HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8010515_HISTORICAL FILE_20031013STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW bp 10S�( 7r DOC TYPE ❑CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS [� HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYMMDD Impressive Concrete, Inc. 1916 Wood Duck Lane Surfside Beach, SC 29575 843-828 4460 Fax: 843-828-4793 October 13, 2003 Mr. Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor NC Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Subject: SW8 010515 —Waves Beachwear SW8 021219 — Shipwreck Point Golf Dear Mr. Shiver: This letter Is in reply to your Notice of Violation to Henry Shitrit, President of H&D Properties, regarding the Waves Beachwear Stormwater Permit No. SW8 010515 and Request for Designers Certification for the Shipwreck Point Golf Stormwater Permit No. SW8 021219. As the general contractor for the Shipwreck Point Golf project, Mr. Shitrit asked us to coordinate the resolution of these matters. We have been in contact with Mr. Keith Bulla, the engineer on these projects, and the individual who is responsible for submitting the Designer's Certification on each. He has reviewed your letters and the plans and he has made recommendations to us on how to correct problems before he can submit the Designer's Certifications. Therefore, our Plan of Action is as follows: Waves Beachwear, . 1. A plumber will be hired to fie in the building to the sanitary sewer. 2. The retention pond will be drained and reshaped to the plan and sod placed on the sides to a depth low enough to stabilize the sides. 3. New wetland plants will be planted on the plant shelf. 4. The swale on the west property line will be filled and graded in accordance with the plan to allow proper drainage to the pond. 5. The flume inlet to the pond will be stabilized with rip rap. b. The sediment trap berm in the pond will be placed in the correct location. 7. The orifice opening for the pond outlet will be relocated to the outlet side of the 6- inch pipe. • Page 2 October 14, 2003 Shipwreck Point Goff: 1. The pond side slopes will be reshaped and stabilized with sod to a depth low enough to stabilize the sides. 2. New wetland plants will be planted on the plant shelf. 3. The flume inlet to the pond will be stabilized with rip rap. 4. The emergency overflow weir does not allow stormwater to flow out and a swale on the discharge side of the emergency overflow will be constructed to the pipe outlet ditch. 5. The orifice opening for the pond outlet will be relocated to the outlet side of the 6- inch pipe. 6. The pond outlet structure is cracked and will be patched with grout. We are currently in process of making final arrangements with the plumber and the sitework contractor the complete the above. As soon as these items are completed, Keith Bulla will submit the necessary Designer's Certifications. We are currently planning on have all competed by November 17, 2003 if at all possible. The Town of Surf City is also requiring that we obtain a permanent Certificate of Occupancy by that date. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact my office at the number above. Sincerely, Tom V Baker President TWBIIb cc: Henry Shitrit, H&D Properties Keith Bulla, PE Charles Riggs, Surveyor Steve Padgett, Surf City Inspector Kenneth Merritt, Merritt Construction Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer, DWQ,/ State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 010515 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as'amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Henry Shitrit, H & D Properties, Inc. Waves Beachwear Pender County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of wet detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules") and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 11, 2013, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit, the Project Data Sheet. The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 36,530 square feet of impervious area. 3. The tract will be limited to the amount of built -upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit, and per approved plans. 4. All stormwater collection and treatment systems must be located in either dedicated common areas or recorded easements. The final plats for the project will be recorded showing all such required easements, in accordance with the approved plans. '5. The runoff from all built -upon area within the permitted drainage area of this project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. A permit modification must be submitted and approved prior to the construction of additional built -upon area from outside of the approved drainage area. 2 n State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 010515 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PROJECT DESIGN DATA SHEET Project Name: Permit Number: Location: Applicant: Mailing Address: Application Date: Receiving Stream/River Basin Stream Index Number: Classification of Water Body: Drainage Area, acres: Onsite, ft : Offsite, ft2: Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: Pond Depth, feet: TSS removal efficiency: Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: Permitted Surface Area, ft2: Perm.itted Storage Volume, ft3: Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL: Controlling Orifice: Permitted Forebay Volume, ft3: Waves Beachwear SW8 010515 Pender County Henry Shitrit H & D Properties, Inc. 14418 Ocean Highway Pawley's Island, SC 29585 July 11, 2003 Becky's Creek 1 Cape Fear CPF24 18-87-8 "SA" > % mile from MHW 3.14 3.14 0 36,530 5.00 90% (no filter is required) 25.00 2,883@Permanent Pool 5,639 26.6 1.00" 0 pipe (drawdown in 2-5 days) 1,136 3 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 010515 II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE The stormwater management system shall be constructed in it's entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built -upon surface. 2. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. C. Mowing and revegetation of slopes and the vegetated filter. d. immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of all slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device, flow spreader, catch basins and piping. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. 4. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 5. Decorative spray fountains will not be allowed in the stormwater treatment system. 6. The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 7. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. 8. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device, it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 9. At least 30 days prior to the sale or lease of any portion of the property, the permittee shall notify DWQ and provide the name, mailing address and phone number of the purchaser or lessee. An access/maintenance easement to the stormwater facilities shall be granted in favor of the permittee if access to the stormwater facilities will be restricted by the sale or lease of any portion of the property. 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 010515 10. The permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction, for any modification to the approved plans, including, but not limited to, those listed below: a. Any revision to any item shown on the approved plans, including the stormwater management measures, built -upon area, details, etc. b. Project name change. C. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built -upon area or to the drainage area. e. Further subdivision, acquisition, or sale of all or part of the project area. The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval or a CAMA Major permit was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 11. The permittee shall submit final site layout and grading plans for any permitted future areas shown on the approved plans, prior to construction. If the proposed BUA exceeds the amount permitted under this permit, a modification to the permit must be submitted and approved prior to construction. 12. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. 13. The permittee must maintain compliance with the proposed built -upon area and ensure that the runoff from all the built -Upon is directed into the permitted system. 14. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. 15. The permittee must maintain the current permitted drainage area. No additional runoff from outside of the permitted drainage area boundary may enter the permitted stormwater facilities without first applying for and receiving a permit modification. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS This permit is not transferable except after notice to and approval by the Director. In the event of a change of ownership, or a name change, the permittee must submit a formal permit transfer request to the Division of Water Quality, accompanied by a completed name/ownership change form, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. The permittee is responsible for compliance with all permit conditions until such time as the Division approves the transfer request. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 1.43-215.6C. 5 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 010515 3. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 7. Unless specified elsewhere, permanent seeding requirements for the stormwater control must follow the guidelines established in the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 8. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 9. The permittee shall notify the Division any name, ownership or mailing address changes within 30 days. Permit issued this the 11th day of July, 2003. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission 0 T� Keith P. Bulla, P.E. JUL i i �uud 3202 Binford Court Wilmington, N.C. 28405 BY.S elephone: (910) 791-4724 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer From: Keith Bulla, Project Engineer Date: July 11, 2003 Subject: Waves Beach Wear, Pender County, Storm Water Project Number SW8010515 Attached are two copies of the revised site plan for the above referenced project with additional existing spot elevations in the driveway and parking areas as requested in your telephone message of July 9, 2003. �, .. s ' .. �'�'� .. I t .. � � � t f f 4� - e :y f . � �. ' f� . I � � - . '. 5 � � � Keith P. Bulla, P.E. 3202 Binford Court Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Telephone: (910) 791-4724 June 27, 2003 Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Re: Waves Beach Wear, Pender County Storm Water Project Number SW8 010515 Dear Ms. Lewis: On behalf of Mr. Henry Shitrit, President, H&D Properties, LLC, 14418 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, South Carolina, I have enclosed for your review the revised storm water management site plan in accordance with your comment dated June 26, 2003 in duplicate for the project Waves Beach Wear. If you have any questions in regard to the revised storm water management site plan, please advise. Sincerely, r - 'LXV,f Keith P. BuIla, P.E. Project Engineer cc:Mr. Henry Shitrit Charles Riggs & Associates &''' on-' .•�.. 1f�'. �u�' .,F ."l },�J , + �71. J f � JIJf � a: - v. �J' r. JI '. ._ Ij II' i' _° 3 * * * COMMUNICATION RESULT REPORT ( JUN.26.2003 FILE MODE OPTION ----------------------- S59 MEMORY TX REASON FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-3 ) NO A14SWER ADDRESS (GROUP) --- 9-3620024 P. 1 4:49PN ) TTI NCDENR WIRO RESULT PAGE E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION OF W A r4R Michael F. Easley, Governor p William G. Ross Jr. Secretary North Carolina Department of Fnvironment and Natural kesources Alan W. IQlmek irector Division of'Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, De uty Director Division of 1►►ater Quality FAX COVER SHEET Date: June 26, 2003 No. of Pages. 1 To: Keith Sulla, P.E. From: Linda Lewis Company: Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX #: 362-0024 FAX # 910-350-2004 Phono # 910-395-3900 DWQ Starmwater Project Number: SW8 010516 Project Name: Waves Beachwear MESSAGE: Keith; I don't see any additional spot elevations and finished grades than were on the plan before. Please show sufficient spot elevations so that it is obvious from the plan how runoff is directed into the pond, and submit 2 copies of the revised grading plans before the close of business on Tuesday, July 1, 2003. 0� W A TFR Michael F. Easley, Governor . p William G. Ross Jr. Secretary �Q North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E.,Director 0 Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins, De uty Director Division of Water Quality FAX COVER SHEET Date: June 26, 2003 No. of Pages: 1 To: Keith Bulla, P.E. From: Linda Lewis 4V Company: Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX #: 362-0024 FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 010515 Project Name: Waves Beachwear MESSAGE: Keith: I don't see any additional spot elevations and finished grades than were on the plan before. Please show sufficient spot elevations so that it is obvious from the plan how runoff is directed into the pond, and submit 2 copies of the revised grading plans before the close of business on Tuesday, July 1, 2003. RSSlarl: S:IWQSIST0RMWATIADDINF0120031010515-2.jun03 LV N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service 'A Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 NC1) ENUR Keith P. Bulla, P.E. 3202 Bin€ord Court Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Telephone: (910) 791-4724 June 25, 2003 Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Re: Waves Beach Wear, Pender County Storm Water Project Number SW8 010515 Dear Ms. Lewis: RECEIVED JUN 2 6 2003 ow@ 1PRoa # 550J? 0(O 5f 5 On behalf of Mr. Henry Shitrit, President, H&D Properties, LLC, 14418 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, South Carolina, l have enclosed for your review the revised storm water management plan and application in accordance with your comments dated June 20, 2003 in duplicate, and revised calculations and for the project Waves Beach Wear. The following responses are to the like -numbered comments in your June 20 correspondence: 1. Street address added to application. 2. Built upon area reported in square feet on application. 3. The pond outlet structure was moved into the basin embankment. The 24-inch RCP outlet pipe with a top elevation of 27', one foot below the top of berm, will bridge the trash rack. 4. Seeding specifications added to the drawing. 5. The site plan grading was revised to adequately demonstrate that the site runoff drains to the proposed detention pond. 6. Front parking lot, sidewalk, and rear gravel area dimensions added. 7. A plan view detail was added to the outlet structure detail with note for a maximum wire spacing of 4"x4". 8. The orifice calculation was revised and the proposed outlet size was revised from 1-1/4-inch to I -inch. If you have any questions in regard to the revised storm water management plan, please advise. Sincerely, Y_'A P, RA Keith P. Bulla, P.E. Project Engineer cc:Mr. Henry Shitrit Charles Riggs & Associates trr '. :r . �• ufrTTI - •f r' i ra,tl re,�r "r' 1�.1.j11" . r. .P '' f' _. f� f., ,.I a('•?. I{,' r•,lY�'.'r,' ,ir, r i , !+'.`fr, ' C l�. ' 'a9+ /':,' � J OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number State of North Carolina JUN 2 6 2003 Department of Environment and Natural Resources OWQ Division of Water Quality PROD # C'T/1R WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc, who owns the project): q. T-) Pro >�r 4. P- I. L W, 2, Print Owner/Signing Official' name and title ((Person 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 1qq le oce-0" 90,1 responsible for facility and compliance): Ciry:_5Sia .�� JState: SC, Zip:�5_P, i Telephone Number: ( g,q 3 } 20 ~ lio.5 B 4. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): 5. 6 Location of Project (street address): IS-7057 )4q,,, 5o City:,.. _ Sv r E I- X-1 County: dev- Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): 7. Latitude_7� J cL 30 �, Longitude: 77 J y of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project: Name: 4—2 . t , P Telephone Number: (D 1- 4 z II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): New Renewal ✓ Modification Form SWU-101 Version 399 Page I of .: 'r .. � Y'. }' t.s` `�1 ��• fit. P. 1 r COMMUNICATION.RESULT REPORT ( JUN.20.2003 10:12AM ) TTI NCDENR WIRO RESAeEfi PAGE FILE MODE OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) _ ;�_�------------------ . _ __ __ __ ___-------------------------------- 3�'�8- ME{`10R`r' TX------------ - 8-9103620�24 WOK P. 2f2 ----P.EASON-FOR ERROR E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-3) NO ANSWER E-2) BUSY E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr. Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural kesouroes 5 0 Ew J& Alan W, Klimek P.E.,Director p Division of�IVater Quality Coleen H. Sullins, De uty Director Division of Water Quality FAX COVER SHEET Date: June 20, 2003 No, of Pages: 2 To: Keith Sulla, P.E. From: Linda Lewis 40-/ Company: Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX #: 362-0024 FAX # 91 0-,350-2004 Phone # 910-396-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 010616 Project Name: Waves Beachwear MESSAGE: Keith, this is a copy of the additional information letter I am sending to Mr. Shitrit. Subject., Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 010515 Waves Beachwear Pender County Dear Mr. Shitrit: -, G� WArF9 Michael F. Easley, Governor `a Q William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E.,Director Division of Water Quality Coleen W. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality FAX COVER SHEET Date: June 20, 2003 No. of Pages: 2 To: Keith Bulla, P.E. From: Linda Lewis Company: Water Quality Section - Stormwater FAX #: 362-0024 FAX # 910-350-2004 Phone # 910-395-3900 DWQ Stormwater Project Number: SW8 010515 Project Name: Waves Beachwear MESSAGE: Keith, this is a copy of the additional information letter I am sending to Mr. Shitrit. Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 010515 Waves Beachwear Pender County Dear Mr. Shitrit: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information regarding the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Waves Beachwear on June 19, 2003. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Please provide the street address of the project in Section 5 of the application. 2. Please report the built -upon area in square feet on the application. This information was available in the calculations, so I have transferred it to the application for you. 3. The location of the outlet structure is not usually in the middle of the pond, where it will be difficult to access for routine maintenance. Please relocate it close to the slope, where it can be accessed more easily. You will be required to provide a safe bridged access to the outlet structure if you want to leave it in the middle of the pond. 4. Please add the pond seeding specifications to the plans. N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 . (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 VA 14CUENR 5. Please provide finished grade elevations and spot elevations to demonstrate that all the runoff will be directed into the inlet swale along the southern property line, and will not simply flow onto the adjacent property, or into the road ditch. 6. Please provide dimensions for the front parking lot, sidewalk and rear gravel area. 7. Please be more specific in describing the trash rack, and specify a maximum spacing of 4" x 4" for trash rack openings. 8. Please check the orifice calculation. It appears that the consultant forgot to multiply by "rr" when calculating the orifice area in square feet. The 1.25" specified is too large. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to close of business on June 25, 2003, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. . If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from .the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143- 215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to tali me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSSlarl: S:IWQSISTORMWATIADDINF0120031010515.jun03 cc: Keith Bulla, P.E. Linda Lewis STORM WATER CALCULATIONS For Waves Beach Wear Town of Surf City Pender County, North Carolina RECEIVED JUN 19 2003 DWQ PRQJ # X) ,? 010 SIS May 27, 2003 Prepared By: Keith P. Bulla, P.E. 3202 Binford Court Wilmington, N.C. 28405 (910) 791-4724 Prepared For: H&D Properties 14418 Ocean Highway Pawleys Island, S.C. 29585 rrl T I_ _r✓C'i�P, r rn t !� � —I {���nnGv_S I �4^_s I O_' I—�'i/_�rT�,_ �i C..WlzGvt _I _Gi� i i �-,; i l �_.8. _C d— ,_._.1_E.e_I__�Y1 t�f_y`ix� i � � I -5 �� -�-� r-_ Gr. �'.�, c.►� .s r.v_►. s - -� s �i!i�l 11 IIIiI III�I IIE I!!!► 9I Z-5,F_—I- i i I—� I�cwe�5'cc• 4C�rCra,g—.%DO_ '38'Z S �. �— Z: __—L I - i -�_I_�P --- ` 1J. - 'I I ✓T� .I_C_!Fs� I I rz_s�JII !y I A I IGrSc�c�r_-14�Jsel U%�r1✓4-ICI �r-IGi.I 6�li s , r_ lee m _� � �e_�^-.'rL_� I_Yc..l _clf .—!.�-c-�'— °!),o'T ! ✓' ' { r �� I _V-G,�I�t�.J�'ie 17`"t �`i<��-- i I I _�__. I 12 �_---l-��S_t.!�S—_,�CQ�i�� i_.w-�„�o�P�—���0-�' �� �ld !_�S.s ' ��' �IO�JCV� I_�_✓—G'_%�CCj�n--� l i I —I --II 36 N-i__.