HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0082949_Permit Modification_20130107NPDES DOCW4ENT SCANNING% COVER SHEET NC0082949 Denton WTP NPDES Permit: Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Technical Correction Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: January 7, 2013 This document is printed on reuse paper - ignore any content on the reYerse side ern NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Charles Wakild, P.E. John Skvarla Governor Director Secretary January 7, 2013 Ms. Tammie Melton, Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Town of Denton P. O. Box 306 Denton, NC 27239 Subject: NPDES Permit Modification Town of Denton WTP NPDES Permit NC0082949 Davidson County Dear Ms. Melton: The Division of Water Quality has reviewed and approved your application for minor modification of the subject permit. Accordingly we are forwarding the attached modified permit page. Please remove the existing "Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements" page and replace it with the one attached to this letter. Please note that thei modification that has been granted differs from what you requested in your December 18, 2012 correspondence. Your request asked for an extension of the deadline for installation of a continuous flow monitoring device as established in the subject NPDES permit. The Division's NPDES permitting strategy for conventional water treatment plant discharges has been modified since the permit was most recently renewed, changing the flow threshold at which the Division would require continuous flow monitoring. A review of reported flow data from the facility shows monthly average flow values fall below the criterion within the strategy, and therefore, continuous flow monitoring is not required. As a result, the permit modification removes the requirement that continuous flow monitoring be conducted, and weekly, instantaneous monitoring shall remain the requirement for flow until the permit's expiration. Because this change will affect matters associated with the completion of discharge monitoring reports, the modified monitoring requirement has been made effective January 1, 2013. This modification is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007 (or as subsequently amended). Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX 919-807-6492 Internet www.ncwaterquardy.org An Equal opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer None Carolina J1�aturallr� Ms Tammie Melton NC0082949 Town of Denton WTP Permit Mod. p. 2 If you have any questions concerning this permit; please contact Bob Sledge at telephone number (919) 807-6398 or via e-mail at bob.sledge@ncdenr.gov. Charles Wakild, P.E. cc: Central Files Winston-Salem Regional Office/Surface Water Protection Section NPDES Permit File ec: Aquatic Toxicology Unit Permit NC0082949 A. (1) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Duringtheperiod e beginning on January 2 and lastinguntil expiration, the Permittee is authorized bg garyl, 013 to discharge from outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: ` EFFLU€NT CH,�ARACTERISTI. : LIMITS : MONITORING REQUIREMENTS . Monthly Average Daisy Maximum . Measurement ==µ r Frequency `. Sample Type ' Sample Location Flow Weekly Instantaneous Effluent Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L 2/Month Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine1' 17 pg/L 2/Month Grab Effluent pH2 2/Month • Grab Effluent Turbidity 2/Month Grab Effluent Aluminum Quarterly3 Grab Effluent Manganese Quarterly3 Grab - Effluent Fluoride Quarterly3 Grab Effluent Total Zinc Quarterly3 Grab Effluent Total Copper Quarterly3 Grab Effluent Total Iron Quarterly3 Grab Effluent Total Nitrogen Quarterly3 Grab Effluent Total Phosphorous Quarterly3 Grab Effluent Whole Effluent Toxicity4 ' Quarterly Grab Effluent Footnotes: 1. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 µg/L to be in compliance with the permit. However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 AWL 2. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units, nor greater than 9.0 standard units. 3. Monitoring should be performed in conjunction with toxicity testing. 