 365 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY AECON Site 3 Data YS2008 Location: Camp Lela - Number 2 H.6- E 0 Deptn(inclles): 12a Target Water Level, 15.0 5.9 cm nches Beginning Water Level'. 120 4,7 Hole Depth (omp. 31.0 )12 2 Ending Water Level; 15.0 5.9 A ad (rlca (cm): 12.0 4 Heed {cm): - 15 0 5 9 CHT Tube(*) setting: = 28.0 Hde diameter (-): 5-0 Hde radius (r): 2.5 Vxlve Saltingoo 1ffbent A: 60C1163 1-0N 2-ON NOTE: Readings Eased on Lading Walar Level Cov o-F,.i(C. F,)'. 1050 Water changam Chamber CJ-k Elapwed Time O K K K Reading wnler level C.F. hin.(minl Imir} (hr) (crolft) (cm/hr) Guilin} g PQJda 253 00 1050 40 22.6 27 1050 50 1.00 0,017 11010.0 19.78B6 7.7908 116.563 202 2.4 1050 60 1.00 0.017 151200 17.5899 6.9252 103 611 17.6 2.6 105.0 7.0 1.00 0 017 16M 0 19 0557 7-5023 117 246 15.3 2-3 105.0 80 1 00 0017 144900 16.8570 6.6366 99294 Final Kest 11.834 1.021 1 105.051 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON Site 3 Data, 3f512008 L-lion: Camp L4jeune Number K3satB Horizon, E cm inches Depth( -Ms): 11.8 SET UP Target Water Level, 120 4,7 ui1 IfIGh% Begmryng Water 1--I; 120 4.7 Hole Viii (cm): M 0 ill a Lilding Water Level', 11.a 4.3 Nefemnce(Cm): • 12.0 47 Head (-): - 120 8 T CHT Tvbe(e) welling. a30.0 We thane(-): 50 Fide radius (r): 2,5 Val Setting; r ccetlioaM A: 0.001J127 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Aaadinp hawed an Ending Water Level Crxereion Factur(C F,k 105.0 Water change in Chamber clock Elapsed Time O K K K Reading weSer level CF, ume(min) Innol lhr) {-rlfhr) (crrvhrl ordhrl galdt21da 17,9 0.0 105.0 10) 16.5 1.4 1050 71.0 1.W 001T 88200 18.ti&3 83450 94931 152 1-3 1050 t2-0 1.00 0.017 3190.0 149652 58918 88.151 13-9 1-3 105.0 130 1.00 0011 8,90.0 14.9652 58918 88.151 12.7 1.2 1050 140 1.00 0.017 T-1W0 138140 5A326 81370 116 1,1 1050 15.o 1.00 0.017 6930() 12.5628 4y654 74,N89 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON Site 4 Dale: 3151"d Weallee Cartlibm_ Cldudy Location: Camp Lejeune Temperature IF) 40 Number. 1 Hodzon: E 1c. iner- Depth(inches): It's 5ET Target Wsler Level: 15,0 5ater .9 rm Segmning WLevel: 15.0 59 Hole Depth (an]: 30.0 111.8 EndingWamr Level: 13.0 5.1 Reference [cmp. « 10.0 3.9 Head! [cm). -150 59 CHT Tuba(.] eetbng: • 25.0 Hole diamelar (Cnl): 5.0 Hole mdiue (r): 2.5 inches Valve Setting; ereNloent A: 0001436 1-0N 2-ON NOTE: Readings based on Endvy Water Level Cevenion Factor (C R. MCI Water change in Chamber dock Elapsed Time 9 K K K Readln9 aster level C.F. time {min) (mm) Ihr1 lm37hr) (cmlhr) (inhrl gavftNda 40 00 105.0 0.0 375 25 1050 2.0 2.00 0.033 7875,0 11.3091 4.4524 66.615 352 2.3 105.0 4.0 2.00 C.033 7245.0 10.4044 4.0962 61.256 33.1 2.1 105.0 60 2.00 0.033 M15.0 94996 3.7400 55-957 305 25 1050 60 200 0.033 91900 11,7615 46305 69 280 282 2.3 105.0 100 2.00 0.033 72450 10.4044 40962 61.286 258 2.4 105.0 12.0 2.00 0.033 7560.0 10,8567 42743 63.950 23.3 2.5 1050 14.0 2.00 0033 7875.0 111091 44524 66.615 HYDRAULIC CONOUCTIVITY STUDY RECON Site 4 Date: 31512we Lwatmn: Camp Lejeune Number. 