�•4l I 1�_•--�_ 1 1-�I f-_-'- 1 I-1�-1 I I I I-�__�-i � I I II I l} I .-I—�� ++ l( G..- e� 1 SY�. 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Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality June 20, 2003 Henry Shitrit, President H & D Properties, LLC 14418 Ocean Highway Pawley's Island, SC 29585 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 010515 Waves Beachwear Pender County Dear Mr. Shitrit: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information regarding the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Waves Beachwear on June 19, 2003. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Please provide the street address of the project in Section 5 of the application. 2. Please report the built -upon area in square feet on the application. This information was available in the calculations, so I have transferred it to the application for you. 3. The location of the outlet structure is not usually in the middle of the pond, where it will be difficult to access for routine maintenance. Please relocate it close to the slope, where it can be accessed more easily. You will be required to provide a safe bridged access to the outlet structure if you want to leave it in the middle of the pond. 4. Please add the pond seeding specifications to the plans. 5. Please provide finished grade elevations and spot elevations to demonstrate that all the runoff will be directed into the inlet swale along the southern property line, and will not simply flow onto the adjacent property, or into the road ditch. 6. Please provide dimensions for the front parking lot, sidewalk and rear gravel area. 7. Please be more specific in describing the trash rack, and specify a maximum spacing of 4" x 4" for trash rack openings. N. C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension (910) 395-3900 Customer Service Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington, NC 28405 (910) 350-2004 Fax 1 800 623-7748 f+1_CD f RR Mr. Shitrit June 20, 2003 Stormwater Application No. SW8 010515 8. Please check the orifice calculation. It appears that the consultant forgot to multiply by "TT" when calculating the orifice area in square feet. The 1.25"0 specified is too large. Please note that this request -for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to July 20, 2003, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143- 215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSSlarl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIADDINFO\20031010515.jun03 cc: Keith Bulla, P.E. Linda Lewis 2 IVE JUN 19 2003 Keith P. Bulla, P.E. BY: 3202 Binford Court Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Telephone: (910) 791-4724 June 18, 2003 Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Re: Waves Beach Wear, Pender County Storm Water Project Number SW8 010515 Dear Mr. Shiver: On behalf of H&D Properties, LLC, 14418 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, South Carolina, I have enclosed for your review, the revised storm water management application, one original and one copy; one wet detention basin supplement; plans and specifications, in duplicate, calculations, and project narrative for the project Waves Beach Wear. I have been advised by the owner that the $420.00 application was submitted with the initial application. This project is a high -density project. The proposed project consists of a 12,000 square foot retail store with parking and sidewalks located on a 3.143 acre site. The storm water management method for this project is one detention basin designed for 90% removal of suspended solids. The detention basin is proposed to discharge to an existing pond to the rear of the property. The project is located more than '/z-mile from Beckys Creek, classified as SA waters, the eventual receiving stream of the site runoff. If you have any questions in regard to this storm water management application, please advise. Sincerely, Keith P. Bulla, P. E. Project Engineer cc:Mr. Henry Shitrit Charles Riggs & Associates 1 , , m :JI!' • r.r `s {f) I',E .E �:+ :/' ry - r; !I sal , t' .,' . , : ! i�, ,!: _, ;E'..1 , ' ; .;i' I T• s� , r ! � �'t�. .• �.'r 1. lj'.r.. t .. �, -.� � — 'fir "'IJ , ' . l,'., ; � 3-. � , %f!.;, T l3 1f.1. t 1-r :I U ' .L' 'f ;� .i tlii , l• ' 4 �' .i llf ^ .ai I• J i/ J �' �E if •• 1 sf 11 fign ..lid ' • .I r• 1'0 'EI• ' i '1 ,j r; ,/ :� '}fir", , ;';,' �!r / IL it. !J• r ^rr,.f rlJ jJ`f''�'1 , , :N Jr! .'`..1 C:{1"E�' .. r. i '4i - 'r 1•./ j!. it/.Ir. �{, ;�. t' - i,..•. .. ..i' ,,,� ;'� 'I'r, IL 1 •'-1 1` (M' rF�.f, ..,� F' ,fir r,' •I:J.' " . u ! r ' Ll RECEIVED J U N 1 g 2003 Paoa # 5w X a 16 5/� SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS For Waves Apparel NC 50/210, Surf City Pender County, North Carolina Prepared For: H&D Properties, LLC 14418 Ocean Highway Pawleys Island, South Carolina 29585 1�Si117 !7 �rye��FE.SSIQ � a� p 24 a "ol Its ►"% G f 10�0 3 Prepared By: Keith P. Balla, P.E. 3202 Binford Court Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 (910) 791-4724 +�.J �. Y � SEEDING SCHEDULE WAVES APPAREL SURF CITY PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA June 18, 2003 1.0 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS Seeding, mulching, and conditioning of the soils on the subject site is to be performed to North Carolina Department of Transportation requirements, Section 880, Standard Specifications for Roads & Structures, with the following provisions: 1.1 Seeding, mulching, and conditioning shall be done on all earth areas disturbed or filled by channel dredging, construction or as designated by the Engineer. 1.2 Seeding, mulching, and conditioning shall be accomplished as soon as possible after land disturbance to stabilize the soils and prevent erosion. The soils shall be stabilized permanently between the months of April and June. The time for establishment of a permanent ground cover is 15 days or 90 calendar days, which ever is shorter. Prior to permanent seeding, the soils shall be seeded, mulched, and conditioned for a temporary grass cover as herein specified, 1.3 In order to prevent excessive soil erosion and siltation, a grass cover shall be established as soon as possible following land disturbing and construction operations. The Contractor shall complete grading to the proper final grade and then perform seeding, mulching, and conditioning as the final grading progresses or within 30 calendar days thereof, unless there is a specific permissible length of delay due to circumstances beyond the control of the Contractor. 1.4 Superficial scratching of the slope surface will not be sufficient seedbed preparation. On 2:1 or 12:1 slopes, a seedbed preparation will be required approaching the degree of preparation required on flatter areas as far as depth is concerned although the same degree of smoothness of seedbed will not be required. 1.5 The kind of seed, the rate of application of seed, limestone, and fertilizer is as follows (Contractor will be responsible for performing tests of on -site soils): Temporary Seeding - Fall Seeding Mixture Species: Rye (grain) Rate (lb/acre): 120 Seeding Dates: August 15 - December 30 Soil Amendments: Follow recommendations of soil tests from the Agriculture Extension Service for fertilizer and time application rates. Mulch: Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance: Repair and re -fertilize damaged areas immediately. Top dress with 50 lb/acre of nitrogen in March. If it is necessary to extend temporary cover beyond June 15, over seed with 50 lb/acre Kobe. Temporary Seeding - Late Winter and Early Spun Seeding Mixture Species: Rye (grain) Rate (lb/acre): 120 Annual Iespedeza Rate (lb/acre): 50 (Kobe) Omit annual Iespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June. Seeding Dates: December 1 - April 15 Soil Amendments: Follow recommendations of soil tests from the Agriculture Extension Service for fertilizer and lime application rates. Mulch: Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance: Re -fertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Re -seed, re -fertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Temporary Seeding- Summer Seeding Mixture Species: German millet Rate (lb/acre): 40 Seeding Dates: April 15 - August 15 Soil Amendments: Follow recommendations of soil tests from the Agriculture Extension Service for fertilizer and lime application rates. Mulch: Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance: Re -fertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Re -seed, re -fertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Permanent Seeding Seeding Mixture Species: Pensacola Bahiagrass Rate (lb/acre): 50 Sericea lespedeza 30 Centipedegrass 5 German millet 10 Seeding Dates: April 1 - July 15 Soil Amendments: Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests from the Agriculture Extension Service Mulch: Apply 4,000 lb/acre grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving or netting or by crimping with a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance: Re -fertilize the following April with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. Repeat as growth requires. May be mowed only once a year. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit sericea and mow as often as needed. Limestone shall contain not less than 85 percent of calcium and magnesium carbonates and shall conform to the following minimum standards: one hundred percent (100%) must pass through U.S. Standard 10 mesh screen and forty percent (40%) must pass through U.S. Standard 100 mesh screen. 1.6 Equipment to be used for the application, covering, and compaction of limestone, fertilizer, and seed shall be approved for that use. Application of seed and fertilizer in water suspension or by air blast methods will not be permitted on slopes flatter than 2:1. Should a hydraulic seeder be used for application of seed and fertilizer, the seed shall not remain in water containing fertilizer for more than 30 minutes prior to application. 1.7 Mulching - Mulch shall be spread uniformly over the area by hand or by means of appropriate mechanical spreaders or blowers to obtain an application satisfactory to the Engineer. It is the intent of this specification that satisfactory applications shall allow some sunlight to penetrate and air to circulate, but also partially shade the ground, reduce erosion, and conserve soil moisture. Care shall be exercised to prevent displacement of soil or seed or other damage to the seeded area during mulching. 1.8 The Contractor shall be required to take sufficient precautions to prevent mulch entering catch basins or pipe lines through displacement by wind, water or other causes. The Contractor shall apply a sufficient amount of asphalt to insure that the mulch is properly held in place. z 1.9 In the application of fertilizer in seeding operations, or in the application of asphalt materials during mulching operations, adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent damage to concrete or metal structures. Such structures shall be adequately covered or application methods changed so as to avoid damage. Where any damage occurs as a result of the Contractor's failure to take adequate precautions, the Contractor will be required to repair such damage including any cleaning that may be necessary before final acceptance of the work. 1.14 Once an area has been seeded and mulched, the Contractor is required to take adequate precautions to insure that all future construction operations do not damage these areas. No payment will be made for repairs of any kind that are due to negligence of the Contractor. 1.11 Fertilizer shall be the standard commercial product of analysis. All fertilizer shall be delivered in bags bearing the manufacturer's name, the chemical analysis of the project, and its weight. If not used immediately after delivery, fertilizer shall be stored in a manner that will not allow it to harden or destroy its effectiveness. 1.12 Seed shall be certified seed or equivalent based on North Carolina Seed Improvement Association requirements for certification. If the seed is not grown in the state where it is to be used, it shall meet the certification requirements of the Seed Improvement Association for the state in which it is grown. All seed shall be furnished in sealed standard containers. Seed which has become wet, moldy, or otherwise damage prior to seeding, will not be acceptable. 1.13 Mulch shall be any of the materials noted below: A) Grain straw or dry hay: Mulch materials which contain an excessive quantity of mature seed of noxious weed or other species which would hinder the establishment of desirable vegetation will not be acceptable. Any mulch material which is in an advanced stage of decomposition as to smother or retard growth of grass will not be acceptable. B) Asphaltic adhesive: Asphaltic material to anchor straw mulch shall be thin enough to be blown from spray equipment. It shall be SS-1 emulsion or RS liquid asphalt I or 2. 1.14 Seed: Furnish duplicate signed copies of a statement from vendor certifying that each container of seed is fully labeled in accordance with the Seed Improvement Association requirements for certification. This certification shall appear on, or with, all copies of invoices for the seed. Each lot of seed will be subject to sampling and testing at the discretion of the Engineer. Sampling and testing will be in accordance with the latest regulation under the Federal Seed Act. 1.15 Fertilizer and Lime: Furnish duplicate copies of invoices for all fertilizer and lime used on the project. Invoices for fertilizer shall show the analysis and the quantity furnished. Invoices for lime shall show the percentage of magnesium oxide and quantity furnished. Upon completion of the project, a final check of the total quantities of fertilizer and lime used will be made against the total area seeded and if the rates of application have not been met, additional quantities of these materials shall be applied to make up the application specified. 1.16 Prior to or during grading and tillage operations, the ground surface shall be cleared of stumps, stones, roots, cable, wire, grade stakes, and other materials that might hinder proper grading, tillage, seeding, or subsequent maintenance operations. 1.17 Grades on the area to be treated shall be maintained in a true and even condition. Maintenance shall include any necessary repairs to previously graded areas. 1.18 All graded areas shall be thoroughly tilled to a depth of at least four inches by plowing, disking, harrowing, or other approved methods until the condition of the soil is acceptable. On sites where soil conditions are such that high clay content and excessive compaction cause difficulty in getting clods and lumps effectively pulverized, the Contractor shall use rotary tillage machinery, until the mixing of the soil is acceptable and no clods or clumps remain larger than 1-1/2 inches in diameter. A firm and compact seedbed is required, and after being graded, the seedbed shall be lightly compacted with a land roller such as a cultipacker, before and after seeding. All tillage operations shall be as near on the contour as is practical, but in not instance up and down the slope. 1.19 Limestone may be applied to the area prior to the preparation of the seedbed, but in all cases, it shall be applied before seeding and thoroughly incorporated into the entire depth of the prepared seedbed. The incorporation of the lime may form a part of the tillage operation specified above. 1.20 The fertilizer shall be incorporated into the upper three or four inches of the prepared seedbed. This can be done just prior to the last tillage operation or just prior to seeding, but in no case, will it be applied more than three days before seeding or before the lime is applied. Distribution by means of an approved seed drill equipped to sow seed and distribute fertilizer at the same time will be acceptable. When hydroseeding equipment is used for planting operations, fertilizer shall be applied simultaneously with seed using the above rate of application. 1.21 When conditions are such, by reason of draught, high winds, excessive moisture, or other environmental factors are such that satisfactory results are not likely to be obtained, the work shall be stopped and resumed only when conditions are favorable. If inspection during seeding operations, or after there is a show of green, indicates that strips wider than the space between rows planted have been left, or other areas skipped, additional seed shall be sown on these areas. 1.22 Straw or hay mulch shall be anchored in place by uniformly spraying the straw with the herein before specified asphalt material at the rate of 0.10 gallon per square yard. 1.23 The area shall be protected against foot and vehicular traffic by erecting adequate barricades immediately after seeding is completed, and by placing warning signs of an approved type. 1.24 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper care of the seeded area during the period when vegetation is being established. In the vent of an erosive rain before an adequate stand of vegetation is established, damaged areas shall be repaired, limed, fertilized, seeded, and mulched wholly at the Contractor's expense. 1.25 The Contractor will restore all areas upon completion of project including the removal of sedimentation and erosion control devices and restoration of the wet detention basin. Restoration of the basin will include restoring the basins to the design depth and re -seeding and mulching where the basins are disturbed. � 7 R STORM WATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE FOR WAVES APPAREL NC HIGHWAY 50/210 TOWN OF SURF CITY PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA RECEIVED J U N 19 2003 DWQ Pxoi # : c Sa /o 515 PREPARED FOR: II&D PROPERTIES, LLC 14418 OCEAN HIGHWAY PAWLEYS ISLAND, SOUTH CAROLINA 29585 PREPARED BY: KEITH P. BULLA, P.E. 3202 BINFORD COURT WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405 (910) 791-4724 w � � _, i r �t ; r � :. � �i., :� ,' � � . i STORM WATER MANAGEMENT NARRATIVE WAVES APPAREL TOWN OF SURF CITY PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Jane 18, 2003 Project Description: This project, Waves Apparel, is a beach wear and supply retail store with parking. The project site is a total of 3.143 acres. The property is located on the west -side of NC Highway 50/210, approximately 1000 linear feet south of the intersection of N.C. Highway 50 and 210, Town of Surf City, Pender County. The storm water controls for the project include vegetated buffers, vegetated swales and wet detention basin. There is no off -site storm water contributing to this site. The project wet detention basin will discharge to a ditch located in a dedicated street right of way. The project is located in a watershed that drains to Beckys Creek, classified as SA waters. The site is more than '/z- mile from SA waters. The project provides easements for the storm water conveyances. H&D Properties, LLC, 14418 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, South Carolina, is responsible for the construction, operation and maintenance of the storm water system. This property has been cleared and has been developed. A storm water detention basin previously constructed on the site will be filled in and graded to drain to the detention basin proposed in this application. The existing impervious surface area is .839 acres. No additional impervious surfaces are proposed. The percentage of impervious surface area for the site is approximately 26.7%, requiring the site to be developed as a high -density site in accordance with NC Storm Water Regulations. According to the Soil Survey of Pender County, the site soils consist of the Onslow series described as moderately well drained. The seasonal high water table is estimated to be located at 4 to 5-feet below the ground surface. The project water and sewer utilities are connected to local public utility systems. Storm Water Management: During construction, silt fences are to be constructed on site to manage runoff. The proposed wet detention basin will be constructed to the rear of the property outside an existing pond. The detention basin discharge point is located 50 feet from the existing pond high water mark. The wet detention basin has been designed to capture the first one - inch of storm water runoff from each rainfall event. The wet detention basin calculations are enclosed. The wet detention basin has one curb inlet located on the east -side of the basin. The runoff from the site flows to swales located near the property lines that drain to the curb inlet. The storm water will flow into the basin forebay, design volume approximately 20% of the total basin design volume. From the forebay, the storm'water will flow over a r spillway along the width of the basin into the main basin pool. The basin has a permanent storage depth of 5-feet. The top of the permanent pool is provided with a planting shelf with a slope of 6:1. The 1-inch of rainfall is contained in l .l -foot above the permanent pool. A basin freeboard of 1.4-foot and an emergency spillway are to be provided. The basin side slope will be 3:1 above the permanent pool. The basin storage volume above permanent pool will be discharged through a 1-114-inch diameter orifice located in the basin outlet structure. The 1-1/4-inch diameter outlet will discharge the 1-inch of rainfall over a four -day period. The outlet structure is equipped with a 6-inch drain located at the bottom of the structure for draining the basin. From the outlet structure, the basin can be pumped out for any required cleaning or maintenance. 