4. See Condition A. (2.) for toxicity testing requirements. Toxicity sampling should coincide with sampling for parameters covered by footnote 3. All samples collected should be of a representative discharge. There shall be no floating •solids or foam in other than trace amounts. AwA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary Memorandum To: Through: From: Date: Re: Jeff Poupart9 Tom Belnick132, Julie Grzyb 10/14/2009 Changes to Water Treatment Plant Strategy (October 2009) I. Flow Limit and Monitoring • Remove Flow Limit on all WTPs Unlike Wastewater treatment plants, flow data has not been used as much in the design of backwashing treatment units. Also, flow data from Discharge Monitoring Reports will be available to perform Reasonable Potential Analyses. Finally, WTP strategy still precludes new or expanding RO/IE plants to freshwater streams. • Require Continuous flow monitoring for Conventional and RO facilities discharging 50,000 gallons per day. (previous policy > 10,000 gpd) Facilities discharging less than 50,000 gpd and intermittent dischargers require instantaneous flow measurements along with the duration. Many facilities with wastewaters less than 50,000 gpd discharge to POTWs or are considering discharging to a POTW. The WTP strategy which includes additional testing by the Pernuttees is facilitating such decisions and removing the necessity for smaller facilities to purchase recording equipment seems prudent at this time. Note: Ion Exchange and Green Sand WTPs require instantaneous flow measurements along with the duration. The monitoring frequency for flow should be as frequent as the minimum frequency of monitoring for any parameter listed. II. Calcium and Magnesium (Conventional WTPs, not parameters of concern in other WTPs) • Remove monitoring for calcium and magnesium from the Conventional WTP effluent page. There is no Water Quality Standard for Calcium or Magnesium. As a result, there is no limit to compare the data obtained from monitoring these parameters. III. Changes to tonics monitoring: • Conventional WTP Effluent page: To make permitting less complicated, monitoring for fluoride, zinc, copper and iron were changed to quarterly sampling to align with quarterly sampling of aluminum, manganese and toxicity testing. Previously it was monthly if discharge < 0.5 MGD and 2/month if discharge > 0.5 MGD. • Green Sand WTP Effluent page: To make permitting less complicated, monitoring for fluoride, zinc, manganese and iron were changed to quarterly sampling. Previously it was monthly if discharge < 0.5 MGD and 2/month if discharge > 0.5 MGD. 1617 Mail Service Center. Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-807-6300 t FAX' 919-807.64921 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.nrwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Ac .ien Employer North Carolina Natural/If Month Year Value UoM 1 2006 0.00675 mgd 2 2006 0.0019 mgd 3 2006 0.0022 mgd 4 2006 0.001925 mgd 5 2006 0.001728 mgd 6 2006 0.003775 mgd 7 2006 0 01135 mgd 8 2006 0.01208 mgd 9 2006 0.00325 mgd 10 2006 0.01185 mgd 11 2006 0.0039 mgd 12 2006 0.00485 mgd 1 2007 0.0039 mgd 2 2007 0.005925 mgd 3 2007 0.002725 mgd 4 2007 0.004325 mgd 5 2007 0.00474 mgd 6 2007 0.011875 mgd 7 2007 0.005925 mgd 8 2007 0.00432 mgd 9 2007 0.00485 mgd 10 2007 0.00602 mgd 11 2007 0.003775 mgd 12 2007 0.003775 mgd 1 2008 0.00346 mgd 2 2008 0.002975 mgd 3 2008 0.004325 mgd 4 2008 0.00518 mgd 5 2008 0.00485 mgd 6 2008 0.002725 mgd 7 2008 0.0039 mgd 8 2008 0.008633 mgd 9 2008 0.007 mgd 10 2008 0.0039 mgd 11 2008 0.002975 mgd 12 2008 0.0024 mgd 1 2009 0.002725 mgd 2 2009 0.002975 mgd 3 2009 0.00325 mgd 4 2009 0.00376 mgd 5 2009 0.003775 mgd 6 2009 0.003775 mgd 7 2009 0.00582 mgd 8 2009 0.0073 mgd 9 2009 0.01782 mgd 10 2009 0.002975 mgd 11 2009 0.00485 mgd 12 2009 0.00432 mgd 1 2010 0.005925 mgd 2 2010 0 009725 mgd NC0082949 Town of Denton WTP Monthly Avg. Flow Values 2006 - 2012 Month Year Value UoM 3 2010 0.0067 mgd 4 2010 0.0046 mgd 5 2010 0.004325 mgd 6 2010 0.00496 mgd 7 2010 0.007675 mgd 8 2010 0.0086 mgd 9 2010 0.0043 mgd 10 2010 0.004575 mgd 11 2010 0.00865 mgd 12 2010 0.00476 mgd 1 2011 0.004025 mgd 2 2011 0.005125 mgd 3 2011 0.00474 mgd 4 2011 0.001925 mgd 5 2011 0.007575 mgd 6 2011 0.0103 mgd 7 2011 0.005925 mgd 8 2011 0.00864 mgd 9 2011 0.005925 mgd 10 2011 0.0081 mgd 11 2011 0.00776 mgd 12 2011 0.0043 mgd 1 2012 0.005125 mgd 2 2012 0.00324 mgd 3 2012 0.002675 mgd 4 2012 0.004325 mgd 5 2012 0.010329 mgd 6 2012 0.0051 mgd 7 2012 0.009175 