2 Horizon. E I= inches Depth(inches): 118 SET UP Target Water Level: 10 5. !»s Oegmnng W star Level: 14 0 55 Hole Deplh(-J. 30.0 111.8 Endue Water Level: 14.0 55 Reference [cmp. «9.0 3.5 Head(m): 150 59 CHT Tube(e) setting_ •24.0 Me diameter ton): 70 Hole mdius {r): 2.5 Valve Setting: ooelboenl A: 0.001288 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Readings paved on Ending Water Leael Cuvenupn Fad. [C F.j: 1050 Water charge in Chamber clock Elapsed Time O K K K Reading water level CF. time (min) fminl Ihr) (cmYhr) Icm7hri (iNhr) 9a0fl2fday 407 0.0 105.0 1.0 36,1 2.0 105.0 3.0 2,00 0 033 8190.0 105512 4,1540 62.150 354 2.7 105.0 50 2.On 0033 a505.n 10.9570 4.3135 64.541 33.4 2,0 105,0 7.0 2,03 0033 6300.0 8.1163 3. 1954 47.808 30.7 2.7 105.0 9.0 2.00 0.033 8505.a 10.9570 4,3136 64.541 364 23 ins 11.0 2.00 0n33 7245.0 9.3337 36747 54.979 25,8 26 too 130 2,00 0033 81900 10.5512 4.1540 62.150 FVnal 01 10,291 a,047 66,SST HYDRAULC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON Site 4 Dale', 31512009 Locali- Camp Lejeune Number. 3 Hortznn_ E Cm inches Depm(incttes]: 11.0 SET Up Target WLevel' 15 ❑ 59 rm rrenea Beginning W W.I. star La+el: 14.0 55 Hde Depth {cm]: 28.0 i11.0 Ewing Wale, Level', 13.0 51 Relerenca(cm): « 12,0 47 Head (on)t - 150 5.9 CHT Tube(s) aeNing: •25.0 Hole diamelar tank 5_0 Hde redius IT 2,5 Valve Seding: eell-M A: 0.001436 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Readngs based or, Ending Water Level Coverslon Factor (CF.): 1050 Water charge in Chamber clock Elapsed Time O K K K Rewire water level C.F. urn.(min) (minl (hr) [cm3lhr) tcmlhr) (Inlhrj ga0rtuday 40.2 00 1050 4,0 38.1 2.1 1050 6.0 200 0.033 6615 0 94996 3.7400 55.95T 362 1.9 105 0 80 2 00 0.033 59650 85949 33838 50 527 34.1 2.1 105.0 100 2.00 0.033 6615.0 9.49% 3.7400 55.957 3L9 2.2 105.9 12.0 2.00 0.033 6930.0 9.9520 3.9191 58.621 298 2.1 105.0 140 2 00 0.033 61915 0 9.4996 3.7400 55.957 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RFCON SITE 5 Del.: VM2008 weenier C� Sunny Laalion'. Camp Lo)aune Temperature IF1. 60 Numhan 7 Hdimn: E 0 Deplh(inches): 11,0 "LTUp Target Willer Level: 12.0 4.7 cm eegmrvng Wale, Level: 10O 39 Hole Depth(rm): 250 111.0 Ending Water Leval: 10,0 3.9 Reference (cm): *90 35 Head(M) 120 141 CHT Tube(sl se0ing. • 25.0 Hole diemetm (-): SA 1 Hde radius (r): 2.5 inches Valve Sedvg, r 7--1 mefliaenl A: 0.002091 1-0N 2-0N NOTE: Readings basal m Ench g Willer Level C-v .n Fanor (C.F.). 