1). Keith P. Bulla, P.E. 3202 Binford Court Wilmington, N.C. 28405 Telephone: (910) 791-4724 March 26, 2003 Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Re: Notice of Violation Plan of Action Waves Beach Wear, Pender County Storm Water Project Number SW8 010515 Dear Mr. Shiver: Mr. Henry Shitrit, President, H&D Properties, LLC, 14418 Ocean Highway, Pawleys Island, South Carolina, has obtained my services as well as Charles Riggs and Associates, surveyor, to respond to the Notice of Violation (NOV) dated February 28, 2003 for the above referenced project. On Mr. Shitrit's behalf, I am providing your office with this Plan of Action and time frame to correct the violations outlined in the NOV. l . Within a week of this correspondence, the site is to be surveyed and mapped for an as -built drawing to accurately determine the area of land disturbance, delineate wetlands, if required, and calculate the total area of impervious surface. This survey is to be compared to the plan prepared for the original land disturbance permit. To our knowledge, the site was not developed prior to the construction of the Waves Beach Wear store. 2. Upon comparing the as -built drawing to the construction plans, the Engineer will contact Ms. Noelle Lutheran to discuss the findings and to obtain any input she may have in regard to the site. 3. Within two weeks of this correspondence, a letter will be prepared and sent to your attention with the Engineer's recommendation for the owner to either revise the existing storm water management plan in accordance with the State's request for additional information dated July 17, 2001 or prepare a new storm water management application. This correspondence will also outline the time required to construct the recommended improvements. 4. A revised plan and revised application, if needed, will be provided to the State within four weeks of the State's acceptance of the Engineer's recommendation. 5. It is the intent of the owner to be in full compliance with the storm water permit and the approved erosion control plan. .._ if �' •eff ' � �' ! S. I _,. Swi .' • r .T. , f, r f:!'. 'f t, r. 'I' �t I _ u �•! f?i �Il�L f' �I sl I. 1 .rI � f .}�if .r.' - k; '. _.•1`•-J Cf. 7r +�f. ,. ,.� f�� ..f. 1 �i., r f 'a � �';tr;��r �l�• �� �: '.. ,r • r, ki�,�, f 11, f ., 11 � � .1 ++ � ' � . / l' ii' yll ��' f�•/ � f'• I r ' • _ <.; _ . � ,; .. r _`eft � ;.., r !1 - . +' f; .� . , _ , :Jl- •• f ir ! ' �;, r•�.rl r - :f�`/ r, iii •11 '' _r r�l �1i.. . ...1 ., �f J: i. t � • f f - t � ' .._ ,', iL�e`? 'a f.. '': `'ii� I .11 �t � 1 1 r • 'f!t•f If you have any questions in regard to this proposed Plan of Action, please advise. Sincerely, Keith P. Bulla, P.E. Project Engineer cc:Mr. Henry Shitrit Charles Riggs & Associates .�•. �t •, r .. t r�. �. _ r _i e , REPOPT JUL. TT i i ICL�ES kk l>ilkO �; � COrltYitSc�XC�Ti(3N Ri=CULT �P. ADD—'-��_CfiFOI�P7 _____----_—__— yr14C B� f FRCGIMZLE Co of-CTZON HYING UP Of? LIi�� FpIL � E_3) i`t� APiShIER , State of North Carolina Department of Environ mcnt and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: -,z- 07, T0: IV et&jsan FAX 0: 910- 3469 - 12 10 REMARKS:. No. Of Pages: 0 From: Lid 7Q FAX#:210-350-2004 ---- 127 Cnrdinal Drive Ewnsian, Wilmington, N.C. 28405,3845 Telephone (910) 395.3900 Fax (91C) 350-"04 An Equal Opportunity A1Trma4ve Action Employer State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Date: I-2 - 07, To: U6ye Npwsow CO: JJ)o F- e►-ce A��*',gk5 FAX #: 910- 34w— 12 /4 No. Of Pages: 2 From: L! dg /-gw;'5 CO: FAX#: 91.0-350-2004 REMARKS: /q,c�,J /0 % &o -7-1 7-aI 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Telephone (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer North Carolina ,Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office Michael P. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Jul), 17, 2001 Mr. Henry Shitrit, President H & D Properties, Inc. 1728 Tradition Club Road Pawley's Island, SC 29585 Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 010515 Waves Beachwear Surf City Pender County Dear Mr. Shitrit: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Waves Beachwear Surf City on May 10, 2001. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Please either delineate all wetlands on site, disturbed or undisturbed, or note on the plans that none exist. 2. The corporation provided on the application is not listed with the NC Secretary of State. Please provide a copy of the incorporation papers and a list of the officers. I am unable to issue a permit to a corporation that is not registered in North Carolina. The mailing address for the applicant is PO Box 3228 , Myrtle Beach SC on the plans, but the application has a Pawley's Island address. Please provide the mailing address of the corporation as registered with the Secretary of State. 4. Please provide a 3:1 L:W flow path ratio in the pond. The supplement item ( f ) is initialed, indicating that this item has been provided, however, the pond dimensions provide for only a 2 ratio. Please label the radii of the permanent pool contour. 6. Please dimension the sidewalk area around the building, the width of the driveway that leads to the rear of the building, and the rear parking / loading area. 7. Please provide a larger orifice. The calculations indicate that the diameter should be between 0.57" and 0.94", but a 0.5" has been chosen. The sediment cleanout benchmark on the supplement is intended to be reported as a depth, not an elevation. Please revise. 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 'telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 91(1-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50` . recycled110` , post -consumer paper Mr. Shitrit July 17, 2001 Stormwater Project No. SW8 0105.15 ---------------------------------------------- Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to August 17, 2001, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIADDINPO1010515..UL cc: Linda Lewis Dave Newsom, P.E. (Enclosures -Original Pages 1-4 of SWU-101 and pages 1-4 of SWU-102) 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 'Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper in 03/22/2002 15: 58 910-346-1210 JOHN L PIERCE PAGE 01/01 ■ Fax Memo John L. Pierce & Associates Land Surveying - Land Planning - A1ap*S P.O. Box 1685 409 Johnson Blvd. Jacksonville, N,C, 28541 Office: (910) 346-9800 Fax No,: (910) 346-1210 E-mail: i cE Q sloLx nline,Det TO: Linda Lewis DATE: March 22, 2002 RE- Waves Beachwear Stormwater Perm,' No. 01051 S With regard to your Notice of Violation dated March 13. 2002, Mr. Shitrit does intend to provide written explanation, however, it will be nett week before the document is ready_ Please let me know if this will present a problem P Av"ff)A-f'I xil -,ddl 00,4 n/ -:�&D ., ") � . of L/10 - H & D Properties 1728 Tradition Club Road Pawley's Island, SC 29585 March 22, 2002 Mr. Rick Shiver, Water Quality Supervisor N.C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington. N.C. 28405 Re: Waves Beachwear Stormwater Permit No. 010515 Pender County Dear Mr. Shiver, RECEIVED APR 0 1 2002 BY: We are in receipt of your Notice of Violation dated March 13, 2002 regarding the referenced project. That letter indicates that your stag' "observed the unpermitted construction of building, parking lot and wet detention pond". Please accept this letter as our explanation for the alleged violation. I will provide a brief summary of events in hopes of clarifying our efforts to achieve compliance: Early in 2001, my site design consultant, John L. Pierce & Associates, prepared and submitted Site Plan for the project to the Town of Surf City. The project, as designed, disturbed less than one acre, therefore, was not subject to NCDENR Land Quality or Stormwater Review. The project as designed, however; was subject to Town of Surf City Stormwater Requirements. A pond, in accordance with those local requirements was incorporated into the design. On March 12, 2001 NCDENR Land Quality staff conducted a site inspection. Based upon the inspection report, it appeared that the site was in compliance at that time. The Sedimentation Inspection Report filed by NCDENR staff indicates that clearing was limited to 0.82 acres. It would appear, therefore, that NCDENR approval of stormwater facilities would not be necessary as of that particular date. At some time after March 12, 2001 (no written documentation was provided), NCDENR staff indicated to my site contractor that submission to NCDENR Land Quality would be required. On May 10, 2001, my site design consultant submitted a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan and associated application package to NCDENR. r Also on May 10, 2001, my site design consultant submitted a Stormwater Permit Application, including $420.00 fee, to your office. On May 23, 2001 NCDENR issued Letter of Approval of the Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan. i In response to review comments from your office, on June 5, 2001, my site design consultant submitted a revised application package. This submittal included all required modifications to the existing pond to comply with NCDENR requirements. %- Due to cost and space requirements, my site contractor decided in mid October 2001 to eliminate the pond and design and infiltration system conforming: to NCDENR requirements. My site desigmn consultant was authorized to complete the infiltration system design in November 2001. On March 4, 2002 my site design consultant submitted a revised Stormwater Plan and application package. As your office had not vet issued a Stormwater Permit for the project, I did not think that another S420 application fee would be required. On March 13, 2002, my application package was returned as "Incomplete" as it did not included the required S420.00 fee. I am hopeful that you will agree that enforcement action is not warranted in this case as NCDENR review and approval of the project was not required when construction was initiated. In addition, please consider that I have done everything within my power to obtain the necessary approvals and permits once your staff came to the conclusion that Eros ionlSedimentation and Stormwater permitting would be required. There has been no attempt to contest or circumvent your requirements. Quite to the contrary, I have attempted at all times to cooperate and achieve compliance as quickly as possible. To achieve compliance with NCDENR stormwater requirements. I propose the following Plan of Action: Plan of Action Action 1. Resubmit stormwater permit application to your office 2. Obtain NCDENR approval of application (3 month review) 3. initiate Construction of permitted facilities 4. Complete Construction of permitted facilities 5. Submit Engineer's Certification Date June 1, 2002. September 1, 2002 October 1, 2002 November 1, 2002 December 1, 2002 I very much appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or comments, in this regard. please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, Henry 5hitrit H & D Properties, Inc. cc John L. Pierce & Associates 0% e 01/31/2003 15:19 ■ P.O. Box 1685 Jacksonville, NC 28541 910-346-1210 'JOHN L PIERCE JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. LAND SURVEYING - LAND PLANNING - MAPPING OFFICE: 910-346-9800 FAX NO.: 910-346-121 D E-MAIL: 1plerce ®onslowonline.net DATE: FAX PAGE 01 409 Johneon Blvd. Jacksonvillo, N.C. 28540 FROM: NUMBER OF COPIES INCLUDING THIS PAGE_ REMARKS: _ G� � 4) 4!5 719 U+. ✓7 r 7 LOTS, FARMLAND AND WOODLAND SURVEYING - SITE PLANNING - SUBDIVISION LAYOUT - LAND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING - TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING AND MAPPING Phase I Environmental Audlr 1 Rlsk Assessment 01I31I 003 15 1'3 910 346 1210 JOHN L PIERCE PAGE 02 r��� h ' �s. _. r%. r �,v ,< � > r -� i t f � L / r ! l sAv a •'.+�'• ,�IrF _ -"� Y• Rr �, � .�]�r�e s �� S ''}. yyyq />.: '' 'fir r L I� �r.,' .. 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Jr 7r., .,,-�' � � W .✓ � r#..,� �`rx? � i •'id � FG'1:�.i �rfy�5�, r ,� �a�- � r,r r ti .-, A'L.ANO!!\�r' ✓ r '-��T , •+'.� Y • �"^.7' fix: 'v . � 2 .Sr- ti j � I � r I � ? t �� Ff C ex :, f � .3+'l111 S ! ; - 1Ft,- :4 ��,,,,��r�i 'y, a+�ff�� • r. �.��� � art.. 37'•`„ +4r yf_�Y"rh -:� �• �' { r` / ,/ t.Nl 21 'ryl �r- ` ` yxr �`r .h ��. J � � w '�' YI '1^,'-.r .�+� ;�t-' i• N'v:,' ✓. Y ✓. c � ��� a• .� ''�:{ ✓/ram ✓. ri�' .. :� ,y.". - aw w ��t�•��/ /• *�'' ✓'fir - , iy Yi Cnpyrigre(C) t897.?Aapeech.lnc 0 CcyPr% `r o r-7 C) n.b L -s6E-0) �2 ryl N 7 Q L✓ rri t/ �. j. JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Land Surveying - Land Planning - Mapping P.O. Box 1685 409 Johnson Blvd. Jacksonville, N.C. 28541 Office: (910) 346-9800 Fax No.: (910) 346-1210 E-Mail: jpiercc@onslowonline.net To Ms. Linda Lewis N.C. Department of Environment and Natural ResnurrPC 127 North Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Drawings ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Attached ❑ Prints ❑ Change order RECEIVED JUN Q 8 2001 BY: letter of transmittal DATE JOB NO. June 5, 2001 ATTENTION Linda Lewis `E Waves Beachwear ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Plans ❑ Samples the following items: ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 Revised Sheet 2 of 4 of "Stormwater Permit Application" 1 Revised Sheet 1 of 4 of "Wet Detention Basin Supplement" - 1 Revised "Design Calculations" i THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ For bids due 19 ❑ Prints returned after loan to us REMARKS Should you have any questions, please give us a call. SIGNED JOHN L. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Land Surveying - Land Planning - Mapping P.O. Box 1685 409 Johnson Blvd. Jacksonville, N.C. 28541 Office: (910) 346-9800 Fax No.: (910) 346-1210 E-Mail: jpicrce@onslowonline.net TO leis. Linda Lewis N.C. Department of Environment and NaturalResources 127 North Cardinal nrive Wilmington, NC 28405 WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Drawings ❑ Attached ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ❑ Change order 0w RECEIVED MAY 1 0 2001 letter of transmittal Ply 10, 2001 JOB No. ATT NT70 s. inda Lewis R Waves Beachwear I ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Plans ❑ Samples El the following items: ❑ Specifications COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 Complete sets of plans 1 Check ini:the amount of $420.00 2 Stormwater Management Permit Applications 2 Design Calculations 1 Narrative for Sedimentation & Erosion Control THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Resubmit copies for approval 1❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ For bids due 19 ❑ Prints returned after loan to us REMARKS Should you need any additional information,please let us know. ;J REVISED (JUNE 512001) Design Calculations Stormwater Wet Detention Basin for WAVES BEACHWEAR locatod an North Carolina Highway 50 Surf City, North Carolina 1- Proiect Descriotion The project consist of construction of a retail building and associated sitework on a 3.12 acre tract located on N.C. Highway 50 in Surf City, NC. The project will be constructed on a 1.5 acre portion of the tract. The site is currently residential. Construction will include one retail building (beachwear and accessories), asphalt parking lot, water and sewer utilities and concrete sidewalks. 77tis site is located 1). S9 mules from the closest surface waters, Becky's Creels 2- Design Requirements Project will be designed. in accordance with NC Administrative Code Section 15A NCAC 2H.1000 — Stormwater Management. This site is in the category of "development aclivilies within in coastal counties except those areas draining to Outstanding Resource Waters or within one-half mile of and draining to SA waters". Due to project density, an engineered solution (wet detention pond) will be required. In accordance with regulations, the engineered solution shall be designed as to provide for 85% removal of total suspended solids with a vegetated filter or 90010 removal without vegetative filter. 3- R2guired Pond Area Compute Percent Impervious: Impervious Area 2) Total Area Total Buildings: 12,078 SF Streets (Roads): -0- Parking (Driveways) 21,153 SF Sidewalks: Other: 1,990 0 SF -0- RECEIVED Offsite: -0- Total: 35,221 SF f UN 0 8 2001 DWQ PROJ # S IO I S Tot Project: 135,907 SF Offsite: -0- SF Total: 135,907 SF 3) Percent Impervious Total 25.9% r.. . - I,- * 1-, 5 Compute Surface Area: Using Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio Chart for 901/o TSS Removal (copy attached) and assuming 6.0' pond depth: SA/DA = 1.441/6 (interpolated) Therefore: Surface Area = SA/DA x Drainage Area = 1.44% x 135,907 SF = 1,957 SF (say 1,960 SF) 4- Determine Volume to be, Control]] ! from t" Storm Using Schuler "Simple Method': Rv = 0.05 + 0,0090) where I = percent impervious Rv = 0.283 infin Control Volume = Design Rainfall x Rv x Drainage Area = 1 in x 0.293 inlin x 3.12 AC (135,907 SF) =0,883 acre -in or 0.07 acre-feet or 3.205.1 CF say 3,210 CF 5- Determine Depth of Storage (By average -end method (trial and error)) Depth required to provide 3,210 CF in pond is determined to he 1.37'. Therefore: Normal Pond Surface Area: 1,960 SF Control Volume Surface Area: 2,733 SF 6- Determine Orifice Size Control volume must be drawn down over a period of two to five days: Q2 = 3,210 CF / (2 days x 86,400 seconds per day) = 0.019 cfs Q, . = 3,210 CF / (5 days x 86,400 seconds per day) = 0.007 cfs Using orifice equation (rearranged to solve for diameter): D = (Q / OA26 (h)"x) I assume h =h (1,37xstoragc depth) Di = (.019 cfs / 0.026 (0.69)1)`a D2 =0.94" D, _ (.007 cfs / 0.026 (0.69) I)'"2 Ill, = 0.57" use % "diameter orifice 6 4 7- Primary Outlet Primary outlet shall be a 24" CMP installed vertically as a weir structure to pass the 10 year design storm. The 10 year peak discharge (Q,o) is computed using the Rational formula as follows: Q,o_CIA where: C = 0.50 1,n _ 6.0 in/hr (Wilmington OF curve w/ tc=15 min.) A =3.12 Ac Q,p=(0.5) x (6) x (3.12) =9.36 cfs Assuming '/2 of the entire circumference of24" CMP is used as weir, flow per floot of weir may be computed as follows: Flow per foot = 9.36 cfs / ((24" / 12) x PI / 2) = 2.98 cfs/foot Using sharp crested weir tables (copy attached): where: h = observed head p = 6 (pond depth) h = 0.93' 8- Emergency SW llwav Elevation of the emergency spillway shall be set at the depth of flow of the 100 year storm over the primary outlet. The 100-year peak discharge (Q,,) is computed using the Rational formula as follows: Q,,0-CIA where: C = 0.50 1100 ; 7.5 in/hr (Wilmington OF curve w/ tc = 15 min) A = 3.12 Ac Q,,=(0.50) x (7.5) x (3.12) = 11.70 cfs Assuming 1/z of the entire circumference of 24" CMP is used as weir, now per foot of weir may be computed as follows: Flow per foot = IL 70cfs / ((2, ' / 12) x PI / 2) = 3.72 cfs/foot Using sharp crested weir tables (copy attached): where: h = observed head p =2 (pond depth) @ Structure h =1.03' I <;i ' "' ,.. 11 r - r�lf • �. '�� i .. , ,_ .�1 ., � � •i bf y. e Emergency spillway shall be a broad crested earthen weir designed to pass the 100 year storm (in case primary outlet blocked or overwhelmed): Using the broad crested weir equation (rearranged for H): H = (Q / C,, x L).. where: Q = 1 t .70 cfs Cw = weir coefficient (3.0) L = length of weir (ft) (try 20') H = depth H = 0.33' 9- Forebay Forebay shall include a minimum 20% of pond volume: Forebay volume = 3,216cf x 200/6 643.2 cf (1567 SF provided) 10- Summary Elevations (assuming bottom = Elev.22.00): Relative Actual Elevation Elevation 100 Yr. Flood (top) - 8.40 30.40 100 Yr. flood storage range: 1.03 10 Yr. Flood - ; : 8.30 30.30 10 Yr. flood Momp range: 0.93 1-Inch Storage - u 7.37 29.37 1-inch storage rangy, 1.37 Permanent Pool - ¢`` 6.00 28.00 Bottom - 0.00 22.00 O ttlet Devices: Use'/z" orifice bleed down Use 24" diameter CMP primary discharge weir Use 20' broad crested weir emergency spillway i 1 ll ti t Cam, V. pate 1Zeteive� I Fee Paid { Pe::nii [�iumbe= State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STOIRMWATER NLA- AGEMT N-T PERRIIT APPLICATION FORM ins far-: m;u be'photacopica Jar use as an cric inaI I. GENERAL ivrORM.ATION 1. Ao iicants name (spedfy the name of tine corporation, individual, etc- who owns the project): H&D Prop rtie , Tnr 2. Pdnt Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsinle for facility and compliance): Henry Shitrit - President H&D Properties Inc. S. Mai S Address for person Listed in item ? above: 1728 Tradition C1ub.Road City. Pawleys 1 s 1 and State: SC Zin: 29585 Telephone Number: ( 843 235-3102 a Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on. -pians, specifications, le!