mgd 8 2012 0.0186 mgd 9 2012 0.007 mgd Period of Review Maximum = 0.0186 MGD December 18,1012 NC Division of Water Quality Compliance and Expedited Permits Unit Attn: John E.I,Hennessy, Supervisor 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: NPDE Permit Compliance — Extension Request for Flow Monitoring Requirement Town of Denton WTP NPDES Permit NC0082949 Davidson County Mr. Hennessy: In the Town's quest to meet the permit compliance objectives outlined under their current NPDES permit, the Town has received Authorization to Construct approval from DWQ and PWS for upgrades to the existing facility including construction of a new 200,000 gallon backwash lagoon, sludge transfer pump station, continuous flow monitoring, and drying beds (2) to improve alum sludge residuals management at the existing Denton WTP (see attached drawings). These improvements (PROJECT) will allow the Denton WTP to address compliance initiatives including the continuous flow monitoring as well as chlorine and toxicity requirements. However, in order to be cost effective for the Town, the improvements need to be accomplished under a comprehensive project as there is not currently electrical service in this area of the treatment facility. As of my e-mail correspondence of March 8, 2012 to NC DENR / DWQ / NPDES unit; Denton had presumably received all approvals necessary to proceed with construction. However, the timeline of events below have delayed the Town of Denton in meeting these objectives: • March, 2012 — NC DENR / PWSS informed the Town of Denton they were to receive $2.4 M in principal forgiveness and the remaining $1.204M in 0% loan under the 2011 DWSRF program. We discussed with Denton and replied to NC DENR / PWSS by e-mail we desired these terms. • March,12012 — Denton requested clarification from DWQ on expectations for NPDES permit compliance via my e-mail of March 8, 2012 • April 4, 2012 —NC DENR / DWQ NPDES unit supplied a letter to Town of Denton outlining several compliance requirements including a deadline of January 1, 2013 for continuous flow measurements and stating the facility may be subject to appropriate enforcement action beyond this deadline, as addressed in the current NPDES permit • 3/22/12 —NC DENR / PWSS formally submitted the PROJECT request to LGC for approval with the loan terms outlined above • 6/4/12 —NC DENR / PWSS notified the Town of Denton's engineering agent via e-mail "there were additional documents needed before they could issue the Part A (Offer and Acceptance of the Loan Agreement)" including an update to the Town's Water System Management Plan (WSMP) and a clear site certification. Prior to 6/4/12, we had reasonably assumed we had met RTP status based upon the prior submittals deeming the WSMP complete. We received no indication to the contrary from PWS between 3/22/12 and 6/4/12. The clear site certification was submitted in August, 2012, with the updated WSMP, but could have been submitted at any time prior to 5/31/12 had it been communicated to us we were not in RTP status as of 3/22/12 when the project went forward to LGC. As stated, there were no land acquisition requirements associated with the project. • July, 2U 12 - LGC approved the financing terms • June through August — HUA and Denton staff worked diligently updating the WSMP. Denton had a new Town Manager so this led to some delays in gathering documentation • 8/23/12 — WSMP was submitted • 10/23/12 — NC DENR / PWSS notified Denton's engineering agent the Town of Denton would not be eligible for principal forgiveness since we had not met RTP status by May 31, 2012. Prior to 6/4/12, we were operating under the presumption we had already met RTP status based upon the facts above and the 3/22/12 correspondence by NC DENR/PWSS to LGC. • 10/25/12 — Town of Denton supplied NC DENR / PWSS with a timeline of events and submittals demonstrating we had previously met the terms of RTP status by May 31, 2012. • 10/30/12 — Per telephone conversation between NC DENR / PWSS and Denton's engineering agen, NC DENR / PWSS acknowledged a mistake had been made and they intended to make the original loan offer whole again • 12/18/12 — Per discussion between NC DENR / PWSS and Denton's engineering agent, the Part A Offer and Acceptance of Loan agreement would be mailed to Denton by the end of this week, thus allowing