105.0 Water change in Chamb., CIKk Elapsed Time 0 K K K Reading water level CF. time {min) (min) (hr) (cm3lhr) (-dh,( 0whr) gaell2Jday 164 00 105.0 0.0 14,9 1,5 1050 1.0 1.00 0.017 9450.0 19.7618 7.7802 116405 13.4 1.5 1050 2.0 I00 0017 94500 197610 7,T802 1164M Ks 145 1050 3.0 1.on 0.017 100800 210792 8.2989 124.165 10.2 1, 5 1050 40 1.00 0.017 1 D080.0 21.0792 8.2989 124.165 8.7 1.5 105.0 5.0 1.00 0 017 9450.0 197618 7,7802 115 405 7.2 1.5 105.0 60 1.00 0.017 9450.0 19.7618 7,7802 118.405 Flnel Ksal Z0.201 T.953 1 118991 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON SITE 5 Dnle: 315/2008 L-alwn: Camp Lai.... Numbe, 2 Hod7on. E Depm(irlcnes): 11.0 SET Target Water Laud: 15.0 5.9 cm niches Begmnirg Water Level: 10,0 :19 Hole Depth lnn): 280 �t10 Endug Water Leval: 90 35 Ralerenre (cm1'. a220 8.7 Head(cm): - 150 r5.9 CHT Tuoe(s}4eMN: a35.0 Hole dalmeler Hole radies(r): 2.5 Valve Se0ing: rI wellicient A: 0.002422 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Rending, based an Ending Wale, Level Cpve nFrKLw(C.F.k 1050 water Grange in Chamber claw Elapsed Time 0 K K K Reading wale, level CF. I-(,nk) (min) (hr) (-31hr) (cmlhr( [.Nhrl gallll2lday 251 0.0 1050 1.0 24.6 05 105.0 4.0 300 0.050 1050.0 2,5433 1.0013 14.981 24.2 0.4 105.0 7.0 3.00 0.050 840.0 2.0346 0.8010 11.985 234 0.6 1050 100 3 DO 0 050 16M 0 40693 1.6021 23 An 224 10 105 0 130 300 a W 21000 5 cfm 20026 29.962 214 1.0 105.0 160 3.00 0.050 2100 0 5 08M 20026 29 962 204 10 1050 190 300 0 050 MOD 5 0866 2.DD25 29 962 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY A@CON SITE 6 Date. 315l2008 Weather CU AA-. Sunny L-t- Camp Lejeune Temperature IF] 60 Number, 1 Hanson. E cm inches Deplh(inches): 11.4 SETUP Target Water Level: 15.0 .59 CReg= water Level. 14055 flat. Depth 1-): 290 i11 4 Endirg W aler Levu: 14.Q 5.5 Rate-- (cmJ: + 10.0 3.9 Head (cmJ: -150 59 CHT Tuhe(s) wring = 24 0 Hula drameter 1-): 5.0 H.I. redi-(r): 2.5 inches Valve SxOmg: r - - - - - - - -x -1 weffideat A', 0001258 1-0N 2-ON NOTE: Reed ngs based w Ending Water Level Cwereion Fedor IC.F.). 105.0 Water change in Chamber Uock Elapsed Time Q K K Readng valer level C.F, bme(min) Im'm} (hr) (cmLhrl (cmlhr) (irlrhil K gaVft2day 33,1 C.0 105.0 0,0 31,5 1.5 105.0 1.a 1.00 0017 100800 12,9860 5.1126 76.493 29 8 1.7 1050 2.0 100 0 017 10710.0 13 79T7 54322 81.274 28.4 1.4 1050 3.0 1.00 0.017 (IM 0 11 3628 4 4735 66.931 26.5 1.6 1050 40 1.no 0017 10680.0 12.9860 5.1126 76.493 25 1 1.7 1050 so 100 0 017 10710.0 13 7977 54322 61.274 23.7 1.4 105.0 6.0 1.00 0 017 8820-0 11.3628 44735 66.931 22.1 1.0 105.0 7.0 100 0 017 10D60 0 Fintl Kant 12.9860 12.716 5.1126 3.006 76.493 