-te-IS, ope_ratim and rnainte_r=ce agreements, etc): Waves Beachwear 5. Location of Project (street addzess): N.C. Highway 50- City urf City County: , Pender _ 6. Direc:�cns to oroiec (aom nearest major intenectien): From inter ect'head Soulh for 0.30 miles project -will be on right 7. Latitude: 3402614611 T cngitude: 77033 `43" of prciectX S. Contact ppe_:son wzo can an5we_r cues4cns about ie project ?game: 910_ 346-9EQO II. PEIL= E = O RIvIA TI O N: 1. Specify whether project is (cheek one): XX New Renewal Modification Form SW(1-101 Version 3.99 Pale I of 4 m 2. If this application is being subrnitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number and its issue date (if known) 3. Spedfy the type of project (check one): Low Density XX High Density Redevelop General Pe_—.rtit Other additional Project Reci a(che ments ck applicable blanks): _C_41vL4 Major XX Sedimentation/Erosion Control _404/401 P ern -it _N?DIS Stormwater Information on required state pe_mtits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at i 77-6 2�*-o74S. III. PROJECT LhrFORMATIOly 1. In the space provided below, sunmia, ze how stormwate-r will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages) descz-ibing stormwater management for the project. Wet DQJention Pon — z Stomwater =off i`Som this project d�rains to the Cape Fear 3, Total Project Area: 3. 12 ---acres 5. How many drainage areas does the project have? I River basin. =. Project Built Upon Area: 25.90 10 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. L` there are more than two drainage areas in the prajec , attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. x Ra—zewingStream Name I Becks Creek Recaivinz Stream Class Drainage Area I 3.12 acres Exis-inz Impe-*vious- Area r m ved Pr6nC52� III1�e_*-vious'A-ea 9o'b=C7i0L5' A: -ea (tote?) 25.9% On -site , din=` I 12 078 s . f . I On->ite 5t`eets I _ - On Parlciriz I Other an -site Of• -site TOLai: 35,221 S . € . Total: ".Imperoious area is defined as the built upon area inc?udinc, but =t iim-fed to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, efc. Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 - Page 2 of 4 7. How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? N/A IV. DEED RESTIUCTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are rewired to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparce?s and future development prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly, a table lisdng ear-h lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for. each lot must be provided as an attad went. I. !ne foIlouring cmerumts are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with state stormwater management permit hamper N/A as issue: by the Division of Water Qualitu. These covenants may nai be changed or deleted wzfhOut the consent of the State. 2. No more than N/A square fe!!t of any lot sizaII be covered by structures or impervious mater�als. I,ru,ivus marerxals include asphalt, ravel, concrete, beck, stone, slate or similar material 'cut do not include wood de=ng or the ;cater surface of stout MME pools. 3. Swales shall not be filled in, piped, or altered except as necessary to provide drivewav crossings. 4. Bui1t-upon area in e:[eSs of the permitted amount requires a stale stormwate- management permit modification prior to crosa•uc.=n- 5. All permitted runoff from outparce?5 L future depel=mEnt shall be direrfed into the permitted stonnwater, control sust�rrr_ These cornre�zons to the storrr-zuater control system shall be perfarmed.in a manner that maintains the int.•''ty and 17e.7'urmanc° of the syst`-n a$ permitted. By yoursignature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the rewired covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from she State, and Eriat they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot- V. SU�FLE�T FORMS ine.acvlicable s�—ate s,Lcm'Lwate-* marae--meat pe--mit s-rpie..ment forms) :.sted below =must be submitted for eadi DNTI .soe�.�ed for this project Contact.the Stomiwarer and Ge_ne-ral. ?ezmits Unit.at (919) —73a-5083. for the status and availability of these for Form SKU-102 Wet Detention Bassin Supplement � Form SvV-G-103 Infil anon Basin Supplement Form SW U-l0a Low Density Supplement - Form 5WU=105 �Curb Outlet Svste� Suppl°�^te_*�t 06 S"St°_'•'_ -,Gi _--,=azCP. -_`= SL z_Cie=,enr F0rni SVVI -108 Ne.:se'River Basin Suvviezzient I oan SvVU-109 Imovative Best Manage.--ient Practice Supplement Form SWU-101 ' Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4 VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ)_ A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. i. Please indicate that you have provided the following recuired information by initialing in the space provided next to -each item • original and one copy of the Sto_mlwater Management Pe, -=nit Appiication Form • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMW • Permit aordication processing fee of 5220 (payable to NCDENR) • Detailed na.—.ative description of stormwater tre a=ient/ management • Two copies of plans and specifications, including- - Development/Project name - Engineer and firm - Les�­_nd - North arrow - Scale - Revision number &- date - Mean high water line - Dimensioned property/project boundary - Location map with named sees or NCSR numbers - Original contours, pr000sed contours, s-Dot elevations, finished floor elevations - Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stor=water control measures - Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist - Mine drainage'(including oH-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations -Drainage areas delineated - Vegetated buffers (where required) VIL .AGaNT ALTHORIZATION If you wish to designate authority to another individual or fi*m so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section. Desicnateci agent (individual or firm): John L. Pierce & Associates P.A. MaiiingAddress: P.O. Box 1685 City Jacksonville state:_ NC zip: 2RF,4n Fax: ( 910 ) 346-1210 vaL APPLIC _N7S CM-ZTg'ICATION i, (p7i= cr tie name of person Isted in GePral info, :nation, item: 2). - t{ep ry Ch ; t r; t cerdfy that the inforr-�ation included on dh, pe=it apviicatior- forzt is, to the best of rnv lclowiedge, correct and th .at the protect W'.11.❑e CCPSu sCted 11"! COnlor ilarlCe WIih the avuroved vians, that the reculred deed rest'ictions anr- 7)rCLe<=Ve COVan. 1'S YT'� 78,� Ca�a�, a.T1C i�2i .Q �SCOCSe:: :=j C^y i=Ile5 Nli=c t_.t' Le. L:Z�"- e^t5 oI �� a Signature_ n` PMr Y rn, tires I ies Inc. Date: Form SWi.i-1i)1 Version 3.99 Page 4 of 4 ----------'- Permit No. U��� (to be provided by DWQ) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 51 QP,2'viW_�TER NLkNAC NTtiI i PERMIT _AFIFLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT rs for, may be photocopied for use as an original DWQ Stornwater 'Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater 'management plan submittal includes an application form, a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, design calculations, and plans and spe—cifications showing all basin and outlet structure details. I. PROJECT LNFORMA.TION Project Name. Waves Beachwear Contact Person: John L. Pierce & 8ssoci atesp, 8- — Phone Number: ( g1n 1'j6_gRnn For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet appties to: elevations Basin B ottorn. Elevation Permanent Pool Elevation Temporary Pool Elevation areas Permanent Pool Surface Area 1960 sq. ft. Drainage Area 3.12 ac. Imuervious Area 0.81 ac. .volumes 'Permanent Pool Voiame .Temporary Pool Volume Forebay Volume Orher paramere; s SAAJDA.1 . Diameter of Orifice Design Rainfall Design TSS Removal-' Form SWU-lot Rev 3.99 3216 ca.IL. 3210 Cu. fL. 1567 Cu. fL Oloor'of the basin) (elevation of:rhe orifice) (elevation of the discharge srrucncre ove,77ow) (water surace area at the ori--7cD elevation) (on -sire and of sire drainage to the basin) (on -sire and o-sire drainage to the basin) (combined volume of main basin and forebay) (volume derained anove.the permanent poop (aDDro,lrnarely 20co of royal volume) 1.44 (spruce area to crairage ar ea rary jf.om LIW( [Lbie) 112 in. (2 to 5 day remperary pool draw -down required) 1 in. 90 L7o (minimum 8.517b recuired) Page 1 of 4 r Foo��= t wizen using the Division SAIDA tables, the correct SA/DA ratio for permanent pool sizing should be computed based upon the actual impervious % and permanent pool depth. Linear interpolation should be employed to dereartine the correct value for non- s=dard table entiies. '- In the 20 coastal counties, the requirement for a vegetative filter may be waived if the wet detention basin is designed to provide 90T, TSS removal. Tire NCDENk BNT macual provides design tables for both 85°!a TSS removal and 90% TES removal. II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECIRL,LST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Storinw•arer Best Management Practices Manual (N.C. Department of Environment Health dnd Natural Resources, February 1999) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agenr may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. IF a. The permanenr pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). b. The forebay volume is an roximarely equal to 2011 of the basin volume. c. The temporary pool controls runoff from the design storm event. d. The temporary pool draws down in ? to 5 days. e. If required, a 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet (include non -erosive flow calculations) f. The basin length to width ratio is heater than 3 -1. g. The basin side slopes above the permanent pool are no. steeper than '-;:I. h. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf with a slope of 6:1 or less (show detail). i. Vegetative cover above the permanent pool elevation is specified_ j. A trash rack or similar device is provided for both the overfow and orifice. k..A recorded draitzage easemetlt is provided for each basin including access to nearest riznt- of-way. 1. Tf the basin is used for sedimerz.and erosion can=I dUrng const:cdor., Ciean out of the basin is s. 5ed pr_'or to use as a wet detention basM. 1/ M. A mechanism IS st7ecined which will dmit:'the basir: for maintenance or ar, erne: aeacv. . T D-1 ON BALsiN OPE 3x= IN :A2;D AGREEN✓`,i ine wet detention basin system is defined as the wet derenrion basin, prereatrnent including forebays and the vegetated filter if oneds provided. This system (check one) 0 does X}(does not incorporate.a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one) 0 does XXXdoes not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Form SWU-102 Rev 3.99 Page 2 of 4 Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: l.. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a- Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation; vegetated cover, and general condition- -b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of tine temporar-_; pool occurs Within 2 to 5 days as designed. ?. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to mairtain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riDratj, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system serni-anndally or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see dia--= below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments- 4.5 When the permanent pool depth reacts feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. 4.1� When the permanent pool depth reads - feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed- w Sediment Removal El. 23.50 1 75 1 V_—) Bottom-E! Orion L I z5CO T; FOREBAY BASL, DUGRAM (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 28 .Sediment Rezoval Elevation 23.50 J Botiom Elevatiou 22 NLAP4 POND Remove car ails and odie: indigeaous wtaland eia rs when they cove_ 50% of u:e basin sttrac_. lne5e :plants.shall be -encouraged ro =w along the vegetated shelf and for --bay berth. 6. If.the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenannc:, the -flushing ofsediment through -the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. Form SWU-IO2 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 • 7. All components of the wet detentien basin system shall be maintained in good working order. - I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible parry. Print name: H n Title:�►nr- Address: 1728 Tradition Club Road Phone: 843 2 -31C Date C ?Vote: "Ihe ]wally responsible party should ncr be a homeowners association unless more than. 50% of the iots Have been sold and a itsidenr of the subdivision has been ,.tamed the Preside= a Notary Pubiic for the Stare of !/j 12�[.L// do hereby certify that County of _, _ . __ -- je"n' C, personally appeared before me this I day of 2061/ and acimowledae the due i execution of the forgoing'wet detention basin maintenance requirements_ Wirness my hand and official seal., o. .NN. 'o G �.l'UBU._� COOX " Sa- L My commission extnres Form sWU-102 Rev 3.99 Pace 4 of 4 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STOPtiSWATER -NL-k AGE- E--,N7' PERMIT APPLICATION FORM rz:sra= may be'phnracxied1cr use as an criginaI = L GENFER4L LIFORtiLMON ;. cpiicant5 name (sze=ror Ithe name or 4tHe ccr cration, individual, etc. who owns =he project): H&O Pr P 1 '.a nr. 2. ?::nt Owner/Signzn- OLficial's name and title (person leizaLlv responsible for facility and compliance): Henry -Shitrit Pre-sident - -- - - 3. ?v(ailing Address for peon listed in item 2 above: 1728 Tradition Club Road orr Pawleys Island State: cr =-;^'_— Te?evhcne Numbe-r 843 1 - 1 a p;.9jec` Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - shou.id be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, let.ers, operation and mainterri nce agreements, etc.): wayes Rizar.ttwear 5. Location of Frcje- (s=eet address): N.C. Hiahwav Cit;r: Surf City County: b. Dire=oris to project (i om nea-rest maicr interse--tian): From intersection of N.C.HiQhwav 210 Hichway qn Smith ;;lnnQ NC 0.30 miles - site on right r 7. Latitude: 34"Z61,1511_ Longitude: or project 8. Contact person who can answer cues" ons about ld-.e rroje-= Nye: John L.Pierce & Associates P.A. Telephone Number. 910 1 -346-gROO- IL FEIUV LNFOR LkTION: 1. Specify whether projectis (check one): )corm swu- t o is Version 3.99 XX New -Renewal Modi.ficat on Page I a[ 4 3. Specify the type of project (c'hec-k one): Low Density XX Fdgh Density R2clevelop General Permit OU'ler a Additional Project Recui.rements (chedk aopLicable blanks): —C_A-NL-'Y[ajer ___.5edi entat on/Y-esion Ccr "ol _50J' /4'07 Pe~; -pit NPOES Stormwater Ir1cr^.at~ori en recured state p,e_ its can be ebtainec by contact ng '-e Cz,stemer 5e, rice Center at UL PROJECT D;FOI" NLATIOi`i i. in the srace provided how sto=— water .vvl be t;eate�. A --!so art-,& a detailed nar�d-re (one to t-,vc pages) desC—`Xirz szc=wate_* =-Manage=Lerit for to he rcjecc . Stormwater + i 1 I h r n,-ted a 2 Sio=water runcif from ,his project drains to the Cane Fear River basin. 3. Taal Proje- tea: 3. 12 aces Frojec: Bciit Upon area: 31.7a _ °a 3. 1-.-ow many Drainage areas does the project have7? 6. C=Diete tine foilowing inforiaton for each drainage area. if there are more than nvo drainage areas in t1 e poems, atta& an additional sheet urith the informer"on for each area provided in the same fort as be- RecEvingStream Name I Becky's Creek Re=&mg Stieam Gass I SA Dranare Area 3.12 acres E�dsting1mve_yrrous-Area I -0-- removed �Fr000sed imre_--.- s'Area } 0.99 acres °a h=crious' A-rea (total) I 31 7�, :.-�: �. , - �`3 n •a4.a:t :� On-iiieBuldin� I 12,078 s: f 0.28 acres) on-Stest�e-t ! -0- on"'-iteFarfig i 9Q 1 1Q c f f 0 r,7 Arroc l I (5T,ite Sidewalks I 1,928 s . f . (0.04 acres) I Other as-7Rte Off -site I I I low 43,125�s.f. (0.99 acres)# Totai: 'L=e ,.ious area is defined as the built upon area including, irur not limiced ,a, buijdirgs, rcaas, parrdng areas, = sidemalks, gravel areas, etc. - FormSSVLf-101 versica 3,99 Page 2 of 4 i 7. How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? f IV• DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS The following itaUc_ed deed res=c' ons and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outvarc2I5 and Lture deveioptnent prior to the sale of anv lot. Ir` lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each. lot number, size and the Lcwabie built -Loon area for eacz lot most be provided as an attachment. i irefcllowing c=e-:nts are infe„.dea to ensure ongoing cc-rrriiance tat � state siarr:::aLr' .anage-r.�e:?t pe, M.. numae- as issued :_J the Division qr Wate- �Ju:i::r. 7neSe came -rants tray not be c�angea or winc�o the ccnsent or the Siafe. J No m re than sauare fefr Ct aml lOt $Jr.LII be =— e-ed by $tr.[ctures or ^ e- tCuS crater. a ls. Inroe,— OU5 77=tCr1ai$.1'7= de asphalt, gravel, concr-a , Eck, stone, sZaale Or SI'Mi ar Mahe -.1 U-U'- as not inc::lde :L'CCd dec�ng ar the water s-an=ace Ot SWI.7nming pools. 3. Szoales shall not. be jilled in, Wised, Cr altered =cort as necessa, a to Fr, -Mae drVe=-V c-Ossin;s:. ? Built -upon area in e :-.sss of tf-.e :7=. i_ d xrccunt re:; wires a s:.::e stcrrwa:e- manage-nerL- :7 rir modiFait 'cn ,v, wr ya coresrr.�eriort. . 5_ All pe mir:ed r-.lnof jmm Our- T-c le cr,� re deoe1cpmen- shall be direc.ea info the pstore=ter, cunt-ci suste7n_ These =me__xns to the sturm=te- ccnrrol system shall be pe—;- rued in a warier chat maintains the infCgrLLU and p nr Of the Nsie 7I as permuted. By your signature below, you c_rlfy that the recorded deed resuicdons and protective covenants for dds project s;,a]l include all the applicable ite_ns required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with Llae lane, that the required covenans cannot be c-lianaed or deieted without concure-rice i;om the State, and that they will, be recorded prior to the sale of anv Iot V. 5UPPLE1=FOR-M5 The applicable state sto=water rnanag�-ment pe-*=it surpien—,ent form(s) listed below zrnust be submitted for each BW sveLEe for this project.. Contact the Stor-twarer and Gane_ral Permits unit at (919) i 3-3083 for tine SM=5 and avaiiabiLity of these forms. Form SWZF-102 Wet Detention Bassin Sengiement Foray s'N -103 InEltaricn Basin Supplement Form FKU-104 Low Dertsit-r Survieme_nt Form SWU-105 C.:,rb Outer Svsre—**t Supple---Le-nt Form 5W7j-106 OEr'-Site 5vste^1 Supole.*-ieZt Fomt S'vVU-107 Unde--=CtI Id intii. ;ition Trench Su_rpie-.^lent Fay SvVU-108 Neuse River Basin Suppiement Forn S'rVU-109 Innovative Best liana,—ment Practice Suppiement Form S"WV-10 1 Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4• 92/05/20U2 lb: 15 y4JZJJ1'3JJ E HATHAWAY CONSTH r-PIIt uo nxlb„�/�db7 i5,27 910-346-1210 JOHN L PIERCE PAGE 05 On?v cvc��Ietq aoplicaran 17at1c2gz5 will be accepted acne :aviawed by the Livision of Water Quality (OwQ), A corn?iete package includes all aE the items listed below. The complete appiicadon package Should be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Reg:onAl Office. 1 Pfe3se :Zcim� that you :ave previgi- +.e roilowi-�g r�az:zrc�;rfcrnacon b r �i�alir� in tie space' v vi,~ed r_ext to each items. L ' Irat:als * C . r.aI an(j one copy of Lie Nfanage=Lent F amit ".nucaticn Forxl Oc:e copy of �e a: pl cal•Ie Gcogiemesc = r-r(�) Ear each i:A.lP _S_ . • ?=s::sit anvis[aticn procesSing f=_a of 542-C (pa abFa_ :o %BCD R,) 6C , _ • ��'3'.16� i7�^3'3PC 4�e . 7 CIL OI3`.1�xff:WwJEr t±@Ht�:eilLrr�3r ge=:e_'lr • TivO crpies of -.Lim ar,d srpec" icadcns, ]Sr1Ud.n3- - - De t1c=ent/h-qec. naznE and fizm -Legend . North att'cw Scale - Revis�art m:--s1= &cam - Mean high water `..^.e Ltizne= lined.property/projectiMOL'.':GA-Tj ,catar, map urith named stmst* or NC5R.. e - OhF.�ar :cntouxss, prapc-ad c=t.rounr s_ et elevadors, En nea .1ccr elevatit:ns Oeziis of _cads, ds-ai:.ase fe -es. ccUL-- on sr'mms, and s ccr.troi meuuzes WL-jands dedLiezz-.d. cr a rote cr, plans *.at none - Z. dszbr? dminase (including oi,kite), cL-ainage cs. pipe sizes, nmcfr m1Q4:atans _Oraura� arms d�s�atar? . - ve;e�ted bu_� (where lure d) VM AGT-�AUrZOR17An(DN if vm wxb to designate au hcT-4i7 tc ancti'e= ird vid-aai or .barn so :hat thev mav prv+side ujjcn ra=n on !our behalf, please c=cpiete this secEcrL loge=s;i-�i5r :alo; ft rj: JChn p a 1aaiZksgAarsess_ P.O._ Box 1-685-- Ct;T Jacks^t7111 _ State: NCB F.-Tqr;ln bale: I 1 G I 2dF-9800== f a') ) 345-1 vm A —FT TGAN7'S C�.'�'ICA-nON L (mmi or ±yp-- nz^x of mar_ pis zit 1 in rrz7:*-on. =em 2) lien ry Sh I tr i t , cer „vr? that the i^la=at:on : 'ems on t+%s pe^ti# appstadan torte is, to he best cr' m,r L—xwledp cc.—. a .4 t:at the pie"-= will. bs c!zmtnu -;r- c" ifon saxU—M c t'L the apc:cved olars, r<`at --fie regz ised ae4-d z9S==cr'5 and pmte---ce coverznts :v-iil be recordea, and that the orcpcsed p:aie_ c=vaez with th* req*_sitaments of 1 -, r tr pr�siaen� pertfes mate: Z D aL FmmM-111i Pagc4af Sci�i+-,Cc�r�o My Comrra ssion Ex; iref May 17, 2011 I Permit No. (to be prpvided by DWO € Skate of Noah Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality S T OiZV[��V �iin% of �tiAGEET P=:tiSIT APPLICA—ION =01Zti1 UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION TRENCH SUPPLEMENT Tris f rm may ae Ph0tCC0pie-)or -Se as ar, onyina? DWQ Stor water Manaaernent flan Review_- .� eomnle:e S.or:TiW�C�r r7a.�,aoerneat pl�.tl 53L'f:llCti.! �riC,llCes a storrilw3Cer .....-:'_^�+�.^_1.�.:�C ��.itiiC aLD11C'?L'OFl. ��s IStiCe.'? Jl?RL' dr'.iliration Cie.