the project to proceed under the following estimated schedule oReceipt of Part A Offer of Loan Agreement — 12/21/12 oAcceptance of Loan Agreement and Approval of Minority Business Requirements and other Construction Contract Documentation requirements associated with DWSRF approvals —1/25/13 oBid Opening Date — 2/28/13 oBid Award and Approvals by NC DENR — 3/29/13 oConstruction Start — 4/1/13 oConstruction Completion — 7/1/14 We respectfully request assistance from the NPDES unit to provide an extension to the existing NPDES permit continuous flow monitoring deadline of January 1st, 2013 to allow for completion of construction under Denton's comprehensive plant improvement project. We appreciate your assistance in our efforts and let us know if we may provide anything additional. Sincerely, TOWN OF DENTON \L-A--2--93 • Tammie Melton Denton WTP Superintendent Cc: Mr. Victor Pizzurro, Denton Town Manager Mr. Bob Sledge, NPDES Unit Bradley H. Bucy, P.E., Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. Attachments 6• VIA. 1 ESGOPtNS VALVE MAX. EL. .MODIFIED LAGOON MANHOLE • TOP 0P f'I0R EL. - SPDA' TOP EL. HOf. OF 5Aso - EL. 516.75- EXISTING LAGOON MANHOLE DIVISION MANHOLE scam very. :\ ' • . {I , or NB-1 i• OIA. WMNOLE I WEND D SOLD EXISTING Utll �� ID' 0-400 TON1y/ 011 1 \�yE7a5T I6 , `• � �.,,5� DRNN / • ; / J ..::". pc5T;;;11"OLCVALvt AND ! ' /i• , l}1 .t•1 // MIRE e/►551/ / 11, / 1 1 // / / / ; i f eastae 11 ` I/ n II �i. L- -L' If a l'Ii./ -_-I-P. ! :. sr 1 ! FJaST 4' DIA. .ram•• 1 LAe300N MAHpIL /- =•. �y7/J/ .jl ( 1/ --.0 E).141 • •—c ♦ • ME7.14' DIA. HANSOM RI PALMER DMs FLUME AND ILTRA5ONIG tevv-. INDICATOR / AJo ggJ1Ti0N VALVE NP STAflGE .-` �` f'OfY141 filly STATION 1/1 `\r,-;; % • -52 wG/ 6. ►EW6•G•400w&W CLEANOUT$ (' : R 4) / + N916' QO' l .t - 5'' 6ATE VALVE TOR G►1 j� - TAW HtORANr ► r` V r -6'40'HEM -6'A0'VEND 50 _mum meow Da 54 VALVE 6- -6. PIKE 1tYORANf p ► REfAXsz/ E?LARDER E— E— PUIB/GAr -- — . — WATER WAIN —.-- �. FENCE •--701--- —T01— GONfaRS 3146tAkY 5E56R ••-+.--- ^.— OVOR NEAR ELEGTRIG $--• !—' RO► ER ROLE r our AN os R o O. LRAM POLE CD HAANoLE '----_-� rW— sTOR11 DRAIN • Sledge, Bob From: Brad Bucy [bbucy@hobbsupchurch.com] Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 5:06 PM To: Sledge, Bob Cc: 'Victor Pizzurro'; 'Scott Morris' Subject: FW: Denton Attachments: 20121217170207173.pdf Importance: High Bob: As a follow up to my previous voicemail, the attached minor modification to the Denton NPDES permit extended the deadline for continuous flow monitoring until January 1, 2013. Unfortunately, the financing for the referenced comprehensive upgrade, including improvements to the wastewater residuals including expanded lagoons, on -site drying beds, and flow monitoring has been delayed as funds were rescinded and then reinstated per the e-mail below from Doug Newhouse at NC DENR / PWSS. On behalf of Denton, we respectfully request an additional extension to allow for implementation of these improvements. To install the continuous flow monitoring requires an expensive extension of the electrical service to the monitoring point which was incorporated in the approved plans. With the current issuance of the Part A Loan offer from DWSRF, the project is expected to be bid no later than March, 2013 and the improvements to the residuals including the continuous flow monitoring will be installed in the 2013 calendar year. Please give me a call (704.512.9008)if you have any questions or if I can provide additional information. Thanks! Brad Bradley H. Bucy, P.E. Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates, P.A. 9140 Arrowpoint Blvd., Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28273 704.342.3000 From: Newhouse, Doug[mailto:doug.newhouseOncdenr.govl Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 1:51 PM To: bbucyCu�hobbsupchurch.com Subject: Denton Importance: High Brad -- I will be drafting Denton's Part A letter this week. It will be the Part A they're expecting to get. I'll notify you when it's been mailed. You're receiving this message b/c I was asked to respond to your recent inquiry to Vince regarding the status of the funding. I trust this news will be agreeable to all persons involved. Best regards -- DN Doug Newhouse Funding -Application Reviewer/Contact NCDENR Regions: Asheville, Mooresville & Winston-Salem Loan & Grant Unit 1