i 74.699 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON SITE 6 Date: 315r21108 L-nt- Camp Lej.une Number, 2 H-r : E 0 DeplhSlrr Jtee): 11A SET Ta3e1 Water Level: C 5 . I- inches Begret4 ning Water Level: 14,0 55 Hde Depth lcm): 20.0 )11.0 EMug Water Level- 130 51 Relerence scurf + 11.0 4 3 Hand(cm)' -15.0 59 CHT Tuhe(s) wrong. • 24.0 Hole diameter (cmJ: 50 Hole radius (r): 2-5 Valve Setting: r % 1 coefficient A'. 0001436 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Readings based w Ending Water Level Coversion Facior(C.F.y 1050 Wafer change in Chamber clock Elapsed Time Q K K K Reading water level C.F. time (min) (mini (h) (-31h,) (cmlhr) (inihrJ yaVN2lday 399 00 1050 1.3 39.1 0.5 1050 3.3 2.DO 0033 2520.0 36199 1,4248 21.317 38.3 06 1050 53 2.00 0 033 2520.0 3.6169 1,4248 21.317 37.6 0.7 1050 7.3 2.00 0.033 22050 3 1665 1,2467 18 652 368 0.8 105.0 9.3 2.00 0.033 2520.0 3.6189 14246 21,317 36 0.8 105.0 11,3 2.00 0.033 2520.0 36189 14248 21317 353 07 1050 353 2400 0 400 183.8 0 2839 0.1039 1.554 IFlnel Kaat 2.501 09144 1 14.729 I HYq BAULK CDNDl1CTIVITY STUDY RECON Site 7 Dale, 312712006 _ Weather Cmmem. Sunny Location'. Camp L.J.-Tm+pmalure IFI'. 60 Number: 1 II� Hodypm is 1M�1.0 � 1- ni Deplh(indrasj: 12.6 ^aE-P Target Water Level', 15:0 5.9 ctn Beginning Water Level: 12.0 d.7 Hole Depth(cmj: 320 112.E Ending Water Leval 130 5.1 Rerarance I-) rgo 35 Head (:; - 15.0 5.9 CHIT Tubes) wi 280 Hde dmmeter 1-): 5.0 1 Hde radii Sri: 2.5 -n - Value Setting: o f ipeM A 0.001436 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Readings based on Ending Water Level Crnertlion Factor (1 105.0 Water Readrg charlge in velar 1-1 Chamber C.F. dock lime {min} Elapsed Time {min} (hq 0 (an3lhi} K If milr l K 610w) K WDd.y 37 0,0 105.0 0.0 359 1.1 105 0 1.0 1.00 0 017 69300 99520 3.0181 58 621 34,7 1.2 105.0 2.0 1.00 0.017 7560.0 10.8567 42743 63950 33.7 1.0 1050 30 1.00 0 017 6300.0 90473 3 8619 53 292 32,5 1.2 1050 4.0 1.00 0 017 75M 0 10.1 42743 63 950 31 A IA 1050 50 I.00 0.017 6930.0 99520 3.9181 58.821 303 1.1 1050 6.0 1.co C 017 6930 0 99520 39181 58.621 292 ➢.1 ➢OS 0 7,0 1.00 0017 69300 99520 3.9101 58.621 26 1.2 105.0 80 100 0 017 7550.0 108561, 4.2743 63.950 26.7 1.3 1050 90 1,00 0017 81900 11.7615 4.6305 69280 254 1.3 1050 10.0 l00 0017 10 Final 1 17,7615 11,460 dfi305 a.512 69280 87.303 HYL1rWlJLli: V VfVllVl:l IVI I Y S I UV Y RECON Site 7 Date_ 32712WO Leceiian: Camp L.J.- Number: 2 H--n R Depih(Incile5j: 12.2 Target Water Level'. 15.0 5..9 rm nUlea Beginning water Lei 12.5 4.9 Hde Depth (cmj' 31.0 )122 Endirg Water Level; 136 5.1 Relevance [cm}: . 