^:C:i supple:il,�r,C for 5 �sztrn. C:Si= caicula--;oC S- �TiC Cl?nS ^.0 ca,- S showing aLll szor-nwater conveyances ant sustern de.aLs. _ I. PROJ =CT LN-F0R L-TION P,oject Name : Waves Beachwear ConLac. pe5or_: �ohn I , Pi r-rra & pc cr;r J atPs P A .. P`:one Nurzber: ( o i n) �aF_aRn� For croje--:s with rauldole inr=lrradon sys.e.ms. a supnie:nenE form muss be corr_nleze for each syszerr.. Tres worr5heec woiies to: Tre:1c:L N/A in Drainage lea N/A P (jrorn piarrJ (from . or7n $'vVrJ-101) R II. DESIGN LN-'0RNL4TI0N (ariac , sunoor�in calculations/documentadon): Sacs Report Srammg (based upon an acz-cal fzeid irzvesri 2ziari and soil borings) Soil Type Coarse/Meci .S,�nd innitiaeon Rate 0 , G2 _ � or c r�r/sr (c rc e CDcropnare unirs) SHW T cievadon 7t1 00- find (Se sor_el r'ion Warer Table eleva,-iorz) Trench Din Par=eters Design Volume Desimi Storm Drawdown lime ��rfOT•3C�c �lr7e Sl;e Pp.iorte^ Pipe Leant -hi No. Obse ';aaon Wells Scone TvTje usea') Stone Void Ratio 3594 c.r_ 3 "Mct event U. irc:: eve,^.: for Sr wirers, 1 inc.7 eve.^-r.for ocher;) i _ n5 , eav5 N LA- inca diarr_ezer (Prefab infiltrator Units) LL_ (64 units @ 1133 S.f.) N 1A(mom; tie recuired orz a c :se �V-ccse besis} N A - NIA Trench Elevations (in Peer meat sea levei) Bottom Elevation P frost Stora;e/Over•3owElevation 29-43 - fnsl - Form SWU-107 Rev 3.99 Page 1 of 4 r 3 Trench Dimensions Height 1.33 ft. Length 50 0 ft. Width 22.64 ft. Voiume Provided 0594 cu.In. Ea. REQG-lP-7D ITEMS ChTCKLIST -I-i; rii A c^ -an a n 7 a r a I' ine foi!owincr checic-list ou.ines design . ..t_:reme..ts per G.e Storm. -water Best Mana_em;eat Pra:`ces -- u� (N.C. Deparmaent of �:lvironmeat, .'en-1L-t ar_d N4mral resources, Nave nber i99�) a-d .=Idmunistrative Code Sec ior:: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. 1�'Eida in Lie sa_e provided :o incicate that the fellowLtg des-= .2cuire;� e:.rw save bee : lnet and supoor-ng LOCI IneiL1[ldn is anac::--d. I-- :lie aonlica t has-des'=.ated an az=ii in the Sto=waaer �L3SIa�eii: lI. Pe.. lit �lxodcat:en Form, the agent may L=Lial below. krmch justif-acacor. i' a has not be.:! net. Applicants Inidals a. System is located'u feat Lprr. class Sa. wane.; mad 30 feet horn ot:`ler 5i1x,ace water-S. b. S vste... is located at les : 100 fen: glom ware. su=iv wells. c.. Bottom of system is a: least 2 feet above the seasonal hian water table. d. Sodom of Lie system is 3 feet above any bedrock Or irn.oer"lious soil horzon. _. e. Off-L ne system, ninoi" in excess of the des-4--am voiume bypasses the systern (bvpass detail . provided). f. System is designed to draw down the design storage voiume to t-he vrovosed bottom " elevation under seasonal high water conditions within five days based upon inPltradon _ throuzh the boCom only (a hvdrogeologic evaluation may be required). g Soils have a rninim,urn hydraulic conducavity of 0.52 inc`,-es per hour. h. System is not sited on or in F-11 material or DW Q approv t has be= obtained. i. Plans ensure that rise instailed systern will meet design speciticaLcns (cons=dcted oc restored) upon inicai operation once Zile project is cornt_alete and the encre drainage area is smbili ed. j. Syscern is sized to tak-z into account the runoff at rhe uldmate wilt -out potential Loth all surla= Crauiang to ±e systeiIl, inciudina any of= -site dminazt. !C. System, is located Ln a re_orded drain. e3seriie.it'ar fhe ours -ores of oGerat:oR and :r aimenance -,nd has -,corded access easeme= to the nearest t ubuc agar-ot-way. 1. S vsiern ==cures and L-LT:UL-ai:e5 Lilt r =off tom the first 1.0 Lnch of raii±a11 (1.5 ii1c'I event for ar--as dralydng to S.a waters). IIl. Dran-izge ?_re2 for Lae device is less Lha_,: , ar.=s. r:. .� prece:z-le:it crevice (alter stein, Wised Swale, sediment trap, ecc.) is provided_ o. Trench boctorn is covered wide a iaver of clean said to an avera¢e depth of -'. inches. p. Sides of the infil��aLor. trench are lined wiih geotexrile fabric. a. Rock used is free of fines (washed stone) and has a large void ratio. r. Side to bottom area ratio is less than 4:1.. Form SWU-[07 Rev 3.99 Pave 2 of 4 �- s. Observation weil(s) are provided (case -by -case basis). t. Vegetated filter is provided for over -flow (50 Feer For SA waters. 30 feet for other waters) and y. = detail is shown on plans. u. A benchmark for checking sediment accumulacon is provided. IV. 1:)-.,N-DERGROL�-D LN-FTLTRATION TRENCH OPERkTION --�-tiD tiLkLNTEti_A-N CE AGREEINLEti-T ?',e: eve^; rlrtOri rroCuc:ng min -fall vent and at ieast lorciity ir:s,pect file bvpass,'ove~!Ow s "�c�':re for bjoc.L,2e and derv--rioradon _rtd tine irlr:lrraLon systern for-rosion. t::si: ac=umt:lar-ion. z7a-ss cover, and condition. Re,air e-oded aces iz:!rnediare'.y, re -seed as necessary to tnair; �=r. adequate vegetative cover, glow veleta* ve cove: [o madntai:� a rllaililL:i: height of s:.. incaes, a::d re:.love t-asil and blocKa?es as needed to maintain syszen per ort ance. _. Remove accumulated sediment ar:nually or when deorin is reduced to 7.:�4.o of the original design deestore deotia to onginai design de7L. without Over-eXcavaung. Ove,"-e Cava-n2 may cause Lne 7equlr,c' wale: table separation to be reduced and may compromise the ability of t,i,e s-yszam to as designed_ The water level in any monitoring wells will be re_orded a_Yera 1 inc rainfall event: and at least once a-nonth. Chronic Iliad water table elevations (within I foot of the borrom of the syszern for a period of three Monts) snail be reposed to DWQ immediateiv. 5. If DWQ determines that the system is failing, the system will immediately be repaired or replaced to' orimrlal desigc specifcadons. Lf the sysrem cannot be reuaired to Der or::a its design -Function. other stor::awater con=l devices as allowed by NC A C 3H .1000 must be designed. approved and consr_ Lzcted. o. Remove accumulated sediment from the inffltradon sysrern annually or when depth in the unit is reduced [c 755o of the original design depth. T ne sysrem shall be r-estored ro r1he, original design depth wirnout over-ezcavaTang. Over —excavating may cause the required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the ability of the system to pe otin as designed. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an aopropriare manned and shall nor be handled in a manner chat w,il adversely irnpacr waxer aualiry szocicpilirg near a stcrmwater treatment device or seam. etc.). A benchmark shaLl be estabiished in the infiltration sysrern. Tine benchmark will document the orgnal desim deodi so thar accurate sed invent accumulation readinss can be taken. The measurins devics used to dererinine the depth at the benchmark small be such that it will cve an accurate deptin reading' and not readily penerr-ate into acc=ulared se^ime:ics. When the depth at the bennchn;ark reads the accumulated sediment shall be removed corn the systiem. Farm SWU-IC7 Rcv 3.99 Page 3 of 4 + _ 02/25/2002 16:41 910-346-1210 JCW L PIERCE PAGE 02/02 j;z i owiedge and agree by MY SignZwr: below that I am responsibie for maintaining the Storm, water collection system in ac_ordance will: the six mainteaanc; procedures listed above. I ag�y to ncr:fy DWQ of gay problems with the system or prior to any'changes to the system or responsible p^m'. P n: N me and Title: Nflnry Shjtrlt, ?ram dcan L Address: 726 3rad • t n (' i v ay,; Tclqnd. rr 29.PS ?5ene: Dare:_.-- l4DfE: ?,ir le; ails , 4spor,'='Cir Parr•,.shGu:d nor oe a h0Mzv ne: ,, a730c:-`On xriL s mcrw :hcr, SL'Fa C'!nt .'Ors rc:e tresn and a ,xsrder.; of :ne ; <oc-vi;ivR has oedr_ mc..r-ed the Preside:tn a tiom J r�uoiic or :he S : e a: S L _ Counry :,F �torru dp ae, -kv c :, [.i2L ` au)e ared bGtC:C ©G :.l3 pia day of �c b � �- —. ar_.d. aCk• )Oldie dse :11e due �r�zien of to arZO' in aon basin ma uleaanC: reauireaeets. + mess my :and and or-c:a? sn�al. Sc nl. M. care ss:cu ezL'ires 9- L • �7 u ._ ' r Fern SNt.1-i07 Rev 3.94 Page a of a f Design Calculations Infiltration System for Waves Beachwear, Surf City, N.C. September 19, 2001 Project Descrintion The project consist of construction of a retrial building and associates sitework on a 3.12 acre tract located on N.C. Highway 50 in Surf City, NC. The project will be constructed on a 1.5 acre portion of the tract. Construction will include one retail building (beachwear & accessories), asphalt parking lot, water and sewer utilities and concrete sidewalks. This site is located 0. 59 miles from the closest surface waters, Becky's Creek 2. Desi ig t Requirements Project will be designed in accordance with NC Administrative Code Section 15A NCAC 2H.1000 — Stormwater Management. This site is in the category of "development activities within coasial counties except those areas draining to Outstanding Resource Waters or within one-half mile of and draining to SA water". Due to density, the project is considered "high density development ". In accordance with regulations, an infiltration system designed to accommodate V of rainfall will be required. Furthermore, runoff in excess of the design volume must flow overland through a vegetative filter. In accordance with "high density" requirements, runoff from all impervious surfaces, including existing, must be treated. 3. Impervious Drainage Areas Existing and proposed impervious areas are as follows: lmt)ervious Area (Existin Buildings 12,078 SF Parking (incl dumpster) 22,825 SF Sidewalks 1,928 SF Subtotal 36,831 SF Impervious Area (Future) Parking 6,294 SF Total Impervious Area — 43,125 SF 4. Required System Dimensions The existing soils are clean, well graded, coarse to medium sands which typically exhibit permeability coefficients in the range of 10" t0 10-z. Assume conservatively that existing soils have a minimum hydraulic conductivity of 0.52 in/hr (minimum acceptable for infiltration). Existing soils, however, appear to be much more conductive as evidenced by the fact that existing pond levels recede to approximately elevation 24.0 within 24 hours of any significant rainfall event. a. Design Storage Volume Storage Volume = Design Depth x Impervious Area _ (I" / 12) x 43,125 = 3,594 CF b. Base Area Requirement infiltrations systems must be designed to draw down the design storage volume within five days. Tentatively size system footprint for a maximum 3 day drawdown period: Drawdown Period = (Storage Volume x 12) / (Area x Hyd. Conductivity) where: Drawdown Period = 3 days or 72 hours Storage Volume = 3,594 (from above) Hyd. Conductivity = 0.52 (assumed above) Base Area = (3,594 CF x 12)/(72 hr x 0.52 in/hr) = 1,152 SF c. Number of Infiltration Units Prefabrication "infiltrator Units" are proposed. Each unit provides a footprint area of 17.70 SF. Base number of units required is computed as follows: Number = 1,152 SF / 17.7 SF/unit 65 units Use 64 units ( 8 rows by 8 columns) d. Actual Area Provided Areas = 64 units x 17.7 SF/unit 1,132.8 SF e. Actual Drawdown Provided Drawdown Period,,,,,,i = (Storage Volume x 12) / (Area x Hyd. Conductivity) (3,594 CF x 12) / (1,132.8 SF x 0.52 in/hr) = 73.2 hours (3.05 days — O.K., , 5days) f. Actual Volume Provided Each unit provides a storage volume of 122 gals (16.3 CF) Volume.,,., = Infiltrator Volume + collector pipes volume(surcharged portions only), = (64 units x 16.3) + (22 CF + 144 CF + 15 CF) =1,224 CF g. Additional Volume Required Volume,"t,.„i = Storage Volume - Volume,, = 3,594 CF - 1,224 CF = 2,370 CF Provide depressed storage basin with minimum 2,370 CF capacity. ........... _.: w . _ _ _ .........-. NARRATIVE FOR SEDDvIENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL WAVES BEACHWEAR - SURF CITY, NC H&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001. The Waves Beachwear site contains 3.12 acres and is located on N.C. Highway 50 approximately 0.30 miles South of the intersection of N.C. Highway 50 and N.C. I-Eahway 210. The site is bound to the West by an existing pond, to the South & North by commercial property and to the East by N.C. Highway 50. The site will have limited grading and will be restricted to only site construction as shown on the attached plans. The land disturbing activities shall take place as shown on the plans. During all phase of the construction the sediment must be contained on the site. The soil exposed area shall be seeded according to the plans and Seeding Specifications. The construction will begin around May, 2001 _ The grading and seeding should be completed within approximately 90 days from the date the land disturbing activities begins. In order to prevent excessive soil erosion and siltation a vegetative ground cover should be established as soon as possible. The Contractor small complete the grading to the proper cross section as soon as possible and perform seeding work within two (2) worldng days after any phase of the construction is complete. Mulching will be required on all seeded areas. SITE PREPARATION Grading or clearing of the areas should be done in such a way to leave the soil in the best possible condition for seeding. This includes leaving as much topsoil as possible or replacing where needed to modify the condition. 2. Where feasible, grade and shape slopes to a 3:1 ratio slope or flatter to permit the use of conventional equipment for seedbed preparation, seeding, mulch application and anchoring and maintenance operations. Grading and shaping is desirable, but not necessary when seeding is done by other than conventional means, such as with hydraulic equipment or by hand. 4. No seedbed preparation is necessary on most soil and site conditions where seeding is done immediately after excavation or spoil spreading is completed. Where this type of seeding is done, the excavation work should be completed during the optimum seeding date for the desired plant or rnb=re of plants. 5. Where adverse soil conditions require modifications, apply at least 3 to 4 inches of topsoil or similar soil material. The use of topsoil should be considered where the soil texture at the site is sandy clay, silty clay, or clay. Ripping prior to the addition of new material is usually needed. 6. Remove all woody material, loose rock, and other obstructions that may interfere with planned seeding and maintenance operations. LIME AND FERTILIZER Where soils are reasonably uniform, lime and fertilize according to soil test- In the absence of a soil test, apply 2 tons finely ground dolomitic limestone per acre (92 pounds per 1,000 square feet) and 500 to 800 pounds of 20% superphosphate or equivalent per acre (12 to 18 pounds per 1,000 square feet). Additional amounts and analysis of fertilizers to use at seeding are: Grasses alone - 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre of I0-10-10, or equivalent (18-23 pounds per 1,000 square feet). 2. Grasses and legurnes or legumes alone - 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre of 5-10-10 or equivalent (18 - 23 pounds per 1,000 square feet). Normally an additional application of 30-50 pounds of nitrogen per acre is needed within three (3 ) to twelve (12) months to establish grass plantings. Application should be timed to growing cycle of the species being established. SEEDBED PREPARATION Work lime ad fertilizer into the soil where conventional equipment can be used. Use disk or similar equipment to prepare to depth of 3 - 4 inches. Use ripper if necessary. 2- Lime and fertiiizer may be applied with seed mixture when a hydroseeder is used and where mulch will be applied. Seedbed preparation may not be necessary where hydro -seeding equipment is used. 3. Slopes that are too steep for conventional equipment (2:1 or steeper) should be with hydra -seeding equipment. MG Where hydro -seeding equipment is not available for use on steep slopes, scarify the soil surface with a chain harrow, pick chain, grader blades with chisels, hand tools, or other equipment that will pit the soil or make trenches approximately 1-2 inches deep, 6-12 inches apart across the slope in which the seed can lodge and germinate_ SEED SPECIFICATIONS 1. Seed specifications on contracts: a. Specifications shall state the minimum seed purity percentage and minimum germination percentage that is acceptable for species being used. b. Seed containing prohibited or restricted noxious weeds may not be accepted. C. All seed shall be labeled to show that it meets the requirements of North Carolina Seed Law. d. All seed used shall have been tested within six (6) months immediately preceding the date of seeding. e. The inoculate for treating legume seed shall be prepared specifically for the species. Inoculates shall not be used later than the date indicated on the container. Twice the supplier's recommended rate of inoculate will be used on dry seedings; four times the recommended rate if hydro -seeded. 2. Where hydraulic seeding equipment is used, seed, fertilizer, and wood -fiber mulch materials are mixed into a slurry with water_ Care should be used to spread the mixture evenly and soon after the mixture is made. Keep the mixture well agitated when seeding. ;. Where conventional equipment is used, seed shall be applied uniformly with cultipacker-seeders, drills, rotary seeders, or other mechanical seeders. Any equipment that will apply seed uniformly is acceptable. Seedings may be done by hand on areas where it is not practical and feasible to use equipment. When seeding by hand, sow one-half in one direction and the other half at right angles to the first. Cover seed to a depth of approximately 1/2 to 1 inch, depending on the size of the seed. When cultipacker-seeder is not used, firm seedbed and cover seed with cultipacker or similar equipment, before or after mulching depending upon type mulch used and method of anchoring mulch that is used. 4_ On dikes, ditchbanks, etc_, seeding may be made by broadcasting the seed on spoil areas and side slopes immediately following excavation or spoil spreading. ESTABLISHN= WITH VEGETAUVE MATERIAL l . Areas that will be subject to traffic and routine mowing in residential, commercial, or industrial developments may be established by using grass stolons (sprigs or runners). Precaution should be used to make certain only fresh, moist planting material is used. A Planting Methods for Bermudagrass (1) Prepare a smooth seedbed, shred stolons, broadcast and disk into the top 1 - 2 inches of soil, and firm the soil. Plantings may be made with a transplanter or hand planting tools. (2) Open shallow furrow 24 - 30 inches apart, drop clumps of stolons in furrow and cover I - 2 inches deep, and smooth and firm the soil. (3) Fill burlap bags with Bermuda.gras roots and soil. Place bags 10 - 15 feet apart in small gullies or scouring ditches. (4) Spread 3 - 4 inches of soil filled with Bermudagrass roots and firm the soil. 2. Crownvetch, kudzu, maidencane, and similar plants may be planted in furrows; excavated holes; or with spade, dibble or similar hand tools. When planting in excavated holes, dig holes large enough to allow roots to spread out to full length. When planting in "pot" holes or furrows, place about a level tablespoon of fertilizer per plant in the bottom of the hole or furrow and cover with fresh soil before planting. Set plants slightly deeper than they grew in the nursery and firm the soil. If vegetative materials are not dormant, water during planting operations.. MULCHLNG Mulch is essential on steep, erosive sites where plant establishment may be expected to be different. On some moderately fertile to fertile sites planted at optimum time for the species, mulch may be omitted. It is the responsibility of the conservationist to determine i- the need for mulching based on the hazards involved; consider materials available; and determine specifications for the job. 1. Mulchine, Materials: A Dry, unchopped„ unweathered small grain straw or hay free of seeds of competing plants - Spread at the rate of 1 - 2 tons per acre depending upon the site and season. Evenly spread mulch over the area by hand or mechanical equipment. Apply mulch uniformly so that about 25% of the around surface is visible. B. Sericea lespedeza seed bearing stems at a rate of three tons per acre - This mulch may be applied green or dry but must contain mature seed. Liming, fertilizing, and land preparation should 'precede apphcation.of the sericea mulch. C. Broomsedge hay mulch - Spread where it is desirable to establish this native plant. D. Shredded or hammermilled hardwood bark - Spread at a rate of 35 cubic yards per acre. On slopes of 2:1 or steeper, increase rate to 40 cubic yards per acre. Do not apply asphalt material to tack the hardwood bark E_ Local materials such as burlap and pine boughs - Cover entire area; secure in place if flowing water is involved. Do not us green pine branches were pine trees are to be planted because of possible insect or disease injury to plantings. F. Barnyard manure and bedding - Apply uniformly so that about 25% of the ground surface is visible. G. Jute matting is a coarse, open -mesh material woven of heavy jute twine. It may be used in place of mulch or sod and has the strength to withstand waterflow. It is an accepted practice to sow half the seed before placing the matting. Sow the remaining half after the matting is laid. See the manufacturer's specifications for installing. H. ' Wood fiber (excelsior) is available as mulch material to be blown on after seeding or as a mating to be stapled on steep slopes, waterways, etc. Seed the manufacturer's specifications for installing. I. Wood cellulose fiber mulch is mixed with seed, fertilizer, and water. The resulting slurry is sprayed on with hydraulic seeding equipment. Use at the rate of 500 pounds per acre where straw or hay is to be applied. Use at the rate of I,000 to 1,500 pounds per acre without other mulching materials. Applied in a slurry, wood cellulose fiber mulch is self -anchoring. I Other commercial products, such as fiberglass and various kinds of nettings, are available. Manufart+ur-er's dire=sors should be followed for applying and securing in place. 2. Mulch Anchoring Methods Anchor mulch immediately after placement to minimise loss by wind and water. Consider size of area, type of site, and cost and select one of the following: A_ Mulch anchoring tool with a series of flat notched disks that punch and anchor mulch material into the soil. A regular farm disk weighted and set nearly straight may substitute but will not do a job comparable to the mulch anchoring tool. This disk should not be sharp enough to cut up the mulch. The soil should be moist, free of stones or roots and loose enough to permit penetration to a depth of 3 inches. Operate as near as practical to the contour. B. Mulch neetings - Staple light weight paper, jute, cotton, plastic, or wire' nettings to the soil surface according to manufacturer's specifications. These nettings are usually in rolls 3 to 4 feet wide and up to 300 feet long. C. Peg and twine - Drive 8 to 10 inch wooden pegs to within 2 to 3 inches of the soil surface every 4 feet in all directions. Stakes may be driven before or after applying mulch. Secure mulch to soil surface by stretching twine. between pegs in a criss-cross within a square pattern. Secure twine around each peg with two or more round turns. Poles and stakes may also be used to. secure brush in place. D. Silt - With a square pointed spade, cut mulch into the surface soil in contour rows IS inches apart. E. Asphalt mulch tie -down - Asphalt sprayed uniformly on the mulch as it is ejected from the blower is more effective than applied as separate operation. Apply so area has uniform appearance. Rates of application will vary with conditions. The higher the grade number assigned each type of asphalt the higher the percentage of asphalt residue. Asphalt should not be used in freezing weather. (1) Emulsified Asphalt - Apply uniformly 0.04 to 0.08 gallons per square yard or 200 to 400 gallons per acre of rapid setting .... ------------- (RS-1, CRS-1, RS-2, or CRS-2), medium setting (MS-1, MS-2, or CMS-2); slow setting (SS-1 or CSS-1). Rapid setting (RS or CRS) is formulated for curing in less than 24 hours even during periods of high humidity. Best for spring and fall. Medium setting (MS or CMS) is formulated for curing within 24 to 48 hours - Slow setting (SS or CSS) is formulated for use during hot, dry weather with 48 hours or more curing time. Note - In areas of playing children or pedestrian traffic, asphalt application could cause problems of"tr-acldng in" on rugs; damage shoes, clothing, etc. Use types RS or CRS -to minimize problem. F. Mulch can be anchored with rye for fall plantings or millet for summer plantings. Use 114 to 1/2 bushel or rye or 15 pounds of millet per acre broadcast ahead of mulch application - Maintenance is the most important controllable factor in retaining an e$Fective vegetative cover. Control of Competition Competitive weed growth during the period of establishment should be controlled by mowing and/or with herbicides. When chemicals are used, . follow current North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station's chemical weed control recommendations and adhere strictly to instructions on label- Z- Irriszation If soil moisture is deficient, supply new planting with adequate water (3-4" penetration) for plant growth at 10-day intervals, if needed, until they are established. This -is most important on late season plantings, in abnormally dry or hot seasons. SEEDING VARIETY During the month of June, July and August a temporary vegetative seeding application will be used due to the season of the year. The seeding recommendation for this time of year is Sudangrass applied at the rate of 35-45 pounds, 1,000 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds of lime per acre. During the months of September, October, and November if there is any remaining areas that have not been stabilized the seeding application of tail fescue' will be applied at the rate of 40-60 pounds, 1,000 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds of lime per acre. The tall fescue shall also be applied to the areas that were seeded in the months of June, July and August. OPERATION AND MAIN=ANCE REQUaEMENTS FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR WAVES BEACHWEAR - SURF CITY, NC H&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001 I. AUTHORITY The operation and maintenance requirements contained herein are to be provided for Waves Beachwear, Surf City, NC, II. MAR,;- E ANCE AND INSPECTION OF STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM A detention pond will be incorporated to treat project stormwater. A Storm Drainage Pipes Sediment deposits shalt be removed from the storm drainage pipes when the sediment depth equals one third of the inside pipe diameter. Frequency of inspection shall be based on a Bi-monthly schedule to measure sediment levels and for the removal of other debris. B. Sediment Deposit Removal The sediment deposits shall be removed when the deposits have accumulated to the depth established for that structure. The sediment shall be removed and placed in a N.C. approved sanitary landfill. C. Detention Pond Maintain 3:1 side slopes and 6:1 vegatative shelf around entire perimeter of pond_ Pond shall be inspected on a bi-montly schedule to measure sediment levels for possible removal. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR SEDDVIENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FOR WAVES BEACH WEAR -SURF CITY, NC/H&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001 I. AUTHORITY 1. Obtain plan approval for Sedimentation and Erosion Control before any land disturbing activities begins. 2. Construct gravel construction entrance and install silt fence as required. 3. Grading and filling can be done only in areas that have proper sediment control devices that trap sediment on the site. 4. Apply the fallowing seed, fertilizer and lime to all exposed soil areas. (See specifications for method of application): For July and August apply 35-45 pounds Sudangrass, 1,000 pounds fertilizer and 2,000 pounds lime per acre. For September, October and November apply 40-60 pounds Fescue, 1,000 pounds fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds lime per acre. 5. All seeding areas shall be mulched. 6. Commence site construction. NOTE: SEED ANY PORTION OF THE LAND DISTURBING AREA DANIEDIATELY THAT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO FIlvAL GRADE ON ANY PHASE OF GRADING OPERATION. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION REQUEST FORM 77tis form may be pnnrocopied for use as an original. I. - PROJECT INFORTMATION In order to determine whether a State Stornwater Management Permit will be required for a project in a non -coastal county; the classification of the closest downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any sheet flow or overflow from the "project would flow toward) "must be determined. Please complete Sections I and II below. DQW Staff will determine the receiving stream classification, complete Section III, and return the cormaleted form to you. 1. 2.. 3. 4. Project Name: Waves Beachwear County: Pender Contact Person: John L. Pierce & Associates P.A. Mailins Address: P • 0. Box 1685 City Jacksonville State NC Zip 28540 Phone N0.(910) 346-9800 5. Name of closest downslope surface waters: ,., Beckys Creek 6. Signature of contact person: Date: 4 10}oi 7. ' Is a Sedimentation. Erosion Control PIan or a CA -MA Major Pe-mit.required? AYES ONO "II. REQUIRED "ITEMS An 8 sh " x I I " copy of the appropriate portion of a USGS quad sheet snowing the project's property boundaries, receiving stream, major roads or State Roads numbers, and nearest town or city must be anacbed. III. CLASSIFICATION REQUEST (To be complerred by Regional Of,Tce personnel) I. Name of surface waters: &ck '.5 l.. ieok_ 2. River Basin: Index No. 1. Classification as estabiislied by the Envirommenral Management Cornmi sion): SA 4. Proposed Classification, if applicable: 5. State Stormwater Maziagenient Pe.*anit required? 2�_ES ONO 6, Sl°T'anir t! oI t—,giorai G Icy 5'/4-0l cc: Linda Lewis Engineer Building Inspector Central Files Forrn SWU-1 I I Version 4.99 r M. a _-�: f a`' sry 1},s j � �• Q. -�a�a,/ 4 r' 1 !� � t r i"• �l � �i.,j • � •✓may .: f.� - 1 � 1 � n kr fi5 �,',z x- � r,: ,�-:: � '% �- ,�,;,, -.s ��. ,.ro0✓±✓' .�, b 11yq.y �� ��` s['' '� , -r FAy'it� � :.1 �` •,; S•.. 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Box 1685 Jacksonville, NC 28541 March 4, 2002 Ms. Linda Lewis Stormwater Section N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 127 North Cardinal Drive Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 Re: Waves Beachwear Surf City, N.C. Pender County Dear Ms. Lewis, 1[rif�J� r`vl`a■� 409 Johnson Blvd. sonville, NC 28540 On 5/10/01 we submitted to your office construction drawings, application fee (S420), and permit applications for the referenced project. Subsequent to that date we contacted your office and indicated the owner's desire to install an infiltration system instead of a pond as was proposed in the original application. Enclosed herewith are the following: ➢ 2 sets of constructions drawings ➢ original and one copy of application form ➢ design calculations ➢ Narrative for Sedimentation and Erosion Control We assume that you are in receipt of the application fee that was originally sent. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Yours truly, �d K. Ne om, PE JOHN PIERCE & ASSOCIATES cc: Henry Shitrit LOTS, FARMLAND AND WOODLAND SURVEYING • SITE PLANNING • SUBDIVISION LAYOUT • LAND DEVELOPMENT PLANNING CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING • TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING AND MAPPING Phase I Environmental Audit / Risk Assessment pate Received Fee PaiC Permit Number State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STOR-N WATER NLA.NAGE SENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be' photocopied far use as an original _ i. GENERAL LYFORIVIATION 1. Aoplicants name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): _ H&D Pronerj ies Tnr_- Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for facility and compliance): Henry 5I itrit _ t 3. hiaiiing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 1728 Tradition Club Road City: Pawleys Island State:^ - Zip: 2g5R5 _ Telephone Number. ( 843 ) _ 235—�102 - ? Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): _ Waves gpichwpar 5. Location of Project (sweet address): N.C. Highway 50 City:_ Surf -City County:,_, Ppnriar b. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): From inter ect'an fHighway 0.30 miles - site on right 7. Latitude: 34°2 ' 4 " _ Long?tade: 7 7 0 3 1 a of project 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the project Name: John L.Pierce & Associates P.A. TelephoneNuuwe_r 910 ) 346-9800 II. P EILNUT INFO R_-1ATI0 N: 1. 5veci#y whether project is (check one): XX New Fenewal Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 1 'of 4 Modification e;dsting per-nl, number N / A and its issue date to known) 3. Specify the type of project (check one): Low Density XX High Density Redeveiop General Permit Other 4. Additional Froject Requirements (check applicable blanks): —C_A,vL, Major !Sedimentation/Erosion Cent;ol �"_04/401 Permit ,NPOES Stornwater Wornation on rezuired state permits can be obtained by contacuna the Customer Service Center at III. PROJECT LNFORtiiATION 1. In the space provided below, sumzr arze how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narative (one tc -,,vo pages) describing storzwatez management for the project . Stormwat r rt prf ;; ofi t rea t ed ;n J Qfit t ? Stornzwater runoff from this project drains to the Cape Fear _ Flver basin. 3. Total Project Area- 3.12 acres 4. Frojec_ Built Upon area: 31 .7% /0 S. How many drainage areas does the project have? 1 6. Complete the following information for each drainage area. if there are more than two drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. 'w'd 'x,� r. �x CUB nc Q 1; ,%` ''��r a��.'� rya.-L z w.w, Receiving StreamName I Becky's Creek Receiving Stream Class I SA i Drainage Area I 3.12 acres Existing Impervious* Area I -0- removed I i proposed Impervious -Area I 0.99 acres °a imner-vious' Area (total) I 31,7% �Q'P+ %. Sli11Lc t' 'c" „'eA-' � �t�.���^f's 4�...4 c�c». On -site Building I 12, 078''-s . f . 0.28 acres On -site Stre--+s I -0- I On -site Parking 4 a a On -site Sidewalks 1,928 s . f . 0 , 04 acres I Otite_ on -site I I I Off-5ite I _ Total: 43,125 s . f . (0.99 acres )I Total: �.ImpeT- ions area is defined as the built upon area including, but not Iimited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, graaeI areas, etc. - Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page ;. of 4 7, How was the off -site impervious area listed above derived? N/A IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTrVE COVENANTS rt ine following italicized deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all subdivisions, outparceis and future development prior to the sale of any lot. U lot sizes vary significantly, a table listing each lot number, size and the allowable built -upon area for each lot must be provided as an attachment. 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing comr1rhance with state stormwater management permit numoeY as issued by the Division of Water Qr aiiiy. 1 nese covenants rr..v not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. ?. No more than square feet of any lot shall be covered bV structures or inrtpe-M'ous materials. IM=uzous matersuLs, include asphalt, gravel, concrete, bricic, stone, slate or similar material but do not include wood decking or the water sw7ace of swimming pools. 3. Swales shaII not.be fiIIed in, piped, or altered ezc_-pt as necessary to provide driveway crossings: a. Built -upon area in excess of the permitted amount requires a state stormwater management permit modification prier to cunt acticn. 5. All permitted nanoff from outparcels or future development shaII be directed into the pe r zitted stor water control system- These conneC!7xns to the stormwater control system shall be performed in a manner that maintains the integrity and performance of the system as permitted. By your signature below, you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the applicable items required above, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons da.irnutg under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deieted without concurrence iron the State, and that they w11 be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. SLPFLEMEYT FORMS The applicable state stormwate_ management permit supplement fcrm(s) listed below must be submitted for each B'NM speciffied for this project.. Contact the Stormwate= and General Permits unit at (919) / 33-3CS3 for the status and availability of t'iese forms. Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Forms SWL--103 In&Itiadon Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off -Ste System Supplement Form SW7 -107 Unde =ound-L-LEtra.tion Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Bann Supplement Form SWU-109 Innovative Best iManag.ment Practice Supplement Form SWU-101 Version 3.99 Page 3 of 4 @2105/2002 16:15 6432931933 E HATHAWAY CONSTR PAGE 06 t3:t1R i:eUU2 15:27 915-346-1210 JOHN L PIERCE PAGE 05 Only �mplete applicat:an packages wiU be accepted and teviewec! by the Division of Wafer Quality (D WQ). A ¢ompiete Pgekage �vaes all of the items listed below. The complete applic2a0n package shawl. be submitted to the appropriate DWQ Regional Office. 1. please indicate that you Nave provided the ioliowing required im4mmAdon by thitalirlg in the space' prav#ded next to each items. Initials » crfgrr:al and one copy of the SW=twai w !-fanagement Permit Ap oiicadon Form • Dne copy of the applicable Supple =t; Fo>;n(s) for each 8MP . • ?Psmit nppLcahcn processing fee of S420 (Payable to NCDENI) • Detailed na**oboe de3:pticzt of eMra:.iva#e; tieatrrens/rtaT1ag=e.-t • Two copies of plans and specUimt1cm mcluding- - Develacment/i7rofect state _SnSSLnee; and 5xin -Legend - North arrow - Scale - Revision nu1Let & daft - Mean hish water Line - Llmgsiarcd pmpe=tylproject bau:.dazy _ LCcat�r, r tap with named stroets of NCSR z% , ers - OhgjZtal onwuni. proposed ccrto rs, spcs eIC7ataors, fu+.i5hed floor elevations Details of =ads, drainage &atutes, ccllect�on srm-au, are. st,-=wateer contxoi meas;:res - Wetlands deLi eaterd, er a note on plain that none eci . isairig drainage (Iiwi ding oU-site), drainage easa=e:ics. pipe sizes, rt nvtf caicuiahcros - 6raina;o- areas desneated - Vegetamd buan�s (where rewired) VM AGM4T AU'rRORI A77ON If Vora wish to designate authodry to anothe-r it Widuai or firm so that they =y provide infotsnanon on your befmlf,plea5e eeraplete tl,.is section. [}ead agars Cinriiv°d :al o: iir): JChn P i rU 2rlai3u+�, Ad'S.res P.O. BOX 1 City Jack state: NQ _ Zip: 253r;gff ._-- -..- Phone: L 914 _ 1_�� �,��'l t -- — .� Fax L. 345-1210. - V2iL A2?UCAN7 $ C1Z�Ick'nos L (orb r yr type Werra aj'person tasted in Gextzl Infor,= icn. irm 2) Henry Sh T r i t Cartrfy ftt he irAraiat'Gn ixiCiuded 4IZ t3tiis per# application forrc is, to the best ox my kncwledm, cc zec: u%d fat the prc*: will be canstruct<ed. In mnfo=tartcn with dhe apercved plars, ffiat: the required deed restrictions and prote­�ve coverAnts will be recorded, and char file proposed p:vje:: comp es with d'.e rer:.r�r•=ents of 15A mr-Ac 2.K .=000. 5itire: �iy1 �' 'Date: O 2 r , Preslaent E Properties L-Yrr r y xILbi��' Form $�.'-lot vC i OC 3_9i Pace 4. of S��Li f� �Cc: �i6 i • "4 My Comm►ssian Wit" May 17, 2011 ' � e .. AY-�+�. �., ,.. r, •:tea .. ; ..t .. ♦ _. ..w :�'. r n _�-- --- , L .. Permit No. (to be provided by DWO # ,l State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality S T ORMWA T ER M -kiiiACEMENT PER�IIT APPLICATION FORM UNDERGROUND INFILTRATION TRENCH SUPPLEMENT : Trisform irwu be photocapie for use as an original DwO S�or water Manasement Plan Review, comoiete stormwater r. aragement plan submittal includes a storrtware: tnanasement perrriit application. an underground -infiltration tr--nch supniernen[ for each systern. design calculadors, and plans and scec:fcatiors s;zowinQ all storrrrwater convevanczs and system details. I. PROJECT L-NF0R.NLkTION P.ojec. dame . _ waves Beachwear _ C:onmc:Person: John L. Pier_r_p & -Assncialps P_AR-_ Phone Number: ( q10 1 _a For projeca with multiole infiltration systems, a supniem,ent form trust be completed for each system. This woricsneet applies to: Trench N/A _ in Drainage .area N/A, (from plans) (from Form 5WU-101) II. DESIGN LNFORMATION (attach supporting caiculations/documentation): Soils Report Sarnmary (based upon an acrual field investigation and sail borings) Soil Type Copse/Me-d. Sand Infiltration Rate nn 57 or cf1hr/sr (circle appropriate units) SHWT Elevation 24.00 fmsl (Seasonal High Water Tabie elevation) Trend Design Parameters Desim Volume Desim Scorn Drawdown Tune Perforated Pipe Si e Perforated Pipe L-,ngh No. Observadon wells Stone Tvve (if Used) Stone Void Ratio 3594 c.E 1 inch event (1.5 inch event for SA waters, 1 inch event for other;) 3.45 days N/A inchdiame.er (Prefab infiltrator Units) N/A, it. (64 units @ 1133 s.f. ) NIA (may be required on a case-Gv-case basis) N/A ` N/A Trench Elevations (in feet mean sea level) Bottom Elevation 76.10 fmsl Storage/Overflow Elevation 29.43 - fmsi - Farm 5WU-107 Rev 3.99 Page I of 4 Trench Dimensions Height 1.33 ft. Length 50 0 ft. c Width 22.64 ft. Volume Provided 0594 cu.ft. f _ 1 . 1 € Ill. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST = _ i The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stornwater Best ivlariagement Practices manual Deuartmeni of Environment, Healdi and tiararal Resources, tiove:nbe: 1995) and Aciministrau.ve Code Section: 15 A kAC ?H .1008. lTlluai in the s_vact provide: to indicate that -L`?e following desig-Ti re.7uiremerns nave beta met and S'ppomng documentation is attached. If the applicant has _designated an agent in the Stormwater Manapmeni, Per -:nit Annlication Form, the agent :nay initial bellow. Arza-c justification i f a requirement has not been inet- Applicants Initials a. System is located 50 feet from class SA waters and 30 feet from other su.face waters. b. Svste-n. is located at lust 100 fee: from water sunoiv wells. c. Bottom or system is at lest 2 feet above the seasonal high water table. d. Bottom of the system is 3 feet above any bedrock or impervious soil hor_zon. e. Off-line system, snot in excess of the design volume bypasses the system (bypass dean provided). f. System is designed to draw down the design storage volume to the proposed 'bottom elevation under seasonal nigh wale: conditions within five days based upon infiltration through the bottom only (a hydrogeologic evaluation may be required). g. Soils have a minimum hydraulic conductivity of 0.52 inches per, hour. L System is not sited on or in fill matezal or DWQ approval has been obtained. i. Plans ensure that the installed system will meet design specifications (constructed or restored) upon initial operatibn once the project is complete and the entire drainage area is stabilized. j. Svstem is sized to take into account the runoff at the uidmate built -out potential from all surfaces dralnlna to the system, including any o&L-Site drainage. k, Sysie: is located in a recorded drainage easement for the purposes of operation and mairnefanCe� and has recorded acc--ss easements to the nearest public right-of-way. 1. 