12.a 4.7 Hea ji - I5 0 5.9 CHT Ti setting: - 28,0 Fide d-eter (cmj: 5.0 Hole mdiue jr)- 2.5 Vale Selling'. mellidenl A. 0,001436 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Reading, based on E ding Water Level Cwenim Factor (C.F,j; t050 water Reading change in ester laud Chamber 0F. dork bme(min) Elapsed Time Imml Ihrl 0 Irm3rhrl K Irmrnrl K (inrhrl K aalrft27dy 37.5 Do 105.0 1 364 1A 1050 1.5 1.00 0.017 6930.0 99520 3.9161 58.821 34 2.4 105.0 2.5 1.00 0 017 151200 21.7135 8.5496 127.901 336 0.4 105.0 3.5 1.00 0.017 2520.0 3 6189 1.4248 21.317 32.3 1,3 105.0 4.5 1.00 0.017 8190.0 11.7615 48=5 69280 31.1 1.2 1050 5.5 1.00 0 017 7560.0 10.8567 42741 63 950 29.7 1.4 105.0 5-5 1.00 0 017 8820.0 12 1 4.9867 74 609 264 1A Io5.0 7.5 100 001T 8190.0 11.7615 41 69280 27,3 1.1 105.0 8.5 1,(10 0017 6930.0 99520 39181 58521 259 1.4 1060 9.5 1.00 0 017 a820.0 12.6662 4 9E67 74 609 24.5 14 1050 10.5 1 00 0 017 88200 121 4.9667 74 609 23.1 1.4 105.0 11.5 1.00 Gail 88200 Final... 12.6662 12.666 a,9867 4.987 74.609 74.609 11TUHAUL1li f1]NUUI: I IV I i Y J I i RLCON Site 7 Data: 312712M LM tiom Camp Lei - Number: 3 Hwixan', E rm inches OepthprrllesY. 12.2 SETUp Target Walar Level: 15.0 59 nrhea Beinnin gg Water Levat'. 10.5 41 , Hde Depth (cmj: 31,0 02.2 Ending Water Level: 11.0 4,3 Reterence(M); + 130 51 Head (cti 1 • 150 59 CHT Ti sebirg: - 290 ride dmmeter [ring, 5,0 Hole radius 1 2,5 VaNe Sehing: welficianl A', 0.001827 1-i 2-CN NOTE: Readings based m Ending Weler Level C-irsion Factor (C F.): 1050 water rhargain Chemller pock Elapsed Time 0 K K K Rending w Iar Imel C.F. lima (min) (min) {hr) (cm31hr) (-1i (infirj ga1r1121da 365 00 1050 1.5 368 1.7 105.0 2.5 1 d0 0.017 10710.0 195698 7, TD47 115274 35 1.6 105.0 3.5 1.co 0017 11340.0 20.7210 81579 122055 33.4 1.6 t05.0 4.5 1,00 0017 100800 184187 72514 108A93 31 6 1.6 105.0 5.5 1.00 0 017 113400 20.7710 6.15T9 122055 29.9 1.7 105.0 6.5 1,30 0017 10710 0 195696 7,7047 115 274 282 1.7 105.0 7,5 1.00 0.017 107100 19.5698 7,7047 115.274 26.5 1.7 105.0 6-5 1.00 0,017 10710.0 19.5698 7.7047 115.274 24.7 1.0 i05.0 95 1 00 0 017 113400 207210 8. 1579 122.055 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON Site 6 Data: 3f272008 weather Card- Scnny Lgcelwn: Came Lejeun. Tempral-(F)' 60 Numtiar, 1 Horizon: E cm�. ai DaWh(inchi 128 gET DP TerOel Werer Level'. 15.0 51 cm Beginning Water Level, 70 2,8 Hde Depth(om): 32.0 026 Endng Water Level'. 90 35 Hand (cm): - 15.5 5.9 CHI TUGe(s) Bolting - 300 Hale, diameter (rya): 5 0 Hda rom its (rC 2.5 nc� Valve Setting: r eoeffIciem A: 0.002422 143N 2-ON NOTE: Readings based on l7ndinrl Water Last Cavarsicn Factor (C F.(: 1050 Water charge in Chamber dock Elapsed Time 0 K K K Reatli venter level CI time (mill fmink lhrl 1-300 Icmfllrl (inlhrl 9341t21day 184 0.0 105.0 0.5 17.4 1.0 1050 1,5 1.00 0.017 6300.0 15.25% 6.0078 8988T 16.7 0.7 1050 2,5 Too 0017 4410.0 10b819 47055 62,921 ISIS 1.1 105 0 3 5 1 00 0 017 69300 161859 6 SD66 96 275 14.0 0.8 1050 4.5 1.00 0.017 50400 12.2079 4.0063 71.909 13.9 0.9 105.0 5.5 1.00 0.017 5670.0 13.7330 5.4070 60.898 13 0.0 1050 6.5 1.00 0.017 5670.0 137339 54070 80 898 12,1 09 to$ n 7.5 100 0 017 5870.0 13.7339 54070 00.598 11.3 0.8 105.0 8.5 1.00 0.017 5040.0 122019 48063 71.909 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY RECON Site 8 Date: 3272008 Locnlian: Lamp Lejeuna Ntmrber 2 Hon n. E � l-o Deplh(irlches): 11.8 SET P Target Wo Laval: 15.0 59 I- Inches Beginning Water Level', 14.5 5.7 Hale Depth (tint: 30.0 1 Ending Water Level', 14.0 55 Relerence1 130 5.1 II (-): - 15.0 S.D CUT Tabe{ej satting 280 Hde da Ri(ur1)' 50 -- Hole mdme 1 2,5 Vnlva Sooi r coefficient A: 0.001288 I -ON 2-ON NOTi Rendingg based on Ending W rater Level Caverltloo Frlclor (C.Rl 105.0 Wale, thong.e Chamber clock Elapsed Time 0 K K K Readi wafer level CF. time lminl Iminl {hrl (m3RT1 Icrnftw) fno gaVr121da 16.3 0.0 1050 1.0 14.3 2.0 105 0 2.0 1 00 0.017 126M 0 162326 63908 95 616 12.7 I a 1050 30 Too 0.017 lari 1291160 5-1128 75493 11.4 1,3 1050 40 100 0.017 li9 10.5512 4.1540 1 9.7 17 1050 5.0 1,00 0.017 10710.0 13.7977 54322 81.214 8.5 1,2 105.0 6.0 1.00 0.017 7560.0 9.7395 38345 57.370 7.2 1.3 1050 7-0 1.00 0017 BIRO 10-5512 4.1540 62, 150 5.1 1,5 105.0 8,0 100 0017 -50.0 12.1744 4.-11 11,111 4.3 1.4 105.0 9.0 1,00 0,017 88200 11.3828 44735 66.931 3 1,3 1060 10.0 1.00 0.017 8190.0 10.5512 4.1540 62.150 1,7 13 105.0 11-0 1.00 0.017 8190.0 10.5512 4.1540 62.150 Final 111 10_922 42fi1 63.744 HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY STUDY Dale: 31272006 Loranion: Camp Lei Number, 3 Horizon: E cm inches Depth(Inchi 11.a SET UP Target Water Leval150 59 a++ :adzes Begm..g Water Level: 12.0 47 Hole Depth (cm): 300 11 1. 6 Ending Water Level: 12.0 47 Rehiniona{cm): .100 3.9 Head (cm): - 15.o 59 CHT Tubes) salting: = 250 Hde diameter (Tint: 5 0 Hde mdme {r): 2.5 Valve Setting. r ooef[loent A: 0.001613 1-ON 2-ON NOTE: Readings based on Ending Water Level Cm4ersion Factor (C F.): 105.0 Water Chang. i1 Chnmtrer clock Elapsed Time ❑ K K K Reading -1.11-0 C.F. to.. (.iin) (mint Ihrl (r4nlhr) (cni (ildhr) da 17.3 0.0 1050 0,0 15.4 1.9 1050 1.0 1.00 Doll 1 1910 0 193062 7 6009 113. T21 13.5 1,9 105.0 20 IOU gull 119n)a 19.31 76009 113, 721 11.6 1,9 105.0 3.0 1,00 0.017 11970.0 19.3062 7,6" 113,721 99 1,7 1050 4.0 100 0017 107100 17.2740 61 101.751 8 19 105.0 5,0 Ion 0017 119TO0 19.3062 7,5009 Final 1 18.629 7,334 113,721 109131 04A. i i ._ �-s . k, •I. .. .. ... . .. - - a •t. .... .... _� _-..i$I%1 ,4 1 -.'p A' 1 rk ��•l i •� �' q �f'. ri � .ti. i r �