5vstem captures and LnflL`ates the runoff from trio Lirsi 1.0 inch of rainfall (1.5 inch event for areas draining to SA waters ). art. Drzina.2e area for Line device is less than 5 acres. n. A. pret_"eaarient device ( filter, strip, grassed swaie. sediment trap, etc.) is provided. O. T rend ? bottom is ceve"ed with a laver of clean sarid to an average depth Oi ' u 7eS. p. Sides of Lie infllzation trench are lined with geotex=.ile fabric. q. Rock used is free of fines (washed stone) and has a large void ratio. r. Side to bottom, area ratio is less than 4:I.. FormSWU-107 Rev 3.99 Pa-e 2 of 4 �- • s. Observation well(s) are provided (case -by -case basis). t. vegetated flier is provided for overflow (50 feet for SA waters. 30 feet for other waters) and b: = detail is shown on plans. y u. A benchmark for checking sediment accumulation is provided. IV. UNDERGROUND LNTITLTR4TION TRENCH OPERATION AN-D iYLA, Ni - ENANCE AGREEMENT 1. Ar-Ler every runoff producing rainfall event and at least montiuv insaec: the bypass/overflow structure for blockage and dete.ioration and the infiltration systern for erosion. trw n accumulation. grass cover, and general condition. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re -seed as necessary to maintain adeQuate vegetative cover, mow vege acve cove: to maintain a maximum height or six inches, and remove trash and blockages as needed to maintain sysie:n perfor nark.-.. 3. - Remove accumulated sediment annually or when depth is reduced to 757o of trie original design depth. Restore depth to ocginai design depth widiout over-excavat ng. Over -excavating may cause trip required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the ability or the systern to pe.iorm as designed. I"ne water Ievel in any monitor-ing wells will be recorded after a 1 inch rainfall event and at least once a month. Chronic high ware.- table elevarions (wirhin 1 foot of the bottom of the system for a period of three months) shall be reported to DWQ immediately. 3. if DWQ determines that the system is failing, the system will immediately be repaired or replaced to original design specifications. If the system cannot be repaired to perform its design function, outer stormwater control devices as allowed by NCAC 3H .1000 must be designed, approved and constructed. o. Remove accumulated sediment from the infiltration systern annually or when depth in the unit is reduced to 75% of the original design depth. The system shall be restored to the original design depth without aver-excavating.Over-excavating Oveexcavating may cause the required water table separation to be reduced and may compromise the ability of the system to perform as designed. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall not be handled in a manner that will adversely imuacr water Quality (i.e. stockpiling near a sto=water tieatment device or stream, etc.). A benchmark small be established in the infiltration system. The benchmark will document the original design depth so that accurate sediment accumulation readings can be taken. The measuring device used to determine :he depth at the benchmark shall be such that it will rive an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. v When the depth at the benchmark reads the accumulated sediment shall be removed u otn the system. . Form sWU-107 Rev 3.99 Page 3 of 4 02/25/2002 16:41 910-346-1210 JOHN L PIERCE PAGE 02/02 i,conowiedaf: and ag= by my si aturr, below [hat 1 am ,eSponsibie for maintaining the stOrmwater collection system in accordance with ;he six maintenac,ce procedures listed above-agxee to net'fy Din 4 of any problems with the system or r)rior to any'changes to the system or responsible pIrty, p nt t;=e and Title: Henry Shitrit _?resident - .Address: 1728_ Tradition-CILh Read, ?awleys T5?and. _SC 29585 Phone:..,_(843) Note; The legail, re-Sponsiblc Pam• should nor, be a homeowners associa on uniess more than 50% of the Tors have been sold axd a residenr of :he ;ubdivision A= been mamtd the presidenr. L ii,sY, a tiotaty Public for the State aX S G. - . Couory of �yo do liz:sby C=ffy that ��t;_ pe:scnAily appeared befo:c me his day of G=b. and aclmowieds_ the due exa-c-urien of the forgoinvin madon bnsia main,enanc= reauiremeots. Wimess my hared and ofrcial seal. f n ScAL. My commission expires - Form SWU-107 Rev 3.49 Page 4 of 4 m Design Calculations Infiltration System Q�(2) ror Waves Beachwear, Surf City, N.C. September 19, 2001 Project Description The project consist of construction of a retrial building and associates sitework on a 3.12 acre tract located on N.C. Highway 50 in Surf City, NC. The project will be constructed on a 1.5 acre portion of the tract. Construction will include one retail building (beachwear & accessories), asphalt parking lot, water and sewer utilities and concrete sidewalks. This site is located 0.59 miles from the closest surface waters, BecAy's Creek. 2. Desk Requirement* Project will be designed in accordance with NC Administrative Code Section 15A NCAC 214.1400 — Stormwater Management. This site is in the category of "development activities within coastal counties except those areas draining to Outstanding Resource Waters or within one-half mile of and draining to SA water". Due to density, the project is considered "high density development". In accordance with regulations, an infiltration system designed to accommodate 1" of rainfall will be required. Furthermore, runoff in excess of the design volume must flow overland through a vegetative filter. In accordance with "high density" requirements, runoff from all impervious surfaces, including existing, must be treated. 3. Impervious Drainage Areas Existing and proposed impervious areas are as follows: impervious Area (Existin Buildings 12,078 SF Parking (incl dumpster) 22,825 SF Sidewalks 1,928 SF Subtotal 36,831 SF Impervious Area (Future) Parking 6,294 SF Total Impervious Area — 43,125 SF 4. Required System Dimensions The existing soils are clean, well graded, coarse to medium sands which typically exhibit permeability coefficients in the range of 191 t0 10-2. Assume conservatively that existing soils have a minimum hydraulic conductivity of 0.52 inthr (minimum acceptable for infiltration). Existing soils, however, appear to be much more conductive as evidenced by the fact that existing pond levels recede to approximately elevation 24.0 within 24 hours of any significant rainfall event. a. Design Storage Volume Storage Volume = Design Depth x Impervious Area JI '7 Ll %I L (1" / 12) x 43,125 = 3,594 CF b. Base Area Requirement Infiltrations systems must be designed to draw down the design storage volume within five days. Tentatively size system footprint for a maximum 3 day drawdown period: Drawdown Period = (Storage Volume x 12) / (Area x Hyd. Conductivity) where: Drawdown Period = 3 days or 72 hours Storage Volume = 3,594 (from above) Hyd. Conductivity = 0.52 (assumed above) Base Area = (3,594 CF x 12)/(72 hr x 0.52 in/hr) = 1,152 SF c. Number of Infiltration Units Prefabrication "Infiltrator Units" are proposed. Each unit provides a footprint area of 17.70 SF. Base number of units required is computed as follows: Number = 1,152 SF / 17.7 SF/unit 65 units Use 64 units ( 8 rows by 8 columns) d. Actual Area Provided Area,mw = 64 units x 17.7 SF/unit = 1,132.8 SF e. Actual Drawdown Provided Drawdown Period,d,„i = (Storage Volume x 12) / (Area x Hyd. Conductivity) _ (3,594 CF x 12) / (1,132.8 SF x 0.52 in/hr) = 73.2 hours (3.05 days — O.K., , 5days) f. Actual Volume Provided Each unit provides a storage volume of 122 gals (16.3 CF) Volume.M., = Infiltrator Volume + collector pipes volume(surcharged portions only) (64 units x 16.3) + (22 CF + 144 CF + 15 CF) =I,224 CF g. Additional Volume Required Volume„kfitia„ t = Storage Volume - Volume,,,,, = 3,594 CF - 1,224 CF 2,370 CF Provide depressed storage basin with minimum 2,370 CF capacity. ' .�� .. ' � �� . :r .� _ ! .. ' , �, ' .. � ... . � �j. , .. .. � ... r .., !� J!� r. ,,F ,ir . ., +, r .� � _ , �. i - } �. . � �� 7, _ sr NARRATIVE FOR SEDD4ENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL WAVES BEACHWEAR - SURF CITY, NC H&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001 The Waves Beachwear site contains 3.12 acres and is located on N.C. Highway 50 approximately 0.30 miles South of the intersection of N.C. Highway 50 and N.C. Highway 210. The site is bound to the West by an existing pond, to the South & North by commercial property and to the East by N.C. Highway 50. The site will have limited grading and will, be restricted to only site construction as shown on the attached plans. The land disturbing activities shall take place as shown on the plans. During all phase of the construction the sediment must be contained on the site. The soil exposed area shall be seeded according to the plans and Seeding Specifications. The construction will begin around May, 2001. The grading and seeding should be completed within approximately 90 days from the date the land disturbing activities begins. In order to prevent excessive soil erosion and siltation a vegetative ground cover should be established as soon as possible. The Contractor shall complete the grading to the proper cross section as soon as possible and perform seeding work within two (2) working days after any phase of the construction is complete. Mulching will be required on all seeded areas. SITE PREPARATION Grading or clearing of the areas should be done in such a way to leave the soil in the best possible condition for seeding. This includes leaving as much topsoil as possible or replacing where needed to modify the condition. 2. Where feasible, grade and shape slopes to a 3:1 ratio slope or flatter to permit the use of conventional equipment for seedbed preparation, seeding, mulch application, and anchoring and maintenance operations. 3. Grading and shaping is desirable, but not necessary when seeding is done by other than conventional means, such as with hydraulic equipment or by Band. 4. No seedbed preparation is necessary on most soil and site conditions where seeding is done immediately after excavation or spoil spreading is completed. Where this type of seeding is done, the excavation work should be completed during the optimum seeding date for the desired plant or mixture of plants. 5. Where adverse soil conditions require modifications, apply at least 3 to 4 inches of topsoil or similar soil material. The use of topsoil should be considered where the soil texture at the site is sandy clay, silty clay, or clay. Ripping prior to the addition of new material is usually needed. 6. Remove all woody material, loose rock, and other obstructions that may interfere with planned seeding and maintenance operations. LIlviE AND FERTILIZER Where soils are reasonably uniform, lime and fertilize according to soil test. In the absence of a soil test, apply 2 tons finely ground dolomitic limestone per acre (92 pounds per 1,000 square feet) and 500 to 800 pounds of 20% superphosphate or equivalent per acre (12 to 18 pounds per 1,000 square feet). Additional. amounts and analysis of fertilizers to use at seeding are: 1. Grasses alone - 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre of 10-10-10, or equivalent (18-23 pounds per 1,000 square feet). 2. Grasses and legumes or legumes alone - 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre of 5-10-10 or equivalent (18 - 23 pounds per 1,000 square feet). 3. Normally an additional application of 30-50 pounds of nitrogen per acre is needed within three (3) to twelve (12) months to establish grass plantings. Application should be timed to growing cycle of the species being established. SEEDBED PREPARATION Work lime ad fertilizer into the soil where conventional equipment can be used. Use disk or similar equipment to prepare to depth of 3 - 4 inches. Use ripper if necessary. 2. Lime and fertilizer may be applied with seed mixture when a hydroseeder is used and where mulch will be applied. Seedbed preparation may not be necessary where hydro -seeding equipment is used. Slopes that are too steep for conventional equipment (2:1 or steeper) should be with hydro -seeding equipment. Where hydro -seeding equipment is not available for use on steep slopes, scarify the soil surface with a chain harrow, pick chair grader blades with chisels, hand tools, or other equipment that will pit the soil or make trenches approximately 1-2 inches deep, 6-12 inches apart across the slope in which the seed can lodge and germinate. SEED SPECIFICATIONS Seed specifications on contracts: a. Specifications shall state the minimum seed purity percentage and minimum germination percentage that is acceptable for species being used. b. Seed containing prohibited or restricted noxious weeds may not be accepted. c. All seed shall be labeled to show that it meets the requirements of North Carolina Seed Law. d. All seed used shall have been tested within six (6) months immediately preceding the date of seeding. e. The inoculate for treating legume seed shall be prepared specifically for the species. Inoculates shall not be used later than the date indicated on the container. Twice the supplier's recommended rate of inoculate will be used on dry seedings; four times the recommended rate if hydro -seeded. ?. Where hydraulic seeding equipment is used, seed, fertilizer, and wood -fiber mulch materials are mixed into a slurry with water. Care should be used to spread the mixture evenly and soon after the mixture is made. Keep the mixture well agitated when seeding. Where conventional equipment is used, seed shall be applied uniformly with cultipacker-seeders, drills, rotary seeders, or other mechanical seeders. Any equipment that will apply seed uniformly is acceptable. Seedings may be done by hand on areas where it is not practical and feasible to use equipment. When seeding by hand, sow one-half in one direction and the other half at right angles to the first. Cover seed to a depth of approximately 1/2 to 1 inch, depending on the size of the seed. When cultipacker-seeder is not used, firm seedbed and cover seed with cultipacker or similar equipment, before or after mulching depending upon type mulch used and method of anchoring mulch that is used. 4. On dikes, ditchbanks, etc., seeding may be made by broadcasting the seed on spoil areas and side slopes immediately following excavation or spoil spreading. ESTABLISHMENT WITH VEGETATIVE MATERIAL Areas that will be subject to traffic and routine mowing in residential, commercial, or industrial developments may be established by using grass stolons (sprigs or runners)_ Precaution should be used to make certain only fresh, moist planting material is used. A. Planting Methods for Bermudagrass (1) Prepare a smooth seedbed, shred stolons, broadcast and disk into the top 1 - 2 inches of soil, and firm the soil. Plantings may be made with a transplanter or hand planting tools. (2) Open shallow furrow 24 - 30 inches apart, drop clumps of stolons in fiuTow and cover 1 - 2 inches deep, and smooth and firm the soil. (3) Fill burlap bags with Bermudagras roots and soil. Place bags 10 - 15 feet apart in small gullies or scouring ditches. (4) Spread 3 - 4 inches of soil filled with Bermudagrass roots and firm the soil. 2. Crownvetch, kudzu, maidencane, and similar plants may be planted in furrows; excavated holes; or with spade, dibble or similar hand tools. When planting in excavated holes, dig holes large enough to allow roots to spread out to full length_ When planting in "pot" holes or furrows, place about a level tablespoon of fertilizer per plant in the bottom of the hole or furrow and cover with fresh soil before placating. Set plants slightly deeper than they grew in the nursery and firm the soil. If vegetative materials are not dormant, water during planting operations. I UT UfWOa!fU0I Mulch is essential on steep, erosive sites where plant establishment may be expected to be different. On some moderately fertile to fertile sites planted at optimum time for the species, mulch may be omitted, it is the responsibility of the conservationist to determine ----------- _ ._.._ . - -- - -- . the need for mulching based on the hazards involved; consider materials available; and determine specifications for the jab. 1. Mulching Materials: A. Dry, unchopped„ unweathered small grain straw or hay free of seeds of competing plants - Spread at the rate of 1 - 2 tons per acre depending upon .the site and season. Evenly spread mulch over the area by hand or mechanical equipment. Apply mulch uniformly so that about 25% of the ground surface is visible. B. Sericea lespedeza seed bearing stems at a rate of three tons per acre - This mulch may be applied green or dry but must contain mature seed. Liming, fertilizing, and land preparation should precede apphcation.of the sericea mulch. C. Broomsedge hay mulch - Spread where it is desirable to establish this native plant. D. Shredded or hammernulled hardwood bark - Spread at a rate of 35 cubic yards per acre. On slopes of 2:1 or steeper, increase rate to 40 cubic yards per acre. Do not apply asphalt material to tack the hardwood bark. E. Local materials such as burlap and pine boughs - Cover entire area; secure in place if flowing water is involved. Do not us green pine branches were pine trees are to be planted because of possible insect or disease injury to plantings. F. Barnyard manure and bedding - Apply uniformly so that about 25% of the ground surface is visible. G. Jute matting is a coarse, open -mesh material woven of heavy jute twine. It may be used in place of mulch or sod and has the strength to withstand waterflow. It is an accepted practice to sow half the seed before placing the matting. Sow the remaining half after the matting is laid. See the manufacturer's specifications for installing. H. ' Wood fiber (excelsior) is available as mulch material to be blown on after seeding or as a mating to be stapled on steep slopes, waterways, etc. Seed the manufacturer's specifications for installing. X. Wood cellulose fiber mulch is mixed with seed, fertilizer, and water. The resulting slurry is sprayed on with hydraulic seeding equipment. Use at the rate of 500 pounds per acre where straw or hay is to be applied. Use at the ���iai�.��t� .. �...w...__.,._ _ __'_•_�_"'_____. .. ... ... .., "`.'a-___ .._�..�._._._ .•... . _,.. _.......J.._ .- .,...a.........,....-._..ice:.?%�`"`< .2`.'.A::.i. �,,,,.....�........... .. ....... .... .............._.. '-.:�..^.`�.F ........... _._.. .. ...._.. - `+:y �fw-........._. - rate of 1,000 to 1,500 pounds per acre.without other mulching materials. Applied in a slurry, wood cellulose fiber mulch is self -anchoring. Other commercial products, such as fiberglass and various kinds of nettirgs, are available. Manufacturer's directions should be followed for applying and securing in place. 2. Mulch Anchoring Methods Anchor mulch immediately after placement to rninimize loss by wind and water. Consider size of area, type of site, and cost and select one of the following.- A- Mulch anchoring tool with a series of flat notched disks that punch and anchor mulch material into the soil. A regular farm disk weighted and set nearly straight may substitute but will not do a job comparable to the mulch anchoring tool. This disk should not be sharp enough to cut up the mulch. The soil should be moist, free of stones or roots and loose enough to pernut penetration to a depth of 3 inches. Operate as near as practical to the contour. B. Mulch neetings - Staple light weight paper, jute, cotton, plastic, or wire nertings to the soil surface according to manufacturer's specifications. These nettings are usually in rolls 3 to 4 feet wide and up to 300 feet long. C. Peg and twine - Drive 8 to 10 inch wooden pegs to within 2 to 3 inches of the soil surface every 4 feet in all directions. Stakes may be driven before or after applying mulch. Secure mulch to soil surface by stretching twine between pegs in a criss-cross within a square pattern. Secure twine around each peg with two or more round turns. Poles and stakes may also be used to secure brush in place. D. Silt - With a square pointed spade, cut mulch into the surface soil in contour rows 18 inches apart. E. Asphalt mulch tie -down - Asphalt sprayed uniformly on the mulch as it is ejected from the blower is more effective than applied as separate operation. Apply so area has uniform appearance. Rates of application will vary with conditions. The higher the grade number assigned each type of asphalt the higher the percentage of asphalt residue. Asphalt should not be used in freezing weather. (1) Emulsified Asphalt - Apply uniformly 0.04 to 0.08 gallons per square yard or 200 to 400 gallons per acre of rapid setting (RS-1, CRS-I, RS-2, or CRS-2), medium setting (MS -I, MS-2, or CMS-2); slow setting (SS-1 or CSS-1). Rapid setting (RS or CRS) is formulated for curing in less than 24 hours even during periods of high humidity. Best for spring and fall. Medium setting (MS or CMS) is formulated for curing within 24 to 48 hours. Slow setting (SS or CSS) is formulated for use during hot, dry weather with 48 hours or more curing time_ Note - In areas of playing children or pedestrian traffic, asphalt application could cause problems of'Vacldng in" on rugs; damage shoes, clothing, etc. Use types RS or CRS-tominimize problem. F. Mulch can be anchored with rye for fall plantings or millet for summer plantings. Use 1/4 to 1/2 bushel or rye or IS pounds of millet per acre broadcast ahead of mulch application. MAINTENANCE Maintenance is the most important controllable factor in retaining an effective vegetative cover. Control of Competition Competitive weed growth during the period of establishment should be controlled by mowing and/or with herbicides. When chemicals are used, follow current North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station's chemical weed control recommendations and adhere strictly to instructions on label. 2. Irrigation If soil moisture is deficient, supply new planting with adequate water (3)-4" penetration) for plant growth at 10-day intervals, if needed, until they are established. This -is most important on late season plantings, in abnormally dry or hot seasons. ....... ....... ..._ . ........ __--_-. 4 SEEDING VARIETY During the month of June, July and August a temporary vegetative seeding application will be used due to the season of the year. The seeding recommendation for this time of year is Sudangrass applied at the rate of 35-45 pounds, 1,000 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds of lime per acre. During the months of September, October, and November if there is any remaining areas that have not been stabilized the seeding application of tall fescue' will be applied at the rate of 40-60 pounds, 1,000 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds of lime per acre. The tall fescue shall also be applied to the areas that were seeded in the months of June, July and August. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR WAVES BEACHWEAR - SURF CITY, NC H&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001 I. AUTHORITY The operation and maintenance requirements contained herein are to be provided for Waves Beachwear, Surf City, NC, II. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF STORM DRAINAGE' SYSTEM A detention pond will be incorporated to treat project stormwater. A. Storm Drainage Pipes Sediment deposits shall be removed from the storm drainage pipes when the sediment depth equals one third of the inside pipe diameter. Frequency of inspection shall be based on a Bi-monthly schedule to measure sediment levels and for the removal of other debris. B. Sediment Deposit Removal The sediment deposits shall be removed when the deposits have accumulated to the depth established for that structure. The sediment shall be removed and placed in a N.C. approved sanitary landfill. C. Detention Pond Maintain 3:1 side slopes and 6A vegatative shelf around entire perimeter of pond. Pond shall be inspected on a bi-montly schedule to measure sediment levels for possible removal. t.�.iC�.......�...w._....... ..�..... _....,_.. ............ .........,............. ._. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FOR WAVES BEACH WEAR -SURF CITY, NCIH&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001 I. AUTHORITY I. Obtain plan approval for Sedimentation and Erosion Control before any . land disturbing activities begins. 2. Construct gravel construction entrance and install silt fence as required. 0. Grading and filling can be done only in areas that have proper sediment control devices that trap sediment on the site. 4. Apply the following seed, fertilizer and lime to all exposed soil areas. (See specifications for method of application): For July and August apply 35-45 pounds Sudangrass, 1,000 pounds fertilizer and 2,000 pounds lime per acre. For September, October and November apply 40-60 pounds Fescue, 1,000 pounds fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds lime per acre. 5. All seeding areas shall be mulched. 6. Commence site construction. NOTE: SEED ANY PORTION OF THE LAND DISTURBING AREA EVEVIEEDI:ATELY THAT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE ON ANY PHASE OF GRADING OPERATION. NARRATIVE FOR SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL WAVES BEACHWEAR - SURF CITY, NC H&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001 The Waves Beachwear site contains 3.12 acres and is located on N.C. Highway 50 approximately 0.30 miles South of the intersection of N.C. Highway 50 and N.C. Highway 2I0. The site is bound to the West by an existing pond, to the South & North by commercial property and to the East by N.C. Highway 50. The site will have limited grading and will be restricted to only site construction as shown on the attached plans. The land disturbing activities shall take place as shown on the plans. During all phase of the construction the sediment must be contained on the site. The soil exposed area shall _be seeded according to'the plans and Seeding Specifications. The construction will begin around May, 2001. The grading and seeding should be completed within approximately 90 days from the date the Iand disturbing activities begins. In order to prevent excessive soil erosion and siltation a vegetative ground cover should be established as soon as possible. The Contractor shall complete the grading to the proper cross section as soon as possible and perform seeding work within two (2) working days after any phase of the construction is complete. Mulching will be required on all seeded areas. SITE PREPARATION Grading or clearing of the areas should be done in such a way to leave the soil in the best possible condition for seeding. This includes leaving as much topsoil as possible or replacing where needed to modify the condition. 2. Where feasible, grade and shape slopes to a 11 ratio slope or flatter to permit the use of conventional equipment for seedbed preparation, seeding, mulch application, and anchoring and maintenance operations. 3. Grading and shaping is desirable, but not necessary when seeding is done by other than conventional means; such as with hydraulic equipment or by hand. 4. No seedbed preparation is necessary on most soil and site conditions where seeding is done immediately after excavation or spoil spreading is completed. Where this type of seeding is done, the excavation work should be completed during the optimum seeding date for the desired plant or mixture of plants. 5. Where adverse soil conditions require modifications, apply at least 3 to 4 inches of topsoil or similar soil material. The use of topsoil should be considered where the soil texture at the site is sandy clay, silty clay, or clay. Ripping prior to the addition of new material is usually needed: 6. Remove all woody material, loose rock, and other obstructions that may interfere with planned seeding and maintenance operations. LIME AND FERTILIZER Where soils are reasonably uniform, lime and fertilize according to soil test. In the absence of a soil test, apply 2 tons finely ground dolomitic limestone per acre (92 pounds per 1,000 square feet) and 500 to 800 pounds of 20% superphosphate or equivalent per acre (12 to I8 pounds per 1,000 square feet). Additional amounts and analysis of fertilizers to use at seeding are: Grasses alone - 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre of 10-10-10, or equivalent (18-23 pounds per 1,000 square feet). 2. Grasses and legumes or legumes alone - 800 to 1,000 pounds per acre of 5-10-10 or equivalent (18 - 23 pounds per 1,000 square feet). Normally an additional application of 30-50 pounds of nitrogen per acre is needed within three (3) to twelve (12) months to establish grass plantings. Application should be timed to growing cycle of the species being established. SEEDBED PREPARATION Work lime ad fertilizer into the soil where conventional equipment can be used. Use disk or similar equipment to prepare to depth of 3 - 4 inches. Use ripper if necessary. 2. Lime and fertilizer may be applied with seed mixture when a hydroseeder is used and where mulch will be applied. Seedbed preparation may not be necessary where hydra -seeding equipment is used. Slopes that are too steep for conventional equipment (2:1 or steeper) should be with hydro -seeding equipment. Where hydro -seeding equipment is not available for use on steep slopes, scarify the soil surface with a chain harrow, pick chain, grader blades with chisels, hand tools, or other equipment that will pit the soil or make trenches approximately 1-2 inches deep, 6-12 inches apart across the slope in which the seed can lodge and germinate. SEED SPECIFICATIONS Seed specifications on contracts: Specifications shall state the minimum seed purity percentage and minimum germination percentage that is acceptable for species being used. b. Seed containing prohibited or restricted noxious weeds may not be accepted. C. All seed shall be labeled to show that it meets the requirements of North Carolina Seed Law. d. All seed used shall have been tested within six (6) months immediately preceding the date of seeding.. The inoculate for treating legume seed shall be prepared specifically for the species. Inoculates shall not be used later than the date indicated on the container. Twice the supplier's recommended rate of inoculate will be used on dry seedings; four times the recommended rate if hydro -seeded. 2. Where hydraulic seeding equipment is used, seed, fertilizer, and wood -fiber mulch materials are mixed into a slurry with water. Care should be used to spread the mixture evenly and soon after the mixture is made. Keep the mixture well agitated when seeding. Where conventional equipment is used, seed shall be applied uniformly with cultipacker-seeders, drills, rotary seeders, or other mechanical seeders. Any equipment that will apply seed uniformly is acceptable. Seedings may be done by hand on areas where it is not practical and feasible to use equipment. When seeding by hand, sow one-half in one direction and the other half at right angles to the first. Cover seed to a depth of approximately 1/2 to 1 inch, depending on the size of the seed. When cultipacker-seeder is not used, firm seedbed and cover seed with cultipacker or similar equipment, before or after mulching depending upon type mulch used and method of anchoring mulch that is used. 4. On dikes, ditchbanks, etc., seeding may be made by broadcasting the seed on spoil areas and side slopes immediately following excavation or spoil spreading. ESTABLISHMENT WITH VEGETATIVE MATERIAL Areas that will be subject to traffic and routine mowing in residential, commercial, or industrial developments may be established by using grass stolons (sprigs or runners). Precaution should be used to make certain only fresh, moist planting material is used. A. Planting Methods for Bermudagrass (1) Prepare a smooth seedbed, shred stolons, broadcast and disk into the top 1 - 2 inches of soil, and firm the soil_ Plantings may be made with a transplanter or hand planting tools. (2) Open shallow furrow 24 - 30 inches apart, drop clumps of stolons in furrow and cover I - 2 inches deep, and smooth and firm the soil. (3) Fill burlap bags with Bermudagras roots and soil. Place bags 10 - 15 feet apart in small gullies or scouring ditches. (4) Spread 3 - 4 inches of soil filled with Bermudagrass roots and firm the soil. 2. Crownvetch, kudzu, maidencane, and similar plants may be planted in furrows; excavated holes; or with spade, dibble or similar hand tools. When planting in excavated holes, dig holes large enough to allow roots to spread out to full length. When planting in "pot" holes or furrows, place about a level tablespoon of fertilizer per plant in the bottom of the hole or furrow and cover with fresh soil before planting. Set plants slightly deeper than they grew in the nursery and firm the soil. If vegetative materials are not dormant, water during planting operations. MULCHING Mulch is essential on steep, erosive sites where plant establishment may be expected to be different. On some moderately fertile to fertile sites planted at optimum time for the species, mulch may be omitted. It is the responsibility of the conservationist to determine the need for mulching based on the hazards involved; consider materials available; and determine specifications for the job. Mulching Materials: A. Dry, unchopped„ unweathered small grain straw or hay free of seeds of competing plants - Spread at the rate of 1 - 2 tons per acre depending upon the site and season. Evenly spread mulch over the area by hand or mechanical equipment. Apply mulch uniformly so that about 25% of the ground surface is visible. B. Sericea lespedeza seed bearing stems at a rate of three tons per acre - This mulch may be applied green or dry but must contain mature seed. Liming, fertilizing, and land preparation should precede application of the sericea mulch. C. Broomsedge hay mulch - Spread where it is desirable to establish this native plant. D. Shredded or hammermilled hardwood bark - Spread at a rate of 35 cubic yards per acre. On slopes of 2:1 or steeper, increase rate to 40 cubic yards per acre. Do not apply asphalt material to tack the hardwood bark. E. Local materials such as burlap and pine boughs - Cover entire area; secure in place if flowing water is involved_ Do not us green pine branches were pine trees are to be planted because of possible insect or disease injury to plantings..- F. Barnyard manure and bedding - Apply uniformly so that about 25% of the ground surface is visible. G. Jute matting is a coarse, open -mesh material woven of heavy jute twine. It may be used in place of mulch or sod and has the strength to withstand waterflow. It is an accepted practice to sow half the seed before placing the matting. Sow the remaining half after the matting is laid. See the manufacturer's specifications for installing. H. Wood fiber (excelsior) is available as mulch material to be blown on after seeding or as a mating to be stapled on steep slopes, waterways, etc. Seed the manufacturer's specifications for installing. Wood cellulose fiber mulch is mixed with seed, fertilizer, and water. The resulting slurry is sprayed on with hydraulic seeding equipment. Use at the rate of 500 pounds per acre where straw or hay is to be applied. Use at the rate of 1,000 to 1,500 pounds per acre without other mulching materials. Applied in a slurry, wood cellulose fiber mulch is self -anchoring. Other commercial products, such as fiberglass and various kinds of nettings, are available. Manufacturer's directions should be followed for applying and securing in place. 2. Mulch Anchoring Methods Anchor mulch immediately after placement to minimize loss by wind and water. Consider size of area, type of site, and cost and select one of the following: A. Mulch anchoring tool with a series of flat notched disks that punch and anchor mulch material into the soil. A regular farm disk weighted and set nearly straight may substitute but will not do a job comparable to the mulch anchoring tool. This disk should not be sharp enough to cut up the mulch. The soil should be moist, free of stones or roots and loose enough to permit penetration to a depth of 3 inches. Operate as near as practical to the contour. B. Mulch neetings - Staple light weight paper, jute, cotton, plastic, or wire nettings to the soil surface according to manufacturer's specifications. These nettings are usually in rolls 3 to 4 feet wide and up to 300 feet long. C. Peg and twine - Drive 8 to 10 inch wooden pegs to within 2 to 3 inches of the soil surface every 4 feet in all directions. Stakes may be driven before or after applying mulch. Secure mulch to soil surface by stretching twine between pegs in a criss-cross within a square pattern. Secure twine around each peg with two or more round turns. Poles and stakes may also be used to secure brush in place. D. Silt - With a square pointed spade, cut mulch into the surface soil in contour rows 18 inches apart. E. Asphalt mulch tie -down - Asphalt sprayed uniformly on the mulch as it is ejected from the blower is more effective than applied as separate operation. Apply so area has uniform appearance. Rates of application will vary with conditions. The higher the grade number assigned each type of asphalt the higher the percentage of asphalt residue. Asphalt should not be used in freezing weather. (1) Emulsified Asphalt - Apply uniformly 0..04 to 0.08 gallons per square yard or 200 to 400 gallons per acre of rapid setting 's:,T.}:r �,M� v-vr..+�....+�...'���.++.-.... �v •..... _..r_ .. _. ... ... ...• ............. ... ...... �_— .. (RS-1, CRS-1, RS-2, or CRS-2), medium setting (MS-1, MS-2, or CMS-2); slow setting (SS-1 or CSS-1). Rapid setting (RS or CRS) is formulated for curing in less than 24 hours even during periods of high humidity. Best for spring and fall. Medium setting (MS or CMS) is formulated for curing within 24 to 48 hours. Slow setting (SS or CSS) is formulated for use during hot, dry weather with 48 hours or more curing time. Note - In areas of playing children or pedestrian traffic, asphalt application could cause problems of "tracking in" on rugs; damage shoes, clothing, etc. Use types RS or CRS to minimize problem. F. Mulch can be anchored with rye for fall plantings or millet for summer plantings. Use 1/4 to I/2 bushel or rye or 15 pounds of millet per acre broadcast ahead of mulch application. MAINTENANCE Maintenance is the most important controllable factor in retaining an effective vegetative cover. Control of Competition Competitive weed growth during the period of establishment should be controlled by mowing.and/or with herbicides. When chemicals are used, follow current North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station's chemical weed control recommendations and adhere strictly to instructions on label. 2. Irrigation If soil moisture is deficient, supply new planting with adequate water (34" penetration) for plant growth at 10-day intervals, if needed, until they are established_ This is most important on late season plantings, in abnormally dry or hot seasons. SEEDING VARIETY During the month of June, July and August a temporary vegetative seeding application will be used due to the season of the year. The seeding recommendation for this time of year is Sudangrass applied at the rate of 35-45 pounds, 1,000 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds of lime per acre. During the months of September, October, and November if there is any remaining areas that have not been stabilized the seeding application of tall fescue' will be applied at the rate of 40-60 pounds, 1,000 pounds of 10-10-10 fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds of lime per acre. The tall fescue shall also be applied to the areas that were seeded in the months of June, July and August. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR WAVES BEACHWEAR - SURF CITY, NC H&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001 AUTHORITY The operation and maintenance requirements contained herein are to be provided for Waves Beachwear, Surf City, NC. II. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION OF STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM A detention pond will be incorporated to treat project stormwater. A_ Storm Drainage Pipes Sediment deposits shall be removed from the storm drainage pipes when the sediment depth equals one third of the inside pipe diameter. Frequency of inspection shall be based on a Bi-monthly schedule to measure sediment levels and for the removal of other debris. B. Sediment Deposit Removal The sediment deposits shall be removed when the deposits have accumulated to the depth established for that structure. The sediment shall be removed and placed in a N.C. approved sanitary landfill. C. Detention Pond Maintain 3 A side slopes and 6:1 vegatative shelf around entire perimeter of pond. Pond shall be inspected on a bi-montly schedule to measure sediment levels for possible removal. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL FOR WAVES -BEACH WEAR -SURF CITY, NC/H&D PROPERTIES INC. TOPSAIL TWP., PENDER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MAY, 2001 1. AUTHORITY 1. Obtain plan approval for Sedimentation and Erosion Control before any land disturbing activities begins. 2. Construct gravel construction entrance and install At fence as required. 3. Grading and filling can be done only in areas that have proper sediment control devices that trap sediment on the site. 4. Apply the following seed, fertilizer and lime to all exposed soil areas. (See specifications for method of application): For July and August apply 35-45 pounds Sudangrass, 1,000 pounds fertilizer and 2,000 pounds lime per acre. For September, October and November apply 40-60 pounds Fescue, I,000 pounds fertilizer, and 2,000 pounds lime per acre. 5. All seeding areas shall be mulched. 6. Commence site construction. NOTE: SEED ANY PORTION OF THE LAND DISTURBING AREA Il1/4VIEDIATELY THAT HAS BEEN BROUGHT TO FINAL GRADE ON ANY PHASE